Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inner work"" "subject:"anner work""
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Agila metoder: Vad får människor att ticka? : En studie kring projektdeltagres inner work life / Agile methods: What makes people tick? : A study on the inner work life of project participantsLarsson, Elin, Persson, Ida January 2012 (has links)
Författare:Elin Larsson och Ida Persson, studenter vid Magisterprogrammet i Projektledning vid Karlstads universitet. Bakgrund: Agila metoder är ett samlingsnamn för ett antal processer främst inom mjukvaruutveckling, men även för projektledning (Cervone 2011). Detta arbetssätt kom under mitten av 1990-talet som svar på en önskan om ett mer flexibelt arbetssätt och intresset för dessa metoder har ökat markant de senaste åren (Lindvall et al. 2002). I en omfattande studie kring bland annat motivation har Amabile och Kramer (2011) definierat termen inner work life som de processer som tillsammans bearbetar de intryck som en person får utifrån arbetsdagens händelser. Beroende på hur dessa händelser påverkar personen presterar denne mer eller mindre bra på sitt arbete. Problemdiskussion: Enligt Tessem och Mauer (2010) har allt fler organisationer börjat använda sig av agila metoder med ett gott resultat på deltagarnas känsla av motivation. Vilka faktorer i de agila metoderna är det egentligen som bidrar till känsla av motivation? Forskningsfråga: Vad i den agila projektarbetsformen är det som påverkar inner work life hos projektdeltagare i praktiken? Syfte: Undersöka projektdeltagares upplevelser av den agila projektarbetsformen utifrån de teorier kring inner work life som presenteras i Amabile och Kramer (2011). Metod: Undersökningen baserades på en kvalitativ ansats i form av intervjuer utifrån en teorietisk förförståelse kring det agila arbetssättet och motivation. Teori: Den teoretiska grundramen bygger till största del på de teorier som Amabile och Kramer (2011) presenterat kring inner work life. För att nå en god förståelse presenteras även bakgrunden till agila metoder och detta specifika arbetssätt, samt andra forskares syn på motivation bland de som arbetar enligt de agila metoderna. Empiri: Sju intervjuer med projektdeltagare från tre olika projekt men i ett och samma företag har genomförts och utgör studiens empiri. Analys: Det insamlade intervjumaterialet har bearbetats och analyserats utifrån den teoretiska förförståelsen. Slutsats: Det som i det agila arbetssättet främst påverkar projektdeltagarnas inner work life är de dagliga mötena, tavla med lappar som beskriver olika arbetsuppgifter och projektets status samt teamets samarbete.
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Den motiverande projektledaren : Vad projektledare anser vara viktigt för att motivera projektdeltagare / The motivating project manager : What project manager consider as important when motivate project membersCarlsson, Carolin, Sonedahl, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Projekt som arbetsform är vanligt för de flesta idag. Det är projektledaren som är ledaren av projektet och har som ansvar att se till att projektmålet uppnås, arbetsuppgifterna fördelas, skapa engagemang och motivera projektdeltagarna. En projektledare har oftast goda kunskaper om hur man på bästa sätt vägleder en projektgrupp genom olika projektfaser för att uppnå goda projektresultat och vilka framgångsfaktorer projektledare ska fokusera på. En framgångsfaktor som ofta inte prioriteras är hur motiverade projektmedlemmarna är. Vad är det som gör att individer gör sitt bästa och hur får man dem till det? Motiverade individer presterar bättre. En ledares beteende kan påverka en individs motivation och därmed även individens prestation. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om vad projektledare fokuserar på idag när det kommer till att skapa motiverade projektmedlemmar. Det kan vara en väg framåt i utformningen av utbildningar som berör hur ledare arbetar med motivation. För att svara på studiens forskningsfråga har vi intervjuat sex projektledare utifrån en intervjuguide för att ta reda på vad de anser motivera sina projektmedlemmar. Svaren från projektledarna har analyserat och sju handlingar som anses motivera har tagits fram och sedan analyserats utifrån Amabiles progressprincip (Amabile & Kramer 2011b). Progressprincipen visar att viktigast är att individer upplever progress för att känna sig motiverad. Våra resultat tyder på att de projektledare som ingått i studien inte har förstått det. Utifrån vår analys kan vi se att respondenterna fokuserar minst på att underlätta progress för projektmedlemmarna. Det bekräftar resultaten från en undersökning (Amabile & Kramer 2011b) där ledare fått rangordna effekterna av fem faktorer som kan inverka på de anställdas motivation och känslor under arbetet. Projektledarna som intervjuats i den här studien fokuserar mest på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i arbetsteamet när de ska motivera sina projektmedlemmar. Nyckelord: Motivation, Projektledning, Progress Principle, Inner Work Life. / Projects as a work form is common for most people today. The project manager is the leader of the project and has the responsibility to ensure achieving the goals of the project, to allocate the tasks, create engagement and motivate participants in the project. A project manager usually has good knowledge about the best way to