Spelling suggestions: "subject:"insults"" "subject:"consults""
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Jogos de ofensas: epítetos verbais entre estudantes de uma escola na Amazônia / Insult games: verbal epithets among students of the school at AmazoniaAlan Augusto Moraes Ribeiro 30 May 2016 (has links)
Na presente tese desenvolvo um estudo sobre os jogos de ofensas entre estudantes do ensino medio da Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Para (EAUFPA), realizados por meio de trocas de epítetos verbais e atos não-verbais entre dois ou mais participantes. Estes jogos de ofensas integram um conjunto de praticas relacionais e tipos de interação social que se remetem a processos identitarios a partir da intersecção das categorias raça, genero e classe. Por meio de pesquisa etnografica e entrevistas, descrevo as maneiras pelas quais as diferentes definições sobre o que e ofensivo-insultuoso e o que e comico entre os estudantes se relacionam com processos de percepção de si dentro do cotidiano escolar, fazendo surgir micro-hierarquias, procedimentos relacionais de subordinação e atos de humilhação social entre os envolvidos nas trocas verbais, bem como outras modalidades conflitivas de interação social dentro desta escola. Esta tese procura destacar variabilidades e arbitrariedades nas definições nativas acerca do que seria ofensividadeinsultuosidade ou brincadeira entre os sujeitos da pesquisa, usando para isso diferentes relatos e narrativas registradas junto aos entrevistados como definições semânticas polarizadas. Em outras palavras, procuro identificar, compreender e descrever etnograficamente em que momentos e situações um epíteto verbal ou um ato não-verbal passa a ser definido como ofensivo-insultuoso. Analisando entrevistas formais e conversas informais, tento descrever como um vocabulo ou uma ação não-verbal mobilizam uma ofensividade-insultuosidade oposta a uma comicidade-ludicidade em certos momentos, mas em outros não. Qual e a influencia da sociabilidade escolar, das vivencias e experiencias construídas entre os estudantes na escola sobre a definição do que e considerado ofensivo e, de outro modo, do que e comicidade? O que e vivido em outros espaços não escolares pelos estudantes influencia nestas definições sobre ofensividade ou brincadeira na escola? Quais são os termos nativos usados para identificar estas trocas verbais? Como estas praticas mobilizam raça, genero e classe para tecer masculinidades, feminilidades e políticas relacionais que estabelecem aliados e adversarios, amizades e inimizades entre os estudantes? Inicialmente, apresento tais jogos como tipos de altercações e contendas que abarcam, de modo simultâneo, tanto insultos estigmatizantes que se referem caricaturalmente a estereotipos coletivos imputados de modo grotesco a alguem com base em situações e condutas que divergem ou não de um padrão comportamental definido como norma na sociabilidade estudantil, como galhofas e zombarias aceitas ludicamente entre os estudantes que se aproximam e sedimentam entre si relações grupais na escola. Depois, estipulo tres modalidades heurísticas de jogos verbais (sistematizadas a partir de estudos feitos sobre o tema) que interagem entre si para ajudar a compreender as complexidades das praticas observadas. A primeira consiste em um jogo de insultar que mobiliza epítetos e atos ofensivos, humilhantes que implicam em danos identitarios e perdas relacionais entre os envolvidos. A segunda e o jogo de brincar, uma troca que envolve eminentemente a ludicidade, a jocosidade, e, no limite, uma comicidade conflitiva. A terceira e o jogo de insultar e de brincar, uma troca que envolve ludicidade, comicidade e jocosidade mas que pode fazer surgir insultuosidade, danos identitarios e perdas relacionais para os envolvidos. Procuro tambem descrever praticas e sujeitos que mobilizam de modo específico insultos verbais raciais e sexuais remissivos a estereotipos, masculinidades e feminilidades racializadas em uma perspectiva que ressalta a agencia política de jovens homens negros e jovens mulheres negras. / This thesis presents a study of offensive games played among middle school students attending the Application School of the Federal University of Para. These games consist of exchanges of verbal insults and/or non verbal acts between two or more participants. All of these pranks are composed of a group of interpersonal relationships and social interactions that relate to identitary processes involving the intersection of social categories such as race, gender and class. By way of ethnographic research and interviews, I describe the ways in which the different conceptions of what is considered offensive or derogatory and what is considered funny among the students is related to processes of self perception in their daily school life that bring forth the