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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Modeling of Wave Propagation in Strip Lines with Gyrotropic Magnetic Substrate and Magnetostaic Waves

Vashghani Farahani, Alireza 13 June 2011 (has links)
Simulating wave propagation in microstrip lines with Gyrotropic magnetic substrate is considered in this thesis. Since the static internal field distribution has an important effect on the device behavior, accurate determination of the internal fields are considered as well. To avoid the losses at microwave frequencies it is assumed that the magnetic substrate is saturated in the direction of local internal field. An iterative method to obtain the magnetization distribution has been developed. It is applied to a variety of nonlinear nonuniform magnetic material configurations that one may encounter in the design stage, subject to a nonuniform applied field. One of the main characteristics of the proposed iterative method to obtain the static internal field is that the results are supported by a uniqueness theorem in magnetostatics. The series of solutions Mn,Hn, where n is the iteration number, minimize the free Gibbs energy G(M) in sequence. They also satisfy the constitutive equation M = χH at the end of each iteration better than the previous one. Therefore based on the given uniqueness theorem, the unique stable equilibrium state M is determined. To simulate wave propagation in the Gyrotropic magnetic media a new FDTD formulation is proposed. The proposed formulation considers the static part of the electromagnetic field, obtained by using the iterative approach, as parameters and updates the dynamic parts in time. It solves the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in consistency with Maxwell’s equations in time domain. The stability of the initial static field distribution ensures that the superposition of the time varying parts due to the propagating wave will not destabilize the code. Resonances in a cavity filled with YIG are obtained. Wave propagation through a microstrip line with YIG substrate is simulated. Magnetization oscillations around local internal field are visualized. It is proved that the excitation of magnetization precession which is accompanied by the excitation of magnetostatic waves is responsible for the gap in the scattering parameter S12. Key characteristics of the wide microstrip lines are verified in a full wave FDTD simulation. These characteristics are utilized in a variety of nonreciprocal devices like edgemode isolators and phase shifters.

On dynamic properties of rubber isolators

Sjöberg, Mattias January 2002 (has links)
<p>This work aims at enhancing the understanding and to provideimproved models of the dynamic behavior of rubber vibrationisolators which are widely used in mechanical systems.Initially, a time domainmodel relating compressions tocomponent forces accounting for preload effects, frequency anddynamic amplitude dependence is presented. The problem ofsimultaneously modelling the elastic, viscoelastic and frictionforces are removed by additively splitting them, where theelastic force response is modelled either by a fully linear ora nonlinear shape factor based approach, displaying resultsthat agree with those of a neo-Hookean hyperelastic isolatorunder a long term precompression. The viscoelastic force ismodelled by a fractional derivative element, while the frictionforce governs from a generalized friction element displaying asmoothed Coulomb force. This is a versatile one-dimensionalcomponent model effectively using a small number of parameterswhile exhibiting a good resemblance to measured isolatorcharacteristics. Additionally, the nonlinear excitationeffects on dynamic stiffness and damping of a filled rubberisolator are investigated through measurements. It is shownthat the well-known Payne effect - where stiffness is high forsmall excitation amplitudes and low for large amplitudes whiledamping displays a maximum at intermediate amplitudes -evaluated at a certain frequency, is to a large extentinfluenced by the existence of additional frequency componentsin the signal. Finally, a frequency, temperature and preloaddependent dynamic stiffness model is presented covering theranges from 20 to 20 000 Hz, -50 to +50 °C at 0 to 20 %precompression. A nearly incompressible, thermo-rheologicallysimple material model is adopted displaying viscoelasticitythrough a time - strain separable relaxation tensor with asingle Mittag-Leffler function embodying its time dependence.This fractional derivative based function successfully fitsmaterial properties throughout the whole audible frequencyrange. An extended neo-Hookean strain energy function, beingdirectly proportional to the temperature and density, isapplied for the finite deformation response with componentproperties solved by a nonlinear finite element procedure. Thepresented work is thus believed to enlighten workingconditions’impact on the dynamic properties of rubbervibration isolators, while additionally taking some of thesemost important features into account in the presentedmodels.</p>

