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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma análise da comunicação científica em uma instituição pública brasileira de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e ensino

Amélia Cristina Ferraresi 03 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise sobre a comunicação científica em uma instituição pública brasileira de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e ensino. A análise é direcionada para identificar quais são os fatores que definem esta comunicação, que abrange desde a construção do conhecimento pelo pesquisador até a aceitação e utilização deste conhecimento pela comunidade científica. Primeiramente, é feito um estudo teórico no assunto em bibliografia considerada de relevância, para posterior coleta de dados, com questionário estruturado, como subsídio a um estudo de caso, considerando a prática dos pesquisadores com doutorado do Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial, vinculado ao Comando da Aeronáutica, que atua na área aeroespacial e de defesa, localizado em São José dos Campos, São Paulo. Os aspectos observados para a identificação destes fatores consideram as fases da produção, da disseminação e do armazenamento das informações científicas e envolvem o ambiente organizacional, o ambiente científico, as tecnologias de informação e comunicação disponíveis e, também, o âmbito pessoal ou comportamental do próprio cientista, possibilitando identificar o que facilita e o que dificulta o desenvolvimento desta comunicação. Os resultados apresentados no formato descritivo constatam aspectos que contribuem e limitam a comunicação deste grupo pesquisado. Como exemplo do que contribui estão as redes de pesquisa formadas mais intensamente com parcerias locais da região do Vale do Paraíba e do Sudeste, ressaltando a importância da proximidade física com atores atuantes em áreas afins. E, como exemplos dos aspectos limitadores estão: a necessidade de divulgar os resultados das pesquisas em âmbito mais restrito, por meio de documentos técnicos ou de reuniões presenciais, em função das áreas de atuação desta instituição; e, a menor freqüência nos vínculos externos com empresas nacionais e internacionais, para fins de pesquisa. Estas constatações apontam, principalmente, para ações que a instituição pode implantar, em âmbito interno, no gerenciamento do conhecimento gerado por seus pesquisadores, considerando a maior interação entre os mesmos e a melhor acessibilidade aos resultados das suas pesquisas; e, em âmbito externo, na promoção de mais parcerias com o setor privado nas atividades de pesquisa. / This work presents a scientific communication analysis of a Brazilian public research, development, and education institution. The analysis is focused on identifying what are the factors that define the communication that goes from the stage of knowledge construction by the researcher to the acceptance and use of such knowledge by the scientific community. Initially, a theoretical analysis on the subject was conducted in the literature for subsequent data collection, using a structured questionnaire, for the development of a case study based on the practice of a group of researchers with doctorate degree that are associated with the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, linked to the Air Force Command, which operates in the aerospace and defense sector and is located in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. Factors observed in this research included the identification of the stages of scientific information production, storage, and dissemination as well as the organizational and scientific environments, information technology and communication available, and personal or behavioral aspects of scientists, allowing identify what facilitates and what hampers the development of this type of communication. The descriptive results presented demonstrate aspects that contribute to the communication of this research group, such as that the network searches more intensively among local partners in the region of the Paraiba Valley and within the Southeast, highlighting the importance of physical proximity to actors working in related areas. They also demonstrate factors that limit the communication, such as the need to disseminate research results within a narrow context, through technical documents, depending on the areas of operation of the institution and, less frequently, within external links with national and international companies, for research purposes. These findings provided insights toward necessary actions that the institution could deploy internally to better manage the knowledge generated by its researchers by increasing the level of interaction between them and providing better accessibility to the results of their research. And actions deployed externally by promoting partnerships with private institutions in research activities.

Formal and exact reduction for differential models of signalling pathways in rule-based languages / Réduction formelle et exacte de modèles différentiels de voies de signalisation en Kappa

