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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Oliveira, Adriano Machado 15 April 2008 (has links)
This research, linked to the Research Line Education, Politics and Culture of PPGE/UFSM, aims to reflect deeper upon the contemporaneous discussion about the relation between youth cultures and high school, having as starting point the analysis of meaning constructions of young students who are enrolled in the third year of high school of two schools in Santa Maria, one public state school and other private. Identification of the subjective meanings of these students was pursued, investigating their perceptions about school environment, relationship with teachers, and about young students in Santa Maria. Focal groups were used as method, considering a qualitative approach to educational research, aiming to depict the youth speeches in a collective way, as close as possible from their usual way of communicating with classmates and friends. Through content analysis, we pointed out emerging categories on the speeches. This resource allowed a better understanding about meaning construction of high school youth in Santa Maria. The theoretical reference used considered several authors who produce knowledge about contemporaneous youth and adolescents, such as researchers from the social psychology field, social sciences, social anthropology, education and psychoanalysis. Concerning this issue, we chose a multidisciplinary comprehension of Brazilian youth cultures constitution, aiming to consider the psychological and social, global and local contingencies about the production of a youth subjectivity present on school contexts. After data analysis, a school monoculturalism was identified, oriented towards achievement, that prescribes only the adherence to school procedures dictated by the selective processes regarding enrollment in undergraduate studies pursued by Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Moreover, data analysis allowed the perception of the consolidation of a youth subculture centered in a form of adherence to teaching that considers only its use. This context of learning is constantly reinforced by teachers and scholar agents and operates a systematic exclusion of other youth cultures of schools in Santa Maria. We conclude the research, emphasizing the educational consequences of an impoverishing logic of high school teaching, that negatively marks the profiles of youth identities of subjects who move away from attempts to impose meanings pursued by teachers in classrooms. / Esta pesquisa, vinculada à Linha de Pesquisa Educação, Política e Cultura do PPGE/UFSM, visa aprofundar a discussão contemporânea sobre a relação entre as culturas juvenis e o ensino médio, a partir da análise das construções de sentido de jovens do terceiro ano do ensino médio de duas escolas da cidade de Santa Maria, uma pertencente à rede pública estadual de ensino e outra à rede privada de ensino. Com isto, procurou-se identificar os sentidos subjetivos elaborados por estes alunos sobre o ambiente escolar, a relação com os professores e sobre a própria juventude que habita as salas de aula da cidade de Santa Maria. Como procedimento metodológico, dentro de uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa educacional, foi adotada a utilização de grupos focais, a fim de que pudessem ser captadas as falas juvenis de uma forma coletiva, o mais próximas possíveis de suas habituais formas de comunicação com colegas e amigos. Em seguida, optamos pela análise de conteúdo, destacando-se então categorias emergentes das falas pesquisadas e que nos proporcionaram compreender mais detidamente as construções de sentido dos jovens do ensino médio da cidade de Santa Maria. O referencial teórico utilizado buscou abranger diversos autores imersos na produção de conhecimentos sobre a juventude e a adolescência contemporâneas, como pesquisadores da área da psicologia social, das ciências sociais, antropologia social, educação e psicanálise. Dessa forma, optamos por uma compreensão multidisciplinar da constituição das culturas juvenis brasileiras, no intuito de serem tecidos apontamentos que contemplem ao mesmo tempo as contingências psíquicas e sociais, globais e locais na produção de uma subjetividade juvenil presente nos espaços escolares. Identificou-se, após a análise dos dados da pesquisa, a presença de um monoculturalismo escolar orientado para o desempenho, o qual prescreve como possibilidades de sentido para o estudo no ensino médio apenas a adesão conformada aos processos seletivos ao ensino superior realizados pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Percebeu-se, ainda, a partir das falas analisadas, a consolidação de uma subcultura juvenil centrada em uma forma utilitarista de adesão ao ensino, a qual, ao ser constantemente reforçada pelos professores e agentes escolares, termina por operar uma exclusão sistemática das demais culturas juvenis que habitam as escolas da cidade de Santa Maria. Concluímos a pesquisa enfatizando as conseqüências educacionais de uma lógica empobrecedora presente no ensino médio, a qual demarca negativamente as identidades juvenis que se afastam das tentativas de imposição de sentido elaboradas pelos professores em sala de aula.

