Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heart arrest"" "subject:"peart arrest""
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"Avaliação dos aspectos éticos e legais dos registros de enfermagem na parada cardiorrespiratória em hospital escola do Paraná" / Assessment of the ethical and legal aspects in medical records on the cardiac arrest in a teaching-Hospital in Paraná.Rosana Claudia de Assunção Leonardi 02 May 2005 (has links)
A reanimação cardiopulmonar no hospital é um evento complexo, exigindo dos profissionais de saúde conhecimentos científicos, bem como habilidades e competências, tanto no atendimento do evento, como no registro do prontuário. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os aspectos éticos e legais dos registros de enfermagem no atendimento a pacientes que apresentaram parada cardiorrespiratória e foram a óbito no ano de 2003, em um hospital escola do interior do Paraná. A metodologia utilizada foi um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa dos registros de enfermagem, efetuados pela equipe de enfermagem no prontuário do paciente. Após analisarmos 114 prontuários pôde-se observar uma grande lacuna nos registros de enfermagem quanto aos aspectos éticos e legais. Seguindo as orientações de Du Gás (1998) em relação à identificação da categoria funcional, encontramos 101 (88,60%) registros sem identificação; em relação aos dados de identificação do profissional encontramos 108 (94,74%) destes feitos de forma inadequada. Nas medidas terapêuticas, realizadas pelos vários membros da equipe, nos deparamos com 103 (90,35%) registros sem informação Observamos que a respeito das informações pertinentes ao estado geral do paciente tais informações não estão presentes em 108 (94,74%) dos registros e que em 92 (80,7%) deles em relação às respostas específicas do paciente quanto à terapia e à assistência tampouco houveram Com base no referencial teórico de Potter e Perry (2004) referente à concisão e organização 114 (100%) registros apresentaram-se inadequados. Dessa forma verificamos que existe uma deficiência na elaboração dos registros de enfermagem, o que é inconcebível tanto no aspecto legal quanto na ética. / The cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospital is a very complex event, requiring from its staff scientific knowledge as well as skills when attending on the event and when registering specific data on the medical chart. This study focuses on the evaluation of the ethical and legal aspects of the nursing record regarding the attendance on patients who went through a cardiorespiratory arrest and died within the year 2003 in a teaching hospital in the countryside of Paraná. The methodology used was a descriptive, retrospective, transversal study with a quantitative approach of the nursing record ran by the nursing staff in the patients record. After analyses of 114 records it has been observed a lack of ethical and legal issues in the nursing records. Following the instructions given by Du Gás (1998), we have found 101 (88,60%) without functional category identification, 108 (94,74%) had inadequate staffs data.103 (90,35%) lacked information regarding therapeutic measures taken, 108 (94,74%) did not have relevant observations on the general state of the patient and in 92 (80,7%) we have found no register of the results taken from the patient regarding the therapy and assistance recieved. .According to the theorical referential by Potter and Perry (2004) on concision and organization we have found 114 (100%) inadequate nursing record. Thus, it has been verified that there is deficiency in the elaboration of the nursing staff, which is nor not correct neither in ethical in legal aspects.
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Att överleva ett hjärtstopp : - En litteraturstudie / To survive a cardiac arrest : - A literature studyPersson, Natalie, Salomonsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet hjärtstopp ökar årligen, men forskning och åtgärder för att minska dödligheten på grund av hjärtstopp innebär att allt fler personer överlever. Tidigare forskning visar att erfarenheter av att överleva ett hjärtstopp har beskrivits som traumatisk och påverkat livet i sin helhet. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att utifrån patientens perspektiv beskriva erfarenheter av att ha överlevt ett hjärtstopp. Metod: Föreliggande litteraturstudie baserades på åtta kvalitativa studier där databassökningarna genomfördes i Cinahl och Pubmed. Kvalitetsgranskningen utfördes utifrån Olsson och Sörensens bedömningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Samtliga studier analyserades med stöd av Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Resultatet sammanställdes i tre kategorier `En förändrad kropp´, `Behov av trygghet ´och `Hitta tillbaka till jaget´ samt åtta underkategorier som beskriver personers erfarenheter av att ha överlevt ett hjärtstopp. Konklusion: I föreliggande litteraturstudie framkom att personer som överlevt ett hjärtstopp erhöll erfarenheter som innebar ett förändrat liv. Mer forskning behövs för att få en djupare förståelse för hur olika variabler påverkar de olika erfarenheterna. Vidare återfanns även brister i information och stöd, vilket bevisar att omvårdnadsområdet behöver förbättras i klinisk praxis. / Background: The number of cardiac arrests increases annually, however research and measures to reduce mortality due to cardiac arrest will probably increase the number of survivors. Previous research shows that experiences of surviving a cardiac arrest are described as traumatic and affected life in its entirety. Aim: From a patient’s perspective, the aim of this literature review was to describe experiences after surviving a cardiac arrest Methods: The literature review was based on eight qualitative studies. The database searches were conducted in Cinahl and Pubmed. The quality review was performed with Olsson and Sörensen's assessment template. All studies were analysed using Friberg's fivestep model. Results: The results were compiled into three categories `A changed body´, `Need for security ´and `Finding back to itself´, and eight subcategories. Conclusion: It was found that people who survived a cardiac arrest had experiences of a changed life. More research is needed to get a deeper understanding how different variables affect the experiences. Furthermore, the found of incomplete information and support proves that the nursing area needs to be improved in clinical practice.