Camporesi, Ferdinanda 23 January 2017 (has links)
Le comportement d'une cellule dépend de sa capacité à recevoir, propager et intégrer des signaux, constituant ainsi des voies de signalisations. Les protéines s'associent entre elles sur des sites de liaisons, puis modifient la structure spatiale des protéines voisines, ce qui a pour effet de cacher ou de découvrir leurs autres sites de liaisons, et donc d'empêcher ou de faciliter d'autres interactions. En raison du grand nombre de différents complexes bio-moléculaires, nous ne pouvons pas écrire ou générer les systèmes différentiels sous-jacents. Les langages de réécritures de graphes à sites offrent un bon moyen de décrire ces systèmes complexes. Néanmoins la complexité combinatoire resurgit lorsque l'on cherche à calculer de manière effective ce comportement. Ceci justifie l'utilisation d'abstractions. Nous proposons deux méthodes pour réduire la taille des modèles de voies de signalisation, décrits en Kappa. Ces méthodes utilisent respectivement la présence de symétries parmi certains sites et le fait que certaines corrélations entre l'état de différentes parties des complexes biomoléculaires n'ont pas d'impact sur la dynamique du système global. Des sites qui ont la même capacité d'interaction sont liés par une relation de symétrie. Nous montrons que cette relation induit une bisimulation qui peut être utilisée pour réduire la taille du modèle initial. L'analyse du flot d'information détecte les parties du système qui influencent le comportement de chaque site. Ceci nous autorise à couper les espèces moléculaires en petits morceaux pour écrire un nouveau système. Enfin, nous montrons comment raffiner cette analyse pour tenir compte d'information contextuelle. Les deux méthodes peuvent être combinées. La solution analytique du modèle réduit est la projection exacte de la solution originelle. Le calcul du modèle réduit se fait au niveau des règles, en évitant l'exécution du modèle initial. / The behaviour of a cell is driven by its capability to receive, propagate and communicate signals. Proteins can bind together on some binding sites. Post-translational modifications can reveal or hide some sites, so new interactions can be allowed or existing ones can be inhibited. Due to the huge number of different bio-molecular complexes, we can no longer derive or integrate ODE models. A compact way to describe these systems is supplied by rule-based languages. However combinatorial complexity raises again when one attempt to describe formally the behaviour of the models. This motivates the use of abstractions. We propose two methods to reduce the size of the models, that exploit respectively the presence of symmetries between sites and the lack of correlation between different parts of the system. The symmetries relates pairs of sites having the same capability of interactions. We show that this relation induces a bisimulation which can be used to reduce the size of the original model. The information flow analysis detects, for each site, which parts of the system influence its behaviour. This allows us to cut the molecular species in smaller pieces and to write a new system. Moreover we show how this analysis can be tuned with respect to a context. Both approaches can be combined. The analytical solution of the reduced model is the exact projection of the original one. The computation of the reduced model is performed at the level of rules, without the need of executing the original model.

Value Stream Analysis of Online Deliveries at Ecommerce Department in a Logistic Company

Bangalore Rajanna, Raghunandan, Prasad Nallaye karthikeyan, Harvind January 2020 (has links)
Lean production is one of the proven approaches for identifying and eliminating the activities that do not add value to the customers and delivering and provide the best possible quality service to customers. Implementation of lean is deemed to be feasible in any organization regardless of its size or industry background. For initiating lean in an organization there are many tools, techniques and approaches that are available. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is one such tool that is touted as cost-effective and easy to be implemented. This thesis proposes to conduct Value Stream Analysis (VSA) at at e-commerce (online) department at the case company to understand their material and information flows by analyzing the current state and develop implementable solutions to improve the overall productivity of the online deliveries. The tasks to perform are: · To map the current state value stream. · To identify wastages and propose solutions to eliminate them. · To provide productivity improvement proposals. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study for data collection and data analysis. This project, which is designed as a longitudinal case study that pri-marily focuses on gathering accurate, real-time data related to the product family, and on drawing a visual representation of the current materials and information flow. VSM has been implemented and the data were analysed. The results obtained from this study concludes that, VSM is an appropriate technique to initiate lean ways of work in larger firms that lacks sufficient knowledge and experience on lean. In addition to it, produc-tivity improvement proposals provided in this study are considered to be key factors in initiating lean transformation in an organization from a technical point of view while, management support and acceptance of change is necessary from an organizational point of view. This thesis will be useful to researchers, professionals and others con-cerned subject to understand the significance of value stream mapping in larger e-com-merce logistic firms.

Analýza podnikových procesů, výběr a návrh implementace ERP systému ve vybrané společnosti / The Business Process Analysis, Selection and Design of Implementation an ERP system In a Chosen Company

Kvita, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the analysis of business processes and information flows in a small manufacturing company. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to theoretical bases which are necessary for understanding the problem. The second part focuses on the current situation in the company, its processes and the use of IS/ICT technology. The evaluation of an appropriate ERP systems and the implementation process of the ERP system are mentioned in the last part of this thesis.

