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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omphile Umphi Modise : diteng le dimelo tsa baanelwabagolo (Setswana)

Moepi, Gaamele Francina 07 July 2011 (has links)
This study examines D.P.S Monyaise’s short story titled Omphile Umphi Modise which were scrutinized by Mogapi (1992), Pretorius (1990), Manyaka (1992), Shole (1997) and Malimabe (1998). Their investigation did not only focus on the content of the short story, but also concentrated on the structure and style of the author. When scrutinizing Omphile Umphi Modise, the focus mainly falls on content and characterization of the characters. This research is based on an adopted narratological model, which is used by Groenewald (1993) and Mojalefa (1994).. When investigating the content, emphasis is put on the topic as a theme and part of the plot, which is imperative in the analysis of Omphile Umphi Modise. Two terms which are to define and describe are used to explain and unravel ideas that were used by the writer to simplify the problems a reader would encounter in this investigation. When analyzing the content as theory, the following four elements are noticed: characters, events, time and place. Another important aspect on the level of content is the division of the characters into two subgroups, namely quarrelsome and kindhearted.. In Omphile Umphi Modise, the kindhearted is Motlalepule, while the quarrelsome is rraModise who blatantly refuses to see Motlalepule’s good side. These two characters are described by the following: intention, patronage abilities, success and resistance. The investigation explains that the theme, which is ‘keeping a secret can lead to one’s doom’, is the one that connects the events and the plot, with the intention of highlighting the message to attract the reader. Design is one of the most important aspects of the plot. It is herewithin divided into two sections which highlight the characterization of the protagonist and antagonist as well as the revelation of the aspect of tragedy in Omphile Umphi Modise. The characters are divided into two sections, namely main and minor characters. The main characters are the protagonist, the antagonist and the tritagonist. The antagonist in Omphile Umphi Modise is rraModise/Mosimane yo o tedu tsebeng/ tedu tsa katse who is portrayed to be evil because he mandated Thandi, a minor character, to put drugs in the tea Motlalepule was about to drink, and sadly ended up drinking it herself. After she was drugged, mosimane yo tedu tsebeng/tedu tsa katse raped and impregnated her. The writer uses techniques to explain the personality traits of the characters. He employs a distinguishing technique to highlight personality traits of Motlalepule which are beauty, misfortune, suffering, and poverty. These are explained by the following techniques: focus, differentiation, conflict, use of the possessive, use of the adjective form, point of view, use of diminutive form, exaggeration, use of the pronoun, use of idioms, proverbs and, similes and omission. Differentiation is employed to highlight leadership as a personality trait of the antagonist, mosimane yo o tedu tsebeng/ tedu tsa katse/rraModise is which is explained by two techniques: indicative mood and point of view. AFRIKAANS : In hierdie ondersoek word D.P.S Monyaise se kortverhaal getiteld Omphile Umphi Modise ontleed. Dié kortverhaal is krities ontleed deur Mogapi (1992), Pretorius (1990), Manyaka (1992), Shole (1997) en Malimabe (1998). Hulle ondersoeke het nie slegs die inhoud van die kortverhaal betrek nie, maar het ook op die struktuur van die kortverhaal en die styl van die skrywer gefokus. Met die ontleding van Omphile Umphi Modise, word daar gekonsentreer op twee aspekte, naamlik inhoud en karaktarisering van die karakters. Hierdie navorsing word gebaseer op die aangenome narratologiese model wat gebruik word deur Mojalefa (1994) en Groenewald (1993).. Wanneer die inhoud ondersoek word, word daar klem gelê op die onderwerp as ‘n tema en as deel van die plot, wat van belang is in die analise van Omphile Umphi Modise. Idees wat deur die skrywer gebruik is om die probleme van die leser ten opsigte van die verstaan van die ondersoek te vereenvoudig, word twee terme naamlik en defineer en te interpreteer verduidelik en geanaliseer. Wanneer die inhoud as teorie ontleed word, word die volgende vier elemente betrek: karakters, gebeure, tyd en plek. ‘n Ander belangrike aspek is die vlak van inhoud – die karakters word in twee subgroepe verdeel, naamlik. antagonis en protagonis. In Omphile Umphi Modise, is Motlalepule die protagonis, terwyl rraModise die antagonis is wat blatant weier om Motlalepule se goeie kant raak te sien. Hierdie twee karakters word beskryf deur intensie, vermoë, sukses en teenstand. Die ondersoek verduidelik dat die tema ‘om ‘n geheim te hou wat tot ‘n mens se ondergang kan lei’, die een is wat gebeure en plot koppel, met die doel om die boodskap uit te lig om sodoende die leser te interesseer. Ontwerp is een van die belangrikste aspekte van die plot. Dit word onderverdeel in twee afdelings wat die karakterisering van die protagonis en antagonis, sowel as die tragedieaspek van Omphile Umphi Modise beklemtoon. Die karakters word in twee groepe verdeel, naamlik. hoofkarakters en newekarakters. Die hoofkarakters is die protagonis, die antagonis en die tritagonis. Die antagonis in Omphile Umphi Modise is rraModise/Mosimane wa tedu tsebeng/ tedu tsa katse wat uitgebeeld word as boos, omdat hy Thandi, ‘n newekarakter, oorreed het om ‘n dwelmmiddel in Motlalepule se tee te gooi, en dit toe self gedrink het. Nadat sy bedwelm is, het mosimane yo tedu tsebeng/tedu tsa katse haar verkrag en swanger gemaak. Die skrywer gebruik verskillende tegnieke om die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die karakters uit te beeld. Hy gebruik ‘n spesifieke tegniek om die persoonlikheidskenmerke van Motlalepule uit te lig, naamlik skoonheid, ongeluk, swaarkry en armoede. Hierdie kenmerke word uitgelig deur die volgende tegnieke: fokus, differensiasie, konflik, die possessiewe vorm die adjektiewe vorm, perspektief, die diminutiewe vorm,, oordrywing, die gebruik van die voornaamwoord, die gebruik van idiome, spreekwoorde en vergelykings en elisie. Differensiasie is gebruik om leierskap as ‘n persoonlikheidskenmerk van die antagonis, mosimane yo o tedu tsebeng/ tedu tsa katse/rraModise uit te lig en wat verder verduidelik word deur twee tegnieke naamlik indikatiewe modus en perspektief. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / African Languages / unrestricted

