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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche combinée théorie-expérience pour la catalyse d’hydrogénation asymétrique / Combined approaches theory experiment for the asymmetrical catalysis of hydrogenation

Aloui, Asma 02 December 2010 (has links)
Plusieurs études ont rapporté l’influence de la pression d’hydrogène, plus précisément la concentration réelle en hydrogène dissous dans le milieu réactionnel, sur l’énantiosélectivité des réactions d’hydrogénations catalytiques intervenant des catalyseurs à base de rhodium. Cependant, l’identification de l’étape ou les étapes enantiodéterminantes ou limitantes ainsi que l’explication de l’effet de la pression d’hydrogène sur cet étape, exigent la détermination des constantes cinétiques de chaque étape élémentaire. Ce projet de recherche vise une telle détermination en combinant deux études expérimentale et théorique. Dans un premier temps, un système catalytique présentant deux effets opposés de la pression de l’hydrogène en fonction de la nature du substrat, a été identifié : un effet néfaste avec le M-acrylate (MAA) et un effet bénéfique avec l’E-emap. Ensuite, deux études ont été menées sur les réactions d’hydrogénation de ces deux substrats par le Rh(I) /(R,R)-Me-BPE. L’étude cinétique expérimentale est basée sur le modèle cinétique proposé par Halpern dans le but d’estimer les paramètres cinétiques des différentes étapes élémentaires, alors que celle théorique consiste à étudier les différents chemins réactionnels possibles par calcul DFT en utilisant le logiciel de modélisation Gaussian 03. L’exploitation des résultats obtenus a permis de revisiter les concepts clés de la catalyse d’hydrogénation asymétrique et de mener une discussion par rapport à la fiabilité des méthodes théoriques à prévoir l’expérience. / Several studies brought back the influence of the hydrogen pressure, more precisely the real hydrogen concentration dissolved in solution, on the enantioselectivity of the catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation for rhodium based catalysts. However to identify the enantiodetermining step(s), and to gain some further understanding on the hydrogen pressure-enantioselectivity relationship, the determination of the kinetic constants is required. We have thus embarked a project aiming such determination by coupling experimental work and theoretical chemistry. Two studies were undertaken on the asymmetric hydrogenation of both substrates by the Rh (I)/ (R,R)-Me-bpe catalyst. The experimental kinetic work study is based on the kinetic model suggested by Halpern in order to estimate the parameters kinetic of each elementary step, whereas that theoretical, consists in studying the various possible pathways by DFT calculation using the software of modelling Gaussian 03. The analysis of the obtained results made it possible to revisit the concepts’ key of the catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation and to hold a discussion about the reliability of the theoretical methods to envisage the experiment.

Utilising the solvation properties of ionic liquids in the size-controlled synthesis and stabilization of metal nanoparticles for catalysis in situ / Utilisation des propriétés de solvatation des liquides ioniques en synthèse et stabilisation des nanoparticules métalliques de taille contrôlée pour la catalyse in situ

Campbell, Paul 28 October 2010 (has links)
Les liquides ioniques (LIs) à base d’imidazolium présentent une très grande organisation en réseaux 3D et sont constitués de microdomaines polaires et apolaires, dû à la présence des canaux ioniques et au regroupement des chaînes alkyles lipophiles. L’objectif de ce travail est d’utiliser leurs propriétés de solvatation, liées à cette organisation, pour générer et stabiliser in situ des nanoparticules métalliques (NPs) d’une taille contrôlée et prévisible. Cette approche a trouvé de nombreuses applications dans des domaines tels que la catalyse et la microélectronique. Le phénomène de croissance cristalline des NPs (ruthénium, nickel et tantale) générées in situ lors de la décomposition sous H2 des complexes organométalliques, est contrôlé i) par la taille des poches apolaires, dans lesquelles le complexe se dissout, ii) par les conditions expérimentales (température, agitation) et iii) par la nature du métal et du complexe précurseur. Le mécanisme de stabilisation des NPs, jusqu'alors mal compris, dépend du mécanisme de formation des NPs, qui pourrait entraîner la présence de ligands hydrures ou carbènes N-hétérocycliques (NHC) à leur surface. Cette présence a été démontrée par marquage isotopique et analysée en RMN ainsi qu’en spectrométrie de masse. Les LIs sont également des milieux intéressants en catalyse. Des études sur l’influence du LI sur l’activité des catalyseurs homogènes ont souligné l’importance cruciale des paramètres physico-chimiques des LIs, et particulièrement de la viscosité, qui intervient ainsi dans la loi cinétique. Enfin, une étude approfondie de l’effet de la taille des NPs sur l’activité catalytique et la sélectivité pour l’hydrogénation, réalisée en milieu LI, a confirmé l’importance du contrôle de la taille des NPs pour les applications catalytiques / Imidazolium based ionic liquids (ILs) consist of a continuous 3-D network of ionic channels, coexisting with non polar domains created by the grouping of lipophilic alkyl chains, forming dispersed or continuous microphases. The aim of this work is to use the specific solvation properties of ILs, related to this 3-D organisation, to generate and stabilise in situ metal nanoparticles (NPs) of a controlled and predictable size. This approach has found application in fields such as catalysis and microelectronics. The phenomenon of crystal growth of NPs (ruthenium, nickel, tantalum) generated in situ in ILs from the decomposition of organometallic complexes under molecular hydrogen, is found not only to be controlled by i) the size of non-polar domains, in which the complexes dissolve, but also by ii) the experimental conditions (temperature, stirring) and iii) the nature of the metal and its precursor complex. The previously unexplained stabilisation mechanism of NPs in ILs is found to depend on the mechanism of formation of NPs, which may lead to the presence of either hydrides or N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) at their surface. These have both been evidenced through isotopic labelling experiments analysed by NMR and mass spectrometry. Another advantage of ILs is that they provide an interesting medium for catalytic reactions. Studies on the influence of the IL on the catalytic performance in homogeneous catalysis have highlighted the crucial importance of the physical-chemical parameters of ILs, in particular the viscosity, for which a term must be included in the kinetic rate law. Using these findings, a thorough investigation of the effect of the NP size on catalytic activity and selectivity in hydrogenation in ILs was undertaken, confirming the importance of controlling NP size for catalytic applications.

