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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding rapport-building in investigative interviews: Does rapport's effect on witness memory and suggestibility depend on the interviewer?

Kieckhaefer, Jenna M 03 March 2014 (has links)
Most investigative interviewing protocols, including the National Institute of Justice’s 1999 guidelines on collecting eyewitness evidence, recommend building rapport with cooperative witnesses to increase the quality and quantity of details obtained at recall. To date, only three published articles have empirically addressed the effects of rapport-building on adult witness memory, and all suggest an increase in witness accuracy under certain conditions. However, to our knowledge no research has addressed the importance of the investigator when building rapport and whether rapport can increase witness susceptibility to suggestive-leading questions – the aim of the current research. Specifically, this project examined the effects of change in interviewer between rapport and retrieval, and the effects of interviewer suggestion after rapport eyewitness memory accuracy. Participant witnesses (N=198) viewed a videotaped mock convenience store robbery followed by rapport-building or a standard police interview about non-crime related details (rapport manipulation). One week later all participants were interviewed about the mock crime they witnessed either by the same or a different interviewer (interviewer manipulation). All witnesses were interviewed about the mock crime using open-ended questions about the event, witnesses, suspect, and location followed by a series of specific suggestive questions containing both correct- and incorrect-leading information about the crime. Videotaped and transcribed witness reports were scored for accurate and false information by two independent raters. Findings indicated that, contrary to all hypotheses, neither rapport-building on day 1 nor change in interviewer on day 2 (one week later) manipulations resulted in significant effects on the primary accuracy dependent measures on day 2, including open-ended and suggestive-leading questions. The present study was the first to investigate the effect of rapport-building on eyewitness recall after a delay, whether changing interviewers across the investigation impacts recall, and whether rapport can act as a safeguard by inoculating witnesses against investigator-provided misinformation. These null findings further suggest that future research should disentangle the specific conditions under which rapport-building facilitates witness recall need to be disentangled in future research.

Investigative Interviewing and Memory: How Accurate Are Interviewers’ Recollections of Investigative Interviews?

Hyman Gregory, Amy 11 March 2009 (has links)
Contrary to interviewing guidelines, a considerable portion of witness interviews are not recorded. Investigators’ memory, their interview notes, and any subsequent interview reports therefore become important pieces of evidence; the accuracy of interviewers’ memory or such reports is therefore of crucial importance when interviewers testify in court regarding witness interviews. A detailed recollection of the actual exchange during such interviews and how information was elicited from the witness will allow for a better assessment of statement veracity in court. Two studies were designed to examine interviewers’ memory for a prior witness interview. Study One varied interviewer note-taking and type of subsequent interview report written by interviewers by including a sample of undergraduates and implementing a two-week delay between interview and recall. Study Two varied levels of interviewing experience in addition to report type and note-taking by comparing experienced police interviewers to a student sample. Participants interviewed a mock witness about a crime, while taking notes or not, and wrote an interview report two weeks later (Study One) or immediately after (Study Two). Interview reports were written either in a summarized format, which asked interviewers for a summary of everything that occurred during the interview, or verbatim format, which asked interviewers to record in transcript format the questions they asked and the witness’s responses. Interviews were videotaped and transcribed. Transcriptions were compared to interview reports to score for accuracy and omission of interview content. Results from both studies indicate that much interview information is lost between interview and report especially after a two-week delay. The majority of information reported by interviewers is accurate, although even interviewers who recalled information immediately after still reported a troubling amount of inaccurate information. Note-taking was found to increase accuracy and completeness of interviewer reports especially after a two week delay. Report type only influenced recall of interviewer questions. Experienced police interviewers were not any better at recalling a prior witness interview than student interviewers. Results emphasize the need to record witness interviews to allow for more accurate and complete interview reconstruction by interviewers, even if interview notes are available.

