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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Editorial: Transgender

Vollbrecht, Ralf, Dallmann, Christine 21 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Begriffsfeld zu Transgender und verwandten Begriffen ist stark ausdifferenziert. Es soll hier nun nicht der Versuch unternommen werden, einen umfassenden Überblick über die komplexe Transgender-Thematik zu geben. Die Frage ist vielmehr, wie eine Pädagogik der Vielfalt am Beispiel von Transgender auch in Schulen umgesetzt werden kann und Schülerinnen und Schüler für dieses Thema sensibilisiert werden können. Für eine pädagogische Auseinandersetzung eignen sich insbesondere Spielfilme – und mittlerweile gibt es eine ganze Reihe geeigneter Filme zum Thema Transgender. Der Film „Transamerica“, den Hamisch in ihrem Beitrag analysiert, verdeutlicht vor allem die Identitätsherausforderungen, denen sich die Protagonistin des Films stellen muss. Dies ermöglicht einen pädagogisch-didaktischen Zugang zum Thema, der nicht von normativen Positionen ausgeht, die die Schülerinnen und Schüler mitbringen, sondern zur Reflexion über die eigene Identität anregt.

L'identité numérique : un levier d'innovation pour les marques ? / Digital identity : a lever for innovation in brand strategy ?

Dufour Baïdouri, Armelle 04 December 2013 (has links)
La généralisation de l’usage d’Internet et le développement simultané du web 2.0 avec l’apparition des réseaux sociaux numériques (RSN) ont conduit à l’apparition d’une présence numérique pour les internautes : l’identité numérique (IN). Constituée d’une superposition d’identités faites de données personnelles, déclaratives et comportementales, cette nouvelle forme d’identité est caractérisée par des modes d’expression de soi divers particulièrement visibles sur les RSN et en particulier sur le site Facebook. Simultanément, l’affranchissement de l’individu des cadres sociaux traditionnels le conduit à faire et défaire son identité qu’il envisage désormais comme un processus de construction identitaire (CI) fondé sur une recherche de repères et de relations. Ces nouveaux enjeux liés à l’identité conduisent à une évolution des liens entre CI et consommation. Celle-ci apparait en effet majeure pour la CI par les récits de soi qu’elle permet aux consommateurs. Ces mutations contraignent les entreprises à repenser leurs stratégies de marque établies depuis les années 50. Ces stratégies, centrées sur la quête d’attention du consommateur, s’attachent à individualiser le dialogue et à créer des contenus générant de l’interaction avec les publics ciblés. Dans cette optique, par ses caractéristiques et ses manifestations, l’IN est susceptible d’éclairer la prise en compte de nouveaux modes de présence des marques. À travers trois propositions théoriques, l’IN est envisagée au centre des perspectives d’innovation des marques ; l’analyse qualitative et quantitative de données collectées auprès des jeunes adultes a donné lieu à des apports théoriques liés aux modes de CI contemporaine et à des apports managériaux relatifs à l’élaboration de nouvelles stratégies de communication sur Internet. / The spread of the Internet and the simultaneous development of Web 2.0 together with the advent of digital social networks (DSN) have led to the emergence of a digital presence for internet users: digital identity (DI). Consisting of a superposition of identities born from personal, declarative and behavioral data, this new form of identity is characterized by various highly patterns of self-expression on the DSN and in particular on Facebook. Simultaneously, the emancipation of the individual from traditional social frameworks leads that individual to construct and re-shape his or her identity which is now seen as a process of identity construction (IC) based on a search for benchmarks and relationships. These new identity issues lead to a modification in the relationship between IC and consumption. Indeed, this modification appears to have a major effect on IC through the self-image (or images) consumers are able to project. These changes are forcing companies to rethink the branding strategies they laid down back in the 50s. These strategies, focusing on the quest for consumer’s attention, endeavor to set up personalized rapports and create content that generates interaction with their targets. To this end, through its characteristics and in all its forms, DI could very well open the path to new ways of brand presence being taken into account. In the light of three theoretical proposals, DI is considered as being central to brand innovation perspectives; qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected from young adults resulted in three theoretical contributions related to the IC modes of the contemporary individual and to three managerial input on the development of new strategies for communication on the Internet.

