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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Péče řádného hospodáře a odpovědnost za její porušení v kapitálové obchodní společnosti / Due managerial care and diligence and liability for their breach in a limited company

Sosna, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The requirement to perform duties with reasonable care and loyalty under the threat of liability is a basic standard every corporate director must meet. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the content of this standard and liability within the context of new re-codification of Czech private law. In doing so, the author focuses on interpretative possibilities and problems that may occur. Chapter One is an attempt to connect the main topic with a broader context of law and economics knowledge in order to define leading requirements for company regulations. Chapter Two consists of three parts. Part One briefly describes content of fiduciary duties. Part Two refers to duty of loyalty. The author aims to answer a traditional task to whom the corporate directors serve. The author argues for so-called enlightened shareholder value model. This model requires director to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its shareholders as a whole. In doing so, they need to take into account the company's stakeholders' interests and the impact of the company's operations on the community and the environment. Part Three examines to what extend company directors have to exercise general knowledge, skills and experience that they are expected to have. Chapter Three investigates a task of director's...

Une sociologie des ambitions : les adultes en formation professionnelle / A sociology of ambitions : adults in vocational training programs

Saccomanno, Benjamin 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge la mise en œuvre d’ambitions, chez des adultes suivant une formation professionnelle à l’AFPA. Nous proposons de comprendre comment s’élaborent et se concrétisent, au contact d’une institution, des démarches volontaires visant à infléchir le cours des trajectoires personnelles. Le point de départ de cette recherche réside dans l’interrogation de projets qui, professionnels au premier abord, s’avèrent révélateurs de constructions identitaires en train de s’opérer. Nous proposons de recourir à une analyse sociologique des ambitions, afin de comprendre la structuration, le déroulement et les effets des interactions entre le système de formation et ses publics. De part et d’autre, la formation est un moyen, répondant à des enjeux qui dépassent le seul apprentissage effectué. Nous voulons saisir comment ces enjeux distincts sont mis en relation et travaillés d’une façon conjointe. Observée dans sa concrétisation, l’ambition se révèle une dynamique sociale, produite par le cours des trajectoires et explicitant l’orientation escomptée de la construction biographique des personnes. L’analyse des ambitions éclaire ainsi les modalités de convergences entre les cadres de jugement individuels et les modus operandi de la formation professionnelle pour adultes. La mise à jour de ces phénomènes de convergences et divergences nous permet alors d’étudier comment parviennent ou non à s’accorder l’offre et la demande de formation lorsqu’elles entrent en relation. / This research questions the implementation of ambitions, adults in vocational training. We propose to understand how voluntary approaches develop and concretise to alter the course of personal trajectories, in contact with an institution. The starting point of this research lies in the question of projects, professional at first, that appear to reveal identity construction process. We propose a sociological study of ambitions, to understand the structure, conduct and interaction effects between the training system and its publics. On both sides, the training is a mean to respond to several issues that go beyond the learning achieved. We want to understand how these separate issues are linked and worked in a joint manner. Observed in its realization, ambition reveals social dynamics, produced by the current paths and explaining the expected orientation of the biographical construction. The analysis of ambitions shows how convergence between individual judgment and the adults vocational training program’s modus operandi. The demonstration of these phenomena and differences allows us to study how supply and demand for adults training manage to grant together or not, when they come in contact.

