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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wetgewing teen elektroniese betreding

Ulrich, Neil. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Parralel met die snelle groei van rekenaartegnologie en die groteiwordende rol wat rekenaars in ans alledaagse lewe speel, is daar ongelukkig 'n toename in die misbruik van rekenaars. Benewens die wyses om rekenaarmisbruik by wyse van remedies in die siviele reg aan te spreek, is dit hoofsaaklik die taak van die strafreg om sodanige misbruik te kriminaliseer en deur middel van straf sulke misbruik te voorkom en oortreders af te skrik. Uit 'n ontleding van die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg het dit geblyk dat bestaande misdrywe, beide gemeenregtelik en statuter, nie voldoende rekenaarmisbruik kan kriminaliseer en aanspreek nie. Wetgewing blyk die mees gepaste optossing te wees. Uit 'n regsvergelykende studie van die hantering van rekenaarmisbruik in jurisdiksies waar die wetgewer verskillende benaderings toegepas het, het dit geblyk dat die mees gepaste wyse om rekenaarmisbruik te kriminaliseer sal wees om ongemagtigde rekenaarbetreding as moedermisdaad te bestraf aangesien dit die fondament is waarop enige verdere misbruik van 'n rekenaar gebaseer word. Daarbenewens moet verdere meer spesifieke misbruikshandelinge wyd omskryfword as misdrywe, ten opsigte van meer emstige misbruik na betreding van 'n rekenaar / Parallel with the growth in computer technology and increasing use of computers, there has been an increase in computer misuse. In addition to addressing different methods of computer misuse in terms of civil law remedies, it is mainly the task of the criminal law to criminalise such misuse, prevent computer misuse and deter offenders by means of punishment. It was clear from a study of South African criminal law that existing offences, both statutory and in terms of the common law, do not criminalise and address computer misuse effectively. It therefore seems that legislation would be the most appropriate solution. It appeared from a comparative study of jurisdictions where legislators approach computer misuse differently, that the most effective way of criminalising computer misuse would be to criminalise una1,1thorised computer accessing as basic offence. In addition thereto more specific further acts of serious computer misuse, defined broadly, should be criminalised / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

Devir-Hacker: empirismo, ética e ontologia na Era Informacional

Diaz, Pedro Vidal 26 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Priscilla Araujo (priscilla@ibict.br) on 2018-04-02T17:04:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) IBICT_Pedro_DIAZ_Dissertacao_Mestrado_.p.pdf: 5232673 bytes, checksum: 176473c5ab6ad21caf7c3ba39c810d0b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-02T17:04:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) IBICT_Pedro_DIAZ_Dissertacao_Mestrado_.p.pdf: 5232673 bytes, checksum: 176473c5ab6ad21caf7c3ba39c810d0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-26 / presente pesquisa traça uma potência ontológica e pragmática a partir do empirismo da prática hacker em inserir, adaptar e criar sistemas organizativos e produtivos. Analisando processos sociais que desenvolvem tecnologias junto às mudanças constituintes vindas da cibercultura, identifica-se um trabalho info-técnico intensificado na fase avançada de um capitalismo maquínico: financeiro, midiático e semiótico. Evidenciaremos como uma estratégia Hacker é aplicada também por ‘Estados Informacionais’ em seus ‘Regimes Informacionais’ em uma geopolítica da vigilância. O foco dessa pesquisa irá recair sobre práticas de inserção, disputa, apropriação e reuso tecnológico que se constituem junto à processos de subjetivação da percepção e sensibilidade na era informacional. Através do debate de uma ‘Ética Hacker’, busca-se analisar projetos sociais que trabalham em processos laboratoriais de experimentação com tecnologias abertas e sociais, promovendo novas ethicidades (ethos) - práticas, hábitos, territórios, códigos, linguagens, valores, sensibilidades, etc. Traçando as fronteiras de uma guerra informacional, subjetiva e midiática, vamos apontar uma necro-ética de medo, tortura e controle. Buscaremos aprofundar e desdobrar o conceito de ‘competência informacional’ em uma potência hacker como agenciador e produtor infotécnico em um fluxo intensivo que aponto como “Caosmose Informacional”. Junto à uma aproximação teórica do campo da Ciência da Informação, iremos atentar à essa fronteira onde o ato de ‘hackear’ consiste em modos de experimentação e criação, em um esquizo-poder info-técnico e desviante, um empirismo pragmático e transcendental como ativação das multiplicidades descolonizantes do conhecimento e seus desdobramentos criativos técnicos (filosóficos, científicos, sociais, ontológicos, etc.). / The presente research trace an ontologic and pragmatic potency from the empirism of hackers practices in organizational e productive sistems. Analising it from the social process that develop technology within the changes coming from the ciberculture, where the info-tech work has been intensified in the advanced fase of a machinic capitalism: financial, midiatic and semiotic. We will show how the Hacker strategy are aplied in a “Informational State” with their “Informational Regimes” in a geopolitic of surveillance. The focus of this research will lie on the practices of insertion, dispute, apropriation and technological reuses that constitute themselves with diferent process of subjectivation of perception and sensibility in the informational age. Trought a debate of a ‘Hacker-Ethics’, we look for social projects that work with the laboratorial process of experimentation of open and social technology, promoting new ethicities (ethos) – practices, habits, territories, codes, languages, valor, sensibilities, etc. Tracing the frontiers of an informational war, subjective and midiatic, we will point to a necro-ethics of fear, torture and control. We will deepen and unfold the concept of ‘informational competency’ in a hacker potency as an agent and info-tech producer in a intensive flow that we will define as “Informational Caosmose”. Together with the aproximation of the field of Information Sciences, we will atend to this frontier where the act of ‘hack’ consists in modes of experimentation and criation, in a info-tech esquizo-power deviant, an trancendent and pragmatic empirism as an activation of the decolonizing multiplicities of knowledge and its technological unfolds (philosophical, scientific, social, ontological, etc.)