Planering av Finplanering / Planning of Detailed Planning

Lundqvist, Alexander, Mårdén, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete kommer att handla om planering och projektering av Finplanering. Med Finplanering menas den sista ”finishen” på byggarbetsplatsen dvs. innegårdar, uteplatser, kringliggande gågator och cykelbanor. Det är en etapp i byggproduktionen som börjar bli betydligt mer krävande vad gäller ekonomi och resursåtgång, då det ställs större krav på snabb inflyttning samt att efterfrågan på större och finare uteplatser ökar. Vi har försökt att belysa olika problem man ställs inför under detta skede av byggproduktionen. Vart man kan arbeta för att minska olika problem såsom förseningar och extra kostnader, men framförallt försöka hitta de kritiska skedena där Finplaneringen oftast glöms bort. Samt försöka hitta lämpliga sätt att redan i projekteringsstadiet försöka att planera och strukturera upp förebyggande arbeten så att allting fungerar som det ska när det väl är dags att sätta igång. / This thesis will describe and tell about planning and projecting of “Detailed planning”. “Detailed planning” is the last finish of the construction site i.e. courtyards, patios, surrounding pedestrian streets and bicycle paths. This is a stage in the overall process that is starting to get more demanding in terms of economy and resources. This because today, the demands for speedier housewarming and requirements for bigger and more fancy patios are higher.   We will highlight the different problems that you will encounter during this production stage. We will also pin point the areas where effort is needed in order to lessen problems like delays and extra costs, but most importantly try to find the critical stages during production where “Detailed planning” frequently is “forgotten”. The key, as we will try to show, is to find suitable ways in the early project planning stage to prepare and structure the preventive planning so that all is in place and has a chance to run smoothly when it is time to start the project.

Rekryterares upplevda utmaningar : En kvalitativ studie om rekryteringsprocessen och eventuella felrekryteringar / Recruiters perceived challenges : A qualitative study of the recruitment process and possible wrong fit recruitments

Olausson, Jonathan, Elmér, Nellie January 2023 (has links)
Den kvalitativa studien syftar till att undersöka subjektiva upplevelser om rekryteringsprocessen och eventuella felrekryteringar. Med dagens teknik, den nya generationen påväg in till arbetsmarknaden och den nyligen passerade pandemin är det nu mer än någonsin viktigt att hitta rätt person till rätt plats och position. Vi ville med studien få en djupare förståelse från en rekryterares och rekryterande chefs perspektiv kring utmaningarna med just detta och hur konsekvenserna av en felrekrytering kan upplevas. I den teoretiska referensramen redovisas både ett objektivt och ett subjektivt perspektiv. Det objektiva förhållningssättet som rekryteringsprocessen präglas av och det subjektiva perspektivet i och med de psykologiska fenomenen som intervjuareffekterna. Studiens metod har utförts genom en kvalitativ ansats genom ett empiriskt material som samlats in i form av 8 intervjuer. Målgruppen har bestått av personer som idag arbetar med rekrytering och gjort sedan minst 1 år tillbaka. Intervjuerna har spelats in, efter respondenternas godkännande, och transkriberats. Intervjuerna har sedan analyserats enligt tematisk analysmetod. Studiens syfte besvaras genom våra tre presenterade frågeställningar. Resultatet pekar på upplevda utmaningar med sammanställning av kravprofil, första urvalet och intervjuer under rekryteringsprocessen. Då slutsatserna baseras på subjektiva upplevelser och känslor har resultatet varierat, trots det har respondenterna beskrivit snarlika upplevelser. Konsekvenser av felrekrytering har upplevts som omfattande och har påverkat organisationen negativt i såväl ett ekonomiskt perspektiv som organisatoriskt.

The moderating effect of interview structure on race-group similarity effects in simulated interview ratings