Porovnání koncepcí zásobování materiálem s využitím počítačové simulace / Comparison of material supply concepts using computer simulation

Kadlec, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design of a new concept of material handling from the automatic warehouse to the manufacturing area and comparison with the original concept using computer simulation. The simulation model is created in Plant Simulation software from PLM Software. Part of the thesis is to compile a matric of experiments and perform simulation experiments in order to compare both concepts.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Stejný, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with information system in Telefónica O2 Czech Republic company. The thesis is focused on describing the existing enterprise information system especially in terms of processing customer requirements and their impact on customers. The aim is to draft changes in the information system of conflict resolution department orders. The changes are geared to enhancing the effectiveness of staff members and increase customer satisfaction.

Informationsflöde vid användning av multipla tillverkningskanaler : En fallstudie som kartlägger hantering av information mellan original equipment manufacturer och kontraktstillverkare / Information flow when using multiple manufacturer channels : A case study that explains the managing of information between original equipment manufacturer and the contract manufacturer

Stålnacke, Sofie, Lorén, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Syfte - Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hantering av information mellan original equipment manufacturer (OEM) och kontraktstillverkare. Syftet har brutits ner i tre frågeställningar: Vilken information skickas mellan OEM och kontraktstillverkare? Hur skickas information mellan OEM och kontraktstillverkare? Vilka faktorer påverkar informationsutbytet mellan OEM och kontraktstillverkare? Metod – En förstudie genomfördes för att formulera en problemformulering, vilket låg till grund för utformandet av studiens syfte samt frågeställningar. Fallstudien genomfördes parallellt med en kompletterande litteraturgenomgång för att skapa studiens teoretiska ramverk. Studiens syfte samt frågeställningar besvarades genom fallstudien och teorier. Slutsatser – Brister identifierades under studien gång och har en direkt påverkan på informationsutbytet mellan parterna. Det finns flera faktorer som kan påverka informationsutbytet, den främsta påverkande faktorn är kommunikationen inom företaget, vilket ligger till grund för ett väl fungerande informationsflöde. Ett tillverkande företag bör finna en balans mellan tillgång och användning av nödvändiga resurser för att integrera informationsflödet mellan parter och minska möjliga informationsgap. Det existerar svårigheter i att koordinera ett informationsflöde på bästa sätt vid användning av multipla tillverkningskanaler. Genom att identifiera slöseri i företagets administrativa processer kan de elimineras för att minska onödigt höga kostnader för företaget. Implikationer – Studien kan fungera som en vägledning hur företag ska hantera sitt informationsflöde vid användning av multipla tillverkningskanaler. Organisationer inom tillverkningsbranschen kan med fördel ta del av studien för erhållande av förståelse beträffande kommunikation, informationsutbyte, partnerskap samt framgångsfaktorer vid användning av lean i det administrativa flödet. Begränsningar – Då två enheter studerades, kan en relativt hög reliabilitet antas. Dock hade det varit fördelaktigt att studera fler företag med liknande tillverkningsprocess för att stärka studiens reliabilitet ytterligare. / Purpose – The purpose of the thesis is to map the handling of information between original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and contract manufacturers. The purpose has been broken down into three research questions: What information is sent between OEM and contract manufacturers? How is information sent between OEM and contract manufacturers? What factors affect the exchange of information between OEM and contract manufacturers? Method – A case study was conducted to formulate a problem formulation, which formed the basis for the design of the study's purpose and issues. The case study was conducted in parallel with a supplementary literature review to create the theoretical framework of the study. The purpose of the study and the three research questions were answered through the case study and theories. Findings – The study identified several deficiencies that have a direct impact on the exchange of information between parties. There are several factors that can influence the exchange of information, the main influencing factor being the communication within the company that forms the basis for a well-functioning information flow. A manufacturing company should find a balance between access and use of the necessary resources to integrate information flow between parties and reduce possible information gaps. There are difficulties in coordinating an information flow in the best possible way using multiple manufacturing channels. By identifying waste in the company's administrative processes, they can be eliminated to reduce ultimately unnecessarily high costs for the company. Implications – The study can serve as a guide for companies to manage their information flow when using multiple manufacturing channels. Manufacturing organizations can benefit from the study to gain an understanding of communication, information exchange, partnership and success factors when using lean in the administrative flow. Limitations – When two units were studied, a relatively high reliability can be assumed. Yet, it would have been advantageous to study more companies with similar manufacturing processes to further strengthen the study’s reliability.

