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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viv?ncias de trabalhadores da sa?de frente ? l?gica capitalista: um estudo da Aten??o B?sica na Col?mbia e no Brasil / Experiences of workers in health in front of the capitalist logic: a study of the basic care in Colombia and Brazil

Pinz?n, Heidy Johanna Garrido 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Ciolfi (fernanda.ciolfi@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2016-04-07T18:23:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Heidy Joahanna Garrido Pinzon.pdf: 1919376 bytes, checksum: aaaacf762cb9a911de4a979c7a12c936 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-07T18:23:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Heidy Joahanna Garrido Pinzon.pdf: 1919376 bytes, checksum: aaaacf762cb9a911de4a979c7a12c936 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / The purpose of this research was to analyze the experiences of workers enrolled in the health systems of Colombia and Brazil, taking into account the interesting fact that these two health systems emerged from opposing guidelines. On one hand, among the countries which suffered the intense economic crisis of the 1980?s, Colombia was unified in the most rigorous and systematic model because of hegemonic sanitary controls required by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund On the other hand, in Brazil, which also experienced the economic crisis, it was possible the creation of the Unified Health System (SUS ? Portuguese acronym), as a product of demands of popular movements, managing to establish health as a right of all citizens, which was written into the Federal Constitution of 1988. Thus, the SUS was born in the midst of the economic crisis of 1980, in a neoliberal scenario, in opposition to capitalist tendencies which were characterized by the search for new markets in the health sector, a tendency completely adopted by Colombia. Given this context, the present study aimed to understand the common experiences of basic care workers in Colombia and Brazil, against the capitalist logic. Based on the Social Psychology of Work?s approach, this research is qualitative in nature and has empirical style. It was developed by analyzing reflexive interviews of two groups of workers belonging to healthcare and administrative sectors of the Basic Attention: one in Bucaramanga, Colombia and the other in Campinas, Brazil. Content Analysis was used for the analysis process, which is understood as a set of research techniques, which aims to find sense or senses manifested in more diverse forms of communication. In the course of this investigation it was revealed that, in both countries, the main experiences of the health professionals, determined by neo-liberal logic, are related to the transformations introduced in the labor conditions and relations, and also in the organization of work. In the Colombian context, we find that the main problems presented by those interviewed have their origins in the transition process introduced by those reforms which gave rise to its current health care system. Such problems are reflected, mainly, in the deterioration of relations with patients, as well as, in the detriment of the configuration of the work teams, forced to live divided by the stark contrast between different contractual relations. This condition, which eventually causes an inherent difficulty to generate cohesion within the working groups, also appears in the Brazilian context, as a result of outsourcing, which has come to constitute an effective mechanism to weaken the SUS, to facilitate its waning and to place it on a path pointing in the direction of the current Colombian health system. Finally, in the two studied stages, this panorama of job insecurity, permeated by instability, intensification of responsibilities and overworked employees, reduction in wages, among others, has generated major consequences to the life and health of the workers, which are reflected in the deterioration of their mental and physical health, in the lack of social recognition, the deterioration of ethics and morality, also in some cases, even in constraints for the construction of a life project. / A presente pesquisa visa a analisar as viv?ncias de trabalhadores dos Sistemas P?blicos de Sa?de da Col?mbia e do Brasil, tendo-se em vista que esses dois casos ganham interesse de estudo por exemplificarem sistemas de sa?de cujo surgimento se d? a partir de diretrizes opostas. Por um lado, tem-se a Col?mbia que, dentre os pa?ses latino-americanos a sofrer a intensa crise econ?mica da d?cada de 1980, foi aquele que incorporou de maneira mais rigorosa e sistem?tica os crit?rios centrais do modelo hegem?nico das reformas sanit?rias estabelecidos pelo Banco Mundial e pelo Fundo Monet?rio Internacional. Por outro, observa-se a situa??o do Brasil, que tamb?m experimentou a crise econ?mica, onde foi poss?vel a cria??o do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS), produto das exig?ncias dos movimentos populares os quais conseguiram estabelecer a sa?de como um direito de todos os cidad?os, legitimando-se na Constitui??o Federal de 1988. Toma-se em considera??o, ent?o, como nasce o SUS, num cen?rio neoliberal em meio da crise econ?mica de 1980, em oposi??o a tend?ncias imperialistas que se caracterizavam pela busca de novos mercados no setor sa?de, enquanto a Col?mbia se subjugou totalmente a elas. Levando em conta esse contexto, o estudo aqui apresentado teve como objetivo compreender as viv?ncias de trabalhadores da Aten??o B?sica dos Sistemas P?blicos de Sa?de da Col?mbia e do Brasil, frente ? l?gica capitalista. Baseada no enfoque da Psicologia Social do Trabalho, esta pesquisa ? de natureza qualitativa e de tipo emp?rico. Desenvolveu-se mediante a realiza??o de entrevistas reflexivas em profundidade, com dois grupos de trabalhadores da Aten??o B?sica de n?vel assistencial e administrativo: um em Bucaramanga, Col?mbia e, outro, em Campinas, Brasil. Para o processo de an?lise, elegeu-se utilizar a An?lise de Conte?do, a qual ? compreendida como um conjunto de t?cnicas de pesquisa cujo objetivo ? a busca do sentido ou dos sentidos manifestos nas mais diversas formas de comunica??o. O percurso desta pesquisa revelou que, em ambos os pa?ses, as principais viv?ncias dos profissionais da sa?de, determinadas pela l?gica neoliberal, est?o relacionadas com as transforma??es introduzidas nas condi??es, rela??es e organiza??o do trabalho. No contexto colombiano estudado, identificamos a origem das problem?ticas centrais apresentadas pelos entrevistados no processo de transi??o induzido pela reforma que constituiu seu atual sistema de sa?de. Essas problem?ticas se traduzem, essencialmente, na deteriora??o das rela??es com os usu?rios, bem como na configura??o das equipes de trabalho, marcadas pelo contraste entre pessoas com diferentes v?nculos empregat?cios. Esta ?ltima condi??o, empecilho para a coes?o dos grupos de trabalho, tamb?m ? observada no contexto brasileiro pesquisado, como produto da terceiriza??o, que parece ter se tornado um efetivo mecanismo para enfraquecer o SUS, facilitar seu desmonte e coloc?-lo no mesmo caminho atualmente percorrido pelo sistema de sa?de colombiano. Por fim, exp?e-se como, nos dois cen?rios estudados, tal panorama de precariedade do trabalho, permeado pela instabilidade, intensifica??o e sobrecarga laboral, pela redu??o de sal?rios, dentre outros fatores, tem ocasionado graves consequ?ncias para a vida e a sa?de dos trabalhadores, que se refletem na degrada??o de sua sa?de f?sica e mental, na falta de reconhecimento social, na deteriora??o da ?tica e da moral e nas restri??es para a constru??o de um projeto de vida.

