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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A gente aprende pra caramba! Movências de sentidos : discurso, estágio, identidades docentes

Moura, Sandra Regina de January 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigativo, me propus a analisar as possíveis afetações que o acolhimento de licenciandas por ocasião do estágio curricular obrigatório provoca na constituição das identidades docentes de educadoras titulares. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida desde um delineamento de estudo de caso que incorporou a técnica de geração de dados com grupo focal por meio de que entrevistei quatro educadoras de uma escola da rede pública municipal de ensino localizada em Porto Alegre/RS, instituindo relações de coerência com a análise de discurso francesa Pecheuxtiana. Conquanto Michel Pêcheux seja o principal referencial de que me subsidiei no trabalho com os sentidos que reverberam nas falas das educadoras, destaco que, para versar especificamente sobre a temática investigada – estágio e identidades docentes, estudei concepções abordadas por Maurice Tardif e Danielle Raymond, Antonio Nóvoa, Selma Garrido Pimenta e Maria Socorro Lima. O corpus analítico foi composto por depoimentos de educadoras que acolhem estagiário(a)s em suas turmas. Sobre eles produzi gestos de interpretação a partir dos quais foram evidenciadas identificações com redes de memórias que me levaram a surpreender efeitos de sentidos variados de: dissociação entre teoria e prática; estágio como prática; hierarquia entre saberes e sujeitos; estágio como tempo de aprendizagem e parceria; solidariedade entre sujeitos e saberes; educador como pesquisador; temporalidade; valorização exclusiva do saber experiencial; encontro entre saberes docentes; humildade; e educação como paixão, vinculados a uma Formação Discursiva Pedagógica heterogênea com posições de sujeito em confronto deslizando da posição-sujeito professor conservador para a posição-sujeito professor emergente. Efeitos de sentido que aludem a uma crítica às universidades relacionada à dissociação entre teoria e prática de que resultaria a secundarização dos saberes acadêmicos na escola. O estágio curricular obrigatório desponta como espaço de permuta de conhecimento, formação colaborativa e solidária que valoriza e acolhe o “saber fazer” emanado do saber experiencial alimentado por uma posição de humildade das professoras titulares frente à inovação trazida pelas estagiárias. Nos discursos docentes, o estágio é associado a efeitos de sentidos de reflexão na ação, prática refletida, práxis. Soma-se a isso a percepção de que, no dizer das educadoras, a movência de posições-sujeito e de sentidos aponta para modos de se pensar e se fazer docentes em função de experiências que, neste trabalho, significam o estágio como acontecimento justamente por implicar na atualização de memórias discursivas do campo da educação que acomodam novos olhares relativamente aos modos de se fazer e ser educador. Ademais, barganhando reconhecimento para dinâmicas interativas e reflexivas que despontam do acolhimento de estagiárias em suas turmas, as professoras regentes pedem espaço de escuta ao “saber”, “saber ser” e “saber fazer” do docente que está na escola como representante de caminhos talvez ainda não suficientemente legitimados pela academia. Compreendendo o estágio como fase dinâmica que viabiliza a interlocução entre a escola e espaços de formação docente como a universidade, as educadoras reiteram compromissos e responsabilidade profissional firmada com a educação e destacam a necessidade de serem repensadas as formas de aproximação entre espaços escolares e espaços universitários. / In this investigative work, I set out to analyze the possible affections that the reception of graduates on occasion of what the obligatory curricular internship provokes in the constitution of the educational identities of the incumbent educators. It is a qualitative research developed from a case study design that incorporated the technique of data generation with a focus group through which I interviewed four educators from a municipal public school system located in the city of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), instituting relations of coherence with the French Discourse Analysis of Michel Pêcheux. Although Michel Pêcheux is the main reference that I subsidized in the work with the senses that reverberate in the educators' speeches, I emphasize that, in order to deal specifically with the researched subject - internship and teaching identities, I studied conceptions approached by Maurice Tardif and Danielle Raymond, Antonio Nóvoa, Selma Garrido Pimenta and Maria Socorro Lima. The analytical corpus was composed of educators' testimonials that receive interns in their classes. About them produced gestures of interpretation in which identifications with networks of memories became evident which led me to visualize effects of meaning of: dissociation between theory and practice; internship as practice; hierarchy between knowledge and subjects; internship as a time of learning and companionship; solidarity between subjects and knowledge; educator as researcher; temporality; exclusive appreciation of knowledge obtained from practice; encounters among teacher’s knowledge; humility; and education as passion, linked to a heterogeneous Pedagogical Discursive Training with positions os subjects in confrontation, sliding from the conservative teacher subject-position to the emergent teacher subject-position. Effects of meaning that allude to a critique of universities related to the dissociation between theory and practice that would result in secondary knowledge of academic knowledge in school. The compulsory curricular internship emerges as a space for exchange of knowledge, collaborative and solidarity formation that values and welcomes "know-how" that emanates from experiential knowledge fostered by the incumbent teacher’s position of humility in face of innovation’s brought by interns. In the teacher’s discourses, internship is associated with effects of senses of reflection in action, reflected practice, praxis. Added to this is the perception that, in the words of the educators, the movement of subject-positions and of senses point to ways of thinking and making teachers according to experiences that, in this work, signify internship as a happening, precisely by implying the updating of discursive memories of the field of education that accommodate new perceptions regarding the ways of becoming and being an educator. In addition, bargaining for the interactive and reflexive dynamics that emerge from the reception of interns in their classes, the incumbent teachers request listening space for the "knowing", "knowing to be" and "knowing how to" of the teacher who is in school as a representative of paths not yet sufficiently legitimized by the academy. Understanding internship as a dynamic phase that makes possible the interlocution between the school and the spaces of teacher training, such as the university, the educators reiterate commitments and professional responsibility assigned with education, and emphasize the need to rethink the ways of approaching school spaces and university spaces.

