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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capricho, farsa ou imitação da realidade: discursos do direito em acórdãos de retificação de registro civil de travestis e transexuais / Caprice, farce or imitation of reality: speeches in the law on rectification of civil registry of transvestites and transsexuals

Rocha, Rachel Macedo 11 September 2017 (has links)
Historicamente somos identificados a partir do corpo, mais especificamente da genitália que nos classifica no padrão binário de gênero, masculino e feminino. Ao longo da história da humanidade, esta regra padroniza as formas de ser e viver e prescreve a constituição dos sujeitos, das identidades, do sexo e da sexualidade, adquirindo estatuto de verdade. Uma das grandes questões a orientar a identidade civil é o sexo. Travestis e transexuais que transitam ou atravessam as fronteiras definidas pelas normativas de sexo e gênero, caso queiram mudar de nome, têm como exigência a autorização judicial. Realizei uma pesquisa qualitativa, com o objetivo de analisar os discursos jurídicos em acórdãos de retificação de registro civil de transexuais e travestis no Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. O referencial teórico utilizado foram os estudos de gênero, ferramentas conceituais de Michel Foucault e aportes do campo do direito. Analisei 45 acórdãos do órgão superior do judiciário paulista do período de 2000 a 2015. Para analisar o material, tomei como inspiração Spink, ao construir de mapas temáticos. Os resultados sinalizam que as decisões, tanto para acolher, como para negar os pedidos, utilizam os saberes jurídicos e especialmente saberes médicos, pautados em um modelo biomédico de concepção da transexualidade e travestilidade. Como consequência desta fundamentação, observamos que, no campo do Direito, cristaliza-se uma concepção que moraliza e transforma as identidades de gênero não hegemônicas em patologias, como a de travestis e transexuais / Historically we are identified by our bodies, more specifically by our genitalia that classifies us in the binary gender pattern, male and female. In the course of mankinds history, this rule standardizes the ways to see and live and prescribes the constitution of subjects, identities, gender and sexuality, acquiring status of truth. On of the great questions to orient civil identity is gender. Tranvestites and transsexuals that walk by or trespass the boundaries defined by the norms of sex and gender, in case they want to change their names, have, as a demand the judiciary authorization. We conducted a qualitative research, with the intent of analyzing the judiciary speeches in judgement of retification of civil records of transsexuals and tranvestites on the São Paulo Court of Law. The theoretical referential utilized were the studies of gender, conceptual tools os Michel Foucault and contribution of the Law field. I have analyzed 45 judgements of São Paulos superior court, between 2000 and 2015. In order to analyze the material, we took as inspiration the methodology proposed by Spink, when constructing thematic maps. The results signal that the decisions, both to accomodate and to deny the requests, utilize judicial, and especially medical, knowledge, lined in a biomedical modelo f the conception of transsexuality and travesty. As a consequence of this fundamentation, we observe that, in Law, there is a crystalization that moralizes and transforms the gender identities not hegemonics in pathologies, like the ones of the tranvestites and transsexuals

Implementation of violence risk assessments into forensic psychiatric care in Scotland

