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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the way to the determination of the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy with JUNO / Vers la détermination de la hiérarchie de masse des neutrinos avec l'expérience JUNO

Huang, Qinhua 06 November 2019 (has links)
L'expérience JUNO est une expérience basée sur un détecteur à scintillateur liquide ayant pour objectif principal de déterminer la hiérarchie de masse des neutrinos. JUNO atteindra une sensibilité de trois écarts standards en 6 ans, avec une résolution en énergie sans précédent, meilleure que 3% à 1MeV. Le détecteur central de JUNO est un détecteur à scintillateur liquide de 20 kilotonnes, construit avec une couverture de photocathode élevée (78%) et une bonne transparence. La couverture de photocathode est assurée par 18000 photomultiplicateurs de 20 pouces et 25000 de 3 pouces, ce qui permet d'atteindre un rendement d'environ 1200 photoélectrons par MeV. Malgré les 700m d'épaisseur de roche protégeant le détecteur des rayonnements cosmiques, le bruit de fond induit par les muons atmosphériques est toujours considéré comme non négligeable par rapport au signal attendu pour la détermination de la hiérarchie de masse. Pour faire face à ce bruit de fond, un détecteur appelé "Top Tracker" permet d'améliorer la détection de ces muons. Cette thèse concerne les travaux d'optimisation pour cette expérience actuellement en cours de construction, et dont les prises de données commenceront en 2021.Pour les photomultiplicateurs de 20 pouces, deux nouvelles géométries de concentrateurs de lumière sont étudiées afin de vérifier leurs performances pour augmenter le rendement photoélectronique et donc la résolution en énergie de JUNO. La distribution spatiale et le schéma de câblage des photomultiplicateurs de 3 pouces font aussi l'objet d'études pour assurer une performance optimale du système.Cette thèse aborde ensuite la conception du système de déclenchement du Top Tracker. En effet, ce détecteur doit posséder un tel système pour rejeter les signaux produits par la radioactivité naturelle dans la caverne. Les résultats montrent qu'un système à 2 niveaux doté d'algorithmes optimisés est efficace pour la suppression de ces signaux et qu'il est ainsi possible d'obtenir une efficacité de détection des muons de 93%. Une discussion sur la contribution du Top Tracker à la suppression et à la mesure du bruit de fond induit par les muons atmosphériques est également incluse. / The JUNO experiment is a multi-purpose liquid scintillator neutrino experiment with the main objective of determining the neutrino mass hierarchy (nuMH) with a significance better than 3sigma. To achieve this goal, it is crucial that JUNO has an unprecedented energy resolution of 3% at 1 MeV. Therefore, the JUNO Central Detector (CD) will be built with 20000 ton high transparency liquid scintillator and high photomultiplier tube (PMT) photocathode coverage of 78%, which is provided by 18000 20"-PMTs (LPMTs) and 25000 3"-PMTs (SPMTs). At the same time, the background induced by atmospheric muons should be vetoed by using reconstructed muon tracks. The Top Tracker (TT) is a muon tracker installed on top of the CD for precise muon tracking.This thesis details firstly the optimisation of the LPMT and the SPMT systems, which are directly related to the antineutrino calorimetry. New designs of light concentrator tailored for the JUNO LPMT are studied in order to verify their performance on increasing the JUNO photoelectron yield. By comparing different configurations, the relation between the SPMT system performance and the non-uniform distribution of the SPMT emplacements is studied, and the scheme used for cabling between SPMTs and their Under Water Boxes (UWBs) is studied to ensure a minimal performance degradation in case of UWB failure.Afterwards, this thesis reports on the design and optimisation of the TT trigger algorithms. Due to the background induced by natural radioactivity in the JUNO cavern, the TT cannot work correctly without a trigger system. The results show that a 2-level trigger with the optimised trigger algorithm is effective for the background suppression and thus a muon detection efficiency of 93% can be achieved.A discussion about the TT contribution to the suppression and the measurement of the atmospheric muon-induced background, is also included.

