Spelling suggestions: "subject:"creating demand"" "subject:"bleating demand""
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Passive solar options for reducing heating demand and maintain indoor climate in a multifamily house in SwedenJoubert, Andras January 2014 (has links)
This research was carried out by studying possible renovation of a two-storey detached multifamily building by using passive solar design options in a cold climate in Borlänge, Sweden where the heating Degree Days are 4451 (base 20°C). Borlänge`s housing company, Tunabyggen, plans to renovate the project house located inthe multicultural district, Jakobsgårdarna. The goal of the thesis was to suggest a redesign of the current building, decrease the heating energy use, by applying passive solar design and control strategies, in a most reasonable way. In addition ensure a better thermal comfort for the tenants in the dwellings. Literatures have been studied, from which can be inferred that passive design should be abasic design consideration for all housing constructions, because it has advantages to ensure thermal comfort, and reduce the energy use. In addition further savings can be achieved applying different types of control strategies, from which the house will be more personalized, and better adapted to the user’s needs.The proposed method is based on simulations by using TRNSYS software. First a proper building model was set up, which represents the current state of the project building. Then the thermal insulation and the windows were upgraded, based on today's building regulations. The developments of the passive solar options were accomplished in two steps. First of all the relevant basic passive design elements were considered, then those advantages were compared to the advantages of applying new conventional thermostat, and shading control strategies.The results show that there is significant potential with the different types of passive solar design; their usage depends primarily on the location of the site as well as the orientation of the project building. Applying the control strategies, such as thermostat, and shading control, along the thermal insulation upgrade, may lead to significant energy savings (around 40 %), by comparison to the reference building without any upgrade.
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Alternative energy supply study for a cottage in ViforsLumbier Fernandez, Mikel January 2018 (has links)
The present master thesis was done during the spring of 2018. A cottage located in Vifors is studied with regard to its heating requirements. At the time of the study, the house could not be inhabited the whole year because there was no tap hot water available and the space heating demand was covered by electricity. Thus, an alternative heating supply is required to be developed. As a strategic prerequisite, the solution should be achieved considering both solar thermal collectors and a heat pump.First, the characteristics of the building were collected/determined in order to obtain the total heating demand per month and hence annually. Parameters such as the U-values, roof orientation, room dimensions, ventilation rates and internal gains were required to configure the building model in the software IDA ICE 4.8. In addition, the amount of tap hot water required per year was determined as 17 m3 per year. Cold water at 5 °C had to be heated until 55 °C to obtain the tap hot water.Once the heating requirements were known, the most suitable solution was to use a combi system (solar thermal collectors and a heat pump). Solar energy could fulfil the demand in the summer and the heat pump provided energy in the winter. For a commercial model of the flat solar thermal collector (Vitosol 100-F) the solar system was sized according to the heating demand in the summer time. The maximum energy that could be obtained from the solar collectors in summer was calculated, the rest of the demand had to be fulfilled by a heat pump, model WPL-18 E.The achieved solution is compounded by the heat pump and 3 solar thermal collectors with a surface of 2.33 m2 each. The solar energy obtained is 1 843 kWh per year, which covers 9 % of the total annual heating demand (20 098 kWh). However, the 98 % of the heating demand during the summertime comes from the solar collectors. The investment cost is 113 900 SEK and the payback period is estimated in 8 years.
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ENERGY ASSESMENT FOR MODULARDETACHED BUILDINGS : Case studies, Sweden and Spain.Alba Vázquez, Cira January 2018 (has links)
Energy assessment in buildings is an essential topic in order to achieve the set goals for energy efficiency. This thesis investigated the energy consumption in various scenarios in Husmuttern’s buildings. Different purposes (school and apartment), locations (Spain and Sweden) and materials combinations are modelled and analysed. The models were created in the building performance simulation tool IDA ICE. After the yearly energy demand results were obtained they were processed and analysed. Then several factors were changed in the model in order to investigate different impacts in the energy consumption of the building, such as the overall heat transfer, hot water consumption, windows and doors. Also, PV panels were installed in the model to obtain the potential penetration of renewable energy in the buildings. The results showed the different consumption in the buildings depending on the purpose and location, and the impact of the changed factors in the overall energy consumption. The change of windows to more efficient ones showed that the apartments improve their consumption more than the schools, especially in when the Spanish location is considered. This case also had the biggest possible change when the hot water demand is varied. Whereas if the door was the changed, the Swedish apartment has the most possible improvement.
