Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heart arrest"" "subject:"peart arrest""
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Incidence, prognosis, and factors associated with cardiac arrest in patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes (the GRACE Registry): A master's thesisMcManus, David D. 29 April 2012 (has links)
Objectives: Contemporary data are lacking with respect to the incidence rates of, factors associated with, and impact of cardiac arrest from ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia (VF-CA) on hospital survival in patients admitted with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The objectives of this multinational study were to characterize trends in the magnitude of in-hospital VF-CA complicating an ACS and describe its impact over time on hospital prognosis.
Methods: The study population consisted of 59,161 patients enrolled in the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events Study between 2000 and 2007. Overall, 3,618 patients (6.2%) developed VF-CA during their hospitalization for an ACS. Incidence rates of VF-CA declined over time, albeit in an inconsistent manner. Patients who experienced VF-CA were on average older and had a greater burden of cardiovascular disease, yet were less likely to receive evidence-based cardiac therapies than patients in whom VF-CA did not occur. Hospital death rates were 55.3% and 1.5% in patients with and without VF-CA, respectively. There was a greater than 50% decline in the hospital death rates associated with VF-CA during the years under study. Patients with a VF-CA occurring after 48 hours were at especially high risk for dying during hospitalization (82.8%).
Conclusions: Despite reductions in the magnitude of, and short-term mortality from, VF-CA between 2000 and 2007, VF-CA continues to exert a significant adverse effect on survival among patients hospitalized with an ACS. Opportunities exist to improve the identification and treatment of ACS patients at risk for VF-CA to reduce the incidence of, and mortality from, this serious arrhythmic disturbance.
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Personers upplevelser av hur det dagliga livet påverkas efter ett hjärtstoppForsberg, Emma, Bergvall, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtstopp är något som kan drabba vem som helst, när som helst. Varje år drabbas cirka 10.000 personer av hjärtstopp, av dessa inträffar cirka 4.500 på sjukhus. Två övergripande orsaker till hjärtstopp är hjärtfel samt respiratoriska problem. Vid överlevnad av hjärtstopp påverkas överlevaren både psykiskt samt fysiskt. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte är att beskriva personers upplevelser av hur det dagliga livet påverkas efter ett hjärtstopp. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie där resultatet grundar sig i relevant information som tagits ur tio stycken kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Resultatet har delats upp i tre kategorier vilka är fysisk påverkan i det dagliga livet, psykisk påverkan i det dagliga livet samt existentiella tankar. Under dessa tre kategorier finns det fem underkategorier vilka är fysisk funktion av det dagliga livet samt att återgå till ett aktivt dagligt liv som tillhör kategorin fysisk påverkan. Oro/rädsla/ ångest, behov av samtal för psykisk återhämtning samt kognitiva begränsningar i det dagliga livet tillhör kategorin psykisk påverkan. Konklusion: Den mest förekommande samt återkommande upplevelsen hos de flesta deltagarna var oro, rädsla samt ångest vilket skulle kunna innebära att fler behöver omvårdnad genom stöttning samt samtal av sjuksköterskan. De flesta kände en stor tacksamhet över att ha fått livet tillbaka men samtidigt drogs med en del negativa konsekvenser vilket hade kunnat förbättras genom erbjudan av gruppsamtal för att få möjlighet att dela sina erfarenheter med andra människor. Många kände sig begränsade i sitt dagliga liv, den fysiska förmågan som fanns där innan hjärtstoppet var inte densamma samt att deltagarna hela tiden drogs med tanken om ett nytt hjärtstopp. Genom att arbeta efter kärnkompetensen, samverkan i team hade sjuksköterskan kunnat erbjuda fysioterapi eller kuratorkontakt för att se till att personens behov uppfylls. / Background: Cardiac arrest is something that can affect anyone at any time. Each year, about 10.000 suffer from cardiac arrest and about 4.500 of these occur in hospitals. The two major overall causes of cardiac arrest are heart failure and respiratory problems. Of those who survive a cardiac arrest, the survivor is affected both mentally and physically. Purpose: The purpose of this literature study is to describe people’s experiences of how daily life is affected after a cardiac arrest. Method: The study is a literature study were the result is based on relevant information taken from ten qualitative studies. Result: The result has been divided into three categories which are physical influences in daily life, mental impact in daily life and existential thoughts. Under these three categories there are five subcategories which are physical function in daily life and returning to an active daily life which belongs to the category physical influences. Worry/ fear/ anxiety, the need for conversation for a mental recovery and cognitive limitations in the everyday life belongs to the category mental impact in daily life. Conclusion: The most common and recurring experience in most participants was worry, fear and anxiety which could mean that more people need nursing through support and conversations by the nurse. Most of them felt a great gratitude for having returned to life, but at the same time they were drawn with some negative consequences which could have been improved through the offer of group conversations in order to be able to share their experiences with other people. They felt limited in their daily life, the physical ability they used to have before the cardiac arrest was not the same. The participants were also constantly drawn with the idea of a new cardiac arrest. By working after the core competency, collaboration in teams, the nurse had been able to offer physiotherapy or curatorial contact to ensure that the person's needs were answered.
