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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李哲宏 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣投資人在股票市場的投資行為有明顯的短線進出現象,且在股票有獲利時就急著把手上的獲利實現,若是股票呈現虧損,則一直不肯實現損失,此行為即是行為財務學中所探討的「處分效果」。個人在投信公司任職期間發現,基金投資人的投資行為也出現相同的現象,為了驗證處分效果是否亦存在於基金投資人身上,個人以匯豐中華投信系列基金之投資人為研究對象,並選定發行日期在2000年以前並存續至今的七檔基金為研究的目標基金,欲驗證處分效果是否存在於基金投資人的投資行為中。 在以整體投資人為研究對象下發現,台灣的共同基金投資人存在處分效果,且當持有期間以月份為單位時的處分效果比以半年為單位時的處分效果強烈。若將基金投資人依屬性分類為自然人與法人,分別探討其處分效果發現,自然人與法人均存在處分效果。 一般認為,法人比自然人有更專業的投資評斷與投資理性,處分行為應該比自然人輕微,但實證結果發現,自然人的處分效果只有在持有間以月份為單位時達到顯著;持有期間以半年為單位時則沒有觀察到處分現象。法人則不論持有期間的單位為月份或是半年,均存在處分效果。原因可能是法人在季底或是月底,有將會計帳上的壓力,導致法人所表現出的處分效果高於自然人的處分效果。 市場行情可能也會影響處分效果,本研究依據台灣經濟新報資料庫的台灣大盤加權指數資料,將2000年至2003年6月定義為空頭,2003年7月至2006年底定義為多頭,進行處分效果的驗證。研究結果顯示,基金投資人在多頭時期的處分效果比空頭時期的處分效果顯著,推究其原因可能是投資人在空頭時對獲利的基金會想立即實現獲利,把賺到的前穩當的放到口袋。在多頭時則因為心裡預期手中虧損的基金一定會有獲利的一天,而不願損失將兌現。 投資人應該對自己的投資組合設定停損與停利點,以減少因為心理因素驅動的投資行為減少投資獲利。

“Doing good while doing well” : An investigation of Generation Y’s intention to invest socially responsibly

Jensen, Christoffer, Huynh, Ronny, Sandberg, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate behavioral factors influencing investment intentions.   Design/methodology/approach – A descriptive quantitative study was conducted utilizing an online questionnaire with a total of 121 respondents.   Findings - The results of the study indicated that Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness are positively related to Intention to Invest. Attitude and Perceived Risk did not reach statistical significance and no conclusions could therefore be drawn regarding the concepts.   Research limitations/implications - The greatest limitation of the study is that it measures intention and not actual behavior which could be of more value, both from a theoretical and managerial perspective. The implication of the study is that it contributes to the Socially Responsible Investment literature from the intentional perspective and that it considers Generation Y, two aspects that have previously been neglected. The study further provides companies operating in SRI industry with a framework to use when acquiring customers within Generation Y.   Originality/value - As recent Socially Responsible Investment research has focused almost exclusively on financial performance this study offers value in that it instead explains behavioral factors influencing the Intention to Invest. It further focuses on Generation Y which is the upcoming generation when it comes to investing that has to a large extent been neglected in the SRI literature.

世界分工體系下我國汽車業之大陸投資策略研究 / The China Invest Strategy of Taiwan Automobile Firms

饒啓明, Rao, Chi-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃著眼於近年來汽車業廠商紛紛渡海至大陸尋找合作廠商的情況,探討理想的台灣廠與母公司及大陸廠的良好合作模式,從合作有關各方間的策略目的衝突的大小程度來找出台灣廠赴大陸投資的理想合作模式,研究的前提假設如下: 1.國內汽車廠赴大陸投資時必須要有母公司的協助,但母公司與台灣廠對大陸投資所抱的策略目各不相同,而母公司與台灣廠間的關係也會對母公司與台灣廠的策略目的有所影響。 2.國內汽車廠赴大陸投資時必須要與大陸汽車廠合作,但大陸廠與台灣廠間的策略目也有所不同,而大陸廠的規模及能力大小不同,也會影響大陸廠和台灣廠的目的。 3.台灣廠因其規模及能力的不同,對大陸投資也有不同的目的。 從以上前提,以台灣廠的規模、大陸廠的規模及台灣廠與母公司間的合作關係為變數,得到下列結論: 1.大型台灣廠適合與小型大陸廠及合資母公司合作在大陸設廠,在這個合作模式中台灣廠的理想作法為營運中心設於大陸而研發中心設於台灣,關鍵零組件由台灣製造,由台灣廠負責車型的設計及日後的修改,逐步增加台灣廠對合資事業中管理及行銷人員的派出及控制;對母公司方面,則是台灣廠負責一部份母公司目前沒有或將要放棄的車型設計及研發工作。 2.小型台灣廠適合與大型大陸廠在大陸合作設廠,與母公司的關係則沒有差別,台灣廠的理想作法為營運及研發中心設於大陸,台灣廠負青關鍵零組件的製造及工廠管理,大陸廠則負責大陸內地的行銷工作;對母公司則是只以母公司不生產或經母公司同意的產品向大陸出口,並且負責一部份的關鍵零組件製造。