Vojt, Gabriele January 2014 (has links)
Background. A central role of mental health professionals within the criminal justice and forensic mental health system is the assessment, management and communication of an individual's risk of future violence (Webster & Hucker, 2007). The current methodology favoured by clinicians is the structured professional judgement (SPJ) approach (Farrington, Joliffe & Johnstone, 2008). These instruments act as guides in clinical practice in that practitioners are encouraged to apply clinical judgement on the relevance of empirically validated risk factors to each client. In this way, identified risk factors can be directly used to inform individual care and treatment, i.e. risk management. Yet, research on SPJ tools is typically based on retrospective or pseudo-prospective designs, which lack in ecological validity. Furthermore, findings are based on risk assessments completed by researchers rather than clinicians. This is an issue as risk ratings differ significantly depending on professional background (de Ruiter & de Vogel, 2004). Aims. This thesis presents five studies with the aim of examining the link between violence risk assessment and management in vivo. This includes two studies focussing on the predictive validity of SPJ tools following clinical implementation; a description of the implementation procedure; a traditional research study on the predictive power of dynamic risk factors and a pilot evaluation of a short term risk assessment tool for imminent inpatient violence. Methodology. The primary research site was the State Hospital, the high secure psychiatric facility for mentally disordered offenders in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The research population consisted of 115 male forensic patients who were followed up across different risk settings for a mean of 31 months. The SPJ instruments under investigation were the HCR-20 (Webster et al, 1997), the SVR-20 (Boer, Hart, Kropp et al, 1997) and the RSVP (Hart et al, 2003). All assessments were exclusively completed by clinicians and resulted in active risk management strategies. Additionally, the predictive validity of dynamic risk factors was examined through psychometric measures of anger, impulsivity, psychiatric symptoms, unmet needs and imagined violence. The risk of imminent violence was assessed with the Dynamic Appraisal Situational Appraisal - Inpatient Version (DASA-IV, Ogloff & Daffern, 2006). Results and Conclusions. Findings indicate that clinically implemented SPJ tools are not predictive of future violence, both within and outwith secure settings. Comparison with a previous study at the State Hospital implies that the implementation process of the HCR- 20 facilitated the knowledge transfer from assessment to management, and therefore incidents were prevented. This noted the results also highlight that clinicians may accept risk tools into practice when these have not been scientifically scrutinised. This was the case with the RSVP in that there is little published data on the psychometric properties of this tool, yet its introduction replaced the SVR-20 across the State Hospital. With regards to dynamic risk factors, the severity and chronicity of psychiatric symptoms were the strongest predictors of violence. This is further corroborated by the finding that the DASA-IV predicted violence within 24 hours of ratings provided. All findings are discussed in the context of previous research and the experienced obstacles of implementing changes within NHS settings. Clinical implications and recommendations for violence assessment and management are provided in the light of acknowledged limitations.

Structure and professional judgement in audit planning

Olofsson, Marcus, Puttonen, Bobby January 2011 (has links)
Auditor´s professional judgement is often discussed. The aim of this paper is to see how structure affects auditor’s professional judgement in audit planning. The empirical analysis is based on qualitative interviews with seven auditors with different experience. The study shows that there is not a trend toward less structure in audit firms, rather more. It is clear that auditor´s professional judgements are affected by the degree of structure and structure occurs in most of auditors’ work. The study shows that structure and professional judgements are not two separate things; instead they support each other. Even if auditors have access to structure when planning an audit they need to make professional judgements, especially when identify risks and decide materiality.

An Enquiry Concerning Adam Smith¡¦s Moral Philosophy

Wu, Jheng-yu 16 February 2012 (has links)
The crucial purposes of this thesis have two folds. Firstly, I will reconstruct Adam Smith¡¦s (5 June 1723-17 July 1790) thought through re-conceptualising the doctrine of the human nature in his theory. In doing this, I will give you reasons that the so-called ¡¥Das Adam Smith Problem¡¦ is founding on the wrong problematic concern in interpreting Smith¡¦s doctrine. The bulk of ¡¥the problem¡¦, having raised from the incessant controversy about whether Smith¡¦s theory is a coherent system built upon either sympathetic-based or interested-based foundation, but, as my kernel problematic concern in this thesis, I will argue that, neither side alone captures comprehensively about Smith¡¦s own understanding of human nature. Through presenting Smith¡¦s conception of the development of our moral judgement and his construction of operational principal of our market bahaviour, his doctrine of man should be orientated towards our intellectual capacity, especially on how do human cultivate their own moral judgement and the proper way of mutual understanding in everyday life. To accentuate the development of our capacity of judgement or reflection is the way I argue to understand Smith¡¦s conception of man correctly. Secondly, another controversy about Smith¡¦s doctrine lies on the contradiction among the concepts of ¡¥propriety¡¦ and ¡¥virtue¡¦ in his moral philosophy, while the former is the general standard attainable by the majority, and the latter with the stricter normative standard only a few men can achieve. My argument is, if man¡¦s intellectual capacity, such as judgement and reflection, having been regarded as essential concepts that Smith used to supersede the deficiency of one-sided understanding of human, then, his conception of impartial spectator and spectatorship¡¦s approach also gives the priority to cultivate our moral judgement and our capacity of reflection. Smith¡¦s primary concern, if I conceive it rightly, is to inspire our moral potential through disclosing the general principle lies behind our moral learning which terminated in the judgement made by impartial spectator, further, the concept of impartial spectator is also a linkage of different normative standards prescribed by propriety or virtue. Finally, In the conclusion part, I will connect my argument about moral potential with Smith¡¦s conception of human nature which tries to prove that, as the practical moralist, who considered man as intellectual animals that who deserves this privileged claim when who urges himself in enlarging and improving his own mentality.

