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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kartläggning och potential av restvärme i Halmstad kommun

Lindqvist, Anna-Karin, Pryssander, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Excess heat is a term used for heat losses that unutilised goes to the surroundings, but which to acertain degree can be used for other purposes. Since knowledge for the use and extent of potentialexcess heat in Halmstad municipality is limited, the County Administrative Board of Halland wants toinvestigate this further. The purpose is to show how the existing excess heat resources potentially canbe used instead of being cooled off to the surroundings. This could contribute to a more sustainableenergy system. The goal is to do this by mapping the excess heat within Halmstad municipality, andto show what advantages and challenges there are in recovering excess heat from a system andsustainability perspective. Empirical data have been collected from environmental reports, a webbased survey, and interviews to achieve this goal. The results show that there is plenty of excess heat that can be utilized in Halmstad municipality, butfew companies take advantage of this. The survey indicates that low-temperature excess heatconstitutes the largest share and that this part in greater extent is unused. Today, low-quality heatneeds to be upgraded to be used, which pose an obstacle. If the temperatures for heat use and heatdistribution are lowered, the need for the upgrade may be reduced. The conclusions of this study are that information about companies energy use needs to be moreeasily accessible to facilitate the work with energy efficiency and the use of excess heat. This canadvantageously be included as an annual report, similar to the environmental reports, but with a morecomplete structure, where the risks of misconceptions are minimized. Another conclusion is thatsupport, in the form of knowledge, about energy recovery needs to be provided for this to beimplemented to a greater extent.

Riskkommunikation generellt exemplifierat genom branden i Halmstad 2012

Ali, Muatasem Latif January 2017 (has links)
A chemical accident can cause damage in individuals, groups or entire communities. The injury may concern human life, property or the environment. An accident can affect a large part of society and requires cooperation between the actors involved. Different stakeholders need to be informed, but it is not certain how a message should be delivered and who should do it. The study's purpose is to study risk communication generally, as exemplified by the accident in Halmstad September 21, 2012, when a fire broke out in a warehouse in Halmstad harbor. How the involved persons experienced communication, What factors could affect the communication at such types of critical situations. In the study, two methods have been used. The first used method was a web-survey of people working in civil protection in Halmstad municipality, environmental office in Halmstad, the public living in the municipality, police, Coast Guard, industries and media. The second method was semi-structured interviews addressed to some of those affected who worked in media, police, coast guard, the company, emergency services and the local authority. This study showed that there were differences between the respondents' answers on how respondents perceived that there were risks to human health or the environment in this accident. Many of the respondents who responded to the survey felt that the risk communication worked well after the fire. This survey and semi- structured interviews showed that respondents felt that the municipality's website was a good information channel and the internet and social media could be a good source for the responsible authorities to quickly disseminate information to the public. This study showed that the municipality and emergency services were actors most concerned in this context when it came to communicating risks in major accidents where chemicals were involved and all respondents had great confidence to the emergency services and municipality.

Yrkesrollens balansgång mellan relation och arbetsrätt : En kvalitativ intervjustudie inom personlig assistans, inspirerad av grundad teori / The balance of the professional role between relationship and labour law : A qualitative interview study within personal assistance, inspired by grounded theory

Jacobsson, Stina, Westman, Tina January 2020 (has links)
Yrkeskategorin personlig assistans uppkom 1994 genom assistansreformen. Yrketsyftar till att främja jämlika levnadsvillkor och delaktighet i samhällslivet förmänniskor med funktionshinder. Yrket kan upplevas som svårt då den personligaassistenten dras mellan två lagrum; brukarens självbestämmande kontra den egnaarbetsmiljön. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur personliga assistenter,anställda av Halmstad kommun, upplever sitt yrke då yrkeskategorin är starktpåverkad av brukarens lagstadgade rättigheter. Studien genomfördes genomvägledning av följande frågeställningar: Hur beskriver assistenter sin relation till brukare ochvad har relationen för betydelse för assistentens upplevelse av arbetet? Hur upplever assistenter attderas arbetsrättsliga behov tillgodoses? Hur upplever assistenterna att brukarnas socialrättsligabehov tillgodoses? Denna studie var uppdragsbaserad och ämnet valdes utifrån behovfrån socialförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av enkvalitativ undersökning med inspiration av grundad teori som metod.Datainsamlingen utfördes genom sju stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvaletavgränsades till personliga assistenter anställda av socialförvaltningen i Halmstadkommun. Med inspiration av grundad teori togs en faktisk teori fram. Denna teorivisar att yrkeskategorin vilar på ett trepartsförhållande där brukare, arbetsgivare ochassistent deltar. Teorin kan ge förklaring på vad arbetsgivaren kan göra för att skapabättre arbetsförhållanden för assistenten och vidare förbättra relationen mellanassistent och brukare. Då tidigare forskning indikerar att det finns en kunskapsluckainom denna yrkeskategori var valet av metod relevant för att synliggöra möjligamodeller och teorier för yrkeskategorin. Den framtagna teorin kan vara till nytta föratt bättre förstå vad som påverkar medarbetarna inom denna yrkeskategori. / The professional category of personal assistance arose in 1994 through the personalassistance reform. The profession aims to promote equal living conditions andparticipation in the social life, for people with disabilities. The profession can be perceivedas difficult, since the personal assistant is drawn between two law fields; the client’s selfdetermination versus their working environment. The purpose of the study was toinvestigate how personal assistant employees, at the municipality of Halmstad, experiencetheir profession. This is of interest since this professional category is strongly influencedby the client’s self-determination, integrity and freedom of choice. The study was carriedout with guidance of the following questions: How do assistants describe their relationship withclients and what does this relationship mean for how the assistants’ feel about their employments? How doassistants feel that their labour law needs are met? How do the assistants feel that the social law needs ofthe clients are met? This study was assignment-based and the subject was chosen based onneeds from the social administration in Halmstad municipality. The study was conductedusing a qualitative study and inspired by grounded theory as a method. The data collectionwas carried out through seven semi-structured interviews. The selection was limited topersonal assistant employees within the social services in Halmstad municipality. Withinspiration from a grounded theory as a tool of work, an actual theory was developed.This theory shows that the professional category is based on a tripartite relationship inwhich the client, employer and assistant participate. The theory can explain what theemployer can do to create better working conditions for the assistant and further improvethe relationship between the assistant and the client. Previous research indicates that thereis a knowledge gap in this professional category. Therefore, choosing method basedtheory as a working tool was relevant for visualizing possible models and theories withinthis professional category. The presented theory can be useful to better understand theaffects the employees can experience within this professional category.

