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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La céramique non tournée en Gaule du Nord: Typo-chronologie, usages, approches économiques et culturelles (Ier s. av. n. è. - IVe s. de n. è.)

Venant, Nelly 27 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet l’étude de la céramique non tournée gallo-romaine des civitates tungrorum, nerviorum et remorum. La période prise en compte s’étend de la conquête de la Gaule par César (milieu du Ier siècle av. n. è.) au IVe siècle de n. è. Les problématiques traitées s’articulent autour des questions suivantes :qu’entendons-nous par céramique non tournée ?Quelles sont les formes constitutives du répertoire ?À quelle chronologie correspondent-elles ?Quelles sont les caractéristiques techniques de cette production ?De quel(s) processus de fabrication relève-t-elle ?Dans quel cadre cette céramique est-elle produite ?Émane-t-elle d’ateliers spécialisés ou s’agit-il d’une production dite « domestique » ?Afin de répondre à ces questions, dont les réponses sont le plus souvent intimement enchevêtrées, nous avons axé la méthodologie sur deux axes. Le premier consiste en une approche typo-chronologique :nous avons ainsi isolé près de 83 types de récipients se répartissant en pots, jattes, plats, bouteilles, cruches, coupelles et couvercles. Le second visait une tentative de reconstitution de la chaîne opératoire et posait également la question de l’applicabilité des méthodes ethnoarchéologiques au matériel gallo-romain. Cette seconde approche s’est limitée à l’étude d’une production particulière :la céramique non tournée « à dégraissant calcite », caractéristique du sud de la cité des Tongres et du nord de la cité des Rèmes. Ainsi en restant dans les limites strictes de ce que pouvait nous apprendre le matériel, nous avons pu éclairer quelques unes des étapes de la chaîne opératoire de cette production. Une analyse poussée des pâtes des récipients a permis d’éclairer la question de l’origine et de la provenance des matières premières que l’on peut situer aujourd’hui dans l’Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse (Synclinorium de Namur, Synclinorium de Dinant, Massif de Rocroi). L’examen des radiographies effectuées sur un échantillonnage d’une trentaine d’individus a permis de restituer des gestes et des séquences de gestes liés à l’ébauchage et à la mise en forme des récipients ;ces techniques et méthodes de façonnage montrent par ailleurs une certaine homogénéité. Les décors ont été répertoriés en terme d’outils et d’action de l’outil sur la surface et douze combinaisons ont ainsi été isolées. Enfin, rien n’a pu être dit au sujet de la cuisson des récipients pour deux raisons :premièrement, les études ethnoarchéologiques ont démontré que les tessons de céramique ne fournissent aucune information fiable concernant la cuisson ou les structures de cuisson ;deuxièmement, nous ne connaissons aucun atelier de production nous permettant d’aborder la question des structures de cuisson. En conclusion de cette thèse, nous insistons sur les apports potentiels d’une application systématique de l’étude de la chaîne opératoire des céramiques non tournées gallo-romaines à la connaissance de l’univers social de cette activité potière particulière. / Doctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Marketingová Strategie vstupu Kolumbijské firmy Hamacas RGV na Evropský trh / Marketing Strategy of European Market Penetration by Colombian Company Hamacas RGV

Vastušková, Valéria January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of master’s thesis is to analyze the European market as a potential market for the expansion of Hamacas RGV. This Colombian company is focused on production of hand-made traditional high-quality products for example hammocks. In the first part are introduced basic theoretical concepts and marketing analyses which are crucial when planning the expansion strategy. Second part starts with the company’s overall overview and continues with analyses of conditions of external and internal European environment as a potential market for Hamacas RGV expansion in the future. The conclusion is made at the end with the recommendations which are built on examined analyses.