L'héritage malgré soi ? Le couple patrimoine/territoire à l'épreuve de la Caraïbe / Facing heritage from a Caribbean perspective

Pajard, Anne 24 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la complexité de la notion de patrimoine depuis un contexte caribéen, à la fois spécifique et intimement lié aux mouvements du monde depuis le XVIe siècle. Elle s’intéresse à l’entre-deux qui caractérise le patrimoine, entre la dimension héritée -perçue comme un donné inaliénable, malgré soi-, et la dimension construite au présent pour un devenir, manifestée par ce que l’on souhaite transmettre aux générations futures. Le patrimoine se déploie dans la relation singulier-collectif dont il convoque les imaginaires du monde, les connexions entre des espaces et des temporalités diverses. Il peut être perçu comme un baromètre de la capacité des sociétés à s’inscrire dans un ordre communicationnel envisagé comme un acte de partage. La perspective multidirectionnelle proposée confronte des mobilisations historicisées d’un patrimoine outil des pouvoirs, pris dans des convergences politiques, économiques et techniques dans lequel se forge également l’ordre de la connaissance, aux fonctions sociales du patrimoine qui renvoient à une quête de sens, de lien social, de ressources et s’inscrit dans des territorialités complexes. La Caraïbe, territoire polythétique, présente un point de vue inédit pour remettre en question ce couple patrimoine/territoire et les paradigmes problématiques que son institutionnalisation a naturalisé pendant la période de formation des identités nationales européennes, période corrélée à l’émergence de la Modernité. La Traite négrière transatlantique, le système esclavagiste fondé sur la race puis la colonisation constituent une histoire associée à la souffrance, un passé transnational complexe dont la mise en partage est encore problématique, un héritage que personne ne souhaite accepter et qui marque pourtant encore à divers égards les rapports sociaux contemporains. La capacité à performer, à composer avec l’apport de chacun, à transmettre des savoirs-faire s’est déployée dans les sociétés caribéennes avec et contre les systèmes d’oppression, comme une forme de résistance et de survie, une ressource vitale essentielle du point de vue pratique et symbolique. Longtemps rejetés de l’espace normatif du patrimoine, ces héritages incorporent des perceptions peu compatibles avec les définitions et les modalités de traitement figées du patrimoine institutionnel articulées autour des productions matérielles. Le discours poétique et intellectuel caribéen à partir des années 1960-1970 s’est forgé dans une double dynamique, associant la déconstruction critique de l’ordre institué initiée par la première génération, à un imaginaire de l’espace commun inspiré de la volonté de revaloriser les héritages, leur créativité et la capacité d’action des Hommes à réinventer des imaginaires du monde fondés sur la Relation. Ce projet caribéen est ici lu comme la proposition d’une rupture patrimoniale créatrice liée à un territoire en rupture avec la superposition-fusion de l’espace politique, physique et culturel imposé par le prisme de l’imaginaire national. Cette thèse part sur les traces de ces dimensions relationnelles dans lesquelles interviennent des constructions historiques, des trajectoires et territorialités multiples, puis tente de mettre au jour les paradigmes naturalisés, les héritages et les contraintes contemporaines qui participent de cet empêchement patrimonial qui n’est pas sans relation avec des conflits que suscite le traitement du passé dans l’espace public. Le dernier mouvement met ces recherches en perspective de l’observation de dispositifs effectifs : les bibliothèques numériques de la Caraïbe. Il en analyse les modalités de construction, interroge les contextes individuels et collectifs qui les animent et les territorialités multiples qui interviennent dans ces hétérotopies ultimes de la Caraïbe, manifestations effectives de