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Information Technology Implementation Issues: An AnalysisBeaumaster, Suzanne 05 May 1999 (has links)
This research project addresses the issues affecting information technology development and deployment. The issues represented in this study are addressed in the context of IT implementation processes, especially with regard to the question of the needs and perceptions of administrators from the local government arena. In addition, this study will provide an exploratory look at the problematic issues surrounding IT implementation and how local government administrators--in particular--perceive them.
More specifically, this study provides the following: a discussion of management and organizational issues that have a direct relationship to IT and local government implementation needs; a discussion of the problems which are specific to local government executives with regard to IT implementation; a comprehensive view of the overriding problems associated with the IT development and deployment process in local government; descriptive data revealing local government executive's perceptions about the issues surrounding IT development processes; and a basis for development of an IT implementation framework for local government. Each of these provisions is integral to developing a comprehensive understanding of the problems associated with the planning, acquisition, and implementation of ITs in local government. These provisions lay the foundations for future development of an IT implementation framework for local government.
The research in this study suggests that there are three primary results, which are shown here. The first is that strategic planning for IT is fundamental to the ultimate effectiveness of IT implementation. Planning with regard to IT acquisition and deployment has proven to be a difficult accomplishment regardless of organization type or sector. This study specifically addresses many of the issues surrounding this problem, as it is integral to the implementation process as a whole. Secondly, it is shown that interdepartmental coordination has proven to be a major factor in effective IT implementation. Previous studies in this area have shown a propensity over the course of the development of IT towards decentralization of the acquisition and management of technologies. This trend speaks directly to the issue of interdepartmental coordination and the difficulties local government managers face when attempting to implement ITs in their organizations. Finally, it is shown that the expertise levels of executives with regard to IT has proven to be a contributing factor to effectiveness of the IT development and deployment process. / Ph. D.
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Kompetenzanforderungen an das IT-Personal in deutschen Bibliotheken: eine Auswertung offener, unstrukturierter, qualitativer Experteninterviews ; Was muss man im Bereich der Bibliotheks-IT heute und in Zukunft kennen und können?Kohlmann, Kenny Oliver 28 April 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ermittelt auf der Basis von qualitativen Experteninterviews aktuelle Anforderungsprofile bezüglich der Kompetenzen von IT-Mitarbeitern in deutschen Bibliotheken. Zunächst wird der aktuelle Forschungsstand in Fachpublikationen und Studienangeboten für IT-Personal in deutschen Bibliotheken analysiert. Sieben offene, unstrukturierte Experteninterviews bilden die Grundlage für die anschließende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring. Auf der Basis einer Paraphrasierung, Generalisierung und Reduktion der Interviewtexte ergeben sich induktiv inhaltliche Kategorien, in denen die Kernaussagen der Interviews als zusammenfassendes Protokoll dargestellt werden.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5
Abbildungsverzeichnis 8
Tabellenverzeichnis 8
1 Einleitung 9
2 Fragestellung 12
2.1 Forschungsgegenstand 12
2.2 Forschungsstand 13
2.2.1 Fachpublikationen 13
2.2.2 Deutsche bibliotheks- und informationswissenschaftliche Studiengänge mit
IT-Schwerpunkt und Studiengänge der Bibliotheksinformatik 20
2.3 Forschungsziel und -frage 22
3 Methodik 23
3.1 Offenes, unstrukturiertes qualitatives Experteninterview 23
3.2.1 Auswahlkriterien 24
3.2.2 Ausgewählte Experten 25
3.3 Pretestauswertung 29
3.4 Interviewdurchführung und Transkription 29
3.5 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring 30
4 Ergebnisse 33
4.1 Berufsbild 33
4.2 Ressource Personal 38
4.3 Kompetenzen von IT-Personal in Bibliotheken 42
4.4 IT-bibliothekarischer und bibliotheksinformatischer Bedarf in den verschiedenen
Bibliotheken 49
4.5 Ausbildung und Studium zum IT-Personal in Bibliotheken 52
4.6 Weiterbildungen für IT-Personal in Bibliotheken 63
4.7 Beruflicher Austausch und Zusammenarbeit zwischen IT-Personal in Bibliotheken und Externen 65
4 Ergebnisse
5 Fazit und Ausblick 69
Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 73
Anhang A: Transkription Experteninterview A
Anhang B: Transkription Experteninterview B
Anhang C: Transkription Experteninterview C
Anhang D: Transkription Experteninterview D
Anhang E: Transkription Experteninterview E
Anhang F: Transkription Experteninterview F
Anhang G: Transkription Experteninterview G
Anhang H: Anhang H: Paraphrasierung und Generalisierung des Grundmaterials
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P2HR, a personalized condition-driven person health recordKing, Zachary January 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Health IT has recently seen a significant progress with the nationwide migration of several hospitals from legacy patient records to standardized Electronic Health Record (EHR) and the establishment of various Health Information Exchanges that facilitate access to patient health data across multiple networks. While this progress is a major enabler of improved health care services, it is unable to deliver the continuum of the patient's current and historical health data needed by emerging trends in medicine. Fields such as precision and preventive medicine require longitudinal health data in addition to complementary data such as social, demographic and family history.