Cultural Sustainability : Influence of Traditional craft on Contemporary craft cross-culturally

Sethi, Bhumika January 2023 (has links)
Among the four dimensions of sustainability (environmental, economic, social, and cultural), it is the latter aspect that is least examined. However, understanding how culture contributes to the long-term sustainability of communities and societies is one key to a holistic understanding of sustainability itself, and further how it can impact the textile in different cultures. This project is based on understanding cultural influence when practice is moved from one place to another. As traditional artisans struggle with addressing the consequences of economic issues and finding new models of conducting their temporal business, their very existence and preservation contribute to the long-term sustainability of communities and societies as a whole. This project is taken further by following two approaches: first, to understand the values and ideals embedded in traditional textile which contributes to the textile industry and serves as the foundation of long-term survival; second, by acting ‘culturally sustainable,’ to ensure its endurance, thus vouching for safe interests of future generations. The project presents a perspective of a traditional practice moving from India to Sweden as a craft practice instead of a business opportunity to produce functional products. It investigates what happens to an Indian practice when it merges with the aesthetics of Swedish craft and culture. This paper puts light on the fact that eastern crafts are led by western designers and associations for its globalisation into industries. However, it is followed by the negative impact in the form of the exploitation of artisans and the loss of tradition in traditional crafts in this process. Also leading to singularity in craft all over world losing the cultural value. This practice-based research brings the two cultures (Indian and Swedish) and their traditional practices together in one work, presenting the influence of it on each other and presenting my perspective on these cultures being part of both without losing the cultural value and leading to the evolution of traditional practice.


陳映蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
國內近年興起美感經濟以及手創商品的風潮,根據行政院青輔會在2006年的統計,文化創意產業首次擠身年輕人熱門創業行業的前三名,而這些投入創作的手創者也藉台灣各大小型的創意市集擺攤而有了讓自製作品顯露頭角的機會,並更進一步發展自創品牌並讓自製作品躍上創意市集的龍頭老大。 網路行銷工具部落格同時兼備「通路」與「媒體」功能,無論是從「功能面」、「使用面」、「傳播面」、「行銷面」或是「需求面」等不同面向探討部落格的特性,部落格的特性都可以化約為以下八大特性:「交流/互動性」、「知識累積性」、「主觀性」、「易被搜尋性」、「多媒體性」、「時間性」、「低門檻性」及「分眾性」,這些特性讓行銷資源不足的手創者可以藉由部落格作為整合行銷¬¬進行宣傳商品以及販賣商品的管道和平台,這些都是傳統行銷工具無法達到的行銷特性。 因此本研究從行銷與整合行銷的觀點探討最能代表Web 2.0精神之一的部落格,並以消費者焦點團體訪談與質化個案研究深度訪談方式初探部落格如何協助手創者進行行銷及推廣,並進行手創者運用部落格與社群交流互動、推廣宣傳品牌以及銷售販賣的描述性研究。 / Recently, aesthetics economy and hand-made products have became a trend in Taiwan society, and according to the survey of National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan in 2006, for the first time Creativity Industry became the most popular industry for youth to start their business. Moreover the Creativity Markets have provided creators both the chances and places to show their own talents, works, and established their own brands. Blog played both the place and media roles, from its function, usage, media, marketing or needs aspects to discuss the characteristics of blog, we found blog has the following eight characteristics: interaction and communication, knowledge - accumulation, subjectivity, easy for searching, multi-media, instantaneity, low-threshold and community divides. These characteristics can help hand-made creators who have inadequate marketing resources to promote and sell their products by applying these functions. Therefore, this study is based on marketing and IMC point of view and by FGD and Case study trying to find out and illustrate how blog help hand-made creators to communicate their consumers, to promote their brands and to sell their hand-made products.

Caracterização do leite utilizado para a produção de queijo artesanal serrano no município de Cambará do Sul.