WvFEv3: An FPGA-based general purpose digital signal processor for space applications

Mokrzycki, Brian Thomas 01 July 2011 (has links)
The Waves instruments aboard the Juno and Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) spacecraft represents the next generation of space radio and plasma wave instrumentation developed by the University of Iowa's Radio and Plasma Wave group. The previous generation of such instruments on the Cassini spacecraft utilized several analog signal-conditioning techniques to compress and condense scientific data. Compression techniques are necessary because the plasma wave instruments can often generate significantly more science data than can be transmitted using the narrow telemetry channel of the hosting spacecraft. The next generation of plasma wave instrumentation represents a major shift of analog signal conditioning functionality to the digital domain, drastically reducing the amount of power and mass required by the instrument while simultaneously further condensing scientific data, increasing the precision of plasma emission measurements, and adding flexibility. The solution presented in this thesis is to utilize a low-cost radiation tolerant field programmable gate array (FPGA) that serves as a space qualified implementation platform for a custom designed general-purpose digital signal processor, called the WvFEv3.

Modelling of the Bow Shock and Magnetopause of Jupiter Using In-situ Juno Data

Reuithe Löfgren, Emanuel, Grigelionis, Lukas January 2022 (has links)
When the solar wind encounters a planet’s magnetic field, they interact and the different plasma and magnetic field behaviours divides the magnetosphere into different regions. Two important region boundaries to the outer magnetosphere, called the magnetosheath, are the bow shock and magnetopause. A good deal of knowledge about the planet’s magnetic field can be obtained by studing these boundaries. Moreover, the strength of Jupiter’s magnetic field makes its magnetosheath boundaries an interesting case study. The aim of this study was to compile data covering the crossings of the Jovian bow shock and magnetopause from NASA’s Juno probe and use this data to investigate their shape and location. In doing so, we hoped to be able to assess the validity of previous models and the stability of Jupiter’s magnetic field over time. Both a parabolic curve model and a location distribution function were created as part of this objective. The distribution of boundary crossings prevented fine details in the shape and location of the bow shock and magnetopause from being determined. By analysing the density of occurring boundary crossings it was found that the bow shock and magnetopause are generally positioned closer to Jupiter than determined by previous studies. / Nar solvinden färdas nära en planet växelverkar de. Detta ger upphov till magnetosfären som består av olika områden med varierande plasmabeteenden. Två viktiga gränser till magnetosfärens yttre del, kallad magnetosheath, är bogchocken och magnetopausen. De är intressanta då man vid undersökning kan lära sig mycket om planets magnetfält överlag. Dessutom utgör gränserna av Jupiters magnetosheath en intressant fallstudie på grund av planetens starka magnetfält. Målet med denna studie var att sammanställa data över korsningar av Jupiters bogchock och magnetopause av NASA:s rymdsond Juno for att undersöka deras form och position. Med detta hoppades vi på att kunna bedöma validiteten hos tidigare modeller och bedöma stabiliteten av Jupiters magnetfält över tid. Både en parabolisk modellkurva och en fördelningsfunktion över gränsernas position skapades som en del av detta mål. Fördelningen av gränskorsningar förhindrade bestämmandet av mindre detaljer av form och position hos bogchocken och magnetopausen. Genom att analysera tätheten av förekommande korsningar upptäcktes det att bogchocken och magnetopausen befinner sig i allmänhet närmare Jupiter än vad som bestämts i tidigare studier / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Le statut du personnage dans l’Énéide de Virgile : stratégies narratives et effets de lecture / The character in Vergil’s Aeneid : narrative strategy and effect on the reader

