Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ttu"" "subject:"utu""
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Pesquisa e caracterização de amostras de ExPEC (\"Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli \") isoladas de infecções do trato urinário (ITU) de cães e gatos. / Characterization of ExPEC (\"Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli\") isolated from dogs and cats with uinary tract infections (UTI).Osugui, Lika 10 December 2008 (has links)
As ITU são as mais freqüentes infecções ocasionadas por ExPEC. Entre os fatores de virulência (FV) encontram-se nestas cepas adesinas, invasinas, toxinas, sideróforos, e evasinas, localizados em plasmídios ou ilhas de patogenecidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar 45 cepas de E. coli isoladas de 33 cães e 7 gatos com ITU, quanto aos sorotipos, FV e grupos filogenéticos. Dos sorogrupos relacionados às ITU foram encontrados O6 (20%), O2 (16%), O25 (4%), O4 e O11 (4% cada um). Entre os genes pesquisados, foram encontrados fimH (100%), pap (47%), sfa (33%) e iha (4%); ibeA (29%); cnf1 (31%), hlyA (27%); fyuA (80%), iucD (22%); traT (51%); cvaC (20%) e malX (67%). Os isolados felinos foram agrupados em B2 (89%) e D (11%), enquanto os caninos em A (5,5%), B1 (19,5%), B2 (55,5%) e D (19,5%). Estes resultados sugerem que as ExPEC isoladas de cães e gatos apresentam potencial patogênico para ocasionar doenças mais graves que as ITU, assim como ocorre em humanos. Além disso, a similitude com as amostras humanas reforça a hipótese acerca de seu potencial zoonótico. / The ability of ExPEC to cause extraintestinal infections in humans, dogs, and cats is associated with the expression of a variety of virulence factors (VF). The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of VF related to ExPEC, serotypes, and phylogenetic groups in 45 strains isolated from 33 dogs and 7 cats with UTI. These strains presented serogroups related with extraintestinal infections, e.g. O6 (20%), O2 (16%), O25 (4%), O4 e O11 (each one) and the following genes: fimH (100%), pap (47%), sfa (33%) e iha (4%); ibeA (29%); cnf1 (31%), hlyA (27%); fyuA (80%), iucD (22%); traT (51%); cvaC (20%) e malX (67%), cvaC (20%), and malX (67%). All feline strains were concentrated in B2 (89%) and D (11%) phylogenetic groups, whereas the canine ones were distributed in the four groups, A (5,5%), B1 (19,5%), B2 (55,5%) and D (19,5%). These findings suggesting that ExPEC isolated from dog and cat contain virulence markers to cause diseases, more severe than UTI, likewise in humans. Besides, these the close similarity between human and animal ExPEC supports the hypotesis of zoonotic potencial of them.
