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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance optimization mechanisms for fault-resilient VLIW processors / Mécanismes d'optimisation des performances des processeurs VLIW à tolérance de fautes

Psiakis, Rafail 21 December 2018 (has links)
Les processeurs intégrés dans des domaines critiques exigent une combinaison de fiabilité, de performances et de faible consommation d'énergie. Very Large Instruction Word (VLIW) processeurs améliorent les performances grâce à l'exploitation ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism), tout en maintenant les coûts et la puissance à un niveau bas. L’ILP étant fortement dépendant de l'application, le processeur n'utilise pas toutes ses ressources en permanence et ces ressources peuvent donc être utilisées pour l'exécution d'instructions redondantes. Cette thèse présente une méthodologie d’injection fautes pour processeurs VLIW et trois mécanismes matériels pour traiter les pannes légères, permanentes et à long terme menant à trois contributions.La première contribution présente un schéma d’analyse du facteur de vulnérabilité architecturale et du facteur de vulnérabilité d’instruction pour les processeurs VLIW. Une méthodologie d’injection de fautes au niveau de différentes structures de mémoire est proposée pour extraire les capacités de masquage architecture / instruction du processeur. Un schéma de classification des défaillances de haut niveau est présenté pour catégoriser la sortie du processeur. La deuxième contribution explore les ressources inactives hétérogènes au moment de l'exécution, à l'intérieur et à travers des ensembles d'instructions consécutifs. Pour ce faire, une technique d’ordonnancement des instructions optimisée pour le matériel est appliquée en parallèle avec le pipeline afin de contrôler efficacement la réplication et l’ordonnancement des instructions. Suivant les tendances à la parallélisation croissante, une conception basée sur les clusters est également proposée pour résoudre les problèmes d’évolutivité, tout en maintenant une pénalité surface/énergie raisonnable. La technique proposée accélère la performance de 43,68% avec une surcoût en surface et en énergie de ~10% par rapport aux approches existantes. Les analyses AVF et IVF évaluent la vulnérabilité du processeur avec le mécanisme proposé.La troisième contribution traite des défauts persistants. Un mécanisme matériel est proposé, qui réplique au moment de l'exécution les instructions et les planifie aux emplacements inactifs en tenant compte des contraintes de ressources. Si une ressource devient défaillante, l'approche proposée permet de relier efficacement les instructions d'origine et les instructions répliquées pendant l'exécution. Les premiers résultats de performance d’évaluation montrent un gain de performance jusqu’à 49% sur les techniques existantes.Afin de réduire davantage le surcoût lié aux performances et de prendre en charge l’atténuation des erreurs uniques et multiples sur les transitoires de longue durée (LDT), une quatrième contribution est présentée. Nous proposons un mécanisme matériel qui détecte les défauts toujours actifs pendant l'exécution et réorganise les instructions pour utiliser non seulement les unités fonctionnelles saines, mais également les composants sans défaillance des unités fonctionnelles concernées. Lorsque le défaut disparaît, les composants de l'unité fonctionnelle concernés peuvent être réutilisés. La fenêtre de planification du mécanisme proposé comprend deux ensembles d'instructions pouvant explorer des solutions d'atténuation lors de l'exécution de l'instruction en cours et de l'instruction suivante. Les résultats obtenus sur l'injection de fautes montrent que l'approche proposée peut atténuer un grand nombre de fautes avec des performances, une surface et une surcharge de puissance faibles. / Embedded processors in critical domains require a combination of reliability, performance and low energy consumption. Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors provide performance improvements through Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploitation, while keeping cost and power in low levels. Since the ILP is highly application dependent, the processor does not use all its resources constantly and, thus, these resources can be utilized for redundant instruction execution. This thesis presents a fault injection methodology for VLIW processors and three hardware mechanisms to deal with soft, permanent and long-term faults leading to three contributions. The first contribution presents an Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) and Instruction Vulnerability Factor (IVF) analysis schema for VLIW processors. A fault injection methodology at different memory structures is proposed to extract the architectural/instruction masking capabilities of the processor. A high-level failure classification schema is presented to categorize the output of the processor. The second contribution explores heterogeneous idle resources at run-time both inside and across consecutive instruction bundles. To achieve this, a hardware optimized instruction scheduling technique is applied in parallel with the pipeline to efficiently control the replication and the scheduling of the instructions. Following the trends of increasing parallelization, a cluster-based design is also proposed to tackle the issues of scalability, while maintaining a reasonable area/power overhead. The proposed technique achieves a speed-up of 43.68% in performance with a ~10% area and power overhead over existing approaches. AVF and IVF analysis evaluate the vulnerability of the processor with the proposed mechanism.The third contribution deals with persistent faults. A hardware mechanism is proposed which replicates at run-time the instructions and schedules them at the idle slots considering the resource constraints. If a resource becomes faulty, the proposed approach efficiently rebinds both the original and replicated instructions during execution. Early evaluation performance results show up to 49\% performance gain over existing techniques.In order to further decrease the performance overhead and to support single and multiple Long-Duration Transient (LDT) error mitigation a fourth contribution is presented. We propose a hardware mechanism, which detects the faults that are still active during execution and re-schedules the instructions to use not only the healthy function units, but also the fault-free components of the affected function units. When the fault faints, the affected function unit components can be reused. The scheduling window of the proposed mechanism is two instruction bundles being able to explore mitigation solutions in the current and the next instruction execution. The obtained fault injection results show that the proposed approach can mitigate a large number of faults with low performance, area, and power overhead.


