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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbete i stället för bidrag? : Om aktiveringskraven i socialtjänsten och effekten för de arbetslösa bidragstagarna. / Work instead of allowances? : The activation policy in social assistance and its effects on the able-bodied claimants.

Milton, Pia January 2006 (has links)
Between 1990 and 1992/1993 there was a dramatic change in the Swedish labor market, resulting in an increased number of unemployed and social assistance recipients. As a response to this situation, many municipalities developed local activation programs. One of these programs, the “Uppsala model” – practiced in the City of Uppsala and characterized by a “paternalistic discourse” with sharp means tests, control and sanctions – was quite controversial. The general purpose of this dissertation is to study<b> </b>the effects of this activation method on the claimants and to study these effects with regard to the intentions underlying the method. The central questions are whether this method contributed to a greater number of claimants leaving the system for work or education, after a shorter period of time and on a more permanent basis compared to an alternative and more “traditional” method characterized by a “redistributive discourse”. Another central question is whether the method was effective under different economic conditions. The data used in the analyses were taken from two social welfare offices and included 509 able-bodied individuals who applied for allowances in either 1990 or 1992, reporting unemployment as the main reason. The main results indicated no systematic differences between the two methods with respect to outcome variables such as length of time on social assistance, probability of obtaining a regular job or an education. There were some indications (non-significant) of an increased probability of returning with claims for social assistance and after a shorter period of time, associated with the paternalist Uppsala model. The great importance of the labor market to recipients` possibilities to leave the social assistance system for work, irrespective of working method, was also shown in the study.

Nivågruppering i Engelska : En fallstudie på en gymnasieskola i en Stockholmsförort

Kiely, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this degree thesis is to investigate what the English teachers in an upper sec-ondary school, think about teaching students in ability grouped classrooms. The questions that I have set out to investigate include what the teachers think about ability grouping in English, the school’s current organisation of ability groups, the pros and cons of ability grouping in English, differentiation in teaching and if students get more individualized teaching with abil-ity groups, how the teachers cooperate and what would be the optimal teaching situation in an English learning classroom. I did a lot of theoretical research on the subject and studied old essays on similar subjects. I also did some classroom observations to use as background information for my interviews. I interviewed five teachers of different sex, age, and teaching experience. The teachers clearly had different views on the pros and cons of ability grouping and how to deal with the stu-dents’ different levels of English. They all agreed on the advantages it creates for the teachers, the main advantages being the small groups and the students being on almost the same level. They also agreed on the difficulty of individualised teaching, even with ability groups. Most of them also agreed that the main problem with ability grouping is how to deal with the weak-est or most basic level. It’s important that they have good pedagogical teachers who want to teach them and know how to. It also leads to problems amongst the teachers, in deciding who should or wants to teach which group and how to teach on a certain level. The teachers all had different ideas on how to improve the organisation of English teaching, from small mixed groups or only two ability levels, to a rotation of teachers between the groups and the different areas of English. In conclusion, upper secondary students are used to different groups, since they have chosen not only schools, but programs and individual courses. If the goal is small groups in English, maybe ability grouping is a possible solution. But above all, it has to be a possibility for the students, not the teachers.

Utanförskap i skolan : Pedagogers tolkningar och strategier

Lundberg-Grut, Ewa January 2008 (has links)
As in society in general, exclusion of individuals takes place in the school system. Even though schools – according to the curriculum – are supposed to cherish diversity, many children are left outside of the community formed during school activities. In order to gain knowledge of how schools can prevent and inhibit exclusion, this work aims to study how the problem is interpreted and managed. The study included six pedagogues: three pre-school teachers and three 1–7th grade teachers. Using a qualitative method with interviews, I have examined whether there is a difference between the two groups’ of interpretation and management of exclusion.In the analysis, the relational and categorical perspectives are used. The study shows, among other things, that the pre-school teachers are more categorical in their interpretation of exclusion than the 1–7th grade teachers. In spite of this, the pre-school teachers emphasize – to a greater extent than the 1–7th grade teachers – that the school’s social dimensions have a strong impact on their work. The study also shows that the 1–7th grade teachers have a more individualized approach to their work against exclusion. Further, the study shows that the work against exclusion of school children is mostly practised on individual- and group level, and that the particular school in this study lacks an official and joint approach for inclusion.

