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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indoor Navigation Using an iPhone / Inomhusnavigering med iPhone

Emilsson, André January 2010 (has links)
Indoor navigation could be used in many applications to enhance performance in its specific area. Anything from serious life critical tasks like aiding firefighters or coordinating military attacks to more simple every day use like finding a desired shop in a large supermarket could be considered. Smartphones of today introduce an interesting platform with capabilities like existing, more clumsy, indoor navigation systems. The iPhone 3GS is a powerful smartphone that lets the programmer use its hardware in an efficient and easy way. The iPhone 3GS has a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis magnetometer and hardware accelerated image rendering which is used in this thesis to track the user on an indoor map. A particle filter is used to track the position of the user. The implementation shows how many particles the iPhone will be able to handle and update in real time without lag in the application.

Utveckling av en iPhone-app med back-end i .NET

Cottin, Victor January 2011 (has links)
Under sommaren 2011 utvecklade jag en iPhone applikation för tidrapportering åt Cygate AB. Denna rapport beskriver min arbetsprocess samt diskuterar och motiverar de tekniska lösningar som valts.

Uppgångsappen : En rapport om utvecklingen av en mobilapplikation / Uppgångsappen : A report on development of a mobile application

Cederberg, Jessica, Sjöström, Josefin January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport redovisar för utvecklingen av mobilapplikationen Uppgångsappen. Applikationen, som har utvecklats för iPhone, skapades för att kunna ges ut av företaget Approdites AB. För utvecklingen har Apples riktlinjer följts både för design och programmering, och fokus har legat på att utveckla en applikation som uppfyller Apples krav för att bli godkänd i AppStore. Programmeringsspråket Objective-­C har använts tillsammans med utvecklingsmiljön xCode. Designbeslut har grundats på designprinciper och målet har framförallt varit att utveckla en applikation som ska vara lätt att använda och ha en estetiskt tilltalande grafisk design. Resultatet av denna rapport blev en färdig mobilapplikation som var förberedd för lansering i AppStore.

MetApp : an efficient and cost saving method for small businesses to create iOS applications

McCann, Simon Vincent 22 November 2013 (has links)
Interactions between small businesses and their customers often involve some form of electronic transaction. With the growing proliferation of portable computing, many of these transactions are taking place on a “smart device,” such as an iPhone or iPad. Many businesses will want to create their own custom apps to better serve their customers. Currently this process can be difficult and expensive to do well. This report proposes a method to make app production a little easier and cheaper. / text

Validation of the Accuracy of RxLator, an iPhone-based English-to-Mandarin Translator

Fallon, Echo, Gilkey, John, Herrier, Richard, Slack, Marion January 2014 (has links)
Class of 2014 Abstract / Specific Aims: Determine the accuracy of RxLator, an iPhone-based English to Mandarin Translator. Methods: Subjects (graduate chemistry students at Soochow University Taiwan, N = 27) individually listened to 25 RxLator medication directions in Mandarin. Each subject verbally told the translator the meaning of each direction, and the investigator recorded the translated responses on paper. At the end of the session, each subject identified which directions required editing. These directions were then played for an additional subject. Main Results: Of the 25 directions, 17 were easily understood the first time subjects heard them. Of the 6 directions that required edits, the subjects' confusion was caused by a single word found in 4 of the directions. The remaining 2 more difficult directions caused confusion due to other reasons. Overall, the subjects were confident in understanding the majority of the medication directions. Conclusion: With few exceptions, the iPhone-based English-to-Mandarin Translator seems to be accurate for medication directions. This application is the first mobile, electronic device to ensure an accurate, convenient method to translate medication directions from English to Mandarin.
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Reimagining iPhone Accessibility : A User-Centered Redesign for Improved Interaction and Usability

Ford, Eric January 2023 (has links)
Interacting with user interfaces has becoming something that everyone of all ages is doing whether it be using smart devices like phones and tablets, ordering at fast-food restaurants, watching movies on a plane, etc. With people of all ages interacting with interfaces, designers need to consider what limitations and barriers come with different age groups. This thesis aims to improve how elderly users interact with accessibility features on iPhones. The initial user testing conducted with elderly users discovered that many users are comfortable with their iPhones interface but that they could potentially benefit from accessibility features but are hesitant to explore. These insights were utilized in redesigning the interface for accessibility options on iOS, with the goal of creating a more inviting and user-friendly feature for elderly users. Final user testing showed that elderly users benefited from efficient interactions and instruction guides to make and perceive accessibility changes more effectively. The aim of the redesign was to address the users worries including confusion, hesitancy, and insufficient feedback.

Is cost transparency necessarily good for consumers?

Kuah, A.T.H., Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P. January 2015 (has links)
No / The purpose of this paper is to present a critical viewpoint on the negative aspects of market, price and cost transparencies to consumers in terms of its costs. It adopts an inter-disciplinary approach from the marketing, economics and accounting literature. The paper explores market transparency in the ever-changing world and uses brand names like Starbucks and iPhone to illuminate instances where imperfect markets are supported by consumers. Recognizing the role that the Internet plays in promoting price transparency, it espouses how extant information can add costs and risks to the consumer’s value judgement. Finally, the paper advocates that arbitrary judgements existing in cost accounting make it difficult to compare unit cost. This could result in consumers paying extra money to benefit from cost transparency. This paper argues that three main issues may arise in providing unit cost to the consumers. First, transparency entails built-in costs, whether they are in taxes or product prices. Second, in accounting, unit cost information is currently not equitable between businesses. Finally, the paper argues that extra time and effort in making sense of unit cost information lead to questions about the viability of transparent costing. The arguments for transparency have been widely discussed, supported and promoted by many. While negative aspects are known to businesses, few consider the consumer’s perspective. By amalgamating evidence and arguments from different disciplines, this paper lends value, providing a critical perspective where transparent unit cost revelation can be more costly and less viable than what is assumed.
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Apple iPhone與宏達電營運模式之比較 / The comparison of business model between Apple iPhone and HTC

