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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TEXTIL MODERNISM : Signerad textil – när mönstren fick namn var de manliga

Nordenlöw, Marianne January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgår från Signerad textil, en kollektion tryckta tyger för offent­lig miljö, som tillkom 1954 i regi av NK:s Textilkammare. Tolv konstnärliga utövare, varav tio manliga, inbjöds att medverka. För nutida betrakt­are är den stora majoriteten män uppseende­väckande, då det textila området länge hade kodats som kvinnligt – och gör så än. Det leder till mina frågeställningar: Hur gick urvalet av inbjudna konstnärer till? Hur kom det sig att endast två av dem var kvinnor?  Hade en annan sammansättning av gruppen inbjudna konstnärer, bestående av fler eller enbart kvinnor, varit möjlig och hur hade den i så fall kunnat se ut?  Materialet utgörs av Astrid Sampes arkiv på Konstbiblioteket, Nationalmuseum, samt referenslitteratur inom konst och design. De teoretiska ramarna utgörs av genusteori, med stöd av Pierre Bourdieus teorier om fält, kapital och aktörer. Metod är arkiv- och text­analys. Uppsatsen består av inledning, ett analyskapitel, ett diskussionskapitel samt epilog. I analyskapitlet skrivs dels det textila områd­et fram som kvinnligt kodat, dels presenteras bakgrunden till Signerad textil. Parall­ellt vävs detta sam­man med ett försök att tolka det textila fältet och kollek­tionens kontext med hjälp av Bourdieus teorier. I det avslutande kapitlet diskuteras om och hur frågeställningarna kan besvaras samt möjliga orsaker till att de manliga konstnärerna var i stor majoritet. Epilogen handlar om hur kollek­tionen har presenterats efter 1954 samt att det textila fältet ännu är kvinnligt kodat.

Geburtsräume: Ableitung von Empfehlungen zu räumlicher Organisation, Ausstattung und Gestaltung geburtshilflicher Umwelten aus dem physiologischen Geburtsprozess, physischen und psychischen Bedürfnissen, sowie aus Wünschen und Bewertungen von Nutzern

Grohmann, Cornelia 11 November 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit formuliert Empfehlungen für die strukturelle wie funktionale Gliederung, die Architektur, die Ausstattung und die Gestaltung von Geburtsräumen. Die als Ergebnis dargestellten Kriterien und Hinweise zur Planung leiten sich aus den Wünschen von Nutzern, erkannten Defiziten bestehender geburtshilflicher Einrichtungen und der Raumnutzung ab. Dabei bilden die Anforderungen zur Unterstützung des physiologischen Geburtsprozesses und die Ergebnisse aus der Befragung von rund 400 Elternteilen die wichtigsten Grundlagen. Die konkreten Planungsempfehlungen sind für Architekten und Nutzer verfasst. Sie haben das Ziel, die Privatheit der Gebärenden zu sichern, geburtsgerechte Haltungsvarianten und Bewegung zu unterstützen sowie den ermittelten Raumbedarf der Geburtshilfe bereitzustellen. Weiterhin werden die strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen den Angebotsformen und Versorgungsstufen, die ergonomischen Ansprüche, die körperlichen und psychischen Bedürfnisse sowie die erkundeten Wünsche der Nutzer zur Gestaltung berücksichtigt.

Preservación y conservación de áreas verdes naturales desde una perspectiva de la educación ecológica / Preservation and Conservation of Natural Green Areas from an Ecological Education perspective

