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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social ångeststörning (SAD) och beteendeinhibering som barn – en psykometrisk och jämförande studie

Håkansson, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Social ångeststörning (SAD) är ett ångestsyndrom som orsakar stor funktionsnedsättning och försämrad livskvalitet. I föreliggande studie presenteras förklaringsmodeller till SAD med fokus på temperamentsforskning och reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST). Syftet var att genom explorativ faktoranalys identifiera latenta variabler i frågeformuläret ”Hur man var som barn” (HMVSB), som administrerats i en klinisk population (n= 100) och i en kontrollgrupp (n= 246). Faktoranalysen extraherade två faktorer som döptes till beteendeinhibering (BI) respektive beteendeaktivering (BA). Ett andra syfte var att jämföra den kliniska populationen med kontrollgruppen avseende de extraherade faktorerna. Resultaten visade att HMVSB uppvisade god intern konsistens och tillfredsställande instrumentell reliabilitet. Vissa signifikanta korrelationer mellan HMVSB och jämförda skattningsformulär vid SAD erhölls. Gruppjämförelserna visade att den kliniska gruppen var signifikant mer beteendeinhiberad och mer beteendeaktiverad som barn. En subgrupp med generaliserad SAD var både signifikant mer beteendeaktiverad och beteendeinhiberad som barn. Subgruppen med specifik SAD skilde sig ej signifikant från kontrollgruppen. Studien manar till att beakta temperamentala faktorer vid SAD där kombinationen hög BI och hög BA skulle kunna korrelera med allvarligare klinisk bild.

Rhode. Caracterització del jaciment i de les produccions dels seus tallers ceràmics

Puig i Griessenberger, Anna M. 22 December 2006 (has links)
La tesi ha estat publicada pel Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Girona dins la Sèrie Monogràfica número 23 amb el títol La colònia grega de Rhode (Roses, Alt Empordà). 643 p. ISBN: 84-393-7334-1 / RESUMEn la primera part de la tesi es revisen els materials arqueològics i els documents de les excavacions antigues al jaciment grec de la Ciutadella de Roses (Alt Empordà). Es fan estudis comparatius i de conjunt amb els resultats proporcionats per les excavacions recents. A partir d'aquí s'obté una periodització del jaciment, des del moment de la fundació de la colònia massaliota de Rhode, al segon quart del segle IV aC, fins a la fi de la ciutat, al 195 aC. Es tracten aspectes de topografia, urbanisme i estudi dels edificis. La segona part analitza les produccions dels tallers ceràmics (vernissos negres, pastes clares, ceràmiques de cuina i altres produccions secundàries). Es fa una nova classificació, un estudi de les formes, de la cronologia i paral·lels. S'estudien les instal·lacions dels tallers, els forns, la seva capacitat, les argiles i les terreres. Es conclou amb una caracterització socioeconòmica i històrica de la ciutat, i dels aspectes històrics relacionats amb les fases de la seva fundació, desenvolupament i fi. / In the first part of this doctoral thesis archaeological materials and documents from old excavations in the Greek site of the Citadel in Roses are revised. Comparative and global investigation is carried out between information provided by old excavations and that coming from the more recent ones. The results help to put forward a site periodisation from the Rhode massaliot colony foundation, during the 4th century up to the ending of the village in 195 BC.Topographic and urban aspects as well as studies of the buildings are presented. The second half of the study analyzes the production of the pottery workshops (black varnishes, light pastes, kitchenware and other secondary productions). A new classification system is presented which is based on both morphological and chronological studies and their territorial similarities. Workshops installation, their ovens, their capacity, clays and claypits are examined.The paper is finished with a description of socioeconomic and historic aspects of the village and the historical traits concerning the foundation phases, their development and final stages.