劉勇豪 Unknown Date (has links)
在新製造環境下,由於昂貴自動化設備之引進及人工成本之提高,因而設備成本及人工成本於產品成本中所佔之比率亦相對地重要,然而若是採用了不恰當的產能觀念與數據,其所造成對產品成本分攤比率的影響非常大,亦即將設備及人力閒置產能(idle capacity)的成本分攤至完成的產品上,也就造成了成本資訊的扭曲。而缺乏有效地結合產能成本的產能管理制度,其結果導致多數的企業均忽略其重要性或是將無附加價值的產能成本(capacity cost)分攤於產品成本之中,造成企業於制定價格決策或選擇訂單決策時,引用了不恰當的資訊,並減低了企業之競爭力。 本研究的目的,擬針對產能成本及產能管理作進一步探討,瞭解其對企業界之決策方面的影響程度。本研究係以國內一通信電纜公司作為研究對象,並以個案及田野研究的方式來探討產能成本及產能管理之相關議題,以提供給相同產業的其他公司,或其他產業作為採行此技術時的參考。 本研究之研究主題包括下列二大項: 一、 建立一套作業制成本制觀念下的產能成本制度,並依據作業制成本制的架構來計算產能成本。 二、 運用所建立的產能成本制度及其所提供的產能成本資訊來協助產能管理。 本研究採用個案研究之方式,將產能成本管理制度之整體架構實施於個案公司內,期能透過此研究方法瞭解產能成本管理之整體架構,以彌補目前文獻中偏重理論探討而缺乏實務研究之缺點。 本研究透過作業制成本制度的適當設計,企業可以獲致設備與人員方面的產能成本,使得管理當局得以瞭解各作業之產能成本,再根據設備與人員方面不同的特性加以妥善管理,可獲致排程管理、閒置產能開發、產品定價決策、提昇產品附加價值(value added)及加強生產管理等效益。 因此,在產能成本管理制度所提供的產能成本資訊中,管理當局除了可以看出各作業尚有多少閒置產能改善的空間之外,尚可於生產之前即可得知瓶頸部門之所在,藉以預先進行生產排程管理,俾降低瓶頸部門之影響;另外,對於資本決策方面所需的資訊,亦可由本制度的資訊中獲得,避免不必要之資本支出;本研究對於日益競爭的產業環境而言,實為一不可或缺之管理工具,藉由本研究所提出之產能成本管理制度的設計與實施,不僅可提升產能管理決策、瓶頸部門管理、資本決策、定價決策等之決策品質,並可間接地降低成本,達到提昇企業競爭力之目的。 / In today’s manufacturing environment, the percentage of equipment cost and labor cost of product cost have became very important, because of expensive auto-machine and high labor cost. If introduce incorrect concept and information of capacity, it would influence the allocation of product cost, that is, allocate the idle capacity cost of equipment and labor to the cost of finished goods. Fail to link capacity cost to capacity management system, it would allocate the non-value-added capacity cost to product cost, and would lead business to “death spiral” because of using incorrect-information for pricing-decision and order-selection-decision. The purpose of the study is to research the influences of business decision-making with the information of capacity cost and capacity management. The research method that I used is case study and field study in a communication cable manufacturing company. The study includes two themes: 1. Building a capacity oriented Activity-Based Costing system, and calculating capacity cost according the ABC system. 2. Using the information of capacity cost system to assist the management of capacity. The study is case study and performs the designed capacity cost management system to the company, I expect to understand the frame of capacity cost management and expand existing literatures that focus on theoretical research to applied research. Through the designed capacity-oriented ABC system, business could get the information of capacity cost between equipment and employee. Using the information of capacity cost, business could get the advantages of order-scheduling management、idle-capacity management、pricing-decision、promoting value-added of products and strengthening production management. Finally, management team could understand the unused-capacity of each activity from the capacity-oriented ABC system, and could predict the bottle-neck department before manufacturing. Management team could reduce the influence of bottle-neck through order-scheduling management. And, management team could avoid unnecessary capital expenditure from the system. For today’s competitive environment, the capacity-oriented ABC system was very important for management, it could promote the quality of decision-making of capacity management、bottle-neck management、capital management、pricing management, and then, increase the competition advantages by reducing product cost indirectly.