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Energy efficiency measures in a typical Swedish single-family building from the 1960sLarsson, Emanuel, Ljungqvist Baldesi, Raffaello January 2022 (has links)
Many buildings built in the 1960s are inefficient when it comes to their energy use. A lot of them are also in need of renovating. Therefore, this project is aiming to investigate five different scenarios where the decrease in electricity demand is in focus.One scenario is energy-saving behavior which does not need any investment for a renovation but just decreases the electricity demand by changing the behavior of the people living there.Another option is the building envelope renovation where added insulation to the outer walls, the roof and the floor is added. The windows and entrance doors are also upgraded to more efficient options. A return air only ventilation system is installed as well. The third option is to renovate the reference house to achieve the status of passive house set by Boverket. This is done by adding a much thicker layer of insulation to the building components and adding a FTX ventilation system and at the same time changing the direct electric heating system to a bed rock geothermal heating system. The last two scenarios, net-zero energy building and off-grid building, also use a FTX ventilation system and bed rock geothermal heating system. They have the same thickness as the building envelope renovation. The biggest difference is that the net-zero energy building uses solar power to match the yearly electricity demand and therefore be able to call it net-zero energy. The off-grid house has an electricity storage as well as the solar panels. This is to be able to disconnect from the electric grid completely and only consume electricity produced by the building itself.The last three scenarios all achieve a primary energy below that of what Boverket demand fornew buildings of 90 kWh/m^2, year. The building with the lowest cumulative cost over 50 years is the off-grid building, though this result could vary depending on the price of electricity. The scenario with the lowest investment cost per kWh saved is the net-zero energy building.
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The effects of low-emissivity window films on thermal comfort and energy performance of a historic stone building in cold climate: computer simulations with "IDA ICE"Abolghasemi Moghaddam, Saman January 2019 (has links)
Low-emissivity (low-E) window films are designed to improve the energy performance of windows and prevent indoor overheating by solar radiation. These films can be applied to different types of glazing units without the need for changing the whole window. This characteristic offers the possibility to improve the energy performance of the window of old and historic buildings for which preservation regulations say windows should remain more or less unchanged. This research aims to figure out to what extent a low-E window film can improve thermal comfort and energy performance of an old three-storey historic stone building in the cold climate of Mid-Sweden. In this research, first, with help of the simulation software “IDA ICE”, the entire building was modelled without window films in a one-year simulation. Second step was to add the low-E window films (3M Thinsulate Climate Control 75 (CC75)) to all the windows and repeat the simulation. Comparison between the results of the two cases revealed an improvement in energy use reduction as well as the thermal comfort when applying the films. For the application of the window films, a cost analysis using payback method was carried out which showed a long- time payback period. Although an investment with a long-time payback period is considered as a disadvantage, for historic buildings with very strict retrofit regulations specially when it comes to the building’s facades, application of the low-emissivity window films for better energy performance and thermal comfort is among the recommendable measures, but not necessarily the best.