Hydrogénation de l'acide succinique en phase aqueuse pour l'obtention sélective de 1,4-butanediol / Selective aqueous phase hydrogenation of succinic acid to 1,4-butanediol

Ly, Bao Khanh 16 April 2013 (has links)
Le but du projet est d’hydrogéner l’acide succinique en phase aqueuse à 160°C, sous 150 bar d’hydrogène pour obtenir sélectivement le 1,4-butanediol (BDO) en utilisant des catalyseurs x%Re-2%Pd/TiO2. Les catalyseurs monométalliques au palladium permettent d’obtenir sélectivement le produit intermédiaire : la γ-butyrolactone et très peu de BDO est obtenu. Leur activité catalytique est fonction de la dispersion de la phase métallique. L’addition de rhénium aux catalyseurs monométalliques au palladium permet de poursuivre la réaction jusqu’à l’obtention du BDO. Nous avons d’abord essayé deux méthodes d’addition ex situ de rhénium : réduction catalytique (RC) et imprégnation successive (IS). La meilleure sélectivité en BDO obtenue jusqu’à maintenant est de 90% en présence du solide 3,4%Re-2%Pd/TiO2 préparé par IS. Quelle que soit la méthode de dépôt (RC ou IS), le rhénium dans ces solides bimétalliques est réoxydé et lixivié dans la phase aqueuse sous l’atmosphère non réductrice. Malgré la lixiviation et le redépôt du rhénium sous hydrogène, le comportement des catalyseurs bimétalliques Re-Pd/TiO2 préparés ces deux méthodes reste différent. Le dépôt in situ de Re conduit à des catalyseurs bimétalliques prometteurs : SBDO = 73% avec 2% de rhénium déposé / The aim of our research project is the hydrogenation of the succinic acid in aqueous phase at 160°C, under 150 bar hydrogen to obtain selectively 1,4-butanediol (BDO) by using x%Re- 2%Pd/TiO2 catalyst. Palladium monometallic catalysts allow us to obtain selectively the intermediate product γ-butyrolactone and very little BDO. Their catalytic activity depends on the dispersion of the metallic phase. The reaction can be extended until obtaining BDO by adding the rhenium to palladium based monometallic catalysts. Firstly, we have tried two ex situ methods to add the rhenium: catalytic reduction (CR) and successive impregnation (SI). The best selectivity to BDO is 90% with the presence of 3,4%Re-2%Pd/TiO2 prepared by IS method. Moreover, for both deposition methods, the rhenium in the bimetallic catalysts is reoxidized with air and then leached into the aqueous phase. Despite leaching and redeposition of rhenium under hydrogen pressure, the behavior of bimetallic catalysts prepared by the two methods (CR and SI) is different. In situ deposition of the rhenium leads to promising bimetallic catalysts: SBDO = 73% with 2% of rhenium

Síntese e caracterização de complexos de ródio com aminoácidos: aplicações quimioterápicas e catalíticas / Synthesis and characterization of rhodium complexes with amino acids: chemotherapeutic and catalytic applications