Systém pro testování odolnosti komunikační jednotky LAN dálkového sběru dat / System for testing the robustness of communication unit LAN of remote data acquisition

Mlýnek, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Remote data collection systems are widely used. One of the area is also data collection in energetics, where the energy consumption can be collected daily and presented to users on-line. The advantage of the remote data collection is possibility of frequent readings without a physical presence at the electrometers. The data transmission over the Internet can be subject of various attacks, which is the disadvantage. The understanding of attack method is the most important thing. The protection against the hackers is not complicated, but requires lot of attention. This master's thesis is focused on testing security of the communication unit LAN of remote data acquisition against attacks from the Internet. The next aim of this thesis is to describe algorithm of particular attack, needed recourses for their realization and method of their measurement and evaluation. Communication unit and component composition for attacks simulation is described in the first part of this thesis. The next part is focused on scanning for hosts and ports. The main part of this thesis is focused on the denial of service attacks and man in the middle attacks. In the end of my thesis is described selection of cryptographic system for remote data acquisition and is showed possibility of authentication mirroring. Problems of physical security are described too. The result of this thesis is script implementing all attacks, which are described.

Stategie firmy pro elektronický obchod - platební karty / Company policy for electronical business - credit cards

Šulc, Vladimír January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation work deals with the subject of a company in the area of e-commerce, which represents short-term or long-term plans in controlling the financial relationship toward the outer environment but also inside the company. The problem of possible abuse of credit cards is briefly analysed as well. The impulse for choosing this topic was increasing number of falsification and abusing of credit cards. When this subject is analysed in detail, the problem connected with lack of information on this particular area of crime inevitably appears. Clients of individual banking institutions often do not have even the basic knowledge about the ways their cards could be abused or misused. This is why the question of certain, at least minimal, basic information campaign done by the banks, which are supposed to protect the financial means of their clients. This dissertation work sets its goal in creating the methods of investigation of credit cards abuse not only in the Czech Republic but in the growing system of countries of Schengen Treaty and European Union. The benefit of the work can be seen in the level of theory as well of practice. The theoretical part of the work contains the analysis of the current situation of scientific knowledge in the area of information and communication technology of companies, which is implemented into information systems. Then the advantages and disadvantages connected with this kind of e-commerce are assessed and the specific opportunities for abuse of these media of payment are characterised. The problem sees mainly in writing a specialised publication, which would deal with the problem of abuse and falsification of credit cards and its possible use would be at police academies. Its main part should be the characteristics of particular forms of cards forging and also possible identification of these forgeries. This book could also help in prevention and inform clients of financial institutions about the ways of credit cards abuse. In the practical part, which concentrates on the Czech and foreign market, the author sets the basic premises for realisation of safe business of companies in the Czech Republic and its procedures. Furthermore the reasons of e-commerce abuse in the Czech Republic are analysed and results of quantification research presented. This was concentrated on ascertainment of reason of low interest in information among the public. In the conclusive part of the work the whole problem is summarised and there are also outlined perspectives and possibilities of further development