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Närståendes upplevelse av hjärtstopp : en litteraturöversikt / Relatives experience of cardiac arrest : a literature reviewAhola, Johanna, Lindqvist, Emma January 2023 (has links)
I Sverige drabbas årligen cirka 9000 människor av hjärtstopp där hjärt- och lungräddning (HLR) påbörjas. Sannolikheten att överleva ett hjärtstopp ökar om någon annan är närvarande vid händelsen och påbörjar HLR. Att vara närstående till någon som drabbas av hjärtstopp har en stor påverkan på livet och akut allvarlig sjukdom kan innebära en kris för individen. Vårdpersonal har en viktig roll genom att stödja närstående som befinner sig i en kris. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa upplevelser och erfarenheter efter hjärtstopp hos en vuxen anhörig. Metoden är en litteraturöversikt med systematisk sökning. Datainsamlingen utfördes via databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Totalt inkluderades 15 artiklar varav 12 var kvalitativa, en kvantitativ och två av mixad kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Samtliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskades med hjälp av ett bedömningsformulär. Dataanalys genomfördes som en integrerad analys. Litteraturöversiktens resultat presenteras i fyra huvudkategorier: “upplevelse av den akuta händelsen”, “upplevelse av den kritiska tiden på sjukhus”, “upplevelse av att återgå till vardagen” och “behov av stöd från sjukhuspersonal”. Resultatet visar att vara närstående till någon som drabbats av hjärtstopp genererar i en rad olika känslor både då hjärtstoppet inträffar och en tid efteråt. Närstående upplevde behov av information och kommunikation från sjukvårdspersonal och beskrev att det var en utmaning att återgå till vardagen. Slutsatsen var att vara närstående till någon som drabbas av ett hjärtstopp är en traumatisk upplevelse. Närstående har ett behov av att känna sig inkluderade och sedda av vårdpersonalen under alla delar av vårdkedjan. Efter utskrivning upplever närstående saknad av stöd från vården. / In Sweden, approximately 9000 people suffer cardiac arrest each year where cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is started. The probability of surviving a cardiac arrest increase if someone else is present during the event and begins CPR. Being close to someone who suffers a cardiac arrest has a big impact on life and acute serious illness can mean a crisis for the individual. Nursing staff has an important role when it comes to supporting relatives who are in crisis. The aim was to illustrate the experiences after cardiac arrest in an adult relative. The method was a literature review with systematic search. Database searches were performed in Cinahl and PubMed. A total of 15 articles were included, of which 12 were qualitative, one quantitative and two of mixed qualitative and quantitative method. All articles were reviewed using an assessment form. Data analysis was conducted with an integrated analysis. The results of the literature review are presented in four main categories: “experience of the acute event”, “experience of the critical time in hospital”, “experience of returning back to normal” and “need for support from healthcare professionals”. The results show that being close to someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest generates a range of different emotions, both when the cardiac arrest occurs and afterwards. The relatives experienced a need for information and communication from healthcare professionals and it was a challenge to return to everyday life. The conclusion is being a relative to someone who suffers a cardiac arrest is a traumatic experience. Relatives have a need to feel included and seen by the healthcare professionals during all parts of the care process. After discharge, relatives experience a lack of support from care.
