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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modéliser l'expansion des imaginaires en conception : dynamique des imaginaires, ingénierie de stimulation et nouvelles organisations de l'innovation / Modelisation of the imaginarie's expansion : dynamic of imaginaries, stimulation ingeneering and new organisations of innovation

Le Du, Laura 28 June 2017 (has links)
Il est largement établi que l’innovation industrielle doit tenir compte des imaginaires, qui peuvent provoquer des effets d’engouements ou de rejets. Aussi les concepteurs s’efforcent-ils aujourd’hui d’en tenir compte dans les processus de conception. Une première logique consiste à considérer qu’il existe un imaginaire stable, exogène, qui peut être modélisé ex-ante et qui vient conformer les produits et services à concevoir. Peut-on envisager une seconde logique qui ne ferait pas l’hypothèse de stabilité et éviterait ainsi d’imposer aux concepteurs, comme aux usagers, une forme de fixation et d’enfermement ? La thèse porte sur l’étude de cette seconde logique qui endogénéise les imaginaires pour prendre en compte leur faculté de renouvellement. Elle aborde trois questions : Comment rendre compte de la dynamique de transformation des imaginaires en relation avec l’objet technique innovant ? Quelle ingénierie de stimulation des imaginaires pour nourrir les processus d’innovation ? Et enfin, quels dispositifs de gestion et pilotage managérial pour supporter collectivement une stimulation des imaginaires dans un contexte industriel ?Le travail s’appuie à la fois sur un effort de modélisation et sur un ensemble d’études et d’expériences empiriques conduites dans le domaine de l’automobile. Il aboutit à trois principaux résultats. Premièrement, à partir d’un objet technique concret, le Twizy de Renault, la thèse propose des critères originaux pour caractériser la transformation des imaginaires, grâce à : l’hétérogénéité, le nombre, les tensions et la non-polarisation des imaginaires. Deuxièmement, la thèse propose un modèle théorique de l’expansion des imaginaires par un processus de conception, doté d’une structure de connaissances Lacanienne, redéfinies par l’approche de conception – celles du « réel », du « symbolique » et de « l’imaginaire ». Le modèle permet d’analyser des situations empiriques et de formuler des hypothèses d’actions managériales. Troisièmement, les expérimentations menées sur quatre dispositifs collaboratifs, enrichissent les hypothèses amenées par le modèle théorique. Les travaux montrent ainsi que la générativité des imaginaires proviennent moins de l’injection d’un imaginaire exogène que d’un effort de conception de l’individu mobilisant les substrats réels et symboliques. Il devient donc possible de faire évoluer les imaginaires par des dispositifs de stimulation et de pilotage spécifiques pour obtenir des processus d’innovation à forte générativité. / It is widely established that industrial innovation has to take into account imaginaries which could cause enthusiasme or rejection effects. That is why, nowadays designers consider them in their design processes. The traditionnal approach considers as stable as exogenous imaginaries, which could be shaped ex-ante and conformed new products and services to be designed. Could it be possible to plan a new approach, that would overpass the stability hypothesis, avoiding a kind of fixation and narrow-mindedness for designers or users ?The thesis focuses on this second approach, which endogenizes imaginaries by considering their renewal properties. It tackles three matters: how the transformation of imaginaries could account for the innovative technical object ? What an engineering system to stimulate imaginaries and feed innovation processes ? Lastly, what managerial actions to collectively support a stimulation of imaginaries, in an industrial context ?Thanks to the recent progress in design theory and empirical experiences led in the automotive industry, we could expand a modelisation effort. This work finds out three main results. Firstly, the thesis characterises the imaginaries dynamic transformation from a concrete and original technical object, by new criterias: heterogeneousness, number, tensions and non-polarity of imaginaries. Secondly, the thesis suggests a theoretical modelisation of the imaginaries expansion throughout a design process made of a knowledge structure with three logics hanging on together, based on the Lacanian approach and redefined by the design way: “real”, “symbolic” and “imaginary”. The thesis shows how to analyse empirical dynamics and set out managerial hypothesis in order to expand imaginaries. Thirdly, the experimentations led on four collective organisations of imaginaries, chosen for their complementarity, confirm, enrich and precise the hypothesis suggested by the theoretical model. It shows that the generativity of imaginaries is directly connected with their diversity and dynamism. Their transformation comes less from the injection of exogenous imaginaries than from a design effort combining with real, symbolic, and available substrates. Thanks to that, it is possible now to create an evolution on imaginaries through a stimulation organisation and a specific management to obtain strong generativity innovation processes.

