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Studies in Corpora and Idioms : Getting the cat out of the bagMinugh, David January 2014 (has links)
“Idiomatic” expressions, usually called “idioms”, such as a dime a dozen, a busman’s holiday, or to have bats in your belfry are a curious part of any language: they usually have a fixed lexical (why a busman?) and structural composition (only dime and dozen in direct conjunction mean ‘common, ordinary’), can be semantically obscure (why bats?), yet are widely recognized in the speech community, in spite of being so rare that only large corpora can provide us with access to sufficient empirical data on their use. In this compilation thesis, four published studies focusing on idioms in corpora are presented. Study 1 details the creation of and data in the author’s medium-sized corpus from 1999, the 3.7 million word Coll corpus of online university student newspapers, with comparisons to data from standard corpora of the time. Study 2 examines the extent to which recognized idioms are to be found in the Coll corpus and how they can be varied. Study 3 draws upon the British National Corpus and a series of British and American newspaper corpora to see how idioms may be “anchored” in their contexts, primarily by the device of premodification via an adjective appropriate to the context, not to the idiom. Study 4 examines idiom-usage patterns in the Time Magazine corpus, focusing on possible aspects of diachronic change over the near-century Time represents. The introductory compilation chapter places and discusses these studies in their contexts of contemporary idiom and corpus research; building on these studies, it provides two specific examples of potential ways forward in idiom research: an examination of the idioms used in a specific subgenre of newspapers (editorials), and a detailed suggestion for teachers about how to examine multiple facets of a specific modern idiom (the glass ceiling) in the classroom. Finally, a summing-up includes suggestions for further research, particularly at the level of the patterning of individual idioms, rather than treating them as a homogeneous phenomenon.
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Eld och lågor, eller? : En kvantitativ studie om tolkningen av idiom / Fire and flames, or? : A quantitative study about the understanding of idiomAhlstrand, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
The amin with this paper is to investigate how a few of today’s idioms are interpreted, if there are any difference between generations in the interpretation and if the younger generation in higher extent than the older tends to interpret them in other ways. This have been investigated trough a quantitative web-based survey there the respondents were asked to state their interpretation of twelve idioms, also answer a few questions regarding their use of idioms. The collected material has been transformed into precent units. The respondent’s answers were categorized by age, one group with respondents born 1990 or earlier and one group with respondents born 1990 or later. The research shows that idioms, of both groups, interprets by original meaning in high extent since more than a good half answer according standard interpretation. With the exception of a few idioms there least 50 % of the younger group stated another interpretation than the original.
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Lusläsa eller läsa lusen av någon : En studie av elevers förståelse av idiomatiska uttryck i årskurs 4-6Dahl, Oscar, Lafon, Angeliqua January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka mellanstadieelevers förståelse av idiomatiska uttryck samt huruvida de känner igen idiomatiska uttryck till sin form och jämföra detta inom ämnena svenska och engelska. Vidare ämnar detta examensarbete att undersöka om det finns någon åldersprogression sett till elevernas förståelse av idiomatiska uttryck samt undersöka hur lärare arbetar med idiom. För att undersöka dessa frågor har en enkätundersökning samt intervjuer med lärare genomförts. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes på två olika skolor i Mellansverige, där totalt 196 elever från årskurs 4–6 deltog. Intervjuerna genomfördes på respektive skola med totalt fem legitimerade lärare. Undersökningen visar att förståelsen för idiomatiska uttryck, generellt sett, är relativt låg där elevernas förståelse för svenska idiom är högre än förståelsen för engelska idiom. Progressionen gällande engelska idiom följer en mer linjär utvecklingskurva medan progressionen gällande svenska idiom avtar efter årskurs fem. I ämnet svenska uppvisar eleverna en större förståelse för idiomens form, hur ett uttryck är uppbyggt, än betydelsen av dessa medan i ämnet engelska uppvisar eleverna motsatt resultat, det vill säga, större förståelse för idiomens betydelse än form. Resultatet visar att lärare i både ämnet svenska och ämnet engelska arbetar med idiomatiska uttryck i liten utsträckning. I ämnet svenska arbetar lärarna sporadiskt med idiom, i stort sett endast när det uppkommer i skönlitterära texter som eleverna läser och de få gånger det förekommer i läromedel. I ämnet engelska är arbetet med idiomatiska uttryck något mer planerat och strukturerat. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare middle school student’s understanding of Swedish and English idiomatic expressions. Furthermore, this study aims at investigating whether there is any age progression in the understanding of idioms and examine how teachers work with idiomatic expressions. The study was conducted at two different schools and a total of 196 students from year group 4 - 6 participated in a questionnaire survey and a total of five legitimized teachers was interviewed. The study shows that the overall understanding of idiomatic expressions is relatively low. However, the understanding of Swedish idioms is higher than the understanding of English idioms. The progression of English idiom comprehension follows a more linear development curve, while the progression of Swedish idiom comprehension decreases after year five. In Swedish, students show a greater understanding of the idiomatic form, how an expression is structured, rather than the actual meaning of the expression. In English idiomatic comprehension, the study shows that the students have a greater understanding when it comes to the meaning of the expression rather than the form. The result of the interviews shows that teachers, in both subjects, works with idiomatic expressions to a small extent. Swedish teachers work sporadically when idioms occur in fictional texts or when they appear in other educational materials. English teachers, on the other hand, work with idiomatic expressions in a more planned and structured way.