Du bien-être psychologique au travail : fondements théoriques, conceptualisation et instrumentation du construit

Dagenais-Desmarais, Véronique 03 1900 (has links)
Malgré la préoccupation croissante des chercheurs et praticiens pour la santé psychologique au travail, le concept de bien-être vécu au travail est encore mal compris de la communauté scientifique. En effet, peu d’efforts ont été consacrés à ce jour pour développer des connaissances sur le bien-être psychologique au travail arrimées à la réalité des employés. Cette thèse a donc pour objectif de développer une conceptualisation du bien-être psychologique au travail et une instrumentation psychométriquement fiable lui étant rattachée. Pour ce faire, deux études ont été réalisées. La première, de nature qualitative et exploratoire, fut menée auprès de 20 travailleurs canadiens francophones afin de répertorier, à partir d’incidents critiques vécus par ceux-ci, des manifestations de bien-être psychologique au travail. Celles-ci ont pu être classifiées selon un modèle en 2 axes, soit la sphère de référence dans laquelle le bien-être psychologique au travail se vit et la directionnalité selon laquelle il se développe. Ce modèle a ensuite été comparé aux conceptualisations génériques du bien-être psychologique existantes, et cette analyse a permis d’étayer la validité convergente et divergente du modèle. Dans un deuxième temps, l’Indice de bien-être psychologique au travail (IBEPT) a été créé sur la base des manifestations relevées lors de l’étude qualitative, afin d’en assurer la validité de contenu. Une version expérimentale de l’instrument a ensuite été soumise à une expérimentation auprès de 1080 travailleurs québécois. Les analyses factorielles exploratoires révèlent une structure interne en 25 items reflétant 5 dimensions, représentant elles-mêmes un construit de second ordre. La validité de construit de cette conceptualisation a ensuite été étudiée par l’analyse des intercorrélations avec une série de mesures du bien-être et de la détresse psychologique génériques. Les résultats appuient la validité convergente de l’instrument, et démontrent également sa validité divergente. Enfin, l’instrument affiche une cohérence interne satisfaisante. Au terme de cette recherche doctorale, les résultats des deux études sont interprétés en fonction de l’état actuel des connaissances sur le bien-être psychologique, les limites des études sont énoncées, et des pistes de recherche future sont avancées. / Despite growing concern by researchers and practitioners about psychological health at work, the concept of well-being in the workplace is still misunderstood in the scientific community. Indeed, little effort has been made to develop knowledge about psychological well-being at work that is tied to the reality of employees. This thesis aims at developing a conceptualization of psychological well-being at work and a related psychometrically reliable instrumentation. To do so, two studies were carried out. First, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted among 20 French-speaking Canadian workers to identify, using critical incidents they experienced, manifestations of psychological well-being. The manifestations were classified according to a 2-axis model, namely, the reference level at which psychological well-being at work is experienced and the directionality through which it emerges. This model was then compared to existing context-free conceptualizations of psychological well-being; this analysis offered support to the model's convergent and divergent validity. Second, the Index of Psychological Well-Being at Work (IPWBW) was created based on the manifestations identified in the qualitative study, in order to ensure the latter’s content validity. An experimental form of the questionnaire was administered to 1,080 Quebec workers. Exploratory factor analyses revealed an internal structure of 25 items and 5 dimensions, representing a second-order construct. The construct validity of the model was established by analyzing the intercorrelation pattern with various context-free measures of psychological well-being and distress. The results support the convergent validity of the instrument and demonstrate its divergent validity. Finally, the questionnaire shows satisfactory internal consistency. By way of conclusion, the results of the two studies are interpreted in the light of current knowledge on psychological well-being; the limits of the studies are outlined; and avenues for future research are proposed.