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När hjärtat stannar : Uppfattningar om vad som påverkar besluten vid prehospitala hjärtstopp / When the heart stops : Experiences that can affect decision-making in prehospital cardiac arrestGulin Eriksson, Moa, Backman, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtstopp skördar årligen många liv. Goda kunskaper krävs för att identifiera hjärtstopp för att tidigt kunna inleda behandling. Sjuksköterskan behöver kärnkompetenser för att kunna identifiera problem och etiska dilemman genom ett personcentrarat förhållningssätt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans uppfattning av vad som påverkar beslutsfattandet vid hjärtstopp prehospitalt.Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie där åtta vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Tre kategorier framkom: Sjuksköterskans kompetens och erfarenhet, tillgänglig information samt emotionellt ansvar. Tidigare erfarenheter av att ha behandlat patienter med hjärtstopp innebär en bearbetning av känslor och åsikter, vilket framöver kan påverka beslutsfattandet och kliniska åtgärder. Fullständig information måste vara insamlat innan ett avgörande beslut fattas om återupplivningsförsöket ska fortgå eller avslutas. Sjuksköterskor upplevde att erfarenheter av sorg kunde vara fördelaktigt både i samtalet med närstående men också i beslutsfattandet. Konklusion: Kompetens och erfarenhet påverkar sjuksköterskornas beslutsfattande. Information kring patientens sjukdomsbild och den förväntade livskvalitén kan influera sjuksköterskans uppfattning om insjuknandet vilket kan vara avgörande för beslutet. / Background: Cardiac arrests kills many patients every year. Significant knowledge is required to identify cardiac arrests before being able to start early treatment. The nurse needs skills to be able to identify problems and ethical dilemmas trough a person-centered approach. Aim: The purpose was to describe the nurse's experiences of what influences decision-making in prehospital cardiac arrest. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study where eight scientific articles were reviewed and analyzed. Results: Tree categories emerged: The nurse competence and experience, available information and emotional responsibility. Experience in treating cardiac arrest patients leads to the management of emotions and opinions that affects decision making and the quality of care. Complete information must be gathered before a decisive decision is made as to whether the resuscitation attempt should continue or be terminated. Nurses felt that experiences of grief could be beneficial both in the conversation with relatives but also in decision-making Conclusion: Competence and experience influence the nurses’ decision-making. Information about the patient's overall illness and the expected quality of life can influence the nurses’ perception of the illness, which can be vital for the decision.
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Retorno da circulação espontânea com uso do Desfibrilador Externo Automático (DEA) em vítimas de parada cardiorrespiratória atendidas pelo SAMU no município de Araras no período de 2001 a 2007 / Return of spontaneous circulation after use of Automated External Defibrilator (AED) in victims of cardiac arrest, assisted by Emergency Medical Service of the City of Araras, SP, Brazil, in the period from 2001 to 2007Costa, Mildred Patricia Ferreira da 08 January 2008 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou conhecer a prevalência de parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) atendida pelo SAMU de Araras entre 2001 e 2007, caracterizar as vítimas segundo o sexo, faixa etária, antecedentes mórbidos, natureza traumática do evento; a parada ter sido presenciada, realização de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP) por familiares/acompanhantes, tempo resposta, tipo de suporte de vida recebido na cena, indicação de choque pelo Desfibrilador Externo Automático (DEA), assim como identificar as variáveis significativas para o retorno da circulação espontânea na cena. Os dados foram coletados retrospectivamente das fichas de atendimento das vítimas de PCR do SAMU de Araras após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da EEUSP. Foram selecionadas 328 fichas que preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O SAMU de Araras realizou 28.924 atendimentos gerais no período estudado, dos quais em 330 foram iniciadas as manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar. A taxa de PCR no período avaliado é 1,13%, com predomínio do sexo masculino 208 (64,60%) e faixa etária entre 70 e 79 anos, média de idade 63,35 anos. Os antecedentes mórbidos mais citados foram cardiopatias (29,48%), hipertensão arterial sistêmica (25,43%) e diabetes (12,14%), a maioria com citação de um único antecedente ou sem este registro. Não havia trauma associado em 302 (92,64%) vítimas. O DEA foi utilizado em 280 (85,37%) vítimas, com indicação de choque em 95 (29%). A PCR foi presenciada em 115 (35,00%) vítimas, para as quais houve maior percentual de início de RCP (p=0,004) pela família/ acompanhante e houve mais indicação de choque pelo