Spelling suggestions: "subject:"imfundo"" "subject:"emfundo""
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Exploring challenges of everyday English language words in learning physical sciences in Gauteng-East townships secondary schoolsSithole, Zamani Lawrance 02 1900 (has links)
This study, which explores the challenges of everyday English language words in learning physical sciences in Gauteng-East townships secondary schools highlights the difficulties that learners encounter in learning and developing scientific concepts and vocabulary. The study was conducted in four township secondary schools. A questionnaire consisting of 25 multiple choice items, as well as a semi-structured interview were used to collect data for this study. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data while qualitative protocol was used to analyse qualitative data. The overall percentage mean scores of correct responses in the questionnaire for schools W, X, Y and Z were 47.2%, 56.9%, 55.2% and 57.2% respectively, which indicated that participants in the study have limited knowledge of everyday English words, when used in a science context. There was no significant gender discrepancy in terms of performance. In-depth analysis of the results revealed that the underlying difficulties were as a result of participants’ relative levels of proficiency in the English language, lack of precision in the use of this language, misreading, and confusion in terms of the use of words. Furthermore, the results were consistent with earlier findings from other countries as reported by various authors. The findings will contribute to knowledge about effective classroom instruction and teacher education from the perspective of language in science. / Kulolu cwaningo, kuhlolwa izinselelo zokusebenzisa amagama asetshenziswa nsuku zonke welimi lwesiNgisi ekufundeni iSayensi ezikoleni zezinga lesibili, emalokishini wabantu abaNsundu empumalanga neGauteng. Kuvezwa ubunzima obuhlangabezana nezingane zesikole ekufundeni nokuthuthukisa umqondo weSayensi nesilulumagama. Uphenyo lwenziwe ezikoleni ezine zasemalokishini. Imibuzo yayiquketwe izinhla ezingamashumi amabili nanhlanu lapho obuzwayo ezikhethela impendulo ekuyiyo, kanye nesinga nhlolokhono yasetshenziwa ukuthola ulwazi oluningi mayelana nalolu phenyo. Izibalo ezichazayo zisetshenziswe ukuhlola ubuningi, kanye nobuqotho kulandelwa umgudu wocwaningo wolwazi olutholakele. Kuvelile emva kophenyo ukuthi izimpendulo ezishaye emhlolweni ngokwamaphesenti kuzikole W,X.Y kanye no Z ngu 47%, 56,9%, 55.2%, kanye 57.2% ngokulandelana kwazo. Lokhu kubonisa ukuthi, abantwana banolwazi oluncane kakhulu ekusebenziseni amagama wesiNgisi asentsheziswa nsukuzonke ukufunda iSayensi. Kubuye kwatholakala futhi nokuthi awukho umehluko ohlukanisa ngobulili babafundi ophawulekayo ngokusebenza kwamagama esiNgisi. Kuphinde kuvele futhi ngokuhlaziya okunzulu, ukuthi kukhona ukwentuleka kwekhono elimini lesiNgisi, nokuthi abafundi abakwazi ukusebenzisa amagama ngendlela eqondile, babuye bafunde ekungeyikho, kanye nokudideka uma besebenzisa amagama. Okunye futhi okuvelayo, yikuthi lemiphumela ihambisana ncamashi neminye imiphumela evela kwamanye amazwe njengoba kubikwe abalobi abahlukene. Lokhu okuvelayo kuzosiza ukulungisa ukufunda kanye nokuqeqesha othisha, mayelana nukufundisa iSayensi ngolwimi lwesiNgisi. / Hierdie studie, wat die uitdagings van alledaagse Engelstalige woorde in die leer van Fisiese Wetenskappe in sekondêre skole in informele woonbuurte in Gauteng-Oos verken, beklemtoon die uitdagings wat leerders teëkom in die leer en ontwikkeling van wetenskaplike begrippe en taalgebruik. Die studie is uitgevoer in vier sekondêre skole in informele woonbuurte. ‘n Vraelys bestaande uit 25 veelvuldige-keuse items, tesame met ‘n gedeeltelike-gestruktueerde onderhoudskedule, is gebruik om data in te versamel vir hierdie studie. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om kwantitatiewe data te ontleed, terwyl kwalitatiewe protokol aangewend is om kwalitatiewe data te ontleed. Die algehele persentasie gemiddeldes van korrekte response op die vraelys vir skole W, X, Y en Z was 47.2%, 56.9%, 55.2% en 57.2% onderskeidelik, wat aangedui het dat die deelnemers aan die studie beperkte kennis gehad het van alledaagse Engelstalige woorde om in ‘n wetenskaplike konteks te gebruik. Geen noemenswaardige geslagsongelykheid in terme van prestasie is bevind nie. Indiepte ontleding van die bevindinge toon dat die onderliggende uitdagings die resultaat van deelnemers se relatiewe vlakke van taalvaardigheid in Engels, ‘n gebrek aan presiesie in die gebruik van die taal, gebrekkige leesvaardigheid en verwarring rondom die gebruik van woorde weerspiëel. Die resultate was verder in lyn met vroeëre bevindinge van ander lande, soos deur verskeie outeurs gerapporteer. Die bevindinge sal bydra tot kennis rondom effektiewe klasonderrig en onderwysersopleiding uit die oogpunt van wetenskaplike taalgebruik. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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Perceptions of teachers and learners towards the integration of environmental education in the classroomShabalala, Nonkanyiso Pamella 12 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / Environmental Education (EE) has been integrated into the school curriculum for many years. According to this study, integration has to be followed by implementation, therefore the process of implementation is successful when integration has been successfully carried out. This study aimed to understand how teachers meet the curriculum needs of learners in order to implement effective teaching and learning of EE and for learners to gain adequate knowledge of EE. The methodology employed by this study was a qualitative research method and a multiple case study design. The theories employed to guide this study were social learning theory and social constructivism theory. This study employed a purposive sampling technique and three secondary schools were sampled for observations, three Natural Science (NS) teachers in grade 8 classes were sampled for interviews and 24 learners were sampled for focus groups in grade 8 NS classes. The findings of this study reveal that there is a lack of knowledge regarding caring for the environment, of which there is a contradiction between EE guidelines and policies provided by the Department of Education (DoE) and the teaching practices of teachers. Although education is perceived to be an essential tool in the conservation of nature through the development of information, aptitudes, qualities and critical thinking by the general population, it does not seem to have a large impact. In this study the aim was to understand how learners and teachers perceive the environment. This study implicates that there is an important role for other stakeholder’s involvement. Thus far, it was recommended by this study for EE curriculum to be revisited and emphasises the importance of thorough teacher training in regards to the integration. The purpose of this study was to explore how teachers and learners in three selected secondary schools in the UGU education district perceive the integration of EE in classrooms. / I- Environmental Education (EE) ihlanganiswe nekharikhulamu yesikole eminyakeni edlule. Ngokwalolu cwaningo, ukuhlanganiswa kumele kulandelwe ngokusetshenziswa, ngakho- ke, inqubo yokusebenzisa iyaphumelela lapho kuhlanganiswa kwenziwa ngempumelelo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuqonda ukuthi othisha bahlangabezana kanjani nezidingo zekharikhulamu zabafundi ukuze babe nokufundisa nokufunda okusebenzayo kwe-EE nokuthi umfundi athole ulwazi olwanele lwe-EE. Indlela esetshenziswe yilolu cwaningo yayiyindlela yokucwaninga eyejwayelekile, ukwakhiwa kwamacala amaningi okufundwa Kanye nemibono esetshenziselwe ukuqondisa lolu cwaningo kwakuyithiyori yokufunda ukuqondisa lolu cwaningo kwakuyithiyori yokufunda ngokuhlalisana komqondo kanye nomqondo wokuqina kwezenhlalo. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise inqubo yokuhlampula enenhloso kwathi izikole ezintathu zenziwa amasampula ukuze kubhekwe zona, othisha abathathu be- Natural Science (NS) emabangeni e- 8 bavunyelwa ukuxoxisana nomcwaningi kwathi abafundi abangama- 24 batholakaliselwa ukugxila emakilasini e-NS ebangeni le- 8. Ukutholwa kwalolu cwaningo kuveze ukuthi kunokuntuleka kolwazi mayelana nokunakekela imvelo okukhona kuyo ukungqubuzana phakathi kwemihlahlandlela ye-EE nezinqubomgomo ezinikezwe nguMnyango Wezemfundo (DoE) nemikhuba yokufundisa yabothisha. Yize imfundo ibonwa njengethuluzi elibalulekile kulondolozo lwendalo ngokuthuthukiswa kolwazi, amandla, izimfanelo nokucabanga okubucayi kweningi labantu kodwa akubonakali kunje, ngale ndlela sakwazi ukuqonda ukuthi abafundi nothisha bayayibona imvelo. Lolu cwaningo lugcizelela ukuthi kunendima ebalulekile yokuzibandakanya kwabanye ababambiqhaza. Kuze kube manje, kuyahlongozwa yilolu cwaningo ukuthi ikharikhulamu ye-EE iphinde iphindwe futhi ukugcizelela ukubaluleka kokuqeqeshwa okuphelele kothisha madondana nokuhlanganiswa. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekukuthola ukuthi othisha kanye nabafundi ezikoleni ezintathu ezikhethiwe esikhungweni sezemfundo sase Ugu babona kanjani ukuhlanganiswa kwe-EE emakilasini. / Omgewingsopvoeding (EE) is jare gelede by die skoolkurrikulum geintergeer. Volgens hierdie studie moet integrasie gevolg word deur implementering, daarom is de implementeringsproses suksesvol wanneer intagrasie suksesvol uitgevoer is. Hierdie studie het ten doel om te verstaan hoe onderwysers voldoen aan die kurrikulumbehoeftes van leeders voldoen om effektiewe onderrig en leer van EE te implementeer en om leeder voldoende kennis van EE te verwerf. Die metodologie wat by hierdie studie gebruik is, was ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode, meervoudige gevallestudie- ontwerp en die teoriee wat gebruik is om hierdie studie te lei, was sosiale leerteorie en sosiale konstruktivisme teorie. Hierdie studie het ‘n doelgerigte steekproefnemingstegniek gebruik en drie sekondere skole is gemonster vir waarnemings, drie onderwysers in Natural Science (NS) in grad 8-klasse is geneem vir onderhoude en 24 leerders is gemonster vir fokusgroepe in grad 8-klasse. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het aan die lig gebring dat daar ‘n gebrek aan kennis is met betrekking tot die versoging van die omgewing, en daar is ‘n teenstrydigheid tussen die EE- riglyne en –beleide wat deur die Departement van Onderwys (DvO) en die onderwyspraktyke van onderwysers aangebeid word. Alhoewel onderwys beskou word as ‘n noodsaaklike instrument in die bewaring van die natuur deur die ontwikkeling van inligting, aanleg, kwaliteite en kritiese denke deur die algemene bevolking, maar dit lyk nie meer so nie, kon ons op hierdie manier vestaan hoe leerders en onderwysers sien die omgewing waar. Hierdie studie impliseer dat die betrokeenheid van ander belanghebbendes ‘n belangrike rol speel. Tot dusver is deur hierdie studie aanbeveel dat die EE-kurrikulum herbesoek moet word en dit beklemtoon die belangrikheid van deeglike onderwyseropleiding met betrekking tot die integrasie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe onderwysers en leerders in drie geselekteerde hoerskole in the UGU-onderwysdrik die integrasie van EE in die klaskamers waarneem. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)
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A leadership capability model for the South African higher education environment / ‘n Leierskapbekwaamheidmodel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys omgewing / Uhlaka lokwazi ubuholi iwe imvelo yemfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu AfrikaCloete, Michael Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English with keywords and abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Over the past few years, the world in general has been influenced by several rapid changes and disruptions including climate change, globalisation, economic developments, the fourth industrial revolution, technological advancements, social changes, political changes and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic.
The above changes have also influenced South Africa Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in South Africa. In particular, over the past two to three years, South African HEIs have been increasingly faced with the drive for transformation in higher education (including the decolonisation of the curriculum), reduced government subsidies,
increased competition, rising costs, increased enrolments, declining resources the announcement of free higher education, increased politicisation of higher education and the increased need to use information technology in teaching and research. As a result, the aforementioned rapid changes and disruption require that leaders in South African HEIs possess the capabilities that will enable them to successfully lead their organisations during such times.
While leadership has been researched within South African HEIs none was found that focussed on identifying and describing the capabilities needed to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption. The aim of this research was to determine a leadership capabilities model required to lead successfully during rapid
change and disruption within South African HEIs. This research successfully identified and described the capabilities and competencies needed to lead South African HEIs successfully during rapid change and disruption in general as well as for each leadership level.
Finally, this research formulated a theory and model that explains the relationship between rapid change and disruption, the possession and application of the capabilities required to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption and actually dealing successfully with the rapid change and disruption. / Oor die afgelope paar jare was die wêreld deur verskillende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings beïnvloed insluitended limaatverandering, globaliseering, ekonomiese ontwikkelinge asook die vierde industriële rewolusie, tegnolosiese vooruitgange, sosiale veranderinge, politiese veranderinge, en mees onlangs, die Covid-19 pandemie.
Die bogenoemde veranderinge het ook die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys beïnvloed.
In die besonder, oor die afgelope twee tot drie jaar, is Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies toenemend gekonfronteer deur ‘n strewe na transformasie (insluitended dekolonisering van die kirrikulum), vermindende staatsubsidies, toenemende kompetisie, toenemende kostes, toenemende inskrywings, vermindende hulpbronne,
die aankondiging van gratis hoër onderwys, toenemende politisering van hoër
onderwys en die toenemende behoefte om inligtingstegnologie te gebruik in onderwys en navorsing. As ‘n gevolg van bogenoemde vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, word dit van leiers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys vereis om vermöens te besit wat hulle in staat stel om hulle organisasies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende sulke tye.
Alhoewel navorsing oor leierskap binne Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies voorheen gedoen is, kon geen navorsing gevind word wat alleenlik fokus op die identifisering en beskrywing van die eienskappe wat nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigting.
Die mikpunt van hierdie navorsing was om vas te stel watter leierskap eienskappe nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei, gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings. Hierdie navorsing het daarin geslaag om die eienskappe en vaardighede wat leiers benodig om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge
en ontwrigtings te bepaal, asook wat vir elke leierskapvlak benodig word. Hierdie navorsing het ook ‘n teorie en model geformuleer wat die verhouding tussen vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, die besit en toepassing van die eienskappe om Suid Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige
veranderinge en ontwrigtings en uiteindelik suksevolle leierskap gedurende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, te beskryf. / Eminyakeni embalwa edlule umhlaba jikelele ubhekane nezinguquko
nokuphazamiseka okuningi okuhlanganisa ukuquka kwesimo sezulu, ukuxhumana kwamazwe omhlaba, ukuthuthuka kwezomnotho, uguquko kwezezimboni kwesine (fourth industrial revolution), ukuthuthuka kwezobuchwepheshe, izinguquko kwezenhlalo, izinguquko kwezombusazwe nokwakamuva nje, ubhubhane i-Covid-19.
Lezi zinguquko ezingenhla zibe nomthelela naseziKhungweni zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika (HEIs). Ikakhulukazi, eminyakeni emibili kuya kwemithathu edlule, iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika zibhekana ngokwengezekile nomkhankaso wezoguquko kwezemfundo ephakeme
(okuhlanganisa nokuhlelwa kabusha kwezinhlelozifundo), ukuncipha
kwemalisibonelelo kahulumeni, ukukhula kokuqhudelana, ukukhula kwezindleko, ukukhula kwesibalo sababhalisile, ukuncipha kwezinsiza, ukumenyezelwa kwemfundo ephakeme yamahhala, ukudlondlobala kwezombusazwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme nokukhula kokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe kwezokufundisa
nocwaningo. Okungumphumela walokhu, ukudingeka kwabaholi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika abanamakhono azobalekelela ekuholeni ngempumelelo izinhlangano zabo kulezi zikhathi.
Yize noma ubuholi bucwaningiwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika akukho okutholakele obekugxile ekuhlonzeni nasekuchazeni ngokuyizidingo zokuhola ngempumelelo lezi zikhungo ngalesi sikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini. Lolu cwaningo luhlonze futhi lwachaza ngamakhono namava
adingekayo ukuze kuholwe ngempumelelo iziKhungo ZeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini kanye nokuyizidingo zezinga ngalinye lobuholi.
Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo lwakhe injulalwazi nohlaka oluchaza ngobudlelwano phakathi kwezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini, ukuba namava adingekayo nokuwasebenzisa ngempumelelo ekuholeni iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi salezi zinguquko nokuphazamiseka
kanye nokubhekana nakho ngempumelelo. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)
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The influence of Jasa's mini enterprise programme on learners entrepreneurial intentionsMakoka, Juliet Oageng 10 1900 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for economic growth and development; thus, the South African government continues to invest in programmes aimed at enhancing youth entrepreneurship development. However, South Africa is still characterised by low levels of total entrepreneurship activity. To stimulate entrepreneurial activity, scholars, policy makers and government have all identified entrepreneurship education as a critical component. Education equips potential and existing entrepreneurs with knowledge, skills, confidence, creativity and innovative capabilities needed to excel in entrepreneurship. One such entrepreneurship programme aimed at creating and enhancing entrepreneurship intentions among high school learners is the one offered by Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). However, the effectiveness of the JASA entrepreneurship education programmes remains largely unknown.