Paauglių nuostatos į prostituciją vertybinių orientacijų kontekste: sociologinis aspektas / Teenagers' value judgement towards prostitution: sociological aspect

Krikščiukaitytė, Rita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Netgi vienoje visuomenėje ar bendruomenėje pasitaiko priešingų vertybių. Vieniems svarbiau fizinis komfortas ir sėkmė, o kiti mieliau renkasi paprastumą ir ramų gyvenimą. Mūsų kintančiame amžiuje, kai žmonės, idėjos, prekės ir informacija keliauja per visą pasaulį, nenuostabu, kad susiduriame su vertybių prieštaravimais. Vienas iš tokių prieštaravimų – prostitucijos reiškinys. Prostitucija – sudėtingas socialinis reiškinys, turintis gilias sąsajas su visuomenės vertybėmis, atsparumu įvairiems negatyviems socialiniams reiškiniams: skurdui, smurtui, išnaudojimui, nedarbui ir kt. Šiandien, kaip ir praeityje, prostitučių gretas daugiausia papildo moterys iš skurdesnės aplinkos, tačiau dabar prie jų prisijungia daug vidurinės klasės atstovių. Didėjant skyrybų skaičiui , kai kurias staiga dėl to nuskurdusias moteris ima vilioti prostitucija. Į prostitučių gretas įsilieja ir jaunos merginos, kurios baigė studijas, tačiau nerado darbo, todėl laikinai, kol suras kitokią veiklą, įsidarbina masažo kabinetuose arba „merginų pagal iškvietimą“ tinkluose. Deklaruojama, kad siekiant sėkmingai spręsti prostitucijos prevencijos uždavinius svarbu remtis esamos situacijos pažinimu, rizikos grupėms priklausančių nepilnamečių nuostatų į prostituciją bei jų vertybinių orientacijų išaiškinimu, nes nepilnamečių įtraukimo į prostituciją prevencijos sistema negali remtis vien tradiciniais autoritariniais bei teisinio prostitucijos persekiojimo būdais. Prostitucijos negali paaiškinti koks nors vienas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Event in the same society or community opposed values can be found. For some physical comfort and luck are more important, others prefer simplicity and a tranquil life. In the shifting century when people, ideas, goods and the information are traveling all around the world it is not surprising that we encounter the contradictions of values. One of such contradictions is the phenomenon of prostitution. Prostitution is a complex social phenomenon which has deep linkages with the values of the society and resistance to various negative social phenomena: poverty, violence, exploitation, unemployment, etc. Today, same as in the past, the ranks of prostitute are mostly recruited by women from poor milieu, though now they are joined by many representatives of the middle class. As the number of divorces increases, some women who consequently become poor are tempted by prostitution. The ranks of prostitutes are also joined by young women who finished the studies, but didn’t find a job, thus temporarily until they find an activity they employ in massage parlours or “call girl” networks. It is stated that in order to successfully solve the objectives of prostitution’s prevention it is important to take into account the cognition of the existing situation, attitudes to prostitution of juveniles belonging to risk groups and the interpretation of their value orientation, because the prevention system of juvenile involvement in the prostitution can’t be based only on the traditional... [to full text]