Hauptfleisch, Daniel Benjamin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated race-group similarity effects as a form of interviewer bias in selection interview ratings. Social Identity Theory predicts that interviewers would assign higher ratings to interviewees of the same social group (the so-called in-group) primarily through the mechanism of similarity attraction. Research findings up to now have lent only partial support to this hypothesis. This study argues that interview structure may help to explain inconsistent research findings since structure could inhibit the functioning of the similarity-attraction mechanism. The present research pursued two objectives, namely (1) to determine the degree to which race-group similarity (between interviewer and interviewee) exerts a biasing effect on selection interview dimension ratings, (2) to determine whether same-group bias increases when interview structure is experimentally diminished. This experimental study manipulated the degree of structure in interviews (high- and low-structured conditions) and compared the degree to which race group similarity effects were evident under each condition. Interviews were simulated by showing video-taped interview segments to a sample of participants and asking them to rate interview dimensions on rating scales that had been compiled to reflect the degree of structure in each condition. The data were analysed using Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) and multiple regression analysis to determine whether similarity effects were present in the interview rating data. The results support the hypothesis that racial similarity effects are found under low-structured conditions, as well as the hypothesis that interview structure moderates the influence of similarity effects. However, racial similarity effects were also found with the highly structured condition. Although these effects were smaller than in the low-structured condition, they were statistically significant. Future research should attempt to replicate this study as a field study to test the generalisability of the findings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek onderhoudvoerdersydigheid in die vorm van rasgroepsoortgelykheidseffekte in seleksie-onderhoudbeoordelings. Sosiale Identiteitsteorie voorspel dat onderhoudvoerders diegene van dieselfde rasgroep (die sogenaamde ingroep) met hoër beoordelingstellings sal aanslaan, primêr deur die werking van die soortgelykheidaangetrokkendheidsmeganisme. Navorsingsresultate tot op hede leen slegs gedeeltelike steun aan hierdie hipotese. Hierdie studie argumenteer dat die rede vir teenstrydige navorsingbevindinge moontlik die gevolg van die bemiddelende effek van onderhoudstruktuur kan wees, aangesien struktuur moontlik die funksionering van die soortgelykheid-aangetrokkendheidsmeganisme kan inperk. Die studie streef dus twee doelwitte na, nl. (1) om die mate waartoe rasgroepooreenstemming tussen die onderhoudvoerder en onderhoudnemer ’n sydige invloed op onderhouddimensietellings uitoefen te bepaal en (2) om te bepaal of soortgelykheidseffekte toeneem namate onderhoudstruktuur eksperimenteel verlaag word. ’n Eksperimentele ontwerp is gebruik waarbinne onderhoudstruktuur (hoog- en laag gestruktuurde toestande) in video-opnames van onderhoude nageboots is. ’n Groep beoordelaars het hierdie stimilusmateriaal beoordeel aan die hand van beoordelingskriteria wat opgestel is om die mate van struktuur binne elke toestand te reflekteer. Gevolglik is die mate van rasgroepsoortgelykheidseffekte binne elke struktuurtoestand vergelyk. Die navorsingsdata is met gebruik van Hiërargiese Lineêre Modellering (HLM) en veelvoudige regressie ontleed om die teenwoordigheid van soortgelykheidsydigheid te bepaal. Die resultate steun die hipotese dat rassoortgelykheidseffekte onder laaggestruktuurde toestande voorkom, asook dat onderhoudstruktuur ’n modererende rol speel. Nietemin is soortgelyke effekte ook onder die hoog gestruktuurde toestand gevind. Alhoewel hierdie effekte kleiner as onder die laaggestruktuurde toestand was, was dit steeds statisties beduidend. Toekomstige navorsing kan poog om ‘n soortgelyke ondersoek as ‘n veldstudie te onderneem om die moontlikheid van veralgemening van die resultate te bepaal.

Facilitating disclosure of child sexual abuse victims in the middle childhood : a forensic interview protocol for social workers