Kohaerenter und dissipativer Elektronentransport in eindimensionalem und kristallinem Polyanilin

Hey, Ronald 31 July 1996 (has links)
Die elektronischen Transporteigenschaften von Polymerketten haengen sehr stark von deren strukturellen Eigenschaften und der Temperatur ab. Auf der Basis vorhandener Bandstrukturdaten wird ein empirischer Tight-Binding-Hamiltonoperator fuer ausgewaehlte Polyanilinstrukturen konstruiert. Mit den so erhaltenen Parametern ist es moeglich, Unordnung in die Polymerkette einzufuehren, wie sie durch Polaronen- Paarbildung und Bipolarondefekte bei niedrigen Temperaturen auftritt. Die Streukoeffizienten des Systems bestimmen die Transmission durch die Kette und damit den Leitwert des Systems im Rahmen der Landauer-Buettiker- Theorie. Der Einfluss von Dissipation auf die Transporteigenschaften des Polymers wird mit Hilfe zweier Modelle untersucht. Zum einen kann inelastische Streuung durch Kopplung des Systems an zusaetzliche Elektronenreservoire eingefuehrt werden, dies ist ein sehr phaenomenologisches Modell. Die Kopplung des zu untersuchenden Systems an Reservoire harmonischer Oszillatoren bietet die Moeglichkeit, dissipative Prozesse auf der Basis eines Hamiltonoperators einzufuehren. Beide Modelle lassen sich mit Hilfe der gleichen Greens-Funktionen-Methode loesen. Polyanilin kann sowohl in Form von einzelnen, in einer isolierenden Matrix eingebetteten Polymerketten als auch in groesseren Aggregaten von miteinander gekoppelten Ketten vorliegen. Zur Beschreibung dieser quasi-eindimensionalen Systeme wird das Tight-Binding-Modell auf drei Dimensionen erweitert und die Transporteigenschaften in Abhaengigkeit von der Systemgroesse diskutiert. Im Anschluss daran wird durch Einfuehrung dissipativer Prozesse das Material auf die Moeglichkeit eines Metall-Isolator-Ueberganges untersucht.

