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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FELIPE AMANCIO BRAGA 20 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem a metáfora como seu objeto e busca investigar os problemas que esta figura de linguagem suscita à filosofia. Desde então, será tomado como escopo e instrumentos de análise as obras de dois filósofos contemporâneos, Paul Ricoeur e Jacques Derrida, por suas contribuições relevantes ao estudo deste tema. De início, será apresentado como a hermenêutica propõe pensar a metáfora para além da estilização retórica e os limites que a separam do discurso filosófico, em seguida será mostrado como a clara delimitação destes limites é posta sob suspeita pela desconstrução. Portanto, ao seguir juntamente por essas duas propostas, o trabalho se desenvolve ao analisar seus pressupostos, pontos de intersecção e diferença. / [en] The present work has the metaphor as its objects and aims to investigate the problems that this figure of speech brings to philosophy. Since then, it will be taken as scope and analysis s instruments the works of two contemporary philosophers, Paul Ricoeur and Jacques Derrida, for their relevant contributions to the study of this matter. At the beginning, it will be presented how hermeneutics propose to think metaphor beyond rhetorical stylization and the limits that set her apart from philosophy s discourse, then it will be shown how the clear determination of these limits are put under suspicious by deconstruction. Therefore, by following jointly these two proposals, the work is developed by the analysis of their presuppositions, intersections points and differences.

La déconstruction : une philosophie de l'à venir, entre phénoménologie et psychanalyse / Deconstruction : a philosophy of the ‟to come” between phenomenology and psychoanalysis

Lamy-Rested, Elise 19 September 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose de montrer que la déconstruction peut être pensée comme le résultat de la jonction de l’intentionnalité husserlienne et de la compulsion de répétition freudienne. En repartant des premières lectures derridiennes de certains textes de Husserl, mais surtout de La voix et le phénomène (1967) vraisemblablement rédigée en même temps que « Freud et la scène de l’écriture » (conférence de 1966), nous y étudions comment Derrida unit la temporalité husserlienne et la temporalité freudienne : le Présent Vivant n’est pas essentiellement différent de l’ « après-coup » (Nachträglichkeit), de même que la répétition de l’idéalité n’est pas essentiellement différente d’une compulsion de répétition aveugle et mécanique.Cet étrange accouplement a selon nous donné naissance à toute la philosophie derridienne, même si celle-ci n’a par la suite cessé de s’enrichir et de se complexifier grâce à l’ « ex-appropriation » d’une / The present dissertation aims to show that deconstruction can be conceived of as resulting from the confluence of Husserl’s intentionality and Freud’s repetition compulsion. By going back to Derrida’s first readings of some of Husserl’s texts, but mostly back to Voice and Phenomenon (La voix et le phénomène, 1967), probably written concurrently with ‟Freud and the Scene of Writing” (‟Freud et la scène de l’écriture‟, lecture from 1966), I try to examine how Derrida brings the Husserlian and the Freudian temporalities together : the Living Present is not essentially different from the ‟après-coup” or deferred action (Nachträglichkeit), nor is the repetition of ideality essentially different from a blind mechanical repetition compulsion.Such uncanny coupling is, in my view, what gave birth to the Derridean philosophy as a whole, even if that philosophy did continue to get richer and more complex thanks to the ‟ex-appropriation” from many other authors, whether philosophers, poets, writers and so on.

Traces in and out: a deconstructionist reading of English translations of Jacques Prevert's Paroles (1946/7)

Malabo, Diane 03 March 2010 (has links)
Abstract This study is a comparative analysis of selected poems from Jacques Prévert’s Paroles (1946/1947). It is an application of a mainstreamed theoretical paradigm comprising deconstruction, hermeneutics and relevance. The overall aim is to show how each translator of Jacques Prévert derived latent and relatively obvious semantic possibilities from the ST. This objective is attained through a descriptive analysis of the translation process, and an attempt to interpret the findings thereby revealed, primarily according to the tenets of deconstruction, and according to the tenets of hermeneutics and relevance if possible. The theoretical model that grounds the study is a non-reductionist, non-prescriptivist and non-evaluative. That is the reason why the traditional terminology associated with some of the theoretical aspects mainstreamed in the model have been adapted to fit in with the general aim of the study. Actual reading experiences hardly entail a consecutive reading of more than one text. But this research is like a laboratory experiment; it tests the applicability of integrated [theoretical] formulae to a hypothetical case, the consecutive reading of selected poems from Paroles (1946/1947) and their English translations.