microhierarchies, subordination procedures and humiliation practices between the students involved in the pranks as well as other conflictive modalities of social interaction in the school. This dissertation points to making visible the variabilities and arbitrary aspects present in the native definitions of what is considered offensive-derogatory or mere joking among the research subjects using different accounts or narratives developed by the interviewees as polarized semantic definitions. In other words, I will identify, explain, and describe ethnographically in what moments and situations a verbal epithet or a non verbal act comes to be defined as offensive-derogatory. Analyzing formal interviews and informal conversations I intend to describe how is it that a word or a non verbal act mobilizes an offensive insult that opposes a comic-ludicity in some moments but in others not. Some of the main questions that this dissertation explores are: What is the influence of the school socialization and the lived experiences of the students in the school on their definitions of what is considered offensive and what is considered a joke? Do their lived experiences in spaces outside the school influence these definitions of what is an insult or a joke in the school? What are the native terms used to identify these verbal exchanges? How do these practices mobilize race, gender and class to weave masculinities, femininities and interpersonal politics that establish allies and adversaries friendships and animosities between the students? From the beginning I present these pranks or games as arguments and exchanges that are composed simultaneously of stigmatizing insults that make reference to collective caricature stereotypes imposed over someone grotesquely because of situations and behaviors that are different or not from a established behavioral pattern defined as the norm of the school socialization,or in other words as normal and accepted jokes and pranks between the students that develop group relationships or cliques in the school. Afterwards, I establish three heuristic modalities of verbal jokes (sistematized after research done on the topic) that interact within themselves to comprehend the complexities of the observed practices. The first of these modalities consists on a insult game that mobilizes words and offensive humiliating acts that end in identity damages and broken relationships among the students involved. The second modality is the joking game, an exchange that involves playfulness and, on its limits, a problematic comic relief. The third modality is the joking and insulting game, this exchange involves ludic characteristics, playfulness and comic relief that may result in insults, identity damages and broken relationships among the students involved. I also describe subjects and practices that mobilize in a specific manner verbal insults of racial or sexual nature that reference to stereotypes, racialized masculinities and femininities from a perspective that visibilizes the political agency of Black young middle class men and Black young working class women.
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The power of insults : A study of condescending linguistic strategies in four English online discussion forumsHolmberg, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how language is used, online, in a condescending way in order to make the recipient feel belittled. The research questions sought to find out what kind of linguistic strategies are used online in order to make language function in a derogatory way as well as the linguistic reactions these strategies evoke in the recipients. How this derogatory usage can be met by using specific linguistic strategies was also explored. The study was conducted by performing qualitative discourse analysis based on the theoretical framework of Culpeper’s (1996) impoliteness theory. The data consisted of excerpts from four different threads in online discussion forums. The results indicate that there are several ways to insult someone, and that sarcasm, in particular, is heavily utilized in order to make language function in a derogatory manner. The conclusion of the study is that phenomena such as the flouting of maxims, face-threatening acts, impoliteness strategies and flaming are all utilized when trying to belittle someone. All these linguistic strategies performed with the intention to insult people have proved to have a negative affect on people who are exposed to them. This affect can be detected through the linguistic reactions they rendered, for example: counter-attacks with insults of their own and refuting the insults. The present study contributes to enlightening linguistic strategies which are being used in a derogatory way and as such might function to raise awareness of the power invested in language.
