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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Isaacs, Malinda Martin Sudduth 01 January 2008 (has links)
Research demonstrates that sexual harassment, sexual assault, and eating disorders are pervasive gender-based social problems on college campuses. These phenomena can cause long- term psychological consequences, and negatively impact women’s ability to succeed in both academia and the workplace. Not only have the prevalence and effects of these issues been documented, a significant number of studies have found a relationship between various forms of victimization and eating disorders/symptoms. Research has shown that eating disorders may function as coping strategies for managing the psychological distress that often results from the trauma of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Although, this link has been identified, little research has examined why it might exist among various populations. The purpose of this study was to not only examine the relationships among sexual harassment, rape, and eating disorders, but also the cognitive and psychological processes that may influence this association. The cognitive processes included gender-role attitudes and rape myth acceptance and the psychological processes were depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress. In addition, the study aimed to explore these phenomena among the traditional female dominated fields of teaching and nursing. Little is known about how these populations are effected by sexual harassment, sexual assault, and eating disorders. Analyses were conducted on self-report measures from 206 students enrolled in an undergraduate nursing and pre-service teaching program at the University of Kentucky. The test of a theoretical model, using a series of multiple regressions, suggests a positive relationship among sexual harassment, rape and eating disturbances for nursing and pre- service teaching college women students. Also, the findings indicated that this relationship is partially mediated by psychological distress. No moderation was found between rape myth acceptance and gender-role attitudes and psychological distress. These results indicate that effective training and prevention programs that address sexual harassment and sexual assault are needed as well as clinical strategies for the assessment and treatment of eating disorders and trauma.

Sexual harassment in the workplace : lessons for Botswana from a South African legal perspective / Tshepo Mogapaesi

Mogapaesi, Tshepo January 2014 (has links)
Equality of opportunity and treatment in the workplace forms one of the critical components of an individual's ability to obtain and remain in employment and occupation. In a world where qualifications, experience and individual merit can be easily by-passed owing to diverse workplace discriminations, the ability of employees to enjoy their right to work cannot be fully achieved if the workplace is marred with inequalities. Sexual harassment has been characterised as one of the workplace hazards that impinges on the achievement and enjoyment of the right to equality of opportunity and treatment in the workplace and defeats the right of employees to decent work. Notwithstanding the acknowledgement of its existence and prevalence, sexual harassment is still treated as an unmentionable concept in Botswana in legal and academic circles. The labour legislative framework has been less emphatic when it comes to recognising and setting out the proper sanctions for sexual harassment in the workplace. At present, only public servants are assured of a legal remedy should they experience such harassment. The legal framework does not openly extend protection to employees in the private sector, leaving them uncertain of the proper forums to approach. There is not even the assurance that sexual harassment is prohibited and punishable at law. Since it is rarely discussed in academics and not prohibited outright, it is safe to assume that most incidents of sexual harassment are shrouded in secrecy owing to employees' lack of knowledge of their rights. In contradistinction, South Africa presents a legal framework conscious of the reality of sexual harassment in the workplace. It employs the use of equal opportunity laws to give authority to a Code of Good Practice that outlaws sexual harassment. The South African Courts have also played a pro-active role in ensuring compliance with legislative provisions and developing common law principles on sexual harassment in the workplace. In addition, legislation that outlaws harassment in a general sense has been enacted to add to laws prohibiting sexual harassment. Whereas the mere existence of laws is not an end in itself, it is submitted that sexual harassment laws may serve to deter this conduct, but most significantly, to inform employees that their rights in the workplace are not limited to, amongst others, a guarantee from unfair dismissals and withholding of wages. The argument is that sexual harassment should be seen as a violation of employees' human rights, as opposed to a mere misconduct. With that realisation in mind, the need to progress from sole reliance on Codes of Good Practice to unequivocal and binding laws reflects the concern that the government of the day has for the protection of the human rights of employees and the consonance of national labour laws with the international standard. This contribution presents an examination of the two legal frameworks in so far as sexual harassment in the workplace is concerned. The aim is to determine the shortcomings of Botswana's framework and outline lessons that may be learnt from the South African legal framework. The position of international law is also considered to ensure that the lessons to be learnt from South Africa are in consonance with the international standard. / LLM (Labour Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The experience and handling of workplace bullying / Adéle Botha