Insider eller Outsider? : Ofullständiga grundskolebetyg – om stämplings- och exkluderingsprocesser ur ett livsberättelseperspektiv / Insider or Outsider? : Incomplete degrees in school – branding and exclusion processes from a life story perspective

Andersson, Marita January 2008 (has links)
There are an increasing number of pupils leaving school with incomplete grades. Research indicates that the causes to this phenomenon may be individual- as well as school related and complicated to illuminate. The purpose of the study is to examine the processes of exclusion that have resulted in pupils´ incomplete degrees. Two research problems have been formulated. The first one is about the identification of exclusion and branding factors for pupils with incomplete degrees. The second one focuses on how the pupils processes of branding- and exclusion are shaped. Six in dept interviews with three pupils with incomplete degrees have been conducted from a life history perspective. Each pupil has been interviewed twice, at different occasions. Results show that the factors vary and are individual, and can be identified within the family as well as the school. In school, there may be a tendency to refer the problem to the pupil rather than to the entire context. This brands pupils that already are in a difficult situation, but results also show that school can have including tendencies as well. The three pupils in the study have in common that they contribute to the branding- and exclusion process by excluding themselves. To conclude, there are several factors that are intertwined and that together contribute to the result of incomplete degrees. Two of the pupils´ stories were related to Goldman’s (1980) identified stages of branding, which resulted in an understanding of these pupils process of exclusion. The third pupils´ story however, differed from the other two, and as a consequence, differed from Goldman’s theory, which is discussed. / Allt fler svenska elever går ut grundskolan med ofullständiga betyg. Tidigare forskning indikerar att orsakerna till att så sker kan vara såväl individ- som skolrelaterade och komplicerade att utreda. Syftet med studien är att undersöka de exkluderingsprocesser som lett fram till att elever fått ofullständiga betyg i grundskolan. Två problem har formulerats. Det första problemet handlar om att identifiera exkluderings- och stämplingsfaktorerna i grundskolan för elever med ofullständiga grundskolebetyg. Det andra problemet fokuserar på hur elevernas stämplings- och exkluderingsprocesser ser ut. Sex djupintervjuer med tre elever med ofullständiga grundskolebetyg har genomförts utifrån ett livsberättelseperspektiv. Varje elev har intervjuats vid två olika tillfällen. Resultaten visar att stämplings- och exkluderingsfaktorerna varierar och är individuella, och kan återfinnas inom såväl den egna familjen som skolans värld. En skolrelaterad faktor handlar om en tendens att problematisera eleverna snarare än kontexten, vilket ytterligare stämplar elever i en redan svår situation, men resultaten påvisar också exempel på hur skolan kan arbeta inkluderande. De tre eleverna har gemensamt att de alla bidrar till stämplings- och exkluderingsprocessen genom självexkludering. Resultaten visar att det är en rad faktorer som samverkar och flätas in i varandra under elevernas skolgång, och som tillsammans bidrar till elevernas ofullständiga grundskolebetyg. Två av eleverna följde Goldmans (1980) stämplingsstadier, vilket bidrog till förståelse av dessa elevers exkluderingsprocesser. Den tredje elevens stämplings- och exkluderingsprocess avvek från de övriga två, och därmed också från Goldmans teori, vilket utgjort underlag för diskussion.

A longitudinal approach to social exclusion in Sweden

Bask, Miia January 2008 (has links)
This thesis consists of four papers, and has as its central theme the accumulation of welfare problems and social exclusion. We use Swedish data and all analyses are based on individuals of working age. We perform longitudinal analyses to scrutinize the accumulation of disadvantages over the individual life courses as well as to detect the general trends in social exclusion occurrence in Swedish society during the past two decades. In Paper I, in an analysis of social exclusion among immigrants in Sweden, we find that immigrants suffer more often from social exclusion than native Swedes do. We also find that even if the accumulation of welfare problems is more common among immigrants than native Swedes, the connections between welfare disadvantages are stronger among Swedes. Furthermore, a logistic regression analysis revealed that time spent in Sweden decreases the risk of social exclusion among immigrants. However, even though we control for several demographic variables, human capital indicators and socio-economic class, the odds for social exclusion are still greater for immigrants than for native Swedes. Some form of discrimination can therefore not be excluded. Paper II is co-written with Björn Halleröd. This paper involves a longitudinal analysis of the accumulation of closely related welfare disadvantages, showing that the initial deprivation increases over time. Latent growth curve models reveal that a high initial deprivation is related to low socio-economic class and being single. It is also shown that a high initial deprivation decreases the probability of upward class-mobility as well as the probability of deprived singles becoming cohabiting. Moreover, a high initial deprivation increases the risk that couples will experience a household break-up. In Paper III, we perform a longitudinal analysis of social exclusion in Sweden during the period 1979-2003, in which several logistic regression models for panel data are fitted to our data. We find no support that immigrants have been better integrated into Swedish society over time from the perspective of social exclusion risk. Instead, there are weak signs that integration has become worse. We also find weak signs that the higher social exclusion risk that men have relative to women has decreased during the past two decades. Furthermore, comparing with couples without children, the odds for social exclusion among singles with children have increased and the odds for couples with children have decreased during the period 1979-2003. Paper IV utilizes latent class factor models to scrutinize the connections between welfare problems and a set of demographic variables, human capital indicators and socio-economic class. We find that welfare problems do cluster. Our results also support several of the findings in the previous paper. Family type, especially being single or living in a relationship, makes a clear difference in the propensity to accumulate welfare problems. Furthermore, immigrants characterize the factors with a high problem accumulation. Additionally, there is no general difference between the sexes in the problem accumulation itself, but experiences of threat or violence and having sleeping problems seem to be more often related to being a woman, whereas the lack of a close friend is most often related to being a man. To conclude, this thesis reveals several interesting facts concerning the accumulation of welfare problems and social exclusion in Sweden. Considering the implications for policy, the situations of immigrants and single parents need to be underlined. That is, the integration of immigrants should be given more emphasis and measures should be taken to support single parents as well as to promote a discussion on how to make relationships last.

