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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liderazgo transformacional y su impacto en el desempeño laboral en los hoteles 3 y 4 estrellas del distrito de Huancayo, año 2020

Cano Sánchez, Jisel Franchesca, Revilla Cuadros, Carlos Hernan 13 April 2021 (has links)
La finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación es evaluar el liderazgo transformacional y su impacto en el desempeño laboral en los Hoteles 3 y 4 estrellas del Distrito de Huancayo, año 2020. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es identificar si los líderes que presentan un estilo de liderazgo transformacional impactan de forma negativa o positiva, en el desempeño laboral de sus subordinados. Teniendo en cuenta que para determinar si los líderes presentan un estilo de liderazgo transformacional, se aplicó el cuestionario MLQ 5X (short) a los colaboradores. De este modo, el trabajo se lleva a cabo en cinco capítulos estructurados de la siguiente manera. De acuerdo a lo expuesto en el párrafo anterior, el capítulo I, se centrará en el desarrollo del marco teórico donde se analizará de lo general a lo particular el liderazgo transformacional y el desempeño laboral, dentro de este contexto, también se abordará la situación del sector hotelero en el Mundo y el Perú. Por otro lado, en el capítulo II, se desarrollará el plan de investigación, estableciendo el problema, objetivos e hipótesis. Asimismo, en el capítulo III, se realizará la metodología de la investigación, que nos permitirá definir el tipo, enfoque, alcance y diseño de la investigación. De igual forma, en el capítulo IV, se expone los resultados obtenidos de las entrevistas a profundidad y las encuestas realizadas. Finalmente, en el capítulo V, se detallan las conclusiones y recomendaciones generadas a partir del análisis estadístico. / The main purpose of this research is to evaluate how transformational leadership impacts on job performance on three and four stars hotels in Huancayo District. In this context, the main objective of this research is to identify if the leaders who have a transformational leadership style impact, negatively or positively, on the job performance of their subordinates. Taking into account that to determine if the leaders present a transformational leadership style, the MLQ 5X (short) questionnaire was applied to the collaborators. In this way, the work is carried out in five chapters structured as follows. According to what is stated in the previous paragraph, Chapter I, will focus on the development of the theoretical framework where transformational leadership, and job performance, will be analyzed from the general to the particular. Within this context, the situation of Hospitality sector in the World and Peru will also be addressed. On the other hand, in Chapter II, the research plan will be developed, establishing the problem, objectives and hypotheses. Likewise, in Chapter III, the research methodology is carried out, which will allow us to define the type, focus, scope and design of the research. Likewise, Chapter IV presents the results obtained from in-depth interviews and surveys. Finally, in Chapter V, the conclusions and recommendations generated from the statistical analysis are detailed. / Tesis

Diseño interior del primer hotel con módulos de hospedaje en el Perú para el pasajero en tránsito del Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez

González Salinas, María Camila 30 December 2018 (has links)
La investigación busca sentar las bases de un hotel que, a través de la disposición de módulos unipersonales, sea capaz de atender la creciente demanda especializada de pasajeros en tránsito del aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez. El negocio se fundamenta en la modalidad de no tener que hacer una previa reservación para recibir el servicio, ya que el cliente podrá registrarse de manera autónoma en el momento de acercarse a la recepción para lo cual solo tendrá que introducir sus datos. Esto se hace con el afán de brindar a los clientes un ambiente menos estresante antes de viajar. El hotel tiene tres pisos, el primero tiene zonas divididas para cada actividad, el segundo para el descanso y la higiene del pasajero donde también podrá descansar y distraerse en las salas de los pasillos, el tercero repite todo lo del segundo. Cabe mencionar que al momento de inscribirse el cliente recibirá un brazalete, donde podrá consumir los productos, entrar a la cápsula, abrir el locker en este brazalete se carga el monto consumido durante la estadía. Cada cliente está obligado a ducharse antes de entrar al módulo a pernoctar, razón por la cual se le entregarán objetos de aseo personal tales como bata de baño, toalla, Sachet de shampoo, alpargatas y jabón. Entre los servicios que ofrecerá el hotel, se tendrá la cafetería, el comedor y el bar durante 24 horas.. Estar a solo segundos de distancia de todas las puertas internacionales mientras se ofrecen todas las comodidades para trabajar, relajarse, dormir y refrescarse será lo oportuno a ofrecer para que el viajero pueda llegar a su próximo destino de la mejor manera. El estudio ha ido dividido en 5 capítulos a saber: Descripción de la realidad problemática; Marcos investigativos; Estrategias de diseño; Programación; Conclusiones y aportes Como gran conclusión se ha llegado a indicar que el diseño de un hospedaje por módulos no solo responde a la tendencia imperante en los aeropuertos Hub del Mundo y que nuestro aporte servirá para alinear al Jorge Chávez en ese nivel; sino que además a fuerza de la demanda su construcción se hace muy necesaria. / The research seeks to lay the foundations of a hotel that, through the provision of single-person modules, will be able to meet the growing specialized demand of passengers in transit in Jorge Chávez International Airport. The business is based on the modality of not having to make a previous reservation to receive the service, since the client will be able to register autonomously at the moment of approaching the reception for which he will only have to enter his data. This is done with the aim of providing customers with a less stressful environment before traveling. The hotel has three floors, the first has divided areas for each activity, the second for rest and passenger hygiene where you can also rest and be distracted in the halls of the corridors, the third repeats everything of the second. It is worth mentioning that at the time of registration the customer will receive a bracelet, where they can consume the products, enter the capsule, open the locker on this bracelet, the amount consumed during the stay is charged. Each client is obliged to take a shower before entering the module to spend the night, which is why they will be given personal hygiene items such as bathrobe, towel, shampoo bag, espadrilles and soap. Among the services offered by the hotel, you will have the cafeteria, the dining room and the bar for 24 hours .. Being just seconds away from all international doors while offering all the amenities to work, relax, sleep and refresh will be the right thing to offer so that the traveler can reach their next destination in the best way. The study has been divided into 5 chapters namely: Description of the problematic reality; Investigative frameworks; Design strategies; Programming; Conclusions and contributions As a great conclusion it has come to indicate that the design of a lodging by modules not only responds to the prevailing tendency in the Hub of the World airports and that our contribution will serve to align the Jorge Chávez in that level; but also by force of demand its construction becomes very necessary. / Tesis