guide a project team through different project phases to achieve sufficient project results. A success factor that is often not a priority is how motivated project members are. What makes people doing their best and how do you get them to it? Motivated people perform better. A leader's behavior can affect an individual's motivation, and thus also the individual's performance. The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about what project managers focus on today when it comes to creating motivated project members. It can be a way forward in the design of education that concerns how manager’s work with motivation. In order to answer the study's research question, we have interviewed six project managers based on an interview guide to find out what they consider to motivate their project members. We have analyzed the responses from the project managers and we developed seven actions, which were considered to enhance motivation. These were analyzed using The Progress Principle (Amabile & Kramer 2011b). The Progress Principle shows that the most important thing is that individuals experience progress to be motivated. Our results indicate that the project managers included in the study have not understood it. Based on our analysis, we can see that facilitating project members’ experience of progress, is the area least in focus. This confirms the results of a survey (Amabile & Kramer 2011b) where leaders have ranked the effects of five factors that can affect employee motivation and emotions during the work. The project leaders interviewed in this study focus mostly on the psychosocial work environment, when motivating their project members. Keywords: Motivation, Project Management, Progress Principle, Inner Work Life
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Att leda för självständig progress : En fallstudie om hur projektledare kan arbeta för att motivera i interna förändringsprojekt / To lead for independent progress : A case study on how project managers can work to motivate during internalchange projectsJohansson, Erica January 2016 (has links)
Alla organisationer förändras, antingen omedvetet eller som en del av en utarbetad plan. Planerade förändringar inom organisationen kan drivas som projekt och blir då ett internt förändringsprojekt som syftar till att skapa bättre förutsättningar för organisationens verksamhet. Ett internt förändringsprojekt kan drivas av en projektgrupp under ledning av en projektledare. För att resultatet av projektet ska bli lyckat är det viktigt att projektmedlemmarna känner sig motiverade och presterar för att nå målet. Att skapa motivation och arbetsprestation i projektet faller på projektledaren. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur projektledare i interna förändringsprojekt kan arbeta för att motivera deltagare i projektgruppen. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. För att besvara forskningsfrågan har en fallstudie genomförts genom att intervjua Lean-coacher som arbetar med att hjälpa företag inom lantbruksnäringen att införa Lean i sin verksamhet. Data har samlats in från respondenterna med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en teoretisk bas utifrån Teresa Amabiles Progressprincip. Utifrån respondenternas berättelser om handlingar och arbetsätt och hur dessa kan påverka faktorer från Progressprincipen presenteras empiri och analys enligt sju teman. Analysen visar att coachernas arbetsätt och handlingar påverkar flera delar ur Progressprincipen och därför har möjlighet att påverka individers motivation och prestation positivt. Coachernas arbetsätt fokuserar tydligast på att möjliggöra Progress och att Tillåta självständighet/självstyre samt på att skapa Klara målsätningar. / All organization goes through change, either unintentional or as part of scheduled plan. Planned changes within the organization can be managed as projects and is then categorized as an internal change project aimed at creating better conditions for the organization's operations. An internal change project can be completed by a project team led by a project manager. If the outcome of the project is to be successful it is important that team members are motivated and high performing. To create motivation and work performance in the project is the responsibility of the project manager. The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about how project managers who is responsible for internal change projects can work to motivate the project group. This study has been made using qualitative research. To answer the research question a case study has been conducted by interviewing Lean coaches who are working to help companies in the agricultural sector to implement Lean in their operations. Empirical data was collected from respondents using semi-structured interviews. The empirical data were analyzed using a theoretic framework based on Teresa Amabile and her work on The Progress Principle. Based on respondents' stories of their work and actions, and how these can affect The Progress Principle, the empirical data and analysis are presented as seven different themes. The analysis shows that the coaches' work and actions affect several parts of The Progress Principle and therefore have the ability to have a positive influence on individuals' motivation and performance. The coaches' work has a clear focus on enabling Progress and Allowing autonomy and Setting clear goals.
