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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aukos ir nusikaltėlio interakcija nužudymų ir neatsargių gyvybės atėmimų atvejais / Interaction between a Crime Victim and a Criminal in Cases of Murders and Negligent Killing

Valiūnienė, Orinta 24 February 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama tema „Nusikaltimo aukos ir nusikaltėlio interakcija nužudymų ir neatsargių gyvybės atėmimų atvejais“. Aptarta „interakcijos“ sąvoka, interakcijos rūšys, interakcijos tipai, taip pat nužudymo ir neatsargaus gyvybės atėmimo santykis. Mokslinės literatūros, oficialios statistikos ir baudžiamųjų bylų duomenų analizė atskleidė, jog viktiminėje situacijoje nusikaltimo auka, kaip ir nusikaltėlis, yra aktyvus, veikiantis dalyvis. Nužudymų ir neatsargių gyvybės atėmimų atvejais nusikaltimo subjektų interakcija labai panaši, t.y. lydima konflikto, todėl neatsargius gyvybės atėmimus dažnai sąlygoja tie patys veiksniai, kaip ir nužudymus. Nusikaltimo aukos ir nusikaltėlio interakcijos turinys beveik visuomet daro įtaką viktiminės situacijos formavimuisi ir (ar) jos baigčiai. Nužudymų ir neatsargių gyvybės atėmimų priežastys dažniausiai susijusios su nusikaltimo subjektų santykių pobūdžiu, kas vienaip ar kitaip formuoja konflikto sąlygas, patį konfliktą ir jo vyksmą. Didžiąją daugumą aukų ir nusikaltėlių siejo artimi šeiminiai ryšiai, gyvenimas kartu. Nusikaltimo subjektai dažnai konfliktavo ir vartojo psichologinį, fizinį smurtą vienas kito atžvilgiu. Atlikus baudžiamųjų bylų duomenų analizę, buvo pateiktos nusikaltimo subjektų santykių problemos, sąlygojančios nužudymus ar neatsargius gyvybės atėmimus, taip pat šių problemų pagrindu suformuluotos nusikaltimų gyvybei prevencijos galimybės. Darbo pabaigoje buvo padarytos išvados, patvirtinančios darbo įvade... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of this paper is “Interaction between a Crime Victim and a Criminal in Cases of Murders and Negligent Killing”. Concept of “interaction”, kinds of interaction, types of interaction and relationship between murder and negligent killing is analyzed. Analysis of scholarly literature, official statistics and data analysis of criminal cases has revealed that in victim situation, a victim of a crime, as well as a criminal, is an active and acting participant. Interaction of crime subjects in cases of murder and negligent killing is very similar, i. e. followed by a conflict. Therefore, negligent killing is often determined by the same factors as murder. In most cases, the content of interaction between a crime victim and a criminal influences formation and (or) conclusion of victim situation. Reasons of murder and negligent killing are in most cases related to the nature of relationships between crime subjects. This, in one or another way, forms conditions for conflict, a conflict itself and its process. A large part of victims and criminals were related to each other by close family relations, living together. Subjects of crime often faced conflict situations, used psychological and physical violence against each other. After analyzing data of criminal cases, problems regarding the relationships of crime subjects are provided. These problems stipulate murders and negligent killings. Based on these problems, possibilities of avoiding such crimes are formulated. At the end... [to full text]

Prekyba žmonėmis: baudžiamieji teisiniai ir kriminologiniai aspektai / Trafficking in human beings: legal and criminological aspects