Proyecto de emprendimiento sobre reserva de habitaciones de hoteles por horas confidencialmente / Entrepreneurship Project on booking hotel rooms by hours confidentially

Alcántara Pinedo, Carmen Rosa, Lapa Montalvo, Gabriela Julisa, Maierhanser Robles, Mijhail Jurgen, Tavara Campos, Karla Lizeth, Wong Noli, Bronella Arlette 01 December 2020 (has links)
Para la creación de la idea de negocio denominada RoomNow, se ha tomado en cuenta la situación actual del país y los resultados obtenidos del público objetivo definido, donde se identificó que nuestro valor diferencial, la confidencialidad, surge de la incomodidad que la mayoría de los usuarios tienen a la hora de reservar una habitación en un hotel/hostal. Por ende, frente a este problema identificado, surgió la idea de crear una aplicación para reservar habitaciones de hoteles por horas de la manera más confidencial, rápida y segura en Lima Metropolitana. El nombre de la aplicación es RoomNow y las personas podrán ingresar registrándose con información básica, sin embargo, tomando en cuenta las leyes impuestas por el gobierno sobre la prohibición del ingreso de menores de edad a establecimientos como hoteles/hostales, se tendrá como requisito el colocar sus identificaciones para la reservación de una habitación. Para evidenciar el valor diferencial de la confidencialidad se hará uso de casilleros que se ubicarán en cada establecimiento asociado, donde una vez realizado el pago virtualmente, se enviará una clave de cuatro dígitos para el recojo de llave. Por otro lado, se realizó una proyección del análisis financiero para los próximos 5 años, obteniendo como resultado un VAN de 377,183.83 soles, evidenciando que el proyecto es rentable, y la inversión se recuperará en dos años y 5 meses aproximadamente. Para iniciar operaciones, se necesitará una inversión inicial de 63,674 soles. Finalmente, la estructura financiera está conformada por 62% de deuda y 38% de patrimonio. / For the creation of the business idea called RoomNow, the current situation of the country and the results obtained from the defined target audience have been taken into account, where it was identified that our differential value, confidentiality, arises from the discomfort that most of the users have when book a room in a hotel / hostel. Therefore, faced with this identified problem, the idea arose to create an application to reserve hotel rooms by the hour in the most confidential, fast and secure way in Metropolitan Lima. The name of the app is RoomNow and people may enter by registering with basic information, however, taking into account the laws imposed by the government on the prohibition of the entry of minors to establishments such as hotels / hostels, it will be a requirement to place your identification for the reservation of a room. To demonstrate the differential value of confidentiality, lockers will be used that will be located in each associated establishment, where once the payment is made virtually, a four-digit password will be sent to collect the key. On the other hand, a financial analysis projection was made for the next 5 years, obtaining as a result a VPN of 377,183.83 soles, showing that the project is profitable, and the investment will be recovered in approximately two years and 5 months. To start operations, you will need an initial investment of 63,674 soles. Finally, the financial structure is made up of 62% debt and 38% equity. / Trabajo de investigación

Kvalitet proizvoda i usluga u velnes centrima kao faktor konkurentnosti hotela u Sloveniji / Quality of products and services in wellness centers as a factor of competitiveness of the hotels in Slovenia