This thesis introduces a person health record (PHR) which overcomes the above gap through a personalized framework that organizes health data according to the patient’s disease condition. The proposed personalized person health record (P2HR) represents a departure from the standardized one-size-fits-all model of currently available PHRs. It also relies on a hybrid peer-to-peer model to facilitate patient provider communication. One of the core challenges of the proposed framework is the mapping between the event-based data model used by current EHRs and PHRs and the proposed condition-based data model. Effectively mapping symptoms and measurements to disease conditions is challenging given that each symptom or measurement may be associated with multiple disease conditions. To alleviate these problems the proposed framework allows users and their health care providers to establish the relationships between events and disease conditions on a case-by-case basis. This organization provides both the patient and the provider with a better view of each disease condition and its progression.
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KONSTEN ATT BALANSERA SÄKERHET OCH ÖPPENHET : En kvalitativ studie av offentliga organisationers hantering av säkerhetshot / THE ART OF BALANCING SECURITY AND OPENNESS : A qualitative study of public organizations' management of security threatsJohansson, Matthias, Påander, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Offentliga organisationer har flera krafter som trycker och påverkar deras säkerhetspraktik, dessa är både externa men även interna. För att förstå hur den offentliga organisationen hanterar dessa krafter som kräver öppenhet respektive IT-säkerhet har studien använt sig av kvalitativ datainsamling i form av intervjuer med medarbetare med olika roller inom den offentliga sektorn. Studien har inspirerats av induktion som ansats och utvecklat sitt teoretiska ramverk efter det att empirin färdigställts. Teoretiska begrepp som används i analysen är bland annat det politiska systemet, skugg-IT och Information Security Awareness. Empirin består av intervjuer med personer som är anställda hos en offentlig organisation. Utmaningar för IT-säkerhetspraktiken uppstår i form av syn på utbildning och svårigheten att nå ut till personal som följd av den komplexitet som är inneboende i den offentliga organisationen. Studien ger insyn och förslag på hur detta skulle kunna hanteras för att göra arbetet att upprätthålla säkerheten mer effektiv. Arbetet utmynnar i framtagandet av ett ramverk som visualiserar det förlopp som aktualiseras i studien, där knyts sambandet mellan olika krafter och synpunkter som påverkar varandra. / Public organizations face various forces that exert pressure and influence their security practices, both externally and internally. To understand how public organizations manage these forces, which require both transparency and IT security, this study employed qualitative data collection in the form of interviews with employees in different roles within the public sector. The study was inspired by an inductive approach and developed its theoretical framework after the completion of empirical data gathering. The theoretical concepts used in the analysis include the political system, shadow IT, and Information Security Awareness. The empirical data consists of interviews with individuals employed by a public organization. Challenges for IT security practices arise in the form of differing views on education and the difficulty of reaching personnel due to the inherent complexity of the public organization. The study provides insight and suggestions on how to address these challenges in order to make the task of maintaining security more effective. The work culminates in the development of a framework that visualizes the progression highlighted in the study, establishing connections between the various forces and perspectives that influence one another.