Karakterisering av ytstrukturen på en alpinskidas belag : Undersökning av alpinskidas struktur med mikroskopiundersökning och glidtes

Nieminen, Jeff January 2022 (has links)
Forskning och karakterisering av alpinskidors belag kräver mycket tid och resurser att utföra därav försvinner informationsmängd inom området, då de tester som görs inte delas offentligt. Idag användsuteslutningsmetoden mycket och inte mätvärden som testats fram. Idenna rapport undersöks varför den ena skidan är snabbare än den andra med hjälp av teknisk information i form av data.Arbetet kring studien introducerades med en förstudie. I förstudien identifierades problem, analys av artiklar samt förberedelse kring intervju. Under arbetet har större del av tiden arbetats kring glidtester och uppsikt av strukturen samt att undersöka strukturer på belaget med mikroskop på ett laboratorium i Uppsala.Resultatet omfattar teoretiskt bevis grundat på mätdata som arbetats fram vid Ångströms laboratorium. Med hjälp av tre skilda strukturer som syftar till varierande karaktär, visar resultaten hur olika strukturer ger utslag i glid mellan snö och belag. Strukturerna som användes var helbäddsstruktur, kryss-struktur med släppta kanter samt fiskbensstruktur.Slutsatser kring projektet är att det glidtest som utfördes inte höll tillräckligt hög standard. För att kunna styrka att någon av strukturerna var snabbare än den andra behöver man utveckla glidtestet. Tiderna indikerar på skillnad i strukturerna, men på grund av de brister i testet som uppkom kan man inte med säkerhet fastställa att det är enbart strukturen som gör att tiden påverkas.Det går inte hitta någon korrelation mellan mikroskopsbilderna och de resultat man fick från glidtesterna, vilket ledet till att målet inte uppnåttsmed att hitta de parametrar som påverkar friktionen mellan skida ochsnö / In this study, the characteristics of an alpine ski’s base structure arepresented. The goal is to identify which parameters on the surface control the friction between the ski and the snow. The project is based on selfstudies through laboratory experiments and tests has been completed with facts from scientific reports and articles. This thesis is written for Sports Technology - Bachelor of Science in Product Development at Mid Sweden University Spring term 2022.Research and characterization of the alpine ski base require a lot of time and resources. As a result, the amount of information in the area disappears, as the tests performed are not shared publicly. Exclusion methods is the most common method used today and not measured values that have been tested. This report examines why one ski is faster than the other using technical data.The pilot study identified problems-, analyzed articles, and made the necessary preparations for the interviews. During the rest of the study, the main part of the time has been put into glide testing, an inspection of the structure and also observing the base of the ski with a microscope at the laboratory in Uppsala.The result covers theoretical evidence based on the measurement data that has been subtracted at the Ångstöms laboratory. With the help of three different structures aiming for varying characters, the result shows how these different structured bases interact with the snow. The structures used were full bed Cross structure, Cross structure withshaped edges and fishbone structure.Conclusions about the project are that the ski test that was performed did not maintain a sufficiently high standard. To be able to prove that one of the structures was faster than the other you need to develop the ski test. The times indicate a difference in the structures, but due to the shortcomings in the test that arose, it cannot be established with certainty that it is only the structure that causes the time to be affected.Karakterisering av ytstrukturen på en alpinskidas belagMittuniversitetet2022-05-25Based on the Mid Sweden University template for technical reports, written by Magnus Eriksson, Kenneth Berg and MivIt is not possible to find any correlation between the microscope images and the results obtained from the tests, which led to the goal not being achieved by finding the parameters that affect the friction between skisand snow / <p>2022-07-01</p>