Portrait d’étudiants du collégial dans les cours de mise à niveau pour mathématiques : évaluation des connaissances minimales et exploration des difficultés d’apprentissage

Grullon, Maria 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling of extremes

Hitz, Adrien January 2016 (has links)
This work focuses on statistical methods to understand how frequently rare events occur and what the magnitude of extreme values such as large losses is. It lies in a field called extreme value analysis whose scope is to provide support for scientific decision making when extreme observations are of particular importance such as in environmental applications, insurance and finance. In the univariate case, I propose new techniques to model tails of discrete distributions and illustrate them in an application on word frequency and multiple birth data. Suitably rescaled, the limiting tails of some discrete distributions are shown to converge to a discrete generalized Pareto distribution and generalized Zipf distribution respectively. In the multivariate high-dimensional case, I suggest modeling tail dependence between random variables by a graph such that its nodes correspond to the variables and shocks propagate through the edges. Relying on the ideas of graphical models, I prove that if the variables satisfy a new notion called asymptotic conditional independence, then the density of the joint distribution can be simplified and expressed in terms of lower dimensional functions. This generalizes the Hammersley- Clifford theorem and enables us to infer tail distributions from observations in reduced dimension. As an illustration, extreme river flows are modeled by a tree graphical model whose structure appears to recover almost exactly the actual river network. A fundamental concept when studying limiting tail distributions is regular variation. I propose a new notion in the multivariate case called one-component regular variation, of which Karamata's and the representation theorem, two important results in the univariate case, are generalizations. Eventually, I turn my attention to website visit data and fit a censored copula Gaussian graphical model allowing the visualization of users' behavior by a graph.

Towards integrating conservation in development: a discussion of the role of the community of Apo Island in influencing development with reference to tourism in their local environment

Olivier, Suzanne, M.A. (SS) 31 March 2007 (has links)
Many developing countries, rich with natural resources, have turned to tourism as a source of national growth and subsequently an increasing amount of local communities are being "developed". Despite its importance to developing countries, tourism has been covered scarcely in the literature on development studies. Local communities that find themselves in a situation having to deal with tourism related development, face many challenges. Contrary to previous work on development which considered poor local communities a threat to the natural environment, current views emphasise the role of the community in bringing about participation, conservation and consequently Sustainable Development. Therefore, if tourism can be seen as a possible path to Sustainable Development, the role of the local community in its development is of vital importance. This research investigates the role of the local community in integrating conservation in tourism related development by means of a case study on Apo Island. / DEVELOPMENT STUDIES / MA(SS)(DEV. STUD)

Adaptação transcultural e propriedades psicométricas do subteste Visual Reproduction (Reprodução Visual I e II) da Wechsler Memory Scale - Fourth Edition (WMS-IV), (Escalas de Memória de Wechsler) para uma população do Brasil / Transcultural Adaptation of the subtest Visual Reproduction I and II of the Wechsler Memory Scale - IV (WMS-IV) (Wechsler Memory Scale) to one culture from Brazil.