Teenage Motherhood in the United Kingdom and Sweden - A Comparative Research Synthesis

Kjellman, Karin January 2009 (has links)
This comparative research synthesis examines teenage motherhood in the UK and in Sweden. The UK has the highest rate of teenage motherhood in Western Europe and Sweden has the lowest. Firstly, the article examines the reasons as to why the rates differ to such an extent between these countries. Secondly, it compares the extent to which teenage mothers are socially excluded in the UK and in Sweden. Finally, it looks at how the available social support for teenage mothers differs between the UK and Sweden. The synthesis concludes that low expectations due to poverty is the main factor as to why teenage motherhood is more common in the UK than in Sweden, but that the level of social exclusion that teenage mothers face in both countries is similar. The support that teenage mothers in the UK obtain from society is customised towards them as a specific group, whilst teenage mothers in Sweden receive support that is formulated for vulnerable people in general.

Social band och Identitetssökandet : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomar i Rosengård

Kahrovic, Erkin, Hamulic, Edin January 2009 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Syftet med denna uppsats är att överordnat utveckla en förståelse om ungdomar i marginaliserade grupper, i detta fall ungdomar som bor och lever inom Rosengårds gränser. Frågorna vi valt för att få uppnå syftet är; Hur påverkas utvecklingen av den egna självbilden bland ungdomarna, i samband med nära relationer till den egna familjen? Hur påverkas ungdomarnas situation utifrån de fördomar som finns i det konventionella samhället? Samt beror polariseringen av gemenskapen inom området på segregering?Metoden vi använder för att illustrera syftet är av en kvalitativ ansats där det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med 8 ungdomar från stadsdelen Rosengård. I Studiens teoretiska del har tre teoretiska ramar använts, Social kontrollteori, identitetsteori samt habitusteori. Resultatet i denna studie påvisar att alla ungdomarna har väldigt låga sociala band till det konventionella samhället. Informanterna påvisade dock en väldigt stor grad av respekt för föräldrarnas moral samt en låg grad av avvikande beteende. Många av de vi intervjuade hade stora framtidsplaner och skolan var enligt våra informanter något som var viktig för dem. Det fanns även enligt våra informanter en stor gemenskap inom Rosengård som bidrog till både för och nackdelar, fördelarna var att man kände att man tillhörde något eller någon och nackdelarna var den stämplingen ungdomarna fick av andra från det konventionella samhället. De flesta informanter fann sig inneha en ”dubbel identitet”. De talade mycket om att de bland vissa sågs som invandrare och bland andra som svenskar. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats är att ungdomarnas självbild påverkas genom den goda relationen till familjen. Detta yttrar sig på så vis att ungdomarna lär sig att inneha värderingar och normer som i viss mån kan skilja sig från det konventionella samhällets normer och värderingar. Ungdomarna vi intervjuade befann sig i en situation som gav de svårigheter i att klara av vissa aspekter inom livet så som skola. Eftersom de allt som oftast kände sig diskriminerade av det konventionella samhället kände vissa av de att de inte passade in bland ”svenskar” och att svenskar var annorlunda och ”konstiga”. Många av våra informanter talade även om en stor gemenskap inom förorten, denna gemenskap berodde till stora delar på segregeringen. Ju större segregering och smutskastning av Rosengård desto större och starkare verkare gemenskapen bli.