Salnikaitė, Roberta 25 November 2010 (has links)
Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį prekybos žmonėmis fenomenas tapo nuolatiniu rūpesčiu daugeliui pasaulio valstybių, neaplenkdamas ir Lietuvos. Atsižvelgiant į šio nusikaltimo latentiškumą, paplitimą ir įvairias pasireiškimo formas, darbe analizuojami tarptautiniai, regioniniai ir nacionaliniai dokumentai, apibrėžiantys prekybos žmonėmis reiškinį ir su juo susijusius aspektus. Lyginant skirtingas Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso redakcijas, aiškinantis nusikalstamos veikos sudėtį bei santykį su kitais nusikaltimais, kartu darbe analizuojami nacionaliniai šio nusikaltimo įtvirtinimo ypatumai. Prekybos žmonėmis aukos ir kaltininko charakteristika darbe aptariama siekiant nustatyti šių subjektų specifiškumą ir interakciją. Vertinama, kurie nukentėjusiojo asmenybės bruožai sąlygoja individo tapimą prekybos žmonėmis auka. Ypatingas dėmesys darbe atkreipiamas į prekybos žmonėmis prevenciją. Atsižvelgiant į kovos su prekyba žmonėmis būdą – visuomenės informavimą, atliktas dokumentų analizės metodas. Išanalizavus žurnaluose publikuojamų straipsnių turinį, vertinamas tokio pobūdžio prevencijos pasireiškimas ir reikalingumas. Vadovaujantis tyrimo rezultatais, sudaromos diagramos, leidžiančios geriau įvertinti esamą visuomenės informavimo neoficialiuose leidiniuose padėtį. / During the last decade, human trafficking has become a phenomenon of constant concern to many countries around the world, also – to Lithuania. Considering the latent, prevalence and various forms of expression of this crime, international, regional and national acts which define the phenomenon and related aspects of human trafficking, are analysed in this paper. At the same time, the national peculiarities of this crime are analysed in the paper, depending in the different versions of the Criminal Code, giving interpretation of the composition of the offence and the relationship to other crimes. The characteristic of the human trafficing victims and perpetrators is questioned in this paper in order to determine the specificity of these entities and their interaction. The traits of victim’s personality are described to see how it can affect the individuals to become a victim of human trafficking. Particular attention in the paper is drawn to the human trafficking prevention. Considering one of the ways to fight human trafficking – the information of the public, the analysis of the documents was used. Having analysed the articles in journals, the nature and necessity of this kind of prevention was assessed. According to the results of the investigation, the charts were drawn, allowing to see a better assessment of the situations of the current public information in informal publications.

Interneto meno kūrinys „Kelyje autostopu" / Internet art “Hitch-hiking on the road”

