Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hermeneutic"" "subject:"ermeneutic""
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Livsfrågor i religionskunskap : En litteraturstudie om hur livsfrågor presenteras i tre läroböcker för gymnasiet / Questions of life in RE : Questions of life in RE A literature study of how questions of life are presented in three school books for high schoolJosefsson, Sonja January 2016 (has links)
Vi människor funderar ofta kring vår egen uppfattning dvs. vem vi är. Vi funderar också över vad vi vill bli. Vi ställs inför många andra frågor som handlar om identitet och livsfrågor. Livsfrågor som begrepp kan vara svåra att tolka och många gånger blandas begreppet ihop med andra begrepp som t.ex. existentiella frågor, livsåskådningsfrågor, livstolkningar osv. I ett annat sammanhang förknippas livsfrågor med etiska frågor och moral. Ett exempel på livsfrågor kan vara frågor om vad som är viktigt i livet, livets mening, vad som är ont och gott, vad som är rätt och orätt osv. Livsfrågor i t.ex. en lärobok kan också förknippas med dygder, moral och etik. Med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning har jag velat undersöka och klargöra hur livsfrågor presenteras i tre läroböcker. I första hand har jag fokuserat på livsfrågor som tas upp i läroböcker för ämnet religionskunskap 1 för gymnasiet. De böcker jag valt att analysera är Religion 1 av Birgitta Thulin och Sten Elm, Religion 1 & 2 också skriven av Birgitta Thulin och Sten Elm samt Religion och andra livsåskådningar av Börje Ring. I bakgrunden för min undersökning ligger textanalys som metod och hermeneutik. Enligt vad som har förekommit i min studie kan livsfrågorna förknippas med livsåskådningsfrågor, existentiella frågor, livstolkningsfrågor osv. Livsfrågorna som beskrivs i läromedlen handlar bland annat om liv och död, etik och moral, sex och samlevnad, dygder osv. Kortfattat kan man säga att läromedlen i min undersökning är anpassade till läroplanerna och de innehåller en rad diskussionsfrågor. De diskussionsfrågorna är avsedda för elevernas diskussioner och inlämningsuppgifter i olika former. / We humans often think about who we are. Often these thoughts are about what we want to become. We face many questions about identity and life issues. Life issues as a concept can be difficult to interpret and we often mix this concept with other concepts such as existential issues, philosophy of life, life interpretations, etc. In another context, life issues are associated with ethics and morality. For example, life issues may refer to questions about what is important in life, what is the purpose of life, what is good and evil, what is right and wrong etc. Life issues in a school book can also be associated with virtues, moral and ethics. Based on previous research, I have wanted to examine and clarify how the questions of life are presented in three school books. In the first place, I have focused on life issues addressed in the three school books for Religion 1 for high school. The books I have chosen to analyze are Religion 1 by Birgitta Thulin and Sten Elm, Religion 1 & 2 also written by Birgitta Thulin and Sten Elm and Religion och andra livsåskådnigar by Börje Ring. In the background of my examination are text analysis method and hermeneutic. According to what has emerged in my study, life issues can be associated with philosophical questions, existential questions, life questions, etc. Life issues, in my study material, among other things, are about life and death, ethics and morality, sex and relationships, virtues etc. Briefly, I can say that the school books in my research, are adapted to the curriculum, and they contain a lot of discussion questions. The discussion questions are intended for students' discussions and assignments in different forms.
