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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vårda med fingertoppskänsla : Anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter inför och under anestesi

Hällkvist, Ylva, Lundblad, Torbjörn January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alla patienter är oroliga inför anestesi då de förlorar kontrollen över sin kropp. De önskar ha en bra kontakt med anestesisjuksköterskan för att kunna förmedla sina behov. Informationsbehovet är dock olika för alla patienter, vissa vill veta allt medan andra vill få sparsamt med information. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter inför och under anestesi. Metod: Kvalitativ systematisk litteraturstudie av bearbetat material. Resultat: Anestesisjuksköterskorna ansåg att det var viktigt att se patientens behov för att kunna skapa trygghet, likväl som att ha en bra kommunikation. Tidsbrist var dock vanligt förekommande vilket skapade hinder i mötet med patienten. Slutsats: Anestesisjuksköterskorna vill utföra ett bra arbete, men då patienterna och verksamheten ofta ställer motstridiga krav krävs en ständig avvägning för att avgöra vad som är bäst här och nu. / Background: All the patients are apprehensive prior to anesthesia, due to the fact that they lose control of their bodies. The patients desire good contact with the nurse anesthetist, in order to convey their needs. The need for information vairy for all the patients. Some require detailed information, while others only sparingly need information. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe nurse anesthetists experience in meeting the patients prior and during anesthesia. Method: A systematic qualitative literature study of published materials was conducted. Results: The nurse anesthetists believe that it is important to see the patients needs, in order to be able to build a sense of security, in addition to good communication. The common obstacle is shortage of time, which affects contact with the patient. Conclusion: The nurse anesthetists feel a need to perform good work. But the patienten och the administration often make conflicting demands, which means that a constant consideration is needed to decide what’s best here and now.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av patientbedömning i samband med MIG-uppdrag

Eriksson, Helena, Jonsson, Ann-Sofi January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan ingår tillsammans med en narkosläkare i en Mobil Intensivvårdsgrupp (MIG). Om en patient på en vårdavdelning påvisar försämring i vitala parametrar och misstänks ha en begynnande organsvikt konsulteras MIG som tillsammans med patientansvarig läkare och sjuksköterska utvärderar och bedömer patienten. MIG rekommenderar därefter en behandling eller flyttar patienten till intensivvårdsavdelning. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att bedöma patienter i samband med MIG-uppdrag samt vad de beaktar i samband med bedömningen. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats och beskrivande design. Elva intensivvårdssjuksköterskor intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Det framkom sex huvudkategorier i resultatet: Att vara förberedd och ha information har betydelse för bedömning, Att använda sina sinnen och erfarenhet vid bedömning, Att samarbeta med andra personalkategorier har betydelse, Att använda hjälpmedel vid bedömning, Att ha upplevelser av miljön kring patienten i samband med bedömning, och Att begränsningar inverkar vid bedömning och fortsatt vård. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna beskrev att strukturerad rapport, bra samarbete samt att använda hjälpmedel, klinisk blick och erfarenhet underlättade vid bedömningen. Resultatet visade även att det tycktes finnas individuella skillnader i hur bedömningen utfördes och på vilka grunder besluten togs samt att hög belastning, stress, resursbrist, vårdbegränsningar och distraktion i omkringliggande miljö kunde ha inverkan på bedömning. Slutsats: Studiens resultat har bidragit till att öka förståelsen av intensivvårdssjuksköterskornas upplevelser vid bedömning av patienter i samband med MIG-uppdrag. Studiens resultat har också uppmärksammat att hög arbetsbelastning, stress, miljö, vårdbegränsningar och personalbrist kan ha inverkan vid bedömning av patienter. Nyckelord: Intensivvårdssjuksköterska, Mobil intensivvårdsgrupp, Vårdbehovsbedömning / Abstract Background: The intensive care nurse, together with an anesthetist, is included in a Medical emergency team (MET). If a patient in a ward demonstrates deterioration in vital parameters and is suspected having organ failure, MET is consulted, which together with the patient-responsible doctor and nurse evaluates and assesses the patient. Thereafter MET recommends treatment or move the patient to intensive care unit. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses experiences of assessing patients and what they consider in connection with the MET assessments. Method: The study was performed with a qualitative approach and descriptive design. Eleven intensive care nurses were interviewed with semi-structured interviews. Result: Six main categories appeared in the result: To be prepared and have information is important for assessment, To use senses and experience when assessing, To cooperate with other staff categories is important, To use assessment tools, To have experiences of the environment around the patient in connection with the assessment, and that limitations affect the assessment and further care. The intensive care nurses described that structured patient-information, good teamwork, using assessment tools, clinical judgement and experience made the assessment easier. The result also showed that there appeared to be individual differences in how the assessment was carried out and on what grounds the decisions were taken. High workload, stress, lack of resource, limitations in care and distraction in the environment could have an impact on assessment. Conclusion: The results have contributed to increasing the understanding of the intensive care nurses experiences of assessing patients in connection with MET assignments. The results have also drawn attention to the fact that high workload, stress, environment, limitations in care and lack of resource can have an impact on patient assessment. Key words: Intensive care nurse, Medical emergency team, Nursing assessment