La veille comme activité de soutien à l'innovation technologique / Environmental scanning as a support to technological innovation

Fasquelle, Justine 26 October 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le rôle d’un système d’information de veille stratégique dans des projets d’innovation. Plus précisément, elle porte sur le rôle des informations issues d’une activité de veille stratégique sur les prises de décision tout au long d’un processus d’innovation. La question de recherche est la suivante : Quelle est l’influence d’une activité de veille dans les prises de décisions au cours du processus d’innovation ? L’objectif est de contribuer à enrichir les connaissances sur un sujet qui a été peu abordé dans la littérature et qui rencontre de vraies problématiques managériales. L’originalité de l’article est de mobiliser la théorie de la décision en situation (approche naturalistique de Klein) pour étudier la prise de décision dans les processus d’innovation comme une décision complexe et ainsi l’influence que peuvent avoir des résultats d’une activité de veille sur des décisions complexes. Cette recherche fut menée grâce à une approche exploratoire qualitative de 23 entretiens. Nos résultats révèlent que la veille joue trois rôles au cours du processus d’innovation. Le rôle d’exploration de l’environnement implique le fait que la veille alimente le processus d’innovation à la quasi-totalité des phases. L’influence de la veille tend à s’estomper avant de connaître un regain une fois l’innovation introduite sur le marché. Le deuxième rôle est celui de confirmation de l’intuition des décideurs. Ces derniers ont à prendre des décisions complexes de type GO/KILL/HOLD/RECYCLE et sollicitent leur intuition qu’ils confirment grâce à la veille. Le troisième rôle de la veille est de réduire l’incertitude caractérisant les processus d’innovation en apportant des informations stratégiques de l’environnement extérieur de l’entreprise. Enfin, cette recherche montre que la veille est utile pour prendre des décisions lorsqu’elle est ciblée sur des axes de recherches stratégiques et que ses résultats sont partagés par le biais de médias riches, soit lors de réunions en face à face avec des supports visuels sous forme d’infographie par exemple. / This research focuses on the role of a strategic scanning in innovation projects. More specifically, it focuses on the role of information from a strategic scanning on decision-making throughout an innovation process. The question of research is: what is the influence of a strategic scanning on decision making during the innovation process? The objective is to enrich the knowledge on a topic that has been little addressed in the literature and which meets real management problems. The originality of the article is to mobilize the theory of decision in situation (Klein's naturalistic approach) to study decision-making in innovation processes as a complex decision and thus the influence that strategic scanning can have on complex decisions. This research was conducted through a qualitative exploratory approach of 23 interviews. Our results show that strategic scanning has three roles during the innovation process. The role of environmental exploration implies that the day before feeds the innovation process to almost all phases. The influence of the watch tends to fade before it is regained once the innovation is introduced on the market. The second role is to confirm the decision maker’s intuition. Decision makers must make complex decisions of type GO/KILL/HOLD/RECYCLE and seek their intuition that they confirm thanks to the previous day. The third role of strategic scanning is to reduce the uncertainty that characterizes innovation processes by providing strategic information about the company's external environment. Finally, this research shows that strategic scanning is useful to make decisions when it is focused on strategic research axes and that its results are shared through rich media, either at face-to-face meetings with visual presentation in the form of infographics for example.

Demola East Sweden: The Innovation Intermediary : A study of the innovation project process and the user experience of Demola East Sweden