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Elever mår bra av att bli lyssnade på : En studie i musiklärares syn på bemötandet av elever i kulturskolan / Students feel good when listened to : A study of music teachers view on treatment of students in music educationNilzon, Eva January 2014 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie belyses lärares syn på bemötande av elever inom musik- och kulturskolor. Syftet är att visa hur tre lärare resonerar om fenomenet bemötandet av enskilda elever inom musik- och kulturskolan samt på vilka sätt de ser något samband mellan bemötande och elevers musikaliska kunskapsutveckling. Datamaterialet består av intervjuer med tre musiklärare från olika musikskolor i Sverige. Studien utgår från hermeneutiskt perspektiv såsom förståelse och tolkning, och resultaten visar följande tre temata: Faktorer som påverkar bemötandet i undervisningssituationen, samband mellan lärarens bemötande och elevens utveckling samt musiklärares samtal om bemötande. I sista kapitlet diskuteras bland annat lärarnas upplevelse av att inte frågan om bemötande har vidrörts under musiklärarutbildningen. / This interview study describes music teachers’ views on treatment of pupils in music education in Swedish music and arts schools. The purpose of the study is to show how three music teachers talk about treatment of pupils in music education, and its impact upon student musical learning. Data consists of interviews with three music teachers from different music schools in Sweden. The study is based on hermeneutic perspective such as understanding and interpretation, and the result show the following five themes: Factors that impact the treatment in the classroom situation, connections between teacher treatment and student progression, and music teachers’ dialogue on treatment. In the last chapter, among other things, the teachers’ experiences of not having learnt about treatment during their teacher training are discussed.
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Rätt skala blir inte automatiskt en bra improvisation. : En musikanalytisk studie av fem olika pianosolon spelade av erkända jazzmusiker. / The right scale is no guarantee of good improvisation. : A musicological study of five piano solos performed by acclaimed jazz musicians.Christensen, Tommy January 2014 (has links)
Det finns en hel del litteratur som lär ut jazzimprovisation, men få som visar vilka musikaliska strukturer som kan användas för att få det att låta ”jazzigt”. I den här kvalitativa studien utforskas därför likheterna mellan fem olika utvalda jazzimprovisationer i piano. I fokus står improvisationernas musikaliska ”språk” ifråga om musikaliska byggstenar eller strukturer. Forskningsfrågan lyder: Vilka musikaliska ”byggstenar” eller strukturer, har fem olika solon i jazzpiano gemensamt? Syftet med studien är att finna likheter mellan några pianoimprovisationer av kända jazzmusiker. Studien utgår från fenomenologiskt och hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Resultaten visar att de olika musikerna använder sig av en rad olika specifika koncept som de bygger sina jazzimprovisationer på: bluesspråk, side slipping, kromatik och närmandetoner, ackordstoner, reharmonisering, överlagrade ackord och pentatonik. Det fenomen som synes hålla samman dessa koncept är tension and release, som tillsammans med koncepten bidrar till det musikaliska språk som används inom den här delen av jazzgenren. Trots att pianisterna synes bygga sina improvisationer på samma koncept, används dock dessa på så pass varierade sätt, att improvisationerna upplevs som både personliga och kreativa. / It is easy to find literature that teaches jazz improvisations, but hard to find any that really shows which musical structures can be used in order to make a sound “jazzy”. This qualitative study will therefore explore the similarities between five piano-jazz improvisations. The music “language” of the musicians such as the “building blocks” or structure will be in focus when comparing these improvisations. The research question for this study will therefore be: what musical building blocks or structures have the five solos in jazz piano in common? The aim is to find similarities between some piano improvisations done by acclaimed jazz musicians. The study will have a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach. The presented result show that the musicians use a range of specific concepts when building their jazz improvisations; blues, side slipping, chromaticism and approach notes, chord tones, reharmonisation, upper structure triads and pentatonics. The conclusive phenomena has been proven to be tension and release, that together with the concept contributes to the music language that is used within this jazz genre. Even though the different pianists seems to use the same concept when building their improvisations, it is in the way they use them in terms of variation, that makes the solos appear personal and creative.