«Hacker» la constitution : la démarche constituante comme expérience de traduction de la culture Internet dans la grammaire politique islandaise

Arpin-Simonetti, Emiliano 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

大型企業資訊安全實務研究 / A Research into Information Security Case Study of Large-Scale Firms

金慶柏, Chin,Robert CP Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討大型企業的資訊安全案例。在二十一世紀的今天,資訊系統及電腦資產對組織的成功更加重要,所以務必防止它們遭受遺失、竄改或毀滅的風險。資訊安全是保護資料、資訊遭受意外或有意的誤用的一種過程,不論是被組織內或組織外的人,包括員工、外包的顧問或網路上的駭客。資訊安全是組織中很策略的一環,不光是也不應是資訊部門一己的責任。 依據Datamonitor的估計,美國企業一年在資訊安全漏洞上至少損失美金一百五十億元。根據電腦安全學院(Computer Security Institute, CSI)及聯邦調查局(Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI)2004年的問卷調查顯示百分之四十九的企業曾發生個人電腦失竊的案例。依據IronPort的估計,一年前每年約有三百億封垃圾郵件,現在則激增至五百五十億封垃圾郵件。時至今日,對於資訊安全的主要威脅不是來自於組織外的駭客、病毒或蠕蟲,而是組織內的個人。不論組織內的個人是有意或無意地違反資訊安全的政策和規定,其後果可能相當嚴重,小至組織形象受損、業務損失,大至官司纏身或巨額罰款。 根據紐約時報2006年的報導:臺灣的高科技公司佔有全球半導體晶圓專工產業百分之七十的市佔率,百分之四十的半導體封裝市場,百分之五十的半導體測試市場,百分之八十的電腦主機板市場,百分之七十二的筆記本電腦代工市場,百分之六十八的LCD螢幕市場。我們如何繼續保持在全球市場上的領先地位?我們仍然得繼續在研究發展、生產製造及全球運籌上加碼投資。然而,在全球經濟之下,如何透過執行一套安全的、全球的及穩定的資訊網路及基礎架構以提供客戶更好的服務更是必要的。 對每一位資訊長或資安長而言,資訊安全永遠是他最關心的前三大議題之一。資訊安全當然是說比做容易,正確導入與永續執行才是根本。花錢購買資訊安全設備是相對簡單的。知道要保護什麼,如何保護以及要控制什麼就沒有那麼簡單了。在真實的商業世界裡,基於家醜不外揚,鮮有公司願意分享或公佈它資訊安全上的弱點及缺點。本論文的主要目的有二:一是研究業界最新的資訊安全標準及資訊安全供應商的看法,例如: 1. 國際標準組織(International Standard Organization, ISO)17799。 2. 英國標準組織(British Standard Institute, BS)7799。 3. 國際商業機器股份有限公司(International Business Machines, IBM)的資訊安全計劃。 4. 惠普股份有限公司(HP)及Information Security System公司的資訊安全稽核機制。 5. 微軟股份有限公司(Microsoft)。 二是提供一些真實的成功案例以提供給其他有興趣的組織作為參考。從結論發現,我們可藉由改善核心業務流程,去建造新的資訊安全系統,去運營一個可長治久安的實體與虛擬的環境,並強化公司的知識管理及傳承 / In the twenty-first century, information system and computing assets are more critical to organization’s success, and as a result, must be protected from loss, modification or destruction. Information security is the process of protecting data / information from accidental or intentional misuse by person inside or outside of an organization, including employee, consultants, and hackers. Information security is a strategic part of an organization, not just the issue of Management Information System, MIS, or Information Technology, IT, department. According to “Datamonitor”, US$ 15 billion, at least, cost of information security breaches to United States businesses in one year. From the survey of Computer Security Institute, CSI, and Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI, in 2004, 49% of companies experienced notebook Personal Computer theft. According to IronPort, there are 55 billion spam e-mail per year right now, compared with 30 billion spam e-mail yearly. Today, the largest threat to information security is not the typical hacker, virus or worm, but the corporate insider. Whether insiders violate data security policies in advertently or with maliciously, the result can expose the company to public embarrassment, lost business, costly lawsuit, and regulatory fines. Taiwanese high-technology companies have 70% market share of worldwide semiconductor foundry business, 40% share of semiconductor package segment, 50% share of semiconductor testing, 80% of computer motherboard, 72% share of notebook PC, 68% of LCD monitor --- New York Times, 2006. How can we keep maintaining the leading positions around the globe? To invest in R&D, manufacturing, and global logistics is key. However, how to implement a secure, global and reliable IT network and infrastructure to server customers better is a must under current global economy. To every Chief Information Officer, CIO, or Chief Security Officer, CSO, Information security is always one of the top 3 to-do list. Information security is easy to talk about. But, implementations and executions are where talk must turn into action. Purchasing security device is easy. Knowing how and what to protect ad what controls to put in place is a bit more difficult. In the real commercial world, no one or company would like to share or release its weakness to the public. The objective of this thesis is to study most updated information security industry standard and information security suppliers’ view, like: 1. International Standard Organization, ISO, 17799. 2. British Standard Institute’s BS 7799. 3. IBM’s Information Security Program, ISP. 4. HP & Information Security Systems’ Information Security Audit Mechanism, ISAM. 5. Microsoft Also to provide a real successful case / framework for other companies to ensure a consistent, enterprise-wide information security focus is maintained across organization boundaries. In conclusion, this information security study proposes to transfer core business process, to build information security new applications, to run a scalable, available, secure environment, and to leverage firms’ knowledge and information.