Establishing a recovery orientation in first line mental health teams in Québec : perspectives from social workers and managers

Khoury, Emmanuelle 08 1900 (has links)
Le Plan d’action en santé mentale institué en 2005 marque le début d’une période de changements profonds qui auront un impact significatif sur les équipes de première ligne qui assurent la plupart des services au Québec. Le changement se manifestera sur deux fronts distincts. En premier lieu, le passage de services historiquement ancrés dans un modèle biomédical vers des services centrés sur le rétablissement. En second lieu, l’adoption de processus administratifs s’inscrivant dans une philosophie de gestion axée sur les résultats qui ont pour objectif de mesurer et d’assurer l’efficacité des services. L'objectif de cette étude est d’explorer le statu du développement des pratiques axées sur le rétablissement au niveau des travailleurs sociaux de première ligne dans le contexte administratif mentionné ci-haut. Le travail de recherche qualitatif et exploratoire est construit sur l’analyse de 11 interviews semi structurés avec des travailleurs sociaux et des gestionnaires dans des équipes de première ligne en santé mentale. Les entretiens m’ont non seulement permis d’identifier et d’examiner des actions concrètes s’inscrivant dans l’effort d’implantation du Plan d’action mais aussi de sonder et d’explorer la signification qui est donnée au rétablissement par les travailleurs sociaux de première ligne. Les résultats indiquent que certains facteurs relatifs à l'organisation du travail tels que la flexibilité, l'autonomie, la réflexivité et l’interdisciplinarité peuvent favoriser une pratique orientée vers le rétablissement. Aussi, les résultats démontrent que le modèle du rétablissement et la profession du travail social partagent des valeurs fondamentales mais que la signification et l'expression du rétablissement ont été profondément influencés par les modèles organisationnels et obligations administratives en vigueur. Il appert que les travailleurs sociaux sont confrontés, dans leur pratique, à des contraintes qui dépassent leur mandat professionnel et, à certains égards, leur savoir-faire. En somme, les résultats obtenus indiquent que le passage avec succès vers la pratique de services basés sur le rétablissement est compromis par les exigences d’un modèle de gestion axé sur les résultats. / Following the 2005 Mental Health Action Plan most mental health services are offered in primary care teams. This policy called for a paradigm shift away from a biomedical model of care toward a process-focused ‘recovery’ orientation in mental health. Concurrently, it called for the use of a results-orientation that is outcome-focused in order to ensure efficiency. The objective of this research project was to explore the development of recovery-oriented practices among social workers in first line mental health teams in Québec. To do this, I investigated the microprocesses of implementing recovery-oriented services and practices alongside results-oriented management techniques. In addition, this project explored the saliency of a recovery orientation specifically for first line mental health social workers. This qualitative, exploratory study consisted of 11 semi-structured interviews with social workers and managers in first line mental health teams. The results indicate that certain aspects of work organization, such as flexibility, autonomy, reflexivity, training, and interdisciplinarity can foster a practice that is recovery-oriented. In addition, the results show that the foundations of both the recovery orientation and the social work profession share common values. However, social workers face constraints to practice that go beyond their know-how and professional base. Our exploratory study leads us to contemplate the influence of work organization on changing practice. The results suggest that practicing from a recovery orientation was a shared ideal among the participants but that the meaning and expression of this ideal was profoundly shaped by practice contexts. The implications of these results are that recovery-oriented systems will be difficult to develop in a result-oriented paradigm.