Penekaitė, Laima 02 September 2010 (has links)
Keliavimo ir judėjimo fenomenas yra svarbus kiekvienam žmogui. Net fiziškai nejudėdamas, jis keliauja mintimis, virtualiai. Žmogus gali pasirinkti kelionės ir keliautojo tipą - nuo paprasto atostogautojo vasaros metu, kelionių agentūros suorganizuotoje poilsinėje kelionėje iki bastūniškų kelionių nežinant galutinio tikslo. Kalbant apie keliavimą autostopu daugeliui kyla viena mintis - keliavimas nemokant už kelionę. Šiame bakalauro darbe analizuojamas ir atskleidžiamas keliautojas autostopu, kurio kelionės yra unikalios, išlaisvinančios ir nepasikartojančios. Darbe atsleidžiami keliautojų tipai sociologiniu ir semantiniu požiūriu. Keliautojas/kelionė gretinama su kultūra/menu. Meno kūrinys dažnai pats tampa kelionės objektu ir keliauja sukurdamas tarpkultūrinį dialogą. Internetui „įsibrovus” į mūsų gyvenimus ir kasdienybę, keliautojas persikelia į virtualią erdvę tampdamas tinklo bastūnu, o tuo tarpu vis daugiau kūrėjų pradeda kurti Interneto meną (Net.art ). Dėl interaktyvumo keliautojas autostopu išlieka nenuspėjamas ir virtualioje aplinkoje. Kūrybinio projekto pagrindinis personažas taip pat keliautojas autostopu. Jis perkeliamas į interaktyvią Korsakow programą ir gautas video projektas į internetą. Kūrinyje daug dienoraštiškumo. Jame gausu rašytinio, video, fotografijų dienoraščio formų. Interaktyviai valdant sukurtas nuorodas žiūrovas pats pradeda keliauti žiūrėdamas keliautojo trumpus nuotykių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The phenomenon of travel and movement is important to everyone. Even physically motionless, human can travel through ideas, virtually. Humans can choose the type of travel and travelers – from a simple summer holidays, travel agencies’ organized till a tripf the vagabond traveling without knowing the final goal. Speaking about travel by hitch-hiking for many there is one idea – traveling without paying for the trip. This bachelor thesis analyzes and reveals hitch- hiker whos’ travels are unique, liberating and recurrent. The paper reveals types of travelers in sociological and semantic point of view. Traveler/ travel is compared with culture/ arts. Work of art itself often becomes the object of the journey and travels creating intercultural dialogue. Because of internet “breaking” into our everyday lives, traveler moves into virtual space becoming net vagabond, while more and more creators begin to create Net.art. The hitch-hiker stays unpredictable in virtual environments through interactivity. The main character in creative project is the hitch-hiker. He is moved to the interactive Korsakow project program and video project on the Internet. The work has a lot of features of diary. It contains lot of written, video, photographs diary forms. The viewer managing an interactive links starts to travel watching a short moments of traveler adventures.

