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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podniková komunikace v rámci programů udržitelného rozvoje / Internal Corporate Communication within the Scope of Sustainability Initiatives

Šilhavá, Martina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at an importace of company internal communication concretely among initiatives in the field of sustainable development. It adverts to not only an importance of an individual company connection with the sustainable initiatives but especially adverts to high-quality internal communication related to these initiatives mentioned above. There is a concrete example of a transnation company and its strategy of internal communication in the framework of voluntary initiatives depicted in this thesis, which was realized through two periods of an employee's research. The comparison of results and hypotheses defined is also envolved in data analysis of this research, as well as sustainable improvement in company internal communication within sustainable initiatives is proposed.

Den goda maten : Hur Kommuniceras CSR-arbete till och av lokala franchisetagare? En fallstudie på ICA Gruppen AB. / CSR within Franchise Organizations : How is accountability within CSR communicated to and by local franchisees? A Case Study on ICA Gruppen AB.

Eriksson, Amanda, Fridman, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
CSR har varit ett välbekant ämne sedan 1950-talet och antal franchisesamar- beten i Sverige ökar visar Svenska Franchiseförenings undersökning från 2018. Teorin beskriver även vikten av en tydlig kommunikation och strategi för franchisekoncernens CSR-arbete, trots detta finns det ett gap av studier specifikt inriktade på CSR inom franchising. Därför avser studien att bidra med en fördjupad förståelse för hur CSR-arbete kommuniceras till och av lo- kala franchisetagare. Studien utgick från en induktiv kvalitativ fallstudie på ICA Gruppen där empirisk data insamling skedde via analys av organisat- ionsdokument i form av den centrala hållbarhetsredovisningar från redovis- ningsår 2017 och 2018. Empirisk data insamlades även via semi-strukture- rade intervjuer med två stycken ICA Maxi franchisetagare. Empirisk data i form av den centrala hållbarhetsredovisningen avsågs bidra med förståelse för hur CSR-arbetet kommuniceras till lokala franchisetagare, medan de se- mistrukturerade intervjuerna avsågs bidra med förståelse för hur den lokala franchisetagaren tolkar och implementerar det centralt kommunicerade CSR- arbetet. Studiens slutsats är att franchisegivaren redogör för en global kom- munikationsstrategi gällande CSR-arbetet i hållbarhetsredovisningen, medan franchisetagaren i sin tur utformar sitt CSR-arbete anpassat till de lokala för- utsättningarna och möjligheterna.

Informationsöverflöd eller informationsbrist : En fallstudie av den interna kommunikationen på Trafikverket / Information abundance or information shortage : A case study of the internal communication at the Swedish Transport Administration