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Bridging the Broadband Divide through Universal Service Funds : Key Principles for Broadband Connectivity Projects in Underserved AreasJoshi, Raoul, Hammarström, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
The rapid emergence of broadband, or always-on Internet, during the course of the last decade, has increased the importance of the so- called information society in urban and industrialized societies world- wide. Liberalized information and communications technology (ICT) market forces worldwide have however failed to supply these services to rural and low-income regions resulting in the so-called digital divide. One financial tool, adopted by many developing nations to drive broadband investments in underserved areas, is the universal service fund (USF), a public fund mainly levying its resources from ICT market players. USFs have previously been used to fund telecom networks but with the growing importance of broadband, structural and regulatory discrepancies are preventing USFs from adequately supporting broadband investments. Currently, little up-to-date academic theory exists within this field; thus, this thesis serves to outline principles that policy-makers and regulators need to consider when designing or reforming universal service fund mechanisms. The research is based on a series of qualitative country case studies investigating policy, procedural, and executional aspects related to USFs and rural broadband. Publicly available material has been complemented with interviews of stakeholders from various levels to establish a holistic empirical base upon which conclusions have been drawn. The conclusions outline principles governing public involvement in USFs, roles played by various stakeholders in the broadband ecosystem, and strategies for rural broadband network deployment. / Framfarten av bredband under det senaste årtiondet har ökat vikten av det så kallade informationssamhället i de industrialiserade och urbaniserade samhällen. Marknadskrafterna inom den liberaliserade informations- och kommunikationsindustrin har dock misslyckats med att göra dess tjänster tillgängliga till glesbefolkade och låginkomstregioner, vilket har lett till en digital klyfta. Ett finansiellt hjälpmedel som många utvecklingsländer har anammat för att påskynda bredbandsinvesteringar i regioner med få bredbandsuppkopplingar är fonder för samhällsomfattande tjänster (USF), som är en offentlig fond vilken får den största delen av sitt kapital genom en pålaga på intäkterna från aktörer inom informations- och kommunikationsindustrin. USF:er har tidigare använts för att finansiera telekomnätverk, men i takt med att bredbandets ökande genomslag i samhället har strukturella och regleringsmässiga problem med USF:erna uppdagats vilka hindrar dem från att effektivt stödja bredbandsinvesteringar. För närvarande finns lite akademisk teori på området, och sålunda syftar denna uppsatts till att tillhandahålla principer vilka beslutsfattare och regulatorer bör efterfölja vid utformning eller reformering av mekanismer för samhällsomfattande tjänster för bredband. Arbetet baseras på en serie kvalitativa fallstudier av länder med policy, procedurella och verkställande aspekter kopplade till USF:er i områden med få bredbandsuppkopplingar i fokus. Material tillgängligt för allmänheten har kompletterats med intervjuer av intressenter från olika organisations- och samhällsnivåer för att skapa en heltäckande empiri på området från vilka slutsatser har dragits. Slutsatserna innehåller principer som rör offentlig inblandning i USF:er, roller för samhällets olika intressenter i ett ekosystem för bredband, samt strategier för utbyggnad av bredbandsnätverk i glesbefolkade områden.
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Pesquisa e caracterização de amostras de ExPEC (\"Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli \") isoladas de infecções do trato urinário (ITU) de cães e gatos. / Characterization of ExPEC (\"Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli\") isolated from dogs and cats with uinary tract infections (UTI).Lika Osugui 10 December 2008 (has links)
As ITU são as mais freqüentes infecções ocasionadas por ExPEC. Entre os fatores de virulência (FV) encontram-se nestas cepas adesinas, invasinas, toxinas, sideróforos, e evasinas, localizados em plasmídios ou ilhas de patogenecidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar 45 cepas de E. coli isoladas de 33 cães e 7 gatos com ITU, quanto aos sorotipos, FV e grupos filogenéticos. Dos sorogrupos relacionados às ITU foram encontrados O6 (20%), O2 (16%), O25 (4%), O4 e O11 (4% cada um). Entre os genes pesquisados, foram encontrados fimH (100%), pap (47%), sfa (33%) e iha (4%); ibeA (29%); cnf1 (31%), hlyA (27%); fyuA (80%), iucD (22%); traT (51%); cvaC (20%) e malX (67%). Os isolados felinos foram agrupados em B2 (89%) e D (11%), enquanto os caninos em A (5,5%), B1 (19,5%), B2 (55,5%) e D (19,5%). Estes resultados sugerem que as ExPEC isoladas de cães e gatos apresentam potencial patogênico para ocasionar doenças mais graves que as ITU, assim como ocorre em humanos. Além disso, a similitude com as amostras humanas reforça a hipótese acerca de seu potencial zoonótico. / The ability of ExPEC to cause extraintestinal infections in humans, dogs, and cats is associated with the expression of a variety of virulence factors (VF). The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of VF related to ExPEC, serotypes, and phylogenetic groups in 45 strains isolated from 33 dogs and 7 cats with UTI. These strains presented serogroups related with extraintestinal infections, e.g. O6 (20%), O2 (16%), O25 (4%), O4 e O11 (each one) and the following genes: fimH (100%), pap (47%), sfa (33%) e iha (4%); ibeA (29%); cnf1 (31%), hlyA (27%); fyuA (80%), iucD (22%); traT (51%); cvaC (20%) e malX (67%), cvaC (20%), and malX (67%). All feline strains were concentrated in B2 (89%) and D (11%) phylogenetic groups, whereas the canine ones were distributed in the four groups, A (5,5%), B1 (19,5%), B2 (55,5%) and D (19,5%). These findings suggesting that ExPEC isolated from dog and cat contain virulence markers to cause diseases, more severe than UTI, likewise in humans. Besides, these the close similarity between human and animal ExPEC supports the hypotesis of zoonotic potencial of them.