DEA(p<0,001) em relação às vítimas que foram encontradas em PCR. Houve maior proporção do retorno da circulação espontânea nas vítimas que receberam suporte avançado de vida na cena 54(31,76%), (p=0,018) em relação às que receberam somente suporte básico de vida. O tempo resposta médio foi de 05:24 minutos. Pela análise univariada, as seguintes variáveis foram significativas (p<0,05) para o retorno da circulação espontânea: faixa etária (p=0,018), diabetes melitus (p<0,001), responsividade (p=0,041), pulso carotídeo presente na avaliação inicial (p= 0,001), compressões torácicas pelo SAMU (p=0,028), choque pelo DEA (p<0,001), suporte avançado de vida (p=0,018), intubação traqueal (p<0,001). No modelo de regressão logística múltipla apenas \"pulso carotídeo presente na abordagem inicial\" foi selecionada como preditora independente para o retorno da circulação espontânea na cena (Odds Ratio 4,03), p =0,002.Concluiu-se que o serviço oferece um tempo resposta dentro dos padrões mundialmente recomendados e que as vítimas que tiveram PCR presenciada, apesar de receberem proporcionalmente mais RCP pela família/acompanhante e terem mais indicação de choque pelo DEA, não apresentaram mais retorno da circulação espontânea na cena. As vítimas com pulso presente na avaliação inicial do SAMU, isto é, as que tiveram a PCR presenciada pela equipe, ou tempo resposta \"zero\" têm 4,03 mais chances de retorno da circulação espontânea na cena, sendo esta variável a única preditora independente. O investimento em capacitação permanente da equipe do SAMU, ensino da população a reconhecer um evento crítico, iniciar manobras de reanimação e acionar precocemente o SAMU poderão contribuir para aumentar as chances de sobrevivência de vítimas de PCR em ambiente pré-hospitalar / The objective of this study was to know the prevalence of cardiac arrest (CA) assisted by Emergency Medical Service of the City of Araras (SAMU-Araras), SP, Brazil, between 2001 and 2007, classifying victims according to the gender, age groups, morbid antecedents, traumatic nature of the event, witnessed arrest, accomplishment of cardiopulmonar ressuscitation (CPR) by bystanders, time elapsed between the call of SAMU and the arrival of the EMS team to the site (time-response), type of life support received on-scene, shock indication for AED, as well as to compare the outcome of these cases, in terms of return of the spontaneous circulation (ROSC) still on scene, according to those variables. Data were collected from the records of SAMU of Araras, after approval of the Research Ethics Board of the Nurse School of University of São Paulo (EEUSP). 328 records that fulfilled the criteria were selected. SAMU-Araras accomplished 28.924 general medical attendances in the period of the study. In 330, CPR was performed (1.13%). Man (64.60%) and age group between 70 e 79 years old were predominants, and 63,35 yo. was the average. The mentioned prior diseases were cardiopathy (29.48%), sistemic arterial hypertension (25.43%) and diabetes (12.14%), most of all with just one problem cited or even no prior diseases. There was not associated trauma in 92.64% of the cases. AED was used in 85.37% of the cases were CPR was performed, with shock indication in 95 (29%) victims. CA was witnessed in 115 (35.00%) victims. In these cases, CPR performed by relatives were more frequent (p=0.004), as well as shock was more frequently indicated (p <0.001) compared with those where CA was not witnessed. There was larger proportion (51.83%) of ROSC in the victims that received advanced life support on scene, (p=0.018) comparing to the ones that received only basic life support. The time-response average was 05:24 minutes. The following variables presented statistical association (p <0.05) for ROSC: age group (p=0.018), diabetes (p <0.001), responsivity (p=0.041), carotid pulse present at the time of initial assesment (p=0,001), thoracic compressions by the SAMU team (p=0.028), shock delivered by AED (p <0.001), advanced life support performed (p = 0.018), and use of tracheal tube (p <0.001). In the statistical model of multiple logistics regression only the variable \"carotid pulse present at the time of initial assesment\" was selected as independent predictor for the return of the spontaneous circulation on scene (Odds Ratio 4.03), p =0.002. In conclusion, the SAMU-Araras offers a time-response according to international recommendations. Victims that have had witnessed CA, although received more frequenty CPR and recommended shock, they did not have better outcomes. The victims with present pulse in the initial assessment by the SAMU team, or in other words, the ones that presented CA witnessed by the SAMU team, had 4.03 more times in terms of chances of ROSC on scene, being this an independent predictor. The investment in permanent training of the SAMU professionals, the education for the people recognize a critical event and immediately to begin CPR can contribute to increase the survival chances for victims of CA in prehospital environment
