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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño de información interactivo en la experiencia cultural de los turistas latinoamericanos en el distrito de Barranco / Design of interactive information on the cultural experience of Latin American tourists in the district of Barranco

Tique Balcona, Milagros Juana 21 November 2019 (has links)
En el presente artículo de investigación se planteó evaluar la influencia del diseño de información interactivo en la experiencia cultural de los turistas latinoamericanos entre 24 y 39 años en el distrito de Barranco. La hipótesis planteada fue que el diseño de información interactivo como herramienta contribuye en la experiencia cultural de los visitantes latinoamericanos en la localidad mencionada. La metodología utilizada fue el diseño de investigación de tipo cuasi-experimental. De igual importancia, los instrumentos y técnicas aplicados en el proceso fueron las encuestas y las entrevistas. La encuesta fue dirigida al público objeto de estudio con la finalidad de recabar sobre las necesidades y expectativas. Asimismo, las entrevistas se realizaron a especialistas en el área de diseño de información, turismo y gestión en Barranco. Los principales resultados arrojaron que el turismo cultural debe cumplir con ciertos parámetros como el aprendizaje y el entendimiento. Por ello, la herramienta creada deberá ayudar al turista a comprender este proceso que a su vez se verá reflejada en la experiencia obtenida. Para finalizar, al evaluar el prototipo se concluyó que el diseño de información interactivo como herramienta mejora la experiencia cultural de los turistas latinoamericanos. Asimismo, las características deberán contemplar la calidad de información, la interacción y utilidad como principales aspectos de la herramienta para asegurar su efectividad. / In the present research article, it was proposed to evaluate the influence of interactive information design on the cultural experience of Latin American tourists between 24 and 39 years of age in the Barranco district. The hypothesis proposed was that the design of interactive information as a tool contributes to the cultural experience of Latin American visitors in the mentioned locality. The methodology used was the quasi-experimental research design. Equally important, the instruments and techniques applied in the process were surveys and interviews. The survey was directed to the public object of study in order to gather needs and expectations. Likewise, the interviews were carried out with specialists in the area of ​​information design, tourism and management in Barranco. The main results showed that cultural tourism must meet certain parameters such as learning and understanding. Therefore, the tool created should help tourists understand this process, which in turn will be reflected in the experience obtained. Finally, when evaluating the prototype, it was concluded that the design of interactive information as a tool improves the cultural experience of Latin American tourists. Likewise, the characteristics should consider the quality of information, interaction and utility as the main aspects of the tool to ensure its effectiveness. / Trabajo de investigación

Hästsäker? : En studie av texten och bildens samverkan i informativa påminnelser om säkerhetsregler i ridskolemiljö.

Clasén, Karolina January 2021 (has links)
Hästsport är en fritidsaktivitet med en hög risknivå. Ett riskmoment är hästhanteringen och för många lärs grunderna inom detta ut på ridskolan. När elever går från nybörjare till mer erfarna finns en tendens att säkerhetsregler bortses från vilket kan leda till en ökad risk för olyckor och skador. Detta examensarbete i textdesign undersöker hur effektiva påminnelser med text och bild i samverkan kan formges för att påverka förståelsen för säkerhetsregler på ridskolor. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns fördelar av att kombinera text och bild i information. Bilder i informationstexten fungerar inte minst som intresseväckare, utan de stöttar också förståelsen. För att en påminnelse ska kunna registreras måste den uppfattas genom sinnena. Den visuella påminnelsen som bär på viktig säkerhetsinformation måste därför formges på ett sådant sätt som säkerställt att den uppmärksammas. Studien har ett kognitionsteoretiskt perspektiv och fokuserar på forskningsområden som visuell uppmärksamhet samt text och bild i samverkan. Studien tar även hänsyn till forskning kopplat till design och säkerhets- och riskinformation. De metoder som används i studien är en surveyundersökning, intervjuer samt textanalys. I studien förs en avslutande diskussion kring kraven som finns på den multimodala texten för att den ska uppmärksammas visuellt i en aktiv miljö. / Equestrian sport is a leisure activity with a high level of risk. Handling of the horse is one moment with risk involved and for many the basics is taught in riding schools. When students go from beginners to more experienced there is a tendency that safety rules are overlooked which leads to higher risks of accidents and injuries. This thesis in text design examines how effective reminders with text and image in combination can be designed to affect understanding of safety rules in riding schools. Previous research shows that there are advantages to combining text and image. Images in information text works to spark interest and also support the understanding of the text. For a reminder to work in needs to be registered through the senses. The visual reminder that carries valuable safety information therefor needs to be design in such a way that it is noticed. This study takes on a cognitive research point of view and focuses on areas such as visual attention and multimodal texts. The study also takes into consideration research made on design of safety and risk information. The methods used are questionnaire survey, interviews, and text analysis.In conclusion I discuss around the many things demanded of a multimodal text for it to grab attention in an active environment.