Digitalisering av försörjningskedjan till en byggarbetsplats : Fallstudie på fallföretaget Skanska Sverige AB

Esatson, Mattias, Kadoori, Dekan January 2020 (has links)
The construction industry is considered an industry where manual handling is preferable to digital tools. A construction project includes many different actors who perform different services for the client. The information associated with a specific product group is massive, information is often lost, misinterpreted, or forgotten. This in turn leads to the studied company losing money, time, and efficiency. In today's construction industry, there are a variety of digital tools that companies use.The aim of the study is to study the challenges of digitizing the supply chain to a construction site and how these challenges can be addressed. The study was based on a combination of the theory applied with an abductive approach. This is followed by a qualitative research method to gain a broader and more detailed view of the selected subject. The theory is based on primary and secondary data in the form of three interviews conducted at the studied company linked to the study's two issues. Secondary data has been used when the theory is taken from scientific articles, course literatures and the case company intranet. With the help of the respondents' experiences, a result has been produced.For example, change means that an organization corrects existing ways of working. To achieve this, it is necessary to analyse the current situation to identify deficiencies, deviations, and present opportunities for improvement. An organization can adjust its way of working and be ready for change without creating major difficulties and complications. The Internet of Things and the digital tools have made working methods more efficient. This has made it possible to develop difficulties and deviations much more easily, which means that companies can act in real time to remove their difficulties. A system like ERP enables organizations to further develop their digitization into more specific business systems that cover and manage the flow of information effectively.The conclusion is that it requires knowledge and a conscious selection of digital systems for it to work well. This reduces the risk of different types of waste. The limitations of the work are that only three interviews have been conducted, which limits the strength of the results.

Säkerheten först! : Informationsstruktur gällande säkerhet  på en byggarbetsplats

Folkesson, Martin, Hellund, Carolin January 2020 (has links)
It is the responsibility of the employer to keep all workers safe and to promote a healthy work environment. Though there still remain work safety concerns, the construction industry has made a lot of progress addressing these issues over the last few decades. Safety research has and will continue to be a crucial part of this improvement.  The focus of this study is to chart the structure for on-site dispersal of safety information amongst construction workers. The aim is to identify the known factors affecting information flow that are present at the construction site. Using Safety Climate theory as a framework enables the combining of Interorganizational Relations theory and Network theory, creating a tool for data analysis. Chosen method for data collection is semi-structured interviews followed by a study of the digital platforms mentioned by the respondents. The stock take of the information structure shows that the supervisor, and to a lesser degree the site manager, enables the information flow between actors within the construction site. The Safety Climate theory suggests that frequent communication between participants across all levels of the organization tend to facilitate ongoing discussions regarding safety. The results of the study confirm this conclusion. These discussions can, according to Safety Climate theory, lead to fewer accidents. The data indicate that well communicated safety information structure regarding both content and proceedings resulted in transparent information exchange. Language is a factor connected to difficulties with information exchange. Translations were found to be performed satisfactory, although the responsibility to perform said translations was not as well communicated. Overall the safety climate was regarded as satisfactory by the respondents at the construction site. The findings of this study have practical implications for construction safety efforts, due to the identified factors which can improve safety communication. / Arbetsgivaren ansvarar för en sund och hälsosam arbetsmiljö, där medarbetarna kan känna sig trygga. Byggarbetsbranschen, med sin diversitet gällande såväl arbetsuppgifter, arbetsgivare och nationaliteter, har trots bestående problem kommit långt i säkerhetsarbetet de senaste decennierna. Forskning gällande säkerhet har varit, och kommer att fortsätta vara, en viktig hörnsten gällande detta förbättringsarbete. Förevarande studie fokuserar på kartläggning av säkerhetsinformationens struktur vid en byggarbetsplats. Syftet är, utöver kartläggningen, att identifiera kända faktorer med påverkan på informationsflödet. Med säkerhetsklimatteorin som grund kombineras interorganisationell relationsteori med nätverksteori. Resultatet analyseras enligt den sammantagna förklaringsmodellen. Datainsamling genomförs i första hand genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter utförs undersökning av digitala dem plattformar som respondenterna nämner. Kartläggningen visar att arbetsledaren, och i viss mån platschefen, fungerar som möjliggörare för kommunikation mellan olika aktörer. En faktor som påvisats i säkerhetsklimatteorin är att frekvent kommunikation mellan personer på olika befattningsnivåer i organisationen kan leda till diskussioner gällande säkerhet, detta samband påvisas även i resultatet. Dessa diskussioner kan enligt säkerhetsklimatteorin leda till minskat antal olyckor. När strukturen för säkerhetsinformation var väl kommunicerad gällande såväl informationsväg som innehåll visade resultatet att informationsutbytet fungerade bäst. En potentiell problemfaktor är språket. Analysen visar att översättningar fungerade väl, men ansvarsfördelningen för översättningarna var mindre tydlig. Respondenterna lyfter överlag säkerhetsarbetet och informationsdelningen som välfungerande. Studien har praktisk nytta då påverkansfaktorer identifierats vilket möjliggör systematiskt förbättringsarbete med säkerhetskommunikation.