Rôle du cortex préfrontal dans l'évaluation morale

Tassy, Sébastien 06 December 2012 (has links)
Le modèle cognitif dualiste du jugement moral fondé sur l'opposition raison-émotion et dans lequel la raison contrôlerait les émotions est encore très largement dominant (Greene, Sommerville et al. 2001). Pourtant, l'idée de ce contrôle raisonné des émotions, en particulier lors de la résolution de dilemmes sociaux a été remise en cause (Knoch, Pascual-Leone et al. 2006). Comme l'a suggéré Jorge Moll, en proposant une approche beaucoup plus intégrée, la prise de décision dans un contexte moral pourrait ne pas se limiter à cette opposition entre processus affectifs et raisonnés (Moll, Zahn et al. 2005). Par ailleurs, lors de la résolution de dilemmes moraux, ce qui est appelé le jugement semble être dissocié du choix de l'action, mais à ce jour, la plupart des études publiées confondent les deux. Dans ce travail nous nous efforçons d'apporter les arguments théoriques et expérimentaux démontrant que les processus qui conduisent au jugement et ceux conduisant au choix moral sont dissociés. Et que de plus, le jugement repose sur la génération d'émotions secondaires par des processus cognitifs complexes (raisonnés) et le choix sur des émotions plus automatiques. Pour pouvoir l'expliquer nous proposons un modèle plus général de l'évaluation et de la décision morale reposant non plus sur deux, mais trois types de processus. / The cognitive dualistic model of moral judgment based on the opposition reason-emotion and in which the reason would control the emotions is still largely dominant (Greene, Sommerville et al. 2001). However, the idea of rational control of emotions, especially when solving social dilemmas, has been questioned (Knoch, Pascual-Leone et al. 2006). As suggested by Jorge Moll, offering a much more integrated approach, the decision in a moral context may not be limited to the contrast between emotional and rationnal process (Moll, Zahn et al. 2005). Moreover, when resolving moral dilemmas, what is called the judgment seems to be dissociated from the choice of action, but to date, most published studies confuse the two. In this work, we strive to provide the theoretical and experimental evidences that the processes that lead to the judgment and to the moral choice are dissociated. And moreover, the judgment is based on the generation of secondary emotions by complex cognitive processes (rational) and the choice based on more automatic emotions. To explain this we propose a more general model of evaluation and moral decision based not on two, but three types of processes.

Motiv ospravedlnění ve staroegyptském náboženství / Justification in Ancient Egypt Religion

Scholzová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the motive of justification in the ancient Egyptian religion. It explores its meaning and history of occurrence. It does so in the context of death, afterlife and Judgment of the Dead. The aim was to provide an overview of the development of justified title achievement, especially in the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts and Book of the Dead. The conclusion is that the motive of justification in ancient Egyptian religion evolved along with the concept of Judgment of the Dead with whom he was associated.

Odklad a zastavení výkonu rozhodnutí (exekuce) / Deferral and discontinuance of the enforcement of judgment (execution)

Bardonová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Deferral and discontinuance of the enforcement of judgment (execution) Carrying out the enforcement of the judgement represents a rather great impact on the obliged person's rights. Despite the fact that it is this obliged person who has caused such enforcement by not fulfilling voluntarily what has been imposed upon him by the enforceable decision, the law has to provide a certain standard of protection. Thus, in the Czech legal environment, it creates above all a deferral and discontinuance of the enforcement of judgement (execution). The main purpose of this thesis is to focus on these two institutes and also on costs in connection with them as they are a concern not only for the obliged person but for the entitled person as well. The thesis is divided into four chapters. While the first one presents general information about the enforcement of judgement and execution, its legal sources and difference between both concepts, the main part of the thesis lies in the three following chapters. The second chapter deals with deferral of enforcement of judgement (execution), i.e. situation when the court (or executioner) may suspend carrying out the enforcement of the decision where (i) the obliged person has temporarily got without his fault into such a condition that an immediate enforcement of the...

Juízo moral, história e revolução em Kant e Fichte / Moral judgement, History and Revolution in Kant and Fichte