Botha, Adéle January 2011 (has links)
Previous studies have established that for some people a typical day at work starts with immense feelings of distress, anxiety and irritability caused by workplace bullying. Not only does bullying behaviour in the workplace have a negative impact on a person’s professional life, but it is also detrimental to the effectiveness of the organisation. A survey focussing on the perceived exposure to bullying and victimisation in the workplace was administered to a sample of 159 employees employed by a mine in Mpumalanga. The results uncovered that more than a quarter of the participants reported that they had experienced workplace bullying. The study also discovered that line managers experienced more negative acts than senior managers. While those who only experience a brief spell of bullying behaviour at work survive their experience relatively unscathed, previous studies have also indicated that others are affected in a significant physical and psychological way. In conclusion this study determined that workplace bullying is an actual occurrence, not only internationally but also in South Africa. Employees and employers can therefore only benefit from understanding this unique workplace phenomenon. This article provides the opportunity for employed people to recognise the nature and prevalence of workplace bullying in order to prevent it from becoming a silent epidemic. Researchers generally accept that bullying is behaviour that is aggressive or negative and carried out repeatedly. Previous research established that bullying can occur in any context where people interact. This article open by synthesising a conceptual framework of negative acts as an interactive form of organisational behaviour from the available literature. Empirical research was done in order to investigate the prevalence of negative acts. The study found that more than a quarter of the participants had experienced bullying at some stage during their career with managers and supervisors predominantly reported as the perpetrators. The study also found that behaviour that tends to isolate individuals was generally reported as the most frequently experienced form of negative acts. By understanding workplace bullying both employers will be able to implement influence strategies aimed at dealing with this workplace phenomenon at levels of protection, intervention and dispute resolution. In conclusion it has been established that workplace bullying is not only a real problem in international workplaces, but also in South Africa. This means that employers not only have to cope with the consequences of employees performing badly but also behaving badly. This article presents an opportunity to understand negative behaviour in the workplace. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Utgör Utsatthet och Identifiering med Alternativa Sociala Grupperingar Riskfaktorer för Självskadebeteenden? / Are Peer Harassment and Self-Identification with Alternative Peer Crowds Risk Factors for Self-Harm?

Narancic, Sandra, Ågren, Samira January 2016 (has links)
Självskadebeteenden bland ungdomar är ett allvarligtsamhällsproblem som tycks öka. Ett flertal faktorer såsom utsatthet iskolan och vilken eller vilka sociala grupperingar en ungdom uppleversig tillhöra har i tidigare studier identifierats som riskfaktorer för attutveckla självskadebeteenden. Syftet med studien var att undersökaom utsatthet och alternativa sociala grupperingar utgör riskfaktorer försjälvskadebeteenden, samt om det finns en interaktionseffekt mellandessa faktorer i att predicera självskadebeteenden. Studien baseradespå longitudinell data insamlad bland högstadieungdomar på sju skolori centrala Sverige. En multipel regressionsanalys utfördes för att testainteraktionstermen mellan variablerna över tid. Resultatet bekräftadebåde utsatthet i skolan och identifiering med alternativa socialagrupperingar som riskfaktorer, samt att det fanns en interaktionseffektmellan de båda som ytterligare ökar risken för utvecklandet avsjälvskadebeteenden hos ungdomar. / Self-harm is a major public health concern amongst adolescents thatappears to be increasing. Several risk factors have in previous researchbeen associated with self-harm, such as peer harassment and the peercrowd or crowds an adolescent identifies with. The aim of this studywas to examine whether peer harassment and identification withalternative peer crowds constitutes risk factors and whether there wasan interaction effect between these factors in predicting self-harm. In alongitudinal study, students from seven secondary schools in centralSweden responded to a questionnaire. A multiple regression analysiswas conducted to test the interaction between these variables overtime. The results confirmed that both peer harassment andidentification with alternative peer crowds were risk factors for selfharmingbehaviors, as well as there was an interaction effect, namelythat the adolescents who were exposed to peer harassment andidentified with particular social crowds were particularly at risk fordeveloping self-harm behaviors.

The Long-Term Effects of Direct Verbal Victimization and Family Support on Anxious and Aggressive Behaviors in Urban Adolescents: Do Mean Words Have a Lasting Impact?