Andersson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Innovation is a difficult, yet vital factor for any given organization. This has led to a new type of organizations; the intermediaries of open innovation. These provide a service offering by creating interchange between seekers with innovation problems, and third party problem solvers. This study focus on the specific case of one innovation intermediary; Demola East Sweden. They connect seekers of like big organizations or private persons, with student solvers from Linköping University. Demola East Sweden has grown quickly since the start in 2012, and now recognizes a need for evaluation. The purpose of this study is to examine the user experience of the Demola East Sweden innovation intermediary project process. This through the perspective of what adds values to it, and what could improve to the experience. The study was conducted as a case study in four phases of planning, mapping, analyzing, and conclusion. The planning phase defined the practical framework of the study, and three main areas of theory were chosen: the service of innovation intermediation, the structures behind innovation management, and the practical implementation of innovation. The mapping phase included observations and interviews for collecting data. As an initial step, insight on the context and operations of Demola East Sweden and the general project process was attained. Four project cases were then chosen to examine further. This included interviews with the seeker, the solvers, and the Demola East Sweden project facilitator of each case. The results were analyzed by answering specified research questions, defined by connecting the three theory areas to the purpose of the study. From this, conclusions for the study then could be drawn.The results generated an overview of the general project process of what happens before, during, and after the project conduct. Before project start, the process is mainly about screening the seekers and their projects ideas, and the solvers applying to participate. The analysis show that this initial screening process is important for assuring quality to the projects, and making sure the user expectations matches the service provided. During the projects the seekers are not involved much. The solvers on the other hand, are parallel to the project work also provided with mandatory events from Demola East Sweden and Linköping University. This e.g. includes pitch events where the solvers present and attain feedback on their projects, and coaching sessions on ethics and project goals. The analysis shows that the mandatory events are critical decision points, and are crucial for detecting problem areas in process. When the final results are presented and delivered to the seekers, they can choose if they want to buy it or not. If they choose not to, then they still own the initial project idea, but solvers own the generated results. The analysis shows that the results rarely go further than to concept solutions or prototypes, but also that these issues do not define the success rate of the projects. This is instead measured from the values attained from the experience of the project process. Regarding the expectations and the actual user experience, a common aspect for participation for both seekers and solvers, is the potential of recruitment. Otherwise, the seekers also expect the opportunity for low risk business investment, where they do not need to put in resources or commitment, but still maintain potential for innovation. For the solvers the expectations is also about attaining experience from real projects, where they at the same time gain course credits from the mandatory project events provided by the university. In general the expectations often match the actual experience. The issues on improvement is instead about e.g. the project process including too many mandatory events, lack of coordination between Demola East Sweden and Linköping University, and maintaining a balance of the important mutual interchange between the seekers and the solvers. / Innovation är en svårhanterad, men samtidigt viktig faktor för alla typer av organisationer. Detta har lett till en ny typ av organisationer; förmedlarna av öppen innovation. Dessa arbetar för att föra samman och skapa utbyte mellan sökare med innovationsproblem, och tredjeparts problemlösare. Denna studie fokuserar på det särskilda fallet av en sådan innovationsförmedlare; Demola East Sweden. De för samman sökare i form av t.ex. större företag eller privatpersoner, med lösare i form av studenter från Linköpings Universitet. Demola East Sweden har snabbt vuxit sedan starten 2012, och ser nu ett behov av utvärdering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka användarupplevelsen av Demola East Sweden’s innovationsförmedlande projektprocess. Detta genom perspektivet av vad som skapar värde i den, och vad som kan förbättra upplevelsen. Studien genomfördes som en fallstudie i fyra faser av planering, kartläggning, analys, och slutsats. I planeringsfasen definierades det praktiska ramverket för studien, och tre teoretiska huvudområden valdes: innovationsförmedling som en tjänst, strukturen bakom innovationshantering, och det praktiska genomförandet av innovation. Kartläggningsfasen inkluderade observationer och intervjuer för datainsamling. I ett första steg skaffades insikt och förståelse för kontexten och verksamheten kring Demola East Sweden och den generella projektprocessen. Fyra projektfall valdes sedan ut för att utforska vidare. Detta inkluderade intervjuer med sökare, lösare, och Demola East Sweden’s projektfacilatorer för varje fall. Resultatet analyserades genom att besvara specificerade frågeställningar, vilka definierats genom att koppla samman de tre teoriområdena med studiens syfte. Från detta kunde sedan slutsatser för studien dras. Resultatet genererade en översikt av den generella projektprocessen och vad som händer före, under, och efter projektens genförande. Innan projektstart handlar processen framförallt om att gallra sökare och deras projektidéer, och lösarna som ansöker för att delta. Analysen visar att denna initiala gallringsprocess är viktig för att försäkra kvalitet till projekten, och för att säkerställa att användarnas förväntningar samstämmer med tjänsten som erbjuds. Under själva projektprocessen är inte sökarna särskilt involverade. Lösarna, å andra sidan, deltar i obligatoriska projektmoment från Demola East Sweden och från Linköpings Universitet. Detta inkluderar t.ex. pitch-tillfällen där lösarna presenterar och får feedback på projekten, och handledningstillfällen kring etik och projektmål. Analysen visar att de obligatoriska momenten är kritiska beslutspunkter, och viktiga för att upptäcka problemområden i projektprocessen. När slutresultatet presenteras och levereras till sökarna, kan dessa välja att köpa det eller inte. Om de väljer att inte göra det, så äger de fortfarande själva projektidén, men lösarna äger det genererade resultatet. Analysen visar att resultaten sällan utvecklas längre än till konceptlösningar eller prototyper, men också att detta inte definierar framgångsgraden för projekten. Detta mäts istället genom värdet som erhålls från upplevelsen av själva projektprocessen. Avseende förväntningar och den verkliga upplevelsen, så är en vanlig anledning för både sökare och lösare att delta den potentiella rekryteringsmöjligheten. I övrigt förväntar sig sökarna möjlighet till lågrisk affärsutveckling, där de inte behöver investera resurser eller förpliktelser, men fortfarande har tillgång till eventuell innovation. För lösarna handlar förväntningarna även om att skaffa erfarenhet från verkliga projekt, där de samtidigt tjänar kurspoäng från Linköpings Universitets obligatoriska projektmoment. Generellt sett möter förväntningarna den verkliga upplevelsen. Faktorerna kring förbättring handlar snarare om t.ex. att projektprocessen innehåller för många obligatoriska moment, bristande koordination i samarbetet mellan Demola East Sweden och Linköpings Universitet, och underhåll av balansen i det viktiga ömsesidiga utbytet mellan sökare och lösare.