Rančić Milica 04 July 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; je&nbsp; problematika poslovanja&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; centara,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; važan&nbsp; deo ugostiteljskih&nbsp; objekata,&nbsp; prilagođavanje&nbsp; obima&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvaliteta<br />velnes&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; potrebama&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; turista,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; uticaj kvaliteta usluge u velnes centrima na konkurentnost hotela.U&nbsp; teorijskom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp;&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; su glavna&nbsp; teorijska&nbsp; ishodi&scaron;ta&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; bave&nbsp; problematikom<br />definisanja&nbsp; pojmova velnes i subjektivno blagostanje,&nbsp; velnes turista&nbsp; i&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; turizma,&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; usluga&nbsp; u&nbsp; hotelijerstvu, konkurentnosti.&nbsp; U&nbsp; empirijskom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije predstavljeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; pomoću sledećih&nbsp; istraživačkih&nbsp; metoda:&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; na&nbsp; vebsajtovima&nbsp; hotela,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; hotela&nbsp; u loveniji&nbsp; i&nbsp; anketno&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; usmereno&nbsp; na&nbsp; posetioce<br />velnes centara&nbsp; izdvojenih&nbsp; hotela u Sloveniji.&nbsp; U zaključnom delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije,&nbsp; pored&nbsp; zaključne&nbsp; diskusije&nbsp; o rezultatima&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; istaknut&nbsp; je&nbsp; naučni&nbsp; i&nbsp; praktični<br />doprinos&nbsp; rada,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; limitirajući&nbsp; faktori&nbsp; i&nbsp; preporuke&nbsp; za buduća istraživanja.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; wellness&nbsp; center,&nbsp; as&nbsp; an important part of the hotel, then adapting the diversity and quality of wellness offer to the needs of the wellness tourists, as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; service&nbsp; quality&nbsp; in&nbsp; wellness centers on the competitiveness of hotels.&nbsp; The theoretical part of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp;&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; the&nbsp; main&nbsp; theoretical sources that deal with the problem of defining the concepts of wellness and subjective well-being, wellness tourism and&nbsp; &nbsp; wellness&nbsp; tourists, the quality of services in hotel industry, competitiveness.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; empirical&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral dissertation, the results of the research, obtained through the following&nbsp; research&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; were&nbsp; presented:&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of data of hotel&nbsp; web sites, analysis of the hotel&#39;s wellness offer in Slovenia and&nbsp; survey research directed at visitors of the wellness centers of selected hotels in Slovenia.&nbsp; In the final part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation,&nbsp; in&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; final discussion on the&nbsp; results &nbsp; of the research, the scientific and practical contribution of the work was emphasized, as well as&nbsp; the&nbsp; limiting&nbsp; factors&nbsp; and&nbsp; recommendations&nbsp; for&nbsp; future research.</p>

El uso de la tecnología inteligente en hoteles a nivel internacional y su aplicación en el Perú / Use of smart technology in hotels internationally and its application in Peru

Pagador Barton, Andrea, Uriarte Delgado, Nicole 18 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, la tecnología ha transformado la vida de las personas, influyendo de manera positiva en los servicios hoteleros que la han incorporado como principal herramienta en la experiencia de los clientes. El uso de la tecnología inteligente en el sector hotelero tiene gran impacto en los niveles de satisfacción de los huéspedes; ello permite reconocer sus principales necesidades y atenderlas de manera personalizada. Asimismo, permite otorgar una mayor comodidad, lo cual desencadena una mejor experiencia en el espacio en que se encuentra. La investigación se centra en el estudio del uso de la tecnología inteligente o smart technology que los huéspedes emplean durante su estadía en hoteles a nivel internacional y su posible aplicación en la gestión de hoteles en el Perú. El estudio se basa en la revisión bibliográfica de fuentes académicas, tales como tesis de grado, investigaciones y revistas científicas, que permiten reconocer los principales estándares en el uso de la tecnología inteligente en la industria hotelera. Se obtuvo como hallazgo que los hoteles que usan la tecnología inteligente contribuyen en la adquisición de altos niveles de satisfacción. Asimismo, las tecnologías inteligentes son aún limitadas en el Perú, ya que se requiere de una inversión alta, la que no equipara la demanda en el país. Sin embargo, se han implementado sistemas tecnológicos que facilitan la gestión y personalizan la interacción del huésped. En conclusión, la tecnología inteligente es importante, ya que otorga altos niveles de calidad al sector hotelero, logrando altos niveles de satisfacción en las personas. / Nowadays, technology has transformed people's lives, influencing hotel services that have incorporated it as the main tool in the customer experience. The use of smart technology in the hotel sector has a high impact on the satisfaction levels of guests, since this allows them to recognize their main needs and attend them in a personalized way. It also allows for greater comfort, which triggers a better experience in the space in which it is located. Given this, this research focuses on the use of intelligent technology or smart technology that guests use during their stay in hotels internationally and its possible application in hotel management in Peru. The study is based on a bibliographic review, based on various academic sources such as graduate theses, research reports and scientific journals, which allow to recognize the main standards in the use of smart technology in the hotel industry. The main finding was that hotels that use smart technology contribute to the acquisition of high levels of satisfaction. This implementation of technology facilitates management, adapting to the main activities, to make guests experience situations better. Likewise, it was observed that the use of smart technologies is still limited in Peru, because it requires a high investment, which does not match the demand in the country. However, technological systems have already been implemented that facilitate management and personalize guest interaction. In conclusion, smart technology is important, as it provides high levels of quality to the hotel sector, achieving high levels of satisfaction in people. / Trabajo de investigación

Аналитика друштвених мрежа као фактор промоције хотела у Србији / Analitika društvenih mreža kao faktor promocije hotela u Srbiji / Social network analytics as a factor of promotion of hotels in Serbia