Enterprise Programme creates and enhances learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. Consequently, how learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, perceived entrepreneurial abilities, subjective norms and entrepreneurship intentions were affected after participating in the Mini Enterprise Programme. The study employed a quantitative method and used an entrepreneurial intentions questionnaire to answer the research question. Data was collected from 151 learners who participated in the 2018 Mini Enterprise programme by means of self-completion questionnaires. SPSS was used to analyse the date through descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. The major finding of the study is that JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme does indeed create and enhance learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. It was also observed that the programme positively influences learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship and instilled a sense of confidence in their entrepreneurial abilities. The study concludes by providing some recommendations for entrepreneurship education. / Bogwebi ke sethankgolodi sa kgolo le tlhabololo ya ikonomi, mme ke ka moo puso ya Aforikaborwa e tswelelang go beeletsa mo mananeong a a ikaeletseng go tokafatsa tlhabololo ya bogwebi mo bašweng. Le gale, Aforikaborwa e sa ntse e na le seelo se se kwa tlase sa ditiragatso tsa bogwebi ka botlalo. Go susumetsa tiragatso ya bogwebi, barutegi, badiradipholisi le puso ba supile thuto ya kgwebo jaaka karolo ya botlhokwa. Thuto e tlamela ba e ka nnang bagwebi le bagwebi ba ba setseng ba le gona ka kitso, bokgoni, go itshepa, boitlhamedi le boitshimololedi jo bo tlhokegang go dira sentle mo bogwebing. Lenaneo lengwe la bogwebi le le ikaeletseng go tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a kgwebo mo barutwaneng ba dikolo tse dikgolwane le tlamelwa ke Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Le gale, nonofo ya lenaneo la thuto ya kgwebo la JASA e sa ntse e sa itsewe.
Lenaneo la Kgwebo le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a morutwana a bogwebi. Thutopatlisiso e ne e lebeletse ka moo molebo wa sebele wa barutwana malebana le bogwebi, bokgoni jo go tsewang bo le gona jwa kgwebo, ditumelo tse di gona le maikemisetso a bogwebi di amiwang ka gona ke Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye (Mini Enterprise Programme). Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse mokgwa o o lebelelang dipalopalo mme ya dirisa lenaanepotsolotso la maikemisetso a bogwebi go araba potso ya patlisiso. Go kokoantswe data go tswa mo barutwaneng ba le 151 ba ba nnileng le seabe mo Lenaneong la Kgwebonnye ka manaanepotsolotso a a itlalediwang. Go dirisitswe SPSS go lokolola data ka dithekeniki tsa tokololo tse di tlhalosang le tse di lebang bokao. Phitlhelelo e kgolo ya thutopatlisiso ke gore Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye la JASA tota le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a bogwebi a barutwana. Go lemogilwe gape gore lenaneo le tlhotlheletsa megopolo ya sebele ya barutwana malebana le bogwebi mme le tsenya go itshepa mo bokgoning jwa bona jwa kgwebo. Thutopatlisiso e konosetsa ka go tlamela ka dikatlenegiso dingwe malebana le thuto ya bogwebi. / Ikhono lobubhizinisi luyimvubelo yokuhlumisa kanye nokuthuthukisa umnotho, yingakho iNingizimu Afrika iqhubeka nokutshala izimali kwizinhlelo ezihlose ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuthuthukisa osomabhizinisi abasafufusayo. Ngakho-ke, iNingizimu Afrika isabonakala njengezwe elinezinga eliphansi kakhulu kwezezinhleli zokwenza ibhizinisi. Ukukhwezela izinga lokwezeka kwebhizinisi, osolwazi, abakhi bemigomo kanye nohulumeni bonke sebebone ukubaluleka kwemfundo njengesigaba esisemqoka. Imfundo ihlomisa ngamathuba kanye nosomabhizinisi abakhona ngolwazi, ngamakhono, ngethemba, ngobuciko bengqondo kanye nekhono lamaqhinga amasha adingeka ukuthi ukwazi ukuphumelela kwezibhizinisi. Uhlelo olunjalo lwezebhizinisi oluhlose ukwakha nokuqinisa izinhloso zobubhizinisi hlangana nabafundi abasemabangeni aphezulu, lwethulwa yinhlangano ye-Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Yize-kunjalo, ukusebenza ngempumelelo kwezinhlelo zemfundo yobubhizinisi i-JASA kaningi kuhlala kungaziwa kahle.
Uhlelo lwebhizinisi i-Enterprise Programme lwakha futhi luqinisa izinhloso zabafundi zebhizinisi. Lolu cwaningo lugxile kwindlela imikhuba yomfundi ngamunye iba nomthelela ngayo kwezebhizinisi, kwezamakhono aziwayo ezebhizinisi, kwingqubo ethatha uhlangothi kanye nakwizinhloso zebhizinisi zithintwa wumthelela we-Mini Enterprise Programme. Ucwaningo lusebenzise indlela eyencike kumanani (quantitative method) kanti futhi luphinde lwasebenzisa umbhalo wemibuzo onezinhloso zobubhizinisi ukuphendula umbuzo wocwaningo. Idatha iqoqwe kubafundi abayi-151 ababebandakanyeka ohlelweni lwe-2018 Mini Enterprise Programme ngokusebenzisa imibhalo yemibuzo egcwaliswa yolowo mfundi ophendulayo qobo lwakhe. I-SPSS isetshenziselwe ukuhlaziya ilanga ngokusebenzisa izinhlelo zokuhlaziya i-descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. Ulwazi olunzulu olutholwe wucwaningo olwenziwe yi-JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme empeleni luye lwakha futhi lwaqinisa izinhloso zabafundi kwezebhizinisi. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi uhlelo luye lwaba nomthelela omuhle kwimikhuba yabafundi ngamunye kwikhono lobubhizinisi futhi lwatshala ummoya wokuzethemba kumakhono abo obubhizinisi. Ucwaningo luphetha ngokunikeza izincomo ezimayelana nemfundo yobubhizinisi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Case study of comptencies of technology education e-tutors in construction of design process at an open and distance e-learning institution / Case study of competencies of technology education e-tutors in construction of design process at an open and distance e-learning institutionSedio, Mpipo Zipporah 29 March 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Sesotho and Zulu / The occurrence of Open Distance and e-Learning revolutionized Higher Education Institutions for students to access instruction at anytime and anywhere. Students benefitted instruction of anytime and anywhere in one of the Technology Education courses in ODeL from the e-tutors. As a result of the support from the e-tutors, the curriculum was designed to place a strong emphasis on the design process as the core around which the teaching of the curriculum should revolve. However, it is still not clear how effective is the content knowledge which relates to the design process from the e-tutors.
In acknowledgment from such a gap, this study aimed to determine the relationship between the e-tutors’ technological, pedagogical, content knowledge of teaching design process within Technology Education specialization. In order to achieve this purpose, two theories, namely Transactional distance and Connectivism were coined together with the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to underpin the study. The philosophical worldview is pragmatism having employed mixed method. Participants in this study were 145 students who registered a year programme for two modules in the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme at a Higher Education institution were surveyed to collect the quantitative data. Data from the face-to-face semi-structured interviews were collected with five e-tutors from the research sites. Online observations data were collected from the e-tutor sites of the institution’s learning management system (LMS). The results suggest that e tutors still lack the technology knowledge in order to deliver the content aimed for the design process in an ODeL environment. Also, it was evidenced that the e-tutors have not acquired pedagogical strategies for driving the pedagogy for the design process in an ideal context of ODeL. It should also be borne in mind that findings for the content knowledge indicated that the e-tutors still lack the knowledge for exploiting content knowledge of the design process to suit an ODeL environment. These findings highlight a need for technology to support e tutors’ pedagogical strategies towards a meaningful understanding of the design process and its implications across ODeL contexts. / Ketsahalo ea Open Distance le e-Learning e ntlafalitse litsi tsa thuto e phahameng bakeng sa baithuti ho fihlella taeo nako efe kapa efe le kae kapa kae. Baithuti ba ile ba rua molemo taelong ea nako efe kapa efe le kae kapa kae ho e 'ngoe ea lithuto tsa Technology Technology ho ODeL ho tsoa ho li-tutors. Ka lebaka la ts'ehetso e tsoang ho li-tutors, kharikhulamo e ne e etselitsoe ho hatisa ka matla ts'ebetso ea moralo e le khubu eo thuto ea kharikhulamo e lokelang ho potoloha ho eona. Leha ho le joalo, ha ho sa hlaka hore na tsebo ea litaba e sebetsa hantle hakae e amanang le tšebetso ea moralo ho tsoa ho li-tutors.