Replanteamiento de la identidad visual del restaurante Ache a partir de su dimensión cultural

Chan Tay On Kou, Alexandra Valeria 09 August 2021 (has links)
En esta investigación se encontró un problema de comunicación visual en el restaurante Ache, donde se identificó la falta de elementos gráficos que logre identificar al restaurante de cocina nikkei a partir de su dimensión cultural. Se identificó que este problema de comunicación visual solo se podía resolver mediante el diseño gráfico, ya que pertenece precisamente al área identitaria. Además, este proyecto muestra una justificación cultural y práctica donde se identificarán aspectos esenciales para el replanteamiento de la identidad del restaurante para que logre transmitir su esencia como marca al consumidor.También, se realizó una encuesta a un grupo de personas que consumen comida nikkei y se entrevistó a dos expertos que han creado y rediseñado proyectos de identidad visual de restaurantes nikkeis y otros rubros de comida. Adicionalmente, se utilizó la metodología de trabajo del doble diamante para realizar el proceso de elaboración de la gráfica visual.Los principales resultados que se pudo obtener mediante la propuesta de diseño fueron positivos, ya que los usuarios consideraron que la nueva gráfica sí reflejaba el rubro de comida que ofrecían. Igualmente, el logo lo relacionaban con la cultura nikkei, la carta lo consideraban claro y directo, las imágenes ayudaban a entender el producto a consumir y el empaque les parecía innovador y diferente generando una experiencia única. / In this research, a visual communication problem was found in the Ache restaurant, where the lack of graphic elements that could identify the Nikkei cuisine restaurant from its cultural dimension was identified. It was identified that this visual communication problem could only be solved through graphic design, since it belongs precisely to the identity area. In addition, this project shows a cultural and practical justification where essential aspects will be identified for the rethinking of the identity of the restaurant so that it can transmit its essence as a brand to the consumer.Also, a survey was made to a group of people who consume Nikkei food and two experts who have created and redesigned visual identity projects for Nikkei restaurants and other food items were interviewed. Additionally, the double diamond methodology was used to carry out the process of elaboration of the visual graphics.The main results obtained through the design proposal were positive, since the users considered that the new graphics did reflect the food offered. Likewise, the logo was related to the Nikkei culture, the menu was considered clear and direct, the images helped to understand the product to be consumed and the packaging seemed innovative and different, generating a unique experience / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Ridsportens ABC : En studie om att skapa tillgänglig information för nybörjare på ridskola.

