Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kontextintegration"" "subject:"migrantintegration""
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Fizikos ir biologijos dalykų integracija VII-VIII klasių fizikos pamokose / The integration of physics and biology subjects during VII–VIII forms in physics lessonsKuosienė, Dalia 09 June 2005 (has links)
The integration of physics and biology subjects is analyzed during VII–VIII forms in physics lessons. The paper is comprised of introduction, 4 parts, conclusions, reference list and annexes. There 31 pictures, 7 tables. The list of reference - 62 literature sources. Paper scope – 62 lists. The aim of the paper is to reveal the integration possibilities of physics and biology in VII-VIII forms at physics lessons. Didactic analysis is performed of physics and biology curricula, the results are discussed. There are elaborating plans of physics in where physics and biology applying integration. Interdisciplinary relations were applied in physics and biology connections in VII-VIII forms at physics lessons. The result of pedagogical revealed that in integration of biology and physics could be applied in VII-VIII forms lessons.
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Pradinių klasių mokinių bendravimas integruoto ugdymo sąlygomis / Students of primary school communication in conditions of integrational educationSinkevič, Helena 24 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of this diploma paper is to explain students of special needs communication peculiarities during upbringing. The research problem: special needs students and all the students who are in the same form relationship.
There were 144 students who take part research work, 66 girls, 78 boys, 16 students of special needs, 18 parents and 14 primary school teachers.
There were 3 stages in research work:
Stage 1: It was the sociometric test done in all classes. All participants were given 6 questions to answer and conversation with parents’ students of special needs help to recover communication problems.
Stage 2: It was done the pedagogical experiment in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms. The aim was to make better the relationship among students. The psychological games were used in these forms.
Stage 3: after the games the sociometric test was repeated. The aim was to recover the influence of psychological games for communications in the class.
There is given upbringing conception, explained students of special upbringing needs communication peculiarities, described children’s derangements groups. There are given the main conception, which is connected with integration of upbringing and children’s psychological adaptation.
Furthermore, there are psychological games that were used in integrated classrooms for the communication improvement. There is revealed psychological games psychotherapy influence for the communication.
It is presented the psychometric research data; the... [to full text]
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Development of Water Requirement Factors for Biomass Conversion PathwaysSingh, Shikhar Unknown Date
No description available.
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European identity beyond boundaries : conceptualising a future European communityTyrrell, Nicola January 1994 (has links)
This thesis maintains that the study and practice of European integration is hindered by an unquestioned and all-embracing conceptual foundation, derived from 17th/18th century political thought. By virtue of identity-related assumptions including 'nation-state', 'nationalism', and 'sovereignty', which rest on an exclusive binary distinction between "self" and "other", this foundation is inadequate and anachronistic as a theoretical lens through which to understand the dynamics of contemporary Europe. / Chapter 1 reveals the inadequacy of existing theories of European integration, and Chapter 2 traces this inadequacy to the issue of identity, tying it in with a modern identity crisis. It is argued that the theory and practice of European integration in the 1990's depends on a fundamental reconceptualisation of identity, to eliminate the conceptual rigidity of exclusive self/other binary distinction, and so to provide the basis for a new kind of European identity. In Chapter 3, the framework of a new "non-fixed", "non-essential" and pragmatic identity (and therefore European identity), beyond the self/other boundaries of contemporary thought, is elaborated through the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, and its effect on the study and practice of European integration is assessed.
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Nyanlända elever i grundskolan : Hur arbetar lärare med mottagningen och undervisningen för att främja de nyanlända elevernas integration?Cook, William January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att analysera hur nyanlända elever integreras i den svenska skolan och att undersöka vilka arbetsformer lärare i förberedelseklass, och lärare som arbetar med svenska som andraspråk använder sig av i utbildningen av nyanlända elever. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med fem lärare på tre skolor i två olika kommuner i södra Sverige. Under intervjuerna låg fokus på vilka arbetssätt lärare använder sig av, gällande två viktiga komponenter i integrationsarbetet: mottagningen och undervisningen. Eftersom undersökningsgruppen är relativt liten så ger det enbart en insikt i hur arbetet kan se ut, men då likheterna är uppenbara så antyder det att samma arbetssätt förekommer på andra skolor. Resultaten visar att mottagningen sköttes på liknande sätt på alla undersökta skolor, det vill säga, deltagande vid första mötet med eleven var det samma, och kartläggningen påbörjades omgående. Vidare individanpassas undervisningen för eleverna efter deras behov och förutsättningar. Eftersom de flesta nyanlända eleverna är kulturellt olika, så varierar också deras skolerfarenheter, vilket gör att undervisningsmetoderna skiljer sig beroende på hur elevgruppen ser ut. Svenskaundervisning och socialt samspel med andra svenska elever anses vara de två viktigaste faktorerna för de nyanlända elevernas integrationsprocess.
