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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Cost-Effective, Reliable and Versatile Monitoring System for Solar Power Installations in Developing Countries : A Minor Field Study as a Master Thesis of the Master Programme in Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering

Trella, Fredrik, Paakkonen, Nils January 2016 (has links)
This report is the result of a conducted Minor Field Study (MFS), to the greatestextent funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency(SIDA), in an attempt to design a system for evaluating smaller solar power systems indeveloping countries. The study was to the greater part conducted in Nairobi, Kenyain close collaboration with the University of Nairobi. The aim was to develop asystem that would use easily available components and keep the costs to a minimum,yet deliver adequate performance. The system would measure certain parameters of asolar power system and also relevant environmental data in order to evaluate theperformance of the system. Due to the specific competence of the collaboratinggroup at the University of Nairobi, a Kinetis Freescale K64-microcontroller with anARM-Cortex processor was selected as the core of the design. Components wereselected, schematics were drawn, a circuit board was designed and manufactured andsoftware was written. After 12 weeks a somewhat satisfying proof-of-concept wasreached at the end of the field study in Kenya. The project however proved howdifficult it is to go from first idea to a functional proof-of-concept during a limitedtimeframe, and also in an East-African country. The final proof-of-concept was testedat Mpala Research Centre in Kenya and despite containing some flaws proved that itwould indeed be possible to design a working system on the principles discussed inthis report. The system is open-source, so anyone may use and modify it.

An in-depth exploration of the personality structure of adult female psychiatric patients with a history of childhood trauma by utilising personality assessment

Luther, Roxanne 02 1900 (has links)
The experience of complex childhood trauma produces a ripple-effect that psychologically impacts trauma survivors’ functioning in multiple areas. The aim of the current study was to investigate and describe the interplay between complex trauma, subsequent personality development and later psychopathology by means of the multiple case study method of six female psychiatric patients attending treatment at a tertiary psychiatric hospital within Gauteng, South Africa. This was accomplished by assessing and qualitatively analysing the results of a carefully selected battery of personality and other psychometric assessments presented to study participants. The results indicated that the experience of complex childhood trauma impacted the study participants’ personality in predictable ways, which further influenced the psychopathology they displayed as psychiatric patients. These findings aid in describing the psychological impact of complex trauma on the research participants, and also offers support for reconnecting past traumas to the current psychopathologies of psychiatric patients. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

”I det ordlösa språket – ” : Medveten och omedveten tystnad i Nelly Sachs lyrik mellan ”framtorterade bokstäver” och andra tecken

Lönndahl, Hedvig January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens problemställning rör frågan om det är möjligt att utröna hur tystnaden framställs i Nelly Sachs sena lyrik och vad den säger, och huruvida det är möjligt att relatera denna tystnad till en medveten kontra omedveten uttrycksform. Min avsikt är alltså att undersöka de strukturer eller mönster – medvetna som omedvetna – som står att finna i Sachs lyrik som kan kopplas samman med denna tystnad, inte för att fastställa en dikts betydelse utan för att undersöka hur tystnadens närvaro tar sig uttryck och låter sig urskiljas i hennes dikter. Jag gör detta dels genom att i uppsatsens del ett redogöra för hur tystnaden som tema och problem uppfattas i den tidigare forskningen. I del två försöker jag fördjupa dessa rön genom en vidare koppling till Sachs modernistiska formspråk, och med hjälp av bland annat psykoanalytisk teori görs ett antal närläsningar av hennes senare dikter. Den teoretiska ramen för diskussionen hämtar jag alltså främst från psykoanalysen som på olika vis uppmärksammar lakuner, trauman och omedvetna dimensioner i språket, vilket jag menar kan öka förståelsen för tystnadens problematik hos Sachs. Undersökningen genomförs närmare bestämt i linje med Julia Kristevas teoribildning. Kristeva är psykoanalytiker och även professor i lingvistik och har formulerat teorier om det poetiska språket som visat sig fruktbara i min läsning av det ”ordlösa språket” hos Sachs. Kathrin M. Bower refererar träffande till Kristevas arbete som ”Kristeva’s distinctive brand of psychoanalytic semiotics”.