常家寶, Chong, Chia Bao Unknown Date (has links)
手機產業是人類發明產品中,成長最快速的產業。近二十年的時間,已銷售超過三十億隻手機。在手機產業成長及利潤趨近成熟飽和之際,智慧型手機的出現,帶給手機業者新的利潤及事業發展空間,但同時也改變了手機產業長久以來的產業生態及營運模式。iPhone 的上市及其結合軟硬體和下載服務的創新營運模式,顛覆了傳統手機市場的思維與操作方式,也讓消費者對於手機上網及應用服務有了不同的體驗與認知。Apple在App Store有超過十萬個應用程式,讓使用者以自行下載自己需求的應用服務。Apple這種爲個人量身打造的個人化行銷,讓iPhone自2007年六月上市以來至今已銷售了四千多萬支,並且讓Apple iPhone 2009年第三季獲利,打敗全球市佔率第一的Nokia,創下手機產業的歷史紀錄。 宏達電在2007年六月搶先在iPhone上市前,搶先推出HTC Touch 觸控智慧型手機,轟動全球,也讓HTC躋身於全球前五大智慧型手機品牌。 HTC自創的HTC Flow使用者介面,不僅打破過去Microsoft WM 的標準介面設計,更奠定HTC在全球智慧型手機的品牌形象及里程碑。在Touch上市之後,HTC 不斷推陳出新,陸續發表了HTC Touch 2, Pro 2等手機,更於2008年10月與Google合作,推出全球第一隻Android手機G1,隨後並推出 HTC Dream、Magic及備受好評的Hero及HTC Sense 使用者介面。在2009年12月更推出全球第一支4.2 吋的Windows Mobile 6.5的手機 HD2,在2010年1月又由Google在CES大展推出宏達電代工生產的第一支Google品牌手機Nexus One,大幅拉抬宏達電的知名度及強化宏達電在Android 手機平台的領先形象。 Google在2007年成立開放手機聯盟(OHA),把原本封閉的手機作業系統,一舉推向免費授權的系統,把原本在電腦上的服務也盡量複製到手機,推出Google Mobile Service (GMS),除了HTC,許多手機大廠如Motorola,Samsung,SE,紛紛開始上市Android介面手機且開始經營品牌的加值應用服務,除此之外,還有許多台灣的電腦廠商如華碩、宏碁也紛紛加入Android智慧型手機市場。Google Nexus One於2010年一月上市,Google計畫複製iPhone營運模式的成功經驗,藉由上市Google手機,擴展Android System及應用程式市場的營收,並首度成立全球性的網路商店,宣稱以簡單的概念為核心, 建立一個全新的銷售通路,創造一個簡單的使用者體驗,簡單的購買程式並自由選擇費率方案等服務。 未來的智慧型手機競爭,不僅在於硬軟體的推陳出新,還要思考整體營運模式,把內容服務當成競爭優勢的重點。在這波新的智慧型手機戰役中,iPhone 及HTC是否能夠持續保持優勢? 本研究將比較Apple iPhone及HTC兩家公司之事業創新營運模式及核心策略並探討Apple iPhone 及 HTC在未來手機產業中將會面臨的挑戰。
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När journalister lanserar en produkt. : Hur PR-kampanjer påverkar nyhetstexter

Grufvik, Marita January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen jämför PR-genomslaget av två lanseringskampanjer i tolv dagstidningar. Lanseringskampanjerna gäller de två mobiltelefonerna, Xperia x10 och Iphone 4. PR-genomslaget undersöks dels genom exponering av varumärken, dels genom antal publicerade artiklar. Av antalet publicerade artiklar undersöks också hur stor del av artiklarna som kan ses som textreklam. De tolv tidningarna är indelade i olika tidningstyper: morgontidningar, kvällstidningar och gratistidningar. För att undersöka PR-genomslaget och förekomsten av textreklam har jag genomfört en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 98 artiklar. Analysen består av tabeller, textutdrag och tolkningar av dessa. Resultatet visar att morgontidningar i storstadsområden är de tidningar som sammanlagt har publicerat flest artiklar om mobiltelefonerna och skrivit mest textreklam. Många artiklar har bara en källa och den största huvudkällan är reportrar. Genomslaget för lanseringskampanjen av Iphone 4 var betydligt större än för Xperia x10. Av de 22 artiklar som kan kategoriseras som textreklam handlar alla utom en om Iphone.

Ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής smartphone για τις δραστηριότητες του Μουσείου Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας (Μ.Ε.Τ)

Τζούλας, Δημήτριος 10 June 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αφορά τη σχεδίαση και υλοποίηση μίας εφαρμογής smartphone σε περιβάλλον iOS, η οποία έχει ως σκοπό την προβολή των δραστηριοτήτων του Μουσείου Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας (Μ.Ε.Τ) που βρίσκεται στον χώρο του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, παρέχει γενικές και χρήσιμες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το Μ.Ε.Τ, σύντομη εικονική ξενάγηση στους εκθεσιακούς του χώρους, διευκόλυνση πρόσβασης σε αυτό αλλά και δυνατότητα ενημέρωσης περί των εκδηλώσεων που φιλοξενεί. / This diploma dissertation concerns the development of a smartphone application on the iOS platform, aiming to introduce the user to the activities of the Museum of Science and Technology which is located in the University of Patras district. In particular, it provides general and useful information about the Museum, short virtual tour at its showrooms, easy access to it and the ability to stay informed of the various events it hosts.

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