Kalinić Časlav 13 March 2019 (has links)
<p>У&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; су&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; девет&nbsp; поглавља&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доноси&nbsp; аналитика&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа.&nbsp; Конкретно&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; су&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доносе друштвене мреже&nbsp; у склопу промотивних активности хотела.&nbsp; Истраживањем је обухваћено&nbsp; утврђивање&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; интернет&nbsp; маркетинга,&nbsp; и&nbsp; у&nbsp; склопу&nbsp; тога&nbsp; маркетинга&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама&nbsp; за&nbsp; туристички&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотелски&nbsp; сектор,&nbsp; приказан&nbsp; је&nbsp; концепт друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; најактуелнијих&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; на глобалном нивоу. Дат је и преглед техника аналитике друштвених мрежа и области и начини&nbsp; примене,&nbsp; са&nbsp; освртом&nbsp; на&nbsp; велике&nbsp; количине&nbsp; података.&nbsp; Такође,&nbsp; истраживањем&nbsp; јеобухваћено и утврђивање фактора који утичу на ангажовање корисника на друштвеним мрежама,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; налога&nbsp; и&nbsp; метаподатака&nbsp; објава&nbsp; прикупљених&nbsp; на анализираним&nbsp; налозима.&nbsp; Под&nbsp; основном&nbsp; јединицом&nbsp; посматрања&nbsp; сматрани&nbsp; су&nbsp; сви категорисани&nbsp; угоститељски&nbsp; објекти&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; хотел&nbsp; који&nbsp; се&nbsp; налазе&nbsp; у&nbsp; Републици&nbsp; Србији. Прикупљање података обухватало је комбинацију мануелних и аутоматских метода, уз помоћ којих су прибављени подаци о налозима хотела на најактуелнијим друштвеним мрежама. Истраживање је&nbsp; потврдило&nbsp; прву хипотезу да су хотели у Србији препознали значај&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; за&nbsp; промоцију,&nbsp; на&nbsp; нивоу&nbsp; присуства&nbsp; на&nbsp; тренутно&nbsp; водећим платформама на тржишту. У раду је делимично потврђена друга хипотеза која сматра аналитику&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; вредним&nbsp; каналом&nbsp; за&nbsp; прибављање&nbsp; информација&nbsp; о потрошачима, а која&nbsp; се могу користити као основа за промотивне активности хотела. Истраживањем је потврђена и трећа хипотеза&nbsp; да различите карактеристике објава које креирају&nbsp; корисници&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотели&nbsp; на&nbsp; друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама,&nbsp; различито&nbsp; утичу&nbsp; на ангажованост корисника, а самим тим и на значај за промоцију. На основу теоретских сазнања о промотивним активностима на друштвеним мрежама и практичних потреба отела&nbsp; у&nbsp; Србији,&nbsp; дат&nbsp; је&nbsp; предлог&nbsp; модела&nbsp; за&nbsp; вршење&nbsp; промотивних&nbsp; активности&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама.&nbsp; Поред&nbsp; тога,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; и&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; за&nbsp; будућа<br />истраживања у овој области.</p> / <p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; su&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; devet&nbsp; poglavlja&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donosi&nbsp; analitika&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža.&nbsp; Konkretno&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; su&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donose društvene mreže&nbsp; u sklopu promotivnih aktivnosti hotela.&nbsp; Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; internet&nbsp; marketinga,&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; sklopu&nbsp; toga&nbsp; marketinga&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama&nbsp; za&nbsp; turistički&nbsp; i&nbsp; hotelski&nbsp; sektor,&nbsp; prikazan&nbsp; je&nbsp; koncept društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; najaktuelnijih&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; na globalnom nivou. Dat je i pregled tehnika analitike društvenih mreža i oblasti i načini&nbsp; primene,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; osvrtom&nbsp; na&nbsp; velike&nbsp; količine&nbsp; podataka.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; istraživanjem&nbsp; jeobuhvaćeno i utvrđivanje faktora koji utiču na angažovanje korisnika na društvenim mrežama,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; naloga&nbsp; i&nbsp; metapodataka&nbsp; objava&nbsp; prikupljenih&nbsp; na analiziranim&nbsp; nalozima.&nbsp; Pod&nbsp; osnovnom&nbsp; jedinicom&nbsp; posmatranja&nbsp; smatrani&nbsp; su&nbsp; svi kategorisani&nbsp; ugostiteljski&nbsp; objekti&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; hotel&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; nalaze&nbsp; u&nbsp; Republici&nbsp; Srbiji. Prikupljanje podataka obuhvatalo je kombinaciju manuelnih i automatskih metoda, uz pomoć kojih su pribavljeni podaci o nalozima hotela na najaktuelnijim društvenim mrežama. Istraživanje je&nbsp; potvrdilo&nbsp; prvu hipotezu da su hoteli u Srbiji prepoznali značaj&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; za&nbsp; promociju,&nbsp; na&nbsp; nivou&nbsp; prisustva&nbsp; na&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; vodećim platformama na tržištu. U radu je delimično potvrđena druga hipoteza koja smatra analitiku&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; vrednim&nbsp; kanalom&nbsp; za&nbsp; pribavljanje&nbsp; informacija&nbsp; o potrošačima, a koja&nbsp; se mogu koristiti kao osnova za promotivne aktivnosti hotela. Istraživanjem je potvrđena i treća hipoteza&nbsp; da različite karakteristike objava koje kreiraju&nbsp; korisnici&nbsp; i&nbsp; hoteli&nbsp; na&nbsp; društvenim&nbsp; mrežama,&nbsp; različito&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na angažovanost korisnika, a samim tim i na značaj za promociju. Na osnovu teoretskih saznanja o promotivnim aktivnostima na društvenim mrežama i praktičnih potreba otela&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji,&nbsp; dat&nbsp; je&nbsp; predlog&nbsp; modela&nbsp; za&nbsp; vršenje&nbsp; promotivnih&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; i&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; za&nbsp; buduća<br />istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>Throughout&nbsp; nine&nbsp; chapters,&nbsp; this&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; analytics.Precisely,&nbsp; this&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; carrying&nbsp; out&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social network sites. The research study included determining of internet marketing importance, and within that importance of marketing on social network sites&nbsp; tourism and hospitality. Also, the concept of social network sites is presented as well as characteristics of the most current global ones.&nbsp; Within the scope of the reseatch is also a review of the techniques of social network analysis and areas and application modes, with reference to large amounts of data. The survey included determining factors that influence the user engagement on social networks, as well as the characteristics of accounts as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; posts&#39;&nbsp; metadata&nbsp; collected&nbsp; on&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; accounts.&nbsp; All&nbsp; categorized&nbsp; hotel facilities&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Republic&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; were&nbsp; considered&nbsp; the&nbsp; basic&nbsp; unit&nbsp; of&nbsp; observation.&nbsp; Data collection&nbsp; encompassed&nbsp; a&nbsp; combination&nbsp; of&nbsp; manual&nbsp; and&nbsp; automatic&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; through&nbsp; which information&nbsp; about&nbsp; the&nbsp; hotel&#39;s&nbsp; accounts&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; current&nbsp; social&nbsp; networks&nbsp; was&nbsp; obtained.&nbsp; The research confirmed the first hypothesis that the hotels in Serbia recognized the importance of&nbsp; social network sites for promotion, at the level of presence at the current leading platforms in the market. The second hypothesis is partially confirmed that considers the analytics of social network sites a valuable channel for obtaining consumer information, which can be used as the basis for the hotel&#39;s promotional&nbsp; activities.&nbsp; The&nbsp; study&nbsp; also&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; hypothesis&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; different characteristics of the posts created by users and hotels on social network sites have different effect on&nbsp; user&nbsp; engagement,&nbsp; and&nbsp; therefore&nbsp; the&nbsp; importance&nbsp; of&nbsp; promotion.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; knowledge about&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; sites&nbsp; and&nbsp; practical&nbsp; needs&nbsp; of&nbsp; hotels&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; this study proposed&nbsp; the model for performing promotional activities on social network&nbsp; sites. In addition, the paper presents possibilities for future research in this area.</p>