Metal Powder Benchmarking

Sajithkumar, Ananthakrishna January 2021 (has links)
Metal  additive  manufacturing  technologies  are  widely  employed  in  the aerospace, automotive  and  medical  industries. Selective  laser  melting  is  a type  of  metal additive manufacturing process in which powders are consolidated layer by layer in a predefined pattern with the help of a laser beam to create a component.   Powder characteristics are critical in influencing the quality of the printed component.  Metal powders must be within a specific size range and have spherical morphology to exhibit good  flow  and  spread behaviour  during  the  additive  manufacturing  process.   It  is necessary to understand the flow behaviour to comprehend the powder’s performance during the  process.   The  study  investigates  the  effect  of  powder  characteristics like particle  shape,  particle  size  and  size  distribution  on  the  flow behaviour  of  steel powders.   Powder  characterisation  techniques  relevant  to the  powders  for  additive manufacturing application is identified and performed. Sieve analysis fails to incorporate the particle shape during the particle size estimation. Optical microscopy is not a robust method for determining the particle shape.  Flow behaviour of the powders was studied using flowmeter test, rheometric analysis and static angle of repose test.  Rheometric analysis is more sensitive to minor variations in the flow behaviour compared to flowmeter tests. The static angle of repose test fails to incorporate the stresses experienced by the powder during the process and can be used to get a rough estimate for the powder flow behaviour in terms of cohesion.  Of the seven steel powders examined, the same powder with flow time 12 [s/(50 g)] kept being ranked in the top three for all the flow tests. So this powder is recommended for use in additive manufacturing. In addition, one other powder that failed in flowmetertests was consistently placed towards the bottom of all tests. / Metalladditiv tillverkningsteknik används i stor utsträckning inom flyg­, fordons­, och medicinsk industri. Selektiv lasersmältning är en typ av metalladditiv tillverknings­ process där pulver konsolideras lager för lager i ett fördefinierat mönster med hjälp av en laserstråle för att skapa en komponent. Pulveregenskaper är avgörande för att påverka kvaliteten på den tryckta komponenten. Metallpulver måste ligga inom ett visst storleksintervall och ha en sfärisk morfologi för att uppvisa ett bra flödes­, och dispersionsbeteende under den additiva tillverkningsprocessen. Det är nödvändigt att förstå flödesbeteendet för att förstå pulvrets prestanda under processen. Studien undersöker effekten av pulveregenskaper som partikelform, partikelstorlek och storleksfördelning på flödesbeteendet hos stålpulver. Pulverkarakteriseringstekniker som är relevanta för pulvren för tillsatstillverkning identifieras och utförs. Siktanalysen misslyckas med att införliva partikelformen under partikelstorleksupp­ skattningen. Optisk mikroskopi är inte en robust metod för att bestämma partikelformen. Pulvrets flödesbeteende studerades med hjälp av flödesmätartest, reometrisk analys och statisk vinkel på vilotest. Reometrisk analys är mer känslig för mindre variationer i flödesbeteendet jämfört med flödesmätartester. Det statiska vilovinkeltestet misslyckas med att införliva de påfrestningar som pulvret upplever under processen och kan användas för att få en grov uppskattning av pulverflödesbeteendet i termer av kohesion. Av de sju stålpulver som undersöktes rankades samma pulver med flödestiden 12 [s/(50 g)] i topp tre för alla flödestester. Så detta pulver rekommenderas för användning i additiv tillverkning. Dessutom placerades ett annat pulver som misslyckades i flödesmätartester konsekvent mot botten av alla tester.