Erixon, Sara, Ekdahl, Emely January 2019 (has links)
Den studerade enheten, Trafikledning Öst Stockholm, lider av en stor personalbrist som medfört att medarbetarna har problem med att hinna inhämta och ta till sig information samt att enhetens chefer behöver ägna mycket tid åt att lösa bemanningsfrågor. Det största problemet anses vara mängden mail som gör det svårt att sålla i informationen. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka den interna kommunikationen på enheten med målet att ta fram en implementeringsplan för att förbättra den interna kommunikationen. Studien avser att besvara följande frågeställningar: (1) Vad är grundorsaken till kommunikationsproblemet? (2) Hur påverkar ledarskapet den interna kommunikationen? (3) Hur påverkas medarbetarna av den interna kommunikationen? (4) Hur kan den interna kommunikationen förbättras?   Det teoretiska ramverket bygger på teori om kommunikation och intern kommunikation och behandlar bland annat synsätt på kommunikation och vägar till en effektiv intern kommunikation.   Studien är en fallstudie och har sin utgångspunkt i ett kvalitativt angreppssätt. Insamling av data skedde dels genom en workshop med utvalda organisationsmedlemmar samt via enkäter som skickades ut till samtliga medarbetare och chefer på enheten.   Resultatet visar att organisationen präglas av ett transmissionssynsätt på kommunikation där kommunikation ses som överföring av information uppifrån och ner, från ledning till medarbetare och där medarbetaren utgör en passiv mottagare. Medarbetarna upplever att de tar emot för mycket information medan cheferna anser att de skickar iväg en lagom mängd. Tidsbristen tycks påverka båda parter där cheferna kämpar med att få ut informationen och medarbetarna med att hinna ta till sig av den.   Studiens slutsatser visar följande: (1) Transmissionssynsättet på kommunikation bedöms vara problemets grundorsak. (2) Ledningen har en avgörande roll för den interna kommunikationen och bör fokusera mer på att anpassa kommunikationen efter mottagaren. (3) Medarbetarna påverkas negativt av bristerna i den interna kommunikationen genom bland annat stress och minskad trivsel. (4) Ett förändrat synsätt på kommunikationen från överföring till delning av information tros kunna förbättra den interna kommunikationen tillsammans med förbättringsåtgärderna i den framtagna implementeringsplanen. / The studied unit at the Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikledning Öst Stockholm, suffers from a substantial personnel shortage, which meant that employees have problems with obtaining and absorbing information. Also the managers need to spend a lot of time solving staffing issues. The biggest problem is considered to be the large amount of mail that makes it difficult to screen the information. The purpose of this study is to investigate the internal communication at the unit with the aim of developing an implementation plan to improve the internal communication. The study intends to answer the following questions: (1) What is the root cause of the communication problem? (2) How does leadership affect the internal communication? (3) How are the employees affected by the internal communication? (4) How can the internal communication be improved?The theoretical framework is based on theory of communication and internal communication and for instance deals with approaches to communication and pathways to effective internal communication. The study is a case study based on a qualitative approach. Data collection was done partly through a workshop with selected organisational members and through surveys sent to all employees and managers at the unit.The result shows that the organisation is characterised by a transmission approach to communication where communication is seen as the transfer of information from top to bottom, from management to employees and where the employee is a passive recipient. The employees feel that they receive too much information while the managers believe that they send out a reasonable amount. The lack of time seems to affect both parties where the managers are struggling to get the information out and the employees are struggling with having time to comprehend the information received.The conclusions shows the following: (1) The transmission approach to communication is considered to be the root cause of the problem. (2) The management has a vital role in internal communication and should focus more on adapting communication to the recipient. (3) The employees are adversely affected by the deficiencies in internal communication through, among other things, stress and reduced well-being. (4) An altered approach to communication from transmission to sharing of information is believed to be able to improve the internal communication along with the improvements in the developed implementation plan.

Kommunikationsverktyg och dess påverkan på den interna kommunikationen inom en organisation : Ett förbättringsarbete på Briab - Brand & Riskingenjörerna AB / Communication tools and its effects on the internal communication within an organisation