Carina Tellaroli Spedo 27 April 2012 (has links)
Instrumentos de avaliação da memória episódica não verbal são escassos. Além disto, consideramos a crescente necessidade de esforços para a adaptação transcultural de instrumentos de memória para nosso contexto. O subteste Visual Reproduction I e II (Reprodução Visual I e II) faz parte da Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) e se trata de uma escala mundialmente utilizada e adaptada a diversas culturas, sendo considerada padrão ouro dentre as medidas de avaliação da memória. No presente estudo, utilizamos o subteste Reprodução Visual, da WMS na sua quarta edição (WMS-IV). O Reprodução Visual (RV) é subdividido em três domínios de investigação da memória visual (evocação imediata, evocação tardia e reconhecimento) e uma tarefa opcional para avaliação da percepção visual, habilidades construtivas e atenção aos detalhes (cópia). Além disto, o escore de cada um dos três domínios avaliados podem ser contrastados, de modo que se obtenham informações sobre a retenção, o quanto a memória é melhor ou pior do que as habilidades construtivas e, por último, o quão o sujeito evoca livremente ou precisa de pistas para evocar a informação aprendida. Esta versão da WMS-IV é uma revisão da WMS-III, cujos estudos resultaram em algumas alterações metodológicas e de conteúdo, no sentido de facilitar a análise dos resultados, diminuir os vieses de aplicação e correção. Desta forma, para atingir os propósitos desta pesquisa foram realizados dois estudos: o Estudo 1 teve como objetivo realizar a adaptação transcultural do subteste Visual Reproduction I and II - Wechsler Memory Scale IV (WMS-IV) e apresentar uma versão para uso preliminar no Brasil. O estudo 2 consistiu na avaliação das suas propriedades psicométricas. Participaram do estudo 1 três tradutores com fluência no inglês, que realizaram traduções independentes, dois tradutores profissionais e dois juízes especialistas (um neurologista e uma neuropsicóloga). Os juízes especialistas e um tradutor profissional investigaram a equivalência conceitual, semântica e operacional dos itens. Uma amostra de 24 sujeitos saudáveis responderam ao pré-teste, que consistiu na investigação da compreensão e dificuldade da versão adaptada do Reprodução Visual I e II. No estudo dois, participaram 62 adultos saudáveis e 29 adultos com Acidente vascular cerebral em hemisfério direito, no território da Artéria cerebral média (AVC-ACMHD). Os sujeitos tinham idade entre 20 e 59 anos e as respostas foram consideradas para análises de confiabilidade e validade baseadas em análises estatísticas da teoria clássica (ANOVA, ANCOVA, coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, e correlação de Pearson) e da teoria moderna de testagem (Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI) através do modelo de um parâmetro ou método de Rasch). O processo de análise das propriedades psicométricas utilizou a metodologia recomendada pelo American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association [APA] e o National council on measure in education [NCME], 2008 indicada pela editora responsável pelos direitos autorais do WMS-IV. Na confiabilidade, foi investigada a consistência interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach) e a estabilidade temporal (correlação de Pearson). Na investigação da validade, foram investigados: os processos de resposta, a estrutura interna (correlação de Pearson, Teoria de resposta ao Item pelo método de Rash), a relação com outros instrumentos (Mini Exame do Estado Mental - MEEM e Figuras Complexas de Rey) e a relação com variáveis externas (AVC-ACMHD comparados a controles saudáveis). O índice de consistência interna do subteste foi de 0,92 e a estabilidade teste-reteste mostrou correlação significativa, exceto com a tarefa de evocação tardia. Esses resultados são similares aos do estudo original, sendo, portanto caracterizada a sua equivalência. Os resultados do estudo de validade mostraram que há equivalência em termos de conteúdo.A investigação da estrutura interna pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson evidenciou que todas as figuras obtiveram correlação significativa (p<0,001). Ainda mais: correlacionaram-se congruentemente durante toda a tarefa. Na investigação da estrutura interna pelo método de Rasch foi evidenciado que o teste é unidimensional, que a progressão de theta ao longo das categorias de resposta foram como o esperado pelo modelo. A TRI mostrou que a figura mais fácil é a figura 1 da tarefa de evocação imediata e a mais difícil é a figura 5 de evocação tardia. Os índices de correlação theta foram superiores a 0,5, mostrando correlação. No mapa de pessoas-itens as variáveis tenderam a avaliar o constructo em níveis inferiores ao de habilidade dos sujeitos, sugerindo a necessidade de itens avaliando níveis mais altos do constructo. Na análise de validade considerando outras medidas a tarefa de evocação imediata o escore total e evocação tardia apresentaram correlação com o total da tarefa de memória das figuras complexas de Rey. As tarefas de cópia correlacionaram-se com o total de cópia do teste das figuras complexas de Rey. A tarefa de evocação imediata o escore total e evocação tardia apresentaram correlação com o total do MEEM. A análise de covariância mostrou que a escolaridade exerce influência nos escores do RV. Assim, depois de controlada a escolaridade foi evidenciado que os controles tiveram melhor desempenho em todas as tarefas do RV, quando comparados aos pacientes com AVC-ACMHD. Na análise qualitativa, através do escalonamento e contraste dos escores, foi observado que o baixo desempenho dos pacientes com AVC se deve ao fato de que esses pacientes percebem muito mal o item, com pior controle motor, habilidade visuo-construtiva e capacidade de prestar atenção a detalhes. O resultado é uma menor aquisição da informações e as conseqüências são dificuldades na memória episódica não verbal . Os nossos resultados foram demonstrativos de que o RV da WMS- IV, além de culturalmente equivalente em termos de confiabilidade e validade, é adequado para