Språket som maktmedel : Jämförande stilanalys av LVU-utredningar på 1980-talet och 2021 i Halmstad kommun

Hällefors, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar språkstilen i socialtjänstens utredningar om omhändertaganden av barn i Halmstad kommun, under 1980-talet och 2021. Utredningarna från 2021 analyseras även utifrån riktlinjerna för klarspråk. Materialet består av tio utredningar och analyseras utifrån Hellspong och Ledins metod för stilanalys, samt Språkrådets riktlinjer för klarspråk. Resultatenvisar att texterna är svårlästa för allmänheten. En viss förändring har skett sedan 1980-talet, men inte så stora förändringar att stilen blir markant annorlunda. Utredningarna från 2021 följer inte riktlinjerna för klarspråk i någon större omfattning. Där finns mycket arbete kvar att göra. Resultaten knyts till maktaspekter och hur individerna påverkas.

Virtuellt vatten i Halmstad kommun: Kunskapsläget hos privatpersoner och rekommenderade kommunikationsinsatser för ökad förståelse

Nord, My, Svanström Rosner, William January 2023 (has links)
I Halmstad kommun har kunskapsnivån kring virtuellt vatten hos privatpersoner och/eller yrkesverksamma undersökts. En enkätundersökning har genomförts där 85 stycken respondenter har medverkat. Respondenterna har fått ange kön, ålder och utbildningsnivå för att kunna identifiera möjliga skillnader i förmågan att skatta virtuellt vatten. Enkäten innehöll även frågor om kommunikation som var ämnade att fastställa hur respondenterna föredrog att få ämnet virtuellt vatten kommunicerat till sig. Studien har visat att i Halmstad kommun finns där en tendens att underskatta mängden virtuellt vatten i produkter. Även den dagliga vattenförbrukningen nationellt och internationellt underskattas. Genom de utförda Chi2-testerna i kategorierna kön, ålder och utbildningsnivå har det visats att en fråga hade korrelation mellan kön och skattningsförmåga, medan resterande frågor inte visade på något samband. Det här skiljer sig gentemot tidigare forskning som gjorts kring privatpersoners förmåga att skatta sin vattenanvändning, där kategorierna högre ålder, att vara man och högre utbildning tydligt har varit korrelerat till en bättre skattningsförmåga. Vidare har produktmärkning, TV och sociala medier varit de föredragna kommunikationsmedierna i den här undersökningen, sett till respondenternas svar. För att öka kännedomen om virtuellt vatten har även förslag på en kommunikationsinsats kring virtuellt vatten utformats där sex kommunikationsmål och två slutmål har tagits fram för kommunikation om ämnet. Den här studien ger också en inblick i varför virtuellt vatten är en viktig aspekt för att uppnå Agenda 2030 samt hur en kommunikationsinsats kring virtuellt vatten kan vara en del av att uppnå en mer hållbar vattenhantering. / The knowledge about virtual water among private individuals and/or professionals have been researched in Halmstad municipality. A questionnaire survey has been conducted where 85 respondents participated. The respondents were asked to state their gender, age, and educational level so that differences concerning the perception of virtual water could be identified. The questionnaire also contained questions regarding how the respondent’s wanted information about their water usage communicated. This survey concluded that there is a tendency to underestimate the volume of virtual water in products in Halmstad municipality, as well as the daily virtual water usage both on a national and international scale. Through the performed Chi2-tests it has been shown that one question had a correlation between gender and the perception of virtual water, whilst the remaining questions related to their respective categories, gender, age, and education level, did not. This contrasts with previously conducted research about perception of water usage, where the categories higher age, being a male and higher educational level were related to a more correct water perception. Preferred ways to receive information about water usage have been shown to be through product labeling, TV, and social media. Efforts to communicate virtual water have been designed in this study in the form of six communication goals and two end goals to increase knowledge regarding the topic. It has been identified that virtual water is an important aspect to achieve Agenda 2030 as well as how communicational efforts regarding virtual water can be a part of achieving a more sustainable water management.

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