Ponašanje roditelja i nivo anksioznosti kod dece tokom preoperativne procedure

Dukić Olja 31 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Disertacije je u naj&scaron;irem smislu usmerena na ispitivanje faktora koji doprinose povi&scaron;enju preoprativne anksioznosti kod dece. Teorijski okvir rada predstavlja Proksimo-distalni model pona&scaron;anja dece tokom akutnih medicinskih procedura (Blount, Bunke, &amp; Zaff, 2000a; 2000b; Varni, Blount, Waldon, &amp; Smith, 1995). Prema modelu, sva pona&scaron;anja, kako roditeljska tako i dečija, mogu da se podele na ona koja produbljuju uznemirenost (&ldquo;distress&rdquo; pona&scaron;anja), i ona koja olak&scaron;avaju prevladavanje stresne situacije (&ldquo;coping&rdquo; pona&scaron;anja). Takođe se nagla&scaron;ava da interakciju između deteta i roditelja za vreme akutnih medicinskih procedura treba posmatrati u &scaron;irem kontekstu, uz isticanje da veliki broj faktora utiče na suočavanje sa akutnim medicinskim stresom. Proveravano je na koji način su osobine dece (ankioznost i temperament), osobine roditelja (anksioznosti) i pona&scaron;anja dece i roditelja (&bdquo;coping&ldquo; i &bdquo;distress&ldquo;) povezani sa stepenom izraženosti preoperativne anksioznosti i procenom bola kod dece. Dodatno, proveravan je efekat psiholo&scaron;ke preoperativne pripreme na roditelje različitog stepena izraženosti osobine anksioznosti.<br />Uzorak u istraživanju je činilo 99 dece pred&scaron;kolskog uzrasta (3-6 godina) koja su imala zakazanu operaciju krajnika (Dg Tonsillectomia i/ili Adenoidectomia) na Institutu za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Interakcija između roditelja i dece, kao i preoperativna anksiozna pona&scaron;anja kod dece su snimana video kamerom i merena u sedam situacija: prilikom prijema u bolnicu, po ulasku u&nbsp;prostoriju premedikacije, pre primljenog sedativa, za vreme primanja sedativa, nakon primljenog sedativa, prilikom separacije od roditelja i za vreme stavljanja maske kod uvoda u anesteziju. Posmatran je međusobni uticaj roditeljskog i dečijeg pona&scaron;anja kroz različite vremenske tačke pri čemu su podaci analizirani tzv. &ldquo;Actor-Partner Interdependence modelom&rdquo; (APIM; Cook &amp; Kenny, 2005).<br />Rezultati pokazuju da mlađa deca sa izraženijom separacionom anksiozno&scaron;ću u odnosu na stariju i mlađu decu sa slabije izraženom separacionom anksiozno&scaron;ću imaju vi&scaron;i stepen preoperativne anksioznosti u svim situacijama, ali je ta razlika posebno izražena u situaciji separacije i stavljanja maske kod uvoda u anesteziju. Deca će intenzivnije procenjivati bol nakon injekcije ukoliko imaju vi&scaron;i stepen preoperativne anksioznosti, kada su pored njih roditelji koji imaju visoko izraženu osobinu anksioznosti i pokazuju vi&scaron;i stepen pona&scaron;anja kojim podstiču &bdquo;distress&ldquo; dece. Prilikom procene interakcije između roditelja i dece u pojedinačnim fazama procedure rezultati pokazuju da ispoljena pona&scaron;anja u prethodnim fazama utiču na pona&scaron;anja u sledećim fazama procedure. Vi&scaron;i stepen preoprativne anksioznosti kod dece u prethodnim fazama procedure utiče na pona&scaron;anja roditelja u sledećim fazama procedure. Ukoliko se pona&scaron;anja dece i roditelja iz različitih faza sumiraju, rezultati pokazuju da su &bdquo;coping&ldquo; pona&scaron;anja dece i roditelja u vezi sa nižim stepenom preoperativne anksioznosti, dok su &bdquo;distress&ldquo; pona&scaron;anja u vezi sa vi&scaron;im stepenom preoperativne anksioznosti. Rezultati sugeri&scaron;u da neposredno nakon psiholo&scaron;ke preoperativne pripreme, dan pre operacije, dolazi do pada situacione anksioznosti kod roditelja nezavisno u kom stepenu imaju izraženu osobinu anksioznosti. Na dan operacije, efekat pripreme se smanjuje i anksioznost se vraća gotovo na nivo pre psiholo&scaron;ke pripreme.<br />Praktične i teorijske implikacije rezultata će biti predstavljene u radu.</p>