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4G LTE : eMBMS with MBSFN Service Simulation using OPNETWalid, Abdelrahman January 2014 (has links)
Long Term Evolution (LTE) known in the market as 4G LTE, it is an evolution of the GSM/UMTS standard. The overall aim of LTE was to provide a new radio access technology focusing on packet-switched data only. LTE has provided a new peak download rates, low data transfer latencies, and improved the support for mobility. 3Th Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) specialized that LTE released 10 and beyond known as LTE-advanced it is the second evolution of LTE. It has some services such as Coordinated Multipoint Transmission and Reception (CoMP), evolved Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (eMBMS) with Multicast-Broadcast Single-Frequency Network (MBSFN). The development still continuous on LTE-advanced, it is intended to meet the requirement of advanced application that will become common in the wireless marketplace in future. The goals of this project is to simulate one of LTE-A services on LTE standard such as CoMP or/and eMBMS with MBSFN using OPENT LTE, and measure some statistic such as spectral efficiency and also some other statistics, describe centralization vs. decentralization in LTE, and synchronization in the base station in LTE. OPNET LTE support eMBMS with MBSFN, and don’t support CoMP, the simulation has been done by using eMBMS with MBSFN. Finally the objectives of the project has achieved, the result show that when eMBMS with MBSFN is implemented the throughput increased in the downlink to about 5.52 Mbps and in the uplink to about 5.18 Mbps, and also the system spectral efficiency increased in eNB1 from about 10.25 (bits/s/Hz/cell) to about 13.75 (bits/s/Hz/cell) and in eNB2 from about 10.25 (bits/s/Hz/cell) to about 17.25 (bits/s/Hz/cell). The project also answers if it is possible to have centralization in LTE, describe synchronization in the base station in LTE, and if OPNET is useful for big research.
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Ordre juridique spatial et marchandisation des fréquences / Spatial legal order and commercialization of frequenciesCambazard, Victor 22 March 2017 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet la démonstration de l’évolution et de l’adaptation du système international de répartition et de distribution des ressources de l’espace extra-atmosphérique à la nature même de ces ressources dans un premier temps et à l’évolution des utilisations qui en ont été faites dans un second. Ces modifications factuelles se traduisent par des adaptations institutionnelles, juridiques. Elles s’expliquent certes par les évolutions des moyens de communication, par le besoin grandissant des acteurs en charge de missions de service public d’abord, puis des sociétés de droit privées ensuite, de fournir de nouveaux services au plus grand nombre. Au sein des ressources de l’espace extra-atmosphérique, figure en premier lieu le spectre hertzien, à savoir les bandes hertziennes sur lesquelles il sera possible de transmettre un signal et de mettre en place un service particulier. Ce « spectre », à l’instar du spectre lumineux, est fini et présente diverses caractéristiques, fonction de la partie de ce dernier dont il s’agit. Les services d’astronomie, de géolocalisation, de radio transmission ou encore de météorologie verront leur efficacité accrue sur certaines fréquences hertziennes, et ne pourront fonctionner proprement sur d’autres. La disponibilité de ces fréquences est donc limitée, et celles-ci entrent en conséquence dans la définition des ressources rares. Entrent également dans la catégorie des ressources qualifiées de rares, les orbites terrestres sur lesquelles il est possible de placer des satellites de communication à rendement optimum. Celles-ci sont naturellement limitées par une restriction physique matérielle, à savoir la place qu’il leur sera attribué, à la différence des ressources hertziennes, quantifiées via un spectre immatériel. Leur caractéristique de ressource naturelle rare / limitée a contraint les acteurs internationaux, premiers utilisateurs, à définir des principes pour le partage, la répartition et l’utilisation desdites ressources. Cependant, et si les principes développés initialement sont toujours d’actualité, le mode de répartition préconisé à l’origine, à savoir « premier arrivé, premier servi » a été le vecteur de nombreuses distorsions, voire non-respect flagrant, des principes précités. En effet, la privatisation des activités spatiales, notamment des activités de télécommunications, ainsi que des organisations internationales initialement chargées de la bonne coordination de l’utilisation de ces ressources, telle qu’étudiée ici, fût suscitée par le potentiel lucratif desdites