Social and emotional processing in borderline personality disorder

Nicol, Katie January 2015 (has links)
Objective Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a common and serious mental illness, associated with severe emotional dysregulation, a high risk of suicide and self-harm. Those with a diagnosis of BPD often display difficulties with social interaction, making daily life problematic, and sufferers can struggle to form and maintain interpersonal relationships. Childhood trauma is believed to contribute to the development of BPD, however the mechanism by which childhood trauma increases risk for specific symptoms of the disorder is not well understood. Here, we investigate the ability of participants with a diagnosis of BPD to make social judgements and recognise emotions from facial stimuli. We also explore the relationship between childhood trauma, brain structure, and brain activation in response to emotional stimuli. Methods Individuals with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, as well as matched healthy controls, were recruited to take part in a neuropsychology study of emotion recognition and social judgement from faces. Participants also underwent a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, during which data was collected for analysis of brain structure, and brain function in response to emotional faces. In addition, all participants completed a structured clinical interview and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Results Individuals with a diagnosis of BPD were less well able to correctly identify facial emotions than healthy control participants (p < 0.001), with a particular deficit in the recognition of disgust (p = 0.001). Those with BPD also had difficulty making appropriate social judgements about others from their faces, and between group differences were greatest for judgements of approachability (p = 0.004) and trustworthiness (p = 0.014). Significant correlations were identified between CTQ scores and performance on both tasks in the BPD group. Although no structural brain differences were noted between the BPD group and healthy controls, we found that brain activation correlated to childhood trauma in midbrain, pulvinar and medial frontal gyrus to fearful (versus neutral) faces. There was a significant association between incidence of abuse in childhood and psychotic symptoms in adulthood. In addition, there was a significant correlation between midbrain activation and reported psychotic symptoms in the BPD group, suggesting a potential relationship between childhood trauma, midbrain activity and the development of psychotic symptoms in those with a diagnosis of BPD. Conclusion Abuse in childhood is associated with impaired social and emotional function, as well as increased activation of a network of brain regions in response to emotional stimuli in BPD. Brain abnormalities in BPD appear to be confined to functional activation changes, rather than structural changes, in regions associated with emotional and social information processing. In addition, childhood trauma is correlated with increased psychotic symptoms in adulthood. These results provide striking evidence for the involvement of childhood adversity in the development of symptoms of BPD, and suggest a possible mechanism by which psychotic symptoms may occur.

Pronto acolhimento ou acolhimento pronto? Responsabilidade e julgamento como nexos axiológicos que sustentam as práticas do trabalho em equipe na estratégia de saúde da família. / Ready user embrancement ou user embrancement ready? Responsability and judgement as axiological nexuses of teamwork practices in the context of the family health strategy.