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"De hade skrivit bög i bläck. Jag hade skrivit: Exakt vad han är, LOL" : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars erfarenheter av e-mobbning på sociala nätverket Facebook / "They wrote the word Gay in ink. I wrote: Exactly what he is, LOL" : A qualitative study of young people's experiences of cyber bullying on the social network FacebookKihlman, Tania January 2016 (has links)
Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that did not receive enough recognition in our society until the year of 2004. That same year, the social network Facebook was launched and is now the most popular social network site for youths in Sweden and around the world. Cyber bullying is a new phenomenon where the normal form of bullying is taken into the world of technology by using various technical artefacts such as mobile phones, computers and tablets to access the Internet. In this study the youths will be sharing their views and experiences on this subject. Aim: The aim was to ascertain the experiences of cyber bullying according to Swedish youth between the ages of 11- 16 years old in a Swedish class in Stockholm. Method: This will be presented by empirical interviews with a qualitative approach, as a method to illustrate the youths perception of this phenomenon. Results: The study results show that Facebook serves as a tool keeping youths connected through computer-mediated communication. Youths can edit and optimize their presentations of themselves online and choose how much of their private information they want to share with others. Based on the study, it has also been shown that anonymity is not essential among bullies. According to the participants they know who has insulted them or their friends because they are using their real Facebook accounts, which differs from previous study. The reason behind this may be that youths have become more comfortable social networking and they find it easier when they cannot see the person's reaction when they receive the negative comment written, in comparison to if the comment would have been said in the classroom. The study has also shown that those who have been bullied online either go to the same school with the bully or have acquaintances. The more online-exposure for example; having many social network friends and publishing private information, an individual chooses to have with their Facebook account, the greater the risk of being cyber bullied. Conclusion: Even though this is a narrow study, it brings insights on youths experience and exposure to cyber bullying.
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Mise en évidence des acteurs impliqués dans le processus de lésion/réparation à la synapse vestibulaire après traumatisme excitotoxique / Study of the cellular effectors involved in the damage / repair process at the vestibular synapse after excitotoxic injuryBrun, Emilie 18 December 2013 (has links)
L'excitotoxicité est un mécanisme pathologique qui résulte généralement du relargage massif de glutamate par les neurones en souffrance et qui conduit à la destruction des réseaux neuronaux ainsi qu'à des pertes cellulaires qui peuvent sévèrement impacter les fonctions cognitives et motrices. Au niveau du système nerveux central la séquence d'évènements qui supportent ce processus a bien été décrite et sert aujourd'hui de base au développement d'approches thérapeutiques ciblés pour limiter les conséquences du phénomène. Au niveau de l'oreille interne, les processus excitotoxiques pourraient également être impliqués dans différents types d'atteintes des fonctions auditives et vestibulaires tels que les traumas acoustiques, les surdités brusques, la neurite vestibulaire ou encore les vertiges d'origines ischémiques. Bien que les mécanismes moléculaires qui supportent ce type d'atteinte aient été bien explorés au niveau cochléaire, ils restent peu documentés au niveau du vestibule. De récentes études réalisées par notre équipe ont mis en évidence la participation des récepteurs du glutamate à la neurotransmission vestibulaire en conditions normales et ont également démontré les conséquences histologiques et fonctionnelles d'une atteinte excitotoxique du vestibule. Elles ont par ailleurs mis en évidence le fort potentiel de réparation spontané des synapses vestibulaires après déafférentation. Dans le présent travail de thèse, nous avons voulu identifier les effecteurs cellulaires qui contrôlent les phénomènes de déafférentation et de réafférentation. Dans ce but, nous avons mis au point un modèle d'étude original, qui permet un suivi histologique et fonctionnel de la séquence des évènements biologiques mis en jeu dans ces processus. En combinant des approches en immunohistochimie, microscopie électronique, électrophysiologie moléculaire et pharmacologie nous démontrons que les récepteurs glutamatergiques de types AMPA et NMDA sont tous deux impliqués dans les processus de déafférentation. Les récepteurs NMDA sont également essentiels au processus de réparation synaptique. Les résultats de ce travail apportent une nouvelle lumière sur le rôle des récepteurs du glutamate dans le processus de lésion/réparation des synapses vestibulaires. Cette nouvelle donne pourrait impacter directement sur les stratégies pharmacologiques de protection en cours de développement dans le domaine de la pathologie vestibulaire, mais également par extension à celui de la pathologie auditive. En outre le modèle de culture organotypique de tranche d'organe vestibulaire pourrait trouver application pour le screening de nouveaux composés à propriétés protectrices ou régénératrices. / Excitotoxicity is a pathological mechanism that usually results from the massive release of glutamate by suffering neurons and that leads to destruction of neural networks as well as cell losses that may severely impact cognitive and motor functions. In the central nervous system the sequence of events that supports this process has been extensively studied and is now the basis for the development of targeted therapeutic approaches to limit the consequences of the phenomenon. In the inner ear, excitotoxic damages may also support in different types of auditory and vestibular disorders such as acoustic traumas, sudden hearing loss, vestibular neuritis or dizziness of ischemic origin. Though the molecular mechanisms that support this type of injury have been well explored at cochlear level, they remain poorly documented in the vestibule. Recent studies by our team have confirmed the involvement of glutamate receptors in the vestibular calyx neurotransmission in normal conditions and also showed histological and functional consequences of excitotoxic damage in the vestibule. They also revealed the potential for spontaneous repair of the vestibular synapses after deafferentation. In present thesis, we aimed at identifying the cellular effectors that control the phenomena of deafferentation and reafferentation. For this purpose, we developed an original study model, which allows tracking histological and functional assessment of biological events involved in these processes. By combining approaches in immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, molecular electrophysiology and pharmacology we demonstrate that both AMPA and NMDA type glutamate receptors are mainly involved in the process of deafferentation. NMDA receptors are also essential for synaptic repair process. The results of this work provide a new light on the role of glutamate receptors in the process of injury / repair of vestibular synapses. The novel observations could directly impact on the ongoing pharmacological protection strategies in the field of the vestibular pathology, and by extension to that of the hearing pathology. In addition, the organotypic culture model of vestibular organ slices may find application for screening new compounds with protective or regenerative properties.