Cunha, João Geraldo Martins da 04 April 2008 (has links)
Como julgar um evento político? Com o advento da Revolução Francesa duas perspectivas se abriram aos intelectuais alemães diante desta pergunta: uma em nome da prudência, fundada na história empírica; outra em nome da liberdade, fundada na moral. Na primeira perspectiva, Rehberg, inspirado em Burke, acusou os revolucionários de aplicarem uma \"teoria pura\" na prática política e, por isso mesmo, confundirem a vontade de todos, conceito empírico, com a vontade geral, conceito teórico e puro. Na segunda perspectiva, dois filósofos se opuseram, Kant e Fichte, assumindo como pressuposto comum que a política deve ser julgada à luz do sentido moral da história. Para tanto, partiram de uma ligação estreita entre vontade e razão a partir da qual os conceitos de liberdade e finalidade deveriam ser pensados juntos numa espécie de escatologia moral. Mas, ao transporem a política da Historie para a Weltgeschichte, do plano dos eventos empíricos para o plano do sentido necessário da história, uma segunda questão se pôs: a política deve ser corrigida em nome da moral por meio de reforma ou por meio de revolução? Embora Kant tenha visto a Revolução Francesa como signo histórico do progresso moral da humanidade, isto não o impediu de condená-la juridicamente em nome do princípio da publicidade - que, segundo ele, toda revolução contra o poder constituído acaba por violar. Fichte, por outro lado, ora defende o direito de revolução dos indivíduos contra o estado despótico, ora defende certo despotismo estatal, no que diz respeito ao funcionamento da economia, tolhendo o arbítrio individual dos cidadãos. Posições contraditórias e ao sabor das circunstâncias? Não creio. Sustento que a diferença entre estes dois juízos políticos de Fichte não impede que eles mantenham certa identidade de base. Mas se é sempre em nome da liberdade que a política deve ser julgada, certamente não é a liberdade dos indivíduos que conta do ponto de vista da razão, e sim a libertação da espécie - porquanto cada indivíduo só pode assumir sua identidade no confronto e reconhecimento recíproco com os outros. Ao pretender erigir um \"sistema da liberdade\", fundar a razão numa atividade livre de autodeterminação, a Doutrina-da-ciência abriu caminho para que a liberdade moral se transformasse em libertação social e para que o \"reino dos fins\" chegasse à Terra - mediante uma \"escatologia da imanência\" que operou uma reforma da revolução. / How can one judge a political event? The French Revolution opened up two perspectives for the German intellectuals of the period to answer such question: one under the token of prudence, grounded on empirical history; the other brandishing the flag of liberty, grounded on morals. From the former,A. W. Rehberg, inspired by E. Burke, charged the revolutionaries of applying a \"pure theory\" to political practice, and, due to the same reason, of confusing the will of all, an empirical concept, with the general will, a pure and theoretical concept. From the latter perspective, Kant and Fichte, mutually opposed, assumed as a common premise that politics ought to be judged under the light of the moral meaning of history. In order to accomplish this, they both started from a close link between will and reason from which the conceptions of liberty and finality ought to be thought in connection in a kind of moral Eschatology. However, when they transposed politics from Historie to Weltgeschichte, that is, from the domaine of empirical events to the one of the necessary meaning of history, a second question had to be answered: should politics be corrected for the sake of morals by means of a reformation or of a revolution? Even though Kant saw French Revolution as a historical sign of the moral progress of humanity, such a fact didn\'t prevent him from issuing a legal condemnation of it in defense of the principle of publicity - a principle which, in his view, every revolution fledged against established sovereignty comes to violate. Fichte, on the other hand, sometimes defends the right of individuals to rise revolutionarily against the despotic state, but also seems to approve of certain forms of despotic guidance, concerning the working out of the economy, in the restriction of the individual will of the citizens. Could these be contradictory postions, suggested only by the vicissitudes of the circumstances? I don\'t believe so. I maintain that the difference that lie between these diverse Fichtean political judgments does not hinder the fact that they maintain a certain fundamental identity. But if it is always for the sake of liberty that politics ought to be judged, from the standpoint of reason it certainly is not the liberty of the individuals that counts, but rather the liberation of the species - for each individual can only assume his or her identity in contrast with and through reciprocal recognition of the others. By intending to build up a \"system of liberty\" and to ground reason on an activity free of self-determination, the Doctrine of Science opened up the road for the transformation of moral liberty into social liberation and for the \"kindom of ends\" to come to Earth - by means of a \"Eschatology of immanence\" that operated a reformation of the revolution.

Comparação entre julgamento tradicional e avaliação cinemática do salto de cavalos da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo / Comparison between traditional judgement and jumping kinematic evaluation of Brazilian Sport horses