Rohman, Judith 29 November 2013 (has links)
La notion de personnage est problématique dans le contexte de l’épopée antique, en particulier pour les dieux et pour le héros virgilien, Énée. Réhabiliter cette notion afin de mieux cerner le personnage épique et, avec lui, le Lecteur Modèle de l’épopée, nécessite donc une étude de la terminologie. La première partie s’attache ainsi à définir les critères et les limites à donner à l’effet-personnage dans l’Énéide en envisageant notamment la tradition d’interprétation allégorique des dieux. Les deux parties suivantes sont centrées chacune sur un personnage et l’on y examine les rapports qui s’établissent entre narrateur, personnage et lecteur en partant du postulat selon lequel le narrateur, en tant que relais d’une identification primaire, apparaît comme un guide dans la réception du personnage. Énée, parce qu’il est l’élu du destin, se voit parfois dénier le titre de personnage ; par sa nature de demi-dieu, il se situe en outre à la croisée des deux mondes, humain et divin. La déesse Junon offre l’occasion d’appliquer les principes définis dans la première partie pour l’attribution du statut de personnage aux dieux ; en outre, c’est son action qui constitue la matière de l’action racontée et confère son rythme au récit. / The litterary concept of character considered in the context of Ancient Epic is a source of controversial, especially for the gods and Vergil’s hero, Aeneas. Reconsidering this notion, in order to figure out more clearly the epic character and the epic « Model Reader », requires a close study of the terminology. The first part of this thesis tries to determine the criteria defining the « character-effect » in the Aeneid and the limits of this notion, surveying, among others, the allegoric traditions about the gods in Ancient Epic. Each of the two following parts focuses on a single character and analyses of the relationship between the narrator, the character and the reader, starting from the premise that the reader identifies primarily with the narrator, who will guide him in his reception of the characters. To Aeneas, as the Elected of fate, the title of character is sometimes denied ; as a demi-god, he stands at the intersection of the divine and the human worlds. A study of Juno then brings the opportunity to assess the principles defined in the first part about the gods and their status as characters of the epic ; moreover, Juno’s actions supply the narrative material, and contribute to define its tempo.

New model for the 5-20 cm wavelength opacity of ammonia pressure-broadened by methane under jovian conditions based on laboratory measurements

Chinsomboon, Garrett 12 October 2012 (has links)
In order to fully understand the role methane (CH₄) plays in the microwave emission spectra of the deep atmospheres of the outer planets, over 280 laboratory measurements of the opacity of ammonia in a methane environment have been made in the 5-20 cm wavelength range. All opacity measurements were made with either 100 or 200 mbars of ammonia and with 1 to 3 bars of added methane in the 330-450K temperature range. A formalism for the absorptivity of ammonia broadened by methane has now been developed and had been applied to the Hanley et al. (Icarus, v. 202, 2009) model for the opacity of ammonia. Due to methane's relatively low abundance at Jupiter (~0.2% by volume), its effect on the microwave spectrum which will be observed by the Juno MWR (Microwave Radiometer) will be minimal. However, these experimental results will significantly improve the understanding of the microwave emission spectrum of Uranus and Neptune where methane plays a more dominant role.

Junon, "trop amie des Africains" : une déesse romaine de la colère et de la réconciliation : étude religieuse et littéraire du début de la République jusqu'à l'époque augustéenne / Iuno amicior Afris : a goddess of anger and reconciliation : religious and literary study from the early Republic to the Augustan age

Sauvey, Juliette 27 February 2015 (has links)
Cette étude a pour origine le constat d'un paradoxe : Junon, grande déesse romaine qui siège au sein de la triade Capitoline, a aussi combattu le projet d'installation d'Énée dans le Latium, a été hostile à l'apothéose de Romulus ou a protégé les Carthaginois d'Hannibal. Si cette hostilité semble a priori le fait des poètes depuis Ennius jusqu'aux poètes augustéens, elle est aussi intrinsèque à la nature de la déesse qui fut celle qui subit le plus souvent le rituel d'euocatio destiné à apaiser la divinité de l'ennemi et à l'intégrer au panthéon romain, comme à Véies en 395 av. Mais surtout, cette colère semble inséparable de la réconciliation finale de la déesse avec les Romains. Enfin, cette hostilité et cet apaisement ont été réactualisés au cours de l'histoire de Rome : guerres contre les Étrusques, les Carthaginois ou guerres civiles. Notre démarche suit un plan chronologique pour analyser la dynamique du phénomène tout en étudiant à la fois le fait religieux et le fait littéraire. / This study results from the observation of a paradox : Juno, great Roman goddess, part of the Capitoline triade, has fought the Aeneas' project to establish a settlement in Latium, was hostile to Romulus' apotheosis and has also protected the Carthaginian army of Hannibal. Juno's hostility was told by the poets since Ennius, up to the augustan poets, but can also be studied in the cultual practice, owing to the fact that she was subject to euocatio-rituel several times as in Veii in 395 BC. The ritual of euocatio has been used in order to calm ennemies' divinity and to integrate it in the Roman pantheon. Moreover, Juno's anger implies to be examined simultaneously with her final reconciliation with Rome. Finally, this hostility and reconciliation underwent some updates during the Roman history : Etruscan, Punic or Civil wars. Our approach follows a chronological plan in order to analyze the phenomenon's dynamics while studying both religious and literary facts.