電腦病毒特性與病毒/防毒廠商互動研究 / The Computer Virus Pattern and Interaction of Virus & Anti-Virus Companies

吳宣諭 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統商學院論文所探討的競爭態勢多半聚焦於廠商間的競爭,著重組織對組織、集團對集團的互動過程,本研究提出競爭的另一種型態,描述由個體所組成的非正規群體(駭客)與組織集團(廠商)的競爭,以病毒與防毒軟體廠商的互動過程為例,透過歷史的描述呈現電腦病毒、防毒廠商、戰爭三個構面。 本研究以病毒為描述主體作為邪惡的反方角色,並且深入探討其背後的核心操控者:駭客們的動機與行為,之後將相對應的正方角色:防毒公司拉進來,詮釋病毒與防毒軟體的互動過程。最後,整理出在歷史的演進之下,病毒/防毒戰爭過程中的脈絡與攻防特性,並演譯歸納出病毒的五大創新特點:技術Deeper、影響範圍Bigger、傳播速度Faster、病毒行為Smarter、產業結構Robuster。 綜觀國內外商學院論文,尚無類似論述,其突破性貢獻有三:其一,本研究提出以病毒負效用的特性作為創新的論述,至今無人提出,雖可議卻也空前;其二,本研究突破過去討論病毒相關議題僅考量單項變數的限制,以全面性的系統觀點探討其特性;其三,此類議題的相關論文處理方式多半以量化、實作亦或次級資料整理為主,本研究則進行深入訪談的田野調查。 基於創新來自於邊陲的概念,本論文希望排除道德的限制,單純從特性上加以考量其創新,並非鼓勵或褒揚之意。希望提供企業以另一個層次的角度思考本文所提出之創新觀點,應用於研發管理、創新管理、行銷管理、策略管理等領域,興許能有不同的創新解決方案。 / Most papers from the traditional business school discuss the competitions among manufacturers, and focus on the interactions between organizations and between groups. However, in this paper, we propose another type of competition - the competition between the hacker (composed by the individuals or non-regular organization) and the manufacturer (organizations or groups). Here, we take the interaction between virus and anti-virus software manufacturers as example to describe the 3 dimensions among computer virus, anti-virus software manufactures and their contests. In this thesis, we take virus as the evil side and expect to dig out the motivation and behavior of the hackers, and then we take the anti-virus software manufactures as the counter side to discuss the interaction between virus and anti-virus software. Finally, we sum up the 5 innovative characteristics of the virus: the skill is deeper, the incidence is bigger, the spreading speed is faster, the virus behavior is smarter and the industrial structure is more robust. In this thesis, there are 3 unprecedented distributions: first, we propose the innovative concept by using the disutility characteristic of virus; second, we breakthrough the restriction that only taking the single parameter into consideration, and we take the total system viewpoints into consideration to discuss its characteristics; third, instead of quantification, experimentation, and sub-data collection, we do the research through the interview and the field work. In this thesis, we wish to eliminate morals constraints, just consider its innovative concept, and not mean to encourage or commend it. Furthermore, we expect to provide the enterprises another way to think about this new concept, and apply it in research and development management, innovation management, marketing management, strategy management, and so on. We believe that there will be some other different innovative solutions.