Fouche, Ansie 11 August 2008 (has links)
This study focuses on the development, implementation and evaluation of a research-based legally defensible forensic interview protocol for social workers in South Africa in order to improve the social worker's knowledge, understanding and skills regarding forensic assessment interviews in the field of child sexual abuse. The motivation for the study has its origin in the fact that current legislation in South Africa requires that all cases of alleged sexual abuse have to be reported to either social workers or the South African Police Service. Social workers often find themselves having to deal with allegations of sexual abuse, and are faced with the challenging task of conducting assessment interviews, where the result of such interview will be a determining factor in the final outcome of the legal proceedings. The research problem is that there is currently no national research-based forensic interview protocol for social workers in South Africa. A quantitative research approach was followed. Applied research was used to address immediate problems that are encountered by professionals in practice. Intervention research was used as research methodology. The quasi-experimental design was applied where a comparison of two groups were done. The hypothesis formulated for this study is: If this interview protocol will be applied in cases of alleged sexual abuse against children of the middle childhood, it would facilitate the disclosure in a more legally acceptable and defensible manner. An interview protocol with seven definite phases was developed. A self-developed checklist consisting of 119 fundamentals compiled from comprehensive literature study, consultations with experts and extensive experience of the researcher, was used as a measuring instrument. The researcher applied the newly developed interview protocol with ten girls (experimental group) in the middle childhood who have allegedly been sexually abused. The interviews were audio-recorded and evaluated by means of the self-developed checklist. An independent social worker also interviewed ten allegedly sexually abused children (comparison group) of the same age and gender as the experimental group. This social worker, however, made use of her own interview protocol. She represents the social workers in South Africa. The interviews were also audio-recorded and evaluated by means of the self-developed checklist. An independent professional person coded a sample of 50% of all interviews. All data were submitted to the Department Statistics of University of Pretoria who has done the statistical analysis. In chapter two the phenomenon of child sexual abuse is discussed and aspects that interviewers need to take in consideration were highlighted. In chapter three all aspects of child development are discussed. Developmental issues which need to be accommodated during forensic interviews are explored. Chapter four focuses on interview techniques in the forensic context, and international guidelines on forensic interviews were explored. This information was used to develop the proposed forensic interview protocol. In chapter five the proposed seven-phase forensic interview protocol was discussed. In chapter six all the data that was collected was quantified, analysed and interpreted with the assistance of the Department of Statistics of the University of Pretoria. The statistical analysis showed that in five of the seven phases a statistically significant difference was found between the experimental and comparison groups. The results suggest that the seven-phase forensic interview protocol was successfully implemented, and could be considered a new development and thus a contribution to the social work profession. However further research with a larger sample of children is needed. Conclusions and recommendations (chapter 7) of this study are put forward in accordance with the process that was followed in developing and implementing the interview protocol which would assist social workers when dealing with alleged victims of child sexual abuse. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Challenging tradition : Teaching English in Sweden without the influence of National Testing

Österberg, Robin January 2021 (has links)
When the Swedish school system met with the novel experience of cancelled the annual national tests in spring 2020, teachers across the country were forced to adapt to teaching without this traditional support. Due to English being one of the subjects required to administer national tests, upper secondary school English teachers were immediately affected. By looking at several studies regarding standardised testing in general, and Swedish national test tradition specifically, this qualitative study summarises how large-scale assessment in education affects teaching.Through semi-structured interviews with three English teachers, this study surveyed how teaching was affected by the cancellation of the national tests in Sweden. The teachers’ experiences of teaching without the supportive function of the national tests were also documented. The recorded interviews were analysed through the theoretical framework of reactivity, and specifically, Campbell’s Law. This study’s findings are that while the national tests hold a critical support function for teachers, they may also inhibit English teachers from teaching what is specified in the English curriculum. What emerged from the collected data and subsequent analysis was teachers’ fractured role as dependent on performance standards-based on test criteria rather than the content standards in the English curriculum. The interviewed teachers showed a great deal of trust in the national tests as grounds for assessing their students’ English skills, occasionally at the cost of their faith in themselves as teachers. Counterproductively, this resulted in teachers, consciously or not, adapting their teaching practices to fit the predicted national test rather than the curriculum. Essentially, teachers had changed their behaviour to accommodate an observer, as theorized by Campbell. During the 2020 spring semester when national tests were cancelled in Sweden, and English teachers all over the nation had to make do without their supporting function, this was made clear.

應徵者面談焦慮在甄選面談中的角色:探討面試官行為和特性的調節效果 / The role of applicant interview anxiety in selection interviews: The moderating effects of interviewer behaviors and characteristics