Exploring the Artistic Identity/Identities of Art Majors Engaged in Artistic Undergraduate Research

Piazza, Lisa M. 17 May 2017 (has links)
In western societies, the persona of the artist has largely been associated with prevailing myths of the creative individual including the artist as genius and outsider. In my inquiry I endeavored to understand what it means to be an artist from the perspective of budding “creatives”. In this study I explored the process of becoming an artist that is how college students construct and navigate an artistic self (selves), and the factors that influenced this process. My purpose in this multiple text narrative inquiry was to discover how undergraduate art majors construct and navigate their artistic identity/identities, particularly while engaged in an artistic undergraduate research (UR) experience. I selected to explore students engaged in an undergraduate research project as a way to understand the process of artistic becoming within a unique educational practice, and to determine the role of creativity within this process. My study involved students who participated in an undergraduate research scholarship program developed by the Office for Undergraduate Research at a large research university in the southeast of the United States. Ten undergraduate art majors participated in this study. Data included in-depth interviews, and participant writings in the form of “artist” reflective journal entries (which included both written and visual text), and a final self-reflection essay. I analyzed the interview data through a holistic- content approach (Lieblich et al., 1998). I identified specific themes in order to understand the complex, “whole” individual, which assisted me in understanding participant “artistic selves”, and how creativity played a role in this process. I analyzed participant art products using methods adapted from Riessman (2008) and Keats (2009). Three key findings emerged from my inquiry. First, for the majority of participants, the construction of artistic identity/identities involved a significant evolution in their meaning making structures. Second, the notion of “doing” for oneself through research was profound for most individuals, which resulted in a stronger sense of artistic identity/identities. The third major finding was how participants weaved their artistic identity/identities through creativity. Implications of my research underscore the need for more robust institutional support and resources to assist emerging artists with developing career skills, creating supportive environments for art majors from a variety of backgrounds to help them succeed and thrive in college, the design and implementation of additional educational practices in the arts that promote self-authorship, and the expansion of UR activities within the arts.

Du « transsexualisme » aux devenirs Trans / From “Transsexualism” to “Trans-becomings”

Alessandrin, Arnaud 19 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse sociologique des carrières transidentitaires et des subjectivités Trans. Partant du constat que le concept de transsexualisme ne renvoie pas à l’épaisseur des expériences Trans, cette thèse démontre l’obsolescence du programme transsexuel tel qu’il s’est constitué en France. Le travail de recherche s’appuie sur une étude du programme transsexuel français ainsi que d’une observation et d’une participation de cinq ans, au plus près des expériences Trans. À partir de redéfinitions individuelles et collectives, dans des lieux aussi variés que la psychiatrie, le monde associatif ou l’espace juridique, cette thèse présente le glissement d’une question médicale (« le transsexualisme ») à une question sociale et politique (« les devenirs Trans »). Les processus d’identification de genre Trans, irréductibles au transsexualisme, se redistribuent alors au profit de nouvelles formes d’expressivités et de revendications Trans allant jusqu'à perturber la hiérarchisation entre « Trans » et « « non-Trans ». / This thesis suggests a sociological analysis of trans-identities' “careers” and Trans subjectivities. Our analysis is based on a statement of fact in which, the concept of “transsexual” does not reflect the depth of Trans-experiences. Therefore, this thesis proves the obsolescence of the french Trans-program as it is constituted in France. Our research is based on a study of the french Transexual-program, observations and participations, being more closely to the Trans-experiences, during five years. From individual and collective redefinitions in variant places, the psychiatry, the associations and the juridical and legal space, this thesis presents the sliding of “transsexualism” as medical question toward a social and political question of “Trans-becoming”. Consequently, the process of gender identification “Trans” which are irreducible to “transsexualism”, reallocate in favor of new forms of trans-expressivity and trans-demands. Thus, leads to the extent of disturbing the hierarchy between the “Trans” and the “non-trans”.