Numerische Simulation des Transports in ungeordneten Vielelektronensystemen

Epperlein, Frank 09 August 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Physik des ungeordneten wechselwirkenden Elektronenproblems auf der isolierenden Seite des Metall-Isolator-Uebergangs. Als Modellsystem dient dabei ein verallgemeinertes Coulomb-Glas-Modell mit Transfermatrixelementen zwischen verschiedenen Plaetzen, das Quanten-Coulomb-Glas. Ziel ist, herauszufinden, wie sich die Elektron-Elektron-Wechselwirkung auf die Lokalisierungs- und Transporteigenschaften des Modells auswirkt. Im ersten Teil wird das Quanten-Coulomb-Glas in Hartree-Fock-Naeherung behandelt. Da diese Naeherung eine effektive Einteilchentheorie ist, koennen die Lokalisierungs- und Transporteigenschaften mit denselben Methoden wie beim Anderson-Modell der Lokalisierung untersucht werden. Es erweist sich, dasz die Wechselwirkung im Rahmen einer Einteilchen-Naeherung immer zu einer staerkeren Lokalisierung der Zustaende an der Fermienergie und damit zu einer Verschlechterung des Transports im Vergleich zum nichtwechselwirkenden System fuehrt. Dieses Ergebnis laeszt sich auch gut physikalisch verstehen. Im zweiten Teil steht die Frage nach der Gueltigkeit der Hartree-Fock-Naeherung fuer das Quanten-Coulomb-Glas im Mittelpunkt. Dazu werden die Hartree-Fock-Resultate mit Ergebnissen aus der exakten Diagonalisierung sehr kleiner Gitter verglichen. Es werden Lokalisierungskriterien entwickelt, die einen direkten Vergleich mit den Einteilchenlokalisierungsmaszen gestatten. Zur Beurteilung der Transporteigenschaften dient der Gleichstromleitwert nach dem Kubo-Greenwood-Formalismus. Es zeigt sich, dasz die Hartree-Fock-Naeherung den Transport unterschaetzt und dasz die Wechselwirkung im Vergleich zum nichtwechselwirkenden System bei schwacher Unordnung eine Verringerung des Transports und bei groszer Unordnung eine Erhoehung des Transports bewirkt. In dritten Teil werden Idee und Realisierung einer neuen Naeherung, der Hartree-Fock-basierten Diagonalisierung, diskutiert. Ueberlegungen und Untersuchungen zur Konvergenz von Grundzustandsenergie, Energie der angeregten Zustaende, Einteilchenzustandsdichte, Rueckkehrwahrscheinlichkeit und Leitwert werden vorgenommen. Ergebnisse fuer zweidimensionale Systeme mit 12, 16 und 25 Gitterplaetzen bei Halbfuellung werden vorgestellt. Auszerdem erfolgen Untersuchungen mit verschiedenen Wechselwirkungsstarken fuer ein-, zwei und dreidimensionale Systeme mit 25*1, 5*5 und 3*3*3 Gitterplaetzen. Die Resultate aus dem zweiten Teil bestaetigen sich: Fuer genuegend starke Unordnung induziert Wechselwirkung immer eine staerkere Delokalisierung, fuer genuegend kleine Unordnung immer eine staerkere Lokalisierung. / This work investigates the physics of the disordered interacting electron problem on the isolating side of the metal-insulator-transition. A generalized Coulomb-Glass with transfermatrixelements between next neighbours - the Quantum-Coulomb-Glass - serves as model system. The goal is to find out how electron-electron interaction influences the localization and transport properties of the model. In the first part the Quantum-Coulomb-Glass is treated at Hartree-Fock level. Because this approximation is an effective one-particle theory localization and transport properties can be investigated with the same methods as in the Anderson-Model of localization. It ist found that interaction in the framework of an one-particle approximation always leads to an enhanced localization of the states near the Fermi-energy in comparison to the nonintercting system. This also can be well understood within different physically argumentations. The second part centers around the question how valid Hartree-Fock approximation is. Thus Hartree-Fock results are compared with results for exact diagonalization of small lattices. Criteria of localization are developed which allow a direct comparison to measures of single-particle localization. The transport-properties are measured by the zero frequency Kubo-conductance. It shows that Hartree-Fock approximation underestimates the transport and that interaction leads to a decrease of transport in the region of small disorder and to an increase for strong disorder. The third part discusses idea and realisation of a new approximation - the Hartree-Fock-based diagonalization. Aguments and investigations about convergence of ground-state-energy, excited-state-energy, single-particle density of states, return probability and conductance are shown. Results for systems in two dimensions with 12, 16 and 25 sites and half filling are presented. Additionally different interaction strenghts for one-, two- and three-dimensional systems with 25*1, 5*5 and 3*3*3 sites are investigated. The results from part two are hardened: Interaction always leads to enhanced delocalization if disorder is strong enough and always leads to enhanced localization if disorder is small enough.

Thermoelectric Transport at the Metal-Insulator Transition in Disordered Systems

Villagonzalo, Cristine 13 July 2001 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation demonstrates the behavior of the electronic transport properties in the presence of a temperature gradient in disordered systems near the metal-insulator transition. In particular, we first determine the d.c. conductivity, the thermopower, the thermal conductivity, the Lorenz number, the figure of merit, and the specific heat of a three-dimensional Anderson model of localization by two phenomenological approaches. Then we also compute the d.c. conductivity, the localization length and the Peltier coefficient in one dimension by a new microscopic approach based on the recursive Green's functions method. A fully analytic study is difficult, if not impossible, due to the problem of treating the intrinsic disorder in the model, as well as, incorporating a temperature gradient in the Hamiltonian. Therefore, we resort to various numerical methods to investigate the problem.