Interface travail-famille et santé psychologique au travail : investigation de la directionalité des liens

Champagne, Emilie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Saúde do trabalhador no trabalho hospitalar: metodologias integradas de avaliação de experiências nos espaços de intervenção em hospitais no estado do Rio de Janeiro / Occupational health in hospital work: integrated assessment methodologies of experience in the space of intervention in hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Santos, Paula Raquel dos January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / O campo da saúde do trabalhador, novo paradigma para a assistência integral e promoção da saúde no trabalho, desenvolveu, em suas concepções teóricas, princípios direcionados à equipe de atenção multiprofissional. Intervenções interdisciplinares e abordagens multifacetadas também contemplam as interfaces do mundo do trabalho numa perspectiva intersetorial, com abrangência de negociação e transformação das condições de trabalho pela interlocução e construção coletiva dos trabalhadores. Partindo-se desses princípios, pode-se inferir que as prescrições práticas para os espaços de intervenção e atenção para a saúde do trabalhador no trabalho hospitalar podem ser constituídas, construídas e consolidadas. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi de cunho descritivo, exploratório e qualitativo, com elaboração e aplicação de metodologias integradas de avaliação,no formato de estudos de caso em hospitais públicos do município do Rio de Janeiro de duas instituições de pesquisa, ensino e serviços. Identificamos que as normas do paradigma que antecede ao campo da saúde do trabalhador influenciam e ainda mantêm contornos pautados nas categorias de fatores de riscos e pronto-atendimento para acidentes de trabalho e agravos à saúde.Há carência de integração interdisciplinar e de investigação das condições de trabalho. As práticas em serviços de saúde do trabalhador requerem formulações e prescrições com interdisciplinaridade, metodologias de investigação e métodos de intervenção com projeto e planejamento integrados. Tais ações devem se pautar na construção coletiva e institucional, nas políticas públicas de saúde, trabalho e meio ambiente - e sua essência deve focar a promoção da saúde do trabalhador. / The field of health and work, new paradigm for the comprehensive care and health promotion at work, developed in their theoretical concepts, principles aimed at the multidisciplinary care team. Speakers interdisciplinary and multifaceted approaches also include the interfaces in the world of work in a cross-sectoral perspective, with scope for negotiation and transformation of working conditions for dialogue and collective construction workers. Based on these principles, we can infer that the practical requirements for areas of intervention and care for the health of the worker in hospitals can be established, built and consolidated. The survey was developed a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative, with development and implementation of integrated assessment methodologies, in the form of case studies in public hospitals in Rio de Janeiro two research institutions, education and services. We found that the rules of the paradigm that precedes the field of health and work and influence still have lined outlines the categories of risk factors and emergency care for accidents and health problems. There is a lack of interdisciplinary integration of research and working conditions. Practices in health care worker require formulations and prescriptions with interdisciplinary, investigation methodologies, methods of intervention with design and integrates planning. Such actions must be guided in collective and institutional policies in public health, work and the environment - and its essence should focus on the promotion of workers health.