US foreign policy toward Southern Africa - 1975 to 1990: the case of the Namibian Independence struggle

Diamonds, Herman Pule January 2007 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This study, in contrast to contemporary held views relating to the US policy premises, aimed to look at the inherent disabilities and inconsistencies of the policies of successive Washington administrations. More so, it investigated the US interventionist strategies to perceived threats from communist regimes and their allies, especially in Southern Africa. To be able to embark on such an investigation, Namibia and the Soviet-Cuban involvement in Southern Africa were selected as a special focus of this study. / South Africa

Negotiation of identities and language practices among Cameroonian immigrants in Cape Town

Mai, Magdaline Mbong January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis is an exploration of the historical, socio-cultural, economic, and political settings in which identities are negotiated and performed among Cameroonian immigrants in Cape Town. Focusing on language as localized practices and different interaction regimes, the thesis investigates how Cameroonian immigrants maintain and reconfigure the Anglophone/Francophone identity options in novel and hybrid ways. In addition, the study examines how ideologies favouring different languages are reproduced and challenged in translocal and transnational discourses. Guided by the poststructuralist theories the thesis explores the stance that reality is socially constructed, based on symbolic and material structural limitations that are challenged and maintained in interaction. That is, whatever we do or believe in, is supported by some historical or cultural frames of meanings in our lived world, which often gives room to some manoeuvre to do things in a new way. The study adopts a multiplex interpretive approach to data collection. This entails a qualitative sociolinguistic approach where interviews, discussion and observations at different socio-economic places namely; meetings, workplaces, homes, restaurants, drinking spots and many sites from all over Cape Town, were explored. The study suggests that Cameroonians have a multiplicity of identity options, which are manifested and negotiated performatively through language, dress code, song, food, business, and other practices that comprise their lifestyles. These identities are translocal and transnational in nature, and tend to blend South African, Cameroonian, and even American traits. It is also suggests that the different identity options which they manifest are highly mobile, enabling Cameroonians to fit into South African social structures as well as the Cameroonian ways of doing things. Additionally, the multiplicity of identities that Cameroonians manifest, blur the fault-line between Anglophone/Francophone identities. It is evident from the study that hybridity and the reconstruction practices are not only confined to languages. Hybridity also extends to discourse orders especially in terms of how meetings are conducted. The Cameroonian meetings captured through the activities of Mifi Association and CANOWACAT are characterised by ‘disorder of discourse’ in which both formal and informal versions of English and French are used separately or as amalgams alongside CPE and their national languages, not only in side talks, but also when contributing to the meeting proceedings. Ultimately, the study concludes that Cameroonians are social actors making up an indispensable part of the social interaction in the Cape Town Diaspora. Just as they influence the languages, the entrepreneurial practices, and spaces in which they interact, the Cameroonian immigrants are also transformed. The major contribution of the study is that it adds to the recent debates about the nature of multilingualism and identities in late modern society. It emphasises that languages and identities are fluid, complex, and unstable. The distinction or boundaries between the various languages in multilingual practices are also not as clear-cut. This leads to a reframing of voice and actor hood as meaning is constructed across translocal and transnational contexts and domains in a networked world transformed by the mobility of endless flows of information, goods, ideas, and people. Thus, the study contributes to those arguing for a paradigm shift in sociolinguistic theory in which language is not a property of groups, nor is it an autonomous and bounded system fixed in time and space. Thus, identities, languages and the spaces of interaction are not fixed systems; identities, languages, and spaces are dynamic and in a state of flux. This in turn questions the notions of multilingualism and language itself, as well as the veracity of concepts such as code-switching, speech community, language variation, as the search for a sociolinguistic framework that can deal with phenomena predicated by motion, instability, and uncertainty, continues. / South Africa

Att formas av två nationaliteter : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet bland individer med dubbelt medborgarskap / To be shaped by different nationalities : A qualitative study of identity formation among individuals with dual citizenship

Kremska, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
Migration over national boarders is common in today’s globalized world. As a result the number of individuals with connections to more than one nation are increasing. But how do they identify themselves? Ambition of this study was to explore how individuals with dual citizenship identify themselves and whether others identification of them has an effect on their own identification. This study had a qualitative approach and used semi- structured interviews to collect experiences from five individuals with dual citizenship.   This study contains theories of identity based on social constructivism, social identity, national identity, orientation, as well as key notions such as migration, citizenship and dual citizenship. Those are the theories used in the analysis of the empirical material.   The conclusion reveals that all of the informants identify themselves with both their nations, which demonstrates their hyphen identities. Differences in identifications are presented by three identities; the first is Transnational Identity, where the individual's identification is influenced by all nations, even though there is no longer any connection with the nations. The second is Hierarchical hybrid, where the individuals identify themselves with one nation more than the other. The last identity is Parallel affiliation, where individuals identify themselves equally with both nations while experiencing emotional attachment to both. Furthermore, the conclusion shows that individuals’ identification isn´t predominantly influenced by others perception of them.

