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Motivators and inhibitors to knowledge sharing in I.T. project teamsJewels, Tony John January 2006 (has links)
The potential importance of managing knowledge for competitive advantage has been widely discussed according to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), with the sharing and application of knowledge being widely identified in recent years as key sources of sustained competitive advantage (Hall & Sapsed 2005, p57). While Alavi and Leidner (2001, p216) agree that much theory already exists on knowledge management, they argue that little empirical work has been undertaken and hence there are large gaps in the body of knowledge in this area. Bresnen, Edelman, Newell, Scarbrough, and Swan (2003) further suggest that only recently has attention been specifically directed towards managing knowledge in project environments. Evidence of poor IT project success continues to be provided by many researchers even though today's corporations recognize that to be successful, they need to understand modern project management techniques (Schwalbe 2002, p2). With Kotnour (2000) finding that project performance is positively associated with project knowledge, a better understanding of how to effectively manage knowledge in IT projects should have considerable practical significance for increasing the chances of project success. The focus of this research centres on the question of why individuals working within IT project teams might be motivated towards, or inhibited from, sharing their knowledge and experience in their activities, procedures, and processes. Using a combined qualitative/quantitative method of data collection in multiple case studies spanning four continents, and comprising a variety of organisational types, the research concludes with the development of a new theoretical model of knowledge sharing behaviour, "The Alignment Model of Motivational Focus". This model suggests that an individual's propensity to share knowledge and experience is a function of perceived personal benefits and costs associated with the activity, balanced against the individual's alignment to a group of 'institutional' factors. These factors are identified as alignments to the project team, to the organisation, and dependent on the circumstances, to either the professional discipline or community of practice, to which the individual belongs. The model might be used within knowledge intensive projects, to help identify an individual's latent propensity to share knowledge, and to identify actions that may need to be taken in order to modify knowledge sharing behaviour.
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Sjuksköterskans IT-kompetensAlf, Jeanette January 2005 (has links)
<p>Sjuksköterskornas omvårdnadsdokumentation skall fungera som stöd, arbetsverktyg och arbetsunderlag i vårdarbetet. Utvecklingen av informationsteknologi (IT) i vården har inneburit en möjliggörande faktor som har medfört nya arbetssätt, organisationsformer och arbetsprocesser. Utvecklingen och användningen av informationssystem (IS) i vården är det mest centrala informations- och kommunikationsverktyget för sjuksköterskorna i den dagliga patientbehandlingen. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor skaffar sig en utbildning inom IT, vilket innebär kunskap och skicklighet och stödjer dem i deras praktik, administration och forskning. Betydelsen av att sjuksköterskorna innehar en IT-kompetens i vården idag kan inte nog understrykas. Syftet med undersökningen var att hitta olika tillvägagångssätt som gör att sjuksköterskans IT-kompetens kan höjas. Intervjuer och observationer genomfördes för att undersöka problemområdet. Resultatet visade att det är av stor vikt att organisationerna för de olika verksamheterna inom Hälso- och Sjukvården utvecklar en strategi angående sjuksköterskans IT-kompetens för att precisera vilka IT-kunskaper som krävs för att kunna hantera den stora mängden av informationsflöde i vården</p>
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Verksamhetsstyrning med datoriserade IT-verktygFalck Brismark, Helena, Gadestedt, Marlene January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Titel: Verksamhetsstyrning med datoriserade IT-verktyg Författare: Helena Falck Brismark och Marlene Gadestedt Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi Handledare: Stig Sörling och Tomas Källquist Datum: januari 2015 Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att belysa fördelar och nackdelar med IT-baserade verktyg vid styrning och planering av daglig verksamhet i offentlig sektor. Metod: Denna studie har ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv som utgångspunkt. Arbetet med studien har skett med en abduktiv ansats, vilket har medfört en interaktion mellan teori och empiri materialet vilket innehåller erfarenheter av IT-verktyg. Vi har här studerat IT- verktyget Laps Care. Den teoretiska referensramen har starkt påverkats av det empiriska materialet. Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med ostrukturerade intervjuer i fokus grupper. Grounded theory har varit inspirationskälla när material har bearbetats samt analyserats. Resultat & slutsats: De intervjuade i studien gav en samstämmig bild av de för- och nackdelar de upplevdes vid användningen av IT-verktyget. Studien visar att det finnas många fördelar med IT-verktyg i verksamhetsplaneringen och endast ett fåtal nackdelar. Till fördelarna hör t.ex. lättare tillsättning av vikarie, automatisk anpassning av arbetsbelastning och säkerställande av rätt avtalad tid till kunden. En av nackdelarna som framkom var att sambesök kan upplevas som stressande. Slutsatsen är även att IT-verktyget var sårbart vid eventuella strömavbrott. Studiens bidrag: Vi har i denna studie sett att upplevda nackdelar med ett nytt IT-verktyg efter en tid kan förändras och upplevs då som fördelar. Studie bidrar även med att IT-verktyg som planerar för aktiviteter som inbegriper människor behöver ha en flexibilitet. Det har även visat sig att det är viktigt att IT-verktyget tar hänsyn till alla komponenter i en verksamhet. Förslag till vidare forskning: Det har diskuterats att IT-verktyget som har använts i denna studie, kan komma att utökas med en ytterligare komponent. Om så är fallet vore det av intresse att ta reda på personalens erfarenheter av en sådan förändring med tonvikt på flexibilitet. Vi anser även att det skulle vara intressant att se på hur olika generationer ser på IT-verktygets fördelar och nackdelar. Nyckelord: IT-verktyg, Arbetsplanering, Kommunikation, Tidsplanering. / Abstract Title: Performance Management with computerized technology tools Authors: Helena Falck Brismark and Marlene Gadestedt Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration Supervisor: Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist Date: January 2015 Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of IT-based tools in the management and planning of daily activities in the public sector. Method: This study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point. The study has been conducted in an abdicative approach, i.e. an interaction between theory and the empirical material which contends experience with IT-tool. We have studied the IT-tool called Laps Care. The theoretical framework has been strongly influenced by the empirically material. The study is a case study with a qualitative approach in which unstructured interviews with focus groups have been made. Grounded theory has been the source of inspiration when the material has been processed and analyzed. Result & Conclusion: The interviewed in the study gave a consistent picture of the advantages and disadvantages they experienced when using the IT-tool. The study shows that there are many advantages with IT-tools in operations planning and just a few disadvantages. The advantages are for example, easier addition of temporary staff, automatic regulation of workload, and ensuring the correct time consumption to the customer. One of the disadvantages that emerged was that joint visits may be perceived as stressful. It is also concluded that the IT tool was vulnerable in the event of power failure. Contribution of the thesis: We have in this study found that perceived disadvantages of a new IT tool for a period of time can change, and then perceived as advantages. The study also contributes to IT tools that planning for activities involving people need to be flexible. It has also been shown that it is important that the IT tool takes into account all components of a business. Suggestions for future research: It has been discussed that the IT-tool, which is used in the present study, could be expanded with an additional component. If so, it would be of interest to observe how the staff experiences such a change with particular emphasis on flexibility. We are also interested to see how different generations look at the IT-tool's advantages and disadvantages. Key words: IT tools, Work planning, Communication, Time Management
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Den kodade vinnaren : En diskursanalys om könskodning i IT-branschens jobbannonserKühnemann, Niklas, Chamera, Catherine January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Procesně-projektový model řízení IT služeb a nástroje na jeho podporu / Process-Project Model of IT Services Management and Tools to its SupportLANG, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to perform a research of the combined process and project model of IT management and its support tools in chosen company and to design or suggest possible improvement
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Procesní model provozu informačního systému / Process model of information system maintenancePavlas, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the modeling of processes related to the operation of information systems.
The theoretical part deals with the operation of information systems in the context of the general methodology for IT services and procedural framework ITIL for service management in IT services. The following part focuses on overview of the basic principles for process modeling and brief characteristics of selected modeling methodologies and notations.
Theoretical assumptions are applied in the practical part of the thesis, in which BPMN notation through using the software tool ARIS Express are assembled general models of identified key processes associated with the operation of an information system according to the procedural framework ITIL.