Péče o zaměstnance / Care of employes

KADLECOVÁ, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is to plot employee care in organizations and companies, that have a seat in Pelhřimov district. The thesis deals with employee relationships and employee care, where participate working hours and work regime, work enviroment, personal development of employees, services provided to employees by employer, employee benefits, work safety and protection of their health and their motivation and stimulation as well. The first step during processing of this thesis was studying the special literature; making of questionaries was directly connected with it. The questionary was essintial for following survey and the survey took four months. Then, acquired information were processed and incuded into graphs and charts and annotated. The result of the thesis is an undestandable picture of employee care in Pelhřimov district and discovery of the greatest problems and the most problematic branches of the national economy.

Les régulations individuelles et collectives des émotions dans des métiers sujets à incidents émotionnels : quels enjeux pour la GRH ? / Individual and collective emotional regulations in jobs prone to emotional incidents : what issues for HRM?

Monier, Hélène 22 June 2017 (has links)
Tant au niveau de la littérature que des pratiques, ce n’est que récemment que la GRH considère la composante émotionnelle au travail (Allouche, 2012). Pourtant, le courant des Relations Humaines, et diverses disciplines distinctes de la GRH, ont intégré cette dimension depuis les années 1930. À partir des travaux de Weiss et Cropanzano (1996) en comportements organisationnels, de Salovey et Mayer (1990 et 1997) et de Gross (Gross 1998 et 2014 ; Gross & John, 2003) en psychologie, d’Hochschild (1998, 2003a et 2003b) et de Goffman (1959, 1969 et 1973) en sociologie, de recherches en GRH et sociologie du travail à propos du soutien social et des régulations sociales (Reynaud, 1988, 1997 et 2003 ; Ruiller, 2010), notre thèse exploite et combine une diversité de cadres théoriques, afin d’explorer les fonctions et les régulations des émotions au travail dans quatre métiers sujets à incidents émotionnels : policiers, urgentistes, enseignants en REP+ et téléconseillers en centre d’appels. À travers une étude de cas multiple au sein de ces secteurs, nous avons triangulé les données issues d’ethnographies, de 107 entretiens, et de documentations, afin d’analyser les cas de ces professionnels en primo contact avec un public, dans une optique comparative. D’une part, nous faisons émerger un modèle d’application managériale revisitant l’analyse des facteurs de RPS, et des préconisations managériales opérationnelles, ces apports intéressant la préservation de la santé de l’individu, et la qualité de service. D’autre part, nous introduisons un modèle théorique général de structuration du processus émotionnel au travail, intégrant le concept de « régulation émotionnelle collective ». Cet apport principal de la thèse, à la GRH, envisage les émotions à la fois comme des objets, des outils et des effets du travail, retentissant sur la santé de l’individu et sur la qualité du service. / At a theoretical as well as practical level, it is only recently that the emotional component of work has been taken into account by the HRM (Allouche, 2012). However, since the 1930s, the Human Relations movement and various disciplines distinct from HRM, have included this dimension. In order to examine the emotional functions and regulations of work through four different lines of work most prone to emotional incidents, such as police officers, emergency room staff, teachers in priority education zone, and call center operators, this PhD dissertation exploits and combines various theoretical frameworks. The latter are based on the research conducted by Weiss and Cropanzano (1996) in organizational behaviors, by Salovey and Mayer (1990, 1997) and Gross (Gross, 1998, 2014 ; Gross & John 2003) in psychology, by Hochschild (1998, 2003a, 2003b) and Goffman (1959, 1969, 1973) in sociology, and on studies about social support and social regulations in HRM and sociology of work (Reynaud, 1988, 1997, 2003 ; Ruiller, 2010).To analyze the cases of these professions that involve direct contact with the public from a comparative perspective, we have triangulated data from ethnographies, 107 interviews, and documentation, through a multiple case study within these sectors. On the one hand, we offer a managerial application model revisiting the analysis of the psychosocial factors, as well as operational managerial recommendations, as they help preserve both the professional’s health, and quality of service. On the other hand, we introduce a general theoretical model structuring the emotional process at work, that integrates the concept of "collective emotional regulation". This main contribution of the PhD dissertation to HRM, is that it views emotions as objects, tools and effects of work, which impact the individual’s health and the quality of service.