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Aligning Business Intelligence initiatives with business strategies : Identifying alignment challenges and mitigators in SMEs / Att anpassa Business Intelligence initiativ till affärsstrategier : Identifiering av anpassningsutmaningar och lindrande faktorer i SMFBörjesson, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enrich the literature, by increasing the understanding of how business intelligence (BI) initiatives can be aligned with the business strategy in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Thus, prior research is insufficient in terms of BI and IT alignment research in SMEs. To fulfill the purpose the following research questions were addressed: RQ1: What are the challenges when aligning business intelligence initiatives with the business strategy in SMEs? RQ2: How can the identified challenges be mitigated, when aligning business intelligence initiatives with the business strategy in SMEs? Method: This study is a qualitative single case study carried out at a Swedish IT-consultant firm. The primary data was conducted through 15 interviews in three different interview iterations exploratory, semi-structured, and validation interviews. The semi-structured interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis. Findings: The findings of the study are divided into two parts, where the first part addresses BI utilization, implementation, and BI alignment challenges and mitigators in SMEs. Where five challenges were identified: (1) management support, (2) data quality and quantity, (3) strategic ambiguity, (4) measurability and KPIs, and (5) miscommunication and conflict. Moreover, the study identified four mitigators to the challenges: (1) driver identification, (2) champions, (3) communication, and (4) strong data foundation. In the second part, the findings are summarized and put in context in a BI alignment roadmap, that describes how BI initiatives can be aligned with the business strategy in SMEs. Implications: This study contributes to the immature research field of BI and IT/business alignment in SMEs. Identifying BI alignment challenges and how they can be mitigated, resulting in a BI alignment roadmap. The roadmap can be used as a guide for SMEs who want to align their BI initiative. Furthermore, BI consultants can use the roadmap as a material of discussion, to determine their client’s BI maturity or readiness. Moreover, the roadmap can be built upon to include more challenges or perspectives. Limitations and future research: This study is limited in terms of data collection, in a single case study setting, which affects the generalizability. Therefore, future studies could expand the scope of the data collection, in a multi-case study setting. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att berika litteraturen genom att öka förståelsen för hur business intelligence (BI) initiativ kan anpassas till företagsstrategin i små och medelstora företag (SMF). Tidigare forskning är otillräcklig när det gäller anpassning av BI och IT i SMF. För att uppfylla syftet har följande forskningsfrågor behandlats: FR1: Vilka utmaningar finns det när det gäller att anpassa business intelligence till företagsstrategin i SMF? FR2: Hur kan de identifierade utmaningarna mildras vid anpassning av business intelligence initiativ till företagsstrategin i SMF? Metod: Denna studie är en kvalitativ enskild fallstudie utförd på ett svenskt IT-konsultföretag. Primärdata samlades in genom 15 intervjuer i tre olika intervjuiterationer, utforskande, semistrukturerade och valideringsintervjuer. De semistrukturerade intervjuerna analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Resultat: Resultaten av studien är uppdelade i två delar, där den första delen tar upp BI-användning, implementering och BI-anpassningsutmaningar och mildrande faktorer i SMF. Där fem utmaningar identifierades: (1) ledningsstöd, (2) datakvalitet och kvantitet, (3) strategisk oklarhet, (4) mätbarhet och nyckeltal och (5) felkommunikation och konflikter. Dessutom identifierade studien fyra lindrande faktorer för dessa utmaningar: (1) Identifiering av drivare, (2) förespråkare, (3) kommunikation och (4) stark databas. I den andra delen sammanfattas resultaten och sätts i ett sammanhang i en BI-anpassningsplan, som beskriver hur BI-initiativ kan anpassas till affärsstrategin i SMF. Bidrag: Denna studie bidrar till det omogna forskningsfältet BI och IT/affärsanpassning i SMF. Genom att identifiera utmaningar med BI-anpassning och hur de kan mildras, vilket resulterar i en anpassningsplan för BI-anpassning. Anpassningsplanen kan användas som vägledning för SMF som vill anpassa sitt BI-initiativ. Dessutom kan BI-konsulter använda anpassningsplanen som diskussionsmaterial för att fastställa kunders BI-mognad eller beredskap. Dessutom kan anpassningsplanen byggas vidare på för att inkludera fler utmaningar eller perspektiv. Begränsningar och framtida forskning: Denna studie är begränsad när det gäller datainsamling i en enskild fallstudie, vilket påverkar generaliserbarheten. Därför skulle framtida studier kunna utöka omfattningen av datainsamlingen, i en flerfallstudie.
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IT-KVINNORNAS REVOLUTION : Kvinnors konkurrenskraftighet inom IT-branschen / IT WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONStackhammar, Ellen, Hedenström, Ida, Israelsson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 accelerated a new digital era and created a new societal order, which led to an expansion of IT in all levels of society. This increased expansion resulted in a greater need for IT-solutions, indicating a need for expertise within the industry. Despite this significant societal change, the number of professional women did not increase. The reason for this is believed to be due to a lack of female role models to attract more women to the industry. It has been shown that the main reason why women do not pursue careers in this industry is because it is a non-inclusive environment, and they actively choose to seek other careers whereas white men remain in the field. The respondents of this study, who are currently working in the industry, have through qualitative interviews provided useful insights regarding their experiences in a non-gender-equal industry and the ways in which this phenomenon unfolds in practice. The results reveal several pitfalls, including recruitment, where there is a tendency touse male-coded language, which deters women from pursuing careers in the field. There is also a problem with "one hires his own equal", which hinders the advancements of adiverse workforce. The study highlights systems and initiatives that aim to reduce these tendencies, but it is found that these systems have not really made an impact in the field as respondents had limited knowledge about them. However, the study indicates that there is some resistance to the outcome of initiatives, and that the respondents believe that it is more about diversity and inclusion rather than just focusing on women to solely achieve a gender-equal industry. Respondents believe that women do not need more support in their professional roles than men, and the vision for gender-equality promoting systems and innovation is applicable in both society and the IT-field.