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Att överleva ett hjärtstopp - drabbade personers upplevelser och erfarenheterLindh, Victoria, Tuvesson, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett hjärtstopp inträffar plötsligt, kan drabba vem som helst och är en allvarlig folksjukdom med hög mortalitet. Bland personer med kranskärlssjukdom, hjärtsvikt eller diabetes, är hjärtstopp den ledande dödsorsaken och står för hälften av antalet förlorade levnadsår orsakade av hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. I Sverige drabbas omkring 13 000 personer av hjärtstopp varje år. Vid omvårdnaden av dessa patienter ska sjuksköterskan arbeta personcentrerat och i enlighet med ICN:s etiska kod. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av att ha överlevt ett hjärtstopp. Metod: En deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats har använts med allmän litteraturstudie som metod. Resultat: Resultatet delades in i fyra huvudteman. Dessa var; ett förändrat liv, ny syn på livet, mötet med andra, samt behov av svar. Det framkom att personer som överlevt hjärtstopp kan få besvär med minne, emotionell instabilitet eller smärta. Både positiva och negativa erfarenheter av vården uttrycktes. De beskrev även en känsla av tacksamhet till både familj och personer som utförde livräddande insatser. Vidare upplevde deltagarna en minskad integritet och autonomi. Det framkom existentiella frågor, samt ett behov av förståelse och uppföljning. Slutsats: Flera aspekter av att överleva hjärtstopp identifierades. Livet kunde bland annat förändras med neurologiska och emotionella konsekvenser. Vården kunde upplevas såväl positiv som negativ, samt både existentiella och reella frågor väcktes. Genom att ha dessa olika perspektiv i beaktande, kan sjuksköterskans arbete mot en mer personcentrerad omvårdnad främjas och medföra att personens samtliga behov tillgodoses på ett mer tillfredsställande sätt. / Background: A cardiac arrest occurs suddenly, can affect anyone regardless of age and is a severe national disease with high mortality. Among people with coronary heart disease, heart failure, or diabetes, cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death and accounts for half of the years of life lost to cardiovascular diseases. In Sweden, around 13,000 people suffer cardiac arrests yearly. While caring for these patients, nurses should work in a person-centered manner and in accordance with ICN:s ethical code. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe adults' experiences of surviving a cardiac arrest. Method: A descriptive design with qualitative approach has been used with a general literature study as a method. Result: Four main themes were discovered. A changed life, a new view on life, the meeting with others, and the need for answers. People who survived cardiac arrest could experience problems with memory, emotional instability and pain. Positive and negative experiences of care were expressed. Feelings of gratitude to family and the people who performed CPR was described. Survivors experienced a decrease in privacy and autonomy. Existential questions appeared, and a need for understanding and follow-up was expressed. Conclusion: Several aspects of surviving a cardiac arrest were identified. Survivors experienced negative neurological and emotional changes. The care could be experienced both positively and negatively. Existential and other questions were raised. By taking these aspects into consideration, the nurse's work towards person-centered care can be improved and result in the individual's needs being met.
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Människors erfarenheter av att överleva ett hjärtstoppHammarbäck, Nicolin, Rahkonen, Paula January 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Every year 13 000 people suffer from a sudden cardiac arrest in Sweden. When a sudden cardiac arrest occurs the heart malfunctions and the blood-flow to the body's organs is disrupted. This is a life threatening condition that demands early discovery and treatment. More people survive a cardiac arrest in part thanks to more defibrillators in society and that more people are educated in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Aim: To describe people's experiences of surviving a cardiac arrest. Method: A literature study with a descriptive design. Eleven qualitative studies were included in this study. Result: The survivors experienced a sudden change in their lives and they had to make adjustments to cope with a changed life that affected their autonomy. The event also affected relations with the family and people close to the survivor. They experienced physical limitations, cognitive and emotional difficulties. Many had existential thoughts of life and death and they made different priorities in life as a result of the event. There was a need for a sense of belonging, knowledge and support. Conclusion: To survive a cardiac arrest was an event that affected life in many ways. The survivors' lives changed suddenly and they were affected emotionally, physically and cognitively. Many had existential thoughts and a need for information and support. With an increased understanding about the needs of the survivors, nurses can meet these needs and improve patient-centered care. / Introduktion: Varje år drabbas runt 13 000 personer i Sverige av ett plötsligt