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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiethnische Jugendsprache und ihre Übersetzung : Zur deutschen Übersetzung von Jonas Hassen Khemiris Ett öga rött

Lauper Åhmark, Beatrice January 2008 (has links)
The present text examines the translation of multiethnic youth language in Jonas Hassen Khemiri’s novel Ett öga rött (One Eye Red). Khemiri’s language is analysed, its function described and compared with the German translation of the book using representative text excerpts. Khemiri’s language is shown to deviate considerably from standard language and should be understood functionally as protest language. Most conspicuous is the continuous even word order after adverbial in the prefield instead of an inversion. Also typical is the use of nouns without articles, wrong genders, or ethnolectal lexemes such as flos (money), keff (bad) etc. Idioms are often used in an incorrect form and word formation is idiosyncratic. Khemiri’s language is characterised as a highly stylised, aesthetic artificial language inspired by multiethnic youth language (Rinkeby Swedish). The translation is typified by grammatically ordinary standard language, whose lexis is striking only for its coarse and youth language lexemes. There are no indications to suggest a German ethnolect and/or an artificial language. The target text is more neutral and lacking in humour, resulting in an impoverishment of the original text. The contrast between multiethnic youth language and standard language is also lost. The translation strategy used can best be described as einbürgernd (domesticating), as the linguistic idiosyncrasies for the most part are translated with grammatically correct standard language. The presumed effect on the reader is classed as inappropriate. Parallels between the German and the Swedish language could have been exploited in the translation without running the risk of appearing odd.

Förmedling av invandrarförfattare : I texter som riktar sig till bibliotekssektorn / Mediation of immigrant authors : In texts connected to the library sector

Sundqvist, Ludvig January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how immigrant authorsare mediated in texts. The study is based on three magazines which are directed towards the library sector. These texts have been published from the year 2000 to the year 2012. The study focuses on two of these magazines, namely Bibliotek i Samhälle and Biblioteksbladet. The study focuses on authors who write in the swedish language, but who still seem to be perceived as immigrant authors. The method used in this study is critical discourse analysis (CDA) according to Norman Fairclough. How the studied authors are being described are presented with quotations from the texts. These quotations are analysed from semantic relations. Further analysis displays first how immigrant authors are legitimated. Second it displays how immigrant authors are paraphrased in the texts. The results show that the texts focuses on the two authors Jonas Hassen Khemiri and Theodor Kallifatides. The texts paraphrasethe immigrant authors as participants of debates about the society,in a way that undermines the category of the immigrant author, aswell skilled in language and as public persons in book fairs. The final discussion stress that nothing indicates that the examined texts presuppose that some authors should be seen as immigrantauthors. The results of this study therefore do not support the results of earlier studies that have declared that some authors seem to be treated as immigrant authors. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Khemiriskans knasiga kreativitet : en kartläggning av Jonas Hassen Khemiris artificiella språk i boken Montecore - en unik tiger

Skowronska, Martina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Tankeförbrytaren och tankesultanen : En foucauldiansk analys av Kallocain och Ett öga rött / The thought offender and the thought sultan : A foucauldian analysis of Kallocain and Ett öga rött

Ascic, Ana-Antonia January 2023 (has links)
This thesis studies Karin Boye’s novel Kallocain: Roman från 2000-talet (1940) and Ett öga rött (2003) by Jonas Hassen Khemiri. The aim of the analysis is to examine the novels’ portrayals of power in order to see if there are traces of totalitarian tendencies from the dystopian novel Kallocain, in the contemporary story of Ett öga rött. Due to the intention of the analysis, I chose to apply a palimpsestic methodology, meaning I have analyzed Ett öga rött – symbolically – on top of Kallocain. The theoretical groundwork consists mainly of Michel Foucault’s theory on power, particularly from his book Discipline and Punish (1975), but other works that have studied Foucault have been of help as well. My results show that the same disciplinary powers are visible in Kallocain and in Ett öga rött. The governments, schools and other individuals exert the same type of power over the main protagonists Leo and Halim, which confirms that the totalitarian methods used in the fictional state of Kallocain are also utilized in Hassen Khemiris portrayal of Sweden in Ett öga rött. The discussion on knowledge is applicable in the same way. The notions of propaganda and truth are hard to separate in both novels, but I conclude that knowledge is used to control and adapt nonconforming people to standard society, while also constructing the protagonists as subjects and objects of power. This happens in Kallocain as well as Ett öga rött. The protagonists also use three methods to resist the disciplinary power, mainly: external resistance, internal resistance, and mimicry. These forms of resistance aim to free the protagonists from the oppressive norms and make them feel like individuals who cannot be controlled.

"...en mardröm för språkvårdare" : Recensenters attitydertill multietniskt ungdomsspråk i skönlitteratur

Hanna, Weman January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks vilka språkattityder som kan synliggöras i recensioner av de tre böckerna Till vår ära (2001), Ett öga rött (2003) och Yani (2022), som samtliga är skrivna helt eller delvis på multietniskt ungdomsspråk. Syftet är att analysera hur attityder till multietniskt ungdomsspråk har förändrats sedan början av 2000-talet fram till 2022. Arbetet vilar på centrala begrepp från sociolingvistiken och en kombination av verktyg för att analysera interpersonella drag i en text. Dessa analysverktyg är hämtade från den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken samt teori för metakommunikation och utgör tillsammans uppsatsens metod. De frågeställningar jag avser besvara är vilka attityder till multietniskt ungdomsspråk som kan blottläggas i bokrecensionerna, och hur dessa attityder har förändrats under tidsperioden 2001–2022. Resultaten visar att det har skett en förändring i attityder under den studerade tidsperioden. Det går från en uppfattning om att multietniskt ungdomsspråk visserligen är nyskapande och normbrytande men ändå inkorrekt, ofullständigt och svårläst, till övervägande positiva attityder där språket menas fylla en funktion i boken, och fokus förskjuts mer till läsaren än till språket i sig. Detta kan tänkas höra ihop med en större demografisk förändring i samhället där antalet utlandsfödda ökar, och det multietniska ungdomsspråket inte längre är lika ifrågasatt. Samtidigt framgår det att recensenterna sitter på en position där de kan förhandla om språkets plats i samhället utifrån sin roll som kulturella grindvaktare. Undersökningen visar även att en kombination av metoder från systemisk-funktionell grammatik och metakommunikation fungerar väl för att synliggöra attityder i ett material.

Den personliga korrespondensen : En komparativ analys mellan hur det intima visas i brevromanerna Pamela or Virtue Rewarded och Montecore – en unik tiger

Sollander Jergeby, Ina January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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