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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition and suburban modernity, 1908-1951

Ryan, Deborah S. January 1995 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition educated (, and entertained the public in the first half of the twentieth century by promoting a modern way of life, helping to establish a commercial culture of homemaking. By exploring the ways in which the Exhibition represented popular conceptions of the 'modern' within their social and historical contexts, the thesis challenges the dominance of Modernist aesthetics and values on writing on design, architecture and consumption. Chapter one explores the unease felt by a particular group of writers towards the Ideal Home Exhibition, which it locates in relation to a wider intellectual condemnation of modernity and suburbia. Chapter two looks at the founding of the Exhibition by the Daily Mail in 1908. Chapter three analyses how the Daily Mail and the Exhibition constructed an 'ideal audience' and why the idea of an 'ideal home' was so appealing. Chapter four looks at the ways in which ideas about 'labour-saving', which were part of a concern with national efficiency that drew on the doctrines of scientific management, have constructed the 'ideal home' as a site of change and experimentation. Chapter five explores how the 'Tudorbethan' semi and the popular appropriation of the Modern Movement in the Exhibition represented tensions between the longings for the past and aspirations for the future. Chapter six investigates the representation of non-English peoples and places and the display of Empire in the Exhibition. Chapter seven looks at how the Exhibition addressed the question of the 'house that women want', focusing on the actual participation of women in the Exhibition, as 'natural' experts and paid professionals. Chapter eight makes some conclusions on the ways in which the audience's experience of 'suburban modernity' in the Exhibition was dependent on the interaction of the themes outlined in the earlier chapters. The thesis ends with a review of the past, present and future of the Ideal Home Exhibition.

Designing a Wallpaper Display System for an Effective Product Selection : A Collaboration with Midbec Wallpapers / Design av ett tapetvisningssystem för en effektiv produktvalsprocess : Ett samarbete med Midbec Wallpapers