Tsao, Marisa 09 October 2000 (has links)
Neste estudo, foram sintetizados complexos de ródio com aminoácidos e aminoácidos N-protegidos. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados por análise elementar, espectrofotometria nas regiões do infravermelho e ultravioleta-visível, susceptibilidade magnética, ressonância magnética nuclear de próton e calorimetria exploratória diferencial. As técnicas analíticas utilizadas permitiram avaliar a estrutura dos complexos de ródio obtidos. Nos complexos sintetizados com aminoácidos, a ligação ocorreu pelos átomos de nitrogênio do grupamento amina e pelo oxigênio do grupo carboxila, formando anéis quelato de cinco membros, estrutura esta distinta da apresentada por compostos diméricos de ródio (II). Este modo de coordenação típico de carboxilatos de ródio dimérico, foi alcançado fazendo-se o bloqueio do grupamento amino, direcionando assim a coordenação do aminoácido, aos átomos de ródio, através dos dois oxigênios da carboxila. Numa etapa posterior, o grupo protetor foi removido por ataque ácido, tomando o complexo, anteriormente solúvel em solventes apoiares, totalmente solúvel em água, sendo mantida a estrutura de gaiola. Partindo-se dos complexos de ródio (II) sintetizados com aminoácidos N-bloqueados, foram obtidos adutos com o ácido isonicotínico, que se mostraram mais hidrossolúveis do que os complexos iniciais. Os compostos [Rh2(Boc-Gly)4)(I), [Rh2(Boc-L-Ala)4)(II) e seus respectivos adutos com o ácido isonicotínico foram submetidos a ensaios biológicos in vitro, onde foi avaliada a citotoxicidade destes sobre células tumorais K562, U937 e de tumor de Ehrlich. O aduto [Rh2(Boc-L-Ala)4](AIN)2(III) também foi submetido a um ensaio in vivo, de sobrevida. Camundongos portadores de tumor ascite de Ehrlich, tratados com solução do complexo (III), tiveram um aumento significativo de sobrevida, com formação de tumor sólido. Os complexos (I), (II), [Rh2(Boc-L-Val)4)(IV), [Rh2(Boc-L-Leu)4](V) e [Rh2(Boc-D-Phe)4)(VI) foram avaliados quanto ao seu potencial catalítico, em reações de hidrogenação. Os resultados foram expressos em termos de conversão de substrato em função do tempo de reação, número de rotação, freqüência de rotação e curvas TT x TTG. O complexo (I) apresentou atividade semelhante ao acetato de ródio (II), que foi utilizado como complexo de referência. Os demais compostos, (II), (V) e (VI) mostraram-se mais ativos que o acetato de ródio (II), nas reações de hidrogenação de hexeno-1 em etanol. / In this study, rhodium complexes were synthesized using amino acids and N-protected amino acids as ligands. The synthesized compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR and UVVis spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility, proton magnetic nuclear resonance and diferential scanning calorimetry. The used analytical techniques allowed us to evaluate the structure of the obtained rhodium complexes. In the amino acids complexes, the binding occured through nitrogen atoms of the amino group and through the oxygen atom of the carboxyl group, forming chelate rings of five members, being these structures different from those presented by rhodium (II) carboxylates. This coordination mode was achieved protecting the amino group. In a next stage, the protecting group was removed by acid attack, turning the previously soluble in apolar solvents complex, totally soluble in water, being maintained the cage structure. From the N-protected amino acids rhodium (II) complexes synthesized, we obtained the isonicotinic acid adducts, more hydrossoluble than the original complexes. Antitumor activity of rhodium complexes [Rh2(Boc-Gly)4](I), [Rh2(Boc-L-Ala)4](II) and its isonicotinic acid adducts, was evaluated in vitro ( cell cultures K562, U937 and Ehrlich) and the compound [Rh2(Boc-L-Ala)4](AIN)2(III) was also submitted to a in vivo assay. Mices bearing Ehrlich ascite tumor, when treated with complex (III) solution, had a significant increase life span, with formation of solid tumor. The complexes (I), (II), [Rh2(Boc-L-Val)4](IV), [Rh2(Boc-L-Leu)4](V) and [Rh2(Boc-D-Phe)4](VI) were also tested in catalytic hydrogenation reactions. The results were expressed in terms of substrate conversion, turnover number, turnover frequency and TT x TTG curves. The complex (I) presented catalytic activity similar to the rhodium acetate (II), that was used as reference complex. The other compounds, (II), (V) and (I) exhibited improved catalytic behavior compared to rhodium (II) acetate in hydrogenation reactions using 1-hexene as substrate.

Hydrogenation of succinic acid and carbon dioxide over molybdenum carbide catalysts / Carbures de molybdène catalyseurs supportés pour hydrogénation de l'acide succinique et du dioxyde de carbone