Study of Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction using bimetallic catalysts on active supports : The case of unpromoted and K-promoted FeCu/CeO2 / The case of unpromoted and K-promoted FeCu/CeO2 : Studie av icke-promoterad och K-promoterad FeCu/CeO2

Sala, Carlo January 2022 (has links)
Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction (RWGS) är en attraktiv lösning för CO2-använding och minskning av utsläppen i atmosfären. Denna reaktion begränsas av termodynamiken och det finns problem med storskalig tillämpning. För att förbättra genomförandet av processen krävs utveckling av en effektiv katalysator. I mosats till typiska undersökningar som använder katalytiska metaller på en inert bärare, i denna undersökning användas en bimetallisk katalysator på en aktiv bärare.  RWGS-reaktionen studerades genom att använda Cu-Fe/CeO2-katalysator den K-promoterade motsvarigheten i olika mängder. Katalysatorerna testades i en fastbäddsreaktor. Katalysatorerna syntetiserades genom hydrotermisk metod och successiv impregnering av aktiva metaller. De framställda katalysatorerna analyserades med hjälp av BET-analys, H2-temperaturprogrammerad reduktion och röntgendiffraktion (XRD). Temperatur och H2/CO2 effekterna bedömdes. Experimentella resultat visade att Cu-Fe/CeO2 uppvisar avsevärd katalytisk aktivitet vid temperaturer högre än 500°C. Den CO2 omvandling med bimetalliska katalysatorn varierade mellan 24 % och 100 % avjämviktsvärdet med GHSV 360 000 h-1. Dessutom varierade CO selektivitet i intervallet mellan 70% och 95%. K-promoterad katalysator uppvisade lägre aktivitet antagligen på grund av partiell täckning av metalliska aktiva ytan, vilket resulterade i lägre omvandling (10%-~50% av jämviktsvärdet). Längre experiment (69-100 timmar) för de icke-promotoriserade katalysatorerna uppvisade inga avaktivering eller aktivitet/selektivitetsförlust i motsats till den K-promoterade katalysatorn som uppvisade en långsam aktivitetsavklingning troligen på grund av sintring. / Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction (RWGS)is an attractive solution for CO2 utilizationand consecutive reduction of emissions in the atmosphere. This reaction is limited by thermodynamics while there are problems with its implementation at large scale. To improve the process implementation, development of an efficient and effective catalyst is required. Contrary to typical studies where catalytically active metals are deposited on inert supports, in this study the investigation of a bimetallic (Fe-Cu) catalyst on an active support was carried out. In particular, the RWGS reaction was studied over Cu − Fe/CeO2 catalyst with and without potassium promotion by means of catalytic activity tests in a fixed bed reactor. The catalysts were synthesized by hydrothermal method and successive impregnation of active metals. All the materials were characterized by means of BET analysis, H2 temperature programmed reduction and x-ray diffraction. The effects of temperature and H2/CO2 molar ratio were assessed. Experimental results showed that Cu −Fe and exhibit considerable catalytic activity at temperatures greater than 500°C. CO2 conversions of 24% to 100% of the equilibrium conversion were achieved at gas hourly space velocities of 360 000 h−1. Selectivity for CO varied between 70-95% Potassium promotion plausibly results to a partial coverage of active sites, and thus leading to lower conversion (10%-~50% of the equilibrium value). Longer runs (69-100h) showed no signs of deactivation and activity/selectivity loss for the unpromoted catalysts, while the K-promoted catalyst exhibited a slow activity decay probably due to sintering.