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Retorno da circulação espontânea com uso do Desfibrilador Externo Automático (DEA) em vítimas de parada cardiorrespiratória atendidas pelo SAMU no município de Araras no período de 2001 a 2007 / Return of spontaneous circulation after use of Automated External Defibrilator (AED) in victims of cardiac arrest, assisted by Emergency Medical Service of the City of Araras, SP, Brazil, in the period from 2001 to 2007Mildred Patricia Ferreira da Costa 08 January 2008 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou conhecer a prevalência de parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) atendida pelo SAMU de Araras entre 2001 e 2007, caracterizar as vítimas segundo o sexo, faixa etária, antecedentes mórbidos, natureza traumática do evento; a parada ter sido presenciada, realização de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP) por familiares/acompanhantes, tempo resposta, tipo de suporte de vida recebido na cena, indicação de choque pelo Desfibrilador Externo Automático (DEA), assim como identificar as variáveis significativas para o retorno da circulação espontânea na cena. Os dados foram coletados retrospectivamente das fichas de atendimento das vítimas de PCR do SAMU de Araras após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da EEUSP. Foram selecionadas 328 fichas que preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O SAMU de Araras realizou 28.924 atendimentos gerais no período estudado, dos quais em 330 foram iniciadas as manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar. A taxa de PCR no período avaliado é 1,13%, com predomínio do sexo masculino 208 (64,60%) e faixa etária entre 70 e 79 anos, média de idade 63,35 anos. Os antecedentes mórbidos mais citados foram cardiopatias (29,48%), hipertensão arterial sistêmica (25,43%) e diabetes (12,14%), a maioria com citação de um único antecedente ou sem este registro. Não havia trauma associado em 302 (92,64%) vítimas. O DEA foi utilizado em 280 (85,37%) vítimas, com indicação de choque em 95 (29%). A PCR foi presenciada em 115 (35,00%) vítimas, para as quais houve maior percentual de início de RCP (p=0,004) pela família/ acompanhante e houve mais indicação de choque pelo DEA(p<0,001) em relação às vítimas que foram encontradas em PCR. Houve maior proporção do retorno da circulação espontânea nas vítimas que receberam suporte avançado de vida na cena 54(31,76%), (p=0,018) em relação às que receberam somente suporte básico de vida. O tempo resposta médio foi de 05:24 minutos. Pela análise univariada, as seguintes variáveis foram significativas (p<0,05) para o retorno da circulação espontânea: faixa etária (p=0,018), diabetes melitus (p<0,001), responsividade (p=0,041), pulso carotídeo presente na avaliação inicial (p= 0,001), compressões torácicas pelo SAMU (p=0,028), choque pelo DEA (p<0,001), suporte avançado de vida (p=0,018), intubação traqueal (p<0,001). No modelo de regressão logística múltipla apenas \"pulso carotídeo presente na abordagem inicial\" foi selecionada como preditora independente para o retorno da circulação espontânea na cena (Odds Ratio 4,03), p =0,002.Concluiu-se que o serviço oferece um tempo resposta dentro dos padrões mundialmente recomendados e que as vítimas que tiveram PCR presenciada, apesar de receberem proporcionalmente mais RCP pela família/acompanhante e terem mais indicação de choque pelo DEA, não apresentaram mais retorno da circulação espontânea na cena. As vítimas com pulso presente na avaliação inicial do SAMU, isto é, as que tiveram a PCR presenciada pela equipe, ou tempo resposta \"zero\" têm 4,03 mais chances de retorno da circulação espontânea na cena, sendo esta variável a única preditora independente. O investimento em capacitação permanente da equipe do SAMU, ensino da população a reconhecer um evento crítico, iniciar manobras de reanimação e acionar precocemente o SAMU poderão contribuir para aumentar as chances de sobrevivência de vítimas de PCR em ambiente pré-hospitalar / The objective of this study was to know the prevalence of cardiac arrest (CA) assisted by Emergency Medical Service of the City of Araras (SAMU-Araras), SP, Brazil, between 2001 and 2007, classifying victims according to the gender, age groups, morbid antecedents, traumatic nature of the event, witnessed arrest, accomplishment of cardiopulmonar ressuscitation (CPR) by bystanders, time elapsed between the call of SAMU and the arrival of the EMS team to the site (time-response), type of life support received on-scene, shock indication for AED, as well as to compare the outcome of these cases, in terms of return of the spontaneous circulation (ROSC) still on scene, according to those variables. Data were collected from the records of SAMU of Araras, after approval of the Research Ethics Board of the Nurse School of University of São Paulo (EEUSP). 