Abou Hamdan, Marwa 28 May 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la synthèse de carbures de molybdène sur support afin de tester leurs performances catalytiques dans des réactions d’hydrogénation. Dans ce but, la conversion d'acide succinique en phase aqueuse dans un réacteur discontinu et du dioxyde de carbone en phase gazeuse dans un réacteur à flux continu, ont été effectuées. Les catalyseurs ont été préparés par la méthode de carburation par réduction en température programmée, pendant laquelle des paramètres ont été modifiés conduisant à différents rapports molybdène/carbone. Les différents catalyseurs testés dans cette réaction étaient actifs pour la conversion de l'acide succinique en gamma-butyrolctone et, plus remarquablement, en acide butyrique, ce dernier n'était pas obtenu en quantités significatives avec des catalyseurs à base de métaux précieux. L’augmentation de la conversion d’acide succinique avec une sélectivité plus élevée en acide butyrique a été faite avec les catalyseurs contenant plus de carbone, préparés en augmentant la vitesse spatiale horaire gazeuse. Les intermédiaires ont été ensuite convertis en tétrahydrofurane, butanol, 1,4-butanediol et butane. La désactivation observée lors de recyclage du catalyseur a été principalement attribuée à une diminution de la quantité de molybdène et de carbone carbidique, démontrée par l'analyse XPS. Des essais préliminaires de ces catalyseurs dans l'hydrogénation du dioxyde de carbone ont montré qu'ils fonctionnaient principalement en tant que catalyseurs pour la réaction du gaz à l’eau inverse, et l'excès de carbone entrave l'activité catalytique d'une manière opposée à la réaction en phase aqueuse. Le support semble jouer un rôle dans la réactivité des catalyseurs, la conversion du dioxyde de carbone ainsi que la sélectivité en méthane et méthanol, qui ont augmenté dans l'ordre suivant: carbure de molybdène sur support DT51 TiO2> P25 TiO2 ˜ ZrO2 / This work focuses on the synthesis of supported molybdenum carbides and evaluating their catalytic performance in succinic acid hydrogenation reactions in aqueous phase using batch reactor and carbon dioxide hydrogenation in gas phase using continuous flow reactor. The catalysts were prepared by the temperature programmed reduction carburization method, where the parameters were modified leading to different molybdenum to carbon ratios. The different catalysts tested were active in converting succinic acid to gamma butyrolctone and more remarkably butyric acid which is not reported in significant quantities in this reaction with precious metal based catalysts. The catalysts containing more carbon contents that were prepared by increasing the gas hourly space velocity showed higher activity in converting succinic acid and higher selectivity to butyric acid. The intermediates were then converted to tetrahydrofuran, butanol, 1,4-butanediol and butane gas. The deactivation observed while recycling the catalyst was mainly attributed to a decrease in the amounts of carbidic molybdenum and carbidic carbon, as demonstrated by XPS analysis. Preliminary tests for these catalysts in carbon dioxide hydrogenation showed that they functioned mainly as reverse water gas shift catalysts, and the excess of carbon hinders the catalytic activity in an opposite manner of the reaction in aqueous phase. The support seems playing a role in the reactivity of the catalysts, carbon dioxide conversion as well as methane and methanol selectivity increased in the order: molybdenum carbide supported on DT51 TiO2 > P25 TiO2 ˜ ZrO2

Ru/TiO2-based catalysts for the hydrogenation of levulinic acid using formic acid as internal hydrogen source / Catalyseurs à base de Ru/TiO2 pour l'hydrogénation de l'acide lévulinique avec l'acide formique comme source interne d'hydrogène / Katalizatory rutenowe naniesione na TiO2 w reakcji uwodornienia kwasu lewulinowego z wykorzystaniem kwasu mrówkowego jako wewnętrznego źródła wodoru

Wojciechowska, Joanna 14 December 2018 (has links)
Des catalyseurs Ru supporté sur TiO2 actifs et sélectifs pour l’hydrogénation de l’acide lévulinique en γ-valérolactone en présence d’acide formique comme source interne d’hydrogène ont été développés. L’élaboration d’un nouveau support, TiO2 modifié par Ca2+, permet d’améliorer la production de γ-valérolactone, grâce à la fois à une décomposition de l’acide formique plus sélective en hydrogène et à une hydrogénation de l’acide lévulinique plus efficace. Ces performances améliorées sont associées à l’existence d’interactions Ru/support plus fortes avec une adsorption du CO plus faible, et à une basicité accrue du support. Elles ont été exaltées par la mise en œuvre d’une synthèse photo-assistée sous lumière solaire comme alternative soutenable à l’imprégnation par voie humide, permettant d’obtenir des particules sub-nanométriques de distribution de taille étroite. Il a été montré qu’un profile de type volcano centré sur 1.5 nm relie l’activité catalytique à la taille des particules. / Active and selective Ru catalysts based on TiO2 supports have been developed for the combined hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone with internal hydrogen supply via in-situ formic acid decomposition. A controlled modification of the TiO2 support by Ca2+ improved the catalytic performance in the one-pot hydrogenation, as a result of enhanced performances in both the formic acid dehydrogenation and the levulinic acid hydrogenation. The improved performances were associated to stronger Ru/support interactions with weaker CO adsorption, as well as to an increased support basicity. The performances were further exalted thanks to a one-step solar light photon-assisted synthesis method used as sustainable alternative to classical wet impregnation. It enabled the uniform dispersion of sub-nanometric metallic Ru particles with narrow distribution and fine size monitoring, and a volcano-type profile centered at 1.5 nm was demonstrated between the nanoparticle size and the activity.