Large-eddy simulations of scramjet engines

Koo, Heeseok 20 June 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation is to develop large-eddy simulation (LES) based computational tools for supersonic inlet and combustor design. In the recent past, LES methodology has emerged as a viable tool for modeling turbulent combustion. LES computes the large scale mixing process accurately, thereby providing a better starting point for small-scale models that describe the combustion process. In fact, combustion models developed in the context of Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations exhibit better predictive capability when used in the LES framework. The development of a predictive computational tool based on LES will provide a significant boost to the design of scramjet engines. Although LES has been used widely in the simulation of subsonic turbulent flows, its application to high-speed flows has been hampered by a variety of modeling and numerical issues. In this work, we develop a comprehensive LES methodology for supersonic flows, focusing on the simulation of scramjet engine components. This work is divided into three sections. First, a robust compressible flow solver for a generalized high-speed flow configuration is developed. By using carefully designed numerical schemes, dissipative errors associated with discretization methods for high-speed flows are minimized. Multiblock and immersed boundary method are used to handle scramjet-specific geometries. Second, a new combustion model for compressible reactive flows is developed. Subsonic combustion models are not directly applicable in high-speed flows due to the coupling between the energy and velocity fields. Here, a probability density function (PDF) approach is developed for high-speed combustion. This method requires solution to a high dimensional PDF transport equation, which is achieved through a novel direct quadrature method of moments (DQMOM). The combustion model is validated using experiments on supersonic reacting flows. Finally, the LES methodology is used to study the inlet-isolator component of a dual-mode scramjet. The isolator is a critical component that maintains the compression shock structures required for stable combustor operation in ramjet mode. We simulate unsteady dynamics inside an experimental isolator, including the propagation of an unstart event that leads to loss of compression. Using a suite of simulations, the sensitivity of the results to LES models and numerical implementation is studied. / text

Otimização do processo de descontaminação no sistema isolador de Bio-Manguinhos

Cyranka, Beatriz January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Priscila Nascimento (pnascimento@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-11-30T12:31:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 beatriz-cyranka.pdf: 1720638 bytes, checksum: c436adb348584d5a5a8213fccdef6ea6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-11-30T12:31:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 beatriz-cyranka.pdf: 1720638 bytes, checksum: c436adb348584d5a5a8213fccdef6ea6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Novas tecnologias, como o sistema isolador para ensaios de esterilidade vieram a contribuir com a incorporação de um melhor desempenho destes ensaios no controle de qualidade das indústrias farmacêuticas.Este trabalho teve como objetivo a verificação do processo de biodescontaminação dentro do sistema isolador de Bio-Manguinhos, utilizado como agente esterilizante o gás de peróxido de hidrogênio. Foram utilizadas como biocarga para redução de contaminação microbiológica três concentrações dos microrganismos, Candida albicansATCC 10231, Clostridium sporogenesATCC 11437 eMicrococcus luteusATCC 9341, impregnadas em discos de filtro de celulose. Os estudos de cinética de crescimento dos microrganismos foram realizados para um melhor entendimento do seumetabolismo, bem como aspectos gerais de crescimento que contribuíram para ressaltar que a Candida albicans inicia sua fase exponencial de crescimento na segunda hora do cultivo e finaliza esta etapa na sexta hora do cultivo, com produção máxima de células viáveis, fato observado também no microrganismo Micrococccus luteus. Para o cultivo doClostridium sporogenes o crescimento foi mais lento com uma curva de crescimento com 60 horas de cultivo total. A produção de maior número de células para o Clostridiumfoi alcançada na vigésima quarta hora de cultivo, assim como a maior produção de esporos. Foi estabelecida, ao longo da curva de crescimento, a relação entre densidade ótica e número de células viáveis, relação essa importante para o estabelecimento das condições do estudo em relação à biocarga empregada de cada microrganismo no momento do desafio no sistema isolador. A capacidade de descontaminação avaliada dentro do sistema isolador com o biocida peróxido de hidrogênio revelou o tempo de exposição ao gás de 10 minutos, como resultado final satisfatório apresentando redução total da carga microbiana com destruição total das células viáveis, assim como as formas esporuladas do Clostridium sporogenes. Desta forma conclui-se que o peróxido de hidrogênioé um biocida de eficácia comprovada, nas variáveis deste estudo e o processode descontaminação no sistema isolador de Bio-Manguinhos é compatível comsua atividade finalística na produção de insumos para a saúde. / New technologies such as isolator system for sterility tests came to help with the incorporation of a better performance of these kinds of tests in quality control of pharmaceutical companies. This study aimed to verify the decontamination process within the system isolator of Bio-Manguinhos, usinghydrogen peroxide gas as a sterilizing agent. Three concentrations of microorganisms were used as bioburden for the microbiological contamination reduction, Candida albicansATCC 10231, Clostridium sporogenesATCC 11437 and Micrococcus luteusATCC 9341, impregnated in cellulose filter discs. Studies of growth kinetics of microorganisms were carried out to a better understanding of theirmetabolism, as well as general aspects of growth that contributed to emphasize that the Candida albicansbegins its exponential growth phase in the second hour of cultivation and this step ends at the sixth hour cultivation, with maximum yield of viable cells, this was also observed in the Micrococcus luteusmicroorganism. For the Clostridium sporogenescultivation, growth was slower with a 60 hours growth curve of total culture. The production of more cells for Clostridiumwas achieved in the twenty-fourth hour of cultivation, as well as the maximum spores production. It was established along the growth curve the relationship between optical density and numberof viable cells, this relationship was important to establish the conditions of the study related to the bioburden of each microorganism used to challenge the isolator system. The decontamination capacity evaluated within the isolator system with the hydrogen peroxide biocide showed that the gas exposure time of 10 minutes wassatisfactory demonstrating total reduction of the microbial load with total destruction of viable cells, as well as the sporulated forms of Clostridium sporogenes. Thus it is concluded that hydrogen peroxide is a proved effective biocide, in the variables of this study and decontamination process in the Bio-Manguinhos insulator system is compatible with its main activity in the production of health supplies.