Pensijų reformos plėtra / Development of the pension reform

Barilovič, Gražina 13 June 2005 (has links)
Pensija – tai senatvės pajamos, skirtos kasdieniam senų žmonių vartojimui finansuoti. Šiandien beveik visi Lietuvos pensininkai, kaip ir daugelyje Europos šalių, pensijas gauna iš valstybės, t. y. valstybė turi finansuoti beveik visą pensininko vartojimą. Dėl ilgėjančio senų žmonių amžiaus ir mažėjančio gimstamumo didėja valstybės išlaidos senatvės pensijoms. Vienas iš siūlomų valstybės išlaidų mažinimo būdų – padidinti asmeninių santaupų vaidmenį senatvės pajamose. Manoma, kad ateityje daugelis pensinio amžiaus žmonių beveik visą savo vartojimą turės finansuoti iš asmeninių santaupų. Vadinasi, pensijų sistemos reforma padidins asmeninių santaupų svarbą. Asmeninių santaupų struktūra – esminis pensijų reformos klausimas. Lietuvos gyventojai, galėdami laisvai pasirinkti investicijų formas (vyriausybės taupymo lakštai, banko indėliai ir pan.) ir investicijų horizontą, dažniausiai savo santaupas laiko trumpalaikių banko indėlių forma. LR Vyriausybė įvedė privalomąjį kaupimą pensijų fonduose, dalį socialinių draudimo įmokų perduoti į privačius pensijų fondus. Šie fondai pradėjo veikti 2004 metų pradžioje. Pensijų fondų finansavimo šaltinis – privalomos darbuotojų įmokos. Privalomojo kaupimo pensijų įmoka yra atimama iš valstybinio socialinio pensijų draudimo įmokos. / According to the currently effective system in Lithuania funds collected from currently employed persons are immediately paid out to the existing pensioners (the solidarity principle of generations). Pensions currently paid are too low to maintain a “normal” living standard. The practices of well-developed Western countries suggest that an old age pension should make at least 70 per cent of the average wages previously earned by the person in order to maintain a similar living standard (now it represents about 40 per cent of average wages). In the future pensions are likely even to decrease in relative terms as life expectancy is getting longer and employed persons will have to maintain more and more pensioners. In order to ensure a higher living standard for future pensioners the pension reform has been launched recently. It may help to take care of one’s future and have a possibility to receive higher income when retired. Participation in private pension funds provides a possibility to accumulate pension funds in one’s personal account. Pension funds invest contributions paid by employed persons in shares, bonds and bank deposits. By investing part of income of individuals in the pension funds the Government is changing the structure of personal savings, and that influences the importance of certain segments of the financial sector (banks, capital market, insurance, etc.) in the Lithuanian economy.

台商大陸投資的資金來源及財務規劃之探討:以燦坤個案為例 / To investment in mainland China of capital resource and financial planning of Taiwanese firm