L'utopie du logiciel libre. La construction de projets de transformation sociale en lien avec le mouvement du free software.

Broca, Sebastien 12 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le mouvement d'extension de la portée sociale du logiciel libre s'est constituée une utopie, qui constitue un pan de l'imaginaire politique contemporain. Cette utopie s'étend désormais bien au-delà de son milieu socio-culturel d'origine (le milieu hacker), du fait des liens tissés entre " libristes " et défenseurs des " biens communs ", du poids croissant de l'approche open source, et à proportion de l'intérêt suscité par le logiciel libre chez certains intellectuels critiques à partir de la fin des années 1990. Reprenant l'idéal cybernétique de libre circulation de l'information, l'utopie du logiciel libre se présente comme une contestation de la vision néolibérale de la propriété intellectuelle, et comme une critique des formes d'organisation du travail caractéristiques du capitalisme industriel. Elle se déploie en tant qu'" utopie concrète " (E. Bloch), mettant en jeu des pratiques de collaboration en ligne, des créations juridiques originales, et des formes de militantisme. Elle embrasse un idéal d'auto-organisation de la société civile, fondé sur la valorisation d'un domaine d'activités sociales distinct tant de l'État que du marché. Elle est toutefois condamnée à demeurer en deçà de cet idéal, et reste par ailleurs toujours menacée par les séductions du mythe et les renoncements de l'idéologie.

Movimentos de Protestos Virtuais da Anonymous no Brasil: unidos como um e divididos por fakes / Movement of virtual protests by the Anonymous in Brazil: united as one and divided by fakes