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Verbala förolämpningar i 1630-talets Uppsala : En historisk talaktsanalys / Verbal Insults in Uppsala during the 1630s : A Historical Speech Act AnalysisFalk, Erik January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates verbal insults recorded in judicial protocols in the Swedish university townUppsaladuring the 1630s. The aim of the study is to analyze insults as linguistic formulations and social acts in Early Modern Swedish society. The methodology of the study is guided by speech act theory and ethnography of communication in order to examine the lexical realizations of insults and verbal action in different speech communities. From a total of 652 protocols in two series of records from the city court and the university council inUppsalain the 1630s, sections of text were excerpted that registered insults. The material under investigation comprises 179 cases that contained 276 insults. The descriptive meta-linguistic expressions for insults are rich as well as varied, and the performed insults are reported with or without invectives and as direct or indirect speech. Clear patterns emerged in the investigation by performing various semantic-, pragmatic-, and discourse-level analyses of the judicial records. Insults among city people were commonly interpreted as truth-conditional representative speech acts and thereby were viewed as false accusations of various kinds. In the academic world, however, the truth value of the insult was of minor importance. The speech act was regarded mainly as an expressive utterance of anger and frustration. Through a comparison of the city and university judicial records, it is shown that the patterns of insults reveal a general semantic process in which primarily concrete, objective meanings come to fulfill increasingly interpersonal and pragmatic speech functions.
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Insultos, elogios e resistências: participação de repentistas negros em cantorias do Nordeste (1870-1930).Gomes, Germana Guimarães 30 April 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The research developed - linked to the search line History of the Regional Program of Graduate Studies in the Historyof the Federal University of Paraiba, with area of concentration in History and Historical Culture,has as its theme, the participation of repentistas blacks in singing northeast of the end of the century XIX and beginning of the century XX. This time adopted in points for the period in which blacks were faced with a backdrop provided by the abolition, which was associated with the new form of "integration", even though still excluding this segment in the early Republic. Using bursts that were corporated by Cordel Literature, as well as classics of the beginning of the century XX, they intend to discuss how repentistas blacks were represented by their opponents in singing in which they participated. Accordingly, we found the "insults" that put the repentista black in the context of inferiority, exclusion, "compliments," that mask the prejudices, but which shows positive visions of the Black opponent, since this, in the course of battle, exposes their knowledge, techniques, and finally, resistance, since the black Singer that highlighted in singing when positioned against certain representations, conferred by opponents "white" about their race and practices. Checking the continuity of these representations stereotyped and discriminatory in the present, this study will enable the understanding about the maintenance of the speeches, as well as a reflection on the position of black populations faced with the situations excludentes to them and (still) being checked. / A pesquisa desenvolvida vinculada à linha de pesquisa História Regional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, com área de concentração em História e Cultura Histórica tem como tema, a participação de repentistas negros nas cantorias nordestinas do final do século XIX e início do século XX. Esse recorte de tempo adotado nos aponta para o período no qual os negros se depararam com um contexto propiciado pela Abolição, que estava associada à nova forma de inserção , mesmo que ainda excludente deste segmento no início da República. Utilizando repentes que foram incorporados pela Literatura de Cordel, bem como por obras clássicas do início do século XX, propõem-se discutir como os repentistas negros foram representados pelos seus opositores nas cantorias aos quais participavam. Nesse sentido, evidenciamos os insultos que colocam o repentista negro no âmbito de inferioridade, de exclusão, os elogios , que mascaram os preconceitos, mas que evidencia visões positivas do oponente negro, uma vez que este, no decorrer da peleja, expõe seus conhecimentos, suas técnicas, e por fim, as resistências , uma vez que o cantador negro se destacava nas cantorias quando se posicionava contra determinadas representações, conferidos pelos oponentes brancos acerca de sua raça e suas práticas. Verificando a continuidade dessas representações estereotipadas e discriminatórias na contemporaneidade, o presente estudo possibilitará o entendimento acerca da manutenção dos discursos, bem como para uma reflexão acerca do posicionamento das populações negras diante das situações excludentes que lhes foram e (ainda continuam) sendo conferidas.