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O valor da tecnologia da informação nos processos e projetos de co-criação de valor em relacionamentos interorganizacionaisRech, Ionara January 2012 (has links)
O valor da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) continua sendo um dos temas de interesse na área de Sistemas de Informação (SI) e TI, apesar dos longos anos já dedicados a pesquisas na área. Uma oportunidade de estudo neste tema tem recebido destaque na literatura de SI/TI e práticos, que é o valor da TI no contexto de relacionamentos interorganizacionais, mais especificamente quando ocorre a co-criação de valor. Co-criação de valor tem suas origens no marketing e estratégia e discute o potencial da participação do consumidor final para agregar valor em produtos e serviços, com destaque para a criação de espaços e momentos de interação entre a empresa e seus clientes. Ampliando este conceito para o contexto de relacionamento entre empresas, ou seja, considerando a co-criação de valor interorganizacional, esta tese tem o objetivo de identificar o valor da TI nos processos e projetos de co-criação de valor em relacionamentos interorganizacionais. Para tal, apresenta as abordagens teóricas que dão suporte aos três principais temas que procura relacionar: valor da TI, co-criação de valor e relacionamentos interorganizacionais, quais sejam: abordagem econômica, abordagem da organização industrial (especificamente a teoria dos custos de transação e a teoria da agência), as perspectivas sociológicas e sócio-políticas e a abordagem da estratégia. Com base nos estudos já realizados sobre o valor da TI, co-criação de valor e relacionamentos interorganizacionais, elaborou-se uma estrutura conceitual preliminar para entender a dinâmica do valor da TI neste contexto. O método de pesquisa adotado foi o estudo de casos múltiplos, tendo como técnicas de coleta de dados a entrevista semiestruturada, pesquisa documental, observação e questionário. Foram realizadas três rodadas de avaliação da estrutura conceitual e do roteiro de coleta de dados, uma vez que o estudo dos temas em conjunto é novo e necessitava-se conhecer a sistemática de funcionamento, bem como os elementos presentes na estrutura conceitual. Foram estudados quatro casos, sendo que cada caso é um relacionamento interorganizacional: Marelli, Lojas Exclusivas e TOTVS; BRDE e Stefanini; Dell e Centro de Inovação Microsoft-PUCRS; e GKN e Usimold. No total foram entrevistadas 24 pessoas, analisados documentos disponibilizados pelas empresas e realizada observação dos casos. Os resultados indicaram um envolvimento intenso entre as empresas participantes de cada caso estudado, uma vez que os projetos e processos de co-criação em que estavam envolvidas são de grande interesse de ambos os lados. Os aspectos de co-criação de valor estudados (diálogo, acesso, compartilhamento de risco e transparência) estão presentes nos casos e permanecem na estrutura conceitual. Por fim, o valor da TI se manifestou nos outputs sugeridos no roteiro de coleta de dados, com destaque para o controle, a produtividade, qualidade dos produtos e/ou serviços, satisfação dos usuários/consumidores, custo e melhores decisões, o que indica o caráter operacional e intangível do valor da TI em relacionamentos interorganizacionais de co-criação de valor. Os outputs vantagem competitiva, lucro, valor de mercado e participação de mercado tiveram uma contribuição menor nos casos analisados. Novos outputs de valor da TI surgiram, com destaque para documentação, formalização das respostas, rastreabilidade e histórico, rapidez, informacional, comunicação, gestão e transparência. Os resultados validaram a estrutura conceitual do valor da TI na co-criação de valor em relacionamentos interorganizacionais com algumas inserções de elementos de outputs de valor da TI, atingindo-se então o objetivo geral da tese. / The value of information technology (IT) remains a topic of interest in the field of Information Systems (IS) and IT studies, despite the many years that have been dedicated to research in the area. An issue of particular interest in the IS/IT literature and practices is that of the IT value in the context of interorganizational relationships, specifically when there is value co-creation. The latter originates in the fields of marketing and strategy and is concerned with the potential participation of the end user to add value to products and services, with emphasis on the creation of spaces and moments of interaction between the company and its customers. By extending this concept to the context of relationships between companies and considering interorganizational value co-creation, this thesis aims to identify the IT value in the value co-creation in interorganizational relationships. To achieve this, it presents the theoretical approaches that support the three main themes that it attempts to relate: IT value, value co-creation and interorganizational relationships, which are: the economic approach, the industrial organization approach (specifically transaction costs theory and agency theory), the socio-political and sociological perspectives and the strategic approach. Based on previous studies on IT value, value co-creation and interorganizational relationships, a preliminary conceptual framework for understanding the dynamics of IT value in this context was drawn up. The research method used was a multiple case study in which data were collected from interviews, documents, observation and a questionnaire. Since the topics under investigation had not previously been studied together, the conceptual framework and data collection script were subjected to three rounds of assessment in order to determine how they would function and which elements they should include. Four cases were studied, each one being an interorganizational relationship: Marelli, Lojas Exclusivas and TOTVS; BRDE and Stefanini, Dell and Microsoft Innovation Center–PUCRS and Usimold and GKN. In total 24 people were interviewed, documents provided by the companies were examined and the cases were observed. The results indicated intense involvement on the part of the participating companies in each case studied, since the projects and co-creation processes involved are of great interest to both parties. The studied aspects of value co-creation (dialogue, access, risk sharing and transparency) are present in the cases and are contained in the conceptual framework. Finally, the IT value was manifested in the output suggested in data collection script, with emphasis on control, productivity, product and/or service quality, user/consumer satisfaction, cost, and better decisions, which indicates the operational and intangible character of IT value in interorganizational relationships involving values cocreation. The outputs, such as competitive advantage, profit, market value and market share had a minor contribution in the analyzed cases. New IT value outputs emerged, especially documentation, formalization of responses, traceability and history, informational and communication speed, management and transparency. The results validate the conceptual framework of IT value in co-creating value in interorganizational relationships with the insertion of some elements from the IT value outputs, thus the overall objective of the thesis was achieved.