公有閒置設施活化利用為銀髮福利設施之研究 ─以臺北市為例 / A Study of Government Owned Idle Facilities Activate To Pension Facilities In Taipei City

張哲瑋, Chang, Che Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺北都市公有空間由於缺乏供給與需求配置的妥善評估,產生許多設施與建築發生閒置與低度利用的情況,造成環境的負擔以及資源的不平均分配。同時,臺北市持續面臨高齡化社會現象,銀髮福利設施是政府未來發展項目重點之一,現行多數研究先少探究銀髮福利設施於區域之設置標準。本研究針對公有閒置設施活化利用為銀髮福利設施,透過國內外文獻回顧,歸納「安全性」、「規模性」、「參與性」為銀髮福利設施主要活化原則,並建立分析模型。接著援用各級政府閒置設施資料庫,並結合社經資料,應用GIS系統進行閒置設施供給與銀髮福利設施需求的配置分析。透過分析模型與多評準決策分析法,篩選與評估不同地區與空間適合發展銀髮福利設施配置,藉此研擬相關活化策略。 實證結果顯示臺北市市中心位置對於銀髮福利設施之需求為高,相對其缺乏資源,以萬華區、文山區、松山區為嚴重。各公有閒置設施受到內在外在條件之影響,各閒置設施發展強度不同,結果顯示鄰里型服務範圍較適合發展安養護機構、社區型服務範圍較適合發展日間照顧中心、地區型服務範圍較適合發展安養護與日間照顧混合型設施。最後依據各別公有閒置設施之配置結果,建議未來公有閒置設施活化為銀髮福利設施之策略,配合設施內在外在條件,如人口、政策、文化、區位等等,使閒置設施達到最大活化效益。 / In Taipei City, there are government owned urban facilities and buildings which become idle facilities and with low utilization due to the lack of proper evaluation of supply and demand. It causes uneven distribution of resources to environment. Meanwhile, Taipei city faces the issue of aging society. The Government has to develop pension facilities for future planning. There are few existing studies discussed about the configuration standard of pension facilities. Therefore, this study explores the planning principles of pension facilities included safety, scale of facilities, participation, and the activating operations of public idle spaces by using the social-economic and idle spaces data of the Government. Also, this study simulates supply and demand data with GIS system. We analyze and evaluate the allocations which suitable for developing pension facilities in different regions and spatial conditions through Allocation Simulation, multiple criteria decision. Thus, it can be a reference for activating idle spaces for Taipei city. The results of supply and demand simulation show that the demand for pension facilities is higher in the center of Taipei City that lack of resources, including Wanhua District, Wenshan District and Songshan District. Each government owned urban facilities may be affected by outer and inner conditions which cause different development intensity. The results show that neighbor-type facilities are suitable for developing retirement centers, community-type facilities are suitable for developing day care centers, region-type facilities are suitable for developing mix-used centers. Finally, according to all allocation results, it is recommended strategies should be added with outer and inner conditions which including population, policy, culture, location and allocation, in order to maximize the usage efficiency of idle facilities.