activités, accompagnée par leur libéralisation parfois normative, et par des besoins croissants pour des types de technologies sans cesse renouvelés. Elle a toutefois dû s’effectuer en coordination avec les instances internationales chargées de la répartition et de la régulation des ressources hertziennes au niveau mondial, et plus précisément de l’Union internationale des télécommunications. C’est cette organisation qui constitue le centre de gravité de notre étude. Elle est un objet à part, représentatif de ce que doit être une organisation internationale moderne, évolutive, étant paradoxalement l’organisation internationale rattachée aux Nations-Unies la plus ancienne, puisque fondée en 1865 en tant qu’Union internationale de la télégraphie. L’adaptation en tant que clé de l’évolution, comme nous l’avions mentionné, aux usages des nouvelles technologies mais également à la restriction de ressources naturelles constantes en nombre, et pourtant de plus en plus sollicitées. Ceci constituera le troisième point de notre développement : l’étude des mécanismes internationaux créés pour pallier aux conséquences néfastes de la surréservation de ces ressources à fort potentiel lucratif, pourtant considérées comme patrimoine commun de l’Humanité, et à ce titre ne devant théoriquement pas faire l’objet de marchandisation. / The thesis aims at demonstrating the evolution and adaptation of the international system for distribution of the resources of outer space to the very nature of these resources, at first, and to the evolution of uses that have been made, in a second time. These factual changes translate into institutional and legal adaptations. They are certainly explained by the evolutions of the means of communication, by the growing need of actors in charge of public service missions first, then of private companies, to provide new services to the greatest number.Among the resources of outer space is the radio spectrum, namely the radio bands on which it will be possible to transmit a signal and set up a particular service. This "spectrum", like the luminous spectrum, is finite and has various characteristics, depending on the part of the latter. The services of astronomy, geolocation, radio transmission or even meteorology will see their efficiency increased on certain radio frequencies, and will not be able to work properly on others. The availability of these frequencies is therefore limited and they undoubtedly fall within the definition of scarce resources. Also included in the category of qualified scarce resources are the earth orbits on which it is possible to place communication satellites with optimum efficiency. These are naturally limited by a physical restriction, namely the place that they will be allocated, unlike radio resources, quantified via an intangible spectrum. Their characteristic as a rare / limited natural resource constraint has forced the international actors, first users, to define principles for the sharing, distribution and use of these resources. However, and while the principles developed initially are still current, the method of distribution advocated at the outset, namely "first arrived, first served", has been the vector of numerous distortions, or even flagrant non-respect, of the aforementioned principles.Indeed, the privatization of space activities, in particular telecommunications activities, as well as the international organizations initially responsible for the proper coordination of the use of these resources, as studied in our thesis, was prompted by the lucrative potential of these activities, accompanied sometimes by their normative liberalization, and by growing needs for constantly renewed types of technology. It must, however, have been carried out in coordination with international bodies responsible for the allocation and regulation of radio resources at the global level, specifically the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This organization is the center of gravity of our study. It is a separate object, representative of what should be a modern, evolving international organization, being paradoxically the oldest international organization attached to the United Nations, since it was founded in 1865 as the International Telegraphic Union. The thesis finally develops adaptation as a key to evolution, as we have mentioned, to the use of new technologies but also to the restriction of natural resources, which are constant in number and yet increasingly solicited. This constitutes our third point: the study of international mechanisms developed to mitigate the adverse consequences of overbooking of these resources with a high lucrative potential, yet considered as common heritage of the Humanity, and in this capacity that should theoretically not be subject to any commodification.