史麗茹, Shih, L.R. Sonia Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 台商大陸投資已成為每一企業為了降低生產成本的主要策略,隨著台灣環境的變化,例如勞工成本增加、環保意識抬頭、土地成本高漲以及大陸有廣大的市場及十二億的人力資源的吸引下,企業問普遍存在著「先行卡住」的觀念,從十年前的傳統產業外移到今天號稱「科技龍頭的台積電」亦宣稱未來將產業重心放在中國大陸。 由過去的大陸投資到現在及未來,台商均扮演十分舉足輕重的角色,不僅關係到企業本身的發展,同時在促進大陸經濟發展的同時也為台灣創造了外匯收入,但卻也有不少的聲音在呼籲企業要「根留台灣」、「戒急用忍」,而不是「錢進大陸、債留台灣」。 企業投資大陸既已是擋不住的風潮,本研究為探討台商大陸投資的資本取得問題,藉由對已經前往大陸投資的台商過去的經驗,瞭解台商企業面臨最多且最大的問題為資金的取得;為了解決資金取得的問題,有必要瞭解大陸、境外及台灣三地的資金供給情形,由瞭解直接金融、間接金融及外匯市場的現況。探討企業長短期融資及外匯避險的可行性,進而提出對於台商於進行大陸投資前後的財務規劃建議。 本研究亦提出對於大陸即將加入世貿組織及加入世貿組織後對金融機構可能的影響及未來發展的方向,以建議台商企業應重視未來大陸市場可能的變化,及早規劃因應之道,以免企業措手不及。 摘要 自1987年開放大陸探親後,同時亦開啟了台商另一個投資的新天地。跨國投資理論,在找尋的為更有利的生產要素及市場,島國的土地成本高、廠房面積不夠大、天然資源缺乏、勞工成本高漲、環保意識升高,市場更小;台商背負著遠離家園、深入不可知的環境獨自奮鬥,為的是有更美好的未來而努力,同時造就了台灣的經濟奇蹟。曾幾何時,在「戒急用忍」的約束下,台商被冠上奸商、商人無祖國等等苛責的言論,在責難之後,回頭想想,如果沒有這些拼命的台商,我們的競爭力在那裡呢? 台商在赴大陸投資,已由早期的傳統產業的去試試看,演變為今日的資本密集及技術密集的產業,試試看的心態亦轉變為「基於生存友競爭力的考量」非去不可;在第二章文獻探討中,了解各國政府對於企業海外投資,稟持共存共榮的原則,扮演的角色是積極的輔導與協助、簡化投資作業流程、教育企業投資前應有的認識,日本企業更是結合金融機構一起赴海外投資,過去我們政府的向南政策亦是以鼓勵為主。企業的不同成長過程所需的資金來自於不同層面,更會因時因地及政策而不同,中國大陸是屬於開發中國家,本身即以「招商引資」方式來促進國內的經濟發展,它能提供的是充分的天然資源及其他的生產要素,而非資金。台商對此應有所體認。 大陸地大物博,奉行的是社會主義,企業以國營居多,為了吸引外資,訂定了為數不少的外資獎勵政策及規定,有一般性及特殊適用的;台灣島國地小人稠,奉行的是資本主義及自由民主,對於台商至大陸投資除須遵守對外投資規定外,又有針對大陸投資需要遵守的;台商至大陸投資對於兩岸的規定比至其他地區投資煩瑣、政治風險亦高,為台商投資前應有所瞭解的。 本研究第四章將大陸目前的金融市場運行狀況及政策、台商可以使用的融資方式及可行性、外匯市場的避險方式及加入世貿組織後,在金融、期貨、證券等方面的原則做一整理,期望能提供台商投資前的參考規劃。 本研究同時以問卷調查及個案研究方式,一來證實台商於大陸經商的資金取得確實是有困難的,除了本身可以事前防範的例如聘用專業財務經理人、公司審批內容的注意等,另不可控制的大陸銀行及市場資金供需問題;隨著時間、經驗的累積及傳承,有經驗的台商已漸能因應。個案探討介紹了燦坤集團當年的孤注一擲,造就了日後資金取得的便利性,證實了高風險高報酬,亦證實經營績效支持財務操作的重要性。驊陞公司的財務黃副總,以多年的大陸經驗告訴我們與金融機構往來的一般情形及輔以境外公司操作財務及避險,使得該公司於大陸經營的資金供需並不困難。 最後,在歷經全球不景氣及歡呼加入世貿組織的時候,政府亦體認了要開放大陸投資政策,我們樂於見到政府對台商的支持,我們也期盼隨著加入世貿組織,台商於大陸經商得以享受「國民待遇」,但自立自強應是最基本的。 / Abstract The Mainland China Investment already been the major strategy of cost reduction for Taiwanese Enterprise, Owing to the Taiwan Investment Environment changes, for example like the increase of the labor cost 、 elevation of environmental awareness、highly increased cost of the land and the attractive of very large market and one point two billion human resource, “Occupy the position first” is the general concept among enterprises, ten years ago the export business are all classical business but now the “technical head TSMC” also says that the future business center will set up in Mainland China。 Due to the Taiwanese Enterprise act as a very important role of Mainland China Investment, not only related to enterprise expand, at the same time improve the Mainland China economic development and also invest earn more foreign exchange revenue for Taiwan, but a lot of voice cried for enterprise have to “leaving root in Taiwan”、“Be patient no hurry”、not“Money forward to Mainland China, Debt stay in Taiwan”。 The Investment in Mainland China is an non-stoppable fan for enterprise, this study is to discuss how to fetch the invested capital in Mainland China of Taiwan Enterprise, by learning the past experience of Taiwan Enterprise already invested,understand the major problem that Taiwan Enterprise faced is how to fetch the invested capital;in order to resolve the capital problem, it is necessary to understand the capital provide condition among Mainland China、offshore and Taiwan three area, by understand the direct financing、indirect financing and Foreign Exchange Market present status, we can study the possibility of enterprise long term and short term financing and foreign exchange risk avoidance, further provide the finance planning suggestion for The Investment in Mainland China of Taiwan Enterprise before and after the investment. This study also provides the possible influence and future development trend for banking after the Mainland China join the WTO. And the suggestion for Taiwan Enterprise should pay great attention to the possible change of the future market of Mainland China, and do planning ahead the way, in order to avoid be caught unprepared.