"Försöka känna hopp samtidigt som jag försöker vara förberedd på det värsta" : att vara närstående till en patient som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning. / "Trying to feel hope at the same time as I'm trying to be prepared for the worst" : being a relative to a patient being cared for in an intensive care unit.

Åkerlund, Sofia, Lindgren, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Relatives of a critically ill patient being cared for at an intensive care unit are in great need of support from the intensive care nurse. To be able to handle the stressful situation they need information, the opportunity to be involved and to be greeted in a positive manner. The purpose of this study was to describe relatives' psychiatric health at an intensive care unit. A cross-sectional study using a survey and qualitative content analysis was chosen as the design for this study. The result reveals that relatives feel great concern and have a hard time relaxing. A lot of them feel anxiety and depression as a result of the strains from the time at the intensive care unit. To oscillate between hope and despair meant that they lived with great uncertainty and made it difficult to keep their motivation up. They describe that their psychiatric health is affected by the promotion of relationships, as they're living with uncertainty, as they're being able to handle the situation and as they're experiencing a loss of control. The result of this study showed that relatives of a critically ill patient being cared for at an intensive care unit have a high occurrence of anxiety and depression. Resources need to be allocated to caring for relatives to prevent illness.

Närståendes upplevelser under donationsprocessen : En litteraturöversikt

Kjaernes, Therese, Örberg, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Donationsprocessen är en del av intensivvården som ställer stora krav på de närstående, som förutom att ha drabbats av plötslig förlust, också har ett beslut om donation att ta ställning till. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor har en stor roll i denna process men upplever ofta det svårt att veta hur de ska bemöta de närstående på ett bra sätt. Syfte: Att identifiera och sammanställa hur närstående till potentiella organdonatorer upplever transitionerna de genomgår under donationsprocessen. Metod: Studien utfördes som en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ design. En deskriptiv innehållsanalys utfördes av 17 stycken studier som baserats på intervjuer med närstående kring deras upplevelser av donationsprocessen. Resultat: De närståendes transitioner sammanfattades i tre huvudkategorier: från liv till död, insikt och acceptans och från död till liv. Beskrivningarna av deras upplevelser kretsade i huvudsak kring bemötande från vården, samtyckesprocessen och förståelse för situationen. De flesta upplevde ett gott empatiskt bemötande men många hade svåt att ta till sig och förstå information kring framför allt hjändödsbegreppet. Att ta ett beslut om samtycke till donation upplevdes för vissa som en tröst då det gav förlusten en mening, medan andra upplevde det som ett omöjligt och fruktansvärt beslut att ta. Slutsats: Viktiga områden för näståendes upplevelser under donationsprocessen var bemötandet, det emotionella stödet, informationen och beslutsfattandet. Kunskapen om närståendes upplevelser är relevant för intensivvården och intensivvårdssjuksköterskan för att vården skall kunna ge den omvårdnad som behövs under processen. / Background: The process of organ- and tissue donation is a part of the critical care that puts a lot of pressure on the next of kin who as well as being victims of a sudden loss, need to make a decision about donation. Intensive care nurses play a major role within this process and often experience it difficult to know how to respond to the next of kin in a good way. Aim: To identify and compile how next of kin to potential organ donors experience the transitions they go through during the donation process. Method: This study has been conducted as a review of previous literature and with a qualitative design. A descriptive content analysis was performed of 17 studies which were based on interviews with next of kin and their experiences with the donation process. Results: The next of kin transitions were compiled into three main categories: from life to death, insight and acceptance and from death to life. The description of their experiences through these transitions mainly focused on reception from hospital staff, the decision-making process and their perception of the situation. The reception in the majority of the cases was considered good and empathetic. A number of them had a difficult time understanding the information given to them, in particular about the meaning of brain death. Some of the next of kin did experience making the decision about donation as a comfort that gave them a deeper meaning to their loss, while others experienced it as an impossible and dreadful decision to make. Conclusion: Important aspects recognized by the next of kin during the donation process were; the personal treatment, the emotional support, the received information and the decision-making. The knowledge surrounding experiences of the next of kin, is relevant to the intensive care and the intensive care nurse, to reassure that they provide the care needed during the process.