Bettencourt, Amie 01 January 2006 (has links)
Stressful life events that occur within the context of interpersonal relationships are problematic for adolescents. Peer victimization, a stressful interpersonal event, involves acts of both physical and verbal harassment, and can contribute to psychosocial maladjustment among youth. Direct verbal victimization is a specific form of peer victimization involving name-calling and teasing that is particularly prevalent among adolescents, but has rarely been studied separately from other types of victimization.This form of victimization is associated with adjustment problems, including anxiety and aggression among adolescents. Despite the significant association between direct verbal victimization and negative adolescent adjustment outcomes, not all youth who experience this stressor are maladjusted. Resilient youth may possess certain internal or external characteristics that protect them from the harmful impact of direct verbal victimization.Support from one's family is one of these external characteristics that has been shown to serve a protective function in the face of stress. The purpose of the present study was to use structural equation modeling techniques to examine the longitudinal impact of experiencing direct verbal victimization on adolescent's anxious and aggressive behaviors. This study also examined whether perceiving greater support from one's family served a protective function against the detrimental impact of direct verbal victimization on adolescent adjustment. In addition, this study examined an alternative relation between aggression and family support to assess whether adolescents who are highly aggressive perceive less support from their family over time. Participants included a predominantly African American sample of 632 adolescents participating in a larger project that evaluated the effectiveness of a school-based violence prevention program. As hypothesized, experiencing direct verbal victimization predicted changes in adolescent's reported level of anxiety over time. However, experiencing direct verbal victimization did not predict changes in the reported frequency of engaging in aggressive behavior. In addition, family support did not significantly buffer adolescents from the negative effects of direct verbal victimization. Although, there were no gender differences in the impact of direct verbal victimization on anxiety and aggression, being female significantly predicted increases in level of anxiety. Overall, the current study's findings confirm that direct verbal victimization is a highly prevalent and distressing problem for urban African-American adolescents, and suggest that it has a significant longitudinal effect on adolescent adjustment. These findings have important implications for violence prevention interventions.

Does Teacher-Student Relationship Moderate the Link Between Ethnic Harassment and School Adjustment Among Immigrant Youth? / Modererar relationen mellan lärare och elev sambandet mellan etniska trakasserier och skolanpassning hos invandrarelever?

Björck, Eva, Engberg Pramling, vilgot January 2016 (has links)
Immigrant students are targets of ethnic harassment in school context in their host country. Prior studies demonstrated that being victim of ethnic harassment has consequences for the psychological, behavioral, and school adjustment of youths with immigrant background. The purpose of this study was to examine if a positive teacher relationship moderated the school adjustment of ethnically harassed immigrant students. Data was gathered from ethnically harassed students in 7th and 8th grade in seven schools of a midsized town in Sweden. In addition to univariate and bivariate correlation analyses, a series of moderated regression analyses were conducted. Significant moderation effects of relationship with teachers were found for two of the school adjustment measures. The results suggested a positive relationship with teachers could play a buffering role for school liking and truancy of students who experience ethnic harassment from their peers. Implications of the findings were discussed in relation to both research and practice. / Invandrarelever utsätts för etniska trakasserier i skolan i sina nya värdland. Tidigare studier har demonstrerat att ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund som faller offer för etniska trakasserier får en negativ påverkan på sitt psykologiska välmående, sina beteenden, och skolanpassning. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om en positiv relation med en lärare modererade skolanpassningen hos etniskt trakasserade invandrarelever. Data inhämtades från etniskt trakasserade invandrarelever i 7:e och 8:e klass från sju skolor i en mellanstor stad i Sverige. Utöver univariata och bivariata korrelationsanalyser, utfärdades en serie modererande regressionsanalyser. I två av studiens variabler fanns det statistiskt signifikanta modererande effekter av att ha en positiv relation med en lärare. Resultatet föreslår att en positiv relation med lärare kan ha spelat en skyddande roll for elevens positiva attityd till skolan och för skolkning hos elever som upplever en låg mängd etniska trakasserier från sina klasskamrater. Studiens resultat diskuterades både i relation till forskning och tillämpning i samhället.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sexuella ofredanden på arbetsplatsen : Litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ experience of sexual harassment at the workplace : Literature Review