hjärtstopp. Vid ett plötsligt hjärtstopp upphör hjärtats funktioner och blodet kan inte längre pumpas ut till kroppens organ, vilket leder till ett livshotande tillstånd som kräver tidig upptäckt och behandling. Allt fler överlever ett hjärtstopp idag, delvis tack vare fler hjärtstartare ute i samhället och att allt fler utbildas i hjärt- och lungräddning. Syfte: Att beskriva människors erfarenheter av att ha överlevt ett hjärtstopp. Metod: En litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design, elva kvalitativa originalartiklar inkluderades i arbetet. Resultat: Överlevarna upplevde att livet förändrades plötsligt och de behövde göra anpassningar för att hantera ett förändrat liv och en förändrad autonomi. Händelsen påverkade även relationerna med familj och närstående. De drabbade upplevde kognitiva svårigheter exempelvis med minnet, fysiska begränsningar med försämrad uthållighet och smärta. Även emotionella besvär såsom ångest, oro och känsla av sårbarhet var förekommande. Många hade existentiella tankar om livet och döden. Nya prioriteringar i livet uppstod som följd av händelsen. Det fanns ett behov av gemenskap, kunskap, och stöd. Slutsats: Att överleva ett hjärtstopp var en händelse som påverkade livet på många olika sätt. Överlevarnas liv förändrades plötsligt och de påverkades känslomässigt, fysiskt och kognitivt. Många hade existentiella tankar och ett behov av information och stöd. Genom en ökad förståelse för behoven hos denna patientgrupp kan sjuksköterskan möta dessa behov och arbeta mer personcentrerat.
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Over 675,000 lay people trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation worldwide - The "World Restart a Heart (WRAH)" initiative 2018.Böttiger, B W, Lockey, A, Aickin, R, Bertaut, T, Castren, M, de Caen, A, Censullo, E, Escalante, R, Gent, L, Georgiou, M, Kern, K B, Khan, A M S, Lim, S H, Nadkarni, V, Nation, K, Neumar, R W, Nolan, J P, Rao, S S C C, Stanton, D, Toporas, C, Wang, T-L, Wong, G, Perkins, G D 01 May 2019 (has links)
Cartas al editor / Revisión por pares
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Atendimentos realizados por times de respostas rápidas em hospitais / Care by rapid response teams in hospitalsDias, Alexsandro de Oliveira 18 December 2017 (has links)
A segurança do paciente tornou-se indispensável para o sistema de saúde, portanto iniciativas vêm sendo implantadas, no decorrer dos anos, com vistas a reduzir os eventos adversos. A atuação do time de resposta rápida (TRR) consolida-se como estratégia para prover atendimento ao paciente que apresente sinais de deterioração clínica no setor de internação geral em hospitais. O serviço é formado por equipe multiprofissional capacitada para prestar tratamento intensivo ao paciente com quadro de deterioração clínica aguda no setor de internação, por meio de códigos (amarelo e azul) instituídos para seu acionamento, com vistas a reduzir a probabilidade de agravamento do quadro clínico ou risco de óbito imediato do paciente, durante o seu período de hospitalização. O estudo objetiva caracterizar as exigências críticas nos atendimentos emergenciais realizados por TRR, em um hospital público no estado do Paraná e um filantrópico no estado de São Paulo. Pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, qualitativa, com utilização da Técnica do Incidente Crítico como guia do processo metodológico, realizada por meio de entrevistas com 19 médicos, 20 fisioterapeutas e 23 enfermeiros. Os resultados encontrados foram agrupados em 89 incidentes críticos extraídos das entrevistas. A análise dos dados constou da identificação e do agrupamento de 220 comportamentos e 130 consequências. A partir das situações, comportamentos e consequências identificadas, destacam-se a necessidade da melhoria na via aferente do TRR (reconhecimento da deterioração clínica e acionamento do TRR na unidade), a capacitação dos profissionais das unidades de internação para exercer as habilidades técnicas iniciais necessárias frente ao atendimento de emergência até a chegada do TRR, a falha na interação entre os diversos profissionais durante o atendimento do código azul com prejuízo na sistematização do atendimento de emergência para reverter o quadro de parada cardiorrespiratória dos pacientes e os sentimentos e emoções negativas geradas nos profissionais como dificultadores dos atendimentos emergenciais em código azul. Em relação aos destaques positivos a partir das situações, comportamentos e consequências identificados, ressaltam-se o tempo de chegada do TRR na unidade para realizar o atendimento de emergência, a sistematização do atendimento de reanimação cardiopulmonar realizada pela equipe multiprofissional, o restabelecimento das funções vitais do paciente após o atendimento e a sua transferência após a finalização do atendimento da unidade de internação para um ambiente de cuidados intensivos. Como principais sugestões ao TRR, os entrevistados pontuaram a importância da capacitação de atendimento de emergência aos profissionais das unidades de internação, a necessidade de mantê-los atuando exclusivamente no TRR, o número adequado de profissionais no quarto durante o atendimento de emergência e a importância do registro em prontuário do paciente sobre a decisão de não reanimação frente aos cuidados paliativos. Destaca-se a expressiva frequência dos resultados