Static and Dynamic Characterization of power semiconductors

Mejean, Alexandre January 2019 (has links)
Characterizing  power  switches  is  an  indispensable  step  when  designing  a  converter.  This  thesisinvestigates ways to achieve static and dynamic characterization of semiconductors for high power applications such as power grid or train traction. The static characterization has been tested with a Keysight B1506A device analyzer. The problems encountered have been analyzed and corrected.Then the design of a high current switching test bench for dynamic characterization is explained. The full-bridge  configuration  allows  controlled  and  spontaneous  commutations  so  the  bench  can measure hard and soft switching. The voltage can be up to 10 kV and the current up to 3 kA during the commutation. The choice of the probes is justified. The issues of bandwidth, input impedance and common mode current are taken into account. Data are processed in order to interpolate theswitching loss in hard and soft switching. / Karaktärisering  av  halvledarbrytare  är  ett  viktigt  steg  när  man  utformar  en  omvandlare.  Dennaavhandling undersöker olika sätt att uppnå statisk och dynamisk karakterisering av halvledare för högeffekttillämpningar såsom elnät eller ellok. Statisk karaktäriseringen har utförts med en Keysight B1506A-enhetsanalysator. De problem som uppstått har analyserats och korrigerats.Utformningen    av    en    testbänk    för    dynamisk    karakterisering    förklaras.    Den    kompletta bryggkonfigurationen möjliggör kontrollerad och spontan kommutation med spänningar upp till 10 kV och  strömmar  upp till 3 kA så att  bänken kan mäta hård  och mjuk  växling.  Valet  av sonderna förklaras.   Frågorna   om   bandbredd,   ingångsimpedans   och   common-mode   ström   tas   med   iberäkningen. Data bearbetas för att interpolera kopplings förlusten i hård och mjuk växling.

Karakterisering van Grubbs-tipe prekatalisatore met behulp van kernmagnetiese resonansspektroskopie / Christo de Lange

De Lange, Christo January 2014 (has links)
Since the development of the ruthenium containing precatalysts Grubbs 1 (1) and Grubbs 2 (2), there was an increase in the development of new precatalysts. The NMR characterization could not cope with this. The NMR characterization mainly consists of 1H, 31P, COSY and rarely 13C. Due to the high natural abundance of 1H and 31P (99.98% and 100%), these experiments could be carried out quickly and easily. The only change that had to be made was to the spectral width, to accommodate the carbene signal (Ru=CH) between δ 20.02 and δ 17.32 ppm. The lack of 13C characterization is attributed to the low natural abundance of these nuclei that is only 1.10% and the lack of published parameters. Furthermore, the broad spectral width of 300 ppm increases the difficulty because the number of scans has to be increased to increase the sensitivity of the spectra and obtain useful data. In this study the precatalyst 1 was used to learn the NMR technique as well as to acquire the NMR parameters. 2 and two other commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 3 and 4 underwent NMR characterization so that acquired values could be compared with the literature. Six other non-commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 were synthesized and characterized. Due to the instability of the precatalysts and taking into account the duration of these experiments, the characterization was done over three steps. The first step was to do the following experiments: 1H, COSY, HSQC and HMBC, which took four hours. The next step was the DEPT135 experiment of three hours, and finally the 13C experiment of seven hours. The maximum amount of information could be obtained in this way. The combined NMR parameters for this study was obtained and used to characterize the Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 partially. Due to the large amount of overlapping peaks in the aromatic and alkane areas the resolution was not sufficient for full characterization. / MSc (Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Karakterisering van Grubbs-tipe prekatalisatore met behulp van kernmagnetiese resonansspektroskopie / Christo de Lange