l’utopie caribéenne. / This thesis explores the complexity of the notion of heritage from a Caribbean context, both specific and intimately linked to world movements since the sixteenth century. It examines the in-between that characterizes heritage, between the inherited dimension-perceived as an inalienable given, and the dimension constructed in the present for a becoming, manifested by what one wishes to transmit to the future generations. The heritage unfolds in the singular-collective relationship of which it invokes the imaginary world, the connections between spaces and different temporalities. It can be perceived as a barometer of the capacity of societies to fit into a communication order envisaged as an act of sharing. The proposed multidirectional perspective confronts historicized mobilizations of a patrimony that is a tool of the powers taken up in political, economic and technical convergences, in which the order of knowledge is also forged, to the social functions of heritage which refer to a quest for meaning, social bonding, resources and is part of complex territorialities. The Caribbean, a polythetic territory, presents an unprecedented point of view to question this heritage / territory couple and the problematic paradigms that its institutionalization naturalized during the period of formation of European national identities, a period correlated with the emergence of Modernity. The Transatlantic Slave Trade, the slave system based on race and then colonization, is a history associated with suffering, a complex transnational past, the sharing of which is still problematic, a legacy that no one wishes to accept, but which still impact social relations. The capacity to perform, to cope with the contribution of each one, to transmit know-how has been deployed in the Caribbean societies with and against the systems of oppression, as a form of resistance and survival, an essential vital resource from a practical and symbolic point of view. Long ago rejected from the normative space of the heritage, these legagy incorporate perceptions that are incompatible with the definitions and the fixed treatment methods of the institutional heritage articulated around the material productions. The Caribbean poetic and intellectual discourse from the years 1960-1970 was forged in a double dynamic, associating the critical deconstruction of the instituted order initiated by the first generation with an imaginary of the common space inspired by the will to revalorize the heritages, their creativity and the ability of Men to reinvent the imaginations of the world based on the Relation. This Caribbean project is here read as the proposal of a creative heritage break linked to the maling of a territory in breach with the superposition-fusion of the political, physical and cultural space imposed by the prism of the national imagination. This thesis takes as its starting point the traces of these relational dimensions in which historical constructions, multiple trajectories and territorialities intervene, and then tries to bring to light the naturalized paradigms, the inheritances and the contemporary constraints which participate in this heritage impediment which is not unrelated to conflicts arising from the treatment of the past in public space. The last movement puts this research in perspective of the observation of effective projects: the digital libraries of the Caribbean. The author analyzes the methods of construction, questions the individual and collective contexts and the multiple territorialities that intervene in these ultimate heterotopies of the Caribbean, manifestations of the Caribbean utopia. This observation makes it possible to measure the obstacles of all kinds facing actors engaged in projects that aim to shape or reveal relations between territories that are both distinct and connected and to treat the heritage both as traces of the past and as a living, dynamic phenomenon, constantly enriched by contemporary experiences.