Yxhammar, Beatrice January 2019 (has links)
Globaliseringens och digitaliseringens framväxt har givit upphov till att människor har fått större tillgång till information. I syfte att underlätta hanteringen av massinformation kan bland annat tekniska hjälpmedel användas. Inom organisationer används bland annat tekniska kommunikationsverktyg för att underlätta informationsspridningen inom verksamheten. Fungerar inte kommunikationsverktygen i enlighet med sitt syfte och verksamhetens kommunikationsbehov kan de istället försvåra kommunikationen inom verksamheten. Vid en förstudie som har genomförts på företaget Briab har det visat sig att medarbetare upplevt att de interna kommunikationsverktygen inte fungerat tillräckligt väl för att underlätta företagets interna kommunikation. Utifrån resultatet av förstudien har denna studien har genomförts i syfte att ta fram förbättringsåtgärder för de interna kommunikationsverktygen på Briab. Förhoppningen var att effekterna av förbättrade interna kommunikationsverktyg även skulle bidra till att förbättra företagets interna kommunikation. Studien avgränsades till att undersöka de fyra centrala interna kommunikationsverktygen på Briab: intranätet, Briab Studio, Microsoft Teams och Microsoft Outlook. För att uppnå syftet med studien har en enkätundersökning genomförts på hela företaget. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen kartlade medarbetarnas kommunikationsbehov samt hur de deras upplevelse av respektive kommunikationsverktyg. Resultatet har visat att respondenterna upplever brister hos alla verktyg, men främst hos intranätet och Briab Studio. Respondenterna har bland annat beskrivit att det finns allt för mycket information som inte är uppdateras, att information inte har förmedlats på ett tillfredställande sätt och att det saknats kunskap för hur man ska använda vissa kommunikationsverktyg. Utifrån enkätsvaren har en analys genomförts genom släktskapsdiagram, där svaren kategoriserades och kartlade vilka två huvudproblem som respektive kommunikationsverktyg hade. I syfte att ta fram effektiva åtgärder har grundorsakerna för huvudproblemen hos kommunikationsverktygen kartlagts genom en workshop tillsammans med representanter från företaget. Grundorsakerna var bland annat bristande informationsägandeskap, kategorisering av information och riktlinjer för internkommunikation. Problemen hos de interna kommunikationsverktygen gav upphov till att bristande delaktighet hos Briabs medarbetare, informationsöverflöd resulterade i att medarbetare missade viktig information och bristande riktlinjer gjorde att medarbetare använde kommunikationsverktygen på olika sätt. Utifrån grundproblemen, teorier och medarbetarnas förslag på lösningar, har en åtgärdsplan tagits fram. Genom åtgärdsplanen uppnådde studien sitt syfte att ta fram förbättringsåtgärder för de interna kommunikationsverktygen. Briab har rekommenderats att vidare implementera åtgärderna och följa upp dess effekter för att förbättra de verktygen och förhoppningsvis den interna kommunikationen på företaget. / The globalization and digitalisation have made information more avalible. In order to handle a huge amount of information, technical tools may be used. Within organizations, technical tools are at times used to facilitate dissemination of information. However, if the technical tools are not functioning for its purpose, the tool might insted aggravate the dissemination of information. A pilot study, accomplished at a company named Briab, showed that employeed felt unsatisfied with the technical communication-tools used within the company. Based on the result from the pilot study, this study has been done with the purpose to chart actions of impovements for the internal communcation-tools at Briab. The prospect of improved internal communication-tools was to contribute to improvement of the internal communication as a hole. The study was delimited to the four central communication-tools within Briab; the intranet, Briab Studio, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, a survey was preformed upon the hole company. The result of the survey identified the needs for internal communication and the oponions regarding the internal communication-tools. The survey result showed that the respondents experianced defects regarding all of the internal communication-tools, yet mostly regarding the intranet and Briab Studio. The respondents did, among other, describe that to much information were not updated, that information were not mediated in a satisfying way and that the company lacked knowledge for how to communicate internally. Based on the results from the survey, analysis were done by the means of affinity diagrams, where the answers were categorised and the two main problems, of the respective communication-tools, were charted. In order to provide effective actions of improvements, the main causes of the problems were identified through a workshop together with representatives of the company. The main causes were identified as a lack of information-ownership, categorisation of information and guidelines for internal communication, among others. The problems with the internal communicaiton-tools generated in a lack of concern within the employees at Briab, overload of information resulted in employees missing out on important information and the lack of guidelines for internal communication opened to employees using the communication-tools in various ways. Based on the main problems, theories and the employees suggestion of improvement, an action plan of improvements was made. Through the action plan, the purpose of the study was achieved by charting actions of improvements for the internal communication-tools. Briab has been recomended to implement and follow up on the effect of the actions, in order to improve the communication-tools and hopefully improve the interal communication within the company.

”…vad är det som ger den goda relationen? Är det kommunikationen? Var börjar det? Vad är hönan och ägget?” : En kvalitativ studie om den interna kommunikationen mellan HR-funktionen och linjecheferna i en multinationell koncern

Berggren, Emilia, Nilsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Studien har tagit avstamp i samtal med en kontaktperson hos en multinationell koncern. Kontaktpersonen beskrev att det fanns en önskan om att undersöka vilka kommunikationsvägar som är lämpliga att använda för att kommunicera med cheferna gällande HR-arbetet. Studien har syftat till att i en multinationell koncern undersöka, beskriva och analysera relationen och kommunikationen mellan HR-funktionen och linjecheferna samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns inom dessa områden. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna bestod av teorier kring relationer, kommunikation och organisation. Studien har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer samt ett skriftligt svar utifrån intervjuguiden. Materialet har analyserats genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att relationen och kommunikationen mellan HR Business Partners (HRBP) och cheferna i den studerade organisationen uppfattas som relativt god. Intervjuerna visar även att cheferna överlag är nöjda med stödet de får från sin HRBP samt att de helst vill få stöd och information via mail om det inte är frågor som behöver diskuteras. Studien visar vidare att det fysiska avståndet kan påverka relationen och kommunikationen negativt eftersom det minskar antalet informella och spontana möten som kan främja relationen. Idag existerar ingen strategi för den interna kommunikationen i koncernen, något vi anser bör finnas. / The study has taken its starting point in discussions with a contact person in a multinational corporate group. The contact person described a desire to examine which communication channels that would be the most appropriate to use in the communication with line managers regarding HR-practices. The purpose of the study was to, in an multinational corporate group, examine, describe and analyse the relationship and communication between the HR-function and line managers as well as identify which opportunities and obstacles that exist for these areas. The theoretical starting points consisted of theories regarding relationships, communication and organisation. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the empirical material is collected through seven semi-structured interviews as well as one written response based on the interview guide. The material has been analysed by thematic analysis. The results show that the relationship and communication between HR Business Partners (HRBP) and managers in the examined organisation are perceived as quite good. The interviews also show that the managers are happy with the support they get from their HRBP overall and that they rather get support and information through email unless it is issues that need to be discussed. Furthermore the study shows that the physical distance can affect the relationship and communication in a negative way because it reduces the number of informal and spontaneous meetings that can encourage the relationship. There is no strategy for the internal communication in the corporate group today, something that we think should exist.