The Visibility and Invisibility in Legal Phenomenon:the Limitation of Language as Point of Departure

Wu, Jie-ren 14 May 2009 (has links)

Spinning in my mother's garden : a search for subjectivity : an exegesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Walker, Justine January 2009 (has links)
Appendix C contains video files which were unable to be uploaded onto the institutional repository, but are available with the hard copy of the thesis. / Is female subjectivity possible within a patriarchal system? The following discussion investigates feminist thought though equality, difference and androgyny, mapping the achievements, setbacks, advantages and disadvantages of each through the theories of Luce Irigaray, Jacques Derrida, Julia Kristeva and others. Discussing Irigaray’s thoughts on disrupting the symbolic with mimesis and hysteria, how intersubjectivity might be possible through a syntax appropriate to women and the possibility of female genealogies through craft and the work of artists such as Louise Bourgeois and Eva Hesse. Derrida’s theory of Différance is used in relation to Irigaray’s ideas of difference and morphology. And allows for Kristeva’s thoughts on the essential meaning of language being in a constant state of flux and therefore fixed definitions of identity are pointless. Virginia Woolf’s use of androgyny and modernist style in her writing is considered in relation to Kristeva’s ideas of revolutionary writing, and how destructive fixed gendered identities can be. The deconstruction of masculine and feminine identities is advocated by Kristeva to allow for individuality and subjectivity.

The poetry of C.T. Msimang : a deconstructive critique

Mollema, Nina, 1965- 11 1900 (has links)
This study attempts to offer a reading of Msimang's poetry from the perspective of deconstruction. In this course it is necessary to introduce and elaborate on certain deconstruction strategies. This is mainly effected in the second chapter, where consideration is given to diachronic and synchronic perspectives on deconstruction. However, not all the ramifications of the various radical insights offered by deconstructive approaches into the various fields are explored, only the significant texts by mainly French theorists and their American disciples are investigated. Secondly, this study seeks to show that the Zulu poems under consideration are highly amenable to a deconstruction reading. This thesis examines the various practices to absorb, transform, and integrate deconstruction and to make the theory applicable as a critical method within the African languages critical environment. In the third chapter, I am chiefly concerned with the claim that a text never has a single meaning, but is a crossroads of multiple ambiguous meanings. Explaining the historical context, the interdisciplinary scope, and the philosophical significance of Derrida' s project are explored in the fourth chapter. Language has no determinate centre nor any retrievable origin or truth. Belief in such is no more than nostalgia, says Derrida. What actually exists is a complex network of differences between signifiers, each in some sense carrying the traces of all others. With psychoanalysis in the fourth chapter, the focus is not on the differences between the deconstructive and psychoanalytic critics, but on their shared assumption that works ofliterature are in some sense indeterminate. These properties lead to the sixth chapter, which deals with intertextuality according to Derrida, Barthes and Bloom. The seventh and last chapter is the general conclusion in which main observations are summarized and important aspects highlighted. Finally, this thesis attempts to illustrate why the deconstructive procedure of analysing texts in such a way as to explicate their partial complicity with the theory, makes this deconstructive reading of Msimang' s poetry possible. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Framing dialogues- Towards an understanding of the Parergon in theatre.

Little, Suzanne Ruth January 2004 (has links)
This project argues for an elevation and a greater understanding of the importance of framing in theatre. In this respect, the study follows on from Derrida's famous deconstruction of Kant's parergon (frame) in his Critique of Judgement. Derrida's work exposes what he sees as a complicit desire to &qout;limit" the frame to the role of "decorative adjunct". Finding the frame to be "undecidable", Derrida asserts that the frame actively affects the work inside and the space outside while answering a "lack" within the work. Utilising Derrida's work on the parergon as a starting point, this study represents an attempt to formulate a theory of the frame for theatre asserting that the frame provides a prospective key towards understanding persistent "problems" within theatre studies. These include the complicated onstage/offstage and spectator/actor dialectics as well as the point where "reality" ends and theatre begins and also issues of agreed interpretation. Ultimately the thesis posits that theatre is in itself a parergon which virtualises the space in which it installs itself - a finding that goes some way to explaining and/or accommodating these "problems". The research methodology involves a detailed study of literature encompassing framing and related theories drawn from a diverse array of paradigms. A working theory of the theatre frame, along with a series of analogous approaches is developed and further examined through application to a variety of theatre performances. This thesis offers a theory of the theatre frame and a variety of framing research approaches that function to bridge the gap between the traditionally partitioned areas of performance analysis and reception studies. It also adds to our understanding of the frame and the theatre art form itself.