Pereira, Bianca Pinto January 2012 (has links)
O Queijo Artesanal Serrano (QAS) é um produto regional identificado com a história da região dos Campos de Cima da Serra, no Rio Grande do Sul. É produzido com leite oriundo da ordenha de vacas mestiças de raças de corte e, historicamente, uma importante fonte de alimentação e renda para os pecuaristas familiares que o produzem. Tendo em vista o fato de que o produto é artesanal e o que o leite utilizado não passa por nenhum processo térmico, é fundamental que o mesmo seja produzido com rigorosos critérios de higiene e sanidade do rebanho, a fim de seu consumo seja seguro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar, junto a produtores de QAS e estabelecidos no município de Cambará do Sul, a qualidade do leite utilizado. Em duas propriedades, escolhidas por conveniência, realizaram-se visitas mensais, no período de março de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011, para avaliação do leite de mistura. Realizou-se a determinação da composição química, contagem de células somáticas, contagem bacteriana total, acidez titulável (Dornic), estabilidade ao etanol e prova de Whiteside. Obervou-se que a composição do leite não variou significativamente ao longo do período de 12 meses. As contagens de células somáticas variaram de 6,0x103 a 3,9 x 105 céls.mL-1 de leite e a contagem bacteriana total (CBT) de 1,1 x 104 a 7,57 x 106 UFC.mL-1. Sendo que estes valores encontram-se dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos pela IN62/2011, do MAPA, que estabelece como os valores para a região Sul, de 6,0 x105 CCS e de 6,0 x 105 de CBT, até o ano de 2014. A acidez titulável esteve dentro dos parâmetros (14 a 18º Dornic) estabelecidos pela legislação na maioria das amostras, sendo que o leite produzido pelo produtor A apresentou acidez de 19,87ºD em janeiro de 2011. Já o leite da propriedade B apresentou acidez de 18,38ºD em dezembro de 2010 e 18,88º D em janeiro de 2011. A estabilidade ao etanol apresentou valores médios de 76,17 ± 1,19 e 75,50 ± 1,16, respectivamente, nas propriedades 1 e 2. Em alguns meses, mais especificamente no verão e início de outono, foram identificadas amostras de leite instáveis ao etanol a 72°GL, indicando a ocorrência de leite instável, não ácido. Na prova de Whiteside, duas amostras do leite produzido na propriedade 2 foram positivas, entretanto não houve aumento da CCS, mas sim de CBT. O leite, ao longo do período estudado, apresentou variações na contagem de células somáticas e bacteriana total que podem indicar deficiência na higiene de obtenção e insuficiente saúde do úbere. Tendo em vista que o leite é imediatamente processado após a ordenha, devem ser estimulados procedimentos que garantam a obtenção higiênica do leite e melhorias no manejo de ordenha a fim de garantir que o leite produzido seja adequado à produção do Queijo Artesanal Serrano. / The Colonial Serrano cheese is a regional product linked with history of colonization in Campos de Cima da Serra. It is processed with milk from mixed race beef cattle and is an important source of income. Because of this cheese is handmade and milk does not suffer any thermal treatment, such as pasteurization, it must be produced under stricts standards of cows hygiene and health. This research aimed to investigate two Serrano Cheese producers at Cambará do Sul, RS. The farms were chosen for convenience and were followed by 12 months, between March 2010 and February 2011. Milk samples were monthly sampled and evaluated for their chemical composition, somatic cell count, total bacterial count, titritable acidity (Dornic), ethanol stability and Whiteside test. It was observed that milk composition did not vary statistically throughout the study period. The somatic cell count (SCC) ranged from 6.0 x103 to 3.9 x 105 céls.mL-1 and total bacterial count (CBT) from 1.1 x 104 to 7.57 x 106 UFC.mL-1. The acidity was within the expected parameters in most samples, and i only in December 2010, at one of the properties, the milk had high acidity (18.38 ° D). Ethanol stability showed values of 76.17 ± 1.19 and 75.50 ± 1.16, respectively in the properties 1 and 2. Within months, more specifically in the summer and early fall, there were identified the unstable milk samples at ethanol at 72 ° GL, indicating the occurrence of unstable milk, not acid. In Whiteside test, two samples of the milk produced on the property two were positive, however no increase in CCS, but CBT. Milk, over the period studied showed variations in somatic cell count and total bacterial that may indicate deficiency in obtaining hygiene and insufficient udder health. Given that milk is used immediately after milking, producers should be encouraged to obtain procedures to ensure hygienic milk and milking better management to ensure that the milk produced is suitable for production Serrano cheese.