兩岸經貿政策對台商赴中國大陸投資之影響 / The impact of cross-strait trade policy on Taiwanese businesses investing in Mainland China

張宴薰, Chang, Yen Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
政府開放赴大陸投資二十年,逐漸放寬對大陸投資限制,在大陸廣大市場商機誘因下,對大陸投資規模日益擴大,投資業別亦擴及服務業,對大陸投資形成新局面,究竟兩岸經貿政策對台商赴中國大陸投資影響如何,乃為本研究動機。 本研究採文獻分析與焦點座談暨深度訪談法,經由次級資料分析,兩岸經貿政策鬆綁對台灣競爭力、經濟成長、貿易、商港貨櫃裝卸量及來台旅客均呈現成長。另一方面,近年主要產品在海外生產比重增加,我國在美國、日本、大陸進口市場佔有率逐漸下滑,台商在台灣採購設備及零組件比率降低,且台商在海外研發當地化情形日益明顯。另一方面產學界專家認為政府輔導策略首先應強化在大陸之聯繫網絡;善用台商在大陸既有通路,以整體行銷台灣產品;引導創新研發及高階製程留在台灣;政府加速鬆綁產業交流所涉及之法規;強化智慧財產權之宣導與投資保護;透過台資銀行在大陸分行,提供台商融資管道。未來並應加強與台商產業鏈連結,將海外台商納入台灣產業發展一環,同時落實ECFA實施效益,創造國內經濟發展的正面效益。 / Since allowing investment in China 20 years ago, the government of Taiwan has gradually lifted restrictions on China-based investments by its citizens. Enticed by the expanded market opportunities in China, R.O.C. nationals are rapidly scaling up their investments on the mainland China by broadening their investments to many industries and the service sector, which has become a new development in investing in China. Whether the cross-strait economic and trade policies affect the investment of Taiwan businessmen in mainland China, is a motivation of this study. The literature review and focus groups & depth interviews were used in this study . Through the secondary data analysis, Cross-Strait trade policies have manifested in progress and growth in Taiwan’s competitiveness, economic growth, trade, container throughput by commercial ports, and the number of tourists visiting Taiwan. However, the government should pay close attention to the fact that during the last few years the proportion of major products produced overseas has increased, while the market share of Taiwanese imports in the United States, Japan, and China markets has gradually declined and procurements of machines/equipment and components/parts by Taiwanese businesses has dropped. Moreover, the localization of R&D overseas by Taiwanese businesses has noticeably increased. The government’s assistance strategy should first focus on the strengthening of contacts and networks in China. It should also leverage existing Taiwanese business channels in China to expand the sales of Taiwanese products in the China market through an integrated marketing campaign and facilitate innovative R&D while keeping high-end production processes in Taiwan. The government should also relax laws governing industry exchanges, strengthen the education of Taiwanese businesses with regard to intellectual property rights and investment protections, and provide financing channels for Taiwanese businesses through Taiwanese-invested banks with branch offices in China. In the future, the government should strengthen links with the supply chains of Taiwanese businesses and to include overseas Taiwanese businesses as part of Taiwan’s industrial development plans. At the same time, it should fully realize the benefits of the ECFA and create a positive effect on Taiwan’s domestic economic development.

