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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konsensus - en fundamental osanning? : En studie om aktiemarknadspsykologins påverkan på aktieanalytiker som bidrar till konsensus samt problematiken som medföljer / Consensus – A fundamental untruth?

Möller, Linnéa, Gambe, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att förklara olika händelser på den finansiella marknaden använder sig många forskare av aktiemarknadspsykologi med bakgrund i att aktörerna är människor. Konsensus är aktieanalytikers sammanställda estimat som ska motsvara marknadens aggregerade, fundamentala förväntningar. Det faktum att aktieanalytiker är människor gör att även dessa influeras av psykologi, vilket i sin tur både påverkar konsensus, investerare och till slut även marknaden. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera och belysa vad som ligger bakom konsensusestimaten för att sedan kunna redogöra för hur aktörer på aktiemarknaden kan förhålla sig till detta. Fokus kommer att ligga på faktorer som, till skillnad från fundamentala och tekniska analyser, har sin utgångspunkt i aktiemarknadspsykologi. Metod: Med en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes intervjuer med tio olika aktieanalytiker. Intervjuerna ligger sedan till grund för analysen där den teoretiska referensramen bestående av aktiemarknadspsykologiska faktorer användes för att dra slutsatser. Slutsats: Resultatet visar på att konsensus inte fullt motsvarar aktieanalytikernas egentliga åsikter och att investerare och analytiker därför snarare bör förhålla sig till konsensus som en referenspunkt än som en riktlinje för investeringar. / Background: To explain certain events that transpires on the stock market a lot of scientists use behavioral finance. They use this due to the fact that the market participants are human after all. Consensus estimates is the compiled estimates of sell side analyst which is supposed to be equivalent to the markets fundamental expectations. The fact that sell side analysts are human infers that they also get influenced by psychology, which in turn affect consensus, investors and lastly the market. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze and shed light on the elements that affect consensus estimates to clarify how stock market participants can relate to them. The focus will be on elements that, unlike fundamental and technical analysis, originates from behavioral finance. Method: Ten different stock analysts have been interviewed with a qualitative research approach. The interviews then acted as a basis for the analysis where the theory, originating from behavioral finance, is used to come to a conclusion. Conclusion: In conclusion, the result exhibits proof that consensus estimates doesn’t, to a full extent, truly reflect the sell side analysts’ true beliefs. Investors and other stock analysts should therefore relate to consensus as a reference point rather than a guideline for investment decisions.

Aktuální trendy pojišťování úvěrových rizik se státní podporou / The Actual Trends of Insuring of the credit risks with state support

Hrnčiříková, Michala January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the export credit insurance as one of the possible instruments for covering business risks in international trade. Furthermore, it indicates its basic forms and also focuses on the international rules, which regulate the providing of export credit insurance. The main stress is laid on the development of export credit insurance with state support in a time of global financial and economic crisis. The thesis offers a view of the specific anti-crisis measures of some selected export credit agencies and their impact on the international trade development.

Konfesionální politický systém a neformální sítě jako příčiny ekonomického úpadku Libanonu / Confessional political system and informal networks as the reasons of economic decline in Lebanon

Němeček, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis attends the problem of institutional and political structure in a post-war economy of Lebanon. Lebanon was one of the countries in the Near east, which tried to apply principles known as Washington consensus. On this case we try to demonstrate the problem which appeared also in other countries of the world, where the same set of principles was applied and it was the insufficient attention dedicated to the issue of informal networks. We pay special attention to a confessional system in Lebanon which is based on division of powers on the basis of religion. This type of political structure produces creation of informal networks which substitute state apparatus and instigate corruption. The thesis proposes a modification of Lebanese system which will treat the institutional background with greater attention.

Trafik- och stadsplanering som en integrerad process? : Om perspektiv och kommunikativa processer i stadsutvecklingen

Tornberg, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
Urban planning and transportation planning through an integrated process? On perspectives and communicative processes in urban development During the last couple of years the need for a better coordination of urban and transportation planning in Sweden has been highlighted at several occasions. In response to this need, the project “The Attractive City” (Den Goda Staden) has been initiated, emphasizing collaboration and communicative processes between actors involved in urban and transportation planning as a means to enhance the potential for an integrated planning. In this study the discussions taking place under the umbrella of The Attractive City are examined in order to illuminate the circumstances enhancing or obstructing the potential for integrated planning processes. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge of the conditions for an integrated planning of transportation systems and cities based on dialogue and collaboration. Through three case studies central challenges for cross-sectoral coordination are identified and used as a basis for a discussion on the potential for consensus based planning processes. It is concluded that much of the discussions in The Attractive City take a starting point in the ambition for planning to be holistic, an ambition associated with the risk of shadowing a range of underlying tensions between different perspectives among actors involved in the planning processes. The influence of these differences in perspectives on the potential for coordination of parallel planning activities is discussed. With reference to communicative planning theory and the experiences from The Attractive City, it is argued that communicative processes can play a role in sharpening the awareness about the procedural problems that need to be addressed in a planning process. Although consensus, in terms of agreement on solutions, may well be the result of communicative processes, increased understanding of different actors’ motives and conditions to act is seen as the main benefit from this kind of communicative processes, creating a resource to draw upon in future situations.