De Lange, Christo January 2014 (has links)
Since the development of the ruthenium containing precatalysts Grubbs 1 (1) and Grubbs 2 (2), there was an increase in the development of new precatalysts. The NMR characterization could not cope with this. The NMR characterization mainly consists of 1H, 31P, COSY and rarely 13C. Due to the high natural abundance of 1H and 31P (99.98% and 100%), these experiments could be carried out quickly and easily. The only change that had to be made was to the spectral width, to accommodate the carbene signal (Ru=CH) between δ 20.02 and δ 17.32 ppm. The lack of 13C characterization is attributed to the low natural abundance of these nuclei that is only 1.10% and the lack of published parameters. Furthermore, the broad spectral width of 300 ppm increases the difficulty because the number of scans has to be increased to increase the sensitivity of the spectra and obtain useful data. In this study the precatalyst 1 was used to learn the NMR technique as well as to acquire the NMR parameters. 2 and two other commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 3 and 4 underwent NMR characterization so that acquired values could be compared with the literature. Six other non-commercial Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 were synthesized and characterized. Due to the instability of the precatalysts and taking into account the duration of these experiments, the characterization was done over three steps. The first step was to do the following experiments: 1H, COSY, HSQC and HMBC, which took four hours. The next step was the DEPT135 experiment of three hours, and finally the 13C experiment of seven hours. The maximum amount of information could be obtained in this way. The combined NMR parameters for this study was obtained and used to characterize the Grubbs-type precatalysts 5-10 partially. Due to the large amount of overlapping peaks in the aromatic and alkane areas the resolution was not sufficient for full characterization. / MSc (Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Tsiri : Padinyana ya Madiba (Sepedi)