Ahlin, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I sin professionella roll är sjuksköterskan en vårdare med högre utbildning. Sjuksköterskor arbetar nära andra individer i sitt arbete; andra yrkeskategorier såväl som patienter, anhöriga och allmänhet. Sjuksköterskan är en individ med sin egen integritet och hälsa samt har behov av trygghet på arbetsplatsen. För trygghet och god hälsa spelar känslan av sammanhang på arbetet in. Sjuksköterskeyrket är kvinnodominerat. Det är vanligare att kvinnor än män utsätts för sexuella ofredanden.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sexuella ofredanden på arbetsplatsen. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med totalt tolv stycken ingående artiklar av kvantitativ och kvalitativ design. Resultat: Sexuella ofredanden mot sjuksköterskor kan begås av patienter, anhöriga och kollegor. Den som ofredar är i regel man. Sjuksköterskan kan ha svårigheter att avgöra ifall patienter med kognitiv svikt är medveten om sina sexuella handlingar. Sjuksköterskor som har blivit utsatta för sexuellt ofredande reagerar på olika sätt, både i den pågående händelsen och efteråt.  Att bli utsatt för sexuellt ofredande kan medföra olika sorters negativ påverkan i den professionella rollen och för individens egen hälsa. Konklusion:  Ytterligare forskning behövs, studien beskriver att sjuksköterskor har olika erfarenheter av sexuella ofredanden, där strategier för att hantera det i många fall saknas eller är otillräckliga. / Background: A registered nurse is a caregiver with an academic degree. In their profession, nurses have close encounters with other individuals; including colleagues with other professions as well as patients and their relatives. A nurse is also an individual with own sense of integrity and health, and with a need for a safe work enviroment. The majority of nurses are women. Women are more likely to be victims of sexual harassment than men. Purpose: The aim was to describe nurses experience of sexual harassment in their workplace. Method: Literature review containing twelve articles with qualitative and quantitative method. Result: The perpetrator in sexual harassment against nurses is either a patient or its family or a colleague, often a male. Patient whom suffers from cognitive impairment are difficult to assess if they are aware of their actions if they sexual harass a nurse. Nurses whom have been sexual harassed react in different ways, both in the on-going incident and afterwards. Being sexual harassed may lead to different kinds of negative influence in the nurse’s professional role as well in their own health. Conclusion: More research is necessary, this study describes that nurses have different experiences of sexual harassment, strategies for management is non-existing or not efficient enough.

Assédio moral: uma analise da teoria do abuso de direito aplicada ao poder do empregador

Stadler, Denise de Fátima 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:43:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 denisest.pdf: 5059068 bytes, checksum: 6ea107b881f3c78a3fba041eb9645cf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / The subject of the present dissertation focus on the characterization of the moral harassment phenomenon in the employment relationship and its legal treatment. The analysis begins on the ways power is reveled in the working environment and the legal subordination of the employee, especially focusing the employer directive power condition. Next, the production restructuring implications is investigated in search of understanding the way new production patterns interacts in the construction of subjective working ( employee role ) and makes it possible for the employer to abuse of his directive power in a way which may be characterized as moral harassment. The problems involving the abuse of rights theory application and the treatment given to abusive practices in the working environment is also analyzed in search of a legal strategy to face moral harassment. At last, the regularizing law proposals of conditions for the moral harassment punishment in the working environment and the moral harassment as it is seen by Courts is examined. / O objeto deste trabalho centra-se na caracterização do fenômeno do assédio moral na relação de emprego e no tratamento que lhe é dado pelo sistema jurídico. O exame da questão inicia-se com a análise das formas de revelação do poder no ambiente de trabalho e da subordinação jurídica do empregado, principalmente levando-se em consideração a condição do poder diretivo do empregador. Em seguida, investigam-se as implicações da reestruturação produtiva, na perspectiva de entender como os novos padrões produtivos influenciam a construção da subjetividade obreira e podem levar a abusos do poder de mando do empregador passíveis de caracterizar casos de assédio moral. Além disso, analisa-se a problemática da aplicação da teoria do abuso de direito e o tratamento dispensado às práticas abusivas no ambiente de trabalho, buscando-se uma estratégia jurídica para o enfrentamento do assédio moral. Por fim, examinam-se os projetos de lei que buscam a regulamentação das condições para punição do assédio moral nas relações de emprego e o problema do assédio sob a ótica dos Tribunais.

Riscos psicossociais e assédio moral no contexto acadêmico / Psychosocial risk and moral harassent in the academic context