328 records that fulfilled the criteria were selected. SAMU-Araras accomplished 28.924 general medical attendances in the period of the study. In 330, CPR was performed (1.13%). Man (64.60%) and age group between 70 e 79 years old were predominants, and 63,35 yo. was the average. The mentioned prior diseases were cardiopathy (29.48%), sistemic arterial hypertension (25.43%) and diabetes (12.14%), most of all with just one problem cited or even no prior diseases. There was not associated trauma in 92.64% of the cases. AED was used in 85.37% of the cases were CPR was performed, with shock indication in 95 (29%) victims. CA was witnessed in 115 (35.00%) victims. In these cases, CPR performed by relatives were more frequent (p=0.004), as well as shock was more frequently indicated (p <0.001) compared with those where CA was not witnessed. There was larger proportion (51.83%) of ROSC in the victims that received advanced life support on scene, (p=0.018) comparing to the ones that received only basic life support. The time-response average was 05:24 minutes. The following variables presented statistical association (p <0.05) for ROSC: age group (p=0.018), diabetes (p <0.001), responsivity (p=0.041), carotid pulse present at the time of initial assesment (p=0,001), thoracic compressions by the SAMU team (p=0.028), shock delivered by AED (p <0.001), advanced life support performed (p = 0.018), and use of tracheal tube (p <0.001). In the statistical model of multiple logistics regression only the variable \"carotid pulse present at the time of initial assesment\" was selected as independent predictor for the return of the spontaneous circulation on scene (Odds Ratio 4.03), p =0.002. In conclusion, the SAMU-Araras offers a time-response according to international recommendations. Victims that have had witnessed CA, although received more frequenty CPR and recommended shock, they did not have better outcomes. The victims with present pulse in the initial assessment by the SAMU team, or in other words, the ones that presented CA witnessed by the SAMU team, had 4.03 more times in terms of chances of ROSC on scene, being this an independent predictor. The investment in permanent training of the SAMU professionals, the education for the people recognize a critical event and immediately to begin CPR can contribute to increase the survival chances for victims of CA in prehospital environment
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Från hjärtstopp till hjärtstart på sjukhus : Vilka faktorer påverkar överlevnaden? / From heart arrest to heartbeat in hospital : What factors affect survival?Schjetlein, Anne-Marie January 2011 (has links)
För att patienten ska ha optimal chans till överlevnad är det av största vikt att rekommendationer i samtliga delar av kedjan som räddar liv följs. Sjuksköterskan är oftast bland de första på plats vid ett hjärtstopp på en vårdenhet, vilket gör det intressant att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar överlevnaden efter hjärtstopp på sjukhus. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa faktorer i behandlingen av hjärtstopp på sjukhus som påverkar överlevnaden. Genom en sammanställning och analys av vetenskapligt värderad litteratur utfördes en systematisk litteraturstudie i ämnet. Resultatet visade att en väl fungerande organisation, utbildning, monitorering och följsamhet till riktlinjer var framgångsfaktorer i behandling av hjärtstopp. En hjärt-lungräddningsorganisation behövs, vilken organiserar och kvalitetssäkrar utbildning, rutiner, riktlinjer, utrustning och uppföljning. Utbildning av all personal är en förutsättning för framgångsrik behandling. Sjuksköterskan har möjlighet att identifiera och initiera åtgärder, såsom monitorering, vid ett hjärtstopp på sjukhus för att ge patienten största chans till överlevnad. Följsamheten till rekommendationer är låg med risk för att patientens chans att överleva efter ett hjärtstopp minskas. Hjärtstopp på sjukhus har hittills inte varit föremål för forskning i samma mängd som hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus. Speciellt omvårdnadsforskning om åtgärder där sjuksköterskan kan påverka överlevnaden saknas. / In order to achieve the highest survival among patients suffering from in-hospital cardiac arrest, adherence to treatment guidelines are of utmost importance. A nurse is often among the first person on scene when in-hospital cardiac arrest occurs in a regular ward. For this reason, this study explores the factors that may affect survival. The aim of this literature study was to explore factors that affect survival among patients suffering from in-hospital cardiac arrest. Analysis was made on publications found by a systematic search in peer-reviewed publications in the field. The result emphasis the large impact of structure and organization in order to achieve high quality cardiac arrest treatment. There is a need for a centralized cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) management structure in every hospital. This CPR managing group is vital in organizing guidelines, equipment, training and follow-up on treatment results. Training in CPR of all hospital staff is importance for treatment quality. The nurse has the possibility to identify and modify nursing factors such as monitoring level in order to increase chance of detection and thereby the chance of survival in case of cardiac arrest. Current adherence to treatment guidelines is low leading to lower chance of survival. CPR research has so far focused on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, less focus has been spent on in-hospital cardiac arrest. In particular nursing science concerning areas were nurses are able to affect outcome is lacking.