Perspective herméneutique de la "communicaton pour le développement" : une analyse des stratégies communicationnelles du programme national de vulgarisation et de recherche agricoles dans l'ouest Cameroun / Hermeneutic perspective of the "communication for development" : an analysis of the communication statégies in the National program of agricultural vulgarisation and research in west cameroun

Momo, Hubert Etienne 14 December 2011 (has links)
Depuis la fin de la deuxième guerre, l'idéologie du développement a progressivement imposé sa lecture essentialiste et évolutionniste du monde. Malgré les échecs et les déceptions qui ont mis en exergue le caractère non heuristique de la conception unilinéaire des sociétés, la notion n'a pas complètement perdu de sa force mobilisatrice. À travers des inventions et des branchements divers et constants, elle a survécu à la critique par le ré-enchantement de la notion et ses variations thématiques. En effet, au détour des années 80, pour asseoir davantage sa légitimité, le débat autour du développement, non seulement a embrassé les questions environnementales mais s'est fragmenté, en se déclinant autour de plusieurs thèmes et sous-thèmes tels que la lutte contre la pauvreté, l'alphabétisation, le désendettement, la lutte contre le sida… Dans les pays africains, notamment au Cameroun, cette recomposition féconde de la notion a trouvé, dans les enjeux de l'agriculture, un cadre idéal d'articulation et d'expression. Dans la même logique évolutive, la communication, indissociablement liée au développement, a connu des modélisations successives, recadrant progressivement ses dispositifs et ses stratégies, pour susciter et accompagner les changements sociaux. C'est ce qui explique l'avènement d'une communication participative, motivée par une prise en compte de l'altérité et l'assomption des identités culturelles.À partir d'une expérience de la vulgarisation agricole, tributaire de l'inventivité thématique du développement, cette recherche examine la complexité de la dynamique participative avec ses enjeux identitaires. En se fondant sur la stratégie des acteurs, ce travail met en lumière la dimension structurante des identités culturelles consécutive à une démarche praxéologique où la communication s'inscrit dans une aventure herméneutique sous-tendue par une logique d'archéologie existentielle. Par le fait même, la communication adopte une nouvelle posture épistémologique en devenant « lieu » stratégique d'interprétation du vécu et de transgression de la doxa du développement. / Since the end of the Second World War, the ideology of development has progressively imposed an essentialist and evolutionalist interpretation of the world. In spite of breakdowns and disappointments which have brought out a non-heuristic nature of the unilinear conception of societies, this notion has not totally lost some of its stirring strength. Through decades of inventions and various and continuous connections, it has survived criticism by the re-enchantment of the notion of its thematic variations. Indeed, in the early 1980's, in order to better establish its legitimacy, debate around development / growth has not only embraced environmental questions but has also fragmented, coming into a variety of themes and sub-themes such as the fight against poverty and AIDS, elimination of illiteracy, debt reducing, and so on. In African countries, in Cameroun precisely, this fruitful recomposition of the notion has found a perfect frame for structure and expression in the agricultural stakes. In the same evolutionary dynamic, communication, inextricably linked to development, has known successive modeling, progressively refocusing its devices and strategies to arouse and support social changes. That explains the advent of participative communication, helped by the notion of otherness and the assumption of cultural identities.From an agricultural popular experiment dependent on thematic inventiveness of development, this research considers the complexity of participative dynamics with its issues about identity. Based on the strategy used by active protagonists, this work highlights the structuring dimension of cultural identities resulting of a praxeological approach, in which communication is part of a logic of an underlying hermeneutic adventure, being part of a logics of existential archaeology. For this very reason, communication adopts a new epistemological point of view, becoming the strategic “place” of interpretation of actual experience and of transgression of the doxa of development