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La réception de Heidegger par Henry CorbinGolestan-Habibi, Masoud 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la réception de Heidegger par Corbin et comprend trois parties : l’appropriation spirituelle que fait Corbin de l’analyse heideggérienne de la phénoménologie herméneutique élaborée dans l’introduction et la première partie de Être et Temps ; son appropriation spirituelle de l’analyse heideggérienne de la temporalité et de l’historialité du Dasein traitée dans la deuxième partie de Être et Temps ; enfin, nous nous pencherons sur le problème de l’imagination qui amène Corbin à prendre un chemin différent que celui de Heidegger dans Kant et le problème de la métaphysique et qui mène Corbin à la dimension où un monde spirituel s’ouvre et qu’il comprend à partir de la pensée des grands mystiques irano-islamiques. La réception de Heidegger par Corbin concerne ainsi davantage la manière dont Heidegger élabore la phénoménologie herméneutique et la temporalité et l’historialité du Dasein que l’ensemble du projet heideggérien et sa propre vision du monde, avec laquelle Corbin prend ses distances. La question reste alors de savoir si l’appropriation par Corbin de la pensée irano-islamique est vraiment compatible avec l’analyse heideggérienne. / Among several sources of Henry Corbin's thought, this master thesis concentrates upon his reception of Heidegger and contains three parts: 1/ Corbin’s spiritual appropriation of heideggerian analysis of hermeneutical phenomenology, elaborated in the introduction and the first part of Being and Time ; 2/ his spiritual appropriation of Heidegger’s analysis of the temporality and historicality of Dasein which is dealt with in the second part of Being and Time ; 3/ finally, we will focus on the question of Imagination which leads Corbin to take a different route than Heidegger’s and that brings him to a level where a spiritual world opens up. The reception of Heidegger by Corbin thus concerns more the way Heidegger elaborates his analyse of hermeneutical phenomenology, temporality, and historicality than on the totality of the heideggerian project. The question therefore remains if Corbin’s appropriation of the heideggerian analysis is compatible with his reading of irano-islamic thought.
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Conjoncture et historicité de l'accession de la norme à sa juridicité : les droits linguistiques au CanadaGervais, Marie-Claude 04 1900 (has links)
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit" / La présente thèse a d'abord pour sujet la fonction participative reconnue à
l'interprète de la nonne, déniée par la doctrine classique au profit de la fiction qui
fonde l'absolutisation de l'intention de l'auteur de la nonne.
Faisant état des phases de l'avènement du sens de la loi dans le déploiement
du cercle hennéneutique, nous analysons la doctrine classique et, abordant
l'interprétation selon l'approche hennéneutique, nous dégageons et explicitons les
conditions propres à l'avènement de la juridicité tant au niveau de l'autonomie du
texte que de sa réception.
La présente thèse a également pour fin d'évaluer le poids des contraintes sur
l'interprétation et l'application à l'oeuvre en droit. Comment, dans le processus de
l'avènement du sens de la nonne, l'interprétation juridique s'édifie-t-elle et s'enrichitelle
des valeurs et des règles qui régissent la production du droit?
Pour analyser et caractériser le rôle du juge dans l'avènement du sens de la
nonne juridique selon une démarche dont la spécificité relève de la phénoménologie
et de 1'hennéneutique philosophique, nous choisissons le domaine des droits
linguistiques. L'analyse des données empiriques recueillies pennet de voir sur
quelles voies, au-delà de la prédétennination et de la co-détennination du sens de la
nonne, s'engage la «surdétennination» (concept propre à la théorie de «l'analyse
systémale» et selon lequel le sens de la nonne émerge aussi en référence au champ
de valeurs qui traverse la représentation de la réalité de la nonne) et dès lors d'en
illustrer concrètement les manifestations propres.
D'abord envisagée sous le règne de l'histoire, des principes fondateurs et des
enjeux liés à la dualité linguistique, l'étude du contentieux linguistique est
spécifiquement traitée sous l'angle des droits des minorités linguistiques et de la
représentation des valeurs privilégiées. L'analyse des mémoires déposés par les
parties et les intervenants dans les causes entendues en matière de droits linguistiques
révèle que les valeurs identitaires dominent les interventions analysées. L'analyse de
la réceptivité de la Cour et l'interprétation des juges confirme ensuite que la
surdétennination est à l' oeuvre.
Ce parcours théorique pennet que nous disposions d'une représentation
raisonnée du rôle du juge dans la construction du sens en droit selon laquelle les trois
moments du cercle hennéneutique - compréhension, interprétation, application s'unissent
dans l'avènement du sens de la loi en une dynamique circulaire et
anticipatoire propre à révéler les constituants du texte juridique.