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Impacto dos investimentos em tecnologia da informação nas variáveis estratégicas organizacionais e no desempenho de Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPE)Basso, Samuel Maffacioli January 2015 (has links)
O aumento nos investimentos e o crescente avanço da tecnologia da informação (TI) têm elevado o número de empresas que estão utilizando-a como ferramenta estratégica com o intuito de aperfeiçoar o desempenho e obter vantagem competitiva. À medida que esses investimentos tornam-se mais acessíveis financeiramente, mais rápida é a sua popularização entre as micro e pequenas empresas (MPE). Por outro lado, apesar dos benefícios aparentemente óbvios da TI, há dúvidas quanto ao seu impacto, principalmente para as MPE. É nesse contexto que o objetivo geral desta dissertação é medir o impacto dos investimentos em tecnologia da informação nas variáveis estratégicas organizacionais e no desempenho de micro e pequenas empresas. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram identificadas na literatura variáveis estratégicas e de desempenho para elaboração do instrumento de pesquisa. O método utilizado foi a pesquisa survey, e um modelo conceitual foi elaborado e validado por meio de testes estatísticos. A pesquisa foi realizada com 235 MPE, utilizando-se a modelagem de equações estruturais para a avaliação do modelo conceitual e das hipóteses da pesquisa. Constatou-se que há um impacto positivo dos investimentos realizados em TI na gestão de clientes com o desempenho de custos, vendas e produtividade. Detectou-se, ainda, que os investimentos em TI nas MPE impactam principalmente as variáveis Cliente e Eficiência Organizacional Interna, e verificou-se que, quando são realizados os investimentos em TI para o gerenciamento dos clientes e da empresa, maior parece ser o benefício trazido pelos investimentos em TI ao desempenho da organização. / The increase in investments and the growing information technology (IT) advances have raised the number of companies that are using IT. To be successful, organizations are increasingly investing in IT, using as a strategic tool in order to improve performance and to gain competitive advantage. As these investments become more financially accessible, faster is its popularization by micro and small enterprises (SMEs). On the other hand, despite the seemingly obvious benefits of IT, there are doubts about their impact, especially for SME. In this context, the general objective of this work is to measure the impact of investments in information technology in organizational strategic variables and performance of micro and small enterprises. To achieve this goal have been identified in the literature strategic variables and performance for development of the survey instrument. The method used was survey research and a conceptual model was developed and validated through statistical tests. The survey was conducted by 235 SME. We used structural equation modeling to evaluate the conceptual model and research hypotheses. It was identified that there is a positive impact of IT investments in customer management with cost performance, sales and productivity. It was also identified that IT investments in SMEs primarily impact the client variables and Internal Organizational Efficiency and it was found that it is carried out IT investments for managing customers and the management of the company, the greater seems to be brought benefit by IT to organizational performance.