Widetjärn, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete i informationsdesign med inriktning textdesign. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa tillgänglig information för nybörjare inom ridsporten, samt undersöka hur informationen kan nå målgruppen trots omgivande brus. Teorier som läsbarhet, gestaltlagar och perception har använts för att uppnå en slutgiltig gestaltning men också för att ge studien relevans i forskningssammanhang. Intervju, observation, prototyping och utprovning är de metoder som har använts i studien. Metoderna har använts för att utforska användarnas behov och för att komma fram till resultatet. Ett gestaltningsförslag har utprovats på målgruppen, efter en analys av resultatet gjordes en revidering på det första gestaltningsförslaget som sedan ledde till det slutgiltiga designförslaget. / This is a bachelor thesis in information design with a focus on text design. The purpose of the work is to create accessible information for beginners in equestrian sports, as well as to investigate how the information can reach the target group despite the surrounding noise. Theories such as readability, gestalt laws and perception have been used to achieve a final presentation but also to give the study relevance in a research context. Interview, observation, prototyping, and testing are the methods that have been used in the study. The methods have been used to explore the needs of the users and to arrive at the results. A design proposal has been tested on the target group, after an analysis of the results, a revision was made to the first design proposal which then led to the final design proposal.

Ready to race! : En studie om svårigheter i utbildningsmaterial och hur dessa kan lösas med hjälp av multimodalitet

Hellgren, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning textdesign. Syftet med detta arbete är att granska två utvalda delar ur ett utbildningsmaterial för folkrace och se om det finns några svårigheter med termer och multimodalitet i informationen hos användargruppen. Användargruppen för arbetet är personer som vill börja köra motorsporten folkrace. Teorier som behandlats är multimodalitet, begriplighet och läsbarhet. Metoderna som använts är läsbarhetsanalys, enkät och intervjuer. Utifrån resultatet från metoderna har en prototyp av en app tagits fram och testats på en utvald person från användargruppen. Utprovningen genomfördes med hjälp av en observation när testpersonen använde prototypen och strukturerade frågor efter observationens slut. Slutsatser som dragits från studien är att användargruppen inte upplever några svårigheter med termer, men att det saknas användning av multimodalitet i utbildningsmaterialet för att informationen ska bli tydligare. / This study is a bachelor thesis in the field of Information design with focus on text design. The purpose with this study is to investigate two selected parts from an educational material for the Swedish motorsport called folk race and see if there are any difficulties with terms and multimodality in the information for the target group. The target group are people that want to start competing in folk race. Theories that have been used for this study are multimodality, comprehensibility and readability. Methods used in this study are a survey, interviews and a readability analysis. From the result I got from the methods, a prototype for an app was drafted and tested on a selected person from the target group. The test was carried out through an observation of the person testing the prototype and structured questions after the observation. The conclusion of this study is that the target group did not find the terms difficult, but multimodality is missing in the education material to make information clearer.

Bilder som ska skapa trygghet : En studie om hur bilder kan minska oro inför och uppmuntra deltagande i gynekologisk cellprovtagning

Nielsen, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Idag erbjuds alla kvinnor mellan åldern 23 – 70 gratis gynekologisk cellprovtagning i Sverige. Trots detta är det bara 63,7% i åldersgruppen 23 – 29 som deltar i screeningen. Kallelse till besök kommer via posten. I denna studie har det undersökts om man med hjälp av visualiseringar kan få fler kvinnor att delta i gynekologisk cellprovtagning samt att minska obehaget inför ett besök. Under studiens gång har gestaltningsförslag tagits fram med målet att öka deltagandet. Tidigare studier kring varför kvinnor i Sverige avböjer att delta i gynekologisk cellprovtagning och hälsokommunikation tillsammans med bilder samt teorier inom kognition, perception, bild och text i samspel har legat till grund för hela arbetet. Metoder som intervju, dokumentanalys och skiss har använts för att motivera gestaltningsförslagets utformning. Allt detta resulterade i ett gestaltningsförslag i form av ett informationsblad som skickas med det brev den nuvarande kallelse kommer i, till de kvinnor som inte tidigare har valt att delta i provtagningen i Sverige. Informationsbladet innehåller illustrationer som komplement till information om vad HPV är, hur det sprids, varför det är viktigt att delta och hur själva provtagnings processen går till. Resultatet pekar mot att större andel av målgruppen hade övervägt att delta i screeningen samt att de upplever att obehaget skulle minskas vid användande av illustrationer. / Nowadays all women between the ages of 23 - 70 get offered free pap smear in Sweden. Despite this, only 63,7% attend the screening between the ages of 23 – 29. The women receive a mail that include a call notice for the visit. This study is going to explore how visualization could help increase the amount that attend the pap smear and reduce the discomfort before a visitation.  During the study, an artefact was created. Previous studies about why women in Sweden do not participate in pap smear testing, images in health communication and theories about cognition, perception and image and text in interaction laid the foundation for the work. Methods like interviews, documentation analysis and sketches were used to motivate the artefact design. All of this concluded in an artefact representing an information sheet, which is supposed to be sent out alongside the mail of the current call notice to all women in Sweden who have decided to not attend the pap smear. The information sheet includes information about what HPV is, how it spreads, why it is important to attend, and how the actual process of the testing is done, with illustrations as a supplement. The results point toward an indication that more women in Sweden would consider attending the pap smear, and that the discomfort about the process is reduced.