Primena sistema hitozan-jonska površinski aktivna materija za dobijanje mikrokapsula uljnog sadržaja / Application of chitosan-ionic surfactant system for the preparation of microcapsules with oil content

Milinković Budinčić Jelena 05 July 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Mikrokapsulacija je tehnika kojom se nestabilne, međusobno inkompatibilne i biolo&scaron;ki aktivne supstance prevode u stabilniji oblik, ili se omogućuje njihovo kontrolisano i ciljano oslobađanje. Osobine formiranih mikrokapsula, kinetika i mesto otpu&scaron;tanja inkapsuliranih materija zavise, pre svega, od njihovog omotača. Savremene tendencije razvoja prehrambenih proizvoda i proizvoda farmaceutske i kozmetičke industrije, su sve vi&scaron;e usmerene ka upotrebi prirodnih i biorazgradivih polimernih materija za formiranje omotača mikrokapsula.<br />Cilj ove disertacije je mogućnost primene hitozana, netoksičnog, biorazgradivog derivata hitina, kao materije omotača mikrokapsula sa uljnim sadržajem. S obzirom na njegovu slabu povr&scaron;insku aktivnost, istraživanja su usmerena na primenu interakcija hitozana sa suprotno naelektrisanim jonskim povr&scaron;inski aktivnim materijama (PAM) u vodenim rastvorima, kao mehanizmu za njegovo deponovanje na graničnoj povr&scaron;ini ulje/voda.<br />Primenom različitih metoda (tenziometrija, viskozimetrija, turbidimetrija, merenje elektroforetske pokretljivosti) interakcije hitozana sa natrijum-dodecil-sulfatom (SDS) i natrijum-lauriletar-sulfatom (SLES) su detaljno ispitane. Definisane su promene kako na granici faza, tako i unutar rastvora, a mehanizam formiranja kompleksa hitozan/PAM različitih osobina je u potpunosti razja&scaron;njen. Utvrđeno je da do formiranja stabilnog koacervata dolazi pri masenom odnosu hitozan:SLES 1:2 i hitozan:SDS 1:2.<br />Ispitivanje uticaja interakcije hitozan-PAM na osobine emulzionih sistema tipa ulje u vodi (veličina i raspodela veličina kapi, stabilnost) omogućilo je odabir hitozan-SLES sistema kao omotača pogodnog za dobijanje mikrokapsula uljnog sadržaja. Na osnovu ovih rezulatata kao uljna faza odabrani su trigliceridi srednje dužine ugljovodoničnih lanca (TSDL). Su&scaron;enjem emulzija primenom spray drying postupka dobijene se mikrokapsule uljnog sadržaja sa vitaminom E i ispitan je uticaj umreživača na njihove osobine. Karakterizacijom dobijenih mikrokapsula (određivanje sadržaja vlage, ispitivanje morfologije povr&scaron;ine, efiksanost inkapsulacije vitamina E, kinetika otpu&scaron;tanja vitamina E u in vitro uslovima) zaključeno je da na osobine mikrokapsula utiče vrsta i koncentracija umreživača. Mikrokapsule čiji omotač nije umrežen pokazale su najbolje karakteristike.</p> / <p>Microencapsulation is a technique that unstable, incompatible and biologically active substances converted to a more stable form, or allow their controlled and targeted release. The properties of formed microcapsules, kinetics and the place of release of encapsulated substances, primarly depend on their shell characteristic. Modern trends in the development of food products and products of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries are increasingly focused on the use of natural and biodegradable polymeric materials for coatings.<br />The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the possibility of using chitosan, non-toxic and biodegradable chitin derivative, as a shell material of microcapsules with oil content. Due to its low surface activity, the research is focused on the utilization of chitosan interactions with opositly charged ionic surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES)) in aqueous solutions as mechanisms for its depositing at the oil/water interface.<br />Based on detailed investigation of interactions in the chitosan-ionic surfactant systems using different methods (tensiometry, viscometry, turbidimetry, measurement of electrophoretic mobility), changes have been defined both at the interface and within the bulk, as well as the mechanism of formation of the coacervate phase. It has been determined that at chitosan:SLES and chitosan:SDS mass ratio of 1:2 stabile coacervate were formed.<br />An investigation of the influence of interaction on the properties of oil-in-water emulsion systems (size and distribution of droplet size, stability) enabled the chitosan-SLES system to be selected as a shell suitable for obtaining microcapsules of the oil content. Also, based on these results, medium-chain triglycerides were selected as the oil phase of the emulsion.<br />Microcapsules with vitamin E were obtained by spray drying of emulsions stabilized with chitosan/SLES complex. The influence of the crosslinker on the properties of microcapsules was investigated. Characterization of obtained microcapsules (moisture content determination, investigation of the surface morphology, efficiency of the vitamin E encapsulation, release in vitro kinetics of vitamin E) showed that type and concentration of crosslinking agents had influences the properties of microcapsules. Microcapsules without crosslinking agents have the most suitable characteristics.</p>

Uticaj sastava i uloge lipida brašna u procesu izrade hleba / THE INFLUENCE OF COMPOSITION AND ROLE OF FLOUR LIPIDS IN BREADMAKING PROCESS