Miyashiro, Patricia 14 June 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever as características cinemáticas do salto de cavalos da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo, avaliar o julgamento realizado pelos juízes durante uma competição de salto em liberdade e comparar essas avaliações. Foram utilizados 13 equinos da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo, machos não castrados (40,15±4,24 meses, 491,1±40,89 kg). Os animais foram filmados saltando um obstáculo oxer durante uma competição de saltos em liberdade. Trajetórias do centro de massa corporal (CM) foram calculadas através da posição de pontos anatômicos que foram rastreados manualmente desde a decolagem até o pouso. Dessa trajetória, variáveis biomecânicas foram calculadas: velocidade vertical e horizontal, ângulos da velocidade e do deslocamento do CM na decolagem, altura máxima, deslocamento vertical e horizontal do CM, altura e fração de encurtamento dos membros sobre o obstáculo. Um polinômio de segunda ordem foi calculado através da trajetória do CM para obter três constantes com base na equação resultante. Os cavalos foram avaliados por três juízes: medidas zoométricas, funcionalidade, morfologia, salto, genealogia e modelo de garanhão. As notas de julgamento são consistentes entre si, mas são tendenciosas. As variáveis biomecânicas apresentaram alta repetibilidade e baixo erro. Nenhuma das notas de funcionalidade, genealogia e salto se correlacionam com as variáveis biomecânicas de salto. O julgamento do salto realizado não apresenta relação com as variáveis biomecânicas medidas. A análise cinemática não apresentou viés e foi muito consistente, podendo ser uma ferramenta para tornar o julgamento mais objetivo. / The objective of this study was to describe the jump kinematic characteristics of Brazilian Sport horses, evaluate the judgment conducted during a free jump competition and compare these assessments. Thirteen Brazilian Sport Horses stallions (40.15 ± 4.24 months, 491.1 ± 40.89 kg) were filmed jumping an obstacle during a competition. Body center of mass (CM) trajectories were calculated by the position of anatomical landmarks that were manually tracked from takeoff to landing. From this trajectory, biomechanical variables were calculated: vertical and horizontal velocities, angles of the velocity and of the displacement of the CM at takeoff, maximum height, vertical and horizontal displacement of the CM, height and shortening rate of the limbs over the obstacle. A second order polynomial was calculated to obtain three coefficients. All horses were evaluated by three judges: body measures, functionality, morphology, jumping, genealogy and stallion model. Judges are consistent with each other, but they are biased. The biomechanical variables showed high repeatability and low error. None of the functionality, genealogy and jumping scores correlate with jumping biomechanical variables. The judgement is not associated with the jumping biomechanical variables measured. Kinematic analysis showed no bias and was very consistent therefore being helpful for future sport horses judgement.


Zoubková, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis talks about the pupil's moral development. It is focused primarily on possibilities of the moral development in drama education, eventually in some dramatic activities used during other lessons. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. At the beginning of the theoretical part it acquaints readers with basic information about the moral consciousness and behavior, analysis of the moral judgement of the child and possibilities of its measuring. It also presents drama education as a separated subject its principles and methods and it outlines the possibilities of the drama education in the pupil's moral development. The practical part contains the analysis of the primary school age pupil's moral judgement and comparison outcomes of the pupils who are taught using the methods of drama education and pupils, who have never experienced drama education. The goal of the empirical survey is to find out whether and to what extent the drama education influences the development of moral judgement of the pupils.

O saneamento cooperativo como roteiro de organização e de julgamento do processo / The cooperative reorganization as an organization and judgment guide of the process