a cultura dos sujeitos e pacientes avaliados em Ribeirão Preto, preciso e válido para o uso no Brasil. Saliente-se a necessidade de estudos normativos com esse subteste. / Tools for evaluation of non-verbal episodic memory are scarce. Furthermore, we consider the increasing need for efforts to cross-cultural adaptation of instruments of memory for our context. The subtest Visual Reproduction I and II is part of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), and it is used worldwide scale and adapted to different cultures, and is considered the gold standard among assessment measures of memory. In the present study, we use the Visual Reproduction subtest of WMS in its fourth edition (WMS-IV). The Visual Reproduction (VR) is subdivided into three fields of research in visual memory (immediate recall, delayed recall and recognition) and an optional task to assess visual perception, constructive abilities and attention to detail (copy). Moreover, the score of each of the three domains can be contrasted evaluated in order to obtain information on retention, and the memory is better or worse than the constructive abilities, and finally, how the subject refers freely or need tracks to evoke the information learned. This version of the WMS-IV is a review of the WMS-III, whose studies have resulted in some changes in methodology and content, to facilitate the analysis of results, lower camest application and correction. Thus, to obtain the purposes of this research were carried out two studies: Study 1 was aimed at making cross-cultural adaptation of the subtest \"Visual Reproduction I and II - Wechsler Memory Scale - IV (WMS-IV)\" and present a version for use preliminary in Brazil and the second study consisted of an evaluation of its psychometric properties. The study included a three translators fluent in English, which made independent translations, translators two professional judges and two experts (a neurologist and a neuropsychologist) who performed the conceptual and item equivalence, semantic, and operational. 24 healthy subjects responded to the pretest, which consisted in the investigation of understanding and difficulty of the adapted version of the Visual Reproduction I and II. In the second study, participated in 62 healthy adults and 29 adults with stroke in the right hemisphere in the territory of the middle cerebral artery. All subjects were aged between 20 and 59 years and the responses were considered for analysis of reliability and validity based on statistical analysis of the classical theory (ANOVA, ANCOVA, Cronbach\'s alpha, and Pearsons correlation) and the modern theory testing (Item Theory Response IRT, the model of one parameter or Rasch method). The process of analyzing the psychometric properties following the methodology recommended by the American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association [APA] and the National council on education measure in [NCME], 2008 - indicated by the publisher responsible for the copyright of the WMS-IV. In the reliability analysis, we investigated the internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha) and temporal stability (Pearsons correlation). To investigate the validity, were considered: the processes of response, the internal structure (Pearsons correlation and IRT), the relationship with other tools (Mini Mental State Exam- MMSE and Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF).) and the relationship with external variables (stroke in the right hemisphere in the territory of the middle cerebral artery, compared to healthy controls). The index of internal consistency overall subtest was 0.92 and test-retest stability showed significant correlation, except with the task of delayed recall. These results are similar to the original study, showing thus their equivalence. The results of the validity study showed that there is equivalence in terms of investigating the internal structure and content. Pearson\'s correlation coefficient showed that all the figures obtained significant correlation (p <0.001) and further correlated with each moment congruently the task. In investigating the internal structure by the Rasch method has been shown that the test is one-dimensional that the progression of theta over the response categories was as expected by the model, and show that the figure is the easier task of Figure 1 - immediate recall, and is harder to figure 5- for delayed recall. The theta correlation coefficients were greater than 0.5, showing good correlation. On the map of people-items showed that the variables tended to evaluate the construct at levels below the skill of the subjects, suggesting the need for items assessing higher levels of the construct. In the analysis of validity considering other measures, the total score of immediate recall and delayed recall correlated with the total of memory task of the Rey complex figure copy. The copy of the Visual Reproduction correlated with copy of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF). The task of ROCF immediate recall of the total score and delayed recall correlated with total MMSE. Covariance analysis showed that education exercises influences on scores of the RV. So, after controlled the variable schooling, was evident that the controls performed better than patients with stroke on all Visual Reproduction subtest. The qualitative analysis via scaling contrast scores, shown that low performance of patients with stroke is due the fact they recognize the item very badly, the motor control, visuo-constructive ability and ability to pay attention to details is lowered. Its can occur, may be due apraxia, resulting in lower acquisition of the information, resulting in difficulties in non-verbal episodic memory. Our results showing that the Visual Reproduction subtest of the WMS-IV was considered culturally equivalent in terms of reliability and validity and is appropriate for culture of the subjects and patients evaluated in Ribeirão Preto, valid and reliable for use in Brazil. We emphasize the need of studies regarding to normative data for this subtest.