Filipović Nada 09 February 1998 (has links)
<p>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR)</p><p>Utvrdeni su sastav i količine nepolarnih i polarnih lipida kao i lipida iz skroba u pojedinim fazama izrade hleba na dva uzorka bra&scaron;na od kvalitetne p&scaron;enice. Takode su odredene promene i prelazi lipidnih sastojaka pod uticajem fizičkih, mehaničkih i toplotnih delovanja tokom tehnolo&scaron;kog postupka.<br />Na osnovu sastava masnih kiselina u lipidnim jedinjenjima razdvojenim tankoslojnom hromatografijom i računa verovatnoće utvrđen je njihov najverovatniji sastav.<br />Iz ekstrakta nepolarnih lipida bra&scaron;na kvantitativno je identifikovano preko 60 %, a iz hleba preko 40 % lipidnih jedinjenja (ASG, MG i TG).<br />U ekstraktima polarnih lipida identifikovano je preko 60 % jedinjenja (DGMG, DGDG, MGMG i MGDG) a u lipidima unutar skroba zastupljeni su samo LPI i NAPE.</p><p>U ekstraktima lipida i u lipidnim jedinjenjima identifikovano je oko 98 % masnih kiselina a najveći udeo je lilinolne kiseline.<br />Takođe je ispitan uticaj načina dodavanja tri vrste komercijalnih emulgatora u pojedinim fazama izrade testa na kvalitet hleba.<br />Delovanje komercijalnih emulgatora u testu i hlebu zavisi od vrste, sastava i i količine emulgatora kao i od kvaliteta bra&scaron;na kome se dodaje. Pobolj&scaron;avajući efekti se mogu postići samo ako se emulgator dozira na početku zamesa ili tokom razvoja testa.<br />Rezultati ovog rada su pomogli da se bliže odredi mesto i uloga lipidnih materija bra&scaron;na u procesu izrade hleba kao i interakcija lipida bra&scaron;na sa komercijalnim emulgatorima.</p> / <p>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</p><p>Composition and quantities of nonpolar, polar and starch lipids were identified in different stages of bread making process. Changes and translocations of lipid compounds influenced by physical, mechanical and heat treatment during the technological process were determined, too.<br />Based on fatty acid composition in different lipid compounds separated by TLC and on probability calculation, the most probable composition of them was est imated.<br />In nonpolar lipid extracts of flour, over 60 % and in bread over 40 % of lipid compounds were identified (ASG, MG and TG).<br />In polar lipid extracts over 60 % of lipid compounds were identified (DGMG,<br />DGDG, MGMG and MGDG) but in starch lipids only LPI and NAPE were present.<br />In lipid extract and lipid compounds about 98 % of fatty acids were identi- fied with the greatest shane of linoleic acid.<br />The influence of adding three commercial emulsifiers in different stages of dough making on bread quality was also invest igated.<br />Acting of commercial emulsifiers in dough and bread depends on their type, composition and quantity, as well as, on flour quality. Improving effects can be achieved only if emulsifiers ane added at the beginning of mixing stage or during dough development.<br />These results comprise to better understanding of the lipid compounds role, the place of their acting in breadmaking process as well as their interaction with commercial emulsifiers.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Kurčneregystės negalią turinčių vaikų komunikacijos ypatumai žaidimo metu / Communication characteristics of deafblind children during play

Baranovskaja, Nadežda 21 July 2014 (has links)
Apie kurčneregystės negalią turinčius vaikus Lietuvoje informacijos labai stinga, nėra tyrimų apie jų ugdymo, komunikacijos ypatumus. Būtent todėl šiuo darbu buvo siekiama apibūdinti šią negalią, atskleisti vaikų, turinčių kurčneregystę, komunikacijos ypatumus žaidimo metu. / In Lithuania there is little understanding about complex disabilities and especially deafblindness. There is no research on the development of the complex disabilities children communication. That is why the goal of this work was to describe the deafblind children communication during the game and play.

Dizajniranje mikrostrukture alumina-cirkonia kompozita dobijenog sol-gel metodom / Designing of the Sol-Gel Derived Alumina-Zirkonia Composite Microstructures