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How is it possible to calculate IT security effectiveness?Kivimaa, Kristjan January 2022 (has links)
In IT Security world, there is lack of available, reliable systems for measuring securitylevels/posture. They lack the range of quantitative measurements and easy and fast deployment,and potentially affects companies of all sizes.Readily available security standards provide qualitative security levels, but not quantitative results– that would be easily comparable. This deficiency makes it hard for companies to evaluate theirsecurity posture accurately. Absence of security metrics makes it complicated for customers toselect the appropriate measures for particular security level needed.The research question for this research project is – “How is it possible to calculate IT securityeffectiveness?”.The aim of this research is to use this reference model to calculate and to optimize majoruniversity’s and a small CSP-s (Cloud Service Provider) security posture and their spending’s onsecurity measures. Aim is to develop a reference model to support IT Security team and businessside to make reasoned and optimal decisions about IT security and all that with a reasonablenumber of manhours.In this Graded Security Expert System (GSES) aka Graded Security Reference Model (GSRM) thequantitative metrics of the graded security approach are used to express the relations betweensecurity goals, security confidence and security costs.What makes this model unique, is the option to use previous customers security templates/models– cutting the implementation time from 500+ manhours to as low as 50 manhours. The firstcustomers 500+ manhours will also be cut down to 50+ manhours on the second yearimplementing the expert system.The Graded Security Reference Model (GSRM) was developed using a combination oftheoretical method and design science research. The model is based on InfoSec (info security)activities and InfoSec spendings from previous year – cost and effectiveness – gathered fromexpert opinionsBy implementing GSRM, user can gather quantitative security levels as no other model, or astandard provides those.GSRM delivers very detailed and accurate (according to university’s IT Security Team)effectiveness levels per spendings brackets.GSRM was created as a graded security reference model on CoCoViLa platform, which is unique asit provides quantitative results corresponding to company’s security posture.Freely available models and standards either provide vague quantitative security postureinformation or are extremely complicated to use – BIS/ISKE (not supported any more).This Graded Security Reference Model has turned theories presented in literature review into afunctional, graphical model.The GSRM was used with detailed data from the 15+k users university and their IT security team(all members have 10+ years of IT security experience) concluded that the model is reasonablysimple to implement/modify, and results are precise and easily understandable. It was alsoobserved that the business side had no problems understanding the results and very fewexplanatory remarks were needed.
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[pt] A realização do Concílio Vaticano II foi um momento privilegiado em que o Espírito de Deus repousou sobre a Igreja Católica. Este dado, carrega em si um relevo fundamental para nosso estudo, pois compreende a Palavra de Deus na celebração eucarística como um elemento essencialmente sacramental. A proclamação da Palavra na celebração eucarística não é uma simples leitura edificante da Palavra de Deus, mas sacramento da presença do Ressuscitado em diálogo vivo e dinâmico com todos aqueles que o escutam e o acolhem na fé. No segundo capítulo nossa pesquisa percorreu um itinerário bíblico. Para tanto, este caminho percorreu o dinamismo da Palavra no Antigo e Novo Testamentos. Neles, foram considerados os principais marcos da dinâmica da Palavra de Deus na história da reveleção. No terceiro seguinte, abordamos a Palavra de Deus na celebração eucarística como um elemento essencialmente sacramental a partir da ação do Cristo e do Espírito na Palavra. Ao desfecho e, portanto, quarto capítulo, apresentamos a intuição dinâmico-celebrativa em torno da Palavra a partir da assembleia litúrgica, da estrutura da Liturgia da Palavra e da miniterialidade que brota da celebração. Com isso, queremos proporcionar uma reflexão sobre esta temática para apresentar uma discreta contribuição à vida litúrgica que se estabelece ao redor da celebração eucarística, tendo como fundamento a Palavra de Deus como momento de máximo relevo sacramental. / [it] La realizzazione del Concilio Vaticano II è stato un momento privilegiato in cui lo Spirito di Dio si è posato sulla Chiesa Cattolica. Questo dato è di