Stävan efter känslan : Ökad upplevelseekonomi genom interaktiva &amp; fysiska omgivningsdimensioner i servicelanskapet

Schlichter, Claire, Lind, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Vikten av de fysiska och interaktiva omgivningsdimensionerna i servicelandskapet på livsstilshotell har omvärderats. Bakgrunden till detta beror på det pågående skifte som fortgått under en längre tid av den varudominanta logiken till den servicedominanta logiken. Att vara det hotell som får gästernas uppmärksamhet, helhjärtat, kan vara avgörande för vilket hotell de väljer. Det påverkas inte bara av hotellets läge, erbjudande av kärntjänst utan vilket typ av upplevelse de har att erbjuda. För att utforska det här byggs studien upp på Bitners modell för servicelandskap tillsammans med Pine och Gilmores upplevelseekonomi-modell. Genom fältstudier undersöks de materiella och immateriella aspekterna som kan ingå i omgivningsdimensionerna i servicelandskapet samt gästernas emotionella reaktioner på upplevelsen. Hotellen kategoriseras i upplevelseekonomi-modellen samt jämförs mellan varandra. Syftet med undersökningen är att generera kunskap kring vilka dimensioner och variabler som livsstilshotell använder, samt vilka som är mest värdefulla för att skapa en stark upplevelse. Studiens resultat visar att hotellen inom de olika kategorierna i upplevelseekonomi-modellen använder de interaktiva och fysiska omgivningsdimensionerna på olika sätt. Beroende på vilken typ av upplevelse hotellen vill skapa och förmedla krävs det olika mycket engagemang i de olika dimensionerna och dess variabler. / The importance of the physical and interactive dimensions of the service landscape in lifestyle hotels has been re-evaluated. The reason for this is due to the ongoing shift that has continued over a long period of time from the goods-dominant logic to the service-dominant logic. Being the hotel that gets the guests' attention, wholeheartedly, can be decisive for which hotel they choose. This is not only affected by the hotels location, core service offerings, but the kind of experience the hotel have to offer. To explore this, the essay uses Bitner's model for the servicescape together with Pine and Gilmore's experience economy model. Field studies investigate the material and intangible aspects that can be included in the ambient dimensions of the servicescape as well as the guests' emotional reactions to the experience. The hotels are categorized in the experience economy model and compared between each other. The purpose of the essay is to generate knowledge about the dimensions and variables that lifestyle hotels use. Which are most valuable for creating a strong experience based on the different categories in the experience economy model. The results of the study shows that the hotels within the different categories in the experience economy model use the interactive and physical environmental dimensions in different ways. Depending on the type of experience the hotels want to create and convey, the various levels of commitment to the different dimensions and its variables are required.