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Hur projektledare påverkas av att arbeta i multiprojektmiljöer. : En studie om multiprojektmiljöers inverkan på projektledares inner work life.Kask, Sara, Brala, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Att bedriva projekt som projektledare har genom tidens gång haft olika innebörd. Förr kunde det exempelvis handla om att bygga pyramider, medan det i dagsläget istället kan handla om implementering av IT-system hos organisationer. Under de senaste decennierna har projekt blivit den vanligaste formen för utförande av organisatoriska aktiviteter inom både industrin och offentlig förvaltning. Cirka 90 % av alla projekt som bedrivs i dagsläget sker även under parallella förhållanden, där en organisation utför fler projekt samtidigt, något som har gett upphov till så kallade multiprojektmiljöer. Tidigare forskning vittnar om ett flertal negativa konsekvenser som uppstår i multiprojektmiljöer, med fokus på tre karaktärsdrag: tidspress med dess snäva deadlines, fragmentering då en och samma projektledare har hand om flera projekt samtidigt, samt resurskonflikter då resurser inom organisationen delas av flera projektledare och linjeenheterna. Studiens syfte är att tillämpa Amabile och Kramers (2011) koncept om inner work life, för att utforska hur projektledare påverkas av att arbeta i så kallade multiprojektmiljöer. Vår forskningsfråga blir därför: hur påverkas projektledares inner work life av att arbeta i en multiprojektmiljö? Amabile och Kramers (2011) koncept innehåller totalt tolv olika underkategorier som påverkar en individs inner work life. För att besvara frågeställningen använde vi en kvalitativ metod. Fyra projektledare verksamma i multiprojektmiljöer inom den privata sektorn intervjuades. För att analysera deras svar använde vi oss sedan av en tematisk analysansats. Studiens resultat tyder på att projektledare påverkas både negativt och positivt av att arbeta i multiprojektmiljöer, där negativ påverkan är mest förekommande ur ett helhetsperspektiv. / The meaning of conducting projects has changed over time. A long time ago it could be a matter of building pyramids, today a project may consist of implementing a new IT-system. In recent decades, the project work form has become the most common approach for execution of organizational activities, both in the industry sector and public administration. Approximately 90 % of all projects conducted today are being run under circumstances where several projects are carried out in parallel, which has given rise to so-called multi-project environments. Previous research highlights a number of negative consequences that arise in multi-project environments, where the most prominent characteristics are time constraints including tight deadlines, fragmentation as a single project manager is in charge of several projects simultaneously, and resource conflicts as resources within the same organization are shared between several project managers and line units. The purpose of our study is to apply Amabile and Kramer's (2011) concept of inner work life, to explore how project managers are affected from working in a multi-project environment. Our research question is therefore: what are the impacts on project managers inner work life from working in a multi-project environment? Amabile and Kramer's (2011) concept contains a total of twelve different categories that affect an individual's inner work life. To answer the question, we used a qualitative approach. Four project managers working in multi-project environments in the private sector were interviewed. In order to analyze their responses we used a thematic analysis approach. The results of the study indicates that project managers are affected both negatively and positively from working in multi-project environments, where negative impact is most prevalent from an overall perspective.