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Livet efter hjärtstopp - patienters upplevelse : en litteraturöversikt / Life after cardiac arreast - patients experience : a literature reviewHerrera Baas, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Hjärtstopp har ett lågt antal överlevare men under de senaste trettio åren har statistiken påvisat signifikant ökning av överlevare. Bakomliggande orsaker innefattar omfattande spektrum av tillstånd och sjukdomar, där kardiologiska och respiratoriska tillstånd påvisats i större utsträckning. Behandling och rehabilitering kan variera utifrån bakomliggande tillstånd och situation. Hjärtstoppsöverlevare har många olika besvär som framkommer i efterförloppet som leder till att patientens upplevelse av livsvärld kan komma att se sig påverkad i relation till en förändrad vardag. Genom att sjuksköterskan har förståelse för patientens upplevelse ökar möjligheten att utgå från en personcentrerad omvårdnad för att öka förutsättningarna för patienten. Syftet med studien var att belysa patienters upplevelse av att ha överlevt hjärtstopp. Metoden som användes innefattar en allmän litteraturöversikt som skapade ökad kunskap om patienternas upplevelse av att överleva hjärtstopp. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via databaser PubMed och CINAHL där det framkom totalt femton artiklar som valdes utifrån inklusions- och exklusionskriterier som besvarar valt syfte och problemformulering. Artiklarna analyserades vidare med hjälp av integrerad analys för att fastställa likheter och skillnader genom att redovisa huvudkategorier med respektive underkategorier. I resultatet redovisas varierande beskrivningar av patienters upplevelse av att överleva hjärtstopp. Resultatet har framställts i tre primära huvudkategorier; Upplevelsen av emotionella och fysiska hinder, Upplevelsen av utomståendes delaktighet samt En ny vardag och svårigheterna att hitta tillbaka. Avslutningsvis kan det konstateras att patienternas upplevelse av att överleva hjärtstopp påverkas utifrån alla aspekter i livet. Stöd från anhöriga och hälso- och sjukvården har visat sig generera en positiv uppfattning under återhämtningsfasen. Patienter är i behov av utökad information om de kommande symtom och besvär, sjuksköterskan bör erbjuda stöd, utbildning och verktyg för att kunna öka välbefinnande i deras nya verklighet. / Cardiac arrest has shown to have a low outcome of survivors but for the past thirty years the statistic of survivors has increased significantly. Underlying causes include a wide range of conditions and diseases where cardiological and respiratory conditions are the most common findings. Treatment and rehabilitation can vary based on the underlying condition and situation. Cardiac arrest can affect patients experience of life world due to the high problems and changes that emerges after surviving. These changes can cause problems in the way that the individual accept the new situation. Through an understanding of the patient's experience, the opportunity to offer a more person-centered nursing increase. The purpose of the study was to elucidate patients' experience of having survived cardiac arrest. The method used includes a general literature review to create knowledge about the patient's experience surviving a cardiac arrest. The data collection was carried out in PubMed and CINAHL where fifteen articles emerged based on the inclusion- and exclusion criteria that answered the purpose and problem formulation. Selected articles were analyzed using integrated analysis to determine similarities and differences by presenting main categories with respective subcategories. During the results, it emerged that patients who experience cardiac arrest have a broad idea of what it is like to survive cardiac arrest. Description of the patient's experience has produced three primary areas: The experience of emotional and physical obstacles, The experience of outsiders' participation and A new everyday life and the difficulties of finding their way back. It can be stated that the experience of surviving is affected by different aspects. Support from relatives and the healthcare system generate positive perception during recovery. Patients are in need of information about the upcoming symptoms and ailments, the nurse should offer support, training and tools to increase well-being in their new reality.