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Insultos verbais no cotidiano de Salvador (1889-1908): filho de negra captiva e outros nomes que o respeito manda calarSantos, Eneida Virginia de Oliveira 25 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-11-11T22:21:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / In Bahia the process of social and political rearrangement derived from the end of slavery and implementation of the Republic was marked by inequality around the color in order to maintain unchanged the existing social order. In the color differentiation processes, the press was instrumental in settling lower values on the black-mestizo population, displaying in sessions police's subjects images and behavior also "incorrect". These images fulfilled two functions: educating popular on the ideal role models and honor to be practiced and inform the police about the subjects that should be corrected. But not only the ruling classes built the color difference. Popular from Salvador, in the period between the last years of the nineteenth and first decade of the twentieth century in conflicts around work, neighborhood and business, built color meaning that differed from its rivals and expressed them in the form of insults verbal. In this work we identify the meanings attributed the color contained in the vocabulary of insults uttered by ordinary people on the streets of the city. People that different from ones that the press insisted on reform because the public display of incivility in the form of conflict to knife, shot or clubbed, leaned against the law to restore its reputation. / Na Bahia o processo de rearranjo pol?tico e social derivado do fim do cativeiro e implementa??o da Rep?blica foi marcado por constru??es de desigualdade em torno da cor como forma de manter inalterada a ordem social vigente. Nos processos de diferencia??o pela cor, a imprensa teve papel fundamental na sedimenta??o de valores inferiorizantes sobre a popula??o negro-mesti?a, exibindo nas sess?es policiais imagens de sujeitos e condutas igualmente ?incorretos?. Essas imagens cumpriam dupla fun??o: instruir os populares sobre os modelos ideais de conduta e honra a serem praticados e informar a pol?cia sobre os sujeitos que deveriam ser corrigidos. Mas n?o s? as camadas dominantes empreenderam diferen?a pela cor. Populares da capital baiana, no per?odo entre os ?ltimos anos do s?culo XIX e primeira d?cada do s?culo XX, em conflitos em torno do trabalho, vizinhan?a e neg?cios, constru?ram sentidos da cor que os diferenciou de seus desafetos e os expressou sob a forma de insultos verbais. Neste trabalho buscamos justamente identificar os sentidos atribu?dos a cor contido nos vocabul?rios de insultos proferidos pela gente do povo nas ruas da cidade. Gente, que diferente daqueles sujeitos que a imprensa insistia em reformar devido a exibi??o p?blica de incivilidade sob a forma de conflitos a faca, tiro ou paulada, apoiou-se na lei para restabelecer sua reputa??o.