Padrões eletrostaticos e nanomecânicos de superfícies isolantes = um estudo por microscopia de força Kelvin (KFM) e microscoscopia de força pulsada digital (DPFM) / Electrostatic and nanomechanical patterning of insulator surface : a study by Kelvin force microscopy (KFM) and digital pulsed force microscopy (DPFM)

Gouveia, Rubia Figueredo 04 June 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Galembeck / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T12:34:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gouveia_RubiaFigueredo_D.pdf: 6255414 bytes, checksum: b9783ee801d3d18f57579c596a700bab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Os fenômenos eletrostáticos e suas consequências são familiares para a maioria das pessoas, mas o conhecimento sobre este tópico ainda é bastante empírico. Persistem grandes dificuldades na correlação de idéias fundamentais da teoria atômico-molecular com observações experimentais da eletrostática de materiais isolantes. A hipótese explorada nessa tese é: a atmosfera é uma fonte de cargas elétricas em isolantes, devido à partição de grupos OH- e H+ associados à adsorção de água. Logo, interações específicas entre íons presentes na água e sólidos isolantes contribuem para os padrões de cargas. Neste trabalho foram analisados padrões eletrostáticos em uma superfície de sílica recoberta por eletrodos de ouro produzidos por técnicas microlitográficas e partículas amorfas de fosfato de alumínio e sílica de Stöber utilizando a microscopia de força Kelvin (KFM) sob umidade relativa controlada. Os potenciais elétricos sobre a superfície de sílica dependem fortemente da umidade relativa, bem como da polarização dos eletrodos de ouro. A formação e dissipação dos padrões eletrostáticos são mais rápidas sob altas umidades. Já em baixas umidades a preservação dos potenciais elétricos é mais efetiva. Os potenciais elétricos das partículas de sílica e fosfato de alumínio são fortemente influenciados pela umidade relativa, sendo alterados mesmo em um ambiente completamente isolado eletricamente e aterrado. Os potenciais são modificados por eventos de adsorção e dessorção de água: sílica de Stöber torna-se mais negativa com o aumento da umidade, enquanto o fosfato de alumínio torna-se menos negativo, na ausência de qualquer ação de indução por um campo elétrico. Os resultados mostraram que a adsorção de água modifica os padrões de cargas de superfícies inorgânicas em escala nanométrica e que a eletroneutralidade não é uma característica geral de materiais isolantes. Neste trabalho também foram examinadas propriedades mecânicas de rigidez e adesão em nanoescala de partículas de fosfato de alumínio e dióxido de titânio, utilizando a microscopia de força pulsada digital (DPFM). As partículas apresentam uma grande heterogeneidade mecânica, mostrando domínios bastante diferenciados entre si. A nanoindentação da ponteira do AFM sobre as partículas mostrou que o dióxido de titânio apresenta maiores valores de rigidez, módulo de Young, força e energia de adesão e de histerese na deformação de suas superfícies. / Abstract: Electrostatic charging is familiar to most persons but knowledge on this topic is still rather empiric, mainly because fundamental ideas on the structure of matter are not well connected to the phenomenology of insulator charging. This thesis explores the following hypothesis: the atmosphere is as an electric charge reservoir for insulators, due to the partition of OH- and H+ groups associated to water adsorption. Thus, specific interactions between ions of adsorbed layers of water and insulating solids contribute to charge patterning. In this work, electrostatic patterning was examined in a silica surface partially covered with sets of interdigitated gold electrodes produced by microlithography techniques and also in aluminum phosphate and Stöber silica amorphous particles, using Kelvin force microscopy (KFM) under controlled relative humidity. Electric potentials acquired from the silica surface depend largely on the relative humidity as well as on the applied potentials at the gold electrodes. Pattern formation and dissipation are much faster under high relative humidity while the charged or discharged silica states are both more stable at low humidity. The electric potential measured along the surface of amorphous particles changes with relative humidity within an electrically shielded and grounded environment. Thus, water adsorption and desorption modify charge status of these particles: Stöber silica surface becomes more negative at higher humidity while aluminum phosphate becomes less negative, without any external electric potential or inductive input. These results show that water adsorption modifies charge status of inorganic surfaces and that electroneutrality is not a widespread characteristic of insulating materials. Another section of the thesis describes local nanomechanical stiffness and adhesion properties for aluminum phosphate and titanium dioxide particles, using digital pulsed force microscopy (DPFM). Aluminum phosphate and titanium dioxide particle domains present a large degree of heterogeneity. Aluminum phosphate particles are softer materials than titanium dioxide, undergoing greater nanoindentation of the AFM tip. On the other hand, titanium dioxide particle surfaces present larger stiffness, Young modulus, tipadhesion force, energy dissipated by hysteresis and detachment energy than aluminum phosphate particles. / Doutorado / Físico-Química / Doutor em Ciências