Ho ananela lekhalo le joalo, phuputso ena e ne e ikemiselitse ho tseba kamano lipakeng tsa theknoloji ea "e-tutors", thuto ea thuto, tsebo ea litaba ea ts'ebetso ea moralo oa ho ruta ka har'a tsebo ea thuto ea Technology. Bakeng sa ho fihlela sepheo sena, ho ile ha qaptjoa likhopolo tse peli, e leng Transactional distance le Connectivism hammoho le sebopeho sa Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) ho tšehetsa thuto. Pono ea lefatše ea filosofi ke pragmatism e sebelisang mokhoa o tsoakaneng. Barupeluoa thutong ena e ne e le baithuti ba 145 ba ngolisitseng lenaneo la selemo bakeng sa li-module tse peli lenaneong la Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) setsing sa Thuto e Phahameng ba ile ba hlahlojoa ho bokella lintlha tse ngata. Lintlha tse tsoang lipuisanong tsa sebopeho sa sefahleho li ile tsa bokelloa le barupeli ba bahlano ba tsoang libakeng tsa lipatlisiso. Lintlha tsa tlhaiso-leseling ka inthanete li ile tsa bokelloa ho tsoa litsing tsa e-tutor tsa sistimi ea taolo ea ho ithuta ea setheo (LMS). Liphetho li fana ka maikutlo a hore barupeli ba ntse ba haelloa ke tsebo ea mahlale a morao-rao molemong oa ho fana ka litaba tse reretsoeng ts'ebetso ea boqapi tikolohong ea ODeL. Hape, ho ile ha pakoa hore li-e-tutors ha li e-so fumane maano a thuto ea ho khanna lithuto tsa thuto bakeng sa moetso oa moralo ka mokhoa o loketseng oa ODeL. Hape ho lokela ho hopoloa hore liphuputso tsa tsebo ea litaba li bontšitse hore li-e-tutors li ntse li haelloa ke tsebo ea ho sebelisa tsebo ea litaba tsa moralo oa moralo ho latela tikoloho ea ODeL. Liphuputso tsena li totobatsa tlhoko ea mahlale a morao-rao ho ts'ehetsa maano a thuto a barupeli ho fihlela kutloisiso e hlakileng ea ts'ebetso ea moralo le litlamorao tsa ona maemong a ODeL. / Ukutholakala kwe-Open Distance ne-e-Learning kuguqula izikhungo zemfundo ephakeme zabafundi ukuthi bathole imfundo nganoma yisiphi isikhathi noma kuphi. Abafundi bahlomule ngokufundiswa nganoma isiphi isikhathi noma kuphi kwesinye sezifundo zeTechnology Education ku-ODeL kubafundisi be-e. Njengomphumela wokwesekwa okwenziwa abafundisi be-e-tutors, ikharikhulamu yakhelwe ukugcizelela kakhulu inqubo yokwakhiwa njengongqikimba okumele kufundiswe ngayo ikharikhulamu. Kodwa-ke, akukacaci ukuthi lusebenza kangakanani ulwazi lokuqukethwe oluphathelene nenqubo yokwakha evela kubafundisi be-e.
Ngokwazisa ngaleligebe elinje, lolu cwaningo luhlose ukucacisa ubudlelwano phakathi kwezobuchwepheshe be-e-tutors, ubuchwepheshe bokufundisa, ulwazi lokuqukethwe lwenqubo yokwakhiwa kokufundisa ngaphakathi kobuchwepheshe be-Technology Education. Ukufeza le njongo, imibono emibili, okungukuthi iTransactional distance neConnectivism yahlanganiswa kanye nohlaka lweTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) ukusekela ucwaningo. Umbono wezwe wefilosofi yi-pragmatism esebenzisa indlela exubile. Ababambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo bekungabafundi abayi-145 ababhalise uhlelo lonyaka lwamamojula amabili kuhlelo lweBachelor of Education (B.Ed.) esikhungweni seMfundo ePhakeme bahlolisiswa ukuqoqa imininingwane yobungako. Imininingwane evela ezingxoxweni ezihlelekile ezenziwe ubuso nobuso zaqoqwa nama-e-tutors amahlanu avela kumasayithi ocwaningo. Idatha yokubuka eku-inthanethi yaqoqwa kusuka kumasayithi e-e-tutor ohlelo lokuphatha lokufunda (LMS). Imiphumela iphakamisa ukuthi abafundisi be-e basenalo ulwazi lobuchwepheshe ukuze bakwazi ukuletha okuqukethwe okuhloselwe inqubo yokwakhiwa endaweni ye-ODeL. Futhi, kufakazelwe ukuthi abafundisi be-e abakawatholi amasu okufundisa okushayela inqubo yokuqamba ngendlela efanelekile ye-ODeL. Kumele futhi kukhunjulwe ukuthi okutholakele kolwazi lokuqukethwe kukhombisile ukuthi ama-e-tutors asenalo ulwazi lokusebenzisa ulwazi lokuqukethwe kwenqubo yokwakhiwa ukuze ivumelane nemvelo ye-ODeL. Lokhu okutholakele kugqamisa isidingo sobuchwepheshe ukuxhasa amasu e-tutors 'pedagogical maqondana nokuqonda okunenjongo kwenqubo yokwakhiwa nemithelela yayo kuzo zonke izingqikithi ze-ODeL. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Science and Technology Education)
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Lecturers’ experiences in the implementation of the National Certificate (Vocational) Engineering curriculum in a selected Technical Vocational Education and Training collegeSibisi, Patricia Ningi 02 September 2020 (has links)
Abstract is in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / South Africa is facing a challenge regarding the shortage of South African (SA) engineers. The National Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V)) was introduced by Department of Education (DoE) in 2007 to address this challenge. However, there has been a cry and dissatisfaction from the government, industry, community and other stakeholders that NC(V) engineering curriculum is not addressing the shortage of engineers. SA has one engineer per 2 600 people compared to international norms, where one engineer serves 40 people. It has been ten years since the introduction of NC(V) curriculum, SA should not be in this state of importing engineers if the NC(V) engineering is achieving the goals of National Development Plan 2030.
Since lecturers are the implementers of the NC(V) engineering curriculum, it was necessary to investigate their experiences in search for improvement of the curriculum and to find out the challenges facing lecturers which are hindering the success of this curriculum. Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and a Head of Department (HoD) as the primary implementers of the engineering curriculum were involved in the study as participants. There were 15 participants for this study who are lecturing in one selected college but at two different campuses which is why the qualitative research approach was employed, making use of a multiple case study. They took part in semi-structured individual interviews and shared their experiences with the researcher. Their experiences revealed that lecturers are experiencing challenges with the implementation of NC(V) engineering curriculum. Their main challenge was the minimum requirement, which is a Grade 9 pass. Their concern was that no matter what they try, a learner who has not mastered Mathematics up to Grade 12 will struggle with engineering subjects. Emanating from this challenge, low attendance rate, low pass rate, low throughput rate and high drop-out rate is experienced by participants every year.
One of the aims of the Transformative Learning Theory (used as one of the theories in the theoretical framework) is to allow lecturers to identify challenges and design improvement plans on their own. This study has indicated that Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges have challenges that are hindering teaching and learning. It was evident that some lecturers believe that government officials should resolve such challenges. However, on engaging with different lecturers they realised that they have the capacity to address classroom-based challenges. If this can be the case in every college, teaching and learning will improve because that will mean lecturers are focusing on teaching and learning and taking ownership of their subjects and students. The governance challenges, such as reviewing the NC(V) curriculum yearly, provide subject specific training to upskill lecturers and implementing Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the professional development of lecturers were recommended to be addressed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). / INingizimu Afrika ibhekene nenselelo mayelana nokusweleka konjiniyela. Uhlelo lwemfundo iNational Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V)) lwethulwa wuMnyango wezeMfundo ngonyaka ka 2007 ukuze uxazulule le nkinga. Yize-kunjalo kuye kwaba khona ukungagculiseki ngasohlangothini lukahulumeni, lwezimboni, lomphakathi kanye nakwezinye izinhlaka ezidlala indima yenkinga yokuntuleka konjiniyela. INingizimu Afrika (SA) inonjiniyela oyedwa kubantu abayi 2 600 uma iqhathaniswa nezinga lomhlaba lokuthi unjiniyela oyedwa kufanele ibhekane nabantu abayi 40. Sekudlule iminyaka eyishumi selokhu kwethulwa lezi zinhlelo, ngakho-ke, iSA akufanele izithole isesimeni sokudinga onjiniyela abavela ngaphandle uma ngabe izinhlelo ezikhona ziyanceda ekufinyeleleni izimpokophelo zoHlelo lwezokuThuthukisa iZwe National Development Plan 2030.
Njengoba abafundisi bangabaqhubi bezinhlelo zobunjiniyela, phecelezi NC(V), nokho sasikhona isidingo sokuphenya lokho abahlangabezana nakho ukuze kuthuthukiswe izinhlelo futhi kuvunjululwe izinselele ezibhekene nabafundisi, okuyizinselele ezikhinyabeza impumelelo yalezi zinhlelo. Abafundisi, abafundisi abaphezulu kanye neziNhloko zoMnyango Head of Department (HoD) njengabaqhubi bokuqala bezinhlelo bebebambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo. Abadlalindima abayi 15 bebefundisa kwikholeji ekhethiwe, kodwa emagatsheni amabili ehlukene, lokho okwenza isizathu kusetshenziswe uhlelo locwaningo oluzinze kwizingxoxo, ngokusebenzisa izinhlobonhlobo zocwaningo lotho. Kwenziwe izinhlolovo ezimbaxambili zocwaningo kanti abadlalindima bavezele umcwaningi ulwazi lwabo. Baye baveza ukuthi behlangabezene nezingqinamba uma besebenzisa izinhlelo zobunjiniyela NC(V). Inselele enkulu abahlangabezene nayo kuye kwaba yisidingo sokuphumelela uGreyidi 9. Inkinga enkulu yabo ukuthi bethi bezama ngamandla kulokho abakwenzayo, umfundi owehluleke esifundweni seMethamethiki ukufikela kuGreyidi 12 uzohlangabezana nobunzima ukuze aphumelele ezifundweni zobunjiniyela. Okubhebhethekiswa yile nselele, yizinga eliphansi labafundi abahambela lesi sifundo, izinga eliphansi labafundi abaphumelelayo kanye nezinga eliphezulu labafundi abayeka ukufunda njalo nje ngonyaka.