The poetry of C.T. Msimang : a deconstructive critique

Mollema, Nina, 1965- 11 1900 (has links)
This study attempts to offer a reading of Msimang's poetry from the perspective of deconstruction. In this course it is necessary to introduce and elaborate on certain deconstruction strategies. This is mainly effected in the second chapter, where consideration is given to diachronic and synchronic perspectives on deconstruction. However, not all the ramifications of the various radical insights offered by deconstructive approaches into the various fields are explored, only the significant texts by mainly French theorists and their American disciples are investigated. Secondly, this study seeks to show that the Zulu poems under consideration are highly amenable to a deconstruction reading. This thesis examines the various practices to absorb, transform, and integrate deconstruction and to make the theory applicable as a critical method within the African languages critical environment. In the third chapter, I am chiefly concerned with the claim that a text never has a single meaning, but is a crossroads of multiple ambiguous meanings. Explaining the historical context, the interdisciplinary scope, and the philosophical significance of Derrida' s project are explored in the fourth chapter. Language has no determinate centre nor any retrievable origin or truth. Belief in such is no more than nostalgia, says Derrida. What actually exists is a complex network of differences between signifiers, each in some sense carrying the traces of all others. With psychoanalysis in the fourth chapter, the focus is not on the differences between the deconstructive and psychoanalytic critics, but on their shared assumption that works ofliterature are in some sense indeterminate. These properties lead to the sixth chapter, which deals with intertextuality according to Derrida, Barthes and Bloom. The seventh and last chapter is the general conclusion in which main observations are summarized and important aspects highlighted. Finally, this thesis attempts to illustrate why the deconstructive procedure of analysing texts in such a way as to explicate their partial complicity with the theory, makes this deconstructive reading of Msimang' s poetry possible. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Mångbegåvad och ansvarstagande eller specialiserad och teknisk? : En empirisk studie om gymnasiereformen 2011s effekt på könsskillnaderna i gymnasievalet

Granström, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Könsskillnaderna inom utbildning- och arbetsmarknaden har konsekvenser för såväl individer som samhället i stort. Gymnasievalet är den tidigaste platsen där könssegregeringen mellan killar och tjejer kan uppstå. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur den senaste politiska reformen, Gy2011, har påverkat könsskillnaderna inom den svenska gymnasieskolan. Studien använder sig av paneldata över 20 gymnasieprogram och 16 elevkullar, som avgick mellan åren 2005/06-2020/21. Genom en difference-in-difference mäts könsskillnaderna med hjälp av ett segregationsindex. De viktigaste resultaten visar att segregationsindexet för den totala gymnasieskolan uppvisar en relativt svag effekt till följd av att undergrupper har påverkats i olika riktningar. Yrkesprogrammen, introduktionsprogrammet och STEM-utbildningarna blev mer könssegregerade medan de högskoleförberedande programmen och HEED-utbildningarna blev mer könsintegrerade. Studien tyder på att tjejer påverkats mest av reformen till följd av de stereotypiska karaktärsdrag som förväntas av en tjej; skolintresserad, bred kompetens och ansvarstagande. / The gender differences in the education and labor market have consequences for both individuals and society at large. The high school choice is the earliest place where gender segregation between boys and girls can arise. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the latest political reform, GY2011, has affected the gender differences in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study uses panel data with 20 high school programs and 16 cohorts that graduated between 2005/06-2020/21. By using Difference-in-Difference, the gender differences are measured through a segregation index. The main results show that the segregation index for the total upper secondary school shows a relatively weak effect as a result of subgroups being affected in different directions. The vocational programs, the introductory program and the STEM programs became more gender segregated, while the university preparatory programs and HEED programs became more gender integrated. The study indicates that girls were most affected by the reform as a result of the stereotypical traits expected of a girl; School-interested, broad competence and to be responsible.

Die menslike wetenskap : 'n verhaal vir die sielkunde

Van Deventer, Vasi, 1952- 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die verhaal wat hier vertel word is die van 'n jongeling wat sy ouerhuis verlaat om vir homself te sorg. Dit is die verhaal van die postmodernistiese wetenskaplike wat na 'n tydperk van modernistiese adolessensie moet afstand doen van die geborgenheid van sy kosmiese bestaan om 'n volwasse selfaangewesenheid nate streef. Maar wanneer hy homself (be)vind as die ek wat elke psigo-fisiese en rasioneel-empiriese werklikheid voorafgaan, is dit net om te ontdek dat hierdie ek nog ervaring nog wese is, dat hy hier niks anders (is) nie as 'n verwantskap van hierdie lewe met die dood. Om iets hiervan te begryp moet hy homself as 'n Lacaanse fallus aanskou. Hy is die beeld van die lewensvloed wat sy rol slegs in versluiering kan speel. Sy konstruksie verg altyd alreeds sy destruksie. Al wat (is) is sy masker, 'n persona, 'n vertolkte karakter waaraan die vertolking onttrek en 'n onbeslisbaarheid gepredikeer word · 'n bepaalde/bepalende dekonstruksie. / The story told here is one of a lad who leaves his parental home to take care of himself. It is the story of the postmodern scientist who after a period of modernistic adolescence must give up the safe security of his cosmic existence in the quest for an adult self reliance. But when he finds himself as the I who precedes every psychophysical and rational-empirical reality, it is only to discover that this I is neither experience nor being, that here he (is) nothing but the relationship of this life with death. In order to grasp something of this, he has to see himself as a Lacanian phallus.He is the image of the vital flow that can play its role only when veiled. His construction always already requires his destruction. What (is) is his mask, a persona, an interpreted character from whom the interpretation is being withdrawn and an undecidability predicated- a determinated/determinating deconstruction. / Psychology / D. Phil (Sielkunde)

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