Caran, Vânia Cláudia Spoti 15 June 2007 (has links)
O Assédio Moral e os riscos psicossociais tem sido fonte de estudos de diversos pesquisadores no século XXI, mas ainda é pouco abordado pela Saúde do Trabalhador. Assédio Moral é tema complexo, de difícil abordagem, pois está inserido em um âmbito da violência caracterizada pela percepção muitas vezes apenas da própria vítima. Nesta pesquisa estabelecemos os objetivos de identificar a existência de Riscos Pscicossociais e Assédio Moral e suas repercussões entre os docentes de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior, além dos objetivos específicos de :identificar características do trabalho dos docentes, identificar a existência de riscos psicossociais/pressão no ambiente de trabalho, identificar as alterações à saúde dos docentes provocadas pelos riscos psicossociais/pressão no trabalho. O estudo foi de abordagem quantitativa, transversal e descritivo do qual foi apresentado o instrumento de pesquisa um questionário de 26 perguntas com questões sociodemográficas e ocupacionais, além de 2 questões norteadoras sobre os riscos psicossociais e o assédio moral baseadas na literatura existente. Constituíram-se como sujeitos da pesquisa uma amostra de 54 docentes, 62,79% em relação ao total, sendo em sua maioria 92% do sexo feminino, 64,80% casados e 37,03% entre as idades de 40 à 49 anos,do qual 81,50% graduados em enfermagem, em sua maioria formados nas décadas de 70 e 80.dos quais 63% estão em cargos de Professor Doutor com regime de trabalho de dedicação exclusiva, recebendo entre 12 à 14 salários mínimos vigentes,e destes 50 % admitiram exercício de cargos administrativos, dos quais também informaram exercer cargos de Assessoria e Consultoria. A maioria informou que sua opção pela academia foi devido á realização pessoal e a probabilidade de trabalhar com pesquisa onde destacaram maior realização profissional ao ministrar aulas e menor ao exercer trabalhos administrativos. Destes sujeitos 94,4% admitiram à existência de riscos psicossociais em seu ambiente de trabalho atribuídos à sobrecarga de trabalho, carga mental intensa, estresse, tempo, relações inter-pessoais, excesso de responsabilidade e falta de planejamento, 92,60% admitiram sofrer pressão no trabalho, e destes 87% disseram sentir a saúde afetada, relataram queixas de maior incidência como: estresse, ansiedade, insônia/dificuldades no sono, cefaléia e gastrite. Questionados sobre o Assédio Moral a maioria 38% disseram ser um problema comum na universidade, dos quais 22% disseram ter sido vítima contraponto 22% que alegaram nunca ter sido vítima de Assédio Moral, enquanto 32% disseram ter conhecimento de um colega que sofreu. Foram descritos vários casos dos quais muitos coincidentes com a literatura. Evidenciou-se que o local de trabalho está caracterizado pelo aspecto de demanda excessiva, pressão e competição que afeta à saúde dos docentes e propicia o ambiente propício a existência de riscos psicossociais e do Assédio Moral. / Psychosocial risks are constituted under factors or risks agents´ presence, at laboral environment, which alter workers´ wellness situation, resulting in their health damage. Among many psychosocial risks, we can find psychological violence or moral harassment that are understand as the intentional power use which are used against a person or a group, causing them: physical, mental, spiritual or moral alterations. This study intended to identify, among college professors, the existence of psychosocial risks in their laboral activities, in order to find out moral harassment occurrence in their laboral environment, and its repercussion between them. The study was transversal, descriptive and had a quantitative approach. It was developed in a public college institution; had 54 subjects as sample, which answered a previously validate data insurance form. As result, it was verified that these subjects are, in their majority, female, married, graduated between the 70´s - 80´s, PhD - who are working in full lecturing and research regime and receive as payment, an amount of 12 to 14 Brazilian wages. This majority admitted the psychosocial risks presence in their laboral environment, being reported as main factors: laboral excess, intense mental tasks, stress, work pressure, among other factors. All the presented health alterations are is, in their majority: stress, anxiety, sleeping disorder, migraine and gastritis. When inquired about the moral harassment existence, most subjects affirmed being a common problem at college, describing many coincidently situation in concomitance with the consulted literature. This harassment occurred in a horizontal and descendent form. College environment is a place where psychological violence is easily diagnosed, because of its competitive and rivalry environment. Possibly these situations are consequence of previous problems, not adequately solved and which have the tendency of emerging in serious situations. So, it is important a corporative effort in the universal identity seek, preserving the solidarity and equity values and observing the ethic limits established to the college life.

Sexual Assault Victims and How They Cope: A Creative Thesis From A Survivor’s Perspective

Campbell, Taylor C, Ms. 01 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis shows the creative process that fine artist Taylor Campbell went through while completing a painting show about the sexual assault epidemic on college campuses. Because she has been a victim of both sexual harassment and assault while attending college, she dives deeper into how she and other survivors cope with their trauma and uses her creative outlet to help get conversation started about the epidemic. She hopes with her research and her paintings that other survivors will realize they are not alone in their battles and are surrounded by people who are ready and willing to help. She also hopes that her work will inspire those who have not been affected by sexual violence will be inspired speak up when they see something unusual, and to be open and supportive to those who have been affected.

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