Kronor, kransar och diadem som rollsymboler i Rubens målningar över Maria de’ Medicis liv / Crowns, wreaths and diadems as role symbols in Rubens’s Marie de’ Medici Cycle

af Klinteberg, Kristina January 2022 (has links)
This is a study on crowns, wreaths and diadems as role symbols in Peter Paul Rubens’s 24 paintings for Marie de’Medici in Paris, 1622 – 1625. In these paintings, historic facts are shown with the addition of mythological gods and their symbols giving allegorical scenes, where sometimes also Christian symbols or subjects can be traced. A reader of these painted motifs therefore can choose to see the symbols as regal, Christian or mythological. The crown and the wreaths rarely present a challenge in modern interpretations, but the magnificent diadem does. Rubens chooses this diadem for higher goddesses, and for the queen a couple of times too. For some reason, this symbol is mostly misread in analyses. At this point in history, the crowns and the wreaths have been collected from divine spheres and turned into physical objects on earth used by the high and mighty. The large diadem has not; it is still only a symbol on a goddess. If and when put on a human in a portrait, the symbol gives the lady the abilities and characters of a goddess. Rubens uses his own design when turning this symbol into a physical picture;it is a high, pointed diadem with pearls and coloured gems set in gold. He has used it on goddesses both before and after the Medici commission. Today, we have seen numerous spectacular headpieces like this from late 18th century an onwards, wherefore it is an easy mistake to believe that Rubens copied what he saw instead of, as he actually did, foreboding a coming fashion. In addition to confirming this, I also suggest that it is the highest goddess Juno queen Marie is personifying. Juno is mostly known today as a goddess for women and childbirth. But she had far more masculine tasks in earlier days: she was seen as the saviour of the country and a special counsellor of the state. These two important roles are exactly what Marie de’ Medici took on when acting as regent for her young son, Louis XIII,after the murder of her husband, the late Henry IV. By putting Juno’s diadem on Marie’s head, when sitting on a throne, the divine abilities are manifested according to how a historic period could be transferred to the allegorical language in a painting at the time.

"Hell Hath No Fury: <i>Furor</i> and Elegiac Conventions in Vergil's Depiction of Female Characters in the <i>Aeneid</i>."

Herndon, Lindsay S. 08 February 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Autobiography of an Exile: Analyzing the Reproduction of Subjugation Found in Sean O’Casey’s Dublin Trilogy

Unknown Date (has links)
Sean O’Casey’s Dublin Trilogy travels through the Irish revolutionary period and explores how this environment created a revolutionary Dublin where armed militants struggled to overthrow the authority and privileges of their British oppressors. Seeking to remove the colonial authority that had oppressed the Dublin population for so long, these revolutionaries fought, killed, and died in their quest for an independent Ireland. In this struggle, groups of armed men can be seen employing tactics that would only lead to the continued oppression of other sections of the Irish population. By connecting the Dublin Trilogy to his autobiographies, in which he highlights the importance of family as a supportive unit for the Dublin poor, I propose that O’Casey, in the Dublin Trilogy, warns that these ideological reproductions would eventually lead to the continued subjugation of Irish women and other members of the Irish population outside of the masculinist, militant identity supporting the Irish independence struggle. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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