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Utformningens betydelse för energiförbrukningen : En fallstudie av verksamhetsbyggnader / Design's impact on energy consumption : A case study of business buildingsRitz, Carolina, Mattsson-Mårn, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The building sector accounts for 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden today, and the largest proportion is consumed during the operating phase. From the year 2020 and onwards, all new buildings should be erected as zero-emissionbuildings. The building’s design can reduce energy demands, but the current legal requirements do not favour energy-efficient designs. This study focuses on the design’s importance for the energy efficiency of buildings, i.e., energy-saving design. The impact of specific measures is difficult to calculate due to the complexity of reality. This study aims to highlight the measures that could reduce energy consumption in commercial buildings. Method: In order to provide answers to the issues stated in the report and to achieve the objective of the study, case studies are being conducted investigating three commercial buildings where deliberate decisions were made to use energy-reducing measures. Results and conclusions are based on qualitative interviews and literature studies. Findings: The energy-reducing design measures found to be of most importance used in the studied buildings are the form factor, the window portion and the thermal storage capacity. Moreover, significant savings are possible by carefully consider how solar energy can be limited or used in the building. Generally, buildings tends to become more technical, therefore technical knowledge early in the process is important to reach a good result. Economic incentives and clear objectives with right focus are also important for optimizing a building’s energy performance. The wording and the requirement levels in the Swedish building regulations highly controls the construction of energy efficient buildings. Implications: This study shows how energy efficient design is made today and provides an indication of what can be done and what should be prioritized. By imposing requirements on consumed energy instead of bought, energy efficient design could be favoured. Furthermore, this study suggests that a balance between windows, façade and solar shading are important energy-reducing measures. Regardless of selected energyreducing measures, a good performance is essential. Finally, this study shows that a methodical use of existing knowledge and technology makes a difference. Limitations: A lifecycle approach provides an overall picture of a building’s energy consumption. However, this study is based on the energy consumption during the operating phase. The result of this study does not take economic or aesthetic factors into account. This study is a comparative case study and is based on few but carefully matched cases. The selected cases are commercial buildings where deliberate decisions were made to use energy-reducing measures.
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A techno-economic case study of external timber wall assemblies in Swedish single-family homesMaad, Deaa, Alkhen, Mohamad Feras January 2021 (has links)
Decisions made at the early stage of building design can significantly influence theenvironmental, energy and economic performance of buildings. Future homeowners anddevelopers often have to make decisions concerning the design and specification of thebuilding. These choices are usually governed by functionality, aesthetics, cost, materialavailability, etc. Except for decisions related to long-term performances, they are relativelyeasy and straightforward to make. Long-term performance assessments that consider theimpact of a product over its lifetime, requires thorough research. Due to the lack of studies onthe long-term benefits and performance of different building design options, homeowners anddevelopers often base their decisions on short-term financial benefits, ignoring long-termbenefits. This may lead to incorrect decisions that are difficult to correct.Within this context, the aim of this study is to compare the long-term economic viability ofdifferent external timber wall construction types. By doing so, our goal is to address the lackof techno-economic studies within the construction industry and thus, to assist the decisionmakingof Swedish homeowners and developers. We evaluate the economic performance ofthree wooden wall construction alternatives—that of IsoTimber, cross-laminated timber(CLT), and timber frame walls—via thirteen wall assembly scenarios and two case housesfrom Bysjöstrand eco-village, Sweden. The scenarios account for variations in wall type andwall thicknesses. Our study utilizes an approach based on life cycle costing (LCC) andconsiders the capital cost and the present value of heating cost. The latter is calculated for 1m2of heated area of each case houses over a 40-year period. Indoor Climate and Energy software(IDA ICE) is used to estimate the heating energy use and the Bidcon program to estimate thematerials and labor costs for all cases. The study considered reasonable economic parameters,but to see their impact on the results and feasibility of wall constructions improving, sensitiveanalysis has been done using different values.The main finding of this thesis is that timber frame wall construction is the most economicchoice in the long term. In contrast, IsoTimber wall is the least economic choice, in general,and for two-story homes, in particular. Moreover, the present value total cost for IsoTimber intwo-story building is 5% higher than for a single-story building that has a similar U-value. Incontrast, it is 3% and 7% lower for CLT and timber frame walls respectively. Also, the resultsindicate that although the present value heating cost decreases with increasing wall thickness,this increase is considerably smaller than the increase in the capital cost. Finally, assumedeconomic factors affect the results greatly, but in general, improving the U-value of CLT wallconstruction might be the most profitable then timber frame comes after, and then IsoTimbercomes in the last. Along with, return economic benefit from the improvement of all studiedwall constructions in single-story building is higher than the benefit in two-story building.