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Översättningsprocessen vid översättning av fasta fraser hos professionella och icke-professionella översättare : En empirisk undersökning / Translating idioms and other fixed expressions: a process study of professional translators and novicesLeirvåg, Tanja January 2011 (has links)
Processen vid översättning av fasta fraser har hittills inte skänkts mycket uppmärksamhet inom den processorienterade översättningsvetenskapen. Denna deskriptiva studie försöker bidra med empiriskt material angående vissa aspekter av översättningsprocessen vid översättning av svenska fasta fraser till tyska. I undersökningen med sex tvåspråkiga försökspersoner, varav tre yrkesverksamma översättare och tre personer utan översättningserfarenhet, användes en kombination av en produktbaserad metod och processinriktade metoder som skrivloggning med Translog och retrospektion för att finna ut vilka översättningsstrategier vid översättningen av idiom och andra fasta fraser som väljs, på vilka vägar försökspersonerna kommer fram till sina slutliga val och om det kan skönjas några skillnader mellan yrkesöversättarna och lekmännen. Resultaten visar bl.a. att det var vanligast att översätta med parafrasering samt med en målspråksfras med liknande betydelse och liknande eller olik form, och att försökspersonerna kom fram till sina slutliga val med enbart få provisoriska skriftliga motsvarigheter, men genom en del längre överväganden kring betydelse och stil. Angående skillnader mellan de två testgrupperna framträder rätt tydligt att yrkesöversättarna överlag var försiktigare med användningen av direkta frasmotsvarigheter än de oerfarna deltagarna, men använde sig av parafrasering i mycket större utsträckning, samt att funderingar kring stilnivå, målgrupp och textfunktion i denna grupp var mera utpräglade. / The process in translating idioms and other fixed expressions has not yet been given much attention in process oriented translation studies. In this study involving three professional translators and three bilingual participants without any training or experience in translation, types and frequency of chosen translation strategies, the ways in which the participants arrived at their final choices, as well as possible differences between the two groups of participants were investigated, using a combination of product and process oriented methods such as keystroke logging with Translog and retrospection. Results indicate that paraphrasing and translation with an expression with similar meaning and similar or different form are the strategies most frequently used in both groups, and that there are only few occurrencies of preliminary versions in the writing process, but quite many examples of negotiation of meaning and style as expressed in the verbalizations. Compared with the novices the professional translators tended to be more cautious in their use of idiomatic equivalents and to consider aspects like target group or style and function of the target text more carefully.
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Frazeologie na 1. stupni základní školy / Phraseology at Primary SchoolVancová, Klára January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on primary school pupils, specifically on the pupils of the second educational period, whose knowledge and understanding of folk phrasal idioms are examined. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the definition of important terms in the field of phraseology, such as the definition and characteristics of a phrasal idiom, its function, possible ways of phrasal idoms classification and various variants and updates of phrasal idioms. Furthermore, the thesis explores the influence of the social background, from which a pupil comes, on the knowledge of phrasal idioms. The thesis also addresses possible ways how a primary school can influence pupil's knowledge of folk phrasal idioms and understanding them. The practical part of the thesis includes the main survey, where the research method is quantitative. The survey is conducted through open-ended questionnaires. The total number of respondents, who participated in the main survey, is 301. Respondents attend both municipal schools, which are in Prague as well as in other cities, and smaller schools in villages. Based on the analysis of textbooks, it is assumed that pupils have a greater opportunity to encounter folk phrasal idioms than cultural phrasal idioms. For this reason, the practical part of the thesis focuses only on...