La construction identitaire des adolescents à l'épreuve du communalisme à l'Ile Maurice / Identity Construction of adolescents facing communalism in Mauritius

Carta, Nirmala 06 December 2010 (has links)
La construction identitaire de l’adolescent est influencée par le contexte dans lequel il vit ; dans le cas de l’Ile Maurice, ce contexte est caractérisé par la présence officielle d’une catégorisation communautaire. Celle-ci amène les mauriciens à devoir se désigner comme membres de l’une des quatre communautés prescrites, ce qui devient problématique dans la construction identitaire, particulièrement pour les adolescents car ils sont dans une période déterminante dans leur développement. Nous avons voulu mesurer le degré d’influence du contexte multiculturel sur leur construction identitaire. Notre méthodologie nous a permis de constater la présence du communalisme dès le pré-test, et elle a été confirmée autant dans l’étude quantitative que qualitative. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence qu’un communalisme exacerbé conduit à une forte identité sociale, et ceci, au détriment de l’identité personnelle. En effet, nos résultats indiquent que l’existence des communautés contribue à faire que les sujets préfèrent leur groupe d’appartenance et ont des stéréotypes négatifs à l’égard des autres communautés. De plus, nous avons trouvé que l’appartenance communautaire est liée à l’identité sociale, composée essentiellement de l’appartenance religieuse, l’apparence physique et la classe sociale. D’autre part, nous avons constaté chez nos sujets une opposition entre un vécu interculturel interne et une identité sociale prescrite. Nous concluons à une remise en cause de l’existence officielle des communautés à Maurice, basée sur les résultats de notre recherche et nous proposons plus d’ouverture vers une éducation interculturelle et vers une valorisation de l’identité personnelle. / The identity construction of the adolescent is influenced by his living context; in the case of Mauritius, this context is caracterised by the official presence of categorization of communities. This presence induces mauritians to have the obligation to identify themselves to one of the four prescribed communities, which leads to a problematic identity construction, particularly for adolescents as they are in a developmental period which is determinant. As from the study of mauritians reaching the end of adolescents, we have measured the degree of influence of the multicultural context on the identity construction. Our methodology has allowed us to notice the presence of communalism as from the stage of pretest and it has been confirmed in the quantitative as well as the qualitative analysis. We have been able to prove that an overreacted communalism leads to a high social identity, leading in counterpart to less importance regarding the personal part of identity. In fact, our results indicate that the existence of communities contributes in making our participants prefer the community to which they belong and they have negative stereotypes towards other communities. In addition to this, we have found that belonging to a community is directly linked to social identity, which is essentially comprised of religious belonging, physical appearance and social class. Furthermore, we have noticed that our participants have an intercultural inner living which is opposed to the prescribed social identity. We arrive to the conclusion that the official existence of communities in Mauritius should be reviewed, based on the results of our research and we propose more implications in intercultural education and towards the promotion of personal identity

Divided in Diversity? : A Critical Study of Identity Construction in Wales and the Effects of European Integration

Consenheim, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of the construction of identity in relation to European integration and to discover how identities are constructed in relation to each other. The paper will therefore answer the question: ‘How can we understand the identity constructions in Wales during the political changes of Brexit, and what do these constructions reveal about the effects of European integration’. The EU advocates being ‘united in diversity’. This statement provides direction for this research, as it allows for a discussion of how various identities relate to each other. The paper will look into the political discourse of the Welsh government by applying Critical Discourse Analysis. By examining the speeches of Assembly Members, an analysis can be given of the construction of identity in the political debate in Wales. Consequently, it will look at the effects of European integration on identity construction. The analysed discourse illustrates the importance of national identity in the debate and the rather weak constructions of European identity. It also depicts that even though European integration is an important topic in the political discourse, its influence on identity construction is not strongly established. There are multiple actors that exert influence in Wales. Though, the most important is the interaction between Wales and England. The dividing factor in regards of identity construction is thus not in relation to the EU, but in relation to governance in the UK. The framework of multi-level governance in the UK is therefore an important factor in the construction of identity. The analysis indicates that even though European integration is fundamental for the development of regions such as Wales, national heritage and culture are still the most predominant in the construction of identity.