Avaliação de complicações pulmonares em cães com sepse grave submetidos à terapia intensiva. / Evaluation of pulmonary complications in dogs with severe sepsis submitted to intensive therapy

Kitsis, Marcelo 18 February 2011 (has links)
O avanço da terapia intensiva na medicina veterinária vem permitindo a realização de um melhor suporte e monitorização dos animais com sepse grave. Esta é uma síndrome clínica caracterizada por alterações inflamatórias sistêmicas (SIRS) associadas a disfunções orgânicas, como, por exemplo, lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA) e síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SARA). No homem, esta síndrome resulta em uma significante taxa de mortalidade, porém, na medicina veterinária ainda faltam estudos sobre este assunto. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de complicações respiratórias em animais com sepse grave submetidos à terapia intensiva. Neste estudo foram incluídos 14 animais com sepse grave secundária à piometra. Durante o período de tratamento intensivo os pacientes foram monitorados por meio de: freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica, débito urinário, pressão venosa central, lactato, saturação venosa central de oxigênio, hemogasometria arterial e radiografias torácicas. Todos os animias (100%) apresentaram alterações respiratórias, destes três cadelas vieram a óbito (21,42%) e 11 (78,57%) receberam alta do tratamento intensivo.Os animais submetidos à terapia intensiva devido ao desenvolvimento de sepse grave secundária à piometra, necessitam de um acompanhamento radiográfico torácico diário, a fim de se estabelecer medidas de suporte respiratório adequadas e, consequentemente, obter menores taxas de mortalidade. / The advances in intensive care has allowed to offer better support to animals with severe sepsis. This is a clinical syndrome characterized by systemic inflammatory response associated with organic dysfunction, such as acute pulmonary injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In humans, this syndrome results in significant mortality, but, in veterinary medicine there are not many studies about this. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development the pulmonary complications in animals submitted to intensive care. In this study were included 14 animals with severe sepsis secondary to pyometra. During the period of intensive care the animals were evaluated: heart and respiratory rates, systolic blood pression, urine output, central venous pression lactate, lactate, central venous saturation, arterial hemogasometric and thoracic x-ray. All animals (100%) had abnormal breathing, three of these dogs eventually died (21.42%) and 11 (78.57%) out of intensive care. Animals with severe sepse secondary to pyometra underwent intensive therapy, requiring a chest radiographic daily in order to establish adequate respiratory support, and thus achieve lower mortality rates.

Vítimas de trauma admitidas em unidade de terapia intensiva: características e fatores associados à carga de trabalho de enfermagem / Trauma victims admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: characteristics and factors associated with nursing workload