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Secondary Insults in Neurointensive Care of Patients with Traumatic Brain InjuryElf, Kristin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability. Intracranial secondary insults (e.g. intracranial haematoma, brain oedema) and systemic secondary insults (e.g. hypotension, hypoxaemia, hyperthermia) lead to secondary brain injury and affect outcome adversely. In order to minimise secondary insults and to improve outcome in TBI-patients, a secondary insult program and standardised neurointensive care (NIC) was implemented. The aim of this thesis was to describe patient outcome and to explore the occurrence and prognostic value of secondary insults after the implementation.</p><p>Favourable outcome was achieved in 79% and 6% died of the 154 adult TBI patients treated in the NIC unit 1996-97. In an earlier patient series from the department, 48% made a favourable outcome and 31% died. Hence, the outcome seems to have improved when NIC was standardised and dedicated to avoiding secondary insults. </p><p>Secondary insults counted manually from hourly recordings on surveillance charts did not hold any independent prognostic information. When utilising a computerised system, which enables minute-by-minute data collection, the proportion of monitoring time with systolic blood pressure > 160 mm Hg decreased the odds of favourable outcome independent of admission variables (odds ratio 0.66). Hyperthermia was related to unfavourable outcome. Hypertension was correlated to hyperthermia and may be a part of a hyperdynamic state aggravating brain oedema. </p><p>Increased proportion of monitoring time with cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) < 60 mm Hg increased the odds of favourable outcome (odds ratio 1.59) in patients treated according to an intracranial pressure (ICP)-oriented protocol (Uppsala). In patients given a CPP-oriented treatment (Edinburgh), CPP <60 mm Hg was coupled to an unfavourable outcome. It was shown that pressure passive patients seem to benefit from an ICP-oriented protocol and pressure active patients from a CPP-oriented protocol. The overall outcome would improve if patients were given a treatment fit for their condition.</p>
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Secondary Insults in Neurointensive Care of Patients with Traumatic Brain InjuryElf, Kristin January 2005 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability. Intracranial secondary insults (e.g. intracranial haematoma, brain oedema) and systemic secondary insults (e.g. hypotension, hypoxaemia, hyperthermia) lead to secondary brain injury and affect outcome adversely. In order to minimise secondary insults and to improve outcome in TBI-patients, a secondary insult program and standardised neurointensive care (NIC) was implemented. The aim of this thesis was to describe patient outcome and to explore the occurrence and prognostic value of secondary insults after the implementation. Favourable outcome was achieved in 79% and 6% died of the 154 adult TBI patients treated in the NIC unit 1996-97. In an earlier patient series from the department, 48% made a favourable outcome and 31% died. Hence, the outcome seems to have improved when NIC was standardised and dedicated to avoiding secondary insults. Secondary insults counted manually from hourly recordings on surveillance charts did not hold any independent prognostic information. When utilising a computerised system, which enables minute-by-minute data collection, the proportion of monitoring time with systolic blood pressure > 160 mm Hg decreased the odds of favourable outcome independent of admission variables (odds ratio 0.66). Hyperthermia was related to unfavourable outcome. Hypertension was correlated to hyperthermia and may be a part of a hyperdynamic state aggravating brain oedema. Increased proportion of monitoring time with cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) < 60 mm Hg increased the odds of favourable outcome (odds ratio 1.59) in patients treated according to an intracranial pressure (ICP)-oriented protocol (Uppsala). In patients given a CPP-oriented treatment (Edinburgh), CPP <60 mm Hg was coupled to an unfavourable outcome. It was shown that pressure passive patients seem to benefit from an ICP-oriented protocol and pressure active patients from a CPP-oriented protocol. The overall outcome would improve if patients were given a treatment fit for their condition.
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Cardiovascular Fetal Programming in Quail (Colinus virginianus), An Avian Comparative ModelFlores Santin, Josele R. 12 1900 (has links)
The consequences of early embryonic insults and how they affect subsequent life reflects the emerging concept of "fetal programming". The aim of this project is to study the effects of embryonic insults as they subsequently manifest themselves in adults, with emphasis on the heart and vasculature. My experiments establish that fetal programming operates on the bobwhite quail inducing similar changes as those observed in mammalians and other birds. The quail's fast development provides reliable data in a short period of time than other avian models (e.g. domestic chicken). Data on quail showed a correlation between egg mass and hatchling mass; where small eggs produce small hatchlings but a high mortality made it impractical as a stressor for this study. Hypoxia was used as a stressor during embryonic incubation, where it induced a low hatching weight in quail that was not observable in adult birds. Morphological measurements demonstrated an increased ventricular collagen content and reduced ventricular lumen in birds in adults incubated in hypoxia consistent with hypertension. The hematological analyzes showed few differences indicating organ remodeling instead of hematopoietic compensation. The assessment of vascular reactivity pointed out an impaired endothelium dependent relaxation commonly associated to hypertension in birds and mammals. Fetal programming could be a widespread response to an adverse prenatal environment in endotherms and the resulting data from this work contributes to our understanding of fetal programming in vertebrates and its long term consequences.
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