MARCOS BALSTER FIORE CORREIA 13 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese investiga como o saber narrativo tem sido e como pode vir a ser aplicado no design de apresentações gráfico-visuais de estatísticas. De início, fatores histórico-culturais são discutidos criticamente com o intuito de identificar os motivos pelos quais a narrativa veio a ser indicada, por publicações sobre disseminação de estatísticas e design da informação, como uma solução para problemas de compartilhamento de informações. Em seguida, conhecimentos teóricos sobre a narrativa (sua conceituação, elementos constituintes e estruturação formal) são revistos e, então, aplicados tanto no exame de exemplares de artefatos que veiculam informações em meios gráfico-visuais (relatórios de pesquisa, notícias e infográficos, entre outros) quanto no design experimental de uma narrativa verbo-icônica que apresenta estatísticas provenientes dos censos demográficos do Brasil. Como método, seguem-se procedimentos de pesquisa qualitativa, fundamentados na hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur e em seu conceito de composição da intriga, tido pelo autor como o princípio formal da configuração narrativa. A tese demonstra como problemas de representação influem no trabalho de retratar um coletivo social por meio de estatísticas e oferece apontamentos para equacionar questões de design e narrativa a fim de que o retrato produzido alcance seu efeito próprio ou érgon: uma compreensão confiável de como essa coletividade é. / [en] This thesis investigates how narrative knowledge has been and how it might be applied in the design of graphic presentations of statistics. Initially, historical and cultural factors are critically discussed in order to identify the reasons why narrative came to be indicated, by literature on dissemination of statistics and information design, as a solution to information sharing issues. Next, theoretical knowledge about narrative (its conceptualization, constituent elements and formal structuration) are reviewed and then applied both in the examination of artefacts that graphically display information (research reports, news and infographics, among others) and in the design of an experimental image-text narrative that shows statistics from the Brazilian demographic censuses. As a method, the thesis follows qualitative research procedures based on Paul Ricoeur s hermeneutics and his concept of emplotment, regarded by the author as the formal principle of narrative configuration. The thesis demonstrates how problems of representation influence the job of portraying a social collective through statistics and provides notes to address design and narrative issues so that the produced picture reaches its proper effect or ergon: a reliable understanding of how this collectivity is.

”Jag tror tröst är något man får av att bli informerad…” : En studie om hur läslig, läsbar och läsvärd information kan användas för att stödja social inkludering av medflyttare