Cytotoxicity of Metal Based Anticancer Active Complexes and their Targeted Delivery using Nanoparticles

Pramanik, Anup Kumar January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Use of metal based anticancer medication began with the clinical approval of cisplatin in 1978. Research led to the development of six platinum based drug candidates which are in use around the world. However there is a great need to develop better treatment strategies. The present work entitled “Cytotoxicity of Metal Based Anticancer Active Complexes and Their Targeted Delivery Using Nanoparticles” is an effort to prepare cytotoxic metal complexes based on platinum(IV) and copper(II) and deliver them selectively to cancer cells using a targeting ligand, biotin, with two different delivery vehicles, viz. PEGylated polyamidoamine dendrimer (PAMAM) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to cancer and its characteristic features, followed by a short description about different treatment modalities in clinical practice. An account of the development of anticancer drugs starting from purely organic drugs to the field of metal based anticancer drugs is discussed. An overview of the available targeting strategies are discussed with specific examples. The section ends with the scope of the present work. Platinum based anticancer drugs currently in use contain platinum in the +2 oxidation state. These drugs showed side effects and are often ineffective against resistant cells, especially in the latter stages of treatment. A recent focus of metal based anticancer drug research is the development of platinum(IV) systems which shows promise to have greater activity in cancer cells in a reducing environment. Reported platinum(IV) dual drugs contain the components of “cisplatin” or an analogue along with an active organic drug. But there are no known dual drugs based on platinum(IV) that would generate a cytotoxic metal complex along with cisplatin. In Chapter 2, a bimetallic dual drug (M4) (Figure 1), the first of its kind, with components of cisplatin and copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) has been prepared (Figure 1). The components and the bimetallic complex were characterized using several spectroscopic techniques. The dual drug M4 was found to be highly cytotoxic (IC50 1.3 M) against HeLa cells and was better than cisplatin (IC50 6.8 M). The bimetallic complex turned out to be better than the mixture (IC50 7.2 M) of individual drugs which indicated possible synergism of the released cisplatin and the copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) from the dual drug. Figure 1: Structure of the platinum(IV) and copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes. A novel approach towards conjugation of platinum(IV) drugs to a carrier has been developed using a malonate moiety (Figure 2). The bis(butyric acid) complex, Pt(NH3)2(OCOC3H7)2Cl2 (M1), was taken as model complex to demonstrate the conjugation strategy. The complex M4 was also conjugated to the partially PEGylated 5th generation PAMAM dendrimers. Figure 2: Schematic representation of the platinum(IV) drug conjugated PAMAM dendrimer. The cytotoxicity of M4 was reduced to a small extent on conjugation to the dendrimer. In the presence of 5 mM sodium ascorbate as a reducing agent, sustained release (40 %) of the drug was shown to occur over a period of 48 h by the drug release study. The reduction in cytotoxicity of the dendrimer conjugates could be due to incomplete release of the active drug. Unfortunately, no enhanced activity was observed with the additional targeting ligand, biotin. The drug uptake study revealed that the dendrimer conjugates were successful in entering cancer cells. There was no preferential uptake with biotin conjugated dendrimers which explained the similar cytotoxicity of dendrimer conjugates with and without biotin. Different delivery vehicles showed varied efficiency in delivering the pay load (drugs) to the cancer site. In this connection, PEGylated gold nanoparticles have shown good promise as a drug delivery vehicle. In Chapter 3, M1 and M4 are both conjugated to malonate functionalized PEGylated gold nanoparticles (30 nm). Biotin was also attached to the AuNPs for targeting HeLa cells. Figure 3: Schematic representation of the platinum(IV) drug and biotin conjugated AuNPs. The AuNPs were highly stable in water without agglomeration. There was no shift in the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) band after conjugation of the drug molecules and targeting ligands. TEM images and DLS measurements showed there was no change in particle size. Drug conjugated AuNPs were also very stable in high salt concentrations as well as over a large range of pH. AuNPs with M1 were found to be less cytotoxic than the parent drug. Biotinylated AuNPs with M1 were more potent than non-biotinylated nanoparticles and increased cytotoxicity (35 %) was observed with biotin conjugation. Surprisingly, the enhanced activity of biotinylated AuNPs could not be correlated to the drug