Approche ethnographique de l'engagement dans les activités physiques artistiques : récits d'élèves et attentes des enseignant.e.s d'Education Physique et Sportive (EPS) / Titre en anglais non renseigné

Estivie, Natacha 20 November 2018 (has links)
Dans un cadre ethno-sociologique et à partir d’un travail empirique longitudinal lié à notre statut professionnel d’enseignante, l’étude porte sur l’engagement des élèves dans les pratiques de danse et de cirque en milieu scolaire et plus particulièrement en Education Physique et Sportive (EPS). Au travers de l’observation de différents espaces de pratiques scolaires et la mise en œuvre d’entretiens compréhensifs, cette recherche propose un questionnement analytique, faisant émerger des contradictions/paradoxes entre le discours des élèves engagés, celui des enseignants d’EPS promoteurs de ces pratiques, et celui porté par les textes officiels. La typologie des formes d’engagement produite tend à montrer que les élèves se construisent dans un engagement singulier par un jeu complexe de négociations, de glissements entre les normes et les valeurs portées par l’institution scolaire et celles des « mondes de l’art » (H. Becker). Cette construction de l’élève investi dans les Activités Physiques Artistiques (APA) passe par des variations des modalités d’attachements (A. Hennion), à l’activité et aux enseignants militants qui les transmettent. / This study deals with the commitment of pupils in dance and circus practices within schools and more specifically in Physical Education (P.E.). It was lead within an ethno-sociological framework and based on empirical and longitudinal work in relation to our professional status as a teacher. Throughout our observation of different types of practices in various conditions in schools, along with our comprehensive interviews, this research project suggests an analytical questioning, which lead to the idea of contradictions / paradoxes between the discourses of the committed pupils, the P.E. teachers who promote these practices, and the official school curriculum. The typology of the forms of commitment thus created tends to show that pupils evolve by building a rather singular type of commitment through a negotiation process, a shift between the norms and values represented by the school institution and those of the “ worlds of art” (H. Becker). The construction, by the pupil who is committed to the Artistic Physical Activities (APA), goes through variations of attachment modalities (A. Hennon) to the activity and to the activist teachers who pass those activities on.

Čína jako nepřítel? Reprezentace Číny v bezpečnostním diskurzu USA / China as an enemy? Representation of China in U.S. security discourse

Kuzmič, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis titled China as the Enemy? : Representations of China in the U.S. Security Discourse explores discursive foundations of American policies towards China in military, economic and political sector. First chapter introduces concepts used in the formal analysis of China representations. It departs from post-structuralist theory of discourse by Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe and Lene Hansen and combines it with several other authors including the classical work of Carl Schmitt On the Political. The second chapter offers historical overview of key events and discourses that preceded George W. Bush Administration. One part is devoted to Evelyn Goh's analysis of internal official discourse of the "rapprochement" period between China and the U.S. Third chapter contains sections on basic characteristics of the official discourse in recent years including signifiers of China, the concept of "responsible stakeholder" and the geopolitical shift to Pacific in U.S. identity construction. Chapter 4, 5 and 6 follow the sectoral division and are further subdivided into individual themes. These are analyzed in three steps. First, the basic elements of China representation are introduced and their dynamics in the period 2001-2011 analyzed. Second, elements of the U.S. identity in the given context...