De la naissance du « Miami sound » : logiques de transnationalisation et de territorialisation de l’industrie musicale latino / “Miami Sound” : Transnationalization and Territorialization of the Latin American Music Industry

Bénistant, Alix 16 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’émergence d’une industrie musicale à Miami, spécialisée dans la production, la promotion et la distribution de la musique dite latino. Elle montre comment la ville floridienne s’est progressivement établie, à partir du début des années 1980, en un lieu central d’élaboration d’une catégorie musicale réifiée, co-construite par les industries culturelles, les médias et les musiciens. Cette recherche en sciences de l’information et de la communication s’inscrit dans une démarche au croisement de l’économie politique critique de la communication, de la socioéconomie des industries culturelles et des Latino studies. Elle a pour objectif de décrypter les mécanismes à l’œuvre dans la création de nouvelles formes musicales au sein d’environnements politiques et économiques spécifiques, la réappropriation et intégration de ces nouvelles esthétiques dans le circuit des industries culturelles, et, enfin, leur exploitation transmédiatique à des échelles multiples. / This thesis focuses on the emergence of a Miami music industry specializing in the Latin music production, promotion and distribution. It shows how the Floridian city has progressively been established as a central location for a reified musical category, co-constructed by cultural industries, media and musicians in the early 1980s. This research in information and communication sciences is at the crossroads of critical political economy and Latino studies approaches. It aims at describing the mechanisms that are at work in the creation of new musical forms, within specific political and economic contexts; the re-appropriation and integration of these new aesthetics in the cultural industries processes; and their transmedia exploitation on multiple scales.

Crime é “coisa de mulher”: identidades de gênero e identificações com a prática de crimes em posição de liderança entre mulheres jovens na cidade de Recife/PE