L'analyse empmque confirme quant à elle la participation du récepteur et
interprète de la nonne sur le sens qui préside à son accession à la juridicité. / This thesis deals primarily with the participative function of the interpreter
of the law as it is acknowledged except by the c1assical doctrine that is more inc1ined
to see the intention of the lawmaker as the absolute detenninant.
Referring to the various stages in the meaning-making process through the
creation of the henneneutical circ1e, we analyze the c1assical doctrine and, while
dealing with interpretation of the law under the henneneutical approach, we put
forward and explain the very conditions where the legal phenomenon appears at the
level of the autonomy of the text and of its reception.
This thesis also intends to assess the impact of the construction and
enforcement constraints regarding the law. How, in the course of the meaningmaking
process, is legal interpretation built and enriched by the values and rules
which govem law-making?
To analyze and characterize the role of the judge in the making of the
meaning of the law with a specifie approach inspired by phenomenology and
philosophical henneneutics, we have chosen the area of language rights. The analysis
of the empirical data that was gathered enables us to see, beyond the predetermination
and the co-determination of the meaning of the law, where overdetermination
is headed (a specifie concept of the "systemal analysis" theory under
which the meaning of the law also emerges by reference to the value system
permeating the representation of the reality of the law) and therefore to concretely
illustrate its very expressions.
First approached from the perspectives of history, of the founding principles
and of the issues related to the linguistic duality, the linguistic case law is specifically
reviewed in the context of linguistic minority rights and of the representation of
preferred values. An analysis of submissions filed by the parties and the interveners
in linguistic rights cases shows the major role played by identity-related values in the
reviewed interventions. The analysis of the Court's responsiveness and the
interpretation of judges then confirm the existence of an over-determination.
This theoretical exploration allows us to have a reasoned representation of
the judge's role in the making of meaning in law through the three stages of the
hermeneutical circle - understanding, interpretation, application - that are combined
in a circular and anticipatory process aiming at revealing the constitutive elements of
the legal text.
The empirical analysis confirms the influence of the recipient and interpreter
of the law on the meaning which leads it to become a legal phenomenon.
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Le cercle du comprendre et la conception heideggérienne de la philosophie dans Sein und ZeitVaillancourt, Richard 08 1900 (has links)
La conception heideggérienne du « cercle de la compréhension » exposée aux §§ 31 et 32 de Sein und Zeit est bien connue et a souvent été analysée, notamment par Hans-Georg Gadamer dans Vérité et méthode (1960) et Jean Greisch dans son commentaire de Sein und Zeit (1994). Mais on a trop peu vu que la théorie du cercle herméneutique déterminait aussi la conception heideggérienne de la philosophie. Notre recherche s’efforcera de le montrer et d’expliquer pourquoi il en est ainsi. Au plan de la méthodologie, nous proposerons, en nous inspirant des commentateurs les plus autorisés (Greisch, Gadamer, Courtine, et al.), un commentaire serré des §§ 31 et 32 de Sein und Zeit, sans oublier le § 63 où Heidegger souligne lui-même la « situation herméneutique » de sa propre enquête, ni le § 68 où se trouve mise en évidence la dimension temporelle du cercle de la compréhension. Nous tâcherons ensuite de montrer en quoi ce cercle affecte la conception heideggérienne de la philosophie telle que présentée au § 7 de Sein und Zeit et dans d’autres textes de Heidegger tels que Les problèmes fondamentaux de la phénoménologie (GA 24). / Heidegger’s understanding of the « hermeneutic circle » presented in §§ 31 et 32 of Sein und Zeit is well known and was analysed, among others, by Hans-Georg Gadamer in Truth and Method (1960) and Jean Greisch in his commentary of Sein und Zeit (1994). However, what has received too little attention is the extent to which the hermeneutic circle theory has a determining influence on Heidegger’s idea and practice of philosophy. Our research will attempt to explain why this is so. In our methodology, guided by the most relevant commentators (Greisch, Gadamer, Courtine, et al.), we elaborate a close analysis of §§ 31 and 32 in Sein und Zeit. This commentary also takes into account § 63, where Heidegger himself underlines the « hermeneutic situation » of his own investigation and § 68 where the temporal dimension of the hermeneutic circle is pointed out. We conclude by trying to demonstrate in what respect the circle influences Heidegger’s interpretation of philosophy, as shown in § 7 of Sein und Zeit and in other texts of Heidegger, such as The Fundamental Problems of Phenomenology (GA 24).