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Röstinstrument eller idiom? : Att bygga ett genreöverskridande instrumentMalm, Karin January 2024 (has links)
Under de senaste 400 åren har röstorganet inte genomgått någon utmärkande fysiologisk förändring, men under samma tidsspann har musikaliska förgreningar lett till en ständigt ökande mängd nya genreuttryck. Som genrebred sångerska har jag ofta uppmuntrats att välja inriktning. Det har helt gått emot min nyfikenhet och intuition. Jag har bedrivit studier i populärmusikalisk sång vid Berklee College of Music i Boston, USA, och klassisk sång vid Kungl. Musikhögskolan (KMH) i Stockholm. Jag har noterat att rösten ofta blir uppdelad i antingen en klassisk röst eller en populärmusikalisk röst. Syftet med detta konstnärliga examensarbete var att undersöka genreoberoende sångteknik och därigenom skapa djupare förståelse för samverkan mellan olika genreuttryck inom instrumentet sång. Jag ville undersöka om en och samma röst kan implementera olika genrer och till och med gynnas av det. På min examenskonsert framfördes en varierad repertoar, med musik av Bernstein, Mozart och Offenbach samt sånger ur Kristina från Duvemåla och egenkomponerat material. Studien genomfördes metodiskt genom litteraturstudier samt kvalitativa intervjuer med tre sakkunniga informanter; en sångpedagog, en röstforskare och en logoped. Vidare har jag utfört undersökningar med min egen röst. Studien har resulterat i en förstärkt övertygelse om den genreoberoende sångteknikens fördelar. Sångare kan ha god nytta av den flexibilitet som en sådan teknik innebär, för att bygga en hälsosam och gedigen röst. Min utgångspunkt var att undersöka rösten som ett instrument eller ett idiom. Studiens resultat påvisar att rösten bör ses som det förstnämnda. / Throughout the last four centuries, the vocal organ has not undergone any significant physiological evolution. Yet during the same time span, the musical diaspora has led to an increasing amount of new genre expressions. As a genre-bending singer, I have often been encouraged to choose musical orientation. That has been contradictory to my curiosity and intuition. I have studied contemporary singing at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA, and classical singing at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden. I have noted that contemporary singing and classical singing are often viewed as two different doctrines. The purpose of this artistic research study was to explore genre-neutral and genre-bending vocal techniques in order to enhance my understanding of the relationship between different genre expressions, within the vocal instrument. I wanted to examine if one voice could implement different genres, or even benefit from it. At my graduation concert, I performed a varied repertoire consisting of music by Bernstein, Mozart and Offenbach as well as songs from Kristina from Duvemåla and self-composed pieces. The study was conducted methodically through academic literature and qualitative interviews with three experts; a vocal coach, a voice researcher, and a speech therapist. Furthermore, I have conducted research on my own voice. This study has resulted in a reinforced belief in the benefits of the genre-neutral and genre-bending vocal technique. Singers can benefit from the flexibility that such a technique amounts to, in order to build a healthy and solid voice. My objective was to analyze the voice as an instrument or an idiom. This study concludes that it should be viewed as the former.
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點石「成」金── 創新教學策略的運用與國中高年級學生成語學習成效之研究 / Application of Creative Teaching Strategies and the Effectiveness of Idiom Learning of Senior Middle School Students孫于蘊, Sun,Yu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 創新的成語教學方式能提高學生學習成語的興趣
(二) 創新的成語教學方式能使學生了解成語的真正意涵
(三) 創新的成語教學方式能提升學生的成語運用能力
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Binomiály v češtině a ruštině / Binomials in Czech and RussianMotornyuk, Alina January 2014 (has links)
The graduation thesis is dedicated to the binomials in the Czech and Russian languages. The author paid her attention to the substantive binomials, to the determination of their semantic categories and syntactic functions and to the comparison of the results of both languages. The source for the analysis is binomials, which were found in the Czech national corpus and the Russian national corpus.