Nogueira, Lilia de Souza 09 August 2012 (has links)
A complexidade da assistência à vítima de trauma na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) repercute na carga de trabalho de enfermagem, sendo fundamental à equipe o conhecimento de aspectos que a influenciam para o planejamento de sua atuação. Diante disso, foram objetivos deste estudo caracterizar as vítimas de trauma admitidas na UTI, identificar um possível padrão de intervenções realizadas nos pacientes e os fatores associados à alta carga de trabalho no primeiro dia de internação, além de elaborar um modelo de estimativa da carga de trabalho de enfermagem requerida pelos sobreviventes na alta da unidade. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, do tipo coorte prospectivo, realizado em UTI especializada para assistência de vítima de trauma em hospital de referência para esse atendimento. A carga de trabalho de enfermagem, variável dependente, foi mensurada pelo Nursing Activities Score (NAS). Estatísticas descritivas, testes de associação e correlação e análises multivariadas foram realizados no tratamento dos dados. A casuística compôs-se de 200 vítimas, a maioria do sexo masculino (82,0%), com idade média de 40,7 anos (dp=18,6), procedente do Centro Cirúrgico (70,0%) e submetida à cirurgia não programada (66,5%). A média do índice de comorbidade de Charlson foi 0,6 (dp=1,4). Os acidentes de transportes (57,5%) prevaleceram na amostra, assim como o trauma contuso (94,5%). Na análise da gravidade do trauma, a média do Injury Severity Score foi 19,3 (dp=9,1) e do New Injury Severity Score (NISS), 27,1 (dp=9,9). O número médio de lesões Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 3 foi 3,1 (dp=1,8) e de regiões corpóreas acometidas, 2,7 (dp=1,3). Cabeça ou pescoço foi a região mais gravemente lesada (64,0%) e que apresentou maior frequência de lesões AIS 3 (65,5%). Quanto à gravidade do paciente, a média do risco de morte variou de 21,1% a 25,6%, segundo diferentes índices, e as insuficiências pulmonar (76,5%) e neurológica (69,0%) prevaleceram na casuística. A média do NAS na admissão da UTI foi 71,3% (dp=16,9) e dos sobreviventes, na alta da unidade, 45,2% (dp=9,1). O tempo médio de permanência na UTI foi de 13,6 dias (dp=14,6) e a taxa de mortalidade na unidade crítica, 19,0%. Foi identificado um grupo de 136 pacientes que apresentavam similaridade de intervenções na admissão da UTI. Destacou-se, nesse grupo, monitorização/controles e mobilização/posicionamento como atividades que requereram maior complexidade e ocuparam mais tempo que a rotina normal das unidades críticas. Gênero, insuficiência pulmonar, número de regiões corpóreas acometidas e risco de morte pelo Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) foram fatores associados à alta carga de trabalho de enfermagem na admissão da UTI. O modelo de estimativa da carga de trabalho de enfermagem requerida pelos sobreviventes na alta da UTI foi expresso pela seguinte fórmula: NAS alta= 37,171 + 0,188 (risco de morte SAPS II) + 0,193 (NISS). Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação fornecem subsídios às equipes de enfermagem que prestam assistência à vítima de trauma, durante ou após a alta da UTI, que facilitarão o planejamento dos cuidados, adequação do quantitativo de pessoal e distribuição de tarefas, com enfoque na excelência da assistência ao traumatizado. / The complexity posed by the assistance offered to trauma victims at Intensive Care Units (ICU) affects the nursing workload and, for this reason, information on the aspects impacting the workload and its planning is crucial. This study aimed to characterize trauma victims admitted to ICU, to identify a possible pattern of procedures performed in those patients, and the factors associated with high workload on the first hospitalization day, as well as to elaborate an estimate model of nursing workload required by the survivors on ICU discharge. This cohort quantitative study was prospective and carried out at an ICU specialized in assistance to trauma victims in a reference hospital for this service. The nursing workload, the dependent variable, was measured using the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). Descriptive statistics, association and correlation tests as well as multivariate analyses were performed. The sample consisted of 200 victims, mainly male (82.0%), with an average age of 40.7 years (SD=18.6), transferred from the surgery room (70.0%) and submitted to unscheduled surgery (66.5%). The Charlson comorbidity index average was 0.6 (SD=1.4). Traffic accidents (57.5%) and blunt trauma (94.5%) prevailed in the sample. As regards the analysis of trauma severity, the average of Injury Severity Score was 19.3 (SD=9.1) and 27.1 (SD=9.9) for the New Injury Severity Score (NISS). The average number of injuries according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 3 was 3.1 (SD=1.8), and of the body region affected, 2.7 (SD=1.3). Head or neck had the most severe injuries (64.0%) and showed a higher frequency of injuries AIS 3 (65.5%). With respect to patient severity, the average death risk ranged from 21.1% to 25.6%, according to different indexes. Pulmonary (76.5%) and neurological (69.0%) insufficiency were predominant in the sample. The average NAS on ICU admission was 71.3% (SD=16.9), and 45.2% (SD=9.1) among survivors on the unit discharge. The mean ICU length of stay was 13.6 days (SD=14.6) and the mortality rate at the critical unit, 19.0%. A group of 136 patients submitted to similar procedures on ICU admission was identified. In this group, monitoring/titration and mobilization/positioning were regarded as the most complex activities, requiring longer than normal routine time of critical units. Gender, pulmonary insufficiency, number of body region injured and death risk by Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) were factors associated with high nursing workload on ICU admission. The estimate model of nursing workload required by survivors on ICU discharge was expressed by the following formula: NAS discharge= 37.171 + 0.188 (death risk SAPS II) + 0.193 (NISS). The results obtained from this investigation provide information to the nursing teams offering assistance to trauma victims, during or post ICU discharge, with data which contributes to better care and quantitative staff planning, as well as task distribution, aiming for excellence in trauma patient assistance.