Reciclagem de vidro laminado: utilização na fabricação de isolantes e vernizes com alta resistência à abrasão para pisos de madeira. / Windshield recycling: in the fabrication of isolators and varnishes with high abrasion resistance for wood flooring.

Isabella Marini Vargas 30 March 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma alternativa para utilização de vidros laminados provenientes de rejeitos industriais ou pós-consumo. Reciclando o vidro laminado, por meio de uma série de moagens, pode-se obter dois tipos de rejeitos: vidros de partículas pequenas (200 e 325 mesh), que não conseguem ser reaproveitados pela indústria vidreira, e filme de poli(vinil butiral) - PVB - impregnado com uma pequena quantidade de carga, que tem como destino os aterros. No presente estudo, esses dois resíduos foram aproveitados na fabricação de vernizes curados por radiação ultravioleta empregados para proteção de pisos de madeira. O filme de PVB foi utilizado na formulação de um isolante, em razão de sua alta flexibilidade e boa aderência à madeira, e o vidro de baixa granulometria foi empregado como carga nos vernizes chamados de alto tráfego para o aumento da resistência à abrasão dos mesmos (propriedade fundamental de vernizes para pisos de madeira). Pelos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o isolante preparado com o filme de PVB em solução alcoólica e misturado a um monômero acrílico trifuncional, como o trimetilolpropano triacrilato (TMPTA), quando aplicado sobre pisos de madeira, obteve-se bons resultados de aderência, arrancamento e flexibilidade, podendo assim substituir os isolantes utilizados atualmente, produtos com cura por radiação ultravioleta, em base aquosa, e que apresentam alto custo por serem preparados com resinas importadas. Foi observado que quanto maior a quantidade de solução de PVB, melhor a flexibilidade do filme e, conseqüentemente, melhor a resistência ao arrancamento do revestimento. Os vidros de baixa granulometria apresentaram resultados muito satisfatórios quando utilizados como carga nos vernizes de alto tráfego, especialmente ao se combinarem com o óxido de alumínio (carga atualmente utilizada nesses sistemas), aumentando ainda mais a resistência à abrasão dos vernizes e também a estabilidade dos vernizes (quanto à sedimentação e à geleificação). Para todas as combinações de cargas preparadas neste trabalho foram bons os resultados obtidos, podendo-se optar pela utilização daquelas com maior quantidade de vidro, uma vez que este, por tratar-se de um resíduo, torna tais combinações mais econômicas. / The present work features an alternative for the utilization of the windshield after its use. The recycling of the laminated glass, through a series of grindings, make possible to obtain two kinds of materials: glasses of small particles (200 and 325 mesh), that cannot be recovered in the glass industry, and a poly(vinyl butiral) - PVB - sheet impregnated with a small amount of filler, that has as final disposal the sanitary landfill. In this study these two materials were introduced in the formulation of ultraviolet curing varnishes used to the protection of wood flooring. The film of PVB was used in the formulation of a primer, due to its