Silvana de Sousa Pinho 26 February 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A presente Tese, intitulada âMovimentos de protestos virtuais da Anonymous no Brasil: unidos como um e divididos por fakesâ, apresenta um estudo analÃtico da Rede de Protestos Anonymous, desde seus primÃrdios, no site 4chan, atà os protestos contra a Copa do Mundo no Brasil - 2014, tendo como Ãpice as ManifestaÃÃes de Junho de 2013, nas quais a Anonymous teve influente participaÃÃo, tanto por meio de prÃticas de ativismo online quanto em aÃÃes diretas, offline. O ideÃrio Anonymous à caracterizado por uma forma de luta polÃtica que objetiva alcanÃar a emancipaÃÃo humana por meio da hiperdemocracia, tecnocracia, total liberdade de expressÃo, informaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo. O processo de conquista deste ideÃrio se daria pela prÃtica de novos modelos de mobilizaÃÃes sociais, ou seja, por um processo educativo autÃnomo, autovigilante, anÃnimo, que se desenvolveria num movimento horizontal, sem lideranÃas, sem interferÃncias de partidos polÃticos e sem ideologias. Este modelo se diferencia da forma de luta polÃtica do sÃculo XX, caracterizada pela tradicional dicotomia entre esquerda e direita, movimentos com lideranÃas verticalizadas, personalistas e guiadas por tendÃncias ideolÃgicas explÃcitas. No intuito de compreender o desenvolvimento das aÃÃes de protestos Anonymous no Brasil, utilizou-se como base empÃrica de pesquisa diversas fontes virtuais, tais como pÃginas do Facebook e canais do Youtube das cÃlulas de Anonymous no Brasil e exterior, alÃm de observaÃÃo dos protestos de rua, âOperaÃÃo 7 de setembroâ e a âOperaÃÃo NÃo vai ter Copaâ, e entrevistas com ativistas Anonymous. O processo de anÃlise das fontes foi ponderado pelo estudo dos conteÃdos e das diversas formas de linguagens utilizadas nas aÃÃes ciberativistas. Verificou-se que o desenvolvimento da luta polÃtica com base no ideÃrio Anonymous, na medida em que se propÃs a romper com o modelo tradicional de movimento polÃtico, apesar de agregar significativo nÃmero de ativistas, o ideÃrio Anonymous nÃo foi compreendido pela maioria de seus seguidores e ativistas. A prÃpria forma de criaÃÃo das cÃlulas Anonymous no Brasil teve um inÃcio desvirtuado, tendo sido conduzido de modo verticalizado, em cujo anonimato permitiu que os ativistas seguissem planos estabelecidos por pequenos grupos ou organizaÃÃes desconhecidas, bem como a apropriaÃÃo das cÃlulas Anonymous por fakes, que conduziram determinadas mobilizaÃÃes orientadas por interesses polÃticos, partidÃrios e ideolÃgicos. Tal fato resultou em divisÃes, rupturas e denÃncias por partes de algumas cÃlulas. Por exemplo, a Anonymous FUEL, que continuou ativa, mas com uma postura vigilante em relaÃÃo ao ideÃrio Anonymous, bem como as cÃlulas Anonymous Paranà e Anonymous Curitiba, que se declararam inativas, dadas a deturpaÃÃo de ativistas Anonymous que passaram a assumir causas militaristas e golpistas. Para fins deste estudo, a metodologia utilizada teve como referÃncia a anÃlise de discurso de Bakhtin (2002) e Ducrot (1987). Para temas que permeiam o estudo, como o ciberespaÃo, hackerativismo, pÃs-modernidade e movimentos sociais, utilizou-se como base teÃrica as contribuiÃÃes de Castells (2003), LÃvy (1999), Melucci (1989), Tilly (1978), Vegh (2003), Harvey (2008), Santos (2000), (2002), Giddens (1991) e Beck (2000). / This thesis, entitled "Movement of virtual protests by the Anonymous in Brazil: united as one and divided by fakes," presents an analytical evaluation of the Anonymous Protests Network, since its inception, in the site 4chan, to show dissent against the World Cup Brazil - 2014, having reached its peak in the June 2013 Demonstrations, in which Anonymous had influential participation, either through online activism practices as in direct actions offline. The ideology supporting Anonymous is characterized by a form of political struggle which aims at achieving human emancipation through hiper-democracy, technocracy and complete freedom of expression, information and communication. The process of a successful establishment of these ideas would take place through the practice of new models of social mobilization, that is, by an autonomous educational process - self-vigilant, anonymous - which would develop a horizontal movement without leaders, without interference from political parties and without ideologies. This model differs from the political form of struggle of the twentieth century, characterized by the traditional split between left and right movements with leaders in a personality vertical hierarchal power line, guided by explicit ideological tendencies. In order to understand the development of the Anonymous protest actions in Brazil, it was used as a empirical research base several virtual sources such as Facebook pages and YouTube channels of Anonymous cells in Brazil and abroad, as well as observation of street protests, such as "Operation September 7" and "Operation No World Cup", besides interviews with Anonymous activists. The process of analysis of the sources was weighted by the study of the contents and the various forms of languages used in the actions of cyberactivists. It was found that the development of political struggles based on ideas spawned by Anonymous, as far as it proposes to break the traditional model of political action, in spite of counting with significant number of activists, the Anonymous ideology was not understood by most of his followers and activists. The very form of creating Anonymous cells in Brazil had a distorted start and was conducted in vertical fashion, anonymity allowing activists to follow plans established by small groups or unknown organizations, as well as appropriation of Anonymous cells by fakes, which led to certain mobilizations guided by political interests of a partisan and ideological nature. This fact resulted in divisions, ruptures and complaints by parts of some cells. As an example of this situation one can cite Anonymous FUEL, which remained active, but with a vigilant stance on Anonymous ideology, and two other branches, Anonymous Paranà and Anonymous Curitiba, which declared themselves inactive, given misrepresentation of Anonymous ideas by other cells that assumed militarist causes and defended a coup dâÃtat in Brazil. For this study, the methodology used had as reference discourse analysis of Bakhetin (2002) and Ducrot (1987). For themes that permeate the study, such as cyberspace, hacktivism, postmodernism and social movements, it was used as a theoretical basis the contributions of Castells (1999), Levy (1999), Melucci (1989), Tilly (1978), Vegh (2003), Harvey (2008), Santos (2000), (2002), Giddens (1991) and Beck (2000).