Successful Organizational Innovation and Key Driving Factors

Kondaveeti, Srinivasa Kiran, Kostoulas, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to discuss the key driving factors influencing the success of innovation in high-tech firms based in Sweden. The thesis will discuss key determinant factors and how those factors are connecting with each other. Organizational innovation and Organizational culture relationship have been under research for many years. The success of organizational innovation can be captured by various factors. Similarly, the organizational culture can be captured by different factors. During the research process, we came across various theories and this thesis is based on Rao and Weintraub (2013) developed model. The model provides six building blocks with determinant factors as a foundation for the successful innovative organizational culture. The six major building blocks or factors are Values, Behaviours, Climate, Resources, Processes, and Success (Rao & Weintraub, 2013). The purpose of the study is to define the hypothetical relationship between some of the six major factors which drives the successful innovation in the organization. The authors have developed a model for successful organizational innovation based on their hypotheses. It will be a matter of great interest to reflect upon the employee's feedback regarding those factors that influence firm’s organizational culture and successful innovation. The model was analyzed using the results of the survey in which 230 employees participated from Swedish based high-tech firms, using Structural Equation Modelling (Hair et al, 2010). The research results reveal some of the key contributors towards the successful organizational innovation and the relation between the factors for the successful organizational innovation. The factor successful innovation is strongly dependent on the innovation processes factor and this is followed by some more relatively moderate contributing factors such as the leaders’ behaviours, and the organizational resources. The study reveals that there is a strong relation between the innovation success and the innovation processes. The innovation processes factor is positively connected to the organization values, the leaders’ behaviours, and the organization resources. The organization climate is weakly connected to the innovation processes as represented by the data sample collected which needs to be further investigated. The model identified in the thesis gives an understanding of how the six factors are connected to drive the successful organizational innovation.

Repensando o design: estratégias para uma comunicação plurissensorial / Rethinking design: strategies for multi-sensory communication

Freitas, Renata Oliveira Teixeira de 29 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:14:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Oliveira Teixeira de Freitas.pdf: 54419396 bytes, checksum: de662ace69466bd6409abbe196b6a2bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This thesis can be included in the field of communication research and aims to reflect on contemporary design based on the possible contributions of the body s multisensory capacities. As the mediator between the informational codes of culture and man s perceptive and cognitive mechanisms, the design activity exerts an undeniable influence and impact on the construction of society. As part of a hyperconnected context, nourished by culture and by the tools of the new media and technologies, design deals with new creation, production, integration and value generation dynamics, as well as the new demands and urgencies of social and environmental co-existence, which require new project approaches. In these terms, multisensory analysis can contribute valuable tools for research development and design practice. The working methodology consisted of mapping out projects from different knowledge domains, such as art, medicine, engineering, technology, business and design itself, in an attempt to understand the distinct forms of action and exploration of the body s sensory communication. This research was undertaken based on theories that dialog with the critique of creation processes of Salles (2006), the questions of signs and the meaning of the semiotic base of Sebeok (1991) and Colapietro (2003), and with the complexity studies of Morin (2005). The discussions relating to communication systems and the contemporary market are supported by Shirky (2010), Lazzarato and Negri (2001), and Rifkin (2014). As far as the cognitive studies and theories of the body are concerned, the works of Nicolelis (2011) and Greiner (2005, 2010) were consulted. When referring to the design and innovation area, we turned to Manzini (2008), Margolin and Buchanan (1995), Brown (2010), Bonsiepe (2011ab), and Thackara (2008). The results of this research showed that knowledge of and investigation into these potentialities can supply project activation strategies, creative resources and means of interaction between people and products, spaces and services, contributing towards a projective action, that is more innovative, sustainable and coherent with the urgencies of the historical and cultural context, as well as promoting positive impacts on the systemic progression scale / A presente tese insere-se no universo das pesquisas da comunicação e tem como propósito refletir sobre o design contemporâneo a partir das possíveis contribuições das capacidades plurissensoriais do corpo. Como mediador entre os códigos informacionais da cultura e os mecanismos perceptivos e cognitivos do homem, a atividade do design exerce indiscutível influência e impacto na construção da sociedade. Inserido em um contexto hiperconectado, nutrido pela cultura e pelas ferramentas das novas mídias e tecnologias, o design lida com novas dinâmicas de criação, produção, interação e geração de valor, além de novas demandas e urgências de convívio social e ambiental que exigem novas abordagens projetuais. Nesse sentido, a exploração plurissensorial pode contribuir com ferramentas válidas para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e prática do design. Como metodologia de trabalho, foi feito um mapeamento de projetos de diferentes domínios do conhecimento, tais como arte, medicina, engenharia, tecnologia, negócios e o próprio design, por meio dos quais se buscou compreender as distintas formas de ação e exploração da comunicação sensorial do corpo. A pesquisa foi articulada a partir de teorias que dialogam com a crítica de processos de criação de Salles (2006), com as questões do signo e da significação de base semiótica de Sebeok (1991) e Colapietro (2003), e com os estudos da complexidade de Morin (2005). Para embasar as discussões referentes aos sistemas de comunicação e ao mercado contemporâneo, adotamos Shirky (2010), Lazzarato e Negri (2001) e Rifkin (2014). Em relação aos estudos cognitivos e às teorias do corpo, foram consultados os trabalhos de Nicolelis (2011) e Greiner (2005, 2010). E para as referências da área de design e inovação, recorremos a Manzini (2008), Margolin e Buchanan (1995), Brown (2010), Bonsiepe (2011ab) e Thackara (2008). Como resultado da pesquisa, observou-se que o conhecimento e investigação dessas potencialidades pode fornecer estratégias de ativação projetual, recursos criativos e meios de interação entre as pessoas e os produtos, espaços e serviços, contribuindo para uma ação projetiva mais inovadora, sustentável e coerente com as urgências do contexto histórico-cultural, além de promover impactos positivos em escala de progressão sistêmica