Enye yezinhloso zethiyori yemfundo eguqulayo (used as one of the theories in the theoretical framework) ukuvumela abafundisi ukuba bakwazi ukubona izinselele futhi badizayine izinhlelo zokuzithuthukisa ngokwabo. Lolu cwaningo luye lwaveza ukuthi amakholeji. Phecelezi Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges ahlangabezene nezinselele eziphazamisa uhlelo lokufunda nokufundisa. Kuye kwacaca ukuthi abanye abafundisi babekholelwa ekutheni abasebenzi bakahulumeni kufanele baxazulule izinselele ezinjengazo lezi. Yize-kunjalo, ngemuva kokuxoxisana nabafundisi abahlukahlukene, baye bazwisisa ukuthi banamandla okuqeda izinselele ezisemagunjini okufunda. Uma ngabe lokhu kuyenzeka ngempela kuwo wonke amakholeji, ngakho-ke uhlelo lokufunda nokufundisa luzothuthuka ngoba lokho kuzochaza ukuthi abafundisi bagxile ohlelweni lokufunda nokufundisa kanti ngokunjalo baba yibo abalawula izifundo kanye nabafundi babo. Izinselele zokuphatha, ezinjengokubuyekezwa kohlelo lwemfundo, phecelezi NC(V) njalo nje ngonyaka, lunikeza ukuqeqeshwa okuthile okuthuthukisa abafundisi. Ukulandela uhlelo lwemfundo oluhlangene nomsebenzi olumayelana nokuthuthukiswa ngokomsebenzi wabafundisi kuyinto enconywe ukuba ilungiswe uMnyango weMfundo ePhakeme kanye nokuQeqeshwa (Department of Higher Education and Training). / ʼn Tekort aan ambagslui staar Suid-Afrika in die gesig. Om hierdie rede het die Departement van Onderwys in 2007 die Nasionale Sertifikaat (Beroepsgerig) (NS(B)) ingestel. Tot die ontevredenheid van die regering, die bedryf, die gemeenskap en ander belanghebbendes vul hierdie kurrikulum nie die tekort aan nie. In Suid-Afrika is daar een ambagspersoon vir elke 2 600 mense teenoor die internasionale norm van een ambagspersoon per 40 mense. Hierdie kurrikulum is meer as tien jaar gelede ingestel en SA moet tans ambagslui invoer. Die oogmerke van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan 2030 word dus nie verwesenlik nie.
Aangesien dosente die NS(B) kurrikulum vir werktuigkundiges implementeer, moes hulle belewenisse ondersoek en hulle probleme bepaal word om die kurrikulum te verbeter. Dosente, senior dosente en departementshoofde, as die implementeerders van hierdie kurrikulum, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die 15 deelnemers is verbonde aan een kollege wat twee kampusse het. Daarom is ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering gevolg en ʼn veelvuldige gevallestudie gebruik. ʼn Halfgestruktureerde onderhoud is met elke deelnemer gevoer. Uit die onderhoude blyk dat dosente moeite met die implementering van die NS(B) kurrikulum ondervind. Die grootste struikelblok is die minimumvereiste van Graad 9. Al doen hulle ook wat, ʼn leerder wat nie Graad 12-wiskunde geslaag het nie, sal tegniese vakke nie kan bemeester nie. Afgesien hiervan is die bywonings- en slaagsyfer sowel as die omset jaar na jaar laag en die uitsaksyfer hoog.
Die transformatiewe leerteorie is deel van die teoretiese raamwerk. Die oogmerk hiervan is dat dosente self probleme aantoon en met verbeteringsplanne kom. In hierdie studie is bevind dat kolleges vir tegniese beroepsgerigte onderwys en opleiding (TBOO) met probleme te kampe het wat onderrig en leer belemmer. Sommige dosente is van mening dat staatsamptenare hierdie probleme moet oplos. Ná gesprekke het talle dosente egter besef dat hulle oor die vermoë beskik om self hulle klaskamerprobleme op te los. As dit van alle kolleges waar is, sal onderrig en leer verbeter omdat dosente hulle op onderrig en leer sal toespits en vir hulle vakke en studente verantwoordelik sal wees. Vakopleiding word gegee om aan bestuursprobleme, soos die jaarlikse hersiening van die NS(B)-leerplan, die hoof te bied. Daar word aanbeveel dat die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding toesien dat werkgeïntegreerde leer deel uitmaak van dosente se professionele ontwikkeling. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Assessing the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scaleBotha, Jo-Anne 02 1900 (has links)
This research project examined the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). The study assessed the construct validity and reliability of the scale as a measure of adult learner self-directedness for diverse groups of adult learners in the South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE) context. The study also assessed whether the factorial structure of the ALSDS was equivalent for adult learners across gender, race and age groups. Furthermore, the study assessed whether the various socio-demographic groups differed significantly on the sub-scale dimensions of the ALSDS; and explored whether a range of socio-biographical factors predicted adult learner self-directedness.
This doctoral study has extended the student’s initial exploratory master’s study on the development and factorial structure of the ALSDS that involved a stratified random sample (N = 1 102) of ODeLHE adult learners. The secondary data set involved a random subsample of n = 747 of the original master’s sample data set. Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a three-factor solution for the ALSDS, with 15 items loading onto the three factors. The results provided evidence of the construct (convergent and discriminant) validity and internal consistency reliability of the three-factor ALSDS, including the construct equivalence of the scale’s factorial structure across the gender, race and age groups. Significant differences between age, race and gender groups were observed regarding the scale sub-dimensions. The study advances theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts and contributed evidence of the validity and reliability of a shortened version of the ALSDS as a useful measure of adult learner self-directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also highlighted. Practically, the study highlighted assessing adult learners’ success orientation in ODeLHE, active academic activity and strategic utilisation of resources as aspects of enhancing their self-directedness. Support practices should be considered for especially females, black Africans and younger learner cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ mark for English, gender, access to library, number of modules and who students support financially as factors influencing learners’ level of self-directedness. / Abstract/summary in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Die navorsingsprojek het die psigometriese eienskappe van die selfgerigtheidskaal vir die volwasse leerder (ALSDS) ondersoek. Die studie het die konstruk-geldigheid en -betroubaarheid van die skaal geassesseer as 'n maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders vir diverse groepe van volwasse leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse ope, afstands- en e-leer-hoëronderwyskonteks (ODeLHE). Die studie het ook geassesseer of die fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS gelykstaande was vir volwasse leerders oor geslags-, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Verder het die studie geassesseer of die verskeie sosiodemografiese groepe beduidend verskil het op die subskaal-dimensies van die ALSDS en ondersoek of 'n reeks sosiobiografiese faktore selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders voorspel het.
Hierdie doktorale studie het uitgebrei op die student se aanvanklike verkennende meesterstudie oor die ontwikkeling en fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS wat 'n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van ODeLHE-volwasse leerders behels het (N = 1 102). Die sekondêre datastel het 'n ewekansige substeekproef behels van n = 747 van die oorspronklike meestersteekproef-datastel. Verkennende strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, verkennende faktorontleding en bekragtigende faktorontleding het 'n driefaktor-oplossing vir die ALSDS onthul, met 15 items wat op die drie faktore gelaai is. Die resultate verskaf bewyse van die konstruk (konvergerende en diskriminerende) geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid en betroubaarheid van die driefaktor-ALSDS, insluitende die konstruk-ekwivalensie van die skaal se fakulteitstruktuur oor die geslags, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Beduidende verskille tussen ouderdoms-, rasse- en geslagsgroepe is waargeneem rakende die skaalsubdimensies. Die studie bevorder teorie oor selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders in
ODeLHE-kontekste en dra bewyse van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van 'n verkorte weergawe van die ALSDS as 'n nuttige maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders. Psigometriese tekortkomings wat in toekomstige navorsing hanteer kan word, is ook beklemtoon. Prakties gesproke beklemtoon die studie die assessering van volwasse leerders se sukses-oriëntering in ODeLHE, aktiewe akademiese aktiwiteit en strategiese gebruik van hulpbronne as aspekte om hul selfgerigtheid te bevorder. Ondersteuningspraktyke moet oorweeg word vir veral vroue, swart Afrikaners en jonger leerderkohorte. ODeLHE-praktyke moet ook leerders se punt vir Engels, geslag, toegang tot 'n biblioteek, aantal modules en wie studente finansieel ondersteun, oorweeg as faktore wat leerders se vlak van selfgerigtheid beïnvloed. / Le projekthi yocwaningo, ihlola ama-psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). Ucwaningo luhlola i-construct validity nokuthembeka kwe-scale njengendlela yokukala i-adult self-directedness kumaqembu ehlukene abafundi abadala kwisimo semfundo evulekile lapho abantu abafunda bekude esibizwa nge-South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlola nokuthi ngabe isimo ngamaqiniso e-ALSDS siyalingana yini kubafundi abadala kumaqembu obubili, bezinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye nabantu beminyaka ehlukene. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo, luhlola ukuthi ngabe amaqembu emikhakha ehlukene ngokwe-sociodemographic ehlukene kakhulu maqondana nama-dimention e-ALSDS acutshungulwayo ukuthi ngabe ama-range emibandela yama-sociodemographic abonelela noma aqagela inqubo ye-adult leaner self-directedness.