Identities and agency in transition : moving from special school to further education

Douglas, Anastasia Jane January 2016 (has links)
This thesis draws on the experiences of 21 young people transitioning from a special school for students with labels of moderate learning difficulty, to further education college. Taking a disability studies approach, that is, viewing disability as a social and political response to human diversity, I examine some social processes through which student identity and agency meanings may be negotiated during transition. Times of change offer circumstances of opportunity in which new identity and agency meanings may be improvised and tested in various forms. Some students found emergent ways to subvert and transgress expectations, given the different labels applied to them. Transition, with its focus on future change, offers limbic moments which appear to support situations for such opportunistic transgression. Of particular interest are the environments and circumstances that support or promote broadening of identity and agency options, because an understanding of these may enable the engineering of such situations. Whilst the students were transitioning to college, my own researcher subjectivities and understandings of ‘knowledge’ were also in flux. I describe the considerable influence these changes had on the research processes and my understandings of identity and agency. I propose that identity and agency meanings, whilst fluid and ever-changing, are linked with particular people and situated in particular social sites. With this in mind, and as a provocation to new ways of thinking I discuss foundation level further education as an ethical project, envisaging circumstances that may support and promote broader, more positive opportunities for identity and agency negotiations amongst young people with labels of learning disability. In this context, further education is re-imagined as an opportunity for potential empowerment, repositioning learning disabled students as agents of social change.

The portrait of an other : metaphor, stereotype and the drawing self in international perceptions

Chernobrov, Dmitry January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Negotiating ‘Finnishness’ : The discursive construction of Finnish national identities in online discussions around immigration

Sinersaari, Inna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines how national identities are discursively constructed in online discussions around immigration in Finland. The discursive construction of Finnish national identities is analyzed both in the light of the construction of ‘sameness’ and of ‘otherness’, drawing upon critical discourse analysis and the notion of a nation as an imagined community. The analyzed data is from a Finnish discussion forum, Suomi24. The discussions analyzed generally construct an exclusionary identity: Finnishness is often represented as something inherent and impossible to combine with, for example, Islam or Russianness. Elite discourses as well as discourses previously identified in Hommaforum, a Finnish ‘immigration critical’ forum, were reproduced in the discussions, implying that online discussions, in addition to reproducing elite discourses, can also foster them. The prevalence of exclusionary discourses and stereotypical representations in a moderated discussion forum speaks for the normalization of such ways of talking about immigration, ‘us’ and ‘others’.