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Extrakce a modifikace vlastností číslicových zvukových signálů v dynamické rovině / Digital Audio Signal Feature Extraction and Modification in Dynamic PlaneKramoliš, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with basic methods of root mean square and peak value measurement of a digital acoustic signal, algotithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level according to recommendation ITU-R BS.1770-1 and digital systems for control of signal dynamic range. It shows achieved results of root mean square and peak value measurement and results of implementation of dynamic processor with general piecewise linear non-decreasing static curve and algorithms according to recommendation ITU-R BS.1770-1.
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All-fiber pulsed coherent Doppler lidar system with multiple wavelength-channelsTöws, Albert 06 October 2021 (has links)
This work relates to the remote sensing technologies to determine wind velocity and its related phenomena. Laser-based pulsed systems with heterodyne detection allow a very sensitive measurement of particles’ velocity in the atmosphere. The heterodyne detection theory and the essential principles and properties of this technology are presented.
An all-fiber coherent Doppler lidar system in master-oscillator power-amplifier design with a novel multi-wavelength channel configuration was developed and introduced, characterized, and validated in this work. The fiber amplifier is a crucial component of multi-channel all-fiber systems and is therefore discussed with special emphasis on non-linear effects and pulse distortions. A novel feedback controlled pulse-shaping unit was developed to control pulse energy and the shape of the amplified pulses of each channel.
Each and every wavelength-channel creates an independent speckle pattern, which is demonstrated by hard targets with diffuse character and atmospheric single-shot measurements, and compared with theoretical results. Utilizing four channels, the precision of the measured wind velocity can be improved and this feature is demonstrated with measured atmospheric return signals. A correlation technique is presented, which enables the enhancement of the SNR at higher backscattered powers by utilizing multiple channels.
The multi-wavelength system was designed to work with four wavelength-channels, which also allow measurements along the same line-of-sight with different channel configurations. These channels can be different in pulse shape, pulse length, and pulse repetition frequency. In this work, the resulting benefits of using multiple channels are shown with atmospheric measurements and scientific discussion of these is presented.:1. Introduction to the subject
2. Introduction to pulsed coherent Doppler lidar
3. Methodology: Multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar system
4. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier in a multi-channel lidar
5. Correlation properties of a multi-channel lidar system
6. Benefits of a multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar
7. Conclusions
A. Wind measurement examples
B. Range gate weighting function for different pulse shapes / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fernerkundungstechnologie zur Erfassung der Windgeschwindigkeit und den damit verbundenen Phänomenen. Die heterodyne Detektion der laserbasierten gepulsten Systeme ermöglicht eine sehr sensitive Messung von Partikelgeschwindigkeiten in der Atmosphäre. Sowohl die Theorie der heterodynen Detektion als auch die wesentlichen Eigenschaften und Grundsätze werden in dieser Arbeit diskutiert.