Vers le Design hacké : la nécessité d’une nouvelle posture épistémologique

Alvarez, Juliana 03 1900 (has links)
Face aux mutations sociales, environnementales et technologiques de notre société, la capacité de résoudre les problèmes complexes devient un incontournable. Les nouvelles philosophies du « faire » et l’élan collaboratif au sein du milieu de travail hypermoderne ne se reflètent pas systématiquement dans le design. En essayant de suivre le rythme d’un monde en transformation constante, le design d’aujourd’hui peine à se mettre à jour. Les théories portant sur l’innovation collaborative présentent des réponses pour répondre aux problèmes complexes en prônant la pratique d’une conduite à projet fluide, ou autrement dit, éco-auto-ré-organisationnelle. Or, faute d’outil opératoire, l’innovation collaborative reste encore au stade conceptuel, voire utopique. Cette thèse a comme objectif d’apporter une réflexion sur les conduites de et à projet en design dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Partant d’un exemple précis, à savoir le Hackathon, elle explore les nouvelles façons de penser, de faire et de créer des solutions à partir d’une dynamique tout à fait innovatrice, basée sur une éthique et une pratique propre à la nouvelle société du « faire » inspirée, notamment, des hackers. Le Hackathon est ainsi analysé à travers une grille d’analyse nommée le Gyroscope du projet qui permet de souligner les principaux éléments constitutifs de la conduite à projet en relation les uns avec les autres et de saisir les spécificités requises pour que la conduite puisse répondre aux indicateurs théoriques de l’innovation collaborative. L’analyse démontre non seulement que le Hackathon est effectivement une application concrète d’une nouvelle éthique de travail, mais que sa force se trouve dans les premières étapes de la conceptualisation du projet. La question que cette analyse soulève est donc : Est-il possible d’envisager de l’étendre sur l’ensemble du processus de développement, soit de l’idéation à l’implantation ? Cette recherche présente une lecture archéologique de la discipline du design qui permet de souligner des figures emblématiques du projet à travers les périodes historiques qui ont marqué le design. La proposition d’une nouvelle figure, le Hacking design, souligne l’impact des transformations engendrées par l’hypermodernisme sur la pratique de cette discipline et le rôle du praticien, concluant ainsi que la pensée du design (Design thinking) est dorénavant dépassée par une éthique de travail qui va au-delà d’une pensée, mais implique une nouvelle posture épistémologique. De nombreuses disciplines contigües au Design, dont la Gestion, l’Entrepreneuriat et l’Ingénierie, présentent ainsi un intérêt marqué pour le Design qu’ils perçoivent comme une réponse tributaire au succès de l’innovation collaborative au sein des organisations. Les attentes envers le Design, de sa théorie à sa pratique, sont donc grandes. / Today’s hypermodern working environment is experiencing important social, environmental and technological changes pressing actors to acquire the know-how to solve complex problems. The new philosophy of "doing" and the rise of working collaboration strategies arising in our hypermodern society are not systematically reflected in design’s practice. Indeed, by trying to keep pace with a world in constant change, today's design discipline is struggling to keep up. The theories on collaborative innovation present some answers to develop this know-how by advocating a practice that deploys fluidity in projects or, in other words, an eco-auto-re-organisational strategy. However, in the absence of a practical and operational tool, collaborative innovation is still at the conceptual and utopian stage. This thesis aims to rethink project management in our hypermodern world. Starting from a specific example, the Hackathon, it explores new ways of thinking, doing and creating solutions based on an entirely innovative dynamics, grounded on an ethic and a practice specific to the new society of "doing" and inspired, in particular, by the hackers. The Hackathon is thus analyzed through an analytic grid called the Gyroscope of the project through which the actors, the actions and the organisation of the project are evaluated. The Gyroscope makes it possible to identify the project’s components in relation to each other and to understand the requirements needed to carry out each project according to the theoretical indicators of collaborative innovation. The analysis not only demonstrates that the Hackathon is indeed a concrete application of a new work ethic, but that its strength is in the early stages of the project’s conceptualization. The question that this analysis raises is: Is it possible to consider extending it to the whole development process, from ideation to implementation? This research presents an archaeological reading of the discipline of design which allows to identify the emblematic figures of the project through the historical periods that marked the design. The proposal of a new figure, the Hacking design, highlights the impact of hypermodernism's transformations on the practice of this discipline and the role of the practitioner, thus concluding that Design Thinking is now overtaken by an ethic of work that goes beyond a way of thinking, but involves a new epistemological posture. Many disciplines contiguous to Design, including Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, have therefore a strong interest in Design, which they perceive as a response to the success of collaborative innovation within organizations. The expectations towards the discipline of Design, from its theory to its practice are, therefore, very high.

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