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Interaction for knowledge creation:a phenomenological study in Knowledge ManagementSuorsa, A. (Anna) 21 March 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present a theoretically consistent conceptualization of knowledge creation as an interactive event and to test this in a working community in a methodologically coherent manner.
This thesis examines the key problems in the body of research of knowledge creation in the field of Knowledge Management, which is attached to the idea of knowledge as an asset inside a human mind, but simultaneously promotes a view of interaction, based on hermeneutic understanding. The study proposes an alternative way to conceptualize and examine knowledge creation, based on hermeneutic phenomenology of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Martin Heidegger. The foci are on the conceptions of a human being and interaction as play. On the basis of the research literature, a framework for examining knowledge creation was developed. The framework was empirically tested in a multi-organizational and multi-professional working community of librarians and teachers, participating in The Joy of Reading Program in Finland. Along with the research literature, the triangulated data consist of ethnographic observations and video recordings of the community’s gatherings, its members’ interviews and produced documents. The data were analyzed through a qualitative approach.
The results show that the phenomenological conceptions of temporality of a human being and play are suitable for understanding being in the knowledge-creating interaction, as they give means to understand the meaningfulness of past experiences, but promote an open attitude towards future possibilities in a way which promotes knowledge creation. Studying interactive events allows for an understanding of how the phenomenon of knowledge creation can be examined as a collective accomplishment. The importance of flexible circumstances is emphasized to promote interaction. The playful mode of being in the event, meaning seriousness and the tendency to be present in the event, was seen as a way to use the time available effectively. The results may be utilized to develop organizational circumstances, which promote knowledge creation by acknowledging the meaningfulness of interaction.
In the future, theoretical sampling will be used for testing and developing the framework further in a Finnish Academy’s Strategic Research Council’s consortium BCDC Energy aiming at developing a cloud computing based market place on renewable energy markets. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimus esittää teoreettisesti yhtenäisen käsitteellistyksen tiedon luomisesta vuorovaikutteisena tapahtumana. Tätä käsitteellistykseen perustuvaa viitekehystä testataan empiirisesti tarkastelemalla tiedon luomisen edellytyksiä ja uuden tiedon luomisen mahdollistavaa vuorovaikutusta moniammatillisessa työyhteisössä.
Tiedon luomisen tutkimus on perinteisesti kiinnittynyt ajatukseen tiedosta mielen sisäisenä varantona. Samanaikaisesti tiedon luomisen tutkimuksessa korostetaan vuorovaikutusta, joka on usein käsitetty varsin hermeneuttisena tapahtumana. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan näiden kahden lähtökohdan yhdistämisestä muodostuneita ongelmia tietojohtamisen alalla. Tutkimus esittää vaihtoehtoisen, Martin Heideggerin ja Hans-Georg Gadamerin hermeneuttiseen fenomenologiaan perustuvan tavan käsittää ja tutkia tiedon luomista siten, että hermeneuttinen käsitys vuorovaikutuksesta ei ole ristiriidassa tiedon käsitteen kanssa. Tutkimuksen keskeisinä tarkastelun kohteina ovat fenomenologinen ihmiskäsitys ja ajatus vuorovaikutuksesta leikkinä.