The effect of engagement interventions on uncertainty and coping of Thai family members of patients in a coma

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to test the effect of the expressive writing and the expressive talking interventions on uncertainty and coping processes in Thai family members of patients in a coma, and to examine changes in positive emotion, negative emotion, and cognitive process word-use over three days. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest, three group design was conducted with 45 Thai family members of patients in a coma who were in the intensive care units (ICU) at a hospital in Thailand. Three ICUs were randomly assigned into groups: the expressive writing, the expressive talking, and the control group. Participants of the expressive writing group (n = 15) were asked to write about their thoughts and feelings following standard guidance for expressive writing, those of the expressive talking group (n = 15) were interviewed with questions guided by the story path approach, whereas those of the control group (n = 15) did not receive any specific interventions. Participants completed the Thai version of the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale-Family Member Form and the Thai version of the revised version of the Ways of Coping Scale before and after the interventions. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Föräldrars betydelse i vården av barn med delirium som vårdas inom intensivvårdsmiljö

Johansson, Felix, Thunberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Delirium är en vanligt förekommande komplikation både i barnintensivvården och barnoperationsvården. Det orsakar stort lidande hos de påverkade barnen både emotionellt och fysiskt, samt ökar delirium vårdtiden och orsakar en ökad mortalitet. Syfte: Att presentera vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan förebygga delirium hos barn samt undersöka vad som påverkar vårdrelationen mellan barnet, familjen och sjuksköterskan vid omvårdnad och behandling av delirium i en intensivvårdsmiljö. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserad på kvantitativa studier analyserad med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre teman: effekten av föräldrars involvering på barn med delirium, övriga effekter av föräldrars involvering i vården av barn och betydelsen för ökad involvering för föräldrarna. Ökad involvering av föräldrarna i den pre och postoperativa vården gav en signifikant förbättring av postoperativt delirium hos barnet, under förutsättning att föräldrarna fått utbildning och blivit förberedda hur de skulle agera. Den ökade involveringen av föräldrar sågs som positivt av både föräldrar och personal. Analysen resulterade inte i några specifika omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan förebygga delirium hos barn. Slutsats: Föräldrar bör få möjligheten att vara så nära sina barn som möjligt och vara involverade i vården på barnintensivvårdsavdelning eller i den pre- och postoperativa vården. För att minska risken att barn drabbas av delirium finns behov av att utbilda och förbereda föräldrarna. / Background: Delirium is a common complication at both pediatric intensive care units and pediatric postoperative units and it is causing huge amount of increased suffering for the affected children. Not only the emotional and physical suffering, but also increased time needed to stay in the PICU and increased mortality. Aim: To examine which nursing actions can prevent emergence delirium in children and to examine the importance of the care relationship between the child, the family and the nurse in the care and treatment for delirium. Method: A literature review with a quantitative approach, analyzed with content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three themes. The effect of parental involvement on the delirium of children, other effects on the involvement of parents in the care of children and the meaning of the involvement for the parents. The involvement of parents in children pre and postoperative had a significant decrease of delirium and negative behavior under the condition that the parents were prepared and active in their role as a support for their children. The increase parental involvement was viewed as positive from both parents and nurses. Analysis did not find any nursing actions to prevent delirium for children Conclusion: Parents should be able to be as close and involved in the care for their children in a PICU or in the pre and postoperative care as it is possible, and the need to educate and prepare the parents in order to decrease the risk for the children to suffer from delirium.

"Análise dos instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-bref e SF-36: confiabilidade, validade e concordância entre pacientes de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e seus familiares" / Analysis of the WHOQOL-bref and SF-36: reliability, validity and agreement between patients of the Intensive Care Unit and their families.