Gomes, Gustavo Gonçalves 02 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2016-12-20T10:51:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Goncalves Gomes.pdf: 2307783 bytes, checksum: f3f4dfe27dc8713788f886cd5971e74e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-20T10:51:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Goncalves Gomes.pdf: 2307783 bytes, checksum: f3f4dfe27dc8713788f886cd5971e74e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-02 / The reorganization measures of the process is the main theme of the thesis .In spite of a classic theme, there are several influences and reconfigurations that need to be re-adjusted over time, the main focus remains to achieve the restructuring of the civil procedure: a fast and efficient guarantee of legal assistance. The study was developed with the methodical orientation of the deductive approach and the technical of the literature search. This study aims, in a first moment, reinforce the need of reorganization measures of the process regarding the organization and preparation of the lawsuit to the fnal phase and setting up the necessary rules, so that the process can reach its highest and best efficiency. Secondly, realize a new meaning of this well-known subject, with the provocations brought up hereby, which can be very useful to modernize the Brazilian Civil Process System. For this purpose, and before getting in the current reality, which is the result of the effectiveness of of Civil Procedure Code of 2015, we need to draw some considerations about the foreign influences on the issue and prepare a brief summary of the development of the reorganization measures in Brazilian’s law. It’s important to demonstrate, as well, objectively, the deficiencies in the previous model - the Civil Procedure Code of 1973 - and the reasons of its failure. In a brief conclusion, we can say that the absolute lack of awareness of the parties and the judges in the use of the old technical proposed in the previous procedural law was a major cause of loss of efficiency in the reorganization measures phase, which was completed with the "reorganization measure instruction". The innovations introduced by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 promote the existence of a civil process in cooperation with several legal possibilities for the realization of a democratic and effective restructuring process, for the benefit of all parties involved in the process. The reorganization measures phase of the process and its decision serves as a judgment guide of the lawsuit, whose the content should be worked by the judge and the parties. In a law democratic state, it is right and appropriate to guarantee the “full right of adversarial exercise”; in particular, the judge must necessarily provide the parties (jointly or separately) the grounds of his judgment, based on the fact and the law. The Reorganization, in the context of procedural motion, is the main phase and enables the State, represented by the judge,to exercise the judicial activity in a technical manner, appropriate, effective and equitable / O saneamento do processo é o foco desta tese. Apesar de ser um tema clássico e de ter assimilado várias influências e reconfigurações ao longo do tempo, a fase de saneamento é muito importante na consecução da principal finalidade do processo civil: a outorga rápida e eficiente da prestação jurisdicional. O estudo, que se desenvolve com a orientação metodológica da abordagem dedutiva e da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, pretende, em um primeiro plano, reforçar a necessidade de o saneamento do processo ser realizado com vistas a organizar e preparar a demanda para a sua fase final, definindo-se todas as regras necessárias para que o processo venha a alcançar o seu maior e melhor rendimento; em segundo, realizar uma nova leitura sobre uma temática considerada bem conhecida por todos, de modo a fazer com que as provocações aqui trazidas possam ser muito úteis à modernização do sistema processual civil brasileiro. Para esse propósito, e antes de adentrar a realidade atual fruto da vigência do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, será necessário traçar algumas considerações a respeito das influências estrangeiras sobre o tema e elaborar um breve resumo a respeito do desenvolvimento da fase de saneamento no direito brasileiro, importante para demonstrar de forma objetiva as deficiências existentes no modelo anterior – do Código de Processo Civil de 1973 – e as razões do seu fracasso. Em breve conclusão, pode-se afirmar que a absoluta falta de consciência das partes e dos juízes na utilização da técnica proposta pelo antigo ordenamento processual foram um grande motivo de perda de eficiência da fase de saneamento, a qual era concluída com o “despacho saneador”. As inovações trazidas pelo CPC de 2015 estimulam a existência de um processo civil desenvolvido em regime de colaboração, com várias oportunidades legais para a realização de uma atividade saneadora democrática e efetiva, em benefício de todos os sujeitos do processo. A fase de saneamento do processo e a decisão saneadora que dele advém servem a todos como um verdadeiro roteiro de julgamento da demanda, cujo conteúdo deve ser construído em conjunto – o juiz e as partes. Em um Estado Democrático de Direito é justo e adequado que seja garantido o pleno exercício do contraditório e, principalmente, facultada às partes a indicação (conjunta ou não) das questões de fato e de direito que, na sua visão, devem obrigatoriamente ser objeto de apreciação do juiz em sua sentença. O saneamento, no contexto da marcha processual, mostra-se como a sua principal fase e colabora para que o Estado-juiz possa fazer a entrega da atividade jurisdicional de maneira técnica, adequada, efetiva e justa

A universalidade subjetiva do juízo de gosto em Kant / The universality of judgement of taste in Kant\' s work

Fracalossi, Ivanilde Aparecida Vieira Cardoso 08 May 2008 (has links)
A universalidade do juízo de gosto não tem um princípio objetivo porque não pretende determinar nenhum objeto. Mas para assegurar sua necessidade e escapar da contingência da experiência, ela se ampara no princípio exemplar do senso comum (Gemeinsinn), ou seja, num princípio subjetivo que determina apenas por sentimento, e não por conceito, aquilo que apraz ou não apraz. No entanto, sob a pressuposição de um assentimento universal a respeito do que é belo, a necessidade neste juízo adquire uma representação objetiva baseada no fundamento de nosso sentimento. É na dedução deste fundamento do sensus communis que se concentra nosso esforço nesta dissertação, pois tentaremos mostrar que ela percorre toda a Crítica da Faculdade de Julgar Estética. / The universality of judgement of taste has none objective principle because does not intend to determine any object. Nevertheless, in order to assure its necessity and to escape from the experience\'s contingency, this universality supports itself in exemplary principle of common sense (Gemeinsinn), in other words, in a subjective principle which determines what is pleasure or not, only by feeling and not by concept. Although, under the presupposition of a universal agreement regarding what is beautiful, the necessity in this judgement acquires an objective representation based on our feeling\'s ground. It is in this deduction of this ground of sensus communis that concentrates our effort in this dissertation, because we will try to demonstrate that it courses through the entire Critique of Aesthetic Judgement.

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