Importância da comunicação interna para o desenvolvimento do comprometimento organizacional: um estudo de caso em empresa brasileira / The importance of the internal communication for the organizacional development: study of case in Brazilian company

Tavares, Rosalina Semedo de Andrade 19 April 2005 (has links)
Comprometimento organizacional é um tema complexo e que vem gerando, na literatura e na prática, discussões em relação à análise dos antecedentes e das variáveis que possam avaliá-la. Para as organizações que vem passando por uma transformação rumo a participação estratégica tão almejada e nem sempre alcançada mostra imperativo o gerenciamento de um comprometimento afetivo. Para este trabalho foi realizada a análise da literatura existente, seguida de uma pesquisa de campo. Por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e quantitativa, buscou-se responder se existe relação entre uma comunicação interna eficaz e o comprometimento afetivo das pessoas nas organizações. A literatura mostrou que a comunicação é um dos principais fatores de comprometimento e que o processo de comunicação é um processo fundamental na estratégia do comprometimento. Assim, essa comunicação deve ser planejada, dispondo de canais e instrumentos diversos, permitindo assim a atuação sinérgica de todas as áreas da organização. A partir destes aspectos e conceitos elaborados, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo, que envolveu 79 funcionários de uma empresa do ranking das ?100 Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar?, de 2003, publicada pela Guia da Revista Exame, da Você S. A. Os resultados demonstraram que existe uma forte dependência e associação entre a comunicação interna eficaz, planejamento da comunicação organizacional e o comprometimento afetivo, permitindo concluir que o comprometimento afetivo está associada a comunicação interna eficaz. / Organizational commitment is a complex theme that has been generating, both in literature and practice, discussions concerning the relationship between the past data and variables that may evaluate them. The organization looking for the strategic participation but not exactly finding that shows the need of an affective commitment. In order to find out that, it was searched the existing literature followed by a field research. Through an exploratory and descriptive research, it was explored if there is any relationship between an efficient internal communication and the affective commitment among people within an organization. The literature showed that communication is one of the main commitment factors and that the communication process is fundamental in the commitment strategy. It means, communication must be planned, with different channels and tools, permitting in this way, all areas to act synergistically in the organization. Elaborating these aspects and concepts, it was developed a field research, involving 79 employees from a company presented in the ?100 Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar? ranking, in 2003, published by the Revista Exame Guide, Você S. A. The results demonstrated that there is a great dependence and association among an efficient internal communication, organizational communication plan and the affective commitment, so that it´s possible to conclude that the affective commitment is associated to an efficient internal communication.

Modelo de gestão do conhecimento para o setor de infraestrutura de telecomunicações. / Knowledge management model for the telecommunication infrastructure sector.