Particularidades do espermatozóide e da célula somática na interação com o ooplasma: bovino como modelo na fiv e o suíno como modelo na clonagem / Particularities of sperm and somatic cells in their interactions with the ooplasm: the ivf as a bovine model and the inter-species cloning as a porcine model

Ohlweiler, Lain Uriel 06 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:24:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA12MA036.pdf: 1592456 bytes, checksum: 158df0da96e6278ad45402fbb94c2c38 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The adequate embryo development depends on proper nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions in the embryo. Such interactions are influenced by the donor cell type and quality of recipient oocyte on cloning, as well as by the characteristics of the sperm and the oocyte on in vitro fertilization (IVF). The first study (two experiments) investigated the effect of donor cell type (fibroblastic-like cells - FIB vs. adipocyte-derived mesenchymal stem cells - ADMSC), and host cytoplast (porcine reconstructed with 2 hemi-porcine cytoplasts; mosaic reconstructed with one-hemi-porcine and one hemi-bovine cytoplast; bovine reconstructed using 2 hemi-bovine cytoplasts), on development of porcine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos. Somatic cell cultures were established from two animals of endangered pig breeds (Mule-foot and Moura) and embryos were reconstructed by hand-made cloning and cultured for 7 days in PZM-3 medium. Mosaic and bovine groups produced lower blastocyst rates than porcine (5.5, 1.9 and 18.0%, respectively). The group ADMSC-mosaic from Moura animal showed an intermediate embryo development on porcine and bovine groups, which is higher than the FIB-mosaic group of the same animal. The percentage of fragmented blastomeres in cleaved embryos and morulas from the mosaic and bovine groups were higher than the porcine. The dynamic of fusion was different according the group of cytoplasm, as observed through mitochondria staining. In the second study (three experiments), we investigated the effect of the histones de-acethylase inhibitor Scriptaid on the in vitro development of the three groups of SCNT reconstructed embryos. Reconstructed embryos were exposed to 500 nM of Scriptaid for 12 h starting just after activation, being then cultured in PZM-3 for 7 days. The blastocyst rates in the porcine (9.2 vs. 17.3%) and mosaic (1.0 vs. 9.2%) groups were increased by Scriptaid treatment (p < 0.05), and the proportion of fragmented morulas was reduced in mosaic (p < 0.05). However, Scriptaid treatment did not increase embryo development in the bovine group. In the second study (three experiments) the influence of distinct oocyte and spermatozoa qualities in their interaction in embryo IVP by IVF was evaluate. On experiment 1 and 3 the blastocyst rates were evaluated (day 7). On experiment 2, two bulls were used for IVF with good or poor oocytes. Bull A did not show difference according the oocyte quality: good (19.8%) and poor (12.7%). Bull B showed higher blastocyst rates in good quality (25.7%) than poor quality oocytes (9.2%). On experiment 2, sperm penetrating capacity was evaluated for both bulls in oocytes of low quality, by sub-zonal sperm injection. The penetration rate observed 3h after the injection from bull A (34.0%) was lower than for bull B (44.3%) (p < 0.05). On experiment 3, both bulls were used for ICSI of good or low quality oocytes and no bull or oocyte quality effect has affected blastocyst rates. In conclusion, the use of reprogramming modulators such as Scriptaid, and alternative technologies such as ICSI are adequate to provide, at