Pedro Sanchez Soares 31 March 2014 (has links)
A questão que norteou esta pesquisa aborda os valores que podem sustentar a prática do acolhimento, na oferta da integralidade do cuidado, no contexto da Estratégia da Saúde da Família. O acolhimento é entendido nesta escrita como uma postura e prática orientada pelo Cuidado como Valor, pautada por uma relação que instigue o sentimento público de responsabilidade daquele que acolhe com quem busca o acolhimento. Além disso, indaga-se sobre em que meandros e sutilezas do trabalho em equipe as práticas de acolhimento podem surgir ou desaparecer do horizonte ético-político deste tipo de intervenção. A pesquisa, que tem como campo de estudo a Saúde Coletiva, busca agregar elementos da filosofia e sociologia, a fim de realizar aproximações com outros campos do conhecimento. Para tanto, a obra de Hannah Arendt é objeto de constantes aproximações, principalmente os conceitos de Responsabilidade e Julgamento, que nesta dissertação são defendidos como nexos axiológicos das práticas de acolhimento. O material estudado nesta pesquisa consiste nas experiências do próprio pesquisador, que são (re)construídas a partir de narrativas. A metodologia utilizada para tratar deste material, em consonância com o referencial teórico adotado, recorre às narrativas buscadas em relatórios e diários de campo que foram elaborados durante o período de inserção do pesquisador em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde. A escolha pelas narrativas é justificada, pois estas são apropriadas aos estudos que se fundamentam nas ideias fenomenológicas, além de manter os valores e percepções presentes na experiência narrada. A análise de implicação surge como uma importante ferramenta para a pesquisa que conta com participação do próprio pesquisador, uma vez que o conteúdo de pesquisa emerge a partir da análise das sensações e sentimentos que o pesquisador percebe em si mesmo no confronto com o campo, seus participantes e suas relações. Esse material, quando analisado, dá destaque ao lugar do pesquisador no campo, permitindo compreender os nexos de sua intervenção, além colocar luz nos jogos de poder presentes no campo de pesquisa. Os resultados são apresentados à luz dos conceitos de Responsabilidade e Julgamento, apoiados no construto do Cuidado como Valor. Na discussão que finaliza esta dissertação é possível encontrar a defesa de valores que possam colocar o homem e não o acúmulo de riquezas como o objetivo último das ações de saúde. São destacados elementos que permitem divergir de uma visão monológica de indivíduo, fundada pela teoria contratualista e que constitui um dos pilares do utilitarismo, para dar lugar a uma concepção de sujeito constituído na intersubjetividade, e que tem, portanto, responsabilidade para com os outros e o mundo que o cerca. / The question that guided this research approaches the values for sustaining the practice of user embracement, in the offering of comprehensive care, in the context of the Family Health Strategy. User embracement at this writing refers to an attitude as well as a practice, both based on Care as Value that prompts a public sense of responsibility of those who welcomes and those who seeks care. Also, this research inquires about the details and refinements of teamwork that can make embracement practices emerge or disappear of ethical - political horizon of this type of intervention. The research, which has its field of study in the Public Health, seeks to add elements of philosophy and sociology in order to come near to other fields of knowledge. Therefore, Hannah Arendts work will be bringing close together, especially the concepts of Responsibility and Judgement, which are defined as axiological nexuses of the practices of user embracement. The content studied in this research consists of the researchers experiences, which are (re)constructed from narratives. Methodology used to treat this material, in line with the theoretical reference, uses narratives sought in field journals and reports that were prepared during the researchers engagement in a Basic Health Unit. Narratives are proper to studies based on phenomenological ideas, while maintaining the values and perceptions present in the described experience. The implication analysis appears as an important tool for the research that relies on researchers participation himself, since the content of research emerges from the analysis of his sensations and feelings in the field, with its participants and its relationships. This material gives prominence to the researchers place in the field, allowing us to understand the nexus of his interventions, in addition to elucidating power games existent in the research field. The results are elucidated by the concepts of Responsibility and Judgement, supported by the construct of Care as Value. At the final discussion, it is possible to find the defense of values that can put human being - and not wealth accumulation - as the health assistances ultimate goal. There are highlighted elements that allow us to diverge from a monologic vision of individual, founded by contractarian theory, which constitutes one of the pillars of utilitarism, to give rise to a conception of subject that consists in the inter-subjectivity, therefore, has to act with responsibility to others and to the world around.

Pronto acolhimento ou acolhimento pronto? Responsabilidade e julgamento como nexos axiológicos que sustentam as práticas do trabalho em equipe na estratégia de saúde da família. / Ready user embrancement ou user embrancement ready? Responsability and judgement as axiological nexuses of teamwork practices in the context of the family health strategy.