路途上:《兩個閒散徒弟的懶惰旅遊》中的空間實踐 / On the Road: Spatial Practices in The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices

杜古筠, Tu, Ku Yun Unknown Date (has links)
《兩個閒蕩徒弟的懶惰旅行》(The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, 1857) 是一本由查理‧狄更斯(Charles Dickens)與威爾基‧柯林斯(Wilkie Collins)根據他們的旅途見聞再加上各自創作的兩篇短篇故事所集結而成的小說。在過去,許多批評家只單論文本中的兩篇短篇故事,而忽略鑲嵌短篇故事的主架構,把文本切割至互不相連的碎片。本論文主要採取昂希‧列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)對於空間三面向的理論概念來剖析《兩個閒蕩徒弟的懶惰旅行》在文本中反覆出現,並且被不同主體所論述的閒蕩(idleness)一詞,試圖藉由呈現閒蕩的多重意義而把《兩個閒蕩徒弟的懶惰旅行》視為一有機的整體。論文第二章借助空間的再現(representation of space)概念論述看似懶散、不事生產的地景是如何被規劃,最終喪失其神性(deity)。論文的第三章則檢視空間使用者與空間的互動。本章從空間實踐(spatial practice)的角度切入,試圖證明文本中的精神病院(lunatic asylum)、火車站(railway station)與賽馬週(race-week)的空間規劃異化(alienate)了生活在其中的空間居民,而居民無所事事的遊蕩正是此異化的展現。第四章援引再現的空間(space of representation)之概念,試圖證明閒蕩也有其積極面向。藉由檢視故事主人翁法蘭西‧古柴爾德(Francis Goodchild)與湯瑪士‧艾朵(Thomas Idle)既合作又競爭的夥伴關係,閒蕩對於湯瑪士‧艾朵而言,是一種在文本中爭取發言權的手段。至於對缺乏官方實證的怪談野史而言,閒蕩也是一種抵抗大論述收編、並且同時揭露資本主義中金錢對於人性腐蝕的路徑。 / The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices is a travelogue worked in collaboration between Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Besides noting down what they observe and encounter during the trip, Dickens and Collins also enclose two gothic tales which is written respectively by them. Nevertheless, when most critics mention The Lazy Tour, they limit their concerns to simply the two interpolated tales, which violates the integrity of The Lazy Tour by dissecting it into disconnected pieces. This thesis proposes to apply Henri Lefebvre’s conceptual triad to analyze the recurring theme, idleness, which is interpreted by different subjects. By presenting the variations of the concept of idleness, this thesis attempts to see The Lazy Tour as an organic whole. Applying the idea of representation of space, Chapter Two explains how the seemingly inoperative landscapes are programmed and designed, which results in the demise of the deity of Nature. With the support of the concept of spatial practice, Chapter Three proposes to demonstrate how the spatial designs of the lunatic asylum, railway station, and the festive occasion, the race-week, respectively alienate the spatial inhabitants. The idleness manifested by these spatial inhabitants is the syndrome of their alienation. Chapter Four analyzes the constructive aspect of the idleness with the assistance of Lefebvre’s idea of space of representation. In terms of Thomas Idle, one of the protagonists, idleness serves as a resistant measure to develop his own narrative. As far as the two interpolated tales are concerned, idleness can be compared to a way to resist the incorporation of the narrative framework of The Lazy Tour, and in the meanwhile discloses the moral corruption brought by Capitalism.