Identidades inventivas : territorialidades na rede cultura viva na região sul

Dorneles, Patricia January 2011 (has links)
Ao revisitar a história da política publica de cultura do país vemos que passamos da perspectiva da tutela, da valorização do artista, do fomento reduzido ao entendimento de cultura como expressão das artes eruditas e chegamos até o mercado como definidor dos valores e linguagens culturais a partir do interesse privado de associação de suas marcas. Sabe-se que, a esquerda brasileira, expressa aqui na política do Partido dos Trabalhadores trouxe novos conceitos no campo das políticas públicas culturais, ampliando o conceito de cultura e traduzindo em ações culturais a perspectiva da democratização e da cidadania cultural. As reflexões atuais do impacto dos processos da globalização no campo cultura, que movimenta debates internacionais e políticas de respeitabilidade entre as nações, provoca questões sobre assimilação, hibridismo, interculturalidade, entre outros. As questões de identidade no mundo pós-moderno faz com que o debate em torno dos processos culturais se torne fundamental, e as relações entre o global e o local, mobiliza gestores e movimentos sociais da área cultural, na implementação de novas ações. Estas, que são pautadas em prol da democracia e da diversidade, não devem se reduzir na perspectiva deles, ao acesso a criação e a produção cultural, mas também acreditam ser estas novas ações um contraponto ao processo de globalização, tornando este processo menos homogeneizante e mais plural e diverso. Esta tese tem como proposta contribuir para novas reflexões no campo das políticas públicas de cultura, ampliando a discussão a partir da implementação do Programa Nacional Cultura Viva e das experiências estéticas vividas em ações culturais dos Pontos de Cultura pelos Agentes Cultura Viva. Identidades Inventivas – Territorialidades nas redes dos Pontos de Cultura na Região Sul, foi construída na relação entre diversos autores. Entre eles Milton Santos, Paulo Freire, Harvey, Canclini, Bauman, Foucault, Arendt e Dewey. E a voz dos adolescentes entrevistados apontam que, para além da potência de expressão simbólica e artística vividas nas ações culturais, a possibilidade de ações culturais engajadas na relação junto à vida comunitária, são potência do exercício e do desejo do bem comum. / The historical analysis of public policies towards culture in Brazil reveals the country has gone through a process of change in which the perspective of custody, the appreciation of the artist, the reduced fostering to the understanding of culture as an expression of the fine arts were replaced by the notion of the market as a definer of cultural values and languages, as a consequence of the private interest of associating their brands. It is known that the Brazilian left, represented here by the policies of the Labor Party, has brought new ideas into the field of public cultural policies, expanding the concept of culture and translating the perspective of democracy and cultural citizenship into cultural actions. The impact of globalization processes on the cultural field, which now moves international debates and respectability policies among the nations, raises questions about assimilation, hybridism and intercultural relations, among others. The issue of identity in the postmodern world renders the debate on cultural processes a crucial role, and the relationship between the global and local spheres stimulates managers and social movements in the cultural field to implement new actions. These actions, which aim at fostering democracy and diversity, should not be reduced to the access to cultural creation and production, but also be a counterpoint to globalization, making this process less homogenizing and more pluralistic and diverse. This thesis aims at contributing to new insights in the field of public cultural policies by analyzing the implementation of the National Program of Living Culture and the aesthetic experiences experienced by the Living Culture Agents in cultural activities promoted by the Culture Points. Invented Identities - Territoriality in the Networks of Southern Culture Points was based on the relationship between many authors, such as Milton Santos, Paulo Freire, Harvey, Canclini, Bauman, Foucault, Arendt and Dewey. The reports of the youngsters interviewed point out that, beyond the symbolic and artistic expression experienced in the cultural activities, the possibility of cultural actions engaged with community life are the power of exercise and of the desire of the common good.

Os movimentos sociais e a formação de identidades sócio-territoriais na Bolívia

Câmara, Marcelo Argenta January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho enfoca a importância das identidades baseadas em aspectos relacionados ao território enquanto bases para a formação e a ação dos movimentos sociais na Bolívia. Partindo de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, que procura compreender os aspectos relacionados à formação de identidades, as teorias sobre os movimentos sociais, relacionandoos e tomando como fio de articulação o território e os aspectos a ele relacionados. Essa articulação mostra-se essencial para a comprensão do crescente protagonismo exercido pelos movimentos sociais bolivianos nos últimos anos que, a partir de um discuros calcado naquilo que denominamos identidades socio-territoriais, puderam romper com as estruturas herdadas de anos de exploração colonial. / This paper focuses on the importance territorial based identitites as the bases for the formation and the action of the bolivian social movements. Starting from a multidiscipline approach, that focuses on understanding the identities formation and the theories envolved with the social movements, we relate them with the complex aspects involved in the territory and all of its aspects. This approaching shows itself essential for the understanding of the increasing protagonism of the bolivian social movements, showed in the last few years. They, with a speech based on what we call the social-territorial identities, had been able to break with the structures inherited from years of colonial exploration.