Srdić Vladimir 31 August 1995 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>Dobro je poznato da se žilavost keramičkih matrica znatno može povećati sa cirkonia česticama iz razloga &scaron;to se transformacijom tetragonalne u monokliničnu fazu cirkonie znatna količina energije može apsorbovati, a koja bi inače bila pukotini na raspolaganju za njeno napredovanje.<br />U ovom radu je primenom različitih varijanti sol-gel procesiranja menjana priroda i skala veličine polaznih alumina i cirkonia čestica u cilju dizajniranja mikrostrukture alumina-cirkonia kompozita. Ukazano je na postojanje interakcije između cirkonie i alumine, &scaron;to je i pored &scaron;irokog proučavanja alumina-cirkonia kompozita skoro nepoznata pojava. Pokazano je takođe da stepen interakcije zavisi od prirode i veličine polaznih čestica, pri čemu je najveći kod alkoksidnih matričnih kompozita sa cirkoniom dodanom u obliku veoma finih sol čestica ili cirkonjjumovih soli (na primer cirkoniju oksihlorid), a najmanji kod čestičnih matričnih kompozita kod kojih su kori&scaron;čene guste čestice (alumine-cirkonie).<br />Potvrđeno je da stepe interakcije određuje mikrostrukturni razvoj kompozita u toku zagrevanja. Uticaj interakcije na mikrostrukturni razvoj alumina-cirkonia kompozita je praćen različitim metodama karakterizacije (merenje gustine, IR spektroskopija, rentgenska difrakcija, diferencijalno termijska analiza i skening elektronska mikroskopija). Posle finalnog sinterovanja i bez toplog presovanja su dostignute gustine bliske teorijskim, a postignute mehaničke osobine merene su tvrdoća i žilavost) su razmatrane u funkciji mikorstrukturnih parametara. Utvrđeno je da je dominantan mehanizam povećanja žilavosti naponom indukovano povećanje žilavosti, a maksimalno postignuta vrednost odnosa povećanja žilavosti prema žilavosti matrice iznosi K<sub>s</sub>/K<sub>o</sub> = 0.69 (&scaron;to odgovara vrednosti kritičnog faktora intenziteta napona od K<sub>c</sub>=5.4 MPa m<sup>1/2</sup>). Na kraju treba jo&scaron; istaći da eksperimentalno dobijene vrednosti žilavosti dobro fituju izvedenu zavisnost doprinosa transformacionog povećanja žilavosti od veličine tetragonalni cirkonia čestica.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>It is already known that fracture toughness of the ceramic matrices could be increased by dispersing of zirconia particles. The role of zirconia is in the absorption of a substantial amount of energy, which could be consumed by crack advansing, with the transformation from tetragonal to monoclinic simetry.<br />In the presented study the microstructure of the alumina-zirconia composites were designed by changing the nature and the size of original alumina and zirconia panicles, by using a different types of the sol-gel processing methods. It is pointed out on the mutual interaction between zirconia and alumina, which is almost unknown phenomena inspite of very intensive investigation of the alumina-zirconia composite system. The mutual interaction depends on the nature and size of the original particles. The largest interaction exists in alkoxide matrix composites with zirconia added in a form of very fine so! particles or zirconijum-salts (zirconium-oxychloride), and the smallest in the particulate matrix composites with dense panicles (alumina or zirconia). It is confirmed that interaction between zirconia and alumina determine the microstructure development of the heat treated composite samples. The influence of the interaction on the microstructure development was characterised by different method: density measurement, IR spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy. After final sintering without hot pressing the density reach very high values (in some case &gt;99 % theoretical density). Mechanical properties (hardnes and fracture toughness) were studied in the function of the microstructural parameters. It was shown that the stress induced transformation toughening is a dominant mechanism in the sol-gel processed composites (with zirconia partcles less than critical size)., and the maximal value of the AKc/Ko = 0.69 corresponds to the fracture toughness of Kc = 5.4 MPa m1/2. Experimental fracture toughness data fit the analytically derived functional dependent between fracture toughness and zirconia particle sizes.</p>

Individualne i socijalne determinante kvaliteta bliskih interpersonalnih odnosa: značaj osobina ličnosti, porodične interakcije i komunikacije / Individual and social determinants of quality of close interpersonal relationships: The importance of a personality, family interaction and communication.