Synthèse de contrôleurs avancés pour les systèmes quasi-LPV appliqués au contrôle de moteurs automobiles / Advanced controller design for quasi-LPV systems applied to automotive engine control

Laurain, Thomas 04 December 2017 (has links)
Ma thèse en automatique s’inscrit dans la thématique de recherche «Transport» du LAMIH. L’objectif est d’améliorer le fonctionnement des moteurs thermiques (essence), notamment en réduisant la consommation et la pollution. Face à cet enjeu écologique et économique, et compte tenu des nouvelles normes et des stratégies court-termistes de l’industrie (scandale Volkswagen...), de nouveaux contrôleurs doivent être conçus pour piloter l’arrivée d’air et d’essence au sein du moteur. En considérant l’aspect hautement non-linéaire du système, la représentation Takagi-Sugeno et le background théorique du LAMIH sont utilisés. Un premier contrôleur est synthétisé pour régler le problème de la vitesse de ralenti du moteur. Cependant, la complexité du système impose l’utilisation d’un contrôleur très coûteux d’un point de vue computationnel. Un contrôleur alternatif est donc synthétisé afin d’être implémenté dans l’ordinateur embarqué du moteur. Un second contrôleur est obtenu pour maintenir la richesse en proportions stoechiométriques afin de réduire la pollution. Ce système étant sujet à un retard de transport variable, un changement de domaine est réalisé afin de rendre ce retard constant, et de concevoir un contrôleur simple et efficace. Des essais réels sur le banc d’essai moteur du LAMIH sont réalisés afin de valider la méthodologie présentée. / My PhD in Automatic Control is part of the research theme “Transport” of the LAMIH. The objective is to improve the functioning of the gasoline engines, mainly by reducing the fuel consumption and the pollution. With this ecologic and economic challenge, and taking into account the new norms and the short-term strategies of the industry (scandal of Volkswagen...), new controllers have to be designed to control the air valve and the fuel injection inside the engine. Considering the highly nonlinear aspect of the system, the Takagi-Sugeno representation and the theoretical background of the LAMIH have been used. A first controller is designed to solve the problem of idle engine speed. However, the complexity of the system forces the use of a controller that is very costly from a computational point of view. An alternative controller is then designed in order to be implemented inside the embedded computer of the engine. A second controller is obtained to maintain the air-fuel ratio in stoichiometric proportions in order to reduce the pollution. This system being subject to a variable transport delay, a change of domain is realized to make this delay constant, and to design a simple and efficient controller. Real-time experiments have been realized on the engine test bench of the LAMIH in order to validate the presented methodology.

Minimizing Transformer No-Load Losses at Hydropower Plants : A Study of Effects from Transformer Switch-Off During Stand-by Operation

Luedtke, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Hydropower is the most important power balancing resource in the Swedish electrical power system, regulating the power supply to match the load. Consequently, several hydropower plants have periods of stand-by operation where the power production is absent but where several devices within a plant are still active. Such a device is the step-up power transformer, which during stand-by operation still generates no-load energy losses. These losses can accumulate to a considerable amount of energy and costs during the long technical lifetime of the apparatus. One option to minimize these no-load energy losses is by turning the transformer off when its generating unit is in stand-by operation. However, when this transformer operational change has been explained to experts in the field, the most common response has been that a more frequent reenergizing of a transformer leads to higher risks for errors or transformer breakdowns. This study aimed to analytically investigate three effects from this operational change. First, the potential of fatigue failure for the windings due to the increased sequences of inrush current. Secondly, the thermal cycling as a consequence of change in present losses. Lastly, the energy and economic saving potentials for hydropower plants where this operational adjustment is applied. The study used both established as well as analytical tools explicitly created for this study. These were then applied on currently active transformers in different plant categories in Fortum’s hydropower fleet. The study primarily showed three things. Firstly, risk of fatigue failure due to the increased presence of inrush currents did not affect the transformer’s technical lifetime. Secondly, the thermal cycling changes were slightly larger with absent no-load losses during stand-by operation. The average temperature for the transformer decreased, which in general is seen as a positive indicator for a longer insulation lifetime and thus the transformer’s technical lifetime. Finally, the created frameworks showed the potential of saving energy and money for all plant categories, where the potential grew with the installed production capacity and the stand-by operation timeshare. Despite the simplifications made to describe the complex reality of a transformer operating in a hydropower plant, this thesis contributes to lay a foundation for future investigation of an easy adjustment to avoid unnecessary energy losses and costs for transformers in hydropower plants