Capacidade absortiva: uma proposição para avaliação em empresas industriais

Puffal, Clair Wingert 27 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-07-14T13:06:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Clair Wingert Puffal_.pdf: 838959 bytes, checksum: d0bd857e392ed3db4e5d15c5a86c82a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-14T13:06:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Clair Wingert Puffal_.pdf: 838959 bytes, checksum: d0bd857e392ed3db4e5d15c5a86c82a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-27 / Nenhuma / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar processos e estruturas relacionadas às dimensões da capacidade absortiva (CA) em empresas industriais consideradas inovadoras no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Para tanto, este trabalho buscou na literatura, estudos sobre o construto Capacidade Absortiva, desde sua proposição original por Cohen e Levinthal (1990) até seu aperfeiçoamento, nas últimas décadas, a partir de Zahra e George (2002), que introduziu uma visão processual das dimensões da CA e seus componentes, como CA potencial - CAp (Aquisição) e CAp (Assimilação) e CA realizada - CAr (Transformação) e CAr (Exploração), no contexto organizacional. Foram identificadas as principais contribuições em estudos anteriores sobre dimensões da CA em empresas, destacando-se os mecanismos organizacionais que apresentam elementos como coordenação, sistemas e socialização, efetividade na busca do aprendizado das empresas e sua base de conhecimento, eficácia da comunicação, interação com fontes externas de conhecimento, formalização e integração social, além de avaliações das diferentes práticas gerenciais em microprocessos das empresas, considerados recursos intangíveis para o desenvolvimento da CA. A partir desse contexto, este estudo elaborou um instrumento de coleta qualitativo, aplicado em duas empresas industriais localizadas no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), dotadas de processos de inovação diferenciados, comparados à concorrência em contexto local. A primeira faz parte da indústria de refrigerantes, é de grande porte e desenvolve inovações em produtos, processos e gestão, voltadas ao mercado. A segunda faz parte da indústria de equipamentos eletromédicos para estética, é de pequeno porte e desenvolve inovações com base no conhecimento tecnológico. Os resultados mostram que, por um lado, as empresas investigadas, independentemente do tamanho ou setor, mantêm uma dinâmica organizacional, com mecanismos de busca de renovação do conhecimento que envolve gestores e funcionários, com habilidades na busca e assimilação de informações externas por meio de desafios estratégicos lançados pela empresa. Por outro lado, observa–se nessas empresas dificuldade na manutenção de comunicação eficaz entre todos seus funcionários, comprometendo o desenvolvimento da CA. Este estudo preenche uma lacuna existente nas avaliações nos processos e estruturas voltadas à inovação, que podem ser aperfeiçoadas com uma perspectiva da CA, além da oportunidade de verificar na prática, como acorre o desenvolvimento da CA em empresas industriais, a partir de seus microprocessos. / The aim of this study was to analyze processes and structures related to the dimensions of absorptive capacity (ACAP) in industrial companies considered innovative in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Therefore, this work sought within the literature studies on the construction of Absorptive Capacity since its original proposal by Cohen and Levinthal (1990) to its improvement in recent decades from Zahra and George (2002), which introduced a process view of the ACAP dimensions and its components as a potential ACAP - Acquisition and Assimilation, and realized RACAP - Transformation and Exploitation, in the organizational context. The main contributions in previous studies on ACAP dimensions in companies have been identified, highlighting the organizational mechanisms, which present elements such as coordination, systems and socialization, effectiveness in the pursuit of learning of the companies and their knowledge base, communication effectiveness, interaction with external sources of knowledge, formalization and social integration, besides evaluation of different management practices in micro processes of the companies, considered intangible resources to the ACAP development. This study to draw up a survey tool to collect qualitative data applied in two industrial companies located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with some innovation differentiated processes compared to the competition in local context. The first one is part of the soft drink industry; it is large-sized company and develops innovations in products, processes and management geared to the market. The second one is part of the electromedical equipment industry for cosmetic; it is small-sized company and develops innovations based on technological knowledge. In one hand the results show that regardless of size or sector the surveyed companies maintain an organizational dynamics with search mechanisms of knowledge renewal, involving managers and employees with skills in finding and assimilating external information through strategical challenges launched by the company. On the other hand, one observes in both companies difficulty in maintaining effective communication among all their employees compromising the development of ACAP. This study fulfill a gap in evaluations, in processes and in structures aimed at innovation, which can be improved with an ACAP perspective besides the opportunity of verifying in practice how the development of ACAP in industrial companies occurs from its micro processes.