Planejamento para conservação de serviços ecossistêmicos no Cerrado / Conservation planning for ecosystem services in the Cerrado

Resende, Fernando de Moura 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T13:47:25Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Fernando de Moura Resende - 2018.pdf: 4605014 bytes, checksum: 2397a374e99ba4f3fd551e979f073e31 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T14:52:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Fernando de Moura Resende - 2018.pdf: 4605014 bytes, checksum: 2397a374e99ba4f3fd551e979f073e31 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-03T14:52:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Fernando de Moura Resende - 2018.pdf: 4605014 bytes, checksum: 2397a374e99ba4f3fd551e979f073e31 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The concept of ecosystem services (ES) has attracted great scientific and policy interest over the last years. Although the concept has influenced the conservation discourse, it is still poorly understood if strategies focused on ES are useful to address the need for biodiversity protection. In addition, more efforts are needed to integrate ES into the decision-making process. To develop ES-focused conservation strategies in a region, it is important to understand the effectiveness of conservation strategies already established in that region and how they safeguard ES. This understanding allows the developing of future conservation plans and their actions. In the first chapter of this thesis, we discussed opportunities and challenges arising from the use of ES as a strategy to conserve biodiversity. We also presented ways to build an ES approach more aligned with conservation interests. We highlighted that ES and biodiversity should be seen as complementary strategies to foster conservation. In the second chapter, we assessed the effectiveness of protected areas and indigenous lands in representing ES and biodiversity in the Brazilian Cerrado. We mapped six ES (i.e. water yield, sediment retention, nutrient retention, carbon storage, net primary productivity and wild food provision) and the distribution of threatened vertebrate and plant species. We found that most reserves were not effective to capture ES and biodiversity in the Cerrado. In addition, most effective reserves were suitable for safeguarding just one out of six ES. In the third chapter, we evaluated the impact of postponing conservation actions to safeguard ES in the Cerrado. We used land use maps for the present, 2025 and 2050 and modeled the provision of the six aforementioned ES for these three time steps. We identified priority areas for safeguarding ES in the present and future and evaluated changes in basic properties of those priority areas. We found that land use changes will impact ES provision over time. Moreover, priority areas identified for the future will encompass greater amounts of altered environments when compared to priority areas defined right now. As a consequence, postponing conservation actions will increase conflicts between the implementation of conservation actions and human activities. Our study is the first to provide spatially explicit information on multiple ES in the Cerrado. We hope our results might guide policies aiming to establish an effective conservation plan focused on ES in the region. / O conceito de serviços ecossistêmicos (SE) tem atraído grande interesse científico e político nos últimos anos. Embora este conceito tenha influenciado o discurso conservacionista, ainda é pouco compreendido se abordagens baseadas em SE também são úteis para lidar com as necessidades para conservar a biodiversidade. Além disso, ainda são necessários mais esforços para integrar SE na tomada de decisão. Para desenvolver estratégias de conservação de SE em uma região, é importante compreender a efetividade de estratégias de conservação já estabelecidas nesta região e como elas protegem os SE. Essa compreensão permite o desenvolvimento de planos de conservação futuros e de suas ações. No primeiro capítulo dessa tese, discutimos oportunidades e desafios derivados do uso de SE como uma estratégia para conservar a biodiversidade. Também apresentamos formas para que abordagens baseadas em SE sejam mais alinhadas com interesses conservacionistas. Destacamos que SE e biodiversidade devem ser vistos como estratégias complementares para incentivar a conservação. No segundo capítulo, avaliamos a efetividade das unidades de conservação e terras indígenas em representar SE e biodiversidade no Cerrado, Brasil. Mapeamos seis SE (i.e. produção de água, retenção de sedimentos, retenção de nutrientes, estocagem de carbono, produtividade primária líquida e provisão de alimentos silvestres) e a distribuição de espécies ameaçadas de vertebrados e plantas. Encontramos que a maioria das reservas não é efetiva para capturar SE e biodiversidade do Cerrado. Ainda, a maioria das reservas efetivas foi adequada em proteger apenas um dos seis SE. No terceiro capítulo, avaliamos o impacto de adiar ações de conservação para proteger SE no Cerrado. Geramos mapas de uso do solo para o presente, 2025 e 2050 e modelamos a provisão dos seis SE para os três períodos. Identificamos áreas prioritárias para proteger SE no presente e no futuro e avaliamos mudanças nas propriedades básicas dessas áreas prioritárias. Encontramos que as mudanças no uso do solo afetarão a provisão de SE ao longo do tempo. Além disso, as áreas prioritárias identificadas no futuro incluirão maior quantidade de ambientes alterados quando comparadas a áreas prioritárias definidas no presente. Como consequência, adiar ações de conservação aumentará os conflitos entre conservação e atividades humanas. Nosso estudo é o primeiro a fornecer informações espacialmente explícitas de múltiplos SE no Cerrado. Esperamos que nossos resultados possam orientar políticas visando estabelecer um plano de conservação efetivo para SE no Cerrado.