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Avaliação do desfecho de pacientes que sofreram parada cardiorrespiratória durante o intraoperatório / Risk fators for mortality of patients that suffered intraoperative cardiac arrestVane, Matheus Fachini 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é o evento de maior gravidade que pode ocorrer no intraoperatório. A literatura é escassa sobre quais fatores de risco impactam negativamente no desfecho do paciente vítima de PCR no intraoperatório. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores que impactaram no desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, em até 24 horas, em até 30 dias e em até 1 ano após a PCR. Metodologia: Pacientes com PCR intraoperatória de 2007 a 2014 foram analisados quanto a dados demográficos, comorbidades, uso de droga vasoativa, tempo de PCR, dados gasométricos, eletrolíticos, da coagulação, do hemograma, da função renal e da escala de Glasgow 24 horas após o retorno à circulação espontânea (RCE), bem como variações destes valores entre a admissão e 24 horas após o evento. Estes dados foram avaliados para o desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, até 24 horas, de 24 horas até 30 dias e até um ano. Resultados: 167.574 anestesias e 158 eventos foram localizados. A letalidade intraoperatória, em 24 horas, 30 dias e um ano foi, respectivamente, de 35,4%, 29,4%, 44,4% e 71,6%. A causa da PCR como hipovolemia, hipotensão na admissão do centro cirúrgico e a maior duração foram fatores independentes para a letalidade de intraoperatória. A hipovolemia como causa, a maior duração da PCR, a razão normalizada internacional (RNI) do tempo de protrombina (TP) acima de 1,2 na admissão, o sódio sérico antes da PCR fora do intervalo da normalidade e a relação entre duração e a dose de adrenalina foram fatores independentes para a letalidade em 24 horas. A variação do RNI negativa do TP entre a admissão e ao final das primeiras 24 horas e a escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T após 24 horas da situação foram fatores independentes para a letalidade 30 dias. A escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T, a variação negativa do RNI do TP nas primeiras 24 horas e a duração da PCR foram variáveis independentes para a letalidade 1 ano. Conclusão: A PCR intraoperatória apresenta grande letalidade, sendo que a conjunção de fatores clínicos e laboratoriais está relacionada ao prognóstico / Introduction: Cardiac arrest (CA) is the most devastating event that can take place during the intraoperative period. Data regarding risk factors for a worse outcome of intraoperative CA (ICA) are scarce, especially regarding laboratorial analysis. Objectives: This study analyzed the outcomes and risk factors of patients 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after ICA. Methods: Records of patients that had ICA from 2007 to 2014 were analyzed. Data for demographics, comorbidities, vasoactive drug infusion, ICA duration, electrolytes, acid-base balance, international normalized ratio (INR) of the prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (aTTP), hemoglobin and hematocrit, urea, creatinine, Glasgow Comma Scale (GCS) 24h after ICA were collected. These data were analyzed in the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event. Results: 167,574 anesthesias and 158 ICAs were found. Lethality for the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event were 35.4%, 29.4%, 44.4% e 71.6%, respectively. The hypovolemia as a cause, hypotension at admission, and the ICA duration were independently associated with greater intraoperative mortality. The hypovolemia as a cause, the ICA duration, the INR of the PT at admission, the sodium level before the ICA, and the ratio between adrenaline doses and ICA duration were independently associated with death up to 24 hours after ICA. The negative variation of the INR of the PT and the GCS 24 hours after the ICA were independently associated with mortality in 30 days. The GCS 24 hours after ICA, the worsening of the in INR of the PT in the first 24 hours after ICA and the ICA duration were independently associated with mortality in 1 year. Conclusion: Patients that ICA have a high lethality during the first year of the event. Laboratorial and clinical factors after the ICA are linked to patient´s prognosis
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Fatores prognósticos de sobrevida pós-reanimação cardiorrespiratória cerebral em hospital geral / Prognostic factors on post cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation in general hospitalsGomes, André Mansur de Carvalho Guanaes 05 March 2004 (has links)
Realizamos este estudo com o objetivo de analisar as principais variáveis clínicas dos pacientes que sofreram parada cardiorrespiratória e detectar fatores prognósticos de sobrevivência a curto e longo prazos, tentando oferecer subsídios aos profissionais de saúde que estão envolvidos com reanimação. Analisamos prospectivamente 452 pacientes que receberam reanimação em hospitais gerais de Salvador. Utilizou-se análise bivariada e estratificada nas associações entre as variáveis e a curva de sobrevida para análise de nove anos de evolução. Observamos 24% de sobrevida imediata e 5% de sobrevida à alta hospitalar. Os fatores prognósticos de sobrevida imediata foram: ter doença de base, a enfermidade cardiovascular, diagnosticar o ritmo cardíaco , ritmo de fibrilação ou taquicardia ventricular, tempo estimado pré-reanimação menor ou igual a cinco minutos; tempo de reanimação menor ou igual a 15 minutos. As variáveis prognósticas sobrevida a longo prazo foram: não usar