Thobejane, Mamphofore Mack 23 February 2010 (has links)
In his monograph on Sepedi/North Sotho, Groenewald (1993:19) describes Moses Josiah Madiba as one of the first authors of didactic or moral tales. He also points out that Madiba’s contribution includes other kinds of works, such as poetry and school readers. Groenewald (1993:19) emphasises Madiba’s pioneering role in the development of literature in Sepedi. Because he was one of the earliest writers in Sepedi, his influence on the development of this literature should not be underestimated. In this study, the focus is therefore on the writing of Madiba as an author, but only his novelette Tsiri (1953) is selected for specific analysis. In the analysis, the content and structure of the work are discussed in detail and they are interpreted against the historical background of Sepedi literature in order to highlight Madiba’s place in this literature. The descriptive model used in this study is an adaptation of the narratological model. It requires a comprehensive definition of the relevant concepts. In this case a distinction is made between the theme and topic as concepts. The elements of the content, namely the characters, the action, the milieu and historical time, are defined precisely. The novelette deals with the difficult life circumstances encountered by the protagonist, which result in his falling into a life of laziness. The relationship that develops between the various characters is highlighted in terms of the topic. The historical course of the facets of the action is described. The various time aspects are closely examined, after which the milieu is discussed. The entire discussion is situated in an historical framework in order to reveal the importance of Madiba in the history of this literature. The structure of the work is discussed in four sections. First, the theme of the story, the narrative strategy, the title and the pillars on which the structure rests are discussed. Second, characterization is explored, with particular emphasis on Tsiri and his father, Madubaduba, who respectively represent the negative and positive poles in the novelette. This includes a discussion of the various narrative techniques which are used to persuade the reader to accept Tsiri after he repents. Third, the milieu is described in as far as it supports the theme. It contributes to the rationale for the turning point in Tsiri’s life. The milieu is functionally incorporated by means of a multitude of techniques. Fourth, the study focuses on the action, which presents the events in terms of an exposition, the development, climax and dénouement. Once the author has indicated the conflict between the main characters, he uses a variety of narrative moments to increase tension. In particular, he uses changes of the point of view and focalisation extensively. As can be expected in the early works in any literature, there are some bothersome structural flaws, and in this case they are related specifically to the use of the different points of view, where there is no clear rationale for the presence of the author’s moralisation. Although this flaw is pointed out, this does not imply a negative critical analysis of the work. The fact remains that Madiba writes in a flowing narrative style and that his Sepedi language usage is impeccable, which makes him an important pioneer in the history of Sepedi literature. His pioneering work in the educational arena positions him as a champion of the Sepedi language. Further studies could evaluate his other novelettes and poems against this background. AFRIKAANS : In sy monografie oor die Sepedi/Noord Sotho letterkunde beskryf Groenewald (1993:19) Moses Josiah Madiba as een van die eerste skrywers van die didaktiese of morele verhaal. Hy wys ook daarop dat Madiba se bydrae ander werke insluit, byvoorbeeld gedigte en skoolleesboeke. Groenewald (1993:19) beklemtoon Madiba se baanbrekerswerk in die Sepedi letterkunde. Omdat hy een van die vroegste skrywers in Sepedi was, mag sy invloed op die ontwikkeling van hierdie letterkunde nie onderskat word nie. In hierdie studie word die ondersoek derhalwe op die skrywerskap van Madiba toegespits, maar slegs die novelle Tsiri (1953) word vir spesifieke ontleding uitgesonder. In die bespreking word die inhoud en die struktuur van die werk indringend beskryf en dit word teen die historiese agtergrond van die Sepedi letterkunde geïnterpreteer om sodoende Madiba se plek in hierdie letterkunde duidelik uit te lig. Die beskrywingsmodel wat in hierdie studie gebruik word, is ‘n aanpassing van die narratologiese model. Dit vereis ‘n volledige omskrywing van die begrippe wat ter sprake kom. In hierdie geval word daar tussen die tema en die onderwerp as begrippe onderskei. Ook die elemente waaruit die inhoud bestaan, naamlik die karakters, die handeling, die milieu en historiese tyd, word presies omskryf. Die novelle handel oor die hooffiguur se moeilike lewensomstandighede, wat daartoe bydra dat hy in luiheid verval. Die verhouding wat tussen die verskillende karakters ontwikkel, word ten opsigte van die onderwerp uitgelig. Die historiese verloop van die fasette van die handeling word beskryf. Die verskillende tydsaspekte word onder die loep geneem, waarna die milieu bespreek word. Die hele bespreking word binne ‘n historiese raamwerk geplaas sodat die betekenis van Madiba in die geskiedenis van hierdie letterkunde na vore kom. Die struktuur van die werk word in vier afdelings behandel. Eerstens word die tema, die vertelstrategie, die titel en pilare waarop die struktuur staan, bespreek. Tweedens word karaktertekening nagegaan; en hier val die kollig op Tsiri en sy vader Madubaduba, wat onderskeidelik die negatiewe en positiewe pole in die verhaal verteenwoordig. Dit sluit ‘n bespreking in van die verskillende verteltegnieke waardeur die leser oorgehaal word om Tsiri, na sy berou, te aanvaar. Derdens, word die milieu beskryf en wel in soverre dit die tema ondersteun. Dit dra daarom by dat die keerpunt in Tsiri se lewe gemotiveer word. Deur ‘n veelheid van tegnieke word die milieu funksioneel ingespan. Vierdens val die klem op die handeling wat onder vier hoofde aan die orde kom, te wete die eksposisie, die ontwikkeling, die klimaks en die ontknoping. Nadat die outeur die botsing tussen die hooffigure aangedui het, kom hy met ‘n verskeidenheid vertelgrepe vorendag om die spanning uit te bou. Daar word veral gebruik gemaak van gesigspuntwisseling en fokussering word ekstensief aangewend. Soos te wagte in enige vroeë werk in ‘n letterkunde, kom daar hinderlike struktuurfoute voor, en in dié geval lê dit juis by die aanwending van die gesigspunttegnieke, waar die teenwoordigheid van die outeur se moralisering nie duidelik gemotiveer word nie. Hoewel die gebrek uitgewys word, lei dit nie na ‘n kritiese ontleding van die werk nie. Die saak is dat Madiba ‘n vloeiende vertelmanier het en dat sy taal in onbesproke Sepedi is, wat hom in die geskiedenis van die Sepedi letterkunde ‘n belangrike baanbreker maak. Sy pionierswerk op die gebied van die onderwys plaas hom as taalstryder voorop. In verdere studies sou sy ander novelles en gedigte teen hierdie agtergrond beoordeel kan word. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / African Languages / unrestricted

Wat Emma weet (’n Roman) en ʼn Vergelykende studie van die tradisionele speurverhaal en die literêre speurverhaal met spesifieke verwysing na vier Afrikaanse speurverhale