Backman, Robin January 2024 (has links)
Detta är ett kandidatexamensarbete i informationsdesign med inriktning textdesign. I arbetet har jag undersökt informationsupplevelsen och informationsbehovet hos målgruppen medflyttare. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur en integrationsservice och informationsförmedlare för nyinflyttade bättre kan tillgodose subgruppen medflyttares informationsbehov. Samt hur information om servicen kan utformas och förmedlas till målgruppen. Metoderna som har använts för att genomföra arbetet är deltagande observationer, en fokusgrupp samt kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet av studien stödjer tidigare forskning om nyinflyttades informationsbehov och informationsbeteenden samt hur sociala nätverk har egenskap av att fungera som en informationskälla och ett sätt för nyinflyttade att ta del av- och sprida information. Resultatet påvisar även informationens bidragande roll i social inkludering och att avsaknaden av- eller bristfällig information kan leda till en känsla av- eller faktisk exkludering. Min studie visar även att information som kan möjliggöra tillgången till det sociala nätverk som medflyttarservicen kan medföra anses utgöra ett särskilt viktigt och vitalt informationsbehov för medflyttarna men att detta inte är något som tillgodoses eller förmedlas ut om i dagsläget. Till följd av resultatet har jag tagit fram ett gestaltningsförslag som baseras på principer om text och bild i samverkan för att skapa ett nytt informationsmaterial om medflyttarservicen. / This is a bachelor’s thesis in information design with a focus on text design. In this work, I have examined the information experience and information needs of the target group withcomers. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how an integration service and information provider for newcomers better can meet the information needs of the sub-group withcomers. And how information about the service can be designed and mediated to the target group. The methods used to conduct this study are participant observations, a focus group, and qualitative interviews. The results of the study support previous research on the information needs and information behaviors of newcomers, as well as how social networks serve a function as an information source and a way for newcomers to access and mediate information. The results also demonstrate the contributing role of information in social inclusion and that the lack of, or insufficient information can lead to a sense of- or actual social exclusion. My study also shows that information that can enable access to the social network that the withcomer service can provide is considered a particularly important and vital information need by the withcomers, and that this is not currently being met or communicated about. As a result of the findings, I have developed a design proposal based on the principles of text and image interaction to create new informational material about the withcomer service.

När blodsockret faller : – En studie om vikten av anhöriginformation och hur landsting kan informera om hypoglykemi med pathos.

Cronert, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
This is a study regarding the use of information aimed at relatives and close ones to people that is experiencing hypoglycemia due to their diabetes. And how the use of the classical rhetorical appeal pathos can be used to design such information, in order to emphasize the importance of knowing how to act when a person is experiencing the hypoglycemia state and how to make the information more relatable. This is a design study with and academic leap containing qualitative interviews with three participants. The problem studied is the information gap between people with diabetes and their surrounding family and friends. In this study the results show that the participants face danger in environments outside their home due to the lack of knowledge about diabetes and hypoglycemia symptoms. The focus of the study is understanding how people with diabetes type-1 experience hypoglycemia, so that I can inform about this subject in a manner and language that will reach the intended receiver. Done research shows that a low knowledge regarding diabetes is more than a fact, it’s a real problem within the field of information design and textdesign. Keywords: textdesign, hypoglycemia, diabetes, information design, human centered design, pathos

Betydelsen av ett första intryck : Hur rummets formgivning kan påverka upplevelsen av hotellet / The meaning of a first impression

Franzén, Amelia January 2016 (has links)
The meaning of a first impression is a thesis that aims to create a design for a hotel lobby, which can accommodate the needs of both the guests and the personnel in the best way possible. This study is based at the Scandic Park hotel in central Stockholm, were the lobby today appears to lack function. The desired effect of the design is to make the lobby area more enjoyable for the guest, and at the same time improve the flow of people through it. A detailed and thorough study of the lobby over different times and with different techniques suggests that the lobby is not a place where the guest wants to spend more time than necessary, it’s main function today appears to be as a transit hallway from the entrance of the hotel to the hotel rooms. The results of this study are used to create a design for an improved environment that not only welcomes the guest but that also shows them the identity that the Scandic Park’s management wishes to communicate. The creation and development of this design is also based on a study of relevant literature that includes, among others, theories of Spatial Design, Environmental Psychology, Servicescapes and Cognitive Psychology. The empirical data and the theories have helped me to create a design proposal that I believe conveys what Scandic Park stands for, while at the same time helping the guest to perceive and utilize an increased functionality in the lobby area. Hopefully this design will better accommodate the needs and wants that appear to be missing today, and at the same time promote the accessibility and the flow through the lobby.

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