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Språkintroduktionsprogrammet : Utifrån åtta nyanlända elevers perspektivAl djezani, Roza, Rojas, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att belysa elevperspektiv på språkintroduktionsprogrammet. Elevernas perspektiv är därmed kärnan i studien. Vikten ligger på elevernas uppfattning om sin tid på introduktionsprogrammet samt introduktionsprogrammets betydelse för elevernas framtida utbildningsval. Genomförandet av studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer vilket har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån en intervjuguide. Resultatet visar att eleverna är enade i sin syn på språkintroduktionsprogrammet och dess funktion för vidareutbildning. Dessa elever är eniga om att processen för att socialiseras in i skolan är svår och tar lång tid. De anser att det är för lite integration mellan eleverna på språkintroduktionen och resten av skolan. Vår slutsats är att det behövs mer stöd och tydliga direktiv från skolledningen för att dessa elever lättare ska integreras i skolan.
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The influence of member states' governments on community case lawGranger, Marie-Pierre F. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Migration of objects during rapid serial visual searchWilson, Keith Winston January 1995 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the various factors determining the apparent migration of targets during rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). This migration effect occurs when an observer reports a target as being present in a scene other than the one in which it was actually presented, usually the immediately preceding or following scene - the "host" scene. An experimental technique was developed based on Intraub's (1985;1989) work on these migration errors, and an improved computer-based system was developed. This allowed flexibility in the manipulation of experimental variables and also used a recognition memory paradigm to identify targets. Ten experiments were completed in total which examined three major issues concerning RSVP: contextual effects, low-level cues and the effects of apparent contrast. Using the newly developed software, Intraub's original results were replicated and extended. Manipulation of contextual information surrounding a host scene showed that the direction of apparent target migration, to the scene either succeeding or preceding the host scene, could be influenced by using a pre- or post-host bias in the visual context. For example, preceding an outdoor host-scene with another outdoor scene and following it with an indoor scene led to more migration errors to the preceding scene, i.e. there was a tendency for errors to be biased to structurally similar scenes. In another set of experiments, it was found that low-level binding cues could effectively aid the cohesiveness of host and target and thus reduce the number of migration errors. Furthermore, in a third set of experiments evidence that the direction of migration errors could be influenced by the apparent contrast of the search target was found. Higher apparent contrast could produce a predominance of pre-host migration errors. However, caution is called for in the interpretation of this final set of results since they are somewhat ambiguous and need further clarification. Taken as a whole the results found in these experiments have shown that an overall presentation rate of 8.33 Hz, subjects are able to effectively grasp the gist of the background to the target.
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Design and performance of data and packet voice integration of an Ethernet local computer networkGirma, D. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Romska barn i grundskolan : En litteraturstudie om inkluderingen av romska barn i den svenska grundskolan / Roma children in the compulsory school : A literature review regarding the inclusion of Roma children in the Swedish compulsory schoolJarl, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Denna litteraturstudie har genomförts med syftet att redogöra för hur den svenska grundskolan har arbetat med att inkludera romska barn. Fokus har legat på de problem som funnits, sett ur majoritetssamhällets perspektiv, hur arbetet skett för att komma tillrätta med problemen samt vad detta arbete har gett för resultat. Studien söker vidare svar på hur detta arbete har tagits emot i de romska grupperna. Inledningsvis ges en kort överblick över romernas historia med betoning på Sverige och sedan presenteras studiens resultat som svarar på frågorna: – Vilka problem har det enligt majoritetssamhället funnits i samband med romska barns inkludering i den svenska grundskolan? – Vilka metoder har förespråkats som lösningar på dessa problem? – Har det gått att se något resultat av metoderna som använts? – Hur beskrivs mottagandet av de olika metoderna i de romska grupperna? Resultatet presenteras kronologiskt uppdelat i tidsperioderna 1930-1956, 195 -1980, 1980-2000 samt Efter år 2000. För varje tidsperiod redovisas resultatet under fyra rubriker som svarar mot de fyra frågorna ovan. Avslutningsvis förs en diskussion om litteraturstudiens resultat, vilket sätts i relation till den franske sociologen Jean-Pierre Liégeois tankar om skolans betydelse för de romska grupperna.
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