Granda Morales, Pool Gabriel 24 February 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación explora los fundamentos para el cuidado y preservación de las Áreas Verdes, teniendo como foco de interés las áreas verdes naturales, desde una perspectiva de la educación ecológica, poniendo especial énfasis en el papel que los espacios de información ecológica pueden desempeñar para fomentar una conciencia medioambiental en el Perú. El trabajo se centra en la búsqueda del interés social para el conocimiento, preservación y conservación de las Áreas Verdes, para que de este modo la prosperidad urbana del país se incremente beneficiando de múltiples formas el desarrollo económico, social y medioambiental del mismo. / This research work explores the basis for Green Areas caring and preservation, having as investigation focus the Nature Green Areas from an Ecological Education perspective, pointing special emphasis in the role who ecological information spaces fulfill to promote an environmental awareness in Perú. The paper focuses on the search for social interest for the knowledge, preservation and conservation of the Green Areas, thereby the urban prosperity of the country goes up benefiting in multiple ways to the economic, social and environmental development itself. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación del bienestar emocional y la disposición espacial en una institución educativa / Relationship of emotional well-being and spatial arrangement in a state educational institution

Huaroto De La Cruz, Emily Alexandra 10 May 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años el tema de la salud mental ha tomado mayor importancia por ser considerado un medio que permite a las personas desarrollarse de manera eficiente en diferentes ámbitos de su vida. Sin embargo, ésta se ve afectada por diferentes agentes, como la sociedad, escuela y/o familia, con mayor frecuencia en la adolescencia. Es por ello que, los pocos espacios que frecuenten les permitan desarrollarse y potenciar sus 3 dimensiones: socio afectiva, cognitiva y físico-creativa. Tal es el caso de los espacios de aprendizaje, en el cual los niños y adolescentes permanecen por largas horas. Dado esto, es importante que este espacio físico se encuentre acondicionado adecuadamente según ciertos lineamientos de diseño como la relación con el entorno, los volúmenes arquitectónicos, la iluminación y el color dentro del espacio los cuales permiten generar experiencias y sensaciones en los usuarios. Pese a las mejoras de estas instituciones, aún no han logrado un equilibrio entre la composición de espacios funcionales y a la vez estéticos que permitan un desarrollo individual y el desenvolvimiento social a través de diferentes actividades; sino por el contrario han seguido desarrollándose en base a sus principios tradicionalistas. En este sentido, el trabajo de investigación busca describir la disposición de las condiciones espaciales de un ambiente de aprendizaje y su relación con el bienestar emocional de los adolescentes mediante un estudio documental de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas. El resultado de esta investigación demuestra que existe una fuerte relación entre ambos factores. / In recent years, the subject of mental health has taken on greater importance because it is considered a means that allows people to develop efficiently in different areas of their lives. However, it is affected by different agents, such as society, school and / or family, most often in adolescence. That is why the few spaces that they frequent allow them to develop and enhance their 3 dimensions: socio-affective, cognitive and physical-creative. Such is the case of learning spaces, in which children and adolescents stay for long hours. Given this, it is important that this physical space is adequately conditioned according to certain design guidelines such as the relationship with the environment, architectural volumes, lighting and color within the space, which allow generating experiences and sensations in users. Despite the improvements of these institutions, they have not yet achieved a balance between the composition of functional and aesthetic spaces that allow individual development and social development through different activities; but on the contrary, they have continued to develop based on their traditionalist principles. In this sense, the research work seeks to describe the disposition of the spatial conditions of a learning environment and its relationship with the emotional well-being of adolescents. The result of this research shows us that there is a strong relationship between both factors. / Trabajo de investigación