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Utvärdering av potential för värmeåtervinning från laborationsutrustning : Möjligheten att använda en kylvattenbassäng som termiskt säsongslagerHammarström, Anton January 2018 (has links)
HETA utbildningar i Härnösand har ett ångkraftverk för undervisningssyfte som kyls ner med vatten från en underjordisk bassäng på cirka 329 m³. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur bassängen med spillvärmen från kraftverket kan användas som ett säsongslager i kombination med en befintlig 7,8 kW värmepump för att värma upp maskinhallen i deras laboratoriebyggnad. Ett kalkylark skapades i Microsoft Excel för att kunna genomföra beräkningarna. Då mätdata saknades skapades ett simulerat scenario baserat på temperaturstatistik och körschema för kraftverket från år 2017. Transmissionsförluster beräknades för bassängen och maskinhallen. För bassängen användes mestadels observationsdata och kännedom hos personalen, medan maskinhallens isolering i huvudsak fick uppskattas efter byggår. Resultatet blev att värmepumpen med aktuellt körschema kunde täcka cirka 45 % av maskinhallens årliga uppvärmningsbehov. Av de 276 GJ som tillfördes genom kylning av ångkraftverket under ett år beräknades endast 2,7 % kunna utnyttjas till uppvärmning av maskinhallen, på grund av för lite isolering i bassängen. De största begränsningarna för högre täckning och större nyttjande av spillvärmen bedömdes vara placeringen i tid av kraftverkets körningar, och värmepumpens effekt. Om körningarna skulle förläggas i huvudsak till november–april och värmepumpen ersättas med en på 10 kW, skulle 74 % av värmebehovet kunna täckas och över 18 % av spillvärmen utnyttjas. Andra saker som förbättrad isolering i bassängen och större vattenvolym bedömdes också kunna förbättra bassängens kapacitet som energilager. / HETA Education in Härnösand has a steam power plant for educational purposes which is cooled with water from a 329 m³ underground basin. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine how the basin with the waste heat can be used as seasonal thermal energy storage with an existing 7.8 kW heat pump in order to heat the machine room of their lab building. A spreadsheet was created in Microsoft Excel in order to carry out the calculations. As no measurement data was available, a simulated scenario was created based on temperature statistics and the operating schedule for the power plant from the year 2017. Transmission losses were calculated for the basin and the machine room. For the basin, mostly observational data and knowledge among the staff were used, while the insulation for the machine room mainly had to be estimated based on the construction year. The result was that the heat pump, with the current operating schedule, could cover around 45% of the yearly heating demand of the machine room. Of the 276 GJ that were added through cooling of the power plant during a year, according to calculations, only 2,7% could be used for heating the machine hall, due to lacking insulation in the basin. The greatest limitations for achieving a higher heating coverage and a greater usage of the waste heat were assessed to be the placement in time of the power plant runs, and the effect of the heat pump. If the runs would be placed mainly in November–April, and the heat pump replaced with a 10 kW one, around 74% of the heating demand could be covered and 18 % of the waste heat used. Other things, such as increased insulation in the basin and larger water volume were also assessed to be able to increase the capacity of the basin as heat storage.
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Energieffektivisering av skolor : En studie om energieffektivisering och inneklimat för Rotundaskolan i VästeråsGranlund, Fredric, Nilsson, Alexander, Sundström, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: This study aims to see how the total active heating demand and the indoor climate for a school in Vasteras can improve from two different energysaving-investments. The two measures that will be investigated are windows with an improved U-value and an exchange of the ventilation unit with a heat exchanger. The result of the investments will be connected to a value-added study which investigates its impact on social, economy and environmental aspects. Method: To accomplish this, a literature study has been made to gather information to support the calculations and compare our results with previous studies. A case study which consists of calculations, a study visits to the school and a documentation analysis to strengthen the accuracy of the results. Results: The yearly total active heating for the school was 426 MWh with a heat demand of 191 kWh/m2 which is bad compared to equal buildings which normally use between 120-180 kWh/m 2. The exchange of the ventilation unit and the implement of a heat exchanger decreased the yearly active heating demand with 105 MWh which is equal to 144 kWh/m2. This is a much better value and now in the category of equal buildings. By investing in windows with a U-value of 1.3 W/m2 K from 3.0 W/m2 saved the building 29 MWh every year to 178 kWh/m2 which is just under the maximum value of 180 kWh/m 2 . Conclusions: Investing in a new ventilation unit with a heat exchanger showed to be the best investment for the school at this moment in time. The new heat exchanger contributes to a large energy saving and the investment cost had a payback time between 9 - 18 years depending on the kWh price. The study got similar results in the value-added study where the ventilation unit showed a greater impact on almost all of FN: s global goals. Windows did not show as impressive results as the ventilation unit did and is why it contributed less to the global goals in the value-added study.