Lolu cwaningo lweziqu ze-doctoral study lubheke nocwaningo lokuqala lwabafundi be-masters ngentuthuko yesakhiwo se-factoral structure ye-ALSDS ebandakanye amasampuli akhethwe nje ngaphandle kokukhetha noma ukubeka imibandela ethize, okwaziwa nge-stratified random sample ye (N = 1 102) yabafundi abadala be-ODeLHE. Isethi ye-data yesekondari yona ibandakanya i-random subsample of n = 747 yesethi ye-data yabafundi bokuqala be-masters. I-Exploratory structural equation modelling, i-exploratory factor analysis kanye ne-confirmatory factor analysis eziveze izixazululo ezintathu ngama-ALSDS kuma-ayithemu angu 15 afakelwe kuma-factor amathathu. Imiphumela iveza ubufakazi be-construct (i-convergent and discriminant) validity kanye ne-internal consistency reliability yama-factor amathathu e-ALSDS abandakanya i-
construct equivalence ye-scale's factorial structure, ukunqamuleza kumaqembu ngobulili, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye neminyaka yobudala ehlukene. Umehluko osemqoka phakathi kweminyaka yobudala, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye namaqembu eminyaka ehlukene uye wabonakaka maqondana ne-scale sub-dimensions. Ucwaningo luqhubela phambili ithiyori kwizimo zabafundi zokuziqhuba ngokufunda ezibizwa i-adult learner self-directedness kwi-ODeLHE, kanti futhi ithela esivivaneni kwi-reliability ye-version efinyeziwe ye-ALSDS njengesikali esiwusizo kwi-adult learner self-directedness. Okuyizihibe nge-psychometric okufanele kubhekwane nakho ngocwaningo lwangekusasa, kuye kwavezwa kwagqanyiswa. Ngokubonakala ngendlela ebambekayo, ucwaningo lugqamise ukuhlolwa kwempumelelo yabafundi abadala kwi-ODeLHE, umsebenzi omatasatasa we-akhademiki kanye nokusetshenziswa ngendlela yamasu abambekayo kwemithombo njengengxenye yokuthuthukisa i-self-directedness. Izinkambiso zokusekela kumele zibonelelwe, ikakhulukazi kwabesimame, abamnyama bama-Afrika kanye nabafundi abasebasha. Izinkambiso ze-ODeLHE kumele zibonelele namamaki abafundi olimi lwesiNgisi (i-English), ubulili, ukufinyelela emalayibhrari, inani lama-module kanye nokuthi ngabe abafundi bondla obani ngokwezimali njengemibandela enomthelela kwinqubo yokuthi abafundi bakwazi ukuziqhubela phambili ngokwenqubo ye-self-directedness. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)
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The perception of faculty members of Namibian open distance learning institutions on the use of open educational resourcesKaripi, Edwig 24 July 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Venda / Open educational resources (OER) is a new innovation coined to bridge the educational divide by way of providing free quality learning resources. Consequently, this study explored the perception of the faculty members of the Namibian open and distance learning institutions on the use of OER as a pedagogical approach. This study was prompted by the presumption that if ODL institutions adopt open educational resources to replace costly textbooks, an increased number of the Namibian population could access education in the equitable manner. The study focused on faculty members from the three public ODL institutions in Namibia, namely, the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), University of Namibia (UNAM)-Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) and Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST)-Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL).
The following integrated theories were adopted to underpin this study: Transformative Learning Theory, Heutagogy Learning Theory, Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory, Constructivism Learning Theory, Connectivism Theory and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The theories were compared to the findings to assess their applicability.
This is a qualitative case underpinned by an interpretivist paradigm. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observations and document analysis, and analysed through the inductive approach. The results of this study showed inconsistency between the perception of the faculty members and the use of OER within the ODL institutions in Namibia. Although the faculty members displayed positive attitudes towards the use of OER, very little has been achieved in the use of OER within the institutions for the benefit of the Namibian ODL students. The study identified challenges that impede the adoption of OER at institutional level, such as lack of institutional policies, lack of awareness, technological factors, as well as management support. The study further crafted strategies to address challenges, including the OER design based on the Diffusion of Innovation Model. The study advanced recommendations for consideration by the institutions and the faculty members as well as suggestions for future research. The knowledge contribution made by this PhD is the proposed OER design for adoption by the ODL institutions to facilitate the use of OER by faculty members. / Ubuchule bokufunda ekuthiwa yiOpen Educational Resources (OER) licebo elitsha lokunikezela simahla ngemithombo yokufunda esemgangathweni, nelenzelwe ukukhawulelana nobunzima bokushiyashiyana emfundweni. Esi sifundo siphonononge indlela abacinga ngayo abahlohli bamaziko emfundo aseNamibia avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude (iiODL), ngokusetyenziswa kweOER njengendlela yokufundisa. Esi sifundo sisuswe kukucingela ukuba xa amaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude enokusebenzisa izixhobo zokufunda ezivulekileyo endaweni yokusebenzisa iincwadi ezibiza imali eninzi, linganda inani labantu abanokuxhamla imfundo ngokulinganayo. Esi sifundo sigxininise kubahlohli bamaziko amathathu kawonkewonke, angawemfundo evulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia, angala - iNamibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), iUniversity of Namibia (UNAM) - Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) kunye neNamibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) - Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL).
Kusetyenziswe ezi ngcingane zihlangeneyo zilandelayo njengezisekelo zokukhokela esi sifundo: Ingcingane Yokufunda Okuhambelana Nenguqu (Transformative Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuziqhuba Komfundi (Heutagogy Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuqiqa Neyemfundo Esekelwe Kwezentlalo (Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuzakhela Ukuqonda (Constructivism Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngoncedo Lobuchwepheshe (Connectivism Theory) kwakunye nengcingane Yokufunda Ngokunwenwa Kobuchule (Diffusion of Innovations Theory). Ezi ngcingane ziye zathelekiswa nokufunyanisisweyo ngenjongo yokukhangela ukuba zingasebenziseka kusini na. Kusetyenziswe indlela yophando ngokuzathuza nokutolika izimvo ezahlukeneyo. Iinkcukacha zolwazi okanye idatha yaqokelelwa ngokuqhuba udliwano ndlebe nabathatha inxaxheba, ukuqwalasela abangathathi nxaxheba nokuphengulula imibhalo ukuze kudalwe ingcingane entsha. Iziphumo zesi sifundo zivelise ukungahambelani phakathi kwengcinga yabahlohli nokusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia. Nangona abahlohli bebonakalisa uthakazelelo ngokusebenzisa iOER, kuncinci kakhulu okwenziweyo malunga nokusebenzisa iOER kumaziko emfundo ekuncedeni abafundi baseNamibia kumaziko avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude. Esi sifundo sichonge imingeni ethibaza ukusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo, mingeni leyo ifana nokungabikho kwemigaqo nkqubo, ukungabikho lwazi, imiba yobuchwepheshe kwakunye nentswela nkxaso yabalawuli. Kuqwetywe amacebo obuchule okulwa nemingeni, macebo lawo aquka ukuqulunqwa kweOER esekelwe kwingcingane Yokunwenwa Kobuchule. Kunikwe iingcebiso nezimvo ezinokuqwalaselwa ngamaziko emfundo nabahlohli ngophando olusenokulandela olu. Igalelo lolu phando luyilo olucetywayo lweOER olunokwamkelwa ngamaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude ukuze kukhuthazwe ukusetyenziswa kweOER ngabahlohli. / Zwiko zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa pfunzo (OER) ndi vhubveledzi vhuswa ha u ḓisa khethekanyo ya pfunzo nga u ṋetshedza wo vhofholowa zwiko zwa u guda zwa ndeme. Ngudo heyi yo wanulusa mbonalo ya miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini a Namibia ya zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo yo vulelwaho nnyi na nnyi ya u guda u kule (ODL) nga ha u shumisa OER sa nḓila ya pfunzo. Ngudo heyi yo ṱuṱuwedzwa nga u humbulela ha uri arali zwiimiswa zwa ODL zwo ṱanganedza OER u thivha bugu dza u gudisa dzine dza ḓura, tshivhalo tshi re nṱha tsha vhathu vha Namibia vha nga swikelela pfunzo nga nḓila i linganaho. Ngudo yo sedza kha u bva kha zwiimiswa zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa ODL zwa Namibia, zwine madzina azwo avha Gudedzi ḽa Namibia ḽa u Guda ha Nnyi na nnyi (NAMCOL), Yunivesithi ya Namibia (UNAM) – Senthara ya Nnyi na nnyi, u Guda u kule na nga Lubuvhisia (CODeL) na Yunivesithi ya Saintsi na Thekhinoḽodzhi ya Namibia (NUST) Senthara ya nnyi na nnyi ya u Guda ha Tshoṱhe (COLL).