positivos comparados aos negativos que permearam as situações, comportamentos e consequências decorrentes das entrevistas. Infere-se que mesmo ocorrendo dificuldades, enfrentadas por esses profissionais durante os atendimentos realizados aos pacientes que se tornam críticos nas enfermarias, predominaram os relatos positivos nas diversas categorias que legitimaram a importância da implantação desse serviço, como contribuição à qualidade e segurança dos que estão hospitalizados / Patient safety has become indispensable for the health system. Therefore, initiatives have been implemented over the years to reduce adverse events. The performance of the Rapid Response Team (RRT) has been consolidated as a strategy to provide care to patients who get in critical conditions at the general hospital admission unit. The service is constituted by a multiprofessional team with an approach in the intensive treatment of patients with signs of acute clinical deterioration in the inpatient unit, through codes established for its activation, in order to reduce the probability of worsening of the clinical condition or imminent death risk of the patient during the hospitalization period. The study aims to characterize the critical requirements in emergency care provided by the RRT at a public hospital in the state of Paraná and a philanthropic hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, adopting the Critical Incident Technique to guide the methodological procedures, performed with 62 health professionals, being 19 physicians, 20 physiotherapists and 23 nurses. The results were grouped into 89 critical incidents extracted from the interviews. Data analysis consisted of the identification and grouping of 220 behaviors and 130 consequences. Based on the situations, behaviors and consequences identified, there is a need to improve the afferent pathway of RRT (recognition of clinical deterioration and activation of the RRT in the unit), the qualification of the professionals of the inpatient units to perform the necessary initial technical skills in the emergency response until the arrival of the RRT, the failure in the interaction among the different professionals during blue-code care with negative effects for the systematization of emergency care to revert the patients\' CPA and the negative feelings and emotions generated in the professionals as impediments to code-blue emergency care. Regarding the positive highlights from the situations, behaviors and consequences identified, the arrival time of the RRT in the unit to perform the emergency care, the systematization of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation service performed by the multiprofessional team, the restoration of the patient\'s vital functions after the care and transfer of the patient after the end of the care from the inpatient unit to an intensive care environment. As the main suggestions to the RRT, the interviewees pointed out the importance of emergency care training for the professionals of the inpatient units, the need to keep the professionals working exclusively in the RRT, the appropriate number of professionals in the room during emergency care and the importance of registering the patient\'s decision not to reanimate in the patient file in view of palliative care. The significant frequency of positive over negative results was highlighted, which permeated the situations, behaviors and consequences deriving from the interviews. It is inferred that, even though these professionals encountered difficulties during the visits to patients who became critical in the wards, the positive reports predominated in the various categories that legitimized the importance of implementing this service, as a contribution to the quality and safety of hospitalized patients
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Efeito protetor de nova solução cardioplégica com histidinatriptofano- glutamato em coração isolado de ratosOliveira, Marcos Aurélio Barboza de 09 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabíola Silva (fabiola.silva@famerp.br) on 2016-09-27T15:19:20Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
marcosaureliobdeoliveira_tese.pdf: 6679652 bytes, checksum: cda6b164bdebbe6a1f4cfdb403d7ea04 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-27T15:19:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
marcosaureliobdeoliveira_tese.pdf: 6679652 bytes, checksum: cda6b164bdebbe6a1f4cfdb403d7ea04 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-09 / Introduction: Solutions that cause elective cardiac arrest are often evolving, but the ideal
compound has not yet been found. The authors compare a new cardioplegic solution with
histidine-tryptophan-glutamate (HTG) with histidine-tryptophan-acetoglutarato (HTK) in a
model of isolated rat heart. Objective: Benchmarking HTK and HTG solutions regarding
the activity of caspase, KI -67, IL - 8, Shannon entropy and fractal dimension. Materials
and Methods: Twenty male rats, Wistar race, were analyzed and heparinized. The chest
was opened, held and cardiectomia infused 40 mL/kg of appropriate cardioplegia. The
hearts were kept for 2 hours at 4°C in the same solution, and afterwards placed in the
Langendorff apparatus for 30 min with Ringer-Locke solution. The immunohistochemical
analyses were performed for caspase, IL-8, KI-67, Shannon entropy and fractal dimension.