fondamentale importanza per il nostro studio, in quanto intende come elemento essenzialmente sacramentale la Parola di Dio nella celebrazione eucaristica.L annuncio della Parola nella celebrazione eucaristica non è una semplice lettura edificante della Parola di Dio, ma un sacramento del Risorto in dialogo vivo e dinamico con quanti lo ascoltano e lo accolgono nella fede. Nel secondo capitolo la nostra ricerca ha percorso un itinerario biblico. Pertanto, questo percorso ha coperto il dinamismo della Parola nell Antico e nel Nuovo Testamento. In esse sono state considerate le principali tappe della dinamica della Parola di Dio nella storia della rivelazione. Nel terzo capitolo, affrontiamo la Parola di Dio nella celebrazione eucaristica come elemento essenzialmente sacramentale basato sull azione di Cristo e dello Spirito nella Parola. Alla fine, e quindi al quarto capitolo, presentiamo l intuizione dinamico-celebrativa attorno alla Parola dell assemblea liturgica, la struttura della Liturgia della Parola e la mini-materialità che scaturisce dalla celebrazione. Con ciò si vuole offrire una riflessione su questo tema per presentare un contributo discreto alla vita liturgica che si instaura attorno alla celebrazione eucaristica, basata sulla Parola di Dio come momento di massima rilevanza sacramentale.
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IT- och mediefortbildning i gymnasieskolanStenberg, Christian January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka attityderna gentemot PIM hos ett fåtal praktiserande gymnasiepedagoger. Jag ville även undersöka om PIM upplevs i samma positiva riktning som Skolverket anger i sin lägesrapport från 2009. Syftet är också att med fokus på gymnasielärare utreda hur innehållet i PIM-satsningen upplevs, huruvida ambitionen med satsningen införlivas efter deltagande och om dessa pedagogers undervisning och didaktik påverkas av att genomföra PIM.Uppsatsens huvudsakliga frågeställning är: Upplever gymnasiepedagoger i Malmö att deras medverkan i PIM bidrar till högre undervisningskvalitet?För att samla in information till studien genomförde jag kvalitativa djupintervjuer med sex gymnasielärare. Den genomförda studien är väsentligt mindre vad gäller informanternas omfattning i jämförelse med skolverkets lägesrapport. En viktig skillnad från samma rapport är även att de informanter som deltog i min studie inte är examinerade på samma nivåer i PIM vilket är fallet i denna rapport. Resultaten tolkas utifrån fortbildningens formuleringar kring syfte och mål, skolverkets lägesrapport, läroplanen LPF 94, en tidigare genomförd IT-satsning vid namn ITiS, professor Andy Hargreaves studier om förändringsarbete i skolan, delar av relevant forskning kring unga människor och deras förhållningssätt till IT samt begreppet digital läskunnighet (digital literacy).Attityderna till PIM är goda beroende på att området IT- och mediekompetens i skolan anses vara viktigt, att PIM som fortbildning når ut brett till många pedagoger och att innehållet anses vara pedagogiskt. Lärarna upplever inte att deras kvalitet på undervisningen påverkas nämnvärt genom PIM. De viktigaste skälen till detta är att upplevelsen av att det saknas en pedagogisk och didaktisk diskussion som berör digital läskunnighet samt att innehållet upplevs för styrt, låst och tidskrävande.
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Hur digitaliseringen har påverkat revisionsprocessen under covid 19Yousef, Hakob, Tawkatli, Suaoud January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization is regarded as one of the most important forces in the world today. The unexpected covid-19 had its effects on the auditing process. The effects caused by covid-19 have been positive as well as negative. Many management had to adjust and rethink to find new solutions and methods to continue operating. The management was forced to make a digital transition to adjust to the situation. What is being investigated in this study is how the digitalization contributed to a more efficient auditing or less efficient. We will also like to see the consequnces of the IT-implementation in auditing companies. Previous studies has shown that smaller auditing firms is better equpped at using IT in the thier auditing process. This study will be using a qualitative research method in order to reach the purpose of the study. In order to use the qualitative research method, we used semi structured interviews. The interview concluded responses from 10 authorized auditors in different auditing firms. The conclusion from this study is as follows. The review phase was the most damaged by the rapid introduction of digitization. What is also confirmed is that there is a difference in digital condition between audit firms.
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