Investment Climate in Ukraine / Investiční prostředí na Ukrajině

Glushko, Maryna January 2008 (has links)
Ukrainian investment climate is attractive and repulsive at the same time. Although Ukraine occupies a strategic geographic position, it is a crossroad between one of the world's largest market European Union and one of the world's rapidly growing markets Russia; country of rich natural resources and manpower with a high level of education, which makes it an attractive investment environment, but still it has not yet reached its expected potential, because of inability to minimize government intervention in the operation of markets, remove administrative barriers that hinder business and perform target privatization and become attractive to foreign and domestic investors. That's why, the main objective of Master Thesis is to analyse and overview the investment climate of Ukraine through the framework of political, legal, economic and social conditions, risks and opportunities that ensure and promote investment activities for domestic and foreign investors. Thesis is concentrated on the notion of investment, types of investments and investment climate in general in order to benefit from knowledge how the investment can be protected and be eligible to take claim to dispute settlement. The research is analysing the recent economic performance and macroeconomic policy of the country; focused on general overview of investment legislation base and current regulation of foreign investment regime; describe the basic challenges and opportunities to invest in Ukraine.

Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti podnikatelského záměru / Evaluating the economic effectiveness of business project

Šiklová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
This diplome thesisdeals with determining of investment project economic efficiency. Evaluated investment project is redevelopment of urban house into boarding house with restaurant and café. The project is analyzed both in terms of pre-investment phase and 6 years after completion or reconstruction.  There is comparison of both analysis at the end of dissertation including optimal solution suggestion of current situation.

Invest to perform internally versus outsourcing of metal additive manufacturing : An exploratory case study

Johansson, Robert, Rindom Brinter, Sonny January 2019 (has links)
Firms often stand before decisions on whether to make or buy components. Various well-established theories that have been applied and developed to understand make or buy decisions have also been critiqued for not generating a well-based decision basis. Research indicates that make or buy decisions are more complex than most theories suggest and that theories within make or buy don’t seem to account for situations when the production technology does not exist in-house. In instances of new technology, in this case metal AM, there is a need to understand and account for the case specific attributes to determine the best course of action. This study explores the decision situation of invest to perform internally versus outsourcing of metal additive manufacturing. The aim is to investigate and identify what factors affect the decision. The research design is a qualitative exploratory case study including 10 interviews and a cost analysis of two products, to answer how metal additive manufacturing affects these decisions. The cost analysis is included, as economic performance is a factor of importance, which makes it meaningful to understand in such situations. The most prominent factors in the result are found to be competency, control, economy, interaction, organization and strategy. The results of the study indicate overlapping similarities of the results through existing theories and suggest that these decisions are more complex than the individual application of single theories. However, the cost analysis shows that the currently held outsourcing alternative is more expensive and this might indicate a non-rational decision in regards to the financial perspective. The main contribution of this study is to the field of decision-making with the conclusion of that individual theories are not sufficient to explain the phenomenon of invest to perform internally versus outsourcing. To evaluate these decisions, the results indicate the necessity to have a multi-criteria approach and include several theoretical perspectives.

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