uptake study. The cytotoxicity of the bimetallic dual drug containing AuNPs were about 10-fold less and no increased activity was observed with the biotinylated conjugates. The reduced activity of AuNPs with the bimetallic drug was due to incomplete release from the AuNPs (20 % release after 48 h). But the release kinetics was very slow and sustained which might increase in vivo activity. The unexpected lower activity of biotinylated conjugates with copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) was suggestive of interference between bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex and the biotin receptor resulting in reduced drug uptake. Copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes hold very good promise as a class of non-platinum anticancer drug candidates. However, they lack selectivity towards malignant cells. Recently, CuATSM has shown hypoxia selectivity and very good cytotoxicity resulting in 64CuATSM being used in advanced stages of clinical trials for imaging hypoxic cells. In Chapter 4, a copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex analogous to Cu(ATSM) with a redox active cleavable disulfide linker and a terminal carboxylic acid group (CuATSM-SS-COOH) was synthesised and characterised spectroscopically. The complex was highly cytotoxic and has an IC50 value (6.9 M) similar to that of cisplatin against HeLa cells. The complex was conjugated to PEGylated gold nanoparticles by amide coupling between the acid group from the drug molecule and the amine on the AuNPs (20 nm) for smart drug delivery. The gold nanoparticles were decorated with biotin for targeted delivery to the HeLa cells. Figure 4: Schematic representation of the CuATSM-SS-COOH and biotin decorated AuNPs. The CuATSM-SS-COOH was insoluble in water but conjugation to PEGylated gold nanoparticles made it water soluble. The drug molecules and biotin conjugated AuNPs were highly stable which was confirmed by TEM and DLS measurements. Similar to the study described in the previous chapter, these AuNPs were also stable in a wide range of pH and salt concentrations. In vitro glutathione (GSH) triggered release study demonstrated substantial release of the cytotoxic agent from the AuNPs (60 %) over a period of 48 h. In vitro cell viability study with HeLa cells showed reduced cytotoxicity (IC50 15 M) of AuNPs with and without biotin containing drug conjugates relative to the parent copper complex (IC50 6.9 M). The reduction of the cytotoxicity correlated well with the released amount of the active drug from the nanoconjugates over the same time period. In vivo studies demonstrated the effectiveness of these nanoparticle carriers as suitable vehicles as they exhibited nearly four-fold reduction of tumor volume without significant loss in body weight. Moreover, the biotin targeted nanoparticle showed significant (p < 0.5) reduction in tumor volume compared to the non-targeted gold nanoparticles. Thus, this smart linking strategy Can be extended to other cytotoxic complexes that suffer from non-specificity, low aqueous solubility and toxicity. Multinuclear anticancer active complexes do not act in the same way as that of their corresponding mononuclear analogues. In the case of multinuclear platinum complexes, the activity not only depends on the active moiety but also on the spacer length between the moieties. In Chapter 5, a series of multinuclear copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes were prepared and characterised using different techniques. Figure 5: General structures of binuclear copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes. All the complexes showed redox activity and have a very high negative reduction potential, i.e. these compounds would not be easily reduced in the biological medium and would remain as copper(II) species. As the concentration of the reducing agents are more within cancer cells, once these complexes are inside cells they would be reduced to Cu(I). These compounds were shown to be highly lipophilic from the large log P values. Unfortunately, these binuclear complexes were less active than similar mononuclear complexes. One possible reason for the reduced cytotoxicity of these complexes could be adherence of the complexes to the cell membrane due to the high lipophilicity of these complexes. Out of five different methylene spacers between two bis(thiosemicrarbazone) moieties, the complex with a three carbon spacer was shown to be the most active against HeLa cells. The complexes with five and six methylene spacers turn out to be noncytotoxic. Further experiments are necessary to reveal the mechanism of action in these complexes. In summary, bimetallic complexes can be very active and may be a way of overcoming drug resistance in platinum based therapy. A dual drug can be delivered using a malonate moiety and a disulfide linker. Gold nanoparticles are good delivery vehicles for these dual drugs and show great potential for improvement and translation to the next stage. (For figures pl refer the abstract pdf file)