OLIVEIRA, Luciana Maria Ribeiro de 29 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Falcao (caroline.rfalcao@ufpe.br) on 2017-06-19T16:15:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) 2012-tese-LucianaOliveira.pdf: 2286385 bytes, checksum: 2aa6b210856e069ccef31a0dcc05293f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-19T16:15:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) 2012-tese-LucianaOliveira.pdf: 2286385 bytes, checksum: 2aa6b210856e069ccef31a0dcc05293f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-29 / Este estudo se constitui em uma análise antropológica interpretativa das interrelações entre as construções das identidades de gênero e as identificações com a prática de crimes entre mulheres jovens praticantes de atividades ilícitas em posição de liderança. Acredita-se que a prática de crimes em posições de destaque pode ser realizada por mulheres e que estas apresentam um fazer criminal específico edificado a partir de construções identitárias de sentidos de gênero que dão significados próprios ao ser bandida. A pesquisa de campo empreendida foi conduzidapela alternância de entrevistas individuais e em grupo, conversas informais e momentos de convívio junto a treze mulheres jovens praticantes de crimes com idades entre 17 e 29 anos de idade e que se encontravam presasaguardandojulgamento ou em liberdadeno cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de liberdade assistida na cidade de Recife/PE, focando nas suas compreensões, escolhas e significações sobre o ser mulher e o ser bandida, na busca por identificações de gênero na prática de crimes. O uso do métodointerpretativo antropológico permitiu a atenção científica aos aspectos simbólicos e performáticos presentes nas falas e nos comportamentos das interlocutoras. Os referenciais teóricos se alternam principalmente entre os estudos feministas de Henrietta Moore (2000; 2004) para a compreensão das relações de poder que circundam as práticas criminosas femininas a partir da análise entre as identidades de gênero e os discursos de gênero; as teorias da performance e da manipulação identitária de Ervin Goffman (1988; 2008) para analisar os desempenhos e as identidades encenadas e visualizadas nos relatos das mulheres a respeito de suas operações criminosas; as teorias interacionistas do desvio de Howard Becker (1977; 2008) com ênfase no estudo do desenvolvimento das carreiras criminosas das praticantes de crimes a partir do processo de interação social; e os estudos dos ―modelos de sociabilidade identificados socialmente como violentos‖ de Theophilos Rifiotis (1997; 2006; 2008) partindo de uma visão positivada da violência com ênfase na capacidade estruturante e produtiva dos conflitos. Os resultados alcançados com o fim da pesquisa e a escrita da tese posicionam as mulheres praticantes de crimes aqui pesquisadas se alternando em relatos performáticos e manipulatórios que, a todo tempo, positivam suas habilidades ilícitas, dando novos contornos às suas identidades femininas. Nas análises ficou claro que não é a busca, nem mesmo, a incorporação de um ethosmasculino que está em jogo para essas mulheres, mas sim, a busca de uma forma de ser feminina em um espaço social por elas composto, ao qual demonstram atribuir uma significação própria. As jovens reafirmam suas identidades a partir do cenário da criminalidade com um universo deideiasque considerem suas práticas ilícitas, muitas vezes violentas, como formas femininas próprias de atuar na criminalidade a partir de qualidades e de habilidades específicas elencadas por elas como necessárias para se constituírem como mulheres criminosas. São questionadas também, as práticas de intervenção dentro dos espaços institucionais do poder punitivo, baseadas no exercício de um poder disciplinar ineficaz a produzir condutas técnicas que se utilizam de uma maquinaria pedagógica de funcionamento institucional movida através de estratégias punitivas disciplinadoras que não se apresentam como experiências significativas provocadoras de mudanças que levem as mulheres pesquisadas a uma saída permanente da criminalidade. Esses resultados possibilitam uma compreensão mais ampla do fenômeno da criminalidade feminina em posição de liderança atenta às suas significações e pluralidades. / This study consists of an anthropological analysis of the interrelationships between the constructions of gender identities and identifications with criminal activities among young women in a leadership position. It is believed that the crimes in prominent positions can be performed by women and that do have an specific criminal ability built on a constructed identity of meanings and discourses of gender that they themselves give meaning to what being a bandit signifies. The field research was carried out by the alternation of individual and group interviews, informal conversations and moments of conviviality among the thirteen young women offenders aged from 17 to 29 years who had been found already convicted and some awaiting freedom under socio-assisted liberty in Recife/PE, focusing on their understanding, meaning and choices about being a woman and being an outlaw in the search for gender identification in the world of crime. The use of anthropological interpretive method aimed at scientific attention to the symbolic and performative aspects present in the speeches and behaviors of the interlocutors. The theoretical foundation alternated mainly between the feminist studies of Henrietta Moore (2000, 2004) for the understanding of the power relations that surround the female criminal practices from the analysis of gender identities and gender discourse, theories of performance and manipulation of identity by Ervin Goffman (1988, 2008) to analyze the performances and identities showed through what these women said concerning their criminal operations; interactionist theories of deviance by Howard Becker (1977, 2008) with emphasis on the study of the development of criminal careers of these offenders based on the process of social interaction, and studies of "models of sociability identified as violent according to the rules of society " by Theophilos Rifiotis (1997, 2006, 2008) starting from a positively valued vision of violence with emphasis on the structuring and productive conflicts. The research ended up with results that show the target women in a position that alternates performative and manipulative speech in an attempt to legitimate their criminal practice, giving new shape to their feminine identities. Throughout the analysis it became clear that it is not their intention to search, not even the incorporation of a male ethos that is at stake for these women, but the search for a way to be feminine in a social space developed by where they may gain recognition, assigning then a proper meaning.These young women reaffirm their identities based on a criminal scenario with a myriad of specific thoughts with the intention to legitimate their illegal practices, often violent, as ways of committing crimes in women's own world with specific features and skills listedby them as necessary to constitute criminal women. Some practices of intervention that take place within the correctional institutional, based on the exercise of disciplinary power were found inefficient to produce tangible appropriate results. They make use of controversial pedagogical machinery of institutional functioning through punitive disciplinary strategies that do not seem to experience significant changes that could lead these women to stop committing crimes. These results do allow a broaderunderstanding of the phenomenon of a feminine leadership criminality attentive to their meanings and pluralities.

A Condessa de Monte Cristo: a representação da identidade da mulher presa na telenovela Insensato Coração