Literatura das Pedras: a Fortaleza de São José de Macapá como lócus das identidades amapaenses / Literature of stones: the Fortaleza de São José de Macapá as locus of amapaens identities

Canto, Fernando Pimentel January 2016 (has links)
CANTO, Fernando Pimentel. Literatura das pedras: a Fortaleza de São José de Macapá como lócus das identidades amapaenses 2016. 251f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-22T11:46:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_tese_fpcanto.pdf: 3205105 bytes, checksum: 6ee70086ba10e18f4ac277a10d3f0695 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-03T12:53:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_tese_fpcanto.pdf: 3205105 bytes, checksum: 6ee70086ba10e18f4ac277a10d3f0695 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T12:53:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_tese_fpcanto.pdf: 3205105 bytes, checksum: 6ee70086ba10e18f4ac277a10d3f0695 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / O processo político e social do Amapá é analisado neste trabalho através da literatura escrita sobre a mais importante edificação da cidade de Macapá, localizada na margem do rio Amazonas, construída no período de 1764 a 1782. É a Fortaleza de São José de Macapá -FSJM, que hoje é a grande referência icônica da cidade e seu principal símbolo imagético, que é apropriado pelas instituições e pelos seus habitantes. Entretanto, no bojo de suas representações simbólicas, ela ancora significados diversos, assim como as identidades dos sujeitos sociais que se elastificam no tempo e no espaço. A tese é apresentada em quatro temporalidades distintas sobre a construção da FSJM, sendo que a primeira trata especificamente de sua edificação no meio da floresta amazônica por militares portugueses, diante do olhar de sofrimento dos índios, negros escravos e degredados. A segunda temporalidade trata da transformação do lugar em Território Federal (1943), onde a fortificação foi referendada como uma realização heroica dos tempos coloniais no discurso fundador dos governantes. A terceira temporalidade se refere ao período em que ela foi usada como prisão de subversivos do golpe militar de 1964 e na década de 1970. A quarta temporalidade se dá no período da redemocratização do país, quando o Amapá foi transformado em Estado da Federação e, com isso, vem fazendo sucessivas reformas e restaurações no monumento. As reflexões sobre literatura a respeito da fortificação dão margem para diversas percepções, inclusive o sentido de memória na prática intelectual dos escritores, do discurso e da formação de novas identidades em seus percursos. O primeiro capítulo traz um mosaico identitário do Amapá, o seu zeitgeist, importante para a compreensão do Amapá na contemporaneidade. Os quatro capítulos seguintes são as temporalidades.

Mudanças no letramento acadêmico de cursistas do ProfLetras: questões de linguagem e identidade