An Analysis on Vehicular Exhaust Emissions from Transit Buses Running on Biodiesel Blends

Vinay Kumar, Nerella V. 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Caledon Township: A Geographical Appreication

Davies, Leonard Llewellyn 02 1900 (has links)
No abstract provided / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

“Accumulation by Dispossession” by the Global Extractive Industry: The Case of Canada

Kinuthia, Wanyee 13 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis draws on David Harvey’s concept of “accumulation by dispossession” and an international political economy (IPE) approach centred on the institutional arrangements and power structures that privilege certain actors and values, in order to critique current capitalist practices of primitive accumulation by the global corporate extractive industry. The thesis examines how accumulation by dispossession by the global extractive industry is facilitated by the “free entry” or “free mining” principle. It does so by focusing on Canada as a leader in the global extractive industry and the spread of this country’s mining laws to other countries – in other words, the transnationalisation of norms in the global extractive industry – so as to maintain a consistent and familiar operating environment for Canadian extractive companies. The transnationalisation of norms is further promoted by key international institutions such as the World Bank, which is also the world’s largest development lender and also plays a key role in shaping the regulations that govern natural resource extraction. The thesis briefly investigates some Canadian examples of resource extraction projects, in order to demonstrate the weaknesses of Canadian mining laws, particularly the lack of protection of landowners’ rights under the free entry system and the subsequent need for “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC). The thesis also considers some of the challenges to the adoption and implementation of the right to FPIC. These challenges include embedded institutional structures like the free entry mining system, international political economy (IPE) as shaped by international institutions and powerful corporations, as well as concerns regarding ‘local’ power structures or the legitimacy of representatives of communities affected by extractive projects. The thesis concludes that in order for Canada to be truly recognized as a leader in the global extractive industry, it must establish legal norms domestically to ensure that Canadian mining companies and residents can be held accountable when there is evidence of environmental and/or human rights violations associated with the activities of Canadian mining companies abroad. The thesis also concludes that Canada needs to address underlying structural issues such as the free entry mining system and implement FPIC, in order to curb “accumulation by dispossession” by the extractive industry, both domestically and abroad.

“Accumulation by Dispossession” by the Global Extractive Industry: The Case of Canada

Kinuthia, Wanyee January 2013 (has links)
This thesis draws on David Harvey’s concept of “accumulation by dispossession” and an international political economy (IPE) approach centred on the institutional arrangements and power structures that privilege certain actors and values, in order to critique current capitalist practices of primitive accumulation by the global corporate extractive industry. The thesis examines how accumulation by dispossession by the global extractive industry is facilitated by the “free entry” or “free mining” principle. It does so by focusing on Canada as a leader in the global extractive industry and the spread of this country’s mining laws to other countries – in other words, the transnationalisation of norms in the global extractive industry – so as to maintain a consistent and familiar operating environment for Canadian extractive companies. The transnationalisation of norms is further promoted by key international institutions such as the World Bank, which is also the world’s largest development lender and also plays a key role in shaping the regulations that govern natural resource extraction. The thesis briefly investigates some Canadian examples of resource extraction projects, in order to demonstrate the weaknesses of Canadian mining laws, particularly the lack of protection of landowners’ rights under the free entry system and the subsequent need for “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC). The thesis also considers some of the challenges to the adoption and implementation of the right to FPIC. These challenges include embedded institutional structures like the free entry mining system, international political economy (IPE) as shaped by international institutions and powerful corporations, as well as concerns regarding ‘local’ power structures or the legitimacy of representatives of communities affected by extractive projects. The thesis concludes that in order for Canada to be truly recognized as a leader in the global extractive industry, it must establish legal norms domestically to ensure that Canadian mining companies and residents can be held accountable when there is evidence of environmental and/or human rights violations associated with the activities of Canadian mining companies abroad. The thesis also concludes that Canada needs to address underlying structural issues such as the free entry mining system and implement FPIC, in order to curb “accumulation by dispossession” by the extractive industry, both domestically and abroad.

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