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Development of evaluation tools as an approach to pre-design district energy systems : Qualitative modeling and performance simulation using OpenModelicaFaramarzi, Ghazal, Torestam, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Cities and districts contribute to a large fraction of the total energy consumption in Sweden. The residential- and service sector accounted for almost 40% of the total energy consumption in 2018. The increasing urbanization also puts more importance on the energy supply, distribution and consumption in these areas. One way of planning an energy system in urban areas is to have integrated energy systems where synergies between different technologies and energy carriers are utilized. Such a solution can increase the flexibility of the energy system and thus help integrate more intermittent renewable energy sources. The aim of this study was to suggest tools for planning energy systems in districts. This was done by performing a literature review regarding the design of energy systems and the identification of barriers and opportunities for the integration of different production- and distribution technologies. The focus was on systems for heating, cooling and electricity. The proposed tools are three Excel-based modules. The first module is a qualitative model that presents the reviewed technologies and their connections. It also includes synergies between different energy carriers and sectors for consumption and production. The second module is qualitative model related to market mechanisms, juridical, organizational and institutional aspects. The third module is a table containing the barriers and opportunities. Furthermore, relevant stakeholders are identified to be district heating companies, building owners, joint associations, municipalities, district cooling companies and photovoltaic plant owners. The proposed tools can be used in the first stage of planning when the technologies are selected. To show how the suggested tools can be applied, a case study was performed. The study case is a district being planned in Stockholm, Sweden. For the analysis, a model for a hypothetical heating system was required. Two models were developed for the heat supply system using the modelling environment OpenModelica. The main objective of the case study was to compare the techno-economic and environmental performance of different scenarios. Three different scenarios were considered for covering the total heating demand in the district. In the first scenario the total heating demand is covered only by local heat pumps. In the second scenario the space heating demand is covered by heat pump(s) coupled with a thermal energy storage (hot water tank). An electric boiler is used as backup. In the third scenario, the electric boiler is replaced by district heating as backup. A sensitivity analysis was included for different numbers of heat pumps and different sizes of thermal energy storage in the two last scenarios. The economic and environmental results in this study were strongly dependent on the assumptions regarding prices and emission factors. The result of the case study indicates that the third scenario causes the lowest CO2 emissions. An increased size of the thermal energy storage causes a higher compressor electricity consumption thus more emissions. However the total emissions from the system depends on the backup component. For this result, the emission factor related to Swedish electricity mix and the emission factor stated by a district heating company in Stockholm was used. The cheapest alternative in terms of annual operational cost of energy is the first scenario with only heat pumps. However, from the scenarios which also includes thermal energy storage, the second scenario with three heat pumps and a 100 m3 large thermal energy storage, presents the lowest cost. This system design in scenario 2 is only 0.6% more expensive than the first scenario. For the energy prices, the assumption for electricity is based on hourly values from Nordpol and for heat, the values presented in a normal price list from a district heating company is assumed. Regarding the technical performance of the system the result indicates that the contribution from the thermal energy storage as