Volschenk, Berendina 05 December 2011 (has links)
Die term speurverhaal impliseer ’n spesifieke soort verhaal of genre, tradisioneel triviaalliteratuur of ontspanningslektuur, met spesifieke kodes en konvensies. Enige konvensies is egter aanpasbaar en die grense tussen hoë kuns en populêre kultuur is vloeibaar, sodat dit moontlik is dat daar wel ʼn vertakking of subgenre wat die literêre speurverhaal genoem kan word, kon ontwikkel het. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die volgende navorsingsvrae te beantwoord: Is daar wel speurverhale wat as literêre speurverhale gekategoriseer kan word? Indien nie, waarom word die kodes van die speurverhaal as narratiewe strategie gekies vir sekere romans? Wat is die verskille en ooreenkomste tussen die tradisionele speurverhaal en die sogenaamde literêre speurverhaal? Die verskynsel word ondersoek word deur twee romans wat moontlik as literêre speurverhale geklassifiseer kan word, nl. Een vir Azazel (Leroux, 1984) en Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (Winterbach, 2006), te vergelyk met twee tradisionele speurverhale, nl. Reuk van die dood (Mouton, 2008) en Plaasmoord (Brynard, 2009), aan die hand van sekere struktuurelemente, nl. spanningslyn, plot, intrige, karakterisering, verteller, vertellersperspektief, tyd, en ruimte. ENGLISH : The term detective story indicates a specific kind of story or genre, traditionally recreational and light reading, with specific codes and conventions. However, any set of conventions are pliable and the boundaries between recreational and high art are fluid and constantly shifting. It is therefore possible that a subgenre of the detective story that can be called the literary detective story could have developed. The goal of this dissertation is to answer the following research questions: Are there detective stories that can be categorised as literary detective stories? If not, why is the detective element chosen as a narrative strategy for some novels? What are the differences and similarities between the traditional detective story and the so called literary detective novel? / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

An investigation into the spectral transfer function and characterization of a terrestrial solar-blind ultraviolet electro-optical system

Coetzer, Casper Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Solar-blind Ultraviolet cameras are used to detect missile plumes and perform the detection of corona on high voltage electrical lines. This study investigates the influence of the spectral transfer function of a specific solar-blind Ultraviolet camera upon Ultraviolet energy measurement results. In addition to the spectral transfer response investigated, is the influence of other related factors, including the specific camera operation and design. The possibility that the particular camera‟s measurements are being influenced by its own spectral transfer function, is initially investigated by using a simplified model. The objective of the model was to determine if the hypothesis is possible. In addition to the spectral transfer function of the camera, other factors that could influence camera measurements were also investigated in the literature. Included are highlights from other research conducted utilising this type of camera for high voltage electrical purposes, as well as comments for further research. Subsequently experiments were executed to characterise the camera, including the determination of the spectral transfer function of the specific camera, taking into considering limitations of the camera and related equipment. Derived from the spectral transfer of the camera and the other experiments and literature, a proposed method of calibration is presented, as well as suggestions for the improvement of the camera and better utilisation thereof. / Son-blind ultraviolet kameras word gebruik om missiel uitlaat gasse sowel as korona op hoogspannings kraglyne op te spoor. Die studie ondersoek die invloed van die spektrale oordragfunksie van „n spesifieke son-blind ultraviolet kamera op ultraviolet energie meetingsresultate. Addisioneel tot die spektrale response geondersoek, is die invloed van ander verwante faktore op metings insluitend die spesifieke kamera se werking en ontwerp. Die moontlikheid dat die spesifieke kamera se metings beïnvloed word deur sy eie spektrale oordragfunksie, word aanvanklik eers ondersoek aan die hand van ‟n eenvoudige model. Die doel van die model is om te bepaal of die hipotese moontlik is. Addisioneel tot die spektrale oordragfunksie van die kamera, word ander faktore wat die kamerametings kon beïnvloed het, ook ondersoek in die literatuur. Ingesluit is hoogtepunte van ander navorsing wat die tipes kameras gebruik vir hoogspannings elektriese doeleindes, plus kommentaar vir verdere navorsing. Vervolgens is eksperimente uitgevoer om die kamera te karakteriseer, insluitend die bepaling van die spesifieke kamera se spektrale oordragfunksie, met inagneming van die beperkings van kamera en verwante toerusting. Afgelei uit die spektrale oordragfunksie van die kamera en die ander eksperimente en literatuurstudie, is „n voorgestelde kalibrasiemetode aangebied, asook voorstelle vir die verbetering en die kamera en meer effektiewe gebruik daarvan. / Dissertation (MEng (Electronic Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2015. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng (Electronic Engineering) / Unrestricted

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