Modermålsverksamhetens inkluderande och exkluderande principer i en förskola : En intervjustudie om uppfattningar

Dahlin, Annie, Jonsäll, Britta January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of our examination was to survey how one preschool works with so called language groups, if the mother tongue is important and if the informants can see any complex of problems in the inclusive/exclusive way of working with language groups in the preschool. The literature review provides for example the three most important areas of mother tongue, which are the emotional, the social and the intellectual (Ladberg, 2000). Further it describes the difference between the conceptions integration and inclusion, when today the concept inclusion is preferred (Tøssebro, 2004). We were inspired by qualitative interviews as our method and from a phenomenographic perspective described the informants’ perceptions about the named phenomenon. Three preschool teachers and three mother tongue educationalists constitute the represented informants. The result of our examination shows a clear opinion about the great importance of mother tongue and that the mother tongue educational programme is not considered to be an excluded activity, since the children already are used to the constant groupings in the preschool. Our examination shows many areas in need of improvement, for example the engagement from the municipality and further education for the pedagogues. Further research of the subject is also of importance to be able to improve the mother tongue educational programme with didactic guidelines. / Syftet med vårt examensarbete var att kartlägga hur en förskola arbetar med så kallade språkgrupper, om modersmålet är viktigt och om informanterna uppfattar någon problematik med ett inkluderande/exkluderande arbetssätt i språkgrupperna i förskolan. Litteraturgenomgången pekar bland annat på modersmålets tre viktigaste områden, nämligen det emotionella, sociala och intellektuella (Ladberg, 2000). Vidare redogörs för skillnad mellan begreppen integrering och inkludering då det i dag föredras att använda begreppet inklusion (Tøssebro, 2004). Vi har inspirerats av kvalitativa intervjuer som metod och utifrån ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv redogjort för informanternas uppfattningar kring det nämnda fenomenet. Informanterna utgörs av tre förskollärare samt tre modersmålsstöd 1. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar en tydlig uppfattning om att modersmålet är otroligt viktigt och att modersmålsverksamheten inte uppfattas som exkluderande då barnen är vana vid förskolans konstanta gruppindelningar. Undersökningen visar även att det finns många förbättringsområden, exempelvis kommunens engagemang och pedagogernas vidareutbildning. Även vidare forskning inom ämnet är viktigt för att få en förbättrad verksamhet med didaktiska riktlinjer.

Den lilla gruppens vara eller icke vara : en studie om perspektiv på en skola flör alla

Ericson, Viola January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och förstå den så kallade lilla gruppens funktion i en skola för alla. Detta utifrån de förhållningssätt och synsätt som finns i samhället utifrån olika perspektiv på en skola för alla. Skolans styrdokument strävar mot en integrerad skola där alla elever skall kunna gå tillsammans, samtidigt som varje elev skall få utvecklas och lära efter sin egen förmåga. Detta kräver stora kunskaper hos lärarna som ska kunna bedriva en undervisning som passar alla elever. Det finns dock tecken som visar på brister i kompetensen hos lärare och även i lärarutbildningen. Denna konflikt visar sig även då alla skolor i den kommun som studien gjorts bedriver en segregerande verksamhet av elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Jag har genom kvalitativa intervjuer med speciallärare som undervisar i den lilla gruppen, rektorer och ordförande i barn- och ungdomsnämnden fått tolkningar av detta begrepp och deras synsätt då det gäller inkludering och segregering. Resultatet visar tydligt de svårigheter som ligger i tolkningen av dessa begrepp och dess olika konsekvenser i praktiken. Studien visar att lärare och rektorer ser detta problem utifrån ett individperspektiv och talar om eleverna och deras behov. Kommunpolitikern visar ett mera generellt och resurstänkande perspektiv. I denna studie finns tydliga tecken på denna klyfta som gör det svårt att förstå och genomföra visionen om en skola för alla.

Purification of psychoactive biomolecules in plants using size exclusion chromatography / Rening av psykoaktiva biomolekyler från växtmaterial genom gelpermeations-/gelfiltreringskromatografi

Ring, Ludwig January 2009 (has links)
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was applied for purification of psychoactive biomolecules from plants. These molecules are in the same molecular weight range, but do not necessarily share other chemical properties, that makes the SEC technique efficient. By applying SEC as a first purification step much of the co-extractives from the plants can easily be removed. Large amounts of target substance can be obtained with little effort if the system is automated. Combining SEC with a second purification step, consisting of normal phase chromatography, provides high purity of the target substance. Both known and unknown psychoactive biomolecules can easily be purified using the purification method developed in this Master's Thesis. Purifications that previously required long time and much "hands-on" can be completed much faster and with less manual work. The method developed was tested on cannabis, coffee and 'Spice' with good results.

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