Lopes, Roberta Gleyciângela Souza January 2016 (has links)
LOPES, Roberta Gleyciângela Souza. Mudanças no letramento acadêmico de cursistas do PROFLETRAS: questões de linguagem e identidade. 2016. 296f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-08T14:58:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_rgslopes.pdf: 6260114 bytes, checksum: 21c918321ee6ce342d330e821a00aa30 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-09T14:59:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_rgslopes.pdf: 6260114 bytes, checksum: 21c918321ee6ce342d330e821a00aa30 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-09T14:59:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_rgslopes.pdf: 6260114 bytes, checksum: 21c918321ee6ce342d330e821a00aa30 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Our motivation for this thesis comes from the fact that we teach in basic education, and became familiarized with the issue of academic literacy in a course by dr. Izabel Magalhães in the M.A. Course in Linguistics. In addition to literacy, we are also committed to set up a profile of teachers and their practices. Both the Social Theory of Literacy and Critical Discourse Analysis helped us in this regard. We are particularly committed to answering the following question: being a new mechanism of continuing education, how far does the Professional Master´s Program impact on teacher identities? The main purpose of this work is then to pull together findings that directly address this question, reporting on data from teachers who are enrolled on the Professional Master´s Program (Profletras). Given the limitation of any textual analysis vis-à-vis the need to take up seriously social features, we adopted ethnography as a methodology that would generate the data required. This methodology was necessary because it allowed for a useful triangulation for intensifying and ensuring all the qualifying procedures related to teachers´ interviews as well as participant observation. This enquiry follows previous research by Social Theory of Literacy scholars (STREET, 1984; 2003; 2010; 2012; 2014; BARTON and HAMILTON, 1998; BARTON, HAMILTON and IVANIC, 2000), and Critical Discourse Analysis according to Fairclough (2001, 2003). Other investigations show the compatibility between both theories (MAGALHÃES, 1995; RIOS, 2009; SATO, 2013; BATISTA JR, 2013, FONTENELE, 2014). With the Social Theory of Literacy at hand, we described some literacy events within the Professional Master´s Course and relate them to literacy practices, which in turn involve social and cultural dimensions, such as values, attitudes, feelings and social relations. And with the help of Critical Discourse Analysis, we analyzed the meanings of identity, by means of the categories of modality and evaluation, both related to speaker assumptions. The analysis revealed continuing and widening literacy practices among the participants under analysis, in part due to reading, writing and discussing about texts which were presented to teachers by the Professional Master´s Course. In the context of these changes, we observed a redefinition and reconstruction of the teachers´ social identities. / A presente pesquisa propõe uma análise das mudanças no letramento acadêmico e suas implicações no perfil identitário de professores(as), fundamentando-se nos estudos sociais do Letramento e na Análise de Discurso Crítica. É objetivo desta pesquisa responder à seguinte questão: De que modo o Mestrado Profissional, como uma nova modalidade de formação continuada, exerce influência nos processos identitários dos(as) professores(as), conduzindo a mudanças discursivas e possíveis mudanças de ação? Para tanto, o estudo toma por base dados qualitativos gerados entre professores(as) da educação básica inscritos(as) no Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Letras (Profletras). Reconhecendo os limites de uma análise somente textual e a necessidade de análise conjunta de outros elementos da prática social, adota-se a etnografia como metodologia de geração e coleta de dados. Para a triangulação do método, alternativa para intensificar e assegurar a qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa, selecionaram-se os métodos da observação participante, das entrevistas semiestruturadas e do diário de participante. Os dados foram analisados com base no aporte teórico da Teoria Social do Letramento (STREET, 1984; 2003; 2010; 2012; 2014; BARTON e HAMILTON, 1998; BARTON e HAMILTON, 2000) e da Análise de Discurso Crítica (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001; 2003), tendo em vista que algumas pesquisas anteriores adotaram essa abordagem teórica integradora e já demonstraram a compatibilidade entre as duas teorias (MAGALHÃES, 1995; RIOS, 2009; SATO, 2013; BATISTA JR, 2013, FONTENELE, 2014). Em relação à Teoria Social do Letramento, o intuito é descrever os eventos de letramento do Mestrado Profissional e relacioná-los às práticas de letramento, que por sua vez envolvem dimensões sociais e culturais, como valores, atitudes, sentimentos e relações sociais. Em relação à Análise de Discurso Crítica, analisa-se o significado identificacional, por meio das categorias modalidade e avaliação, ambas relacionadas ao comprometimento do(a) autor(a) com suas proposições. A análise indicou que a incursão em práticas de leitura/escrita/discussão de textos propiciadas pelo Mestrado Profissional contribuiu para mudanças significativas no letramento acadêmico dos sujeitos pesquisados e, no contexto dessas mudanças, há redefinição e reconstrução das identidades sociais, definidas por Faiclough (2001) como os “eus” associados a domínios e a instituições específicas.

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