Fedoce, Rosângela Spagnol 05 May 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa visa a estruturar um modelo de gestão do conhecimento (GC) para a área de infraestrutura de telecomunicações, a partir da análise de dois setores: serviços móveis de valor agregado (SMVA) e implantação e operação e manutenção (O&M) de equipamentos. A fundamentação teórica baseia-se em um estudo transdisciplinar, que integra GC, educação corporativa (EC), e comunicação interna. Os métodos utilizados são: estudo de caso, realizado na maior integradora brasileira do mercado de SMVA; e pesquisa-ação, desenvolvida na principal empresa de implantação e O&M de equipamentos de telecomunicações do país. Representantes de operadoras de redes móveis (ORMs), principais clientes de ambas as empresas estudadas, também participaram da pesquisa por meio da aplicação de questionários. Verifica-se que a GC desenvolvida pela integradora resulta em valor agregado a seus serviços e à vantagem competitiva dos demais segmentos do mercado. O setor de SMVA opera sob a lógica da coopetição, consolidando um ecossistema inserido em um contexto de constantes atualizações tecnológicas e modelos de negócio. Assim como a integradora, a empresa de implantação e O&M também conta com desafios significativos relacionados à dinamicidade do mercado, aos quais se somam o crescimento significativo de seu quadro de colaboradores, em um curto período de tempo; a atuação em diversos estados nacionais; e a necessidade de qualificação profissional, de acordo com a superação tecnológica. A partir da análise de gestão desta empresa, da validação de provas de conceito em grupos de controle e das estratégias verificadas no estudo de caso, propõe-se um modelo de GC para o setor de infraestrutura de telecomunicações, que integra ações de EC e comunicação interna, com destaque para o uso de dispositivos móveis. A proposta principal consiste na conversão de conhecimento tácito em conhecimento explícito, assim como o processo inverso, em um ciclo contínuo de GC, que releva o capital intelectual (CI). Além de considerar a externalização (tácito para explícito), o modelo engloba a dinâmica da internalização (explícito para tácito), relevando as experiências individuais e as demandas de informação dos colaboradores. Ao detalhar o processo de elaboração do modelo, almeja-se que esse possa ser replicado e/ou alterado por outras organizações com características e desafios semelhantes. / The research aims to design a knowledge management (KM) model for the telecommunication infrastructure section from the analysis by analyzing two sectors: mobile value added service (MVAS), and implantation and operation and maintenance (O&M) of telecommunication equipment. The theoretical review is based on a transdisciplinary study that integrates GC, corporative education, and corporative communication. We conducted a case study in the main Brazilian integrator, and an action research in a large company of implantation and O&M of telecommunication equipment. Representatives of mobile network operators (MNOs), main customers of the companies studied, have also participated in this research by means of questionnaires application. The KM developed by the integrator is verified to result in added value to its services, and to the competitive advantage of the other market segments. The MVAS sector operates according to the concept of coopetition, consolidating an ecosystem inserted into a context featured by the continuous technological updating and by changes in business models. In the same way as the integrator, the implantation and O&M company also faces challenges regarding the market dynamic, to which are added the relevant increase of its workforce in a short period of time; the operation in many places of Brazil; and the need of professional qualification according to the technological updating. From the analysis of this company\'s management, of the validation of proofs of concept in controls groups, and of the strategies verified in the case study, a KM model is proposed for the telecommunication infrastructure section that integrates actions of corporate education and internal communication, highlighting the use of mobile devices. Its main propose consists in converting tactical knowledge into explicit knowledge, and the inverse process, in a continuous KM cycle, which highlights the intellectual capital (IC). Besides the model taking into account the externalization process (tactical to explicit), it also encompasses the internalization (explicit to tactical) dynamic, considering the individual experiences and the employees\' information needs. Detailing the process of the model building, we hope this can be replicated and/or changed by other companies with similar features and challenges.

Novas Narrativas da Comunicação em Organizações / New Narratives of Communication in Organizations.