high flexibility and good adherence to the wood, and the glass of low granulometry was used as a filler in the so-called high traffic varnish, to increase the abrasion resistance (main property of these varnishes). The results obtained showed that the primer prepared with the PVB sheet in alcoholic solution, mixed with a trifunctional acrylic monomer, like TMPTA, when applied on wood flooring, obtained good results of adherence, scrape adhesion, flexibility and stability and could substitute the primers used nowadays that are UV curing products, however water based ones, and that has a high cost because of the imported resins that are used in their formulations. It was observed that larger the amount of solution of PVB, better the flexibility of the film and, consequently, better its scrape adhesion. The glasses of low granulometry also presented very satisfactory results when used as fillers in the high traffic varnishes, mainly when in combination with aluminium oxide (filler used in these systems), increasing more the abrasion resistance of the varnishes and also their stability (the sedimentation and geleification have showed better results). To all filler combinations studied in this work the results were good and the best one can be the ones that presented the largest amount of glass, since as a residue, make these combinations more economical.

Untersuchung der Lokalisierung elektronischer Zustaende in quasiperiodischen Gittern

Rieth, Thomas Herbert 02 February 1996 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird vor allem der Einflu¨s eines quasiperiodischen Gitters und dessen Topologie auf die Lokalisierungseigenschaften der Eigenzust¨ande und die elektronische Zustandsdichte untersucht. Ausgehend vom Penrosegitter und dessen dreidimensionalen Analogons werden auch die quasiperiodischen Gitter aus anderen lokal isomorphen Klassen untersucht. Durch den Einbau von Phasonendefekten werden weiterhin Random-Tiling-Gitter konstruiert. Ferner wird untersucht, inwieweit ein quasiperiodisches Gitter den Metall-Isolator-¨Ubergang beeinflu¨st. Zwei- und dreidimensionale Quasigitter werden mit der Gridmethode nach de Bruijn konstruiert und ¨Random Tiling¨-Gitter durch den Einbau von Phasonendefekten erzeugt. Im Vertexmodell wird jeder Ecke eines Rhombus ein s-Atomorbital zugewiesen mit ausschlie¨slich N¨achster-Nachbar-Wechselwirkung entlang der Kanten. Aus den berechneten Eigenzust¨anden werden Zustandsdichten berechnet und deren Partizipationzahlen und R¨uckkehrwahrscheinlichkeiten bestimmt, um das Lokalisierungsverhalten zu untersuchen. Im Penrosegitter zeigen die Zustandsdichten eine hohe Entartung in der Bandmitte. Die entsprechenden Zust¨ande sind stark lokalisiert (¨confined states¨) und durch eine Energiel¨ucke von den anderen Energieniveaus getrennt. Die Zust¨ande an der Bandkante sind dagegen ausgedehnt. Durch die Phasonen werden die Zustandsdichte und das Lokalisierungsverhalten ver¨andert. Im Falle dreidimensionaler Quasigitter ist die Energiel¨ucke verschwunden, und man findet eine wesentlich kleinere Anzahl entarteter Zust¨ande in der Bandmitte. Die anderen Zust¨ande in der Bandmitte sind nicht lokalisiert.

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