黃嘉雄, Huang, Chia-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
應徵者處於甄選面談的情境或多或少都會經驗到一定程度的焦慮,過去研究指出焦慮的確會對應徵者行為表現,以及面試官評價產生影響,本研究回顧文獻證據提出焦慮情緒狀態或許應視為造成面試官評價偏誤的來源之一;由情感事件理論的觀點,探討「氣氛營造」與「溫暖行為」能否降低應徵者焦慮情緒狀態對於應徵者行為的影響;以及探討面試官的「面談經驗」和「歸因傾向」對於應徵者行為和面試官評價的調節效果。本研究採取模擬面談法(mock interview),邀請一年內即將謀職的應徵者,以及具面談經驗的業界人士擔任面試官,進行一對一的甄選面談,蒐集應徵者和面試官雙方的配對資料,共計94筆。統計分析結果顯示「面談焦慮情緒狀態」對於「面試官評價」的影響,係完全透過應徵者「焦慮行為」所中介。並未如預期發現面試官「溫暖行為」與「氣氛營造」等行為,削弱應徵者焦慮情緒對其行為的影響,以及「面談經驗」和「歸因傾向」等面試官個人特性調節焦慮行為與面試官評價的負向關係。本研究分別針對應徵者和面試官雙方提出實務建議,以及提出未來可能的研究方向。 / Prior studies found that applicants’ anxious state influence applicants’ behaviors and in turn interviewer evaluations. The present study argues that anxiety may be one of transient errors biasing interviewer evaluations. Taking interpersonal skills and trait anxiety specific to employment interview into account, this study examines the relationship among anxious emotional state, applicants’ behaviors, and interviewer evaluation. Based upon affective event theory as overarching framework, I propose that rapport building and warm behavior of interviewers as affective events may generate applicants’ positive emotion mitigates the negative influence of anxiety state on applicants’ behavior. In addition, prior studies suggested that interview experience and attribution preferences influence information processes of interviewers. These interviewers’ characteristics may minimize the negative impact of applicants’ anxious behavior on interviewer evaluation. Mock interview with 94 perspective applicants at the time in pursuing jobs and 37 EMBA students as interviewer were recruited from 9 universities. Results of regression analyses showed that applicants’ anxious behavior mediate the relationship between anxiety state and interviewer evaluation. However, the moderating effects of rapport building and warm behavior on the relationship between interviewees’ anxiety state and behaviors did not receive support. The effects of applicants’ anxious behaviors on interviewer evaluation do not vary as function of interview experience and attribution preference. Discussions and future suggestions were provided.

Uma contribuição para o estudo sobre o erro não amostral na pesquisa de mercado

Zanotta, Egydio Barbosa 25 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Egydio Barbosa Zanotta.pdf: 1601956 bytes, checksum: 19d6138c932f32f13bd5155a613801bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-25 / The main objectiv of this study is to present a contribution to the non sampling error in the Marketing Research. To reach this goal we had ( by means of bibliografical research) to discover and typify the non sampling error which is present in a research project, assuming the presence of this error in each step of the process. Finally we tried to solve these problems by taking into account the more recents conquests of the knowledge in this area. It is important to emphasize that we included notes and theories originated from our own experience, stimulated by the opinion of the advisor of our thesis / O objetivo central desse estudo é de proporcionar Uma Contribuição Para o Estudo Sobre o Erro Não Amostral na Pesquisa de Mercado. Para lograr atingir esse objetivo, necessitamos através da pesquisa bibliográfica, descobrir e tipificar os erros não amostrais existentes no projeto de pesquisa e, partindo do pressuposto de que em cada etapa, tais erros estão presentes.Posteriormente, passamos a pesquisar como solucionar esses erros, com base no estado da arte. Convém salientar, que graças ao incentivo recebido de minha orientadora, incluímos notas sobre teorias oriundas de nossa experiência e conhecimento

Uma contribuição para o estudo sobre o erro não amostral na pesquisa de mercado

Zanotta, Egydio Barbosa 25 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:54:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Egydio Barbosa Zanotta.pdf: 1601956 bytes, checksum: 19d6138c932f32f13bd5155a613801bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-25 / The main objectiv of this study is to present a contribution to the non sampling error in the Marketing Research. To reach this goal we had ( by means of bibliografical research) to discover and typify the non sampling error which is present in a research project, assuming the presence of this error in each step of the process. Finally we tried to solve these problems by taking into account the more recents conquests of the knowledge in this area. It is important to emphasize that we included notes and theories originated from our own experience, stimulated by the opinion of the advisor of our thesis / O objetivo central desse estudo é de proporcionar Uma Contribuição Para o Estudo Sobre o Erro Não Amostral na Pesquisa de Mercado. Para lograr atingir esse objetivo, necessitamos através da pesquisa bibliográfica, descobrir e tipificar os erros não amostrais existentes no projeto de pesquisa e, partindo do pressuposto de que em cada etapa, tais erros estão presentes.Posteriormente, passamos a pesquisar como solucionar esses erros, com base no estado da arte. Convém salientar, que graças ao incentivo recebido de minha orientadora, incluímos notas sobre teorias oriundas de nossa experiência e conhecimento

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