Estudo da influência da temperatura nas propriedades magnéticas e na microestrutura nos ímãs permanentes à base de Pr-Fe-B-Nb-Co obtidos com hidrogênio / Study of the influence of the temperature in the magnetic properties and in microstructure in the permanent magnets Pr-Fe-B-Nb-Co based obtained by hydrogen

Silva, Suelanny Carvalho da 23 November 2007 (has links)
Pós magnéticos foram produzidos utilizando o processo de hidrogenação, desproporção, dessorção e recombinação (HDDR). A primeira parte deste trabalho envolveu o estudo do efeito da adição de Co na liga Pr14FebalCoxB6Nb0.1 (x= 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16) variando a de temperatura de dessorção/ recombinação de 800° a 900°C, com o objetivo de otimização do tratamento HDDR. A liga Pr14Fe80B6 foi utilizada como padrão. As ligas foram tratadas termicamente a 1100°C por 20 horas para eliminação do Fe- exixtente na liga em estado bruto de fusão. A temperatura de dessorção/ recombinação afetou a microestrutura e as propriedades magnéticas dos ímãs moldados com polímeros. A liga com baixa adição de cobalto (4 at.%) exigiu a temperatura de reação mais alta (880°C) entre os demais ímãs. As temperaturas ótimas para as ligas com 8 at.% Co e 10 at.% Co foram 840°C e 820°C, respectivamente. Ligas com altas concentrações de cobalto (12 at.% and 16 at.%) foram processadas a 840°C. A temperatura de dessorção/ recombinação que apresentou alta anisotropia nas ligas Pr14Fe80B6 e Pr14Fe79,9B6Nb0,1 foi de 820°C. O ímã que apresentou melhor remanência (862mT) foi processado com a liga Pr14Fe67,9Co12B6Nb0,1. Cada liga apresentou uma temperatura de reação otimizada e exibiu uma microestrutura particular, de acordo com a composição. A segunda parte deste trabalho envolveu a caracterização, dos pós HDDR de Pr14Fe80B6, que foram analisadas por difração de raios X com fonte síncrotron para a identificação e quantificação de fases cristalinas, e ainda para a determinação do tamanho médio de cristalitos da fase principal. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi utilizada para revelar a morfologia dos pós HDDR. / Fine magnetic powders were produced using the hydrogenation disproportionation desorption and recombination (HDDR) process. The first stage in this work involved an investigation of the effect of the Co content and range of desorption/ recombination temperatures between 800 and 900°C with the purpose of optimizing the HDDR treatment for Pr14Fe80B6 and Pr14FebalCoxB6Nb0,1 (x= 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16) alloys. The cast alloys were annealed at 1100°C for 20 hours for homogenization. The processing temperature (desorption/ recombination) affected the microstructure and magnetic properties of the bonded magnets. The alloy with low cobalt content (4 at.%) required the highest reaction temperature (880°C) to yield anisotropic bonded magnets. The optimum temperature for alloys with 8 at.% Co and 10 at.% Co were 840°C and 820°C, respectively. Alloys with high cobalt content (12 at.% and 16 at.%) were processed at 840°C. The optimum desorption temperature for achieving high anisotropy for Pr14Fe80B6 and Pr14Fe79,9B6Nb0,1 was 820°C. The best remanence (862mT) was achieved with the Pr14Fe67,9B6Co12Nb0,1 magnet, processed at 840°C. Each alloy required an optimum reaction temperature and exhibited a particular microstructure according to the composition. The second stage of the work involved the characterization, for each temperature, of the Pr14Fe80B6 HDDR powder processed using X-ray diffraction analysis. The samples of the HDDR material were studied by synchrotron radiation powder diffraction using the Rietveld method for cell refinement, phase quantification and crystallite sizes determination. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has also been employed to reveal the morphology of the HDDR powder.

Design of nanocatalysts supported on magnetic nanocomposites containing silica, ceria and titania / Desenvolvimento de nanocatalisadores suportados em nanocompósitos magnéticos contendo sílica, céria e titânia