Monotheistic discourse and deification of Jesus in early Christianity as exemplified in 2 Corinthians 3:16-4:6

Bernard, David Kane 12 1900 (has links)
One of the central issues of early Christianity was the identity of Jesus Christ. Paul and other early Christians discussed this question within the framework of traditional Jewish monotheism and used the language of deity to describe Christ. This thesis explores how and why they integrated the two concepts of monotheism and the deity of Jesus. As a window into this process, it particularly examines Paul’s discourse in 2 Cor 3:16–4:6, employing grammatical-historical exegesis with insights from rhetorical criticism and Oneness Pentecostal Christology. We consider three fundamental questions: (1) What does the exalted language concerning Christ in this text represent? (2) How did Paul reconcile the deification of Jesus with his monotheistic heritage? (3) Why did Paul deify Jesus? What interests were served, and what were the practical consequences? The conclusion is that early Christians, prior to and including Paul, worshiped Jesus within a Jewish monotheistic context and not as a result of Hellenization. They viewed Jesus as the revelation of the one God, not as a second deity or a different personage. Although they reinterpreted their core beliefs in light of Jesus, they did not see their worship of Jesus as violating their core beliefs. The evidence from Paul’s Corinthian correspondence does not require an explicit binitarian or trinitarian model, but it reveals that many early Christians viewed God as both transcendent and immanent and worshiped Jesus as the God of Israel manifested in human identity. We identify four significant socio-rhetorical factors in the monotheistic deification of Jesus: (1) In a context of rapid social change it enabled Christians to combine Hebrew monotheism with Greek longing for universals, thereby claiming both traditional heritage and Christocentric distinctiveness. (2) It gave them a unique social identity and cohesiveness. (3) It affirmed their soteriological experiences, beliefs, and outreach. (4) It positioned the movement to attract all people, moving the new faith beyond Jewish ethnicity and traditional boundary markers so that it became a universal monotheism with a missiological focus. The socio-rhetorically constructed identity of Jesus Christ defined the identity of the early Christians. The result was a distinctively Christian faith. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)

Intelligent Energy-Savings and Process Improvement Strategies in Energy-Intensive Industries / Intelligent Energy-Savings and Process Improvement Strategies in Energy-Intensive Industries

Teng, Sin Yong January 2020 (has links)
S tím, jak se neustále vyvíjejí nové technologie pro energeticky náročná průmyslová odvětví, stávající zařízení postupně zaostávají v efektivitě a produktivitě. Tvrdá konkurence na trhu a legislativa v oblasti životního prostředí nutí tato tradiční zařízení k ukončení provozu a k odstavení. Zlepšování procesu a projekty modernizace jsou zásadní v udržování provozních výkonů těchto zařízení. Současné přístupy pro zlepšování procesů jsou hlavně: integrace procesů, optimalizace procesů a intenzifikace procesů. Obecně se v těchto oblastech využívá matematické optimalizace, zkušeností řešitele a provozní heuristiky. Tyto přístupy slouží jako základ pro zlepšování procesů. Avšak, jejich výkon lze dále zlepšit pomocí moderní výpočtové inteligence. Účelem této práce je tudíž aplikace pokročilých technik umělé inteligence a strojového učení za účelem zlepšování procesů v energeticky náročných průmyslových procesech. V této práci je využit přístup, který řeší tento problém simulací průmyslových systémů a přispívá následujícím: (i)Aplikace techniky strojového učení, která zahrnuje jednorázové učení a neuro-evoluci pro modelování a optimalizaci jednotlivých jednotek na základě dat. (ii) Aplikace redukce dimenze (např. Analýza hlavních komponent, autoendkodér) pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci procesu s více jednotkami. (iii) Návrh nového nástroje pro analýzu problematických částí systému za účelem jejich odstranění (bottleneck tree analysis – BOTA). Bylo také navrženo rozšíření nástroje, které umožňuje řešit vícerozměrné problémy pomocí přístupu založeného na datech. (iv) Prokázání účinnosti simulací Monte-Carlo, neuronové sítě a rozhodovacích stromů pro rozhodování při integraci nové technologie procesu do stávajících procesů. (v) Porovnání techniky HTM (Hierarchical Temporal Memory) a duální optimalizace s několika prediktivními nástroji pro podporu managementu provozu v reálném čase. (vi) Implementace umělé neuronové sítě v rámci rozhraní pro konvenční procesní graf (P-graf). (vii) Zdůraznění budoucnosti umělé inteligence a procesního inženýrství v biosystémech prostřednictvím komerčně založeného paradigmatu multi-omics.

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