Innovationsstyrning i förändring och utveckling : En studie om styrning av innovationsprocesser i ett innovationsekosystem

Stadig, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Utifrån en föränderlig omvärld har allt fler organisationer insett att de inte kan agera oberoende av omgivningen. Förändringarna beskrivs ofta i termer av mer intensiv konkurrensen, kortare livscykler för produkter och tjänster samt ständig teknikutveckling. Internet och den digitala transformationen har dessutom skapat en övergång till den digitala ekonomin vilket omvandlat grundläggande antaganden för flertalet affärsmodeller. Den intensifierade konkurrensen, teknologiska utvecklingen och ökade rörligheten av kunskap har resulterat i att allt fler organisationer måste analysera sitt sätt att organisera och styra innovationsarbetet för att öka innovationsförmågan. Mot bakgrund av de förändrade spelreglerna bör det ifrågasättas om interna innovationsprocesser är den mest framgångsrika strategin för att generera förutsättningar för en ökad innovationsförmåga. I linje med detta visar en tydlig trend under de senare åren att allt fler organisationer utforskar och efterfrågar kunskap från ett omfångsrikare spektrum av källor än tidigare. Detta åskådliggörs genom hur allt fler organisationer utnyttjar kunskapsflöden från nätverk utanför den egna organisationens gränser. Innovationsprocesser som fångar kunskapsflöden utifrån ett nätverkssynsätt ger upphov till nya potentiella fördelar för innovationsförmågan. En av de möjliga fördelarna beskrivs som kombinationen av interna och externa kunskaper. Förskjutningen från interna till mer öppna innovationsprocesser, innebär dock att innovationsstyrningen måste förändras. Med öppna innovationsprocesser har det uppdagats nya utmaningar, något som till stor del grundas i den bärande idén om involvering av flertalet individer. En central utmaning handlar om att styra öppna innovationsprocesser utan formell auktoritet över samtliga individer. Syftet med denna studie har därmed varit att identifiera och analysera vad som kännetecknar öppna innovationsprocesser och styrningsaspekterna för att öka innovationsförmågan. Utifrån en litteraturstudie upprättades ett styrningskoncept för att analysera, förklara och utveckla begrepp inom öppna innovationsprocesser. Styrningskonceptet kan beskrivas som ett paraply under vilket författaren samlar praktiska aspekter som kan utnyttjas på olika sätt för att styra en öppen innovationsprocess med målsättningen att öka innovationsförmågan. Den empiriska delen omfattar en fallstudie innehållande nio stycken intervjuer av innovationsstyrningen inom Lindholmen Science Park. Det är en internationell samverkansmiljö för forskning och innovation. Resultatet påvisar vikten av en flexibel styrning där fokus riktas mot ständig följsamhet gentemot den externa kontexten. Dessutom poängteras ledningen av till synes oförenliga paradoxer, där vikten av att vara ”både och” för att hantera olika motsatsförhållanden konstateras som viktigt. Dessutom fastslås betydelsen av ledare som frigör den inneboende innovationskraften genom nyfikenheten att lära och ett varaktigt fokus på att etablera relationer för att bygga tillit. / Based on a changing environment, more organizations have realized that they cant act independently of the environment. The changes are often described in terms of more intense competition, shorter life cycles for products and services and constant technology development. Internet and digital transformation has also created a transition to the digital economy which transforms assumptions for most business models. Intensified competition, technological development and increased mobility of knowledge, has resulted in that more organizations need to analyze the way they organize and manage innovation efforts to increase the capacity for innovation. In view of the changing rules of the game, it should be questioned whether internal innovation processes are the most successful strategy to generate conditions for increased innovation capabilities. In line with this, a clear trend in recent years points out that more organizations explore and demand knowledge from a wider range of sources than before. This is illustrated by how more organizations utilize knowledge flows from networks beyond the boundaries of their own organization. Innovation processes that capture knowledge flows based on a networking perspective gives new potential benefits for the innovation capabilities. One of the possible benefits is described as the combination of internal and external knowledge. However, the shift from internal to more open innovation processes, means that the innovation management must change. With open innovation processes, new challenges has been discovered, largely based on the supportive idea of involving more individuals. A central challenge is to control open innovation processes without formal authority over all individuals. Thus, the purpose of this study has been to identify and analyze what characterizes open innovation processes and governance aspects in order to increase the innovation capabilities. Based on a literature study, a management concept was established to analyze, explain and develop concepts in open innovation processes. The management concept can be described as an umbrella under which the author brings together practical aspects that can be utilized in different ways to manage an open innovation process with the aim of increasing innovation capabilities. The empirical part comprises a case study containing nine interviews of the innovation management within Lindholmen Science Park. It is an international environment for research and innovation. The result demonstrates the importance of flexible governance, focusing on constant compliance with the external context. In addition, the management of seemingly incompatible paradoxes is poached, where the importance of dealing with different opposites is found important. In addition, the result underline the importance of leaders who releases the inherent power of innovation by curiosity for learning and a sustained focus on establishing relationships to build trust.