it is modelled in this case study is not significant on anannual basis. However it is observed that a larger thermal energy storage unit covers a higher fraction of the power demand during the hours it is utilized. / Städer och stadsdelar står för en stor del av totala energikonsumtionen i Sverige. Bostads- och servicesektor stod för ungefär 40% av totala energikonsumtionen under 2018. Den ökande urbaniseringen lägger också mer vikt vid energiproduktion, distribution och konsumtionen i dessa områden. Ett alternativ för planering av energisystem i urbana områden är att ha integrerade energisystem där synergier mellan olika teknologier och energibärare kan utnyttjas. Den typen av system skulle kunna öka flexibiliteten i energisystemet och därför förenkla integrering av oförutsägbara förnybara energikällor. Syftet med denna studie var att föreslå verktyg för planering av energisystem i stadsdelar. Detta gjordes genom en litteraturstudie angående utformningen av olika energisystem samt identifiera hinder och möjligheter för att integrera olika produktions- och distributions teknologier. Fokus låg på systemen för värme, kyla och elektricitet. Det föreslagna verktygen är tre Excel baserade moduler. Den första modulen är en qualitative modell som presenterar de studerade teknologier och deras kopplingar. Den innehåller också synergier mellan de olika energibärarna och konsumtions- och produktionssektorn. Den andra modulen är en qualitative modell, men relaterad till marknad mekanismer, juridiska, organisatoriska och institutionella aspekter. Den tredje modulen är en tabell som beskriver hinder och möjligheter för några av teknologierna. Utöver det de relevanta aktörerna identifierades. För värme-, kyla- och elektricitet marknaden är de fjärrvärmeföretagen, fastighetsägare, samfälligheter, kommuner, fjärrkyla företagen, solcells ägare. De föreslagna verktyget kan användas för planering av energisystem i ett första skede när teknologier ska väljas. En fallstudie genomfördes för att visa hur det föreslagna verktyget kan användas. Fallstudien en stadsdel som planeras i Stockholm, Sverige. För att genomföra en analys behövdes en modell för ett hypotetiskt värmesystem. Två modeller utvecklades för värmesystemet genom att använda modelleringsmiljön OpenModelica. Det huvudsakliga målet med fallstudien var att jämföra den teknoekonomiska- och miljöinriktade prestandan för olika scenarierna. Tre olika scenarier övervägdes för att täcka totala värmebehovet i stadsdelen. I det första scenariot täcks det totala värmebehovet endast av lokala värmepumpar. I andra scenariot täcks värmebehovet för uppvärmning av värmepump(ar) kopplade till en värmelagrings komponent (ackumulatortank). En elpanna användes för reserveffekt. I tredje scenariot är elpannan ersatt av fjärrvärme. En känslighetsanalys var utförd för olika antal värmepumpar kopplade till olika storlekar av värmelagrings-komponenten i de två sista scenarierna. De ekonomiska och miljörelaterade resultatet i den här studien är starkt beroende av antaganden gällande priser och utsläppsfaktorer. Resultatet indikerar att det tredje scenariot har de lägsta CO2 utsläppen. Ökad värmelagringsstorlek bidrar till att värmepumpen förbrukar mer elektricitet och därför ökar de relaterade utsläppen. Däremot beror de totala utsläppen i systemet på vilken reservkraft som används. För dessa resultat användes utsläppsfaktorn för svensk elmix samt utsläppsfaktorn från ett fjärrvärme företag i Stockholm. Den billigaste alternativet gällande årlig driftsenergikostnad är det första scenariot med endast värmepumpar. Däremot, bland de scenarion som innehåller värmelagring, har det andra scenariot med tre värmepumpar och 100m3 stor värmelagringsenhet den lägsta kostnaden. Detta system är endast 0.6% dyrare än det första scenariot. För energipriser har timvärden från Nordpol antagits för elektricitet och för värme har normalprislistan från ett fjärrvärmebolag i Stockholm antagits. Angående den tekniska systemprestandan, indikerar resultatet att bidraget från värmelagringsenheten som den är modellerad i den här fallstudien inte är signifikant på årsbasis. Det observeras emellertid att en större värmelagringsenhet täcker en större andel av effektbehovet under de timmar som enheten används.
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