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin hermeneuttisen fenomenologian suhdetta tiedon luomisen nykytutkimukseen ja kehitettiin hermeneuttiseen fenomenologiaan perustuen viitekehys tiedon luomisen empiiristä tutkimusta varten. Viitekehystä testattiin empiirisesti valtakunnalliseen Lukuinto-ohjelmaan osallistuneessa, kirjaston työntekijöiden ja opettajien muodostamassa, moni-ammatillisessa työyhteisössä. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi tutkimuksen aineisto koostui etnografisesta havainnointiaineistosta, työyhteisön kokousten videoinneista, yhteisön jäsenten haastatteluista ja heidän tuottamistaan dokumenteista. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisella otteella tarkastelemalla sekä työyhteisössä käytyjä keskusteluja että työyhteisön jäsenten kokemuksia tiedon luomisesta Lukuinto-ohjelmassa.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että fenomenologinen käsitteellistys olemisen ajallisesta luonteesta ja leikistä avoimena yhdessä olemisen tilana soveltuvat hyvin tietoa luovan vuorovaikutuksen ymmärtämiseen, sillä käsitteellistys huomioi menneiden kokemusten merkityksen uuden tiedon luomisessa, mutta painottaa myös avoimen tulevan ja sen mahdollisuuksien ymmärtämisen merkitystä tavalla, joka edistää uuden luomista. Vuorovaikutustapahtumien tutkiminen mahdollistaa tiedon luomisen ymmärtämisen jaettuna, yhteisenä tapahtumana ja kokemuksena. Joustavien olosuhteiden merkitys tiedon luomisessa korostuu. Leikinomainen vuorovaikutuksessa oleminen, kuten tilanteen vakavasti ottaminen ja läsnäolo, nähtiin tutkimuksessa tapana käyttää aika tehokkaasti. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää organisaatioissa sellaisten olosuhteiden kehittämiseen, jotka huomioivat vuorovaikutuksen merkityksellisyyden tiedon luomisessa.
Jatkossa tässä väitöskirjassa esiteltyä lähestymistapaa ja viitekehystä tullaan edelleen kehittämään ja testaamaan teoreettisen otannan avulla Suomen Akatemian Strategisen Tutkimuksen Neuvoston rahoittamassa BCDC Energia -konsortiossa.
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Le chemin créateur de Job : étude exégétique du premier chapitre du livre de Job à la lumière de l'herméneutique du procèsGosselin, Pierre January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Nurses perform a vital role in the care of dying patients and their families. Hence, experiences of nurses are a meaningful source from which to advance holistic end-of-life care. In this study, a hermeneutic phenomenological perspective was used to explore the phenomenon of end-of-life nursing care. Details derived from a scientific exploration into the experiences of 13 registered nurses who provided care for patients and families at end-of-life in the inpatient hospital setting offer understandings regarding this important phenomenon. The hermeneutic phenomenological methods of Max van Manen guided data collection and analysis. Three main themes described the participants’ experience of nursing care at end-of-life: “Confronting Challenges,” “Coming to Understand End-of-Life Care,” and “Transforming the Understanding of End-of-Life Care into Nursing Practice.” Recommendations for nursing education, practice, and research were derived.
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Knowledge sharing in pulsating organisations : the experiences of music festival volunteersClayton, Diana January 2014 (has links)
This research aimed to investigate how and why festival volunteers share knowledge in pulsating UK music festival organisations, through an interpretation of volunteers’ lived experiences of knowledge sharing during the event lifecycle. Within the UK music festival sector, competition for leisure spend is high, and successful management of knowledge activities has the ability to improve business, innovation, and competitive advantage. Research across Knowledge Management Studies, Festival Studies, and People and Organisation Studies is dominated by positivist, quantitative research; whereas, this research investigated a fuzzy concept (knowledge) in a socially-constructed world (music festival) and interpreted multiple realities of social actors (volunteers). To do this, a qualitative, phenomenological study was suitable to explore in-depth experiences and unveil meanings attached to them. Purposive sampling using social media resulted in a sample of adult festival volunteers (n=28) being recruited. The methods selected enabled the ability to privilege the participants’ voice and their lived experience; these were diaries (n=11) and in-depth interviews (n=9), or both (n=8). The empirical data generated was interpreted using thematic analysis, using Atlas.ti. The findings of this research illustrate how and why volunteers share knowledge that is attributed to a successful process of volunteering, which enables effective knowledge management and reproduction. Where volunteers’ motivations are satisfied, this leads to bounce-back, episodic volunteering. Knowledge enablers and the removal of barriers create conditions that are conducive for knowledge sharing, which have similar characteristics to conditions for volunteering continuance commitment. Where volunteers do not return, the organisation leaks knowledge. The original contribution of this research is through its use of qualitative phenomenological methods to explore how and why UK music festival volunteers share knowledge.
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