Hur hållbar innovation kan implementerasi ett offentligt transportföretag : - en fallstudie / How could sustainable innovation be implemented in apublic transport organization : - a case study

Brandt, Alexander, Yusuf, Simon January 2021 (has links)
This thesis was conducted in the public transport sector atOrganization X and its prerequisites for managing and implementingsustainable innovation. Organization X currently does not haveprocesses or working methods for sustainable innovation (SI) and istherefore looking for theoretical guidance for whether the companyshould integrate SI into preexisting processes or invest in a newplatform or system. The thesis was based on scientific theory ofinnovation, SI and change management from various sources. The thesisthree primary data collection methods have been interviews, benchmarksand literature study. The purpose of the data collection methods wasto showcase how other companies work with innovation throughbenchmarks, how Organization X currently looks to work with SI throughinterviews, and finally a literature study on how the subject cantheoretically be integrated or implemented in operations.The empirical findings have been analyzed using theoretical data fromscientific sources on what they believe innovation and SI can bedefined as and how to best implement it. Organization X works withprocess improvement proposals in the through their Work ImprovementTeams and other systems to manage implementations or changes.The business today has prerequisites SI but lacks parts of what theoryand benchmark consider to be the most critical factors for innovation.The thesis presents an implementation proposal that results from acost benefit analysis where the authors highlight how Organization Xshould begin its work regarding innovation in order to finally furtherdevelop SI methods.

The Art and Science of Discontinuous Innovation: A Case Study in Product Reinvention

Smoot, Daniel C 20 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Divergence of new and old technologies is a source of tremendous innovation potential. As the dizzying pace of technological innovation accelerates indefinitely into tomorrow, not only do new paths diverge exponentially; doors already opened are increasingly abandoned for the allure of things undiscovered. Mature, late-stage life-cycle products left behind in today's fast-paced world open the floodgates to reinvention. This paper tests the hypothesis that innovativeness can be encouraged through the learning and application of universal innovation principles and processes. The implications of this research area are far-reaching. If innovation can be encouraged, then it can likely be taught. If it can be taught, then it can be systematized. More pervasive systematic innovation will accelerate change in the world. Individuals and organizations that master this kind of innovation will gain tremendous competitive advantages. The more people innovate, the more opportunities to innovate there will be. Creativity begets creativity. The microcosm studied in this thesis -- that of discontinuous innovation applied to mature products -- underscores the promise of potential far grander. If innovators, whether in small businesses or large corporations, seeking to capitalize on existing products with proven demand can combine innovation with iteration to consistently produce value for product stakeholders, what could they do to disrupt products as we know them? How many new product categories would emerge? Finally, if ordinary people everywhere began seeing themselves as and acting like innovators, what would stop any of us from changing the world? This paper distills existing and original theories of innovation into a new model called Innovation Harmony. The Innovation Harmony model details four crucial aspects of innovation, which are 1) Harmonize the views of stakeholders, 2) Understand the principles of innovation, 3) Create a creative environment, and 4) Apply the principles of innovation (follow a methodology). The paper concludes with a summary of a case study conducted at Brigham Young University, wherein 17 students attempted to reinvent the conventional Waffle Iron in a controlled environment. Their innovations are presented in the Appendix. Relevant analysis and recommendations are discussed in conclusion.