Hur påverkas ett bolags ekonomistyrning av en kris? : En fallstudie på Scandic Hotels Group AB

Bengtsson, Isak, Tjelander, Måns January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ge insikt i hur Scandic Hotels Group AB:s (Scandic) ekonomistyrning påverkades över strategisk, taktiskt och operativ nivå av Coronakrisen. Tidigare studier kring ekonomistyrning under en kris lyfte fram ett skiftat fokus och att framförallt planering, kontroll, kommunikation och information påverkades. Meningen med studien var inte att objektifiera, utan att skapa ytterligare förståelse för hur ekonomistyrningen, över de tre organisatoriska nivåerna, fungerade i en specifik situation för att utveckla teori. Information samlades in genom att granska Scandics offentliggjorda dokument samt att intervjua sju respondenter ifrån olika nivåer på företaget som sysslade med ekonomistyrning. Vad som blev tydligt var att Scandics ekonomistyrningen antog en ny form utifrån ett förändrat, främst kortsiktigt, fokus mot likviditet, kassaflöde och kostnader, vilket även tidigare studier beskriver. Vad tidigare studier inte beskriver till samma grad, men som var tydligt på Scandic var att den taktiska nivån tenderade försvinna samtidigt som förändringarna skiljde sig åt på strategisk och operativ nivå. Strategisk nivå tenderade att bli mer traditionell i sin ekonomistyrning med fokus på det finansiella, samtidigt som den operativa blev modernare och såg främst till kunderna. Det planerades kortsiktigt för att klara av kassaflödet på strategisk nivå och för att styra bemanningen på operativ nivå. Viss långsiktig planering förekom dock på strategisk nivå för att säkra bolagets finanser. Kontroll genom jämförelser frånsågs och vad som blev väsentligt på strategisk nivå var det finansiella. På operativ nivå kontrollerades dock mer mjuka värden som kundnöjdheten och personalens välmående då dessa ansågs vara de enda som gick att påverka. På den operativa nivån gavs större frihet att arbeta med intäkterna samtidigt som den strategiska nivån betonade att allt skulle ske resurseffektivt, vilket aktualiserades genom ett inköpsstopp som infördes. Utifrån detta intensifierades en ökad kostnadsmedvetenhet på den operativa nivån. Kommunikationen av informationen skedde på ett “top-down” vis då avgörande beslut togs ovanifrån. På den strategiska nivån hölls fler möten kring intern finansiell information och beslut. Detta medan kommunikationen på hotellnivå blev mer inkluderande i och med att bemanningsreduktioner gjort att personalen behövde vara flexiblare och de kom därför närmare varandra i sina nya roller. Mer extern information krävdes över hela verksamheten då det var externa faktorer som orsakat krisen. Strategisk nivå var i behov av denna för att anpassa sig efter marknadsläget samtidigt som operativ nivå behövde informationen då efterfrågan styrde själva hotelldriften. Coronakrisen var en extrem kris som påverkade efterfrågan inom besöksnäringen avsevärt, vilket krävde aktioner och förändring. Överlag var det kortsiktighet som karaktäriserade hela Scandics verksamhet där det skiftande fokuset realiserades på olika vis på olika nivåer i verksamheten, men gemensamt fanns ett övergripande mål om överlevnad. När marknadsläget gick ifrån att vara stabilt till ostabilt krävdes andra delar ifrån verksamheten där likviditet, kassaflöde och kostnader blev det primära fokuset. Vad som hände med ekonomistyrningen under en kris, inom ett specifikt företag, kunde till viss del även ses i tidigare forskning, men det gjordes fynd som var teoriutvecklande. / The purpose of this academic study was to provide insight into how Scandic Hotels Group AB's (Scandic) management accounting was affected at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels by the Corona crisis that took place. Previous studies on management accounting during a crisis highlighted a shifted focus and that planning, control, communication, and information, were affected. The purpose of the study was not to objectify but to generate further understanding of how management accounting, across the three organizational levels, worked in a specific situation to develop theory. Reviewing Scandic's published documents and interviewing seven respondents of the company generated this study.  It became clear that Scandic's management accounting adopted a new form based on a changed, mainly short-term, focus on liquidity, cash flow, and costs, as also previous studies described. Previous studies did not explain it to the same degree, but it was evidently at Scandic that the tactical level tended to disappear as the changes differed at the strategic and operational level. The strategic level became more traditional with a higher focus on the financial, while the operational level became more modern and looked primarily to the customer. It was planned in a short-term way to manage cash flow at the strategic level and deal with staffing at the operational level. However, some long-term planning took place at a strategic level to secure the company's finances. Control through comparisons did not occur and what became significant at the strategic level was financial numbers. At the operational level, softer values ​as customer satisfaction and staff well-being were mainly in focus as these were reputable to be the only ones that could be affected. At the operational level, more freedom for the revenues was given, at the same time as the strategic level emphasized that everything needed to be in a resource-efficient manner. Therefore, an increased cost awareness was intensified, based on the purchase stop, at the operational level. The communication of the information occurred in a "top-down" approach since crucial decisions were made on the strategic level. At this level, more meetings occurred about financial internal information and decisions. Communication at the hotel level became more inclusive as the staff reductions led to the staff needing to be more flexible and, therefore, came closer to each other in their new roles. External information was required throughout the business as it was external factors that mainly directed the market situation. The strategic level needed this to adapt to the market situation, at the same time as the operational level needed the information to control the operations by the current demand.  The Corona crisis was an extreme crisis that significantly affected the demand in the hospitality industry. Scandic was characterized by actions of short-term, the shifting focus looked different in different levels, but together there was an overall goal, which was survival. When the market situation went from stable to unstable, other parts were required where liquidity, cash flow, and costs became the primary focus in the organization. What happened to the management accounting during a crisis, in a specific company, could be equated with some previous research, but despite this, findings that contributed to the study becoming theory-developing were made.