Vono, Lucas Lucchiari Ribeiro 18 March 2016 (has links)
Magnetic separation has received a lot of attention as a robust, highly efficient and rapid catalyst separation technology. Many studies have focused on developing methodologies for the immobilization of catalytic active species, but the development of magnetic supports has been mainly limited to silica, polymer or carbon-coated magnetic nanoparticles (NPs). The design of magnetic nanocomposites and the incorporation of other oxides are highly welcome to broaden the application of this separation technology in the field of catalysis. In this context, studies of the thermal stability of silica-coated magnetite (Fe3O4@SiO2) were performed to evaluate the possibility of calcining it without losing the magnetic properties of the support. The calcination would permit the deposition of different oxides on the silica surface, such as ceria and titania. The calcined Fe3O4@SiO2 material preserved the core-shell morphology and magnetic properties, but increased its surface area six times. New magnetic supports were developed by using post-coating process for the deposition of ceria and titania onto silica-coated magnetite. Magnetically recoverable Rh, Pd and Ru nanocatalysts were prepared. The catalysts were employed in hydrogenation of cyclohexene, benzene or phenol and the study of the influence of each support on the catalytic activity was a main objective of this thesis. The catalysts were prepared by two different approaches: the impregnation and the sol-immobilization of pre-formed metal NPs. The colloidal metal NPs were prepared by reduction of metal salts and also by decomposition of organometallic complexes. Rhodium catalysts prepared by impregnation of rhodium(III) chloride and reduction with H2 showed some reproducibility issues that were surpassed by using NaBH4 or hydrazine as reducing agents. The preparation of catalysts by the immobilization of colloidal NPs is an interesting alternative to obtain reproducible and very active catalysts. Nanoparticles of Pd, Rh and Ru were prepared by an organometallic approach and immobilized on calcined Fe3O4@SiO2, Fe3O4@SiO2CeO2 and Fe3O4@SiO2TiO2. The elimination of the stabilizing agent leads to more active catalysts upon recycling. Rhodium catalysts supported on ceria support was the most active catalyst in the hydrogenation of cyclohexene (TOF 125,000 h-1). Palladium catalysts were the most selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of phenol to cyclohexanone, no matter the support used. The formation of cyclohexanol is enhanced with titania and the hydrodeoxygenation to produce cyclohexane occurred mainly with silica. / A separação magnética tem recebido muita atenção como uma tecnologia robusta, altamente eficiente e rápida para recuperar catalisadores sólidos após uso em reações em fase líquida. Muitos estudos têm focado nas metodologias para a imobilização de espécies cataliticamente ativas, mas o desenvolvimento de suportes magnéticos tem se limitado a nanopartículas magnéticas revestidas com sílica, polímeros ou carbono. O desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos magnéticos com a incorporação de outros óxidos é muito desejável para ampliar a aplicação dessa tecnologia de separação em catálise. Nesse contexto, estudos da estabilidade térmica de magnetita revestida com sílica (Fe3O4@SiO2) foram realizados para avaliar a possibilidade de calcina-la sem perder as propriedades magnéticas do suporte. Uma etapa de calcinação é necessária para a deposição de diferentes óxidos na superfície da sílica, tais como céria e titânia. O Fe3O4@SiO2 calcinado preservou a morfologia \"core-shell\" e as propriedades magnéticas, porém apresentou um aumentou de seis vezes na área superficial. Novos suportes magnéticos foram desenvolvidos pela deposição de céria e titânia sobre magnetita previamente revestida com sílica. Nanocatalisadores magneticamente recuperáveis de Rh, Pd e Ru foram preparados. Os catalisadores foram utilizados na hidrogenação de ciclo-hexano, benzeno ou fenol e o principal objetivo dessa tese foi o estudo da influência de cada suporte na atividade catalítica. Os catalisadores foram preparados de duas formas diferentes: impregnação-redução e imobilização de nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas pré-formadas. As NPs coloidais foram preparadas pela redução de sais metálicos e, também, pela decomposição de complexos organometálicos. Catalisadores de ródio preparados pela impregnação de cloreto de ródio(III) e redução com H2 mostraram alguns problemas de reprodutibilidade, que foram superados utilizando NaBH4 ou hidrazina como agentes redutores. A preparação de catalisadores pela imobilização de NPs coloidais é uma alternativa interessante para obter catalisadores reprodutíveis e muito ativos. Nanopartículas de Pd, Rh e Ru foram preparadas a partir de organometálicos e imobilizadas em Fe3O4@SiO2 calcinada, Fe3O4@SiO2CeO2 e Fe3O4@SiO2TiO2. A eliminação do agente estabilizante torna os catalisadores mais ativos durante os reusos. O catalisador de Rh sobre o suporte de céria foi o catalisador mais ativo na hidrogenação de ciclohexeno (TOF 125000 h-1). O catalisador de Pd foi o catalisador mais seletivo para a hidrogenação de fenol em ciclo-hexanona, independente do suporte usado. A formação de ciclo-hexanol é favorecida pelo suporte de titânia e a hidrodesoxigenação para produzir ciclo-hexano ocorreu principalmente no suporte de sílica.

Síntese assimétrica do (+)- e do (-)-mutisiantol e obtenção de 1-tetralóis opticamente ativos / Asymmetric synthesis of (+)- and (-)-mutisianthol and preparation of optically active 1-tetralols