least under particular conditions, an increase in embryo development / O desenvolvimento embrionário depende da adequada interação nucleo-citoplasmática, o que é influenciado pelo tipo de célula doadora e pela qualidade do oócito receptor na clonagem, assim como por características dos espermatozóides e oócitos na fecundação in vitro (FIV). O primeiro estudo foi constituído de dois experimentos. O primeiro experimento avaliou o tipo de célula doadora de núcleo (células fibroblásticas - FIB vs. células mesenquimais derivadas de adipócitos - ADMSC), com diferentes citoplastos receptores (suíno reconstruído com dois hemi-citoplasto suínos; mosaico reconstruído com um citoplasto suíno e um citoplasto bovino; bovino reconstruído com dois hemi-citoplastos bovinos), no desenvolvimento de embriões suínos, clonados por transferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS). Os cultivos celulares foram estabelecidos a partir de dois suínos de raças ameaçadas de extinção (casco de mula e moura), sendo os embriões reconstruídos por clonagem manual e cultivados in vitro por 7 dias, em meio PZM-3. Os grupos mosaico e bovino apresentaram produção embrionária menor que o grupo suíno (5,5; 1,9 e 18,0%, respectivamente). O grupo ADMSC-mosaico do animal moura apresentou produção embrionária intermediaria em relação ao controle e ao bovino, e superior ao grupo FIB-mosaico do mesmo animal. A porcentagem de blastômeros fragmentados em embriões clivados e mórulas foi superior nos grupos mosaico e bovino, em relação ao grupo suíno. A dinâmica de fusão, observada conforme a migração mitocondrial entre os citoplastos, foi diferente em função do citoplasto empregado. No segundo experimento foi investigado o efeito do inibidor de desacetilases Scriptaid no desenvolvimento embrionário in vitro dos grupos suíno, mosaico e bovino, utilizando-se células fibroblastos do animal moura. Os embriões reconstruídos foram expostos a 500 nM de Scriptaid por 12 h, iniciando a partir da ativação, sendo então cultivados em PZM-3 por 7 dias. A taxa de produção de blastocistos do grupo controle (9,2 vs. 17,3%) e mosaico (1,0 vs. 9,2%) aumentou com o uso de Scriptaid (p < 0,05), enquanto a proporção de fragmentos em mórulas reduziu no grupo mosaico (9,8 vs. 2,8%) (p < 0,05). No entanto, o uso de Scriptaid não aumentou a produção embrionária no grupo bovino. No segundo estudo, constituído de três experimentos, avaliou-se a influência de distintas qualidades de gametas na produção embrionária por FIV, em bovinos. Nos experimentos 1 e 3, foram avaliadas as taxas de produção embrionária no sétimo dia de cultivo. No experimento 2, dois touros de comprovada eficiência na produção embrionária in vivtro, foram utilizados na FIV de oócitos de qualidade boa e ruim. O touro 1 não mostrou diferença na produção embrionária com oócitos de qualidade boa (19,8%) ou ruim (12,7%). O touro 2 apresentou maior produção embrionária com oócitos bons (25,7%) do que com oócitos ruins (9,2%). No experimento 2, a capacidade penetrante dos dois touros foi avaliada em oócitos de qualidade ruim através da técnica de injeção espermática sub-zonal. A taxa de penetração, observada 3 h apos a injeção, foi menor no touro 1 (34,0%) em comparação ao touro 2 (44,3%) (p < 0,05). No experimento 3, o sêmen de ambos touros foi usado para injeção intra-citplasmática de espermatozóides com oócitos de viii ambas qualidades. Não foi observado nenhum efeito de touro ou oócito na produção embrionária. Os resultados permitem concluir que o uso de moduladores da reprogramação como Scriptaid e tecnologias como a ICSI são alternativas adequadas para incrementar, ao menos em condições particulares, o desenvolvimento embrionário