Suely Sueko Viski Zanei 22 February 2006 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivos: analisar as propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-bref e SF-36 aplicados a pacientes adultos após a internação em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e a seus familiares e, avaliar a concordância entre pacientes e familiares como seus substitutos. A amostra foi composta por 71 pares paciente-famíliar. A confiabilidade foi avaliada pela consistência interna através do Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. A validade convergente foi avaliada através das correlações interdomínios dos instrumentos e a validade divergente pelas correlações entre os domínios e o número de comorbidades através da Correlação de Spearman. A concordância entre os pares foi verificada pelo Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse e pela estatística kappa ponderado. Os resultados mostraram que o SF-36 quanto à confiabilidade apresenta valores aceitáveis (0,70) para a maioria dos domínios tanto para pacientes como para os familiares. Quanto ao WHOQOL-bref o coeficiente foi inferior a 0,70 para todos os domínios, em ambos os casos. A maioria das correlações interdomínios do SF-36 foram positivas e significativas para pacientes e familiares. O WHOQOL-bref quando aplicado aos pacientes apresentou correlações interdomínios positivas e significativas, mas o mesmo não ocorreu com os familiares. As correlações entre os domínios e número de comorbidades, tanto para o SF-36 e o WHOQOL–bref não foram significativas. A concordância entre os pares foi melhor quando o familiar foi o pai ou a mãe, filho e cônjuge, nessa ordem. Domínios e itens que avaliam condições objetivas são os que apresentam valores de concordância mais elevados entre os pares. O SF-36 apresentou maior número de concordâncias moderadas. O domínio Aspectos Físicos do SF-36 foi o que apresentou concordância substancial para todos os familiares. O domínio Físico do WHOQOL-bref apresentou concordância moderada para a maioria dos familiares. Para o SF-36, a concordância foi melhor quando os pacientes tinham duas ou mais comorbidades, Para o WHOQOL-bref foi melhor quando o paciente tinha uma ou duas comorbidades, mas apresentou maior número de concordâncias inconsistentes. De forma geral, os domínios previstos como aqueles que avaliam construtos similares não se correlacionaram. Esses resultados confirmam que no contexto do tratamento intensivo o SF-36 é mais adequado como instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de vida relacionado à saúde. Esses achados são similares aos da literatura internacional. / This aims this study were: to analyze the psychometric properties of the instruments for the evaluation of Quality of Life WHOQOL-bref and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) applied to adult patients after discharged from Intensive Care Units and their families and to evaluate the agreement between patients and their families as proxies. The sample consisted of 71 patient-family pairs. The internal consistency reliability was evaluated by the Cronbach’s Alfa Coefficient. The convergent validity was evaluated by the inter-domain correlations of the instruments and a divergent validity was evaluated by Spearman correlation between domains and number of comorbidities. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and weighted kappa were used to analise the agreement between the pairs. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was acceptable (0.70) for the majority of SF-36 domains for patients and their families. For the WHOQOL-bref, the coefficients were below 0, 70 for all domains in both cases. The majority of inter-domains correlation of SF-36 for patients and proxies were positive and significant. WHOQOL-bref inter-domain correlations were positive and significant when applied to the patients but not for the families. For the correlations between domains and number of comorbidities, the majority of SF-36 and WHOQOL-bref domains did not correlate for either the patients or their families. The divergent validity was not supported in both instruments. Agreement between the pairs was better when the relatives were the parents or sons. Domains and items that evaluated objective conditions presented much higher values of agreement between the pairs. The SF-36, showed a larger number of domains with moderate agreement. The Physical Role domains of SF-36 were what showed a substantial agreement for all of the families. The Physical domain of WHOQOL-bref, showed moderate agreement between each of the family members. The agreement SF-36, was better when the patients had 2 or more comorbidities, regarding the WHOQOL-bref, it was better when a patiente had 1 or 2 comorbities, however it showed a greater number of inconsistent agreements. In general, domains hypothesized to measure similar constructs do not correlated. These results confirm that the SF-36 is more suitable for the evaluation of quality of life in the intensive care context. These findings are similar to from international literature.

Conhecimentos e práticas de avaliação e tratamento da dor em recém-nascidos internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva neonatal de Curitiba/PR e região metropolitana / Knowledge and practices of assessment and treatment of pain in newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care units in Curitiba / PR and the metropolitan area