Ein neuartiges faserbasiertes kohärentes Doppler Mehrkanal-Lidarsystem wurde entwickelt, vorgestellt, charakterisiert und validiert. Dabei ist der faserbasierte Verstärker eine wesentliche Komponente in diesem System und wird somit in Bezug auf Nichtlinearitäten und Impulsverzerrungen besonders analysiert. Eine neuartige geregelte Impulsformung wurde entwickelt, um die Impulsenergie und die Impulsform unabhängig für jeden Kanal zu stabilisieren.
Jeder einzelne Kanal erzeugt ein unabhängiges Specklebild, welches durch Messungen am festen Ziel und durch atmosphärische Messungen präsentiert und mit theoretischen Berechnungen verglichen wird. Somit wird unter der Verwendung aller vier Kanäle des Systems die Geschwindigkeitsgenauigkeit erhöht, welches durch atmosphärische Messungen dargelegt wird. Zudem wird eine Korrelationstechnik vorgestellt, die das SNR bei höherer Rückstreuintensität weiter erhöht.
Das Mehr-Wellenlängensystem wurde für vier Kanäle ausgelegt, welches eine Beobachtung der Atmosphäre entlang der Sichtlinie unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen ermöglicht. Diese Kanäle können sich sowohl in der Impulsform, in der Impulslänge als auch in der Pulsfolgefrequenz unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit zeigt die wesentlichen Vorteile eines solchen Mehrkanal-Lidarsystems mit atmosphärischen Messungen und wissenschaftlichen Ausarbeitungen.:1. Introduction to the subject
2. Introduction to pulsed coherent Doppler lidar
3. Methodology: Multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar system
4. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier in a multi-channel lidar
5. Correlation properties of a multi-channel lidar system
6. Benefits of a multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar
7. Conclusions
A. Wind measurement examples
B. Range gate weighting function for different pulse shapes
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Radio wave imaging using Ultra-Wide Band Spectrum Antennas for Near-Field Applications. Design, Development, and Measurements of Ultra-Wideband Antenna for Microwave Near-Field Imaging Applications by applying Optimisation AlgorithmsDanjuma, Isah M. January 2020 (has links)
The emergence of Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology application has yielded tremendous and vital impacts in the field of microwave wireless communications. These applications include military radar imaging, security screening, and tumour detection, especially for early detection of breast cancer. These indicators have stimulated and inspired many researchers to make the best use of this promising technology.
UWB technology challenges such as antenna design, the problem of imaging reconstruction techniques, challenges of severe signal attenuation and dispersion in high loss material. Others are lengthy computational time demand and large computer memory requirements are prevalent constraints that need to be tackled especially in a large scale and complex computational electromagnetic analysis. In this regard, it is necessary to find out recently developed optimisation techniques that can provide solutions to these problems.
In this thesis, designing, optimisation, development, measurement, and analysis of UWB antennas for near-field microwave imaging applications are considered. This technology emulates the same concept of surface penetrating radar operating in various forms of the UWB spectrum. The initial design of UWB monopole antennas, including T-slots, rectangular slots, and hexagonal slots on a circular radiating patch, was explicitly implemented for medical imaging applications to cover the UWB frequency ranging from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz.
Based on this concept, a new bow-tie and Vivaldi UWB antennas were designed for a through-the-wall imaging application. The new antennas were designed to cover a spectrum on a lower frequency ranging from 1 GHz - 4 GHz to ease the high wall losses that will be encountered when using a higher frequency range and to guarantee deeper penetration of the electromagnetic wave. Finally, both simulated and calculated results of the designed, optimised antennas indicate excellent agreement with improved performance in terms of return loss, gain, radiation pattern, and fidelity over the entire UWB frequency. These breakthroughs provided reduced computational time and computer memory requirement for useful, efficient, reliable, and compact sensors for imaging applications, including security and breast cancer detection, thereby saving more lives. / Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TET Fund)
Supported by the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA)
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中華民國在聯合國專門機構席位喪失之研究(1971-1972) / The study on the Republic of China's loss of seats in the Specialized Agencies of the United States (1971-1972)石君灝, Shih, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
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