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Attending to the inner life of an educator: the human dimension in educationCohen, Avraham 11 1900 (has links)
My dissertation is a selection of essays that reflect upon human potential, particularly but not exclusively, within educational environments. I offer theory and practices that suggest that under the right conditions educators and students will move towards the far reaches of their own creative capacities. I offer my own experience and practice as an exemplar of possibilities.
I make proposals about educators and education of educators that represent a paradigm shift from centralizing curriculum and content to focusing on care, nurturance, subjective and inter-subjective understanding, and development of educators. The reader is invited to see educators as central, and is encouraged towards the possibility that educators must be supported, encouraged, and cared for in order to support emergence of their vitality, first for themselves and subsequently for students.
I outline an approach that puts human beings in educational environments first in practical and specific ways. Integration of personal experience and curriculum material is explicated. The importance of personal inner work for educators is highlighted. Inner Work is characterized as a personal and spiritual process. The claim that educators need to have group facilitation skills is made and evidence offered.
Philosophical and theoretical background from education, eastern and western philosophy, humanistic and transpersonal psychology, process-oriented methods, and counselling psychology are drawn upon. The approach is holistic and systemic. The human is viewed as important but not separate from other living beings or the environment. The values of presence, care, and deep democracy underlie the ideas. The importance of relationality and
I-Thou connection are explicated. The writing and research draws on a variety of qualitative approaches, including, living inquiry, autobiography, and self-study, as well as conceptual, narrative, poetic, auto-ethnographic, heuristic, and analytic methods. The material, personal, and ephemeral are investigated as integrated parts of the Dao-Field of education and life.
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Attending to the inner life of an educator: the human dimension in educationCohen, Avraham 11 1900 (has links)
My dissertation is a selection of essays that reflect upon human potential, particularly but not exclusively, within educational environments. I offer theory and practices that suggest that under the right conditions educators and students will move towards the far reaches of their own creative capacities. I offer my own experience and practice as an exemplar of possibilities.
I make proposals about educators and education of educators that represent a paradigm shift from centralizing curriculum and content to focusing on care, nurturance, subjective and inter-subjective understanding, and development of educators. The reader is invited to see educators as central, and is encouraged towards the possibility that educators must be supported, encouraged, and cared for in order to support emergence of their vitality, first for themselves and subsequently for students.
I outline an approach that puts human beings in educational environments first in practical and specific ways. Integration of personal experience and curriculum material is explicated. The importance of personal inner work for educators is highlighted. Inner Work is characterized as a personal and spiritual process. The claim that educators need to have group facilitation skills is made and evidence offered.
Philosophical and theoretical background from education, eastern and western philosophy, humanistic and transpersonal psychology, process-oriented methods, and counselling psychology are drawn upon. The approach is holistic and systemic. The human is viewed as important but not separate from other living beings or the environment. The values of presence, care, and deep democracy underlie the ideas. The importance of relationality and
I-Thou connection are explicated. The writing and research draws on a variety of qualitative approaches, including, living inquiry, autobiography, and self-study, as well as conceptual, narrative, poetic, auto-ethnographic, heuristic, and analytic methods. The material, personal, and ephemeral are investigated as integrated parts of the Dao-Field of education and life.