Results: The concentration of caspase was lower in group 2, and KI-67 was higher in
group 2, both P<0.05. There was no statistical difference between the values of IL-8
between the groups. Both the Shannon entropy and the fractal dimension were not different
in the two groups. Conclusions: The HTG solution was better than with HTK because they
had reduced caspase (apoptosis) increased KI-67 (cell proliferation), they did not show
different values of IL-8 (inflammation, necrosis). Additionally they did not show change in
amount or distribution of the information (observed by the Shannon entropy and fractal
dimension) in histological slices. / Introdução: As soluções que provocam parada cardíaca eletiva estão em constante
evolução, porém o composto ideal ainda não foi encontrado. Os autores comparam uma
nova solução cardioplégica com histidina-triptofano-glutamato (HTG) com histidinatriptofano-
acetoglutarato (HTK) em modelo de coração isolado de rato. Objetivo: Avaliar
comparativamente as soluções HTK e HTG no que se refere à atividade de caspase, KI-67,
IL-8, entropia de Shannon e dimensão fractal. Materiais e Métodos: Vinte ratos machos
de raça Wistar foram anestesiados e heparinizados. O tórax foi aberto, realizada
cardiectomia e infundido 40 mL/Kg de solução cardioplégica apropriada. Os corações
foram mantidos por 2 horas na mesma solução a 4oC e, após esse período, colocados em
aparato de Langendorff por 30 minutos com solução de Ringer Locke. Foram feitas
análises imuno-histoquímicas para caspase, IL-8, KI-67, entropia de Shannon e dimensão
fractal. Resultados: A concentração de caspase estava menor no grupo 2, e da KI-67
estava mais elevada no grupo 2, ambos com P<0,05. Não houve diferença estatística entre
os valores de IL-8 entre os grupos. Tanto a entropia de Shannon quanto a dimensão fractal
não foram diferentes nos dois grupos. Conclusões: A solução com HTG foi mais eficaz
que a com HTK, pois reduziu a caspase (apoptose), aumentou o KI-67 (proliferação
celular); não apresentou valores diferentes de IL-8 (inflamação e necrose) que no grupo 1 e
não apresentou alteração da quantidade ou distribuição das informações (observadas pela
entropia de Shannon e dimensão fractal) nas lâminas histológicas.
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Atendimentos realizados por times de respostas rápidas em hospitais / Care by rapid response teams in hospitalsAlexsandro de Oliveira Dias 18 December 2017 (has links)
A segurança do paciente tornou-se indispensável para o sistema de saúde, portanto iniciativas vêm sendo implantadas, no decorrer dos anos, com vistas a reduzir os eventos adversos. A atuação do time de resposta rápida (TRR) consolida-se como estratégia para prover atendimento ao paciente que apresente sinais de deterioração clínica no setor de internação geral em hospitais. O serviço é formado por equipe multiprofissional capacitada para prestar tratamento intensivo ao paciente com quadro de deterioração clínica aguda no setor de internação, por meio de códigos (amarelo e azul) instituídos para seu acionamento, com vistas a reduzir a probabilidade de agravamento do quadro clínico ou risco de óbito imediato do paciente, durante o seu período de hospitalização. O estudo objetiva caracterizar as exigências críticas nos atendimentos emergenciais realizados por TRR, em um hospital público no estado do Paraná e um filantrópico no estado de São Paulo. Pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, qualitativa, com utilização da Técnica do Incidente Crítico como guia do processo metodológico, realizada por meio de entrevistas com 19 médicos, 20 fisioterapeutas e 23 enfermeiros. Os resultados encontrados foram agrupados em 89 incidentes críticos extraídos das entrevistas. A análise dos dados constou da identificação e do agrupamento de 220 comportamentos e 130 consequências. A partir das situações, comportamentos e consequências identificadas, destacam-se a necessidade da melhoria na via aferente do TRR (reconhecimento da deterioração clínica e acionamento do TRR na unidade), a capacitação dos profissionais das unidades de internação para exercer as habilidades técnicas iniciais necessárias frente ao atendimento de emergência até a chegada do TRR, a falha na interação entre os diversos profissionais durante o atendimento do código azul com prejuízo na sistematização do atendimento de emergência para reverter o quadro de parada cardiorrespiratória dos pacientes e os sentimentos e emoções negativas geradas nos profissionais como dificultadores dos atendimentos emergenciais em código azul. Em relação aos destaques positivos a partir das situações, comportamentos e consequências identificados, ressaltam-se o tempo de chegada do TRR na unidade para realizar o atendimento de emergência, a sistematização do atendimento de reanimação cardiopulmonar realizada pela