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La déconstruction : une philosophie de l'à venir, entre phénoménologie et psychanalyse / Deconstruction : a philosophy of the ‟to come” between phenomenology and psychoanalysisLamy-Rested, Elise 19 September 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose de montrer que la déconstruction peut être pensée comme le résultat de la jonction de l’intentionnalité husserlienne et de la compulsion de répétition freudienne. En repartant des premières lectures derridiennes de certains textes de Husserl, mais surtout de La voix et le phénomène (1967) vraisemblablement rédigée en même temps que « Freud et la scène de l’écriture » (conférence de 1966), nous y étudions comment Derrida unit la temporalité husserlienne et la temporalité freudienne : le Présent Vivant n’est pas essentiellement différent de l’ « après-coup » (Nachträglichkeit), de même que la répétition de l’idéalité n’est pas essentiellement différente d’une compulsion de répétition aveugle et mécanique.Cet étrange accouplement a selon nous donné naissance à toute la philosophie derridienne, même si celle-ci n’a par la suite cessé de s’enrichir et de se complexifier grâce à l’ « ex-appropriation » d’une / The present dissertation aims to show that deconstruction can be conceived of as resulting from the confluence of Husserl’s intentionality and Freud’s repetition compulsion. By going back to Derrida’s first readings of some of Husserl’s texts, but mostly back to Voice and Phenomenon (La voix et le phénomène, 1967), probably written concurrently with ‟Freud and the Scene of Writing” (‟Freud et la scène de l’écriture‟, lecture from 1966), I try to examine how Derrida brings the Husserlian and the Freudian temporalities together : the Living Present is not essentially different from the ‟après-coup” or deferred action (Nachträglichkeit), nor is the repetition of ideality essentially different from a blind mechanical repetition compulsion.Such uncanny coupling is, in my view, what gave birth to the Derridean philosophy as a whole, even if that philosophy did continue to get richer and more complex thanks to the ‟ex-appropriation” from many other authors, whether philosophers, poets, writers and so on.
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" Montrer au linguiste ce qu'il fait " : une analyse épistémologique du structuralisme européen (Louis Hjelmslev, Roman Jakobson, André Martinet, Emile Benveniste) dans sa filiation saussurienne / "To show the linguist what he is doing" : An epistemological analysis of european structuralism (Hjelmslev, Jakobson, Martinet, Benveniste) in its saussurean filiationToutain, Anne-Gaelle 24 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste en une analyse épistémologique comparée et très détaillée de l’ensemble du corpus saussurien publié ainsi que d’une portion très significative des oeuvres de Hjelmslev, Jakobson, Martinet et Benveniste. Il s’agit de montrer qu’en dépit d’une filiation revendiquée le structuralisme européen n’est pas saussurien, et par là de faire apparaître, par contrecoup, la spécificité de la problématique saussurienne, ainsi que ses enjeux pour la linguistique et plus largement pour les sciences de l’humain. La problématique saussurienne avait permis, pour la première fois dans l’histoire de la linguistique, une appréhension théorique de la langue. La problématique structuraliste est en revanche entièrementempirique, de sorte que sa scientificité relève en réalité d’une idéologie scientifique, au sens de Georges Canguilhem. Le point nodal de cette radicale différence de problématique est l’absence de théorisation structuraliste du rapport son/sens, et corrélativement la mécompréhension du concept saussurien desystème. Celui-ci devient alors structure, c’est-à-dire, comme nous tentons de le faire apparaître, appréhension structurale d’un objet dont la définition commune et évidente (celle de la langue comme instrument de communication) n’est pas remise en cause. A la problématique étiologique saussurienne, constitutive du concept de langue, répond ainsi une problématique analytique qui conduit quant à elle à la construction d’un objet (forme ou structure) en lieu et place d’un concept. Plus précisément, la problématique structuraliste est idiomologique. Elle manque ainsi la distinction entre langue et idiome dont nous tentons dès lors de démontrer la nécessité et le caractère constitutif de la théorisation de lalangue et, au-delà, du langage, notamment dans le cadre d’une articulation entre linguistique et psychanalyse. / This thesis consists in a compared and thorough epistemological analysis of the whole of Saussure’s published work and of a significant part of Hjelmslev’s, Jakobson’s, Martinet’s and Benveniste’s. Its aim is to show that although it has acknowledged Saussure as an influence, European structuralism is not Saussurean. In doing so, it aims at bringing out the specificity of Saussure’s problematics and its stakes for linguistics and more widely for the sciences of the human being. Saussure’s problematics had made a theoretical apprehension of language (la langue) possible for the first time in the history of linguistics. On the other hand, the problematics of structuralism is entirely empirical, so that its scientificity is in fact a product of a scientific ideology (idéologie scientifique), in Georges Canguilhem’s sense of the word. The very core of this radical divergence in the problematics lies in the lack of structuralist theorization of the sound/meaning relation, and correlatively, the misunderstanding of Saussure’s concept of system. This system then becomes a structure, that is to say, as we try to show, the structural apprehension of an object whose commonly held and evident definition (language as an instrument of communication) is not questioned. Thus, Saussure’s etiological problematics, which is constitutive of the concept of language (langue), is echoed by an analytical problematics, which itself leads to the construction of an object (form or structure), instead of a concept. More precisely, the structuralist problematics is idiomological. Thus, it misses the difference there is between language (langue) and idiom, a distinction we thus try to demonstrate as necessary as well as constitutive for the theorization of language in the narrow sense of the word (la langue), and beyond it, of language in its larger sense (le langage), particularly in the context of an articulation between linguistics and psychoanalysis.
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