Ribeiro, Emiliana Pomarico 05 April 2019 (has links)
Questionamentos sobre os novos contextos da contemporaneidade - pós-moderno, digital, efêmero, veloz, complexo e metapórico - sugerem novos pensamentos da comunicação em organizações. Paradigmas, teorias e ideias podem ser repensados conforme o momento histórico, político-econômico, social, cultural, religioso e digital-midiático. Isso porque, novos contextos acarretam novas maneiras do indivíduo sentir e estar no mundo, o que, consequentemente, exige novas posturas da comunicação para dialogar com este novo sujeito. No ambiente organizacional, muitas vezes, por conta das novas dinâmicas, tanto os responsáveis pela comunicação em organizações como os trabalhadores, incluindo líderes e influenciadores que circulam no ambiente organizacional, podem sentir algumas das chamadas dores do século XXI como: pressões, auto pressões, déficit de atenção, nomofobia, depressão, estresse, ansiedade, desumanização, falta de sentidos, de propósitos e até uma suposta crise de identidade. Dores estas que podem dificultar a assertividade e a efetividade da comunicação neste ambiente. É neste panorama, que esta tese pretende detectar, a partir do conceituado paradigma narrativo da comunicação, como poderiam ser as novas narrativas da comunicação em organizações, adequadas a estes novos contextos e estes novos jeitos de sentir e estar no mundo. Novas narrativas, principalmente, baseadas: na humanização, na compreensão das afetividades positivas e negativas, no estímulo à imaginação, na co-criação, no respeito à diversidade, com cuidado e compaixão pelo outro e pelo meio ambiente e com foco para o entendimento das micronarrativas de cada indivíduo que circula o ambiente organizacional. / Questions about the new contexts of contemporaneity - postmodern, digital, ephemeral, fast, complex, and metaphorical contexts - suggest thoughts on communication in organizations. We must rethink paradigms, theories, and ideas according to the historical, political-economic, social, cultural, religious, and digital-mediatic moment. Indeed, new contexts bring new ways of individuals to feel and be in the world. Consequently, new postures of communication to dialogue with this new subject are required. Owing to the new dynamics, both those responsible for communication in organizations and workers, including leaders and influencers who attend the organizational environment, can often experience some of the so-called 21st-century pains in this setting. They include pressures, self-pressure, attention deficit, nomophobia, depression, stress, anxiety, dehumanization, lack of sense and purpose, and even a supposed identity crisis. These pains may hinder the assertiveness and effectiveness of communication in the mentioned environment. The present thesis uses this panorama as a background and intends to detect - from the highly regarded narrative paradigm concept - how would be the new narratives of communication in organizations, appropriate to these new contexts and these new ways of feeling and being in the world. New narratives are mainly based on humanization, understanding positive and negative affectivities, stimulating the imagination, co-creation, respect for diversity, with care and compassion for the other and the environment, and with a focus on understanding the micronarratives of each one attending the organizational environment.

Comunicação interna como estratégia de gestão educacional: realidade de uma escola particular confessional de educação básica

Lacerda, Dayse Mara Martins 22 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2019-02-04T10:37:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dayse Mara Martins Lacerda_.pdf: 14208108 bytes, checksum: fcc114fa5667cdf6811763c4b8269213 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-04T10:37:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dayse Mara Martins Lacerda_.pdf: 14208108 bytes, checksum: fcc114fa5667cdf6811763c4b8269213 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-22 / Colégio Loyola / A presente dissertação torna públicos os resultados de uma pesquisa-ação sobre comunicação interna como estratégia de gestão educacional realizada com empregados de uma escola particular confessional católica de Educação Básica de Belo Horizonte. O estudo também apresenta uma proposta de processo de comunicação interna construída a partir da participação dos sujeitos da pesquisa e sugerida como projeto de intervenção à Diretoria da unidade educativa escolhida como campo empírico. A motivação deste trabalho nasce do desafio de mobilizar pessoas em torno de um objetivo comum: melhorar a qualidade da educação para transformar a sociedade. Parte da certeza de que professores e profissionais não docentes são o público essencial para a qualificação dos processos educativos e para a entrega da promessa de formação integral dos estudantes, assumida pela escola como um de seus objetivos institucionais. Traz como propostas uma reflexão sobre a importância da comunicação interna para realização da missão de uma instituição de ensino, o diagnóstico da situação da comunicação interna para o grupo social pesquisado e a identificação de pontos passíveis de melhoria, que vão desde o estabelecimento e a explicitação de políticas institucionais até o emprego de determinadas expressões no conteúdo do e-mail corporativo. Identifica a limitação de pesquisas acadêmicas relacionadas à comunicação interna nas escolas de Educação Básica. Baseia-se num estudo qualitativo e quantitativo realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas direcionadas a um grupo de profissionais de todas as áreas e níveis hierárquicos e de questionário eletrônico aplicado à totalidade dos empregados para construção, a partir de “mapas da empatia” e “quadros de proposição de valor”, de uma proposta de intervenção que ajude a explicitar e consolidar o processo de comunicação interna como estratégia de gestão. Como conclusão, observa-se que os problemas de comunicação interna no grupo pesquisado são menos técnicos e que estão mais intimamente ligados ao modelo de gestão e estilos de lideranças. A descentralização da autoridade e a passagem de um modo de ação individual para o de ação coletiva são condições imprescindíveis para a construção de uma concepção de gestão educacional, de fato inovadora, que supere o enfoque meramente administrativo. O resultado ressalta a centralidade do elemento humano na construção da organização da escola e da educação, apontando a comunicação interna como estratégia de gestão no contexto dos sistemas educacionais e das escolas. / This work makes public the results of a research-action on internal communication as a strategy to educational management, conducted with employees from a Catholic confessional private school of basic education in Belo Horizonte. The study also shows a proposal of internal communication process built with the participation of the research subjects and suggested to the Principals of the educational unit chosen as empiric field as an intervention project. The motivation for this work was born of the challenge of mobilizing people around a common goal: improving educational quality to transform society. Part of the certainty that teachers and non-teaching professionals are the basic public for qualification of educational processes and for the delivery of the promise of students’ full training, taken up by the school as one of its institutional objectives. It brings as for proposals – the reflection on the importance of internal communication for the mission of a teaching institution, the diagnosis of the situation of internal communication for the social group researched and the identification of points likely to be improved, which go from establishing and explaining institutional policies up to the employment of certain expressions in the content of corporate e-mails. It identifies the limitation of academic research related to the internal communication in Basic Education schools. It is based in a qualitative and quantitative study performed by means of semi-structured interviews directed to a group of professionals from all areas and hierarchic levels, and by an electronic questionnaire applied to the totality of the employees for the construction, based on “empathy maps” and on “value opposition charts” from an intervention proposal which may help to explain and consolidate the internal communication process as a management strategy. As a conclusion, it can be noted that the internal communication issues in the group researched are less technical and are more intimately connected to the management model and leadership styles. Authority decentralization and passing from a mode of individual to collective action are necessary conditions for a conception of an actually innovative educational management, one that overcome the mere focus on administration. The outcome highlights the centrality of the human element in the construction of an organization of the school and of education, pointing internal communication as a management strategy in the context of the educational systems and schools.