Caracterização do leite utilizado para a produção de queijo artesanal serrano no município de Cambará do Sul.

Pereira, Bianca Pinto January 2012 (has links)
O Queijo Artesanal Serrano (QAS) é um produto regional identificado com a história da região dos Campos de Cima da Serra, no Rio Grande do Sul. É produzido com leite oriundo da ordenha de vacas mestiças de raças de corte e, historicamente, uma importante fonte de alimentação e renda para os pecuaristas familiares que o produzem. Tendo em vista o fato de que o produto é artesanal e o que o leite utilizado não passa por nenhum processo térmico, é fundamental que o mesmo seja produzido com rigorosos critérios de higiene e sanidade do rebanho, a fim de seu consumo seja seguro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar, junto a produtores de QAS e estabelecidos no município de Cambará do Sul, a qualidade do leite utilizado. Em duas propriedades, escolhidas por conveniência, realizaram-se visitas mensais, no período de março de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011, para avaliação do leite de mistura. Realizou-se a determinação da composição química, contagem de células somáticas, contagem bacteriana total, acidez titulável (Dornic), estabilidade ao etanol e prova de Whiteside. Obervou-se que a composição do leite não variou significativamente ao longo do período de 12 meses. As contagens de células somáticas variaram de 6,0x103 a 3,9 x 105 céls.mL-1 de leite e a contagem bacteriana total (CBT) de 1,1 x 104 a 7,57 x 106 UFC.mL-1. Sendo que estes valores encontram-se dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos pela IN62/2011, do MAPA, que estabelece como os valores para a região Sul, de 6,0 x105 CCS e de 6,0 x 105 de CBT, até o ano de 2014. A acidez titulável esteve dentro dos parâmetros (14 a 18º Dornic) estabelecidos pela legislação na maioria das amostras, sendo que o leite produzido pelo produtor A apresentou acidez de 19,87ºD em janeiro de 2011. Já o leite da propriedade B apresentou acidez de 18,38ºD em dezembro de 2010 e 18,88º D em janeiro de 2011. A estabilidade ao etanol apresentou valores médios de 76,17 ± 1,19 e 75,50 ± 1,16, respectivamente, nas propriedades 1 e 2. Em alguns meses, mais especificamente no verão e início de outono, foram identificadas amostras de leite instáveis ao etanol a 72°GL, indicando a ocorrência de leite instável, não ácido. Na prova de Whiteside, duas amostras do leite produzido na propriedade 2 foram positivas, entretanto não houve aumento da CCS, mas sim de CBT. O leite, ao longo do período estudado, apresentou variações na contagem de células somáticas e bacteriana total que podem indicar deficiência na higiene de obtenção e insuficiente saúde do úbere. Tendo em vista que o leite é imediatamente processado após a ordenha, devem ser estimulados procedimentos que garantam a obtenção higiênica do leite e melhorias no manejo de ordenha a fim de garantir que o leite produzido seja adequado à produção do Queijo Artesanal Serrano. / The Colonial Serrano cheese is a regional product linked with history of colonization in Campos de Cima da Serra. It is processed with milk from mixed race beef cattle and is an important source of income. Because of this cheese is handmade and milk does not suffer any thermal treatment, such as pasteurization, it must be produced under stricts standards of cows hygiene and health. This research aimed to investigate two Serrano Cheese producers at Cambará do Sul, RS. The farms were chosen for convenience and were followed by 12 months, between March 2010 and February 2011. Milk samples were monthly sampled and evaluated for their chemical composition, somatic cell count, total bacterial count, titritable acidity (Dornic), ethanol stability and Whiteside test. It was observed that milk composition did not vary statistically throughout the study period. The somatic cell count (SCC) ranged from 6.0 x103 to 3.9 x 105 céls.mL-1 and total bacterial count (CBT) from 1.1 x 104 to 7.57 x 106 UFC.mL-1. The acidity was within the expected parameters in most samples, and i only in December 2010, at one of the properties, the milk had high acidity (18.38 ° D). Ethanol stability showed values of 76.17 ± 1.19 and 75.50 ± 1.16, respectively in the properties 1 and 2. Within months, more specifically in the summer and early fall, there were identified the unstable milk samples at ethanol at 72 ° GL, indicating the occurrence of unstable milk, not acid. In Whiteside test, two samples of the milk produced on the property two were positive, however no increase in CCS, but CBT. Milk, over the period studied showed variations in somatic cell count and total bacterial that may indicate deficiency in obtaining hygiene and insufficient udder health. Given that milk is used immediately after milking, producers should be encouraged to obtain procedures to ensure hygienic milk and milking better management to ensure that the milk produced is suitable for production Serrano cheese.

Caracterização do leite utilizado para a produção de queijo artesanal serrano no município de Cambará do Sul.