Action édilitaire et artistique des conseillers du roi de France (1270-1328) / Royal councillors, art and architecture under the reigns of the last Capetians (1270-1328) / Consiglieri reali, arte e architettura sotto gli ultimi Capetingi (1270-1328)

Berger, Sabine 01 December 2012 (has links)
L’action des conseillers du roi de France dans le domaine artistique, et notamment architectural, au tournant des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, a été abordée dans le cadre d’études monographiques, mais n’a jamais été envisagée dans un souci de synthèse. Recenser les bâtiments et les œuvres d’art réalisés à l’initiative de ces individus dans l’ancien royaume de France, les confronter avec les entreprises et les commandes royales permet de comprendre les motivations et l’impact d’un milieu alors en plein essor, celui des grands officiers royaux et des hommes de confiance qui assistaient quotidiennement le roi et l’aidaient à gouverner. L’époque retenue couvre les règnes des derniers Capétiens, Philippe le Bel (1285-1314) et ses trois fils (1314-1328). Il a semblé souhaitable d’étendre l’étude en amont au règne de Philippe le Hardi (1270-1285), afin de prendre en compte les prémices d’un véritable phénomène, par ailleurs très diversifié : lancement de projets architecturaux de grande ampleur destinés à l’usage propre du conseiller et de sa famille, embellissement d’édifices existants, participation à de grands chantiers en cours (cathédrales), commandes de tombeaux, d’œuvres d’art destinées à orner des fondations pieuses, réalisation d’hôpitaux ou d’édifices utilitaires ; beaucoup d’exemples témoignent de l’ambition comme de la piété de ces hommes. Dans les textes mais également dans le paysage monumental français actuel, il a été possible de retrouver de nombreuses traces de cette action, dont une typologie a été établie. L’étude a pour but de répondre aux questions suivantes : les conseillers du roi partageaient-ils le même mode de vie et avaient-ils des goûts communs ? Leur action fut-elle en tout point semblable à celle des membres de la famille royale et de la haute noblesse ? Peut-on mesurer la portée de ces réalisations ? / The action of the councillors of the French king in the artistic domain, particularly architectural, at the turn of the XIIIth and XIVth centuries, aroused a large number of monographic studies, but has never been envisaged in a concern of synthesis. Listing buildings and works of art commissioned by these individuals in the realm of France, confronting them with those patronized by the king, let us understand the motivations and the influence of an environment then in full development, that of the royal officers who assisted the king and helped him to govern. The chosen period covers the reigns of the last Capetians, Philip the Fair (1285-1314) and his three sons (1314-1328). It seemed worthwhile to widen the study area to include the reign of Philip the Bold (1270-1285) in order to take into account the beginnings of the phenomenon, besides very diversified : launch of large-scale architectural projects intended for the councillor and his family, embellishment of existing buildings (like cathedrals), production of gravestones, execution of works of art made to “decorate” pious foundations, construction of hospitals or utilitarian buildings ; many examples show the ambition as the devotion of these men. In texts but also in current French architectural landscape, it has been possible to find numerous traces of this action, a typology of which has been proposed. The study aims at answering the following questions : did the king’s councillors share the same lifestyle, the same tastes ? Was their action completely similar to that of the members of the royal family and the nobility ? Can we measure the reach of these creations ?

Incomprehension or resistance? : the Markan disciples and the narrative logic of Mark 4:1-8:30