Efectos del Covid-19 en la gestión de alimentos y bebidas de los hoteles y potenciales medidas de reactivación

Cordova Zorrilla, Gabriela Sofia, Moreno Forero, Fabrizio Antonio 18 October 2021 (has links)
Tras la aparición de la pandemia del COVID-19 y su rápida propagación alrededor del mundo, la industria hotelera ha sufrido la crisis mundial que más la ha afectado, y especialmente el área de alimentos y bebidas ha tenido la mayor cantidad de repercusiones negativas . Es por ello que dicha área se ha visto forzada a aplicar una serie de cambios en su gestión y a diseñar medidas de mejora que le permitan contrarrestar las pérdidas económicas sufridas durante la pandemia y empezar a reactivar progresivamente la funcionalidad del área .La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal identificar los efectos que ha generado la pandemia COVID-19 en la gestión del área de alimentos y bebidas de los hoteles y las potenciales acciones de mejora que se deben considerar para reactivar el área en el contexto actual. La metodología de investigación utilizada fue la de revisión literaria con enfoque integrador basada en la revisión de diversas fuentes académicas como tesis, libros, y artículos científicos sobre los efectos de la pandemia en la gestión del área de alimentos y bebidas, los cambios en la seguridad alimentaria aplicados en el área y las potenciales medidas de reactivación ante el COVID-19. / Due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s quick propagation around the world, the hospitality industry has suffered the global crisis that has affected it the most, especially the Food and Beverage area which has suffered a great deal of negative consequences. These consequences have caused the Food and Beverage area to apply a lot of changes in its operations and management and design measurements to soften the huge economic loss during the pandemic, and start to reactivate progressively the area towards a brighter future and recovery. This research paper has as its main objective to identify the effects COVID-19 has caused in the Food and Beverage area of hotels and potential reactivation measurements. The research methodology used in this case is literary review with an integrative approach based on the review of various academic sources such as thesis, books and scientific articles about the effects of the pandemic on the Food and Beverage area, the consequences on food safety and potential reactivation measurements. / Trabajo de investigación

Tourism leakage of accommodation in Bali / Le manque à gagner dans le secteur du logement touristique à Bali