Pereira, Bianca Pinto January 2012 (has links)
O Queijo Artesanal Serrano (QAS) é um produto regional identificado com a história da região dos Campos de Cima da Serra, no Rio Grande do Sul. É produzido com leite oriundo da ordenha de vacas mestiças de raças de corte e, historicamente, uma importante fonte de alimentação e renda para os pecuaristas familiares que o produzem. Tendo em vista o fato de que o produto é artesanal e o que o leite utilizado não passa por nenhum processo térmico, é fundamental que o mesmo seja produzido com rigorosos critérios de higiene e sanidade do rebanho, a fim de seu consumo seja seguro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar, junto a produtores de QAS e estabelecidos no município de Cambará do Sul, a qualidade do leite utilizado. Em duas propriedades, escolhidas por conveniência, realizaram-se visitas mensais, no período de março de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011, para avaliação do leite de mistura. Realizou-se a determinação da composição química, contagem de células somáticas, contagem bacteriana total, acidez titulável (Dornic), estabilidade ao etanol e prova de Whiteside. Obervou-se que a composição do leite não variou significativamente ao longo do período de 12 meses. As contagens de células somáticas variaram de 6,0x103 a 3,9 x 105 céls.mL-1 de leite e a contagem bacteriana total (CBT) de 1,1 x 104 a 7,57 x 106 UFC.mL-1. Sendo que estes valores encontram-se dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos pela IN62/2011, do MAPA, que estabelece como os valores para a região Sul, de 6,0 x105 CCS e de 6,0 x 105 de CBT, até o ano de 2014. A acidez titulável esteve dentro dos parâmetros (14 a 18º Dornic) estabelecidos pela legislação na maioria das amostras, sendo que o leite produzido pelo produtor A apresentou acidez de 19,87ºD em janeiro de 2011. Já o leite da propriedade B apresentou acidez de 18,38ºD em dezembro de 2010 e 18,88º D em janeiro de 2011. A estabilidade ao etanol apresentou valores médios de 76,17 ± 1,19 e 75,50 ± 1,16, respectivamente, nas propriedades 1 e 2. Em alguns meses, mais especificamente no verão e início de outono, foram identificadas amostras de leite instáveis ao etanol a 72°GL, indicando a ocorrência de leite instável, não ácido. Na prova de Whiteside, duas amostras do leite produzido na propriedade 2 foram positivas, entretanto não houve aumento da CCS, mas sim de CBT. O leite, ao longo do período estudado, apresentou variações na contagem de células somáticas e bacteriana total que podem indicar deficiência na higiene de obtenção e insuficiente saúde do úbere. Tendo em vista que o leite é imediatamente processado após a ordenha, devem ser estimulados procedimentos que garantam a obtenção higiênica do leite e melhorias no manejo de ordenha a fim de garantir que o leite produzido seja adequado à produção do Queijo Artesanal Serrano. / The Colonial Serrano cheese is a regional product linked with history of colonization in Campos de Cima da Serra. It is processed with milk from mixed race beef cattle and is an important source of income. Because of this cheese is handmade and milk does not suffer any thermal treatment, such as pasteurization, it must be produced under stricts standards of cows hygiene and health. This research aimed to investigate two Serrano Cheese producers at Cambará do Sul, RS. The farms were chosen for convenience and were followed by 12 months, between March 2010 and February 2011. Milk samples were monthly sampled and evaluated for their chemical composition, somatic cell count, total bacterial count, titritable acidity (Dornic), ethanol stability and Whiteside test. It was observed that milk composition did not vary statistically throughout the study period. The somatic cell count (SCC) ranged from 6.0 x103 to 3.9 x 105 céls.mL-1 and total bacterial count (CBT) from 1.1 x 104 to 7.57 x 106 UFC.mL-1. The acidity was within the expected parameters in most samples, and i only in December 2010, at one of the properties, the milk had high acidity (18.38 ° D). Ethanol stability showed values of 76.17 ± 1.19 and 75.50 ± 1.16, respectively in the properties 1 and 2. Within months, more specifically in the summer and early fall, there were identified the unstable milk samples at ethanol at 72 ° GL, indicating the occurrence of unstable milk, not acid. In Whiteside test, two samples of the milk produced on the property two were positive, however no increase in CCS, but CBT. Milk, over the period studied showed variations in somatic cell count and total bacterial that may indicate deficiency in obtaining hygiene and insufficient udder health. Given that milk is used immediately after milking, producers should be encouraged to obtain procedures to ensure hygienic milk and milking better management to ensure that the milk produced is suitable for production Serrano cheese.

Características de una posible alianza estratégica entre la industria hotelera peruana y joyeros artesanales de Cusco