adrenalina; ser reanimado em hospital privado;tempo de reanimação menor ou igual a 15 minutos / The objectives of this study are to analyze the main clinical and demographic characteristics of patients who suffer cardiac arrest and identify variables involved in survival outcomes. The study enrolled 452 patients, which received cardiopulmonary resuscitation in general hospitals. We prospectively analyzed the main variables associated with ROSC and survival to hospital discharge utilizing bivariate and stratified. The Kaplan-Meier technique was used to analyze the survival curves after nine years. Of the 452 resuscitation attempts, 107 (24%) patients had ROSC and only 22 (5%) were discharge from hospital. The variables with greatest prognostic value for immediate survival were: having a co-morbid condition, cardiovascular disease as the etiology, determination of cardiac rhythm, ventricular arrhythmia as rhythm of arrest, estimated pre-resuscitation time less than or equal to 5 minutes and the resuscitation effort duration less than or equal to 15 minutes. The variables associated with better long term survival were: not using adrenaline, being resuscitated in a private hospital and resuscitation efforts lasting less than or equal to 15 minutes
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Avaliação do desfecho de pacientes que sofreram parada cardiorrespiratória durante o intraoperatório / Risk fators for mortality of patients that suffered intraoperative cardiac arrestMatheus Fachini Vane 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é o evento de maior gravidade que pode ocorrer no intraoperatório. A literatura é escassa sobre quais fatores de risco impactam negativamente no desfecho do paciente vítima de PCR no intraoperatório. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores que impactaram no desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, em até 24 horas, em até 30 dias e em até 1 ano após a PCR. Metodologia: Pacientes com PCR intraoperatória de 2007 a 2014 foram analisados quanto a dados demográficos, comorbidades, uso de droga vasoativa, tempo de PCR, dados gasométricos, eletrolíticos, da coagulação, do hemograma, da função renal e da escala de Glasgow 24 horas após o retorno à circulação espontânea (RCE), bem como variações destes valores entre a admissão e 24 horas após o evento. Estes dados foram avaliados para o desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, até 24 horas, de 24 horas até 30 dias e até um ano. Resultados: 167.574 anestesias e 158 eventos foram localizados. A letalidade intraoperatória, em 24 horas, 30 dias e um ano foi, respectivamente, de 35,4%, 29,4%, 44,4% e 71,6%. A causa da PCR como hipovolemia, hipotensão na admissão do centro cirúrgico e a maior duração foram fatores independentes para a letalidade de intraoperatória. A hipovolemia como causa, a maior duração da PCR, a razão normalizada internacional (RNI) do tempo de protrombina (TP) acima de 1,2 na admissão, o sódio sérico antes da PCR fora do intervalo da normalidade e a relação entre duração e a dose de adrenalina foram fatores independentes para a letalidade em 24 horas. A variação do RNI negativa do TP entre a admissão e ao final das primeiras 24 horas e a escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T após 24 horas da situação foram fatores independentes para a letalidade 30 dias. A escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T, a variação negativa do RNI do TP nas primeiras 24 horas e a duração da PCR foram variáveis independentes para a letalidade 1 ano. Conclusão: A PCR intraoperatória apresenta grande letalidade, sendo que a conjunção de fatores clínicos e laboratoriais está relacionada ao prognóstico / Introduction: Cardiac arrest (CA) is the most devastating event that can take place during the intraoperative period. Data regarding risk factors for a worse outcome of intraoperative CA (ICA) are scarce, especially regarding laboratorial analysis. Objectives: This study analyzed the outcomes and risk factors of patients 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after ICA. Methods: Records of patients that had ICA from 2007 to 2014 were analyzed. Data for demographics, comorbidities, vasoactive drug infusion, ICA duration, electrolytes, acid-base balance, international normalized ratio (INR) of the prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (aTTP), hemoglobin and hematocrit, urea, creatinine, Glasgow Comma Scale (GCS) 24h after ICA were collected. These data were analyzed in the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event. Results: 167,574 anesthesias and 158 ICAs were found. Lethality for the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event were 35.4%, 29.4%, 44.4% e 71.6%, respectively. The hypovolemia as a cause, hypotension at admission, and the ICA duration were independently associated with greater intraoperative mortality. The hypovolemia as a cause, the ICA duration, the INR of the PT at admission, the sodium level before the ICA, and the ratio between adrenaline doses and ICA duration were independently associated with death up to 24 hours after ICA. The negative variation of the INR of the PT and the GCS 24 hours after the ICA were independently associated with mortality in 30 days. The GCS 24 hours after ICA, the worsening of the in INR of the PT in the first 24 hours after ICA and the ICA duration were independently associated with mortality in 1 year. Conclusion: Patients that ICA have a high lethality during the first year of the event. Laboratorial and clinical factors after the ICA are linked to patient´s prognosis
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