Hedman, Ida January 2017 (has links)
We  are  heading  into  a  world  that  is  becoming  more  and  more  digital.  In  the  future  markets,  customers   will   demand   that   some   sort   of   technical  support  is  available  when  they  make  purchases.   This   put   a   big   responsibility   on   companies  that  have  to  satisfy  that  need.  The  wallpaper  industry  has  not  incorporated  many  efficient  support  tools  to  facilitate  the  product  selection at Swedish retailers. This results in that customers  experience  many  issues  when  they  search for new wallpapers. Through a needfinding process, where customers   were   observed   at   retailers,   eight   primary  customer  needs  could  be  established  in  the  project.  These  were  ranked  after  their  relative   importance.   The   results   showed   that   the  most  important  needs  to  satisfy  was  to  give  customer’s  inspiration  and  help  them  visualize  wallpapers  in  environments.  In  two  workshops,  around  100  ideas  on  how  a  system  that  could  satisfy  these  needs  was  generated  in  a  number  of brainstorming sessions. These ideas were then culled   with   various   evaluation   methods   such   as  rating  matrixes,  inventory  methods  and  by  clustering the ideas. At the end of the evaluation process,  four  concepts  remained  with  different  levels of technical demands and implementation requirements.  The  decision  of  which  concept  that was going to be further developed was then made by Midbec. The final system is a service that allows customer to   visualize   chosen   wallpapers   in   a   digital   environment.  The  system  contains  a  screen  with  a connected hand scanner that will be integrated in  Midbec’s  store  interior  and  QR-barcodes  that  is  applied  to  each  wallpaper.  When  a  barcode  is  decoded,  either  with  the  scanner  or  with  a  smartphone, the user connects to Midbec’s newly developed   online   wallpaper   tool   where   the   wallpaper can be seen in different environments. The   benchmarking   showed   that   no   studies   of    effective    wallpaper    displays    has    been    made.  Several  areas  where  new  systems  can  be   implemented   to   support   customers   and   promote  wallpapers  more  effectively  was  found  throughout  the  process.  This  means  that  there  are many possibilities to develop and implement new  designs  in  the  industry.  As  a  conclusion,  this  project  showed  that  a  needfinding  process  should  focus  on  incorporating  the  user  to  the  highest possible level to ensure that reliable data is collected. Another conclusion is that customers experience   many   different   issues   in   today’s   wallpaper  selection  process.  Again,  this  shows  that  there  is  potential  to  develop  systems  that  can improve today’s wallpaper industry. / Vi går mot en värld som blir allt mer digital. I den framtida marknaden kommer kunder kräva att något sorts tekniskt  hjälpmedel  finns  tillhands  när  de  gör  sina  inköp.  Detta  ställer  krav  på  företagen  som  måste  tillfredsställa  det  behovet.  Tapetindustrin har inte integrerat många     effektiva  verktyg  för  att  underlätta  produktvalet  hos  svenska  återförsäljare.  Detta  resulterar  i  att  kunderna  upplever  många  svårigheter  när  de  letar efter nya tapeter. Genom en behovsidentifieringsprocess,    där    kunder  observerades  hos  återförsäljare,  kunde  åtta  primära  kundbehov  fastställas  i  projektet.  Dessa  rankades  efter  deras  relativa  betydelse.  Resultatet  visade  att  de  viktigast  behoven  att  tillfredsställa  är  att  ge  kunderna  inspiration  och  hjälpa  de  att  visualisera  tapeter  i  miljöer.  I  två  workshops genererades cirka 100 idéer i ett antal brainstorming  sessioner  på  hur  ett  system  som  tillfredsställer dessa behov kan se ut. Dessa idéer sorterades sedan med olika utvärderingsmetoder som     betygsmatriser,     inventerings     metoder     och  genom  att  gruppera  idéerna.  I  slutet  av  utvärderingsprocessen   återstod   fyra   koncept   med olika grad av tekniska och implementerings krav.   Beslutet   om   viket   koncept   som   skulle   vidareutvecklas togs sedan av Midbec. Det  slutgiltiga  systemet  är  en  tjänst  som  tillåter  kunderna att visualisera valda tapeter i en digital miljö.   Systemet   inkluderar   en   skärm   med   en   tillhörande   handskanner   som   är   integrerad   i   Midbec’s   butiksmiljö   samt   QR-koder   som   är   applicerade  på  varje  tapet.  När  en  kod  avläses,  antigen med skannern eller med en smartphone, kopplas     användaren     till     Midbec’s     nyligen     framtagna onlinetjänst där tapeten kan ses i olika miljöer. Förstudien  visade  att  inga  tidigare  studier  på  effektiva  tapetskyltningar  har  genomförts.  Flera  områden   där   nya   system   kan   implementeras   för  att  stödja  kunderna  och  framhäva  tapeter  mer  effektivt  framkom  under  projektet.  Detta  betyder   att   det   finns   många   möjligheter   för   att  utveckla  och  implementera  nya  designer  i  branschen.  Som  en  slutsats  visade  detta  projekt  att      en      behovsidentifieringsprocess      borde      inkludera  användaren  så  mycket  som  möjligt  för  att  säkerställa  att  tillförlitliga  data  samlas  in.  Ännu  en  slutsats  är  att  kunder  upplever  många  olika   svårigheter   i   dagens   tapetvalsprocess.   Återigen visar detta på att det finns potential för att utveckla nya system som kan förbättra dagens tapetbransch.

Diseño interior del primer hotel con módulos de hospedaje en el Perú para el pasajero en tránsito del Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez

González Salinas, María Camila 30 December 2018 (has links)
La investigación busca sentar las bases de un hotel que, a través de la disposición de módulos unipersonales, sea capaz de atender la creciente demanda especializada de pasajeros en tránsito del aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez. El negocio se fundamenta en la modalidad de no tener que hacer una previa reservación para recibir el servicio, ya que el cliente podrá registrarse de manera autónoma en el momento de acercarse a la recepción para lo cual solo tendrá que introducir sus datos. Esto se hace con el afán de brindar a los clientes un ambiente menos estresante antes de viajar. El hotel tiene tres pisos, el primero tiene zonas divididas para cada actividad, el segundo para el descanso y la higiene del pasajero donde también podrá descansar y distraerse en las salas de los pasillos, el tercero repite todo lo del segundo. Cabe mencionar que al momento de inscribirse el cliente recibirá un brazalete, donde podrá consumir los productos, entrar a la cápsula, abrir el locker en este brazalete se carga el monto consumido durante la estadía. Cada cliente está obligado a ducharse antes de entrar al módulo a pernoctar, razón por la cual se le entregarán objetos de aseo personal tales como bata de baño, toalla, Sachet de shampoo, alpargatas y jabón. Entre los servicios que ofrecerá el hotel, se tendrá la cafetería, el comedor y el bar durante 24 horas.. Estar a solo segundos de distancia de todas las puertas internacionales mientras se ofrecen todas las comodidades para trabajar, relajarse, dormir y refrescarse será lo oportuno a ofrecer para que el viajero pueda llegar a su próximo destino de la mejor manera. El estudio ha ido dividido en 5 capítulos a saber: Descripción de la realidad problemática; Marcos investigativos; Estrategias de diseño; Programación; Conclusiones y aportes Como gran conclusión se ha llegado a indicar que el diseño de un hospedaje por módulos no solo responde a la tendencia imperante en los aeropuertos Hub del Mundo y que nuestro aporte servirá para alinear al Jorge Chávez en ese nivel; sino que además a fuerza de la demanda su construcción se hace muy necesaria. / The research seeks to lay the foundations of a hotel that, through the provision of single-person modules, will be able to meet the growing specialized demand of passengers in transit in Jorge Chávez International Airport. The business is based on the modality of not having to make a previous reservation to receive the service, since the client will be able to register autonomously at the moment of approaching the reception for which he will only have to enter his data. This is done with the aim of providing customers with a less stressful environment before traveling. The hotel has three floors, the first has divided areas for each activity, the second for rest and passenger hygiene where you can also rest and be distracted in the halls of the corridors, the third repeats everything of the second. It is worth mentioning that at the time of registration the customer will receive a bracelet, where they can consume the products, enter the capsule, open the locker on this bracelet, the amount consumed during the stay is charged. Each client is obliged to take a shower before entering the module to spend the night, which is why they will be given personal hygiene items such as bathrobe, towel, shampoo bag, espadrilles and soap. Among the services offered by the hotel, you will have the cafeteria, the dining room and the bar for 24 hours .. Being just seconds away from all international doors while offering all the amenities to work, relax, sleep and refresh will be the right thing to offer so that the traveler can reach their next destination in the best way. The study has been divided into 5 chapters namely: Description of the problematic reality; Investigative frameworks; Design strategies; Programming; Conclusions and contributions As a great conclusion it has come to indicate that the design of a lodging by modules not only responds to the prevailing tendency in the Hub of the World airports and that our contribution will serve to align the Jorge Chávez in that level; but also by force of demand its construction becomes very necessary. / Tesis

El Palacio de Versalles

Contreras Vargas, Paula Cristina 07 June 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explicar el significado del Palacio de Versalles en su historia. Asimismo, explorar y analizar sus elementos arquitectónicos internos, externos y los estilos artísticos presentes en el palacio. Se realizó una investigación que permitió utilizar el proceso creativo como metodología con la finalidad de crear una colección de indumentaria. Además, se realizó una entrevista a un experto para profundizar y conocer desde otro enfoque el tema central del proyecto. Se encontró que el Palacio de Versalles está basado en una serie de cambios y adaptaciones a petición de cada monarca. Sin embargo, cada detalle del palacio está en perfecto balance y armonía. Sus propiedades más resaltantes son el orden, la jerarquía y la simetría. El monarca, que estuvo a cargo de gran parte de su edificación e implementación fue Louis XIV, también conocido como Rey Sol, quien buscaba utilizar la residencia real como un arma política para demostrar el poder y la grandeza de Francia. / The present investigation aims to explain the significance of the Palace of Versailles in its history. Also, explore and analyze its internal and external architectural elements and the artistic styles present in the palace. The investigation allows to use the creative process as a methodology to create a fashion collection. In addition, an interview to an expert was conducted to deepen and learn from another perspective the central theme of the project. It was found that the Palace of Versailles was based on a series of changes and adaptions as a request of each monarch. However, every detail of the palace is in perfect balance and harmony. The most outstanding characteristics are order, hierarchy, and symmetry. The monarch, who oversaw a big part of the construction and implementation was Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, who seek to use the royal residence as a political weapon to show the power and greatness of France. / Trabajo de investigación


Picek, Matěj Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with the basic principles of the functioning of the technology of generative design, using the method of topology optimization and finding their potential with the capabilities of the application in the field of furniture design. The main outcome is a functional prototype of a low relaxing chair, which specific construction is designed using the method of topology optimization.

Svědci autobusovi ZaBřehem Problematika alternativního prostoru / Witnesses of the bus ZaBřehem Problems of alternative space

Benčíková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns my life project ZaBřehem and my activity in this project, which has the character of cooperation, organization, DIY, home design, web design, painting, crafts and over time also cultural organization and curation. The work goes through several components of the whole project and aims to defend the role of the artist in creating a new place that has the ambition to change the approach to people diagnosed with mental illness. At the same time, it focuses on the space specifically of one of the rooms, the layout of which the author considers her own work, as well as the method of transferring this space to the school premises for defense, which will create another site-specific installation.