Taine Costa 27 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A dor neonatal merece atenção diferenciada pelos profissionais de saúde, uma vez que os recém-nascidos (RNs) não se expressam verbalmente. A grande dificuldade existente para avaliar e tratar a dor em RNs internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) continua sendo uma preocupação para profissionais e pesquisadores da área. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa tem como pergunta: Como se dão as práticas de avaliação e tratamento da dor em RNs internados em UTINs de Curitiba (PR) e Região Metropolitana? Objetivo geral: Descrever o conhecimento e as práticas de manejo da dor do RN, empregadas por enfermeiros que atuam em UTINs. Objetivos específicos: Verificar o conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre o manejo da dor de RNs internados; caracterizar as estratégias não farmacológicas e farmacológicas adotadas pelos enfermeiros para o controle da dor de RNs internados; verificar a forma de registro da avaliação e do tratamento da dor realizada pelos enfermeiros. Metodologia: Estudo transversal realizado em seis hospitais de Curitiba (PR) e Região Metropolitana que possuem UTIN com atendimento pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a amostra do estudo foi constituída por 51 enfermeiros. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de questionários contendo informações a respeito da caracterização das unidades, um questionário referente ao perfil dos enfermeiros, formação, atuação e qualificação profissional e outro sobre conhecimentos e práticas do manejo da dor neonatal. A análise dos dados ocorreu pelo Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS versão 21.0) e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: A maioria dos enfermeiros era mulheres com idade entre 20 e 30 anos e tempo de formação de 1 a 5 anos. Os profissionais responsáveis pela avaliação da dor do RN eram em sua maioria enfermeiros (84,3%), seguidos por técnicos (62,7%) e auxiliares de enfermagem (11,8%). A maioria dos enfermeiros concordou que os RNs são capazes de sentir dor, porém 34,7% afirmaram nunca utilizar escalas para avaliar a dor do RN. 98% dos enfermeiros concordaram que é importante registrar a dor no prontuário do RN, sendo a evolução e anotação de enfermagem os locais mais mencionados em que ocorre o registro. As medidas não farmacológicas para alívio da dor neonatal assinaladas pelos enfermeiros foram: glicose oral, sucção não nutritiva, posicionamento, ninho, diminuição de estímulos auditivos, método canguru, toque, diminuição de estímulos visuais, contenção, aleitamento materno, massagem e musicoterapia. O Paracetamol e o Fentanil foram as medidas farmacológicas mais assinaladas pelos enfermeiros, seguidos pela Morfina, Codeína, Midazolam, Hidrato de Cloral e Lidocaína. Conclusões: Os enfermeiros conhecem as medidas farmacológicas e não farmacológicas para alivio da dor neonatal, porém a prática difere dos conhecimentos apresentados por não utilizarem estas medidas para alívio da dor em RNs. / Introduction: The neonatal pain needs special attention by health professionals, because newborns dont verbalize. The large difficulty to assess and treat pain in newborns admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) is a big concern for professionals and researchers. For this reason, this research has the question: What are the evaluation practices and treatment of pain in newborns admitted to NICUs in Curitiba (PR) and metropolitan area? General aim: To describe the knowledge and practices about newborns pain relief employed by nurses that work in NICUs. Specifics aims: To verify the knowledge of nurses on the management of hospitalized newborns pain, to characterize the pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies used by nurses to control hospitalized newborns pain and identify the ways of registration of the evaluation and treatment of pain held by nurses. Methodology: Cross-sectional study that occurred in six hospitals in Curitiba, Paraná State and metropolitan area that have NICU with care by the Unified Health System. The study sample consisted of 51 nurses. The data collection was through questionnaires containing information about the characterization of the units, a questionnaire relating to the profile of nurses, education, experience and professional qualifications and another questionnaire about knowledge and practices of management of neonatal pain. Analysis of the data was the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS - version 21.0) and the significance level was 5%. Results: The majority of nurses are women, the ages are between 20 and 30 years and 1-5 years of graduation. The professionals responsible for newborns pain assessment are mostly nurses (84.3%), followed by technicians (62.7%) and nursing assistant (11.8%). Most of the nurses agree that newborns are capable of feeling pain, but 34.7% reported never using scales to assess newborns pain. 98% of the nurses agree that is important to register the pain on newborn s chart record, being the evolution and nursing note the most mentioned places where the registration takes place. The non-pharmacological measures to relieve neonatal pain marked by nurses were: oral glucose, non-nutritive sucking, positioning, nest, decreased auditory stimuli, kangaroo method, touch, decreased visual stimuli, containment, breastfeeding, massage and music therapy. Paracetamol and Fentanyl were the pharmacological measures more marked by nurses, followed by Morphine, Codeine, Midazolam, Chloral Hydrate and Lidocaine. Conclusions: The nurses know the pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures to relief neonatal pain, but the practice differs from the knowledge shown because they do not use these measures to relief pain in newborns.

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