Blakley, J. Ted January 2008 (has links)
The characterization of the Markan disciples has been and continues to be the object of much scholarly reflection and speculation. For many, the Markan author's presentation of Jesus' disciples holds a key, if not the key, to unlocking the purpose and function of the gospel as a whole. Commentators differ as to whether the Markan disciples ultimately serve a pedagogical or polemical function, yet they are generally agreed that the disciples in Mark come off rather badly, especially when compared to their literary counterparts in Matthew, Luke, and John. This narrative-critical study considers the characterization of the Markan disciples within the Sea Crossing movement (Mark 4:1-8:30). While commentators have, on the whole, interpreted the disciples' negative characterization in this movement in terms of lack of faith and/or incomprehension, neither of these, nor a combination of the two, fully accounts for the severity of language leveled against the disciples by the narrator (6:52) and Jesus (8:17-18). Taking as its starting point an argument by Jeffrey B. Gibson (1986) that the harshness of Jesus' rebuke in Mark 8:14-21 is occasioned not by the disciples' lack of faith or incomprehension but by their active resistance to his Gentile mission, this investigation uncovers additional examples of the disciples' resistance to Gentile mission, offering a better account of their negative portrayal within the Sea Crossing movement and helping explain many of their other failures. In short, this study argues that in Mark 4:1-8:26, the disciples are characterized as resistant to Jesus' Gentile mission and to their participation in that mission, the chief consequence being that they are rendered incapable of recognizing Jesus' vocational identity as Israel's Messiah (Thesis A). This leads to a secondary thesis, namely, that in Mark 8:27-30, Peter's recognition of Jesus' messianic identity indicates that the disciples have finally come to accept Jesus' Gentile mission and their participation in it (Thesis B). Chapter One: Introduction: offers a selective review of scholarly treatments of the Markan disciples, which shows that few scholars attribute resistance, let alone purposeful resistance, to the disciples. Chapter Two: The Rhetoric of Repetition: introduces the methodological tools, concepts, and perspectives employed in the study. It includes a section on narrative criticism, which focuses upon the story-as-discoursed and the implied author and reader, and a section on Construction Grammar, a branch of cognitive linguistics founded by Charles Fillmore and further developed by Paul Danove, which focuses upon semantic and narrative frames and case frame analysis. Chapter Three: The Sea Crossing Movement, Mark 4:1-8:30: addresses the question of Markan structure and argues that Mark 4:1-8:30 comprises a single, unified, narrative movement, whose action and plot is oriented to the Sea of Galilee and whose most distinctive feature is the network of sea crossings that transport Jesus and his disciples back and forth between Jewish and Gentile geopolitical spaces. Following William Freedman, Chapter Four: The Literary Motif: introduces two criteria (frequency and avoidability) for determining objectively what constitutes a literary motif and provides the methodological basis and starting point for the analyses performed in chapters five and six. Chapter Five: The Sea Crossing Motif: establishes and then carries out a lengthy narrative analysis of the Sea Crossing motif, which is oriented around Mark's use of ‎θάλασσα (thalassa) and πλοῖον (ploion), and Chapter Six: The Loaves Motif: does the same for The Loaves motif, oriented around Mark's use of ἄρτος (artos). Finally, Chapter Seven: The Narrative Logic of the Disciples (In)comprehension: draws together all narrative, linguistic, and exegetical insights of the previous chapters and offers a single coherent reading of the Sea Crossing movement that establishes Theses A and B.

Understanding interactive fictions as a continuum : reciprocity in experimental writing, hypertext fiction, and video games

Burgess, Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines key examples of materially experimental writing (B.S. Johnson’s The Unfortunates, Marc Saporta’s Composition No. 1, and Julio Cortázar’s Hopscotch), hypertext fiction (Geoff Ryman’s 253, in both the online and print versions), and video games (Catherine, L.A. Noire, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Phantasmagoria), and asks what new critical understanding of these ‘interactive’ texts, and their broader significance, can be developed by considering the examples as part of a textual continuum. Chapter one focuses on materially experimental writing as part of the textual continuum that is discussed throughout this thesis. It examines the form, function, and reception of key texts, and unpicks emerging issues surrounding truth and realism, the idea of the ostensibly ‘infinite’ text in relation to multicursality and potentiality, and the significance of the presence of authorial instructions that explain to readers how to interact with the texts. The discussions of chapter two centre on hypertext fiction, and examine the significance of new technologies to the acts of reading and writing. This chapter addresses hypertext fiction as part of the continuum on which materially experimental writing and video games are placed, and explores reciprocal concerns of reader agency, multicursality, and the idea of the ‘naturalness’ of hypertext as a method of reading and writing. Chapter three examines video games as part of the continuum, exploring the relationship between print textuality and digital textuality. This chapter draws together the discussions of reciprocity that are ongoing throughout the thesis, examines the significance of open world gaming environments to player agency, and unpicks the idea of empowerment in players and readers. This chapter concludes with a discussion of possible cultural reasons behind what I argue is the reader’s/player’s desire for a high level of perceived agency. The significance of this thesis, then, lies in how it establishes the existence of several reciprocal concerns in these texts including multicursality/potentiality, realism and the accurate representation of truth and, in particular, player and reader agency, which allow the texts to be placed on a textual continuum. This enables cross-media discussions of the reciprocal concerns raised in the texts, which ultimately reveals the ways in which our experiences with these interactive texts are deeply connected to our anxieties about agency in a cultural context in which individualism is encouraged, but our actual individual agency is highly limited.

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