Thyeori dzo ṱanganelaho dzi tevhelaho dzo shumiswa u tikedza ngudo iyi: thyeori ya u guda ine vhagudiswa vha ṱalutshedza na u tshenzhela zwipfi zwavho, thyeori ya u ta u guda ha iwe muṋe, thyeori ya u guda ya kuhumbulele na thyeori ya u guda ya matshilisano, thyeori ine ya dzhiela nṱha nḓivho na kupfesesele kwa vhagudiswa kha tshenzhemo yavho phanḓa ha musi vha sa athu u ya tshikoloni, thyeori ya u pfesesa u guda nga didzhithala na thyeori ine ya ṱalutshedza phimo ya mihumbulo miswa na kuphaḓalele kwa thekhinoḽodzhi. Thyeori dzo vhambedzwa na mawanwa u gaganya u tea hadzo.
Heyi ndi ngudo ya khwaḽithethivi yo khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshiedziso tsha saintsi ya matshilisano. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu, u sedza hu si na u dzhenelela na u saukanya maṅwalo, na u saukanya nga kuitele kwa u humbula. Mvelelo dza ngudo heyi dzo sumbedza u sa vha na thevhekano ya zwithu vhukati ha kuvhonele kwa miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa zwa ODL ngei Namibia. Naho miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini yo sumbedza vhuvha ha vhuḓi kha u shumiswa ha OER, ho swikelelwa zwiṱuku kha u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa hu tshi itelwa u vhuelwa ha matshudeni a ODL a Namibia. Ngudo yo topola khaedu dze dza thithisa u ṱanganedzwa ha OER kha ḽeveḽe ya tshiimiswa, u fana na ṱhahelelo ya mbekanyamaitele dza tshiimiswa, ṱhahelelo ya tsivhudzo, zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa thekhinoḽodzhi, na thikhedzo ya ndangulo. Zwiṱirathedzhi zwo bveledzwa u amba nga ha khaedu, hu tshi katelwa na nyolo ya OER zwo ḓi sendeka nga muanḓadzo wa nḓisedzo ya tshiedziso tsha vhubveledzi. Themendelo dza u dzhiela nṱha nga zwiimiswa na nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na khumbudzo kha ṱhoḓisiso dza tshifhingani tshiḓaho zwo itwa. U shela mulenzhe ha nḓivho ho itwaho nga ngudo iyi ndi u kumedza nyolo ya OER uri i ṱanganedzwe nga zwiimiswa zwa ODL u thusa u shumiswa ha OER nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional studies)
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Integration of environmental education by senior phase teachers in some schools of Nkangala DistrictSikhosana, Lettah 10 1900 (has links)
Morero oa thuto e ne e le ho hlahloba hore na hobaneng matichere a maemo a phahameng a hokahanya kapa a sa kopanye thuto ea tikoloho ho ruteng le ho ithuteng. Sepheo sa thuto ena e ne e le tsebo ea mosuoe mabapi le thuto ea tikoloho, maano a ho a sebelisa, liphephetso le menyetla e fumanoeng ha ba tlameha ho kopanya thuto ea tikoloho. Boithuto bo amohetse mokhoa oa ho etsa lipatlisiso oa boleng, thuto ea linyeoe le paradigm ea lipatlisiso. Lintlha tsa boleng li ile tsa bokelloa ho sebelisoa lipuisano le boithuto ba lithuto. Matichere a mararo a nkile karolo thutong ena. Pseudonyms e ne e sebelisoa ho sireletsa boitsebiso ba bona. Mokhoa oa typology o sebelisitsoe ho sekaseka metheo ea data lipotsong tsa lipatlisiso, lihlooho, sebopeho sa mohopolo, tlhahlobo ea lingoliloeng le boiphihlelo ba motho oa mofuputsi. Lintlha tsohle tse bokelletsoeng, li ile tsa hlahlojoa le ho hlalosoa e le nyeoe e le ‘ngoe. Phuputso e senotse hore thuto ea tikoloho ha e kopantsoe ka katleho, matichere a hokahanyang le tse sa kopaneng li bile le mathata le hore matichere ha a na tsebo e lekaneng mabapi le ho kopanngoa ha thuto ea tikoloho. Ka hona, ho khothalletsoa hore sekolo mmoho le matichere ba hlahise mananeo a thuto a tikoloho ka bophara le ho fan aka maikutlo a mekhoa e ka sebelisoang ho ntlafatsa maano a bona a ho ruta ho kopanya thuto ea tikoholo ka nepo. / Injongo yesifundo yayikukuphonononga ukuba kutheni kwaye kutheni ootitshala benqanaba eliphakamileyo bedibanisa okanye bengadibanisi imfundo yendalo ekufundiseni nasekufundeni. Ugxininiso kolu phando lwalukwimfundo katitshala malunga nemfundo yendalo esingqongileyo, iindlela zokufundisa ezisetyenzisiweyo, imiceli mngeni kunye namathuba afunyanwa xa kufuneka edibanise imfundo yendalo. Uphononongo lwamkele indlela yophando esemgangathweni, uyilo lwamatyala kunye nepharadigm yophando. Idatha yolwazi yaqokelelwa kusetyenziswa udliwanondlebe kunye nokujonga izifundo. Ngootitshala abathathu abathathe inxaxheba kolu phando. I-pseudonyms yasetyenziswa ukukhusela ubuqu babo. Indlela yokuchwetheza isetyenziselwe ukuhlalutya iziseko zedata kwimibuzo yophando, imixholo, isikhokelo sekhonkco, uphononongo loncwadi kunye namava obuqu omphandi. Yonke idatha eqokelelweyo, yahlalutywa kwaye itolikwa njengecala elinye. Olu phando luveze ukuba imfundo yendalo esingqongileyo ayihlangananga kakuhle, ootitshala abadibanisa kunye nabangazidibanisi nemiceli mngeni kwaye ootitshala abanalwazi lwaneleyo malunga nokudityaniswa kwemfundo yendalo esingqongileyo. K ngoko kucetyiswa ukuba isikolo kunye nabafundisi-ntsapo bazise iinkqubo zokufunda zokusingqongileyo kwaye bacebise ngeendlela ezinokuthi zisetyenziselwe ukuphucula izisetyenziselwe ukuphucula izicwangiso zabo zokufundisa ukulungiselela ukudityaniswa kwemfundo yendalo esingqongileyo ngempumelelo. / The aim of the study was to explore how and why senior phase teachers are capable or incapable of integrating environmental education in teaching and learning. The focus of this study was on teacher’s knowledge about environmental education, instructional strategies used and challenges and opportunities experienced when they have to integrate environmental education. The study adopted a qualitative research method, case study design and an interpretative research paradigm. Qualitative data was collected using interviews and lesson observations. Three teachers participated in this study. Pseudonyms were used to protect their identities. A typology approach was utilised to analyse data based on the research questions, themes, conceptual framework, literature review and the personal experience of the researcher. All data collected was analysed and interpreted as a single case using. The study revealed that environmental education is not integrated effectively, teachers who integrate and those that do not integrate encountered challenges and that teachers have inadequate knowledge about the integration of environmental education. Therefore, it is recommended that the school together with teachers introduce continuous environmental education programmes and suggests approaches that can be used to improve their instructional strategies to enable the intergration of environmental education effectively. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)
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Factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive primary schools in Manzini region, Eswatini / Timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni kusetjentiswa kwelwatiso nekuchumana ngetebuchwepheshe etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifundza wonkhe wonkhe letisesigodzini sakaManzini, Eswatini / Dintlha tse di susumetsang tsenyotirisong ya ict kwa dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa kgaolong ya Manzini, Eswatini / Izimbangela ezinomthelela ekwethulweni kwezobuchwepheshe okubandakanya izikole zamabanga aphansi kusifunda saseManzini, EswatiniSimelane, Thembekile Innocentia 15 December 2020 (has links)
As rapid technological development constantly drives and reshapes the economy, it is vital for
learners and teachers to be highly proficient in the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). The data collected revealed that the barriers to ICT integration can be
viewed as deprivation to both teachers and learners, especially those with diverse disabilities
and learning difficulties. ICT implementation is therefore more than just change driven by
technology. It is an opportunity to assist everyone, including people from all income groups,
policy-makers and leaders to support converging technologies to create a more inclusive and
humane future.
The research was designed as a case study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, lesson
observations were undertaken and qualitative questionnaires were administered as methods of
data collection. The research population included principals and ICT teachers in the Manzini
Region. The sample was made up of two principals and 13 teachers. The data was transcribed
and presented as raw data and thereafter analysed thematically. The data collected was analysed
The findings of the study were that the factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive
primary schools in Eswatini included a lack of skills and knowledge from teachers; the lack of
teaching and learning time allocated to ICT; insufficient teaching and learning materials; a lack
of motivation and an insufficient number of teachers. Other factors included the lack of support
and collaboration from principals and the Government of Eswatini.
In view of the above factors, some recommendations were made, namely, that the Ministry of
Education should reintroduce ICT in all inclusive primary schools. The schools that offer ICT
should consider increasing the time allocated for ICT and enhance Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) for ICT teachers. They should also provide for learners with diverse
disabilities and learning difficulties a variety of teaching materials such as assistive devices to
enhance teaching and learning. / Njengaloku kutfutfuka ngekushesha kwetebuchwephesHe kuchubeka kucondzisa futsi
kwakhA kabusha nemnotfo, kumcoka kutsi bothishela nebafundzi babe nelikhono
leliphakeme lekusebentisa Lwatiso neKuchumana ngeTebuchwepheshe (i-ICT).