Vi samlas i en allvarsmättad tid : En kvalitativ studie om samlingsregeringen ur ett socialdemokratiskt perspektiv / We gather in a fateful time : A qualitative study of the coalition government from a social democratic perspective.

Blidstål, Adam, Kjerf, Johan January 2021 (has links)
This study focuses on the Swedish coalition government during World War II. The purpose of this study is to examine the creation of and the resolution of this government and to see if there were any disagreements in the Social Democratic Party during the creation and resolution of this government. The study also focuses on the attitude towards the Swedish Communist Party. The method that has been used is a content analysis and argumentation analysis to see how eventual disagreements has been expressed in the Social Democratic Party. The study is based on the theory of consensus and conflict which we have applied to the material. The empirical material of this essay is based on protocols from the Swedish Labor Movement’s Archives and Library and examines protocols from different political meetings. The study concludes that in general we can see a tendency of political consensus among most of the representatives from the Social Democratic Party even though there were differences of opinions on the way to democratic decisions.

Bibliotekariens nya handlingsfält : Mellan neutralitetsnorm och agonistisk kamp

Mazzarelli, Valentina January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis means to understand and identify the new ways librarians need to work, to ensure libraries as true democratic institutions under recent turbulent and antagonistic political times. Consequently, study if this challenges the neutrality norm that librarians may feel the need to attain. Through qualitative textual analysis of articles published in Biblioteksbladet and Magasin K and Chantal Mouffe’s Theory of Agonistic Pluralism as basis for this study, results show an agonistic struggle in a neutral liberal consensus. This entails for instance, the need for preparedness, argumentative skills, courage and an enthusiasm for questioning political pressure in an open debate.

Srovnání sovereign ratingu a rizikové kategorizace zemí a jejich změny po finanční krizi / The Comparison of Sovereign Ratings and Country Risk Classification according to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits and its Development after Financial Crisis

Vasická, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
In the first chapter the paper is focused on sovereign rating, it describes the history and explains the basic characteristics in the context of its usual usage. In the second chapter the basics behind the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits are explained. Because the main purpose of this paper is to compare sovereign rating and the country risk classification based on the Arrangement, the chapter focuses especially on the Knaepen Package that introduced country risk classification to the Arrangement. In the chapter there is also the introduction to the Malzkuhn-Drysdale Package. In the third and fourth chapter sovereign ratings and county risk classifications are compared on theoretical basis. There were used several different criteria, e.g. methodology of rating/classifying, time necessary for adjustment and criteria for evaluation. The fifth chapter is focused on Basel I-III, the connection between Basel capital adequacy and both credit risk evaluation systems is explained. In the following chapter, the question of guilt of rating agencies and their role in the outbreak of financial crisis is discussed. The last chapter is based on the case study that describes the difference between development of financial crisis in Italy and Greece and its impact on rating grades and country risk classification.

Financování vývozu investičních celků se státní podporou

Noswitz, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
In the thesis is presented export financing of turn-key deliveries with state support in the Czech Republic. Emphasis is placed on two important characteristics of financing products - export buyer's credit and project financing. The above mentioned products are considered as financing instruments provided by the state institution established to support export transactions of domestic exporters. The practical demonstration of the theoretical part of the thesis is a case study, which focuses on financing the implementation of the transhipment port terminal grain in Ukraine.

Metody financování vývozu investičních celků / The Methods of Export Financing of Capital Goods

Zubáková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The first part of the thesis deals with methods of export financing of capital goods, pre-export financing, supplier's credit, buyer's credit and export leasing. In the next part of the theisis is described financing exports of capital goods with state support. Here is characterized pro-export policy and the Consensus OECD, as well as the emphasis on two major institutions to promote exports in the Czech Republic - EGAP and CEB. The last part is devoted to project financing and financing through PPP.

Så bereds en torsk inför förhandlingsbordet, från vetenskap till politik / Preparing a cod for the