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O simbolismo do "trabalho" na tradição sufi à luz da psicologia jungianaPolonio, Andriete 08 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-08 / This dissertation focuses the Sufi Tradition rooted in Brazil which follows the
Haqshbandi line. . As hypothesis there is a possibility of a relation between the
dynamics of the inner work of that school which appears in its symbols and the
path of transformation and change of the psychical development according to the
main lines of Jung´s psychology. The dissertation begins with the canary of
Sufism and Sufi Tradition. Afterwards, the main symbols of that Tradition are
exposed. The last step focuses the relation between the individuation process
which is central in Jung´s psychology and the symbolic work which achieves the
inner Sufi development / Esta dissertação focaliza a Tradição Sufi que se implantou n Brasil
seguindo a escola Naqsshbandi. A pesquisa è orientada pela hipótese da
possibilidade de se estabelecer uma relação entre a dinâmica de trabalho interior
dessa escola expressa em seus símbolos com o caminho de transformação e
mudança de estagio de desenvolvimento psiquico seguindo as linhas traçadas
pela psicologia junguiana. O itinerário da dissertação inicia com o cenário do
Sufismo e da Tradição Sufi, Em seguida, são expostos os principais símbolos
dessa Tradição. O terceiro e ultimo passo tem por objeto a relação entre o
processo de individuação, que ocupa lugar central na psicologia junguiana, e o
trabalho e sua simbolização que realiza o desenvolvimento interior sufi
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The braided way : deep democracy and communityEmslie, Gillian January 2014 (has links)
This study uses Processwork as a lens to evaluate the facilitation of social change and related design projects at all levels of scale. Social change processes are deconstructed and explored in terms of awareness of signals, roles, dimensions of rank and power, belief systems, and phenomenological experience within the analytical structure of deep democracy and eldership. Data is collected for the case studies from workshops, interviews with practitioners and participants, relevant texts and field experiences. The Bolivian case studies involved 24 rural indigenous farmers (men of varying ages) and 16 women (aged 16 - 54), all from situations of extreme urban poverty and shows the application of Processwork in empowering participants to facilitate social change. The Zaragoza case study was a part-time multi-module two-year course involving 38 male and female lawyers. They gained the confidence to design, and in some cases implement, a parallel mediation training, based on a whole systems design. The Thai case study consisted of 3 week-long workshops with Buddhist monks and nuns, university professors, community leader, consultants and trainers. The results suggest the emphasis on eldership, group process structure, rank, power, and double signals was extremely useful, even for those already experienced in awareness-based practices. The Ecovillage case study focuses on one female facilitator working in an extremely diverse cultural setting and demonstrates the importance of working with inner diversity and the value of both inner and outer awareness Processwork exercises. In choosing this broad spectrum of applications, the similarities and differences of Processwork in diverse cultural and social contexts is illustrated. The case studies and my experience suggest that Processwork can contribute to a shift in perspective required to build a more sustainable civilization with its capacity to broaden perspective and increase awareness at the worldview level. Processwork facilitates a process of meta-design, that encourages participants to see the larger, complex context of their projects as well as the details and momentary interactions and can be very helpful to all those working with complex systems, including facilitators and designers.
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Mellanchefers psykosociala arbetsmiljö : Skiljer sig upplevelsen beroende på kön och anställningstid?Hallgren, Angelica, Randberg, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine if there were any differences regarding work motivation, stress and role conflict among middle managers depending on gender and length of service. The psychosocial environment is defined by inner work motivation, stress and role conflict. Another purpose with the study was to examine whether there were any interactions between gender and length of work. The study was conducted at a larger industrial company in Sweden where a total of 44 middle managers took part in the study by answering a paper survey. The measuring instruments used were Basic Need Satisfaction at workscale (BNS) measured inner work motivation and the instrument COPSOQ measured stress and role conflict. The result showed a significant difference regarding length of work and relatedness whereas those with a longer length of work estimated a higher estimation compared to those with a shorter length of work. The result showed no more differences regarding length of work and no differences depending on gender and therefore neither any interaction effects. / Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att undersöka om det förelåg några skillnader i mellanchefers upplevelse av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön beroende av kön och anställningstid. Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön definieras här utifrån inre arbetsmotivation, stress och rollkonflikter. Ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om någon interaktionseffekt fanns mellan kön och anställningstid. Studien genomfördes på ett större industriföretag i Mellansverige med totalt 44 mellanchefer som deltog genom att besvara en pappersenkät. Mätinstrument som användes var Basic Need Satisfaction at workscale (BNS) som mätte inre arbetsmotivation samt instrumentet COPSOQ som mätte stress och rollkonflikter. Resultatet visade på en signifikant skillnad gällande anställningstid och samhörighet, där de med en längre anställningstid skattade upplevelsen av samhörighet högre jämfört med de med kortare anställningstid. Resultatet visade inga fler skillnader gällande anställningstid samt inga skillnader beroende av kön och därmed inte heller någon interaktionseffekt.
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