Bianco, Graziela Gallego 11 April 2008 (has links)
Esta tese descreve a primeira síntese assimétrica do sesquiterpeno fenólico (+)-(1S, 3R)-mutisiantol, assim como de seu enantiômero não-natural. O (+)-mutisiantol foi obtido em 11 etapas a partir do 2-metil-anisol, em rendimento global de 14% e excesso enantiomérico de 90%. Estas sínteses permitiram determinar a configuração absoluta deste produto natural. A etapa-chave da síntese consistiu na hidrogenação assimétrica do 4,7-dimetil-6- metóxi-1,2-di-hidronaftaleno, utilizando-se catalisadores opticamente ativos de irídio, conhecidos como Ir-PHOX. Com esta reação foi possível obter tanto o (+)-(S)- quanto o ()- (R)-1,6-dimetil-7-metóxi-1,2,3,4-di-hidronafaleno em ótimos rendimentos e excessos enantioméricos. Uma outra etapa importante desta síntese foi a reação de contração de anel do 1,6- dimetil-7-metóxi-1,2-di-hidronaftaleno. Esta oxidação foi realizada através da reação do 1,2- di-hidronaftaleno com tálio(III) ou com iodo(III). Ambos oxidantes levaram exclusivamente ao trans-indano desejado em rendimentos que variaram de moderado a bom. Esta tese também descreve a preparação, em excelentes excessos enantioméricos, de uma série de 1-tetralóis opticamente ativos, através de dois tipos diferentes de biotransformações: a) a resolução cinética enzimática de 1-tetralóis mediada por CALB; e b) a biorredução de 1-tetralonas mediada por Daucus carota. / This thesis presents the first asymmetric synthesis of the phenolic sesquiterpene (+)- (1S, 3R)-mutisianthol, as well as its non-natural enantiomer. The (+)-mutisianthol was obtained in 11 steps from 2-methylanisole, with 14% overall yield and enantiomeric excess of 90%. This synthesis allowed to assign the absolute configuration of this natural product. The key-step was an asymmetric hydrogenation of 4,7-dimethyl-6-methoxy-1,2- dihydronaphthalene using optically active iridium catalysts, known as Ir-PHOX. This reaction led to the either (+)-(S) or ()-(R)-1,6-dimethyl-7-methoxy-1,2,3,4-dihydronaphthalene in good yields and enantiomeric excess. Another important step of the route was the ring contraction reaction of the 1,6- dimethyl-7-methoxy-1,2-dihydronaphthalene, which was performed using thallium(III) or iodine(III). Both oxidants led exclusively to the desired trans-indan in good to excellent yield. This thesis also describes the preparation of a series of optically active 1-tetralols in excellent enantiomeric excesses, using two different biotransformations: a) the kinetic enzymatic resolution of 1-tetralols mediated by CALB and b) the bioreduction of 1-tetralones mediated by Daucus carota.

Estudo e desenvolvimento do compósito micro-nanoestruturado a base de nanotubos de carbono como suporte catalítico em reações orgânicas / Study and development of micronanostructurated composite based carbon nanotubes as catalytic support for organic reactions