Diálogo e interações face a face na comunicação interna: um estudo da oralidade nas organizações / Dialogue and face-to-face interactions on internal communication: a study of oral speech in organizations.

Martins, Marta Terezinha Motta Campos 14 December 2012 (has links)
As novas demandas de públicos solicitam relacionamentos contíguos com gestores, dirigentes e representantes formais das organizações nas relações entre elas e as comunidades participantes de sua rede de relacionamentos. A pesquisa conduzida neste estudo projeta indicativos sobre modos e usos da oralidade na comunicação com empregados e delineia um elenco de posturas verificadas entre gestores que adotam a oralidade como estratégia relacional com suas equipes. Busca identificar e dimensionar o emprego de postulados da oralidade para compreender em que grau lhes pode ser conferido um caráter estratégico quando se trata de atingir resultados e agilizar processos de comunicação com público interno. O corpus empírico foi constituído no ambiente da comunicação interna de uma empresa pública, Embrapa Soja, na unidade localizada em Londrina-PR, uma das 47 unidades de pesquisa da estatal Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa. Uma pluralidade de métodos foi adotada como estratégia de pesquisa e orientou os procedimentos de coleta e análise de dados que também foram extraídos e tratados de modo fenomenológico, qualitativo e quantitativo. Quatro eixos temáticos foram estabelecidos com base na fundamentação desse método: comunicação interna, comunicação oral, uso do diálogo e comunicação face a face. A oralidade revelou-se marcante na prática de trabalho dos sujeitos entrevistados, está absorvida em todas as formas de comunicação interna e promove integração entre funcionários e administração. Pelos fortes indicativos de sua influência nos resultados do grupo e seu impacto positivo no relacionamento com o público externo, pode-se afirmar a presença desse componente na cultura organizacional e seu alto teor de contribuição como elemento de gestão estratégica. / New demands on publics require closer relationships with managers, directors and formal representatives of organizations to their connection between themselves and the communities participating in their networking. The research conducted in this study raised indications as to how oral speech is used in the communication with employees and reveals the conducts verified among administrators who adopt oral speech as relational strategy when dealing with their teams. It aims to identify and evaluate the utilization of oral speech postulates in order to understand the degree to which they can be strategically considered when it comes to achieving results and speeding communication processes with the internal public. Data were gathered in the internal communication environment of a public enterprise, the Embrapa Soja, in its unit located in Londrina-PR, one of the 47 research units of the state owned Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa. Miscellaneous procedures were used in the research orientation, with data collection and analysis being treated through phenomenological principles, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Four thematic axes were established within the selected method: internal communication, oral communication, use of dialogue, and face-to-face communication. Oral speech showed prominent in the work practices of the interviewees, it is absorbed in all internal communication actions and fosters integration among employees and administration. Through the strong evidence of its participation in group results and its positive impact on the relationship with external publics, the firm presence of this component in the organizational culture can be stated as well as the high contribution it can provide as element of strategic management.

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