Signal Mobility : Productive and private commutings in megaregions

Rodrigues, Miguel January 2022 (has links)
This thesis project aims to target the increasing number of people who live, work and transit through the densely populated metropolises that, fused together, create megaregions. These individuals, an already big and ever increasing number of people, are the so-called super-commuters, members of the workforce whose commutes surpass the figures of 90 minutes or, alternatively, 145 km in a single-way.As it happens with others who live in the same geographical region, they experience the need or wish of working in the dense urban centres that offer plenty of job opportunities, but little housing opportunities. This lack of housing paired with its very high and ever increasing prices forces these people to disperse and to search for living places farther away from their workplaces, thus trading convenience and free time for long commutes. Super-commuting is indeed showing a growing trend, not only in the number of super-commuters themselves but also in the duration of commutes.Commutes are getting lengthier for a number of reasons, such as increasingly comfortable vehicles, technological advancements that help render commuting time either productive or entertaining.However, in a post-pandemic society, many companies are also offering their employees the chance to adopt hybrid work modes with more days spent working from home - which makes workers consider living farther away from their workplaces as they need to commute less (number of times). It is an undeniable fact that the longer the commute, the less free time one worker has, either for resting or doing something productive. It is also true that in an increasingly fast-paced technological world, people have also increasing difficulties in separating their professional and personal lives. Therefore, the approach of this thesis project goes through offering people the chance to make the most out of their commutes, so as to free more of their time when not commuting or working - time to spend with their loved ones or to be used to do whatever they would like. To achieve that, this project contemplates the use of autonomous technologies expected to become more widespread within the automotive industry; as by rendering vehicles autonomous would free people from driving and let them allocate their time to other tasks. This thesis project offers a holistic proposal of a premium commuting service targeted to super-commuters living and working within the Northern California megaregion. This service would connect peripheral communities directly to the Bay Area, where most companies are located, through a door-to-hub service.It focuses on how users of this service might experience their commutes by presenting case studies of three different types of professionals with diverse needs, and exploring how they would use it as a means of making their commutes as convenient and efficient as possible. The process herein exposed goes through the various stages of design development, from research to ideation and leading to a final proposal, consisting of a service, mobile booking app and exterior + interior design of a vehicle.

There Is Softness Hidden in Your Walls : A Material Exploration Uncovering the Textile Elements in Building Construction

Salvall, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
A wall might appear as basic, a clean surface without an identity of its own, nothing but a clean slate upon which to leave any impression. Though the walls surrounding us are all but anonymous. They are built with a structure making them stand tall and strong. They are filled with insulation to keep us warm and sheltered. They are hard and they are soft. They can allow us to isolate ourselves from each other or they are fragile enough to let us know someone is on the other side. They cover the basic necessities of our houses, and we in return cover them to make our spaces less anonymous. There is softness hidden in your walls mainly aims to highlight the textile components of architecture which we usually never see. While we tend to view textiles mostly as decoration, they constantly perform in a lot of various ways all around us. In this project I have worked with prefabricated building materials that according to me have textile qualities, but they aren’t viewed as textile. Or I have tried to adapt textile techniques to non-textile materials to test them in new ways. The wall as the leading actor has first and foremost been used as a conversation partner for the material exploration and contextualization. The main material used is wool sheep insulation though many other materials have been put to the test throughout the process.

Hur gemensamt värde kan appliceras i verkligheten och hur det bidrar till en cirkulär ekonomi : En fallstudie på en inredningsprodukt från ett småföretag

Tyrefors, Selina, Daag, Clas January 2022 (has links)
Vi har i denna uppsats undersökt hur ett småföretag kan skapa gemensamt värde kopplat till en av deras produkter, och hur skapandet av gemensamt värde kan bidra till en cirkulär värdekedja. För att undersöka frågeställningen har teorier om värdekedjor, gemensamt värdeskapande samt cirkulär ekonomi applicerats på en produkt, Clamp Tray, som säljs av det svenska småföretaget NAVET. Genom intervjuer och annat informationssamlande, har en tydlig värdekedja av Clamp Tray byggts upp, och denna har slutligen analyserats med en kombination av teorierna gällande gemensamt värde och cirkulär ekonomi. Resultaten visar att Clamp Tray redan har kommit en god bit på vägen till en cirkulär värdekedja, och att det även finns en stor potential inför framtida utveckling, genom bland annat omdefinierande av produktiviteten i värdekedjan, återupptagandet av produkter och marknader samt möjliggörandet av lokala kluster, faktorer som är centralt inom gemensamt värdeskapande.

Business Environmental Design, Consumer Visual Literacy and Self-Concept

Rutherford, Sarah 26 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.


James, Lindsey Taylor 08 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

162 Springcrest

Smith, Allison Hope 08 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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