Gonçalves, William Cézar 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-14T12:27:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 williamcezargoncalves.pdf: 1779253 bytes, checksum: 71d9278fc91b4107a17474769011469a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-14T15:50:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 williamcezargoncalves.pdf: 1779253 bytes, checksum: 71d9278fc91b4107a17474769011469a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-14T15:50:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 williamcezargoncalves.pdf: 1779253 bytes, checksum: 71d9278fc91b4107a17474769011469a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Nosso trabalho parte de um apanhado histórico sobre o processo de implantação e formação da televisão e da telenovela no Brasil. Posteriormente, discorremos sobre a importância da mídia televisiva e do gênero ficcional na formação das identidades, tanto coletiva como individualmente. A partir desta conceituação, discutimos o processo de constituição das identidades na modernidade, tendo por base os estudos de autores filiados aos Estudos Culturais, Interacionismo Simbólico e à Psicologia Social. Este debate é afunilado quando abordamos a prisão como uma instituição que reformula as identidades dos indivíduos que nela se inserem. Consequente a esta discussão, tecemos considerações sobre a estrutura da telenovela “Insensato Coração” e as características do seu autor, Gilberto Braga, que implanta em suas histórias a crítica social. Tendo este panorama, apresentamos a metodologia utilizada, a Análise de Conteúdo de Laurence Bardin. Explicitamos os objetivos, hipóteses e categorias que balizam nossa análise, que pauta-se na trajetória de personagem Norma Pimentel (Glória Pires), uma mulher que é enganada e presa injustamente. Ainda dentro do cárcere, ela trama uma vingança nos moldes do romance francês “O Conde de Monte Cristo”, de Alexandre Dumas, colocando-a em prática no momento em que deixa a prisão. Neste percurso ficcional, Norma descortina diversas mazelas encontradas no claustro, revela o estigma que é anexado ao indivíduo preso e como sua identidade é modificada. / Our work begins with a historical overview on the process of implementation and development of television and telenovela in Brazil. Later, carry on about the importance of television media and the fictional genre in the formation of identities, both collectively and individually. From this concept, we discussed the process of constitution of identity in modernity, based on the studies of authors affiliated to Cultural Studies, Symbolic Interaction and Social Psychology. This debate is tapered when we approached the prison as an institution recasting the identities of individuals who fall into it. Consequent to this discussion, we consider the structure of the telenovela "Insensato Coração" and the characteristics of its author, Gilberto Braga, which deploys in his stories social criticism. Having this background, we explain the methodology used, the Laurence Bardin Content Analysis. We underline our objectives, assumptions and categories that guide our analysis, which is guided in character trajectory Norma Pimentel (Gloria Pires), a woman who is blinded and imprisoned unjustly. Still within the prison, she plot revenge along the lines of the French novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas, putting it into practice when leaving prison. In this fictional route, Norma reveals a variety of illnesses found in the cloister, reveals the stigma that is attached to the individual arrested and how their identity is modified.

A (auto-)biografia linguageira em questões: análise de trajetórias de apropriação do Francês Língua Estrangeira de alunos de Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo / The language (auto-)biography in questions: analysis of trajectories of Graduation students at the University of São Paulo

Cássio Eduardo Nunes Domingos Aguiar 31 March 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na análise de narrativas das trajetórias e das experiências de línguas (no caso, o francês) de estudantes de Graduação em Letras da Universidade de São Paulo. Parte-se, aqui, da concepção segundo a qual as línguas não se restringem ao status de meras ferramentas da comunicação e estabelecem com a identidade dos indivíduos uma relação de sensível reciprocidade e de constante implicação. Como decorrência, ressalta que o processo de apropriação de uma língua estrangeira constitui, necessariamente, um processo de alteração e reconfiguração de identidade. Deste modo, a análise dos relatos das trajetórias e das experiências de línguas da população estudada, ou seja, sua (auto)biografia linguageira (obtida através de um questionário submetido aos informantes em junho de 2015), permitiu o acesso a diversos aspectos deste percurso de apropriação-alteração. Entre tais aspectos, mencionemos sobretudo as representações dos indivíduos quanto a suas competências linguísticas, os componentes subjetivos e sociais implicados na apropriação, as motivações, as circunstâncias e a cronologia do processo. / The aim of the present work consists in analysing narratives of the trajectories and language experiences (of French, in this case) of graduation students at the University of São Paulo. We assume, here, the conception according to which all languages are not restricted to the mere status of communication tools and they stablish, associated to the identity of the individuals, a remarkable relation of reciprocity and a constant implication. As a result, it highlights the fact that the appropriation process of a foreign language is necessarily constituted by an alteration process and an identity reconfiguration. Thus, the report analysis of the trajectories and the languages experiences of the population from the study, in other words, its language (auto)biography (obtained through a questionnaire submitted to the informers in June 2015) has allowed the access to various aspects of this path of appropriation-alteration. Among those aspects, we can mention especially the representations of the individuals in terms of their language competences, the subjective and social components involved in the appropriation, their motivations, their circumstances and the process chronology.

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