Nascimento, Leandro Fontanetti do 21 December 2011 (has links)
Uma das principais fronteiras de desenvolvimento em catálise heterogênea envolve o uso de suportes de carbono grafitizados como vetores para modificação da estrutura eletrônica de catalisadores em reações catalíticas. Neste contexto os nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) são promissores, permitem boa dispersão e estabilização de nanopartículas (NPs) devido morfologia, defeitos superficiais, curvatura e geometria oca que resultam em interações específicas com catalisadores. Os CNTs podem apresentar uma distribuição variada de diâmetros, com presença de defeitos (vacâncias, pentágonos), podem ser dopados, intercalados com espécies que afetam a densidade eletrônica das suas paredes que podem ser funcionalizadas com uma variedade de moléculas, apresentando novas propriedades que podem influenciar na atividade catalítica de NPs. Apesar do potencial os CNTs quando usados na forma de material particulado, estes podem apresentar problemas em aplicações catalíticas associadas à sua aglomeração afetando a dispersão das NPs e principalmente suas propriedades eletrônicas, além de problemas de filtragem, contaminação dos produtos reacionais e limitações de fluxo. Uma alternativa para explorar os CNTs em catálise heterogênea são os materiais micrométricos com superfície nanoestruturada, baseado em CNTs, que constitui um material compósito cujas propriedades dependem da natureza dos CNTs e do substrato. Nesses compósitos, várias das propriedades dos CNTs podem ser mantidas, porém com uma aglomeração fixa, moldada pela superfície do material micrométrico que podem ser facilmente removidos do meio reacional e também usados em colunas sem comprometimento do fluxo. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um suporte catalítico baseado em carvão ativado (AC) e CNTs resultantes da decomposição catalítica de etanol constituindo um compósito micro-nanoestruturado (CNT/AC). Sobre o compósito foram suportadas NPs metálicas de rutênio preparadas por microemulsão com diferentes teores de rutênio. O comportamento catalítico deste novo material catalítico foi investigado frente as reações de oxidação do álcool benzílico e hidrogenação do cinamaldeído. Os resultados dos ensaios catalíticos quando foi utilizado o catalisador baseado em CNTs com um teor de rutênio de 3,2% foram comparados com um catalisador comercial contendo um teor de 5% de rutênio, se mostraram positivos para a reação de oxidação do álcool benzílico apresentando elevada conversão e seletividade para um carregamento de rutênio inferior ao catalisador comercial, com conversão superior a 99% e seletividade para benzaldeído de 100%, enquanto o comercial apresentou conversão de 91% e seletividade também de 100%. Na reação de hidrogenação do cinamaldeído utilizando o catalisador desenvolvido com um teor de 2% de rutênio, observou-se uma conversão de 45% com seletividade distribuída entre hidrocinamaldeído (25%), álcool hidrocinâmico (18%) e álcool cinâmico (2%). Quando se utilizou o catalisador comercial com teor de 5% de rutênio a conversão do cinamaldeído foi de 43% e seletividade para hidrocinamaldeído (37%), álcool hidrocinâmico (3,4%) e álcool cinâmico (3,3%). O catalisador micro-nanoestruturado contendo um carregamento de 1,3% de rutênio foi caracterizado por espectroscopia Raman que indicou a presença das bandas de segunda ordem na faixa de 2500-3200 cm-1 devido a presença dos CNTs, que após a incorporação das NPs de rutênio apresentou um deslocamento da banda G localizada em 1580 cm-1 em cerca de 2 eV, indicando um processo de transferência de carga entre as NPs e os CNTs. Os resultados de absorção de N2 indicou natureza mesoporosa dos catalisadores baseados em CNTs e os teores de rutênio contidos nas amostras destes catalisadores foram medidos por espectroscopia de absorção atômica e apresentaram uma proporção em massa de 1,3; 2,3 e 3,2% de rutênio em relação ao compósito, dados estes confirmados por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva quando utilizada para mapear a composição química do catalisador. Em conclusão, o compósito micro-nanoestruturado desenvolvido neste estudo apresenta um grande potencial para aplicações catalíticas, pois em testes de reciclagem, o catalisador apresentou baixa lixiviação das NPs e baixo desprendimento de CNTs do substrato apresentando desta forma boa estabilidade, além de apresentar uma excelente atividade catalítica na conversão do álcool benzílico acima de 95% após 4 ciclos catalíticos sucessivos e principalmente a seletividade máxima ao benzaldeído. / One of the main frontiers in the development of heterogeneous catalysis involves the use of graphitized carbon supports as vectors for the modification of the electronic structure of the catalysts utilized in catalytic reactions. In this sense, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials because their morphology, surface defects, curvature, and hollow geometry allow for good dispersion and stabilization of nanoparticles (NPs), which culminates in specific interactions. CNTs can have a wide distribution of diameters, with the presence of defects (vacancies, pentagons) for this reason, they can be doped and then interspersed with species that affect the electron density of their walls, which can be functionalized with a variety of molecules. As a result, new properties that influence the catalytic activity of NPs arise. Despite their potential application, use of CNTs as particulate matter. This is because can propose problems to their application, due to their agglomeration. This is because the dispersion of NPs and their electronic properties can be affected, and problems contamination of the reaction, and flow limitations appear. An alternative for the use of CNTs in heterogeneous catalysis is the utilization of CNT-based materials with micrometric nanostructured surface. These are composite materials whose properties depend on the nature of the CNTs and the substrate. Various of the properties of CNTs can be maintained in composites, such as fixed clustering, shape of the surface of the micrometric material, which can be easily removed from the reaction medium and used in columns without compromising the flow. This work was based on a catalytic activated carbon (AC) support and CNTs, resulting from the catalytic decomposition of ethanol, which resulted in a micronanostructured composite (CNT/AC). Ruthenium metal NPs prepared by microemulsion and containing different amounts of ruthenium were supported onto the CNT/AC composite. The catalytic behavior of this new material was investigated for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol and hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde. The obtained results were compared with those achieved with a commercial catalyst. Positive results were obtained for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol, with high substrate conversion and product selectivity having been achieved for a lower ruthenium load than the one present in the commercial catalyst (99% conversion and selectivity of 100 %. toward benzaldehyde. As for the hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde, 45%, hydrocinnamaldehyde, hydrocinnamyl alcohol and cinnamyl alcohol, selectivities of 25, 18, and 2%, respectively. The micronanostructured catalyst was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, which indicated the presence of second-order bands in the range of 2500-3200 cm-1, due to the presence of CNTs. After incorporation of the ruthenium NPs, there was a shift in the G band located at 1580 cm-1 of about 2 eV, indicating a charge transfer process between the NPs and the CNTs. The results from N2 absorption indicated the mesoporous nature of the catalyst. The concentration of ruthenium catalysts present in the samples was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. Ruthenium mass ratios of 1.3, 2.3, and 3.2% in relation to the composite, were detected. The composites were tested in various reuses experiments. There was low lixiviation of the NPs and low detachment of CNTs from the substrate. These data were confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy, which was used for mapping the chemical composition of the catalyst. In conclusion, the composite developed in this study has great potential for catalytic investigations, since the interaction between the carbon composite and the NPs was effective, and the catalytic activity was maintained for several cycles.

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