Ledatha legcogciwe ivete kutsi tihibe tekuhlanganisa i-ICT tingabukwa njengekuncisha
bothishela nebafundzi, ikakhulu kubafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka
lokwehlukahlukene kanye nebulukhuni ekufundzeni. Kufezekiswa kwekusetjentiswa
kwe-ICT ngako-ke kungetulu kwekutsi nje kuchutjwa ingucuko yetebuchwepheshe,
kodvwa kulitfuba lekusita wonkhe umuntfu, lokufaka ekhatsi bantfu lababuya kuwo
onkhe emacembu etemnotfo, labo lababhala tinchubomgmo nebaholi, kutsi basekele
kuhlanganiswa kwetebuchwepheshe kute kudaleke likusasa lelifaka lonkhe luntfu.
Lolucwaningo luhlelwe njengesifundvolucwaningo lwesehlakalo. Kubanjwe emainthaviyu
buso nebuso, kwentiwa sifundvo sekucaphela kanye nemaphephambuto
elizingasimo njengetindlela tekugcogca idatha. Linanibantfu lalolucwaningo lifaka
ekhatsi bothishelanhloko kanye nabothishela labafundzisa i-ICT eSigodzini sakaManzini
Eswatini. Lesamphuli yakhiwa bothishelanhloko lababili kanye nabothishela laba-13.
Ledatha yabhalwa yetfulwa njengaloko injalo ingakahlutwa kwase kutsi-ke emva
kwaloko yahlatiywa ngekwengcikitsi. Ledatha leyagcogcwa yahlatiywa
Lokutfolwe ngulesifundvolucwaningo kutsi timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni
kusetjentiswa kwe-ICT etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifaka wonkhe wonkhe
Eswayini, kufaka ekhatsi kuswelakala kwemakhono nelwati kubothishela; sikhatsi
sekufundzisa nekufundza lesinganeli lesiphakelwa kufundziswa kwe-ICT; ticukatsilwati
tekufundzisa nekufundza letingakaneli; kubete umdlandla kanye nelinani lelingakaneli
labothishela. Lenye imbangela kungabikhona kwekusekelwa nekuhlanganyela lokuvela
kubothishelanhloko nakuhulumende weleSwatini.
Ngekubuka letimbangela letingenhla, kwentiwe-ke letincomo letilandzelako: Litiko
Letemfundvo kufanele kutsi liphindze letfule i-ICT kuto tonkhe tikolo temabanga
laphansi letifundzisa wonkhe wonkhe, tikolo letifundzisa i-ICT kufanele kutsi tikubheke
kwengetwa kwesikhatsi sekufundzisa i-ICT kanye nekwenta ncono Kutfutfukiswa Ngalokuchubekako Kwebungcweti (i-CPD) kubothishela labafundzisa i-ICT, kantsi futsi
letikolo kufanele tinake nebafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka lokwahlukahlukene
nebulukhuni bekufundza ngekutsi banikwe ticukatsilwati tekufundzisa letahlukahlukene
njengetisetjentiswa tekusita kute kwentiwe ncono kufundzisa nekufundza. / Jaaka lebelo la tlhabololo ya thekenoloji le tswelela go tsamaisa le go bopa ikonomi sešwa, go botlhokwa gore barutwana le barutabana ba nne le bokgoni jo bo kwa godimo mo tirisong ya Thekenoloji ya Tshedimosetso le Tlhaeletsano (ICT). Data e e kokoantsweng e senotse gore dikgoreletsi tsa kgokaganyo ya ICT di ka bonwa e le tlhaelo mo barutabaneng le barutwaneng, bogolo segolo barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta. Ka jalo, tsenyotirisong ya ICT ga se fela diphetogo tse di tsamaisiwang ke thekenolooji; ke tšhono ya go thusa mongwe le mongwe, go akarediwa batho go tswa ka ditlhopheng tsotlhe tsa lotseno, badiradipholisi le baeteledipele, go tshegetsa dithekenoloji tse di kopanang go tlhama isago e e akaretsang e bile e le molemo.
Patlisiso e rulagantswe jaaka thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang kgetsi. Go dirilwe dipotsolotso tsa namana, go nnile le kelotlhoko ya dithuto mme go dirisitswe dipampiripotsoloto tse di lebelelang mabaka jaaka mekgwa ya go kokoanya data. Setlhophasegolo sa patlisiso se akareditse bagokgo le barutabana ba ICT kwa Kgaolong ya Manzini kwa Eswatini. Sampole e ne e dirwa ke bagokgo ba le babedi le barutabana ba le 13. Data e ne ya gatisiwa mme ya tlhagisiwa e le data e e sa fetolwang mme morago ya lokololwa go ya ka meono. Data e e kokoantsweng e lokolotswe go ya ka mabaka.
Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso e nnile gore dintlha tse di tlhotlheletsang tsenyotirisong
ya ICT mo dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa Eswatini di akaretsa tlhaelo ya
bokgoni le kitso mo ntlheng ya barutabana; nako e e sa lekanang ya go ruta le go ithuta
e e rebolelwang ICT; dimatheriale tse di sa lekanang tsa go ruta le go ithuta; tlhaelo ya
thotloetso le palo e e sa lekanang ya barutabana. Ntlha e nngwe e nnile tlhaelo ya
tshegetso le tirisanommogo go tswa mo bagokgong le puso ya Eswatini.
Ka ntlha ya dintlha tse di fa godimo, go dirilwe dikatlenegiso tse di latelang: Lefapha la
Thuto le tshwanetse go itsese sešwa ICT mo dikolong tsotlhe tsa poraemari tse di
akaretsang, dikolo tse di tlamelang ka ICT di tshwanetse go akanya ka go oketsa nako
e e rebolelwang ICT le go tokafatsa Tlhabololo e e Tswelelang pele ya Seporofešenale
(CPD) ya barutabana ba ICT, mme dikolo tseno di tshwanetse gape go akanyetsa
barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta ka go ba
tlamela ka dimatheriale tse di farologaneng tsa go ithuta di tshwana le didiriswa tse di
thusang go tokafatsa go ruta le go ithuta. / Njengoba intuthuko yezobuchwepheshe esheshayo iqhubeka nokugqugquzela
nokwakha kabusha umnotho, kubalulekile ukuthi abafundi nothisha babe nekhono
eliphezulu ekusebenziseni Ulwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana.
Imininingwane eqoqiwe iveze ukuthi izithiyo ekuhlanganisweni zoLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana zingabhekwa njengokuncishwa amathiba
kothisha nabafundi, ikakhulukazi abafundi abanokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene
nobunzima bokufunda. Ukuqaliswa koLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana
kungaphezu nje koshintsho oluqhutshwa ezobuchwepheshe; kuyithuba lokusiza wonke
umuntu, kufaka phakathi abantu abavela kuyo yonke imikhakha yabaholayo, abenza
izinqubomgomo kanye nabaholi, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe obuhlanganayo ukudala
ikusasa eliyinhlanganisela futhi elinobuntu.
Ucwaningo lwakhiwe njengesifundo esiwucwaningo lwesigameko. Kwenziwa
inhlolokhono noma zingxoxo ubuso nobuso, kwenziwa ukubhekwa kwezifundo futhi
kwenziwa nemibuzo esezingeni elifanele njengezindlela zokuqoqa imininingwane.
Abantu abafakwe ocwaningweni babandakanya othishanhloko kanye nothisha boLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana esifundeni saseManzini eSwatini. Isampula
yayenziwe kothishanhloko ababili nothisha abayi-13. Idatha yabhalwa futhi yethulwa njengedatha engahlungiwe futhi ngemuva kwalokho yahlaziywa ngokulandelana.
Imininingwane eqoqiwe yahlaziywa ngokufanele.
Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo ngukuthi izinto ezinomthelela ekusebenzeni koLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanya
bonke abantu eSwatini zibandakanya ukuntuleka kwamakhono nolwazi kothisha;
isikhathi esinganele sokufundisa nokufunda esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe
Kwezokuxhumana izinto zokufundisa nokufunda ezinganele; ukungabi nogqozi kanye
nenani elinganele lothisha. Enye yezimbangela ukungabikho kokwesekwa
nokusebenzisana kothishanhloko nohulumeni wase-Eswatini.
Ngenxa yalezi zinto ezingenhla, kwenziwa izincomo ezilandelayo: uMnyango
Wezemfundo kufanele uphinde ufake uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana
kuzo zonke izikole zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanyekayo, izikole ezifundisa uLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana kufanele zicabangele ukukhulisa isikhathi
sokufundisa esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana futhi
zithuthukise Ukuthuthukiswa Okuqhubekayo Kwezobuchwepheshe kothisha boLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana, futhi lezi zikole kufanele futhi zihlinzeke
izitshudeni ezinokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene nobunzima bokufunda ngendlela
yezinhlobonhlobo zezinto zokufundisa ezinjengamathuluzi okusiza ukuthuthukisa
ukufundisa nokufunda. / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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