equipe multiprofissional, o restabelecimento das funções vitais do paciente após o atendimento e a sua transferência após a finalização do atendimento da unidade de internação para um ambiente de cuidados intensivos. Como principais sugestões ao TRR, os entrevistados pontuaram a importância da capacitação de atendimento de emergência aos profissionais das unidades de internação, a necessidade de mantê-los atuando exclusivamente no TRR, o número adequado de profissionais no quarto durante o atendimento de emergência e a importância do registro em prontuário do paciente sobre a decisão de não reanimação frente aos cuidados paliativos. Destaca-se a expressiva frequência dos resultados positivos comparados aos negativos que permearam as situações, comportamentos e consequências decorrentes das entrevistas. Infere-se que mesmo ocorrendo dificuldades, enfrentadas por esses profissionais durante os atendimentos realizados aos pacientes que se tornam críticos nas enfermarias, predominaram os relatos positivos nas diversas categorias que legitimaram a importância da implantação desse serviço, como contribuição à qualidade e segurança dos que estão hospitalizados / Patient safety has become indispensable for the health system. Therefore, initiatives have been implemented over the years to reduce adverse events. The performance of the Rapid Response Team (RRT) has been consolidated as a strategy to provide care to patients who get in critical conditions at the general hospital admission unit. The service is constituted by a multiprofessional team with an approach in the intensive treatment of patients with signs of acute clinical deterioration in the inpatient unit, through codes established for its activation, in order to reduce the probability of worsening of the clinical condition or imminent death risk of the patient during the hospitalization period. The study aims to characterize the critical requirements in emergency care provided by the RRT at a public hospital in the state of Paraná and a philanthropic hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, adopting the Critical Incident Technique to guide the methodological procedures, performed with 62 health professionals, being 19 physicians, 20 physiotherapists and 23 nurses. The results were grouped into 89 critical incidents extracted from the interviews. Data analysis consisted of the identification and grouping of 220 behaviors and 130 consequences. Based on the situations, behaviors and consequences identified, there is a need to improve the afferent pathway of RRT (recognition of clinical deterioration and activation of the RRT in the unit), the qualification of the professionals of the inpatient units to perform the necessary initial technical skills in the emergency response until the arrival of the RRT, the failure in the interaction among the different professionals during blue-code care with negative effects for the systematization of emergency care to revert the patients\' CPA and the negative feelings and emotions generated in the professionals as impediments to code-blue emergency care. Regarding the positive highlights from the situations, behaviors and consequences identified, the arrival time of the RRT in the unit to perform the emergency care, the systematization of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation service performed by the multiprofessional team, the restoration of the patient\'s vital functions after the care and transfer of the patient after the end of the care from the inpatient unit to an intensive care environment. As the main suggestions to the RRT, the interviewees pointed out the importance of emergency care training for the professionals of the inpatient units, the need to keep the professionals working exclusively in the RRT, the appropriate number of professionals in the room during emergency care and the importance of registering the patient\'s decision not to reanimate in the patient file in view of palliative care. The significant frequency of positive over negative results was highlighted, which permeated the situations, behaviors and consequences deriving from the interviews. It is inferred that, even though these professionals encountered difficulties during the visits to patients who became critical in the wards, the positive reports predominated in the various categories that legitimized the importance of implementing this service, as a contribution to the quality and safety of hospitalized patients
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Surgery for aortic stenosis : with special reference to myocardial metabolism, postoperative heart failure and long-term outcome /Vánky, Farkas, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2006. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.
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