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Proposição de uma sistemática para o controle gerencial dos custos relacionados à Tecnologia da Informação (TI)Andriotti, Rafael Fontoura January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo propor uma sistemática de controle gerencial dos custos de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e, assim, estabelecer uma interface entre o ambiente de TI e de custos. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre TI a fim de entender seus mecanismos de gestão, estruturação e como a área realizava o controle gerencial de seus custos. Nesta etapa, identificou-se que o chargeback de TI era a solução existente. Apesar disto, não se encontrou na literatura uma sistemática que apoiasse a sua implementação. Sendo assim, na sequência, partiu-se para o entendimento de custos. Nesta etapa foram abordadas questões relacionadas às classificações de custos bem como, com maior ênfase, o entendimento dos princípios e métodos de custeio. A partir do entendimento dos métodos, e em quais ambientes sua utilização era indicada, do ambiente de TI e da inexistência de um método específico para esta área, foi proposta uma sistemática para o controle gerencial dos custos de TI. A sistemática divide os custos de TI em desenvolvimento, produção e imobilizado. Para cada um destes itens foi proposta uma série de passos de modo a determinar o custo por objeto de custeio. Por fim, apresenta-se um estudo de caso o qual tem por base a implementação realizada em uma instituição financeira. Como principais resultados cita-se o efetivo controle e entendimento das atividades de TI e como estas consomem os recursos, facilidade de comunicação dos custos de TI para as demais áreas da organização, custeio baseado em critérios técnicos e maior segurança no processo de tomada de decisões. / This dissertation aims to propose a systematic to control IT costs, establishing an interface between the IT environment and costs. Initially, a literature review on IT was done, in which issues were addressed regarding the management methods, structure and how they control their costs. The IT chargeback was identified as a solution for such issue. On the other hand, it was not found in the literature a systematic for their implementation. As a consequence, a study in regard of costs was done. In this step were addressed issues related to cost classifications, principles and methods in order to understand in which environments its use is indicated. From the understanding of methods and environments in which their use is indicated, the IT environment and the absence of a specific method for this area has been proposed a systematic to control IT costs. The proposed systematic divides IT costs in development costs, production and assets. A series of steps to determine the cost of each costing object has been proposed for each of these items. Finally, it was done a case study in a financial institution. The main results of this implementation were: effective control and understanding of IT activities and how they consume resources, ease of communication of IT costs to other areas of organization, costing based on technical criteria and increased safety in the decision-making process.
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Quantificação da complexidade de processos de TI interdomínios / Quantifying the completity of inter-domain IT processesSantos, Jose Rafael Xavier dos January 2012 (has links)
Serviços distribuídos exigem esforços cooperativos entre provedores de serviços distintos, com comunicação e troca de informações. Isto, entretanto, aumenta a complexidade associada aos processos de TI, e a entrega de serviços competitivos e com custos predizíveis depende do conhecimento e do controle desta complexidade. No presente trabalho, é proposta uma metodologia capaz de endereçar este cenário, no qual provedores de serviços distintos trabalham em conjunto, trocam informações, entretanto, por vezes omitem informações confidenciais entre si. Para isto, aplica um conjunto de métricas, quantifica a complexidade dos processos, define como os provedores trocarão entre si informações de seus procedimentos internos e como estas informações serão ajustadas para garantir a todos o mesmo resultado apesar de informações confidenciais serem, porventura, omitidas. A avaliação – cíclica – começa com o processo sendo projetado por todos os provedores, chamados de domínios de autoridade. Após finalizados os processos locais de cada um, estes são enviados a todos os domínios integrantes do processo, seguida da aplicação de ajustes de complexidade, o que garante que cada um terá uma visão completa e de complexidade coerente do processo. A aplicação das métricas é efetuada pela ferramenta complexity analyzer, que analisa gramaticalmente processos representados em XML até alcançar valores aceitáveis de complexidade. Um protótipo da ferramenta foi implementado e utilizado para avaliar um processo de TI mapeado de um caso real, validando a metodologia proposta. / Distributed services requires cooperative efforts among partner service providers, like communication and information exchange. This, however, increases the complexity associated to IT processes, and the delivery of services with predictable and competitive costs also depends on the knowledge and control of process complexity along service provider federations. Our proposed methodology is capable to address this scenario, that different service providers work together, exchanging information, however, sometimes hidding confidential information from one another. To reach these goals its applied a set of complexity metrics that quantifies the process complexity. It is also defined how all service providers will exchange and adjust process informations aiming to give to each one the same results even when confidential informations are ommited. The cyclic evaluation starts with the process design by each autonomous provider, called authority domain. When all parts of the processes are done, they are sent to all domains, followed by complexity adjustments, what guarantees that each domain will have a complete and trustable version of the entire process. The complexity analyzer is the tool used to collect the metrics. This tool analyzes grammaticaly XML represented processes until reached an aceptable complexity value. To validate the proposed methodology, a prototype of the complexity analyzer was developed and applied against a real case IT process.
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