Pedro Sanchez Soares 31 March 2014 (has links)
A questão que norteou esta pesquisa aborda os valores que podem sustentar a prática do acolhimento, na oferta da integralidade do cuidado, no contexto da Estratégia da Saúde da Família. O acolhimento é entendido nesta escrita como uma postura e prática orientada pelo Cuidado como Valor, pautada por uma relação que instigue o sentimento público de responsabilidade daquele que acolhe com quem busca o acolhimento. Além disso, indaga-se sobre em que meandros e sutilezas do trabalho em equipe as práticas de acolhimento podem surgir ou desaparecer do horizonte ético-político deste tipo de intervenção. A pesquisa, que tem como campo de estudo a Saúde Coletiva, busca agregar elementos da filosofia e sociologia, a fim de realizar aproximações com outros campos do conhecimento. Para tanto, a obra de Hannah Arendt é objeto de constantes aproximações, principalmente os conceitos de Responsabilidade e Julgamento, que nesta dissertação são defendidos como nexos axiológicos das práticas de acolhimento. O material estudado nesta pesquisa consiste nas experiências do próprio pesquisador, que são (re)construídas a partir de narrativas. A metodologia utilizada para tratar deste material, em consonância com o referencial teórico adotado, recorre às narrativas buscadas em relatórios e diários de campo que foram elaborados durante o período de inserção do pesquisador em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde. A escolha pelas narrativas é justificada, pois estas são apropriadas aos estudos que se fundamentam nas ideias fenomenológicas, além de manter os valores e percepções presentes na experiência narrada. A análise de implicação surge como uma importante ferramenta para a pesquisa que conta com participação do próprio pesquisador, uma vez que o conteúdo de pesquisa emerge a partir da análise das sensações e sentimentos que o pesquisador percebe em si mesmo no confronto com o campo, seus participantes e suas relações. Esse material, quando analisado, dá destaque ao lugar do pesquisador no campo, permitindo compreender os nexos de sua intervenção, além colocar luz nos jogos de poder presentes no campo de pesquisa. Os resultados são apresentados à luz dos conceitos de Responsabilidade e Julgamento, apoiados no construto do Cuidado como Valor. Na discussão que finaliza esta dissertação é possível encontrar a defesa de valores que possam colocar o homem e não o acúmulo de riquezas como o objetivo último das ações de saúde. São destacados elementos que permitem divergir de uma visão monológica de indivíduo, fundada pela teoria contratualista e que constitui um dos pilares do utilitarismo, para dar lugar a uma concepção de sujeito constituído na intersubjetividade, e que tem, portanto, responsabilidade para com os outros e o mundo que o cerca. / The question that guided this research approaches the values for sustaining the practice of user embracement, in the offering of comprehensive care, in the context of the Family Health Strategy. User embracement at this writing refers to an attitude as well as a practice, both based on Care as Value that prompts a public sense of responsibility of those who welcomes and those who seeks care. Also, this research inquires about the details and refinements of teamwork that can make embracement practices emerge or disappear of ethical - political horizon of this type of intervention. The research, which has its field of study in the Public Health, seeks to add elements of philosophy and sociology in order to come near to other fields of knowledge. Therefore, Hannah Arendts work will be bringing close together, especially the concepts of Responsibility and Judgement, which are defined as axiological nexuses of the practices of user embracement. The content studied in this research consists of the researchers experiences, which are (re)constructed from narratives. Methodology used to treat this material, in line with the theoretical reference, uses narratives sought in field journals and reports that were prepared during the researchers engagement in a Basic Health Unit. Narratives are proper to studies based on phenomenological ideas, while maintaining the values and perceptions present in the described experience. The implication analysis appears as an important tool for the research that relies on researchers participation himself, since the content of research emerges from the analysis of his sensations and feelings in the field, with its participants and its relationships. This material gives prominence to the researchers place in the field, allowing us to understand the nexus of his interventions, in addition to elucidating power games existent in the research field. The results are elucidated by the concepts of Responsibility and Judgement, supported by the construct of Care as Value. At the final discussion, it is possible to find the defense of values that can put human being - and not wealth accumulation - as the health assistances ultimate goal. There are highlighted elements that allow us to diverge from a monologic vision of individual, founded by contractarian theory, which constitutes one of the pillars of utilitarism, to give rise to a conception of subject that consists in the inter-subjectivity, therefore, has to act with responsibility to others and to the world around.