Suryawardani, I Gusti Ayu Oka 12 June 2015 (has links)
Le tourisme est le fer de lance de l'économie balinaise. Mais, les fruits de cette économie du tourisme ne bénéficient pas à toutes les classes de la société balinaise. Cela est dû, entre autres, au manque à gagner lorsque cette industrie importe par exemple des produits ou des services pour répondre aux besoins des touristes (alimentation pour la restauration par exemple). Le calcul du manque à gagner pour l'économie balinaise n’a jamais été fait auparavant. Pour cela, cette recherche est nécessaire. Les objectifs de la recherche étaient : de calculer le manque à gagner pour l'économie balinaise dans le secteur du logement pour les touristes en micro-économie (niveau industriel) ; d'estimer le manque à gagner pour le tourisme balinais dans le secteur de l'hébergement touristique en macroéconomie (au niveau provincial) ; d'évaluer l'impact de la subvention gouvernementale et la réduction des importations dans l' industrie du tourisme, les opportunités d'emploi et la distribution des revenus ; d'évaluer la perception et le choix des touristes internationaux face aux offres de produits importés et locaux, et aussi d'évaluer l'opinion des touristes sur le constat : est-ce que les dépenses des touristes pendant leur voyage à Bali bénéficient à la société balinaise ? ; et d'évaluer les opinions des gestionnaires des hôtels sur l'utilisation des produits importés et des produit locaux pour la consommation des touristes ; de créer une stratégie afin de minimiser le manque à gagner dans le secteur du tourisme pour l'économie balinaise. La recherche est basée sur les approches quantitatives et qualitatives. Les données primaires ont été recueillies par la méthode du sondage sur quatre destinations touristiques, à savoir : Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur et Ubud, auprès d'un échantillon de 79 hôtels selon la méthode de probabilité proportionnelle à la taille qui est divisée en trois échantillons en grappes : hôtels classés 1, 2 et 3 étoiles ; hôtels classés 4 & 5 étoiles et hôtels privés (non-chain) ou appartenant à une chaine hôtelière (chain) ; hôtels non-classés. Nombre de répondants 600 touristes internationaux qui étaient en vacances à ce moment-là. Le calcul du manque à gagner dans l'analyse micro a été mené selon la méthode d'Unluonen et. al. (2011), tandis que l'analyse macro a été faite selon la méthode de Thorbecke (1988) en utilisant l'approche de la matrice de comptabilité sociale (MCS) de la province de Bali de l'année 2010. La perception et le choix des touristes internationaux vis-à-vis des produits importés et locaux ont été analysé selon le logiciel JMP tandis que les stratégies de la minimisation du manque à gagner dans l'économie touristique balinaise ont été créées selon la méthode de l'ISM (interpretive Structural Modelling). [...] Les touristes internationaux choisissent de façon significative les produits locaux et ils sont prêts à dépenser leur argent au bénéfice des populations locales. Les gestionnaires des hôtels sont prêts à utiliser les produits locaux tant que l’offre est suffisante pour remplacer les produits importés. Les stratégies pour minimiser le manque à gagner pour le tourisme à Bali : optimiser les potentiels des produits locaux ; développer l'agriculture et l' élevage, réduire les produits importés pour la consommation des touristes, augmenter l'exportation des produits locaux, augmenter la qualité des produits locaux ainsi que la qualité des ressources humaines locales, renforcer la société locale, inciter le gouvernement à mettre en œuvre une politique de minimisation du manque à gagner dans l'économie touristique, limiter les investissements étrangers dans le secteur du logement touristique, stabiliser les fluctuations des taux de change, augmenter le rôle du Ministère des affaires étrangères, du ministère de l'industrie, du Ministère du commerce ainsi que le rôle du Ministère du tourisme et de l'économie créative afin de réduire ledit manque à gagner. / Tourism has become the leading economic sector in Bali Province of Indonesia. However, the economic impacts of tourism have not been convinced to be full y beneficial for Balinese community. One of the reasons is tourism leakage that occurs when the industry imports both products and services to support tourism industry in Bali. So far, the amount of tourism leakage in Bali has not been calculated yet. Therefore, there is a need to ascertain the current amount of leakage in Bali tourism. The objectives of the study are: (i) to calculate the amount of tourism leakage from accommodation sector in Bali at micro (industrial) level; (ii) to calculate the amount of tourism leakage from accommodation sector in Bali at macro (regional) level; (iii) to evaluate the impacts of government subsidies and import reduction by accommodation sector on tourism leakage, job opportunity and income distribution; (iv) to evaluate the perception and preference of foreign tourists on imported and local products as well as the willingness of foreign tourists to spend their money to benefit of Balinese people; (v) to evaluate the points of view of hotel managers related to imported and local products as well as their willingness in reducing the use of imported product and (vi) to develop strategies in minimizing tourism leakage in accommodation in Bali. Research was designed through quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data was collected by using survey method at four main tourist destinations in Bali, namely: Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur and Ubud. There were 79 hotels selected based upon probability proportional to size sampling method which consists of three clusters namely 1,2,3 Star-rated, 4&5 Star-rated either chain and non-chain and Non Star-rated hotels. The number of respondents was 600 foreign tourists were selected as respondents. Calculation of tourism leakage on micro analysis was undertaken by using a method developed by Unluonen, et. al. (2011), meanwhile, on macro analysis was carried out by using a method proposed by Thorbecke ( 1988) which was based on the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of Bali 2010. Perception and preference of foreign tourists on imported and local products were analyzed by using JMP program, meanwhile, Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) was undertaken to develop strategies. The results show that based on the micro analysis, the highest tourism leakage of accommodation sector in Bali is at 4&5 Star-rated chain hotels (51.0 %), followed by 4&5 Star-rated non-chain hotels (22.7 %), 1,2&3 Star-rated hotels (12.0 %), Non-star rated hotels (8.8 %), and with the average leakage of 18.8 %. Based on macro analysis, tourism leakage of accommodation sector in Bali are as follow: (i) Leakage of Non Star-rated hotels is 2.0 %; (ii) Leakage of 1,2&3 Star-rated hotels is 15.7 %; (iii) Leakage of 4&5 Star-rated non-chain hotels is 7.1 %, (iv) Leakage of 4&5 Star-rated chain hotels is 55.3%; and (v) Average leakage of all types of accommodation is 19.5%. Foreign tourists significantly look for local products and are willing to spend their money for Balinese people. Hotel managers are willing to use local product as long as local products are available to substitute the imported products. Strategies for minimization tourism leakage are optimizing the potential of local products, develop agriculture and livestock; reduce the use of imported products for tourists, improve quality of local products and human resources, empower community, urge government to develop and implement supporting policies in minimizing tourism leakage, establish policy on restriction of foreign investment on accommodation in Bali, improve the role of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. 7 Ps of marketing mix on service: product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence need to be implemented in order to support sustainable tourism in Bali

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