Specifika sociální práce s lidmi s duševním onemocněním v rámci podporovaného zaměstnávání / The Specifics Of Social Work With People With Mental Illness In The Context Of Supported Employment

Beranová, Nela January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I am going to focus on one of the areas of community care for people with mental illness and thus on the area of employment. The main focus of the thesis is on a description of current situation in the provision of the employment support for people with mental illness. The focus is also on the formulation of the specifics of the Employment Support Program for people with mental illness. Another part of my thesis contains empirical investigations focusing on the sustainability and the perspective of the Employment Support Program for people with mental illness. The goal of my thesis is to set up an updated oveview study on the issue of providing employment support for people with metal illness. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Sammanställning av kunskapsläget kring vad som skapar en hälsofrämjande organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö inom hälso- och sjukvård : En systematisk och integrativ litteraturöversikt

Bergström, Ida, Ellberg, Siri January 2021 (has links)
Hälso- och sjukvården har under 2000-talet genomgått kraftiga organisatoriska förändringar samtidigt som det ställts ökade krav på högkvalitativ vård. Detta påverkar anställdas arbetssituation och kan leda till ökad arbetsbelastning och stress. Forskning visar att en god organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö bidrar till välbefinnande, trivsel och välmående. Något som får anställda att stanna kvar. Tidigare forskning samt arbetsgivares insatser har i huvudsak fokuserat på risker och negativa faktorer som bidrar till sjukskrivningar. Ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv, där organisationen istället lägger fokus på det som främjar det goda på arbetsplatsen, skapar välbefinnande och främjar organisatorisk och social hållbarhet över tid. Hälsofrämjande arbetsmiljöarbete behöver ske i flera dimensioner där den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är fokus för välbefinnandet. Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö kännetecknas av faktorer som till skillnad mot fysisk arbetsmiljö är subjektivt abstrakta och som behöver omfattas av det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Denna studie sammanställer kunskapsläget kring vad som skapar en hälsofrämjande organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö inom hälso- och sjukvård genom en systematisk litteraturstudie. Studiens huvudfynd visade att organisatoriska förutsättningar tillsammans med resurser som socialt stöd, autonomi, meningsfullhet är nyckelfaktorer till en hälsofrämjande arbetsmiljö. Dessa samverkar och överlappar varandra. De påverkar och påverkas av varandra både enskilt och tillsammans. Detta argumenterar för att det finns många vinster för organisationer att investera i anställdas välbefinnande. Hälsofrämjande organisatoriskt och socialt arbete behöver ske inom organisationen som ram, eftersom det utgör en determinant för anställdas välbefinnande och trivsel. Organisationen behöver stötta individens autonomi och även erbjuda socialt stöd och andra stödjande funktioner. Organisationen behöver också delaktiggöra medarbetare och hjälpa dem att öka sin känsla av meningsfullhet. / During the 2000s, the health service has undergone major organizational changes at the same time as they have faced increased demands for high-quality care. This affects the employees' work situation and can lead to increased workload and stress. Research shows that a good organizational and social work environment contributes to well-being. Something that makes people stay. Previous research and employers' efforts have mostly focused on risks and negative factors that contribute to sick leave. A health-promoting perspective, where the organization focuses on what promotes the good in the workplace, creates well-being and promotes organizational and social sustainability over time. Health-promoting environment work needs to take place in several dimensions where the psychosocial work environment is the focus for well-being. Organizational and social work environment is characterized by factors which, unlike the physical work environment, are subjectively abstract and which need to be included in the health promotion work. This study compiles the state of knowledge about what creates a health-promoting organizational and social work environment in health care, through a systematic literature study. The findings that were made were that Organizational conditions and workplace-related resources such as social support, autonomy, purpose (meaningfulness) are key factors in a health-promoting work environment. These interact and overlap systematically. They affect and are influenced by each other both individually and together. This argues that there are many benefits for organizations in investing in employee well-being. Health-promoting organizational and social work must take place within the organization as it constitutes a determinant of employee well-being and well-being. The organization needs to support the individual's autonomy and also offer social support and other supportive functions. The organization needs to involve employees and help them increase their sense of meaning.

Stavebně technologický projekt kulturního domu / Constructive-technological project of cultural house

Bittmannová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the solution of building technological project Žabčice cultural center. Does the project site equipment, technological prescription for floor construction, roof deck flat roofs and cladding panels locking, time and financial plan of the building, mechanical assembly, EMS plan requirements.

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