“Possibilities of Discussion and Agreement Regarding Kant’s varied Judgments of Taste” / ¿Qué posibilidad de discusión y acuerdo hay para Kant respecto de diversos juicios de gusto?

Pomposini, Antonio 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper examines the importance that judgements of taste have within Kant’s Critique of Judgement. It claims that looking for de facto agreements about judgements of taste is a mistake and that disagreements, instead, are desirable. Following Kant in the antinomy of taste, judgments of taste are not based on determined concepts, but rather on an undetermined one. Since the concept is not determined one cannot exhibit it in a sensible intuition or make direct reference to it. It is argued that universal agreement does not seek de facto agreement, but rather the discovery of a common sense in which one discovers that others can feel the same as one does with respect to a given representation. This undetermined concept becomes a “regulative ideal”, unobtainable in so far as one cannot determine it, but to which one must aim in order to perfect one’s taste. It is in the sphere of discussion and disagreement that one confronts one’s judgements of taste. / Este trabajo investiga la importancia que tiene la discusión sobre juicios de gusto dentro de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar de Kant. Se sostiene que buscar acuerdos de facto sobre juicios de gusto es un error y que, más bien, el desacuerdo es deseable. Siguiendo a Kant en la antinomia del gusto, los juicios de gusto no se basan en algún concepto determinado, sino en uno indeterminado. Al no ser determinado, no tenemos intuición sensible de dicho concepto ni podemos emplearlo directamente. No se trata de encontrar un acuerdo de facto para nuestra aspiración de acuerdo universal, sino del descubrimiento de un sentido común, en el que encontramos que los otros pueden sentir como uno ante una representación dada. Este concepto indeterminado se torna en un “ideal regulativo”, inalcanzable, en tanto no se puede determinar, pero al cual se debe apuntar para perfeccionar el gusto. Es en el campo de la discusión y el desacuerdo donde se confrontan los juicios de gusto.

A possibilidade de aprimoramento do gosto em Clement Greenberg / The taste improvement possibility in Clement Greenberg

Úrsula Passos 26 September 2014 (has links)
O crítico de arte americano Clement Greenberg dedica especial atençãoà teoria estética em seus textos dos anos 1970, sobretudo ao juízo de gosto. Esta pesquisa busca evidenciar um aspecto importante na discussão estética em Greenberg, qual seja, a possibilidade de aprimoramento do gosto. Para tal, também se faz necessária uma compreensão de seu sistema crítico, articulando os Seminários por ele ministrados nos anos 70 e seus textos críticos desde os anos 30. Dentro da teoria estética moderna formulada por Greenberg, os textos reunidos em Estética Domésticaservem de base para a investigação do ponto central da pesquisa. Apesar disso, não se pode perder de vista o grande espectro coberto pela obra do crítico, uma vez que seus textos dialogam entre si, retomando e alinhavando os diversos temas abordados. / The american art critic Clement Greenberg pays special attention to the aesthetics in his texts of the 1970s, and to the taste judgement most of all. This study try to put light over an important aspect of Greenberg theory: the taste improvement possibility. To do so, it\'s imperative to comprehend Greenberg\'s critical system, considering his Seminars and also his critics since the 30s. The essays presented on Homemade Estheticswill base the investigations about the central point of interest in this study, having in mind the modern theory formulated by Greenberg. But it\'s necessary, beside this, to consider the great diversity of his work, once his texts can have a dialogue.

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