Vers une actualisation des espaces d’habitation destinés aux personnes aînées : étude comparative des milieux de vie en faveur du bien-être des résidents

Keo Touzeau, Sarah 01 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’environnement bâti, et plus particulièrement aux manières de concevoir des espaces propices au vieillissement des aînés en devenir. Actuellement, le Canada comme le reste du monde est sujet au vieillissement démographique. Il a été par estimé par l’OMS (2016b) que 20 à 24% de la population canadienne était âgée de 60 ans et plus en 2015. Ces chiffres permettent de prédire qu’au minimum 30% de la population canadienne aura 60 ans et plus en 2050. Ayant un mode de vie davantage actif et souhaitant demeurer intégrés à la communauté, ils préconisent des modèles d’habitation évolutifs proches de leurs familles, amis et communauté. Cependant, il est remarqué que les modèles d’habitation les plus répandus ne sont pas forcément les plus populaires chez les aînés en devenir, qui souhaitent vieillir dans des conditions différentes de celles de leurs parents. Dans le contexte du vieillissement de la population, il semble important de travailler à une actualisation des modèles d’habitation, répondant aux volontés des aînés en devenir aux aspirations changeantes. Ce changement de représentation du vieillissement questionne la définition du bien-être des personnes aînées et la manière par laquelle l’environnement bâti des modèles d’habitation soutient leurs aspirations. Cette recherche se revendique de la tradition phénoménologique d’une part par l’emphase portée à la compréhension de la réalité vécue des personnes aînées, d’autre part, par la volonté de cerner l’essence du bien-être à travers des paramètres spatiaux et architecturaux. L’observation du phénomène de l’habiter a influencé la construction de la stratégie méthodologique reposant sur la conduite d’entretiens semi-dirigés avec des habitants, concepteurs et personnes ressources ainsi que l’observation directe de deux complexes d’habitation pour aînés. Les résultats provenant du terrain permettent l’identification de paramètres spatiaux et architecturaux ayant une incidence sur le bien-être des seniors. Néanmoins, la pluralité de la vieillesse rend une généralisation des besoins et aspirations difficile tant l’habitation reflète les spécificités propres à chaque individu. De ce fait, l’importance du choix et la conception de milieux de vie offrant un contrôle aux habitants sont à préconiser. / This research focuses on the built environment, and more specifically on ways to design spaces that are conducive to the aging of the developing elderly. Currently, Canada, like the rest of the world, is subject to demographic aging. It has been estimated by the WHO (2016b) that 20 to 24% of the Canadian population will be aged 60 and over in 2015. These figures predict that at least 30% of the Canadian population will be 60 years of age or older in 2050. With a more active lifestyle and a desire to remain integrated into the community, they advocate for progressive housing models that are close to family, friends and community. However, it is noted that the most common housing models are not necessarily the most popular among future seniors, who wish to age in conditions different from those of their parents. In the context of the aging population, it seems important to work on updating housing models, responding to the wishes of future seniors with changing aspirations. This change in the representation of aging questions the definition of seniors' well-being and the way in which the built environment of housing models supports their aspirations. This research is in keeping with the phenomenological tradition, on the one hand, through its emphasis on understanding the lived reality of seniors and, on the other hand, through its desire to identify the essence of well-being through spatial and architectural parameters. The observation of the phenomenon of living influenced the construction of the methodological strategy based on the conduct of semi-directed interviews with inhabitants, designers and resource persons as well as the direct observation of two housing complexes for seniors. The results from the field allow the identification of spatial and architectural parameters that have an impact on the well-being of seniors. Nevertheless, the plurality of old age makes it difficult to generalize the needs and aspirations, as the housing reflects the specificities of each individual. As a result, the importance of choice and the design of living environments offering control to the inhabitants are to be recommended.

De l'objet à l'expérience dans l'aménagement des lobby d'hôtels de luxe : le cas du Ritz-Carlton Montréal, Canada

Galy-Gasparrou, Anne-Sophie 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Career Choice and Career Construction of Undergraduate Students at For-Profit Institutions: The Effect of Institutional Marketing on Students

Harper, Daniel J. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Atmospheres of Light

Hawes, Serene S. 23 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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