Kuruzović Nikolina 21 August 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu se ispituje fenomen&nbsp; kvaliteta 5 vrsta bliskih odnosa u odraslom dobu (majka, otac, brat/sestra, prijatelj, partner). Istraživanjem se razmatraju specifičnosti bliskih odnosa na domaćoj populaciji i razlike u kvaliteti bliskih odnosa s obzirom na nekoliko personalnih i kontekstualnih karakteristika ispitanika. Poseban akcenat se stavlja na relacije između individualnih (osobine ličnosti, afektivna vezanost, autoritarnost i stilovi komunikacije) i socijalnih (porodična interakcija sa majkom i ocem) determinanti i kvaliteta bliskih odnosa.</p> / <p>This paper examines the quality phenomenon of 5 types of close relationships in adulthood (mother, father, brother / sister, friend, partner). The research examines the specificity of close relationships on the domestic population and the differences in the quality of close relationships with regard to several personal and contextual characteristics of the respondents. Particular emphasis is put on the relationships between individual (personality traits, attachment, authoritarianism and communication styles) and social (family interaction with mother and father) determinants and quality of close relationships.</p>

MOKYTOJO KAIP KLASĖS VADOVO VEIKLOS ĮTAKA STIPRINANT PRADINIŲ KLASIŲ MOKINIŲ SAVĘS VERTINIMĄ / Teacher’s as a Tutor of the Class Work Influence in Fortifying Self Evaluation of Primary School Pupils

Ivoškaitė, Gitana 25 September 2008 (has links)
Teorinė mokytojo kaip klasės vadovo veiklos įtaka mokinių savęs vertinimui analizė parodė, kad mokytojas įvairiuose moksliniuose šaltiniuose traktuojamas kaip kvalifikuotas ugdymo veikėjas, dėstomo(jo) dalyko ir mokinio psichologijos, edukologijos, vadybos žinovas, koordinuojantis klasės ugdomąjį procesą per įvairias pedagoginės veiklos sritis. Tačiau, ar mokytojo veikla, kaip klasės vadovo yra veiksminga ugdytiniams, priklauso nuo paties pedagogo kompetencijų, ypač bendraujant, giliau pažįstant mokinius, suprantant, kuriant įvairias sąveikos situacijas. Mokytojas ugdytinius turi taip pažinoti, įžvelgti jų elgesį, asmenybę, pastebėjęs neadekvatų mokinių savęs vertinimą, jį koreguoti. O juk savęs vertinimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių asmenybės vidinių darinių, kuris palieka neišdildomus pėdsakus visuose žmogaus poelgiuose ir veiksmuose nuo ankstyvosios vaikystės iki gilios senatvės. Apibendrinus mokinių savęs vertinimo problemą mokslinėje literatūroje, galime daryti prielaidas, kad: šiuolaikinėje edukologinėje, sociologinėje, psichologinėje literatūroje, individo savęs vertinimas – daugelio mokslininkų tyrimo objektas; individo savęs vertinimas traktuojamas, kaip sudėtingas darinys, jis neatskiriamas nuo aplinkinių; svarbu siekti adekvataus savęs vertinimo. Mokytojo kaip klasės vadovo veiklos įtaka stiprinant pradinių klasių mokinių savęs vertinimą. Teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti ryšį tarp pradinių klasių mokinių savęs vertinimo ir mokytojo kaip klasės vadovo veiklos. Iškelta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theoretical analysis of teacher’s as a class tutor work influence for pupils self evaluation displayed that, tutor in a various scientific sources is interpreted as skilled worker of education, expert of management, lectured subject and pupil’s psychology, education, who coordinates educational process of class through various fields of pedagogical activities. However, whether teacher’s work as class tutor is effective to personnel, depends on educator competence, especially when communicating and trying to profound and understand them deeper, creating various situations of interaction. Teacher has to know the personnel very well, to perceive their behaviour, personality and to correct an observed inadequate pupils self evaluation. It is the truth that self evaluation is one of the most significant inner personality derivatives, which leaves indelible trace in all human deeds and actions from early childhood till venerable age. In generalising pupil’s self evaluation problem in academic literature, it could be presumed that: in modern literature of education, sociology, psychology, self evaluation of individuals is the research object of the majority scientist; self evaluation of individual is interpreted as complicated derivative, which is inseperable from surrounding people; it is important to seek adequate self evaluation. Teacher’s as a tutor of the class work influence in fortifying self evaluation of primary school pupils. Revalating hypothesis: it is probable that... [to full text]

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