Carrillo Torres, Ana Tahina, Tokunaga Ulloa, Andrea Patricia 17 May 2021 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es analizar las características de una posible alianza estratégica entre la industria hotelera y joyeros artesanales de Cusco, que garantice el beneficio de ambas partes y sea sostenible en el tiempo. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa con entrevistas a profundidad realizadas a los gestores de la industria hotelera y a joyeros artesanales, de la ciudad de Cusco, y se usó la revisión de fuentes académicas secundarias. La investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer cómo los hoteles buscan alianzas con comunidades de la zona a fin de apoyar el desarrollo local. Esta temática no ha sido previamente estudiada en el ámbito hotelero y tampoco existen estudios académicos específicos para el Perú. Por lo que los resultados alcanzados, son una contribución al conocimiento para aquellos organismos que tengan interés en el tema y pudieran implementar un nuevo valor a sus negocios. De la misma manera, es útil para los joyeros artesanales pues significa una manera de reinventarse. Finalmente, se identificó que los gestores hoteleros y joyeros, se encuentran interesados ​​en realizar una alianza estratégica, asimismo, ven como un valor agregado el acercamiento del huésped con las comunidades y, de esta manera, brindar conocimiento de la cultura cusqueña. Por el lado de los joyeros, lo ven como un ingreso que puede ser recurrente, además de tener mayor alcance con sus productos. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of a possible strategic alliance between the hotel industry and handcraft jewelers of Cusco, which guarantees the benefit of both parties and its sustainability over time. A qualitative methodology was used with in-depth interviews with managers of the hotel industry and handcraft jewelers, both from the city of Cusco, and also a review of bibliographical references from academic sources. The objective of the research was establishing how hotels seek alliances with communities in the area in order to support local development. This topic has not been previously studied in the hotel industry and there are no specific academic studies for Peru, so the results achieved are a contribution of knowledge for those public and private organizations that are interested in the topic and could implement a new value to their businesses. Likewise, it is useful for handcraft jewelers as the alliance represents a new way of reinventing themselves. Finally, it was identified that hotel managers and jewelers are interested in making a strategic alliance, on the other hand, it can be seen as an added value for the guests to have an approach with the communities and Cusco’s culture. On the other hand, for the jewelers, it can be seen as an income that can become recurrent and also a way of having greater recognition of their products. / Tesis

Papper och lump : studier av kontinuitet och förändring i nordisk pappersindustri från 1600-tal till 1900-tal

Sjunnesson, Helene January 2006 (has links)
. This thesis consists of an introduction and four previously published articles. The joint empirical focus is papermaking based on textile rags as fibre raw material. Furthermore the physical environment is central in the studies. The relationship between continuity and change is a prevailing theme. The thesis also pays attention to the use of different sorts of rags and to the connection between this kind of papermaking and the textile industry. The overall purpose is to throw new light upon the paper industry based on rags – a part of early industry seldom mentioned in historical surveys of the industrialization process in Sweden. The aim is also to question the prevalent Swedish historical writing commissioned by the branch, characterized by set divisions between different phases of technical and industrial development, from simple craft to modern industry. One of these borderlines has been drawn between papermaking by hand and papermaking by machine, with the 1830s as the selected transition period. By studying and analysing changes in the traditional and seemingly static papermaking as well as the opposite: the traditional that has lingered in the new, this thesis shows that the course of events was much more complicated than that. An outcome of the studies is that the industrialization of the rag based paper industry has been a complex, uneven and prolonged process. The first main part of the thesis consists of two Swedish regional studies centred on the province of Östergötland in a long-time perspective. The focus is mainly on the long continuity of papermaking by hand, which was carried out between 1628 and 1968. The study shows that a variety of types and sizes of mills regarding ownership, forms of production, location, paper qualities and techniques can be identified. Continuity was the dominating feature but within this framework technological and industrial change also took place. The second main part of the thesis has a Nordic perspective and deals with a shorter period, mainly 1830-1870. One study examines the introduction of the paper-machine and the establishment of the first machine-made paper mills in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland with special attention given to the Swedish mill Holmen in Norrköping and the Finnish Tammerfors mill, both situated in textile mill towns. A second Nordic study surveys hand-made paper mills founded during and after the time when the paper-machine technology had been established. As the studies show, two parallel development tracks were prevalent in the paper industry in the Nordic countries during the period 1830-1870 – papermaking by machine and papermaking by hand. The first paper machines were imported from Britain to some of the oldest and largest paper mills. The introduction of the new technology led to changes in for instance the paper mill buildings and the organization of work regarding the papermaking process. In the preparatory and finishing work manual methods remained, and as before it employed mostly women. At the same time, papermaking by hand continued to change and new hand-made paper mills were founded until as late as the 1890s. The study discusses possible explanations, among them growing markets for special qualities and combinations with other branches of industry. All the studies show a connection between hand-made paper mills and wool mills on one hand, and machine-made paper mills and cotton and linen mills on the other hand. The paper industry based on rags could in fact be characterized as a kind of textile industry / <p>QC 20101129</p>

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