Opozice "my" versus "oni" na webu Aeronet.cz / The Contract between "Us" and "Them" on the Aeronet.cz Website

Pýcha, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the Aeronet.cz website and the division of society into 'Us' and 'Them' in the context of the website. The thesis is divided into two parts - a theoretical one and a research one. The theoretical part aims to describe the background of the researched website and certain phenomena which are believed to be connected to the website. This part also includes a review of theoretical concepts pertaining to the connection of language and ideology. Furthermore, certain strategies utilized in group identity construction and division of society into differently evaluated segments are described. The research is conducted in the form of a semiotic analysis but incorporates certain elements of critical discourse analysis as well. The analysis has two main goals. The first goal is to describe the composition of 'Us' and 'Them' groups in the context of the portal, the second goal is to investigate which strategies of identity construction are employed to achieve such division. To support the findings, the thesis offers a detailed overview of individual entities and their evaluation. A description of strategies from all levels of the research, which were used to evaluate a certain entity, is also included. The discussion consists of synthesis of all the findings with respect to both...

Are stories just stories? : An analysis of the effect of intergenerational narratives about communism on ethnic identity

Lamboley, Lydia January 2021 (has links)
Post-dictatorship reconstruction is a recurrent research topic in peace and development. Memories and the remembrance of the past, at the collective or family level can impact populations years after the beginning of their democratisation processes. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of intergenerational transmission of memories about communism within the family on the ethnic identity of younger generations born after it. It focuses on the generation of Hungarians living in Transylvania, born after the fall of communism in 1989, which parents grew up in the same region and experienced Ceausescu’s communist dictatorship.  This paper relies on the concepts of intergenerational narratives, symbolic ethnic boundaries, and psychology theories about their effect on identity, and data from qualitative interviews and focus groups. Through a thematic analysis and a narrative discourse analysis from discursive psychology, the results show that to a certain extent, memories can be used to strengthen the ethnic identity and ethnic boundaries of the younger generations. It has also concluded that it could amplify their segregation in the future, although discriminations based on the proficiency in the Romanian language seem to be its main driver.

Svět pražských matek na rodičovské dovolené / World of Pragues Mothers on parental leave..

Brennová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with choices made by women on maternity leave living in Prague, predominantly in the area of work and family life. Women's choices do not always represent their preferences and are strongly influenced by the institutional conditions and family interests. Women's preferences are also determined by the idea of maternity preferred by them- Another focus of the thesis is the construction of symbolic boundaries between mothers and childless women. Mothers differentiate themselves from childless women based on moral criteria and from each other based on the understanding of motherhood. Mothers tend to describe maternity leave as a happy period and do not think of it as of a loss of freedom or a sacrifice. However, they admit that long-term maternity leave is stereotypical and can induce feelings of isolation. For that reason, a part of women try to break free, at least partially, from the childcare and return into the realm of adults.

Konstrukce a management identity striptýzových tanečnic / Construction and Management Identity of Exotic Dancers

Kvapilová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Diplomová práce "Výchova tancem. Evaluace dopadů předmětu taneční a pohybové výchovy se zabývá zhodnocením efektů předmětu taneční a pohybové výchovy, který byl před několika lety zařazen do RVP (Rámcově vzdělávací program) pro základní školy. Cílem této práce je podat přehled o oblastech, v nichž může taneční a pohybová výchova být přínosem a naopak poukázat na případné negativní nebo problematické stránky tohoto předmětu. Informace o této problematice byly získávány prostřednictvím kvalitativních výzkumných metod, tedy pomocí polostrukturovaných a skupinových interview a také metod zúčastněného a nezúčastněného pozorování v hodinách taneční a pohybové výchovy. Informátory/kami v tomto výzkumu byli lektoři/ky taneční výchovy, pedagogové/žky tříd, v nichž je tento předmět vyučován a také žáci/kyně. Největší přínosy taneční a pohybové výchovy lze shledat ve sféře sociálních vztahů, ale i v oblastech seberozvoje jedinců a rozvoje některých klíčových kompetencí. Taneční výchova například přináší potenciál pro transformaci nefunkčních kolektivních vztahů, stává se v některých případech nástrojem začlenění jedinců upozaděných nebo vyčleněných z kolektivu. Taneční a pohybová výchova také stimuluje dětskou fantazii a do určité míry může vést k rozvoji kreativních schopností u některých jedinců. Podporuje...

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