Challenges of Implementing a Product Life Cycle Process : A Study at Stora Enso / Utmaningar vid implementering av en produktlivscykelprocess : En studie på Stora Enso

EKENBERG, GRETA, STÅHL, JENNY January 2021 (has links)
Today, there is a great need for companies to be dynamic and cope with the fast-changing environment to stay competitive, stressing the need for well-defined processes for innovation and product portfolio management. For larger companies, it has been proven to be difficult to change traditional ways of working and adjust to new changes. Stora Enso is a large company, consisting of six different divisions with individual products, markets and processes for innovation and managing product life cycles. The lack of a common process causes problems in communicating, comparing results, and sharing resources between the divisions. In order to work in a more unified way, the company decided to introduce a cross-divisional process called Product Life Cycle Process (PLCP). The purpose of this study is therefore to analyze how a large company works with and manages the implementation of a new process and identify what challenges the company might face when dealing with this type of change. A literature study was performed in order to collect information regarding change management, innovation and product portfolio management processes as well as the implementation of these. Since the PLCP should be used in all divisions, information was collected by qualitative interviews from all six divisions to understand their plans, challenges and success factors. The results showed that all divisions were positive about the implementation of the new PLCP on a divisional level and saw benefits with the PLCP having similarities to their old ways of working, making the adaptation somewhat easier. The greatest challenges mentioned were lack of defined ownership and roles, employee resistance, lack of resources, flexibility, and support from management. All the divisions were also positive towards the company having one joint process and could see potential benefits like an overall common understanding and improved transparency between divisional products and projects. However, the greatest challenge mentioned was the fundamental differences between the divisions due to different products, projects, and strategies. To be able to meet changes in trends, needs, and requirements from customers, the study proved that Stora Enso is going in the right direction with the implementation of a joint process. Introducing the PLCP enables the company to speed up innovation and to commercialize products faster. Following are future recommendations provided for the company to further manage the implementation and work with the PLCP. Stora Enso needs to communicate a clear vision for how the company should handle the implementation and implement one IT-tool that includes managing products, support infrastructure, and performance measuring. They should also provide all managers and employees training and collect feedback from all divisions throughout the implementation. Stora Enso should also create and define clear product definitions and ownership roles for each division and take into consideration the different prerequisites of the division when planning the implementation of the PLCP. The company must therefore provide different time plans and financial support to the divisions based on their preconditions. / Det är viktigt för företag att vara dynamiska och konkurrenskraftiga för att klara av de snabba förändringar som sker på dagens marknader. Detta gör att det blir allt viktigare för ett företag att ha väldefinierade processer för både innovation och produktportföljhantering. Dock har det visat sig att större företag har svårt att ändra sina traditionella processer för att möta nya förändringar. Stora Enso är ett stort företag som består av sex divisioner med olika produkter, marknader och processer för innovation och produktlivscykler. Divisionerna har upplevt problem med att jobba på olika sätt eftersom de saknar en gemensam kommunikation, har svårt att jämföra resultat och dela resurser mellan divisionerna. Därför har nu företaget valt att introducera en gemensam produktprocess, kallad Product Life Cycle Process (PLCP), som alla divisioner ska jobba efter. Syftet av denna studie därför att analysera hur ett stort företag genomför och hanterar en implementation av en ny process och identifiera vilka utmaningar som företag kan uppleva under en sådan typ av förändring. En litteraturstudie utfördes för att hitta relevant litteratur om förändringshantering, innovation- och produktportföljhanteringprocesser samt hur dessa implementeras i ett företag. Eftersom PLCP skulle användas på alla sex divisioner så utfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med medarbetare på alla divisioner för att förstå divisionernas planer, utmaningar och de möjligheter de såg. Resultatet från intervjuerna visade att alla divisioner var positivt inställda till implementeringen av PLCP på en divisionsnivå och såg fördelar med att PLCP var lik många av divisionernas tidigare arbetssätt, vilket kunde göra det enklare att anpassa sig till den nya processen. Den största utmaningen som nämndes var bristen på definierade ägarroller, motstånd från anställda, brist på resurser, processens inflexibilitet och brist på stöd från ledningen. Alla divisioner var också positivt inställda till att alla inom företaget arbetar med en gemensam process och kunde se potentiella fördelar såsom en övergripande, gemensam förståelse samt förbättrad transparens mellan divisionernas produkter och projekt. Den största utmaningen var dock de grundläggande skillnaderna mellan divisionerna till följd av deras olika produkter, projekt och strategier. För att kunna möta föränderliga trender, krav och behov från kunder visar denna studie att Stora Enso går i rätt riktning genom att implementera en gemensam process. Implementering av processen möjliggör snabbare arbete med innovation och kommersialisering av produkter. Följande rekommendationer för att hantera implementeringen och fortsatt arbetet med PLCP presenterades till företaget. Stora Enso måste kommunicera en tydlig vision för hur företaget ska hantera implementeringen, samt implementera ett IT-verktyg som inkluderar hantering av produkter, en supportinfrastruktur och resultatmätning. De bör också ge alla chefer och anställda utbildning samt samla in feedback från alla divisioner genom hela implementeringen. Stora Enso bör också skapa och definiera tydliga produktdefinitioner samt ägarroller för varje division och ta hänsyn till divisionernas olika förutsättningar vid planering av implementeringen. Företaget bör därför tillhandahålla olika tidsplaner och ekonomiskt stöd till de olika divisionerna utifrån deras förutsättningar.

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