Bedömningar av krav på interna informationsflödet inom supply chain på DeLaval (Shanghai) / Requirement assessments of an optimal information flow within supply chain at DeLaval (Shanghai)

Lindroth, Maria, Ohlsén, Karin January 2010 (has links)
DeLaval distribuerar fullständiga mjölkningssystem vilka säljs på drygt 100 olika marknader över hela världen. Det finns alltid en strävan efter att leverera beställningar till kund i tid. Direktören för Inköp och Logistik Asien på DeLaval i Shanghai har uttryckt ett behov av att undersöka hur informationen bör anpassas så att ett stöd för supply chain uppstår med syftet att förbättra tiden för leverans till kund. Detta resulterade i en utredning att kartlägga behoven i informationsflödet och vilka system som behöver stöd för att möjliggöra leverans i tid till kund. Det finns ett mått vilket kallas on time in full (OTIF) som används av DeLaval för att mäta leveransprecision för slutkund. Detta var grunden för att följande frågeställning kunde formulerades: Hur kan informationsflödet inom supply chain anpassas för att förbättra OTIF? För att kunna svara på denna fråga kom författarna fram till att en fallstudie var den mest lämpade metoden att gå tillväga. Både primär och sekundär data samlades in. De primära data kom främst från intervjuer, men även från seminarier och evenemang. De sekundära data bestod av interna dokument, akademiska artiklar, böcker och andra former av information som uppkommit i andra sammanhang. Analysen belyser viktiga aspekter i informationsflödet. Till exempel: befintliga problem i de system som används för att hantera information och ritningar, svagheter i det interna samarbetet och kommunikationen, vikten av internt och externt informationsutbyte. Konkreta förslag på hur belysta aspekter ovan kan lösas är till exempel att börja tillämpa RFID. En supply chain är, likt bilden på framsidan av denna uppsats, en icke linjär process. / DeLaval distributes complete milking systems. They conducts their business in more than 100 markets all over the world. There is always a desire to deliver orders to customers on time. The Director of Purchasing and Logistics Asia at DeLaval in Shanghai has expressed a need to investigate how to adjust the information support for supply chain in order to improve the time for delivery to the customer. This resulted in a commission to clarify the needs regarding the information flow and to identify what system support is needed to enable delivery on time in full to the end‐ customer. There is a measurement called on time in full (OTIF) which is used by DeLaval to measure the performance of delivery of their supply chain at the interface to customer. This was the basis for the following issue was formulated: How can information flows within the supply chain be adapted to improve OTIF? To be able to respond to this question a case study had to be carried out. Both primary and secondary data was collected. The primary data came primarily from interviews, but also from seminars and events. The secondary data consisted of internal documents, academic articles, books and other forms of information available to read. The analysis was able to enlighten important issues in the information flow. For example: existing problems in the systems used to manage information and drawings, weaknesses in the internal collaboration and communication, the importance of internal and external information sharing. Concrete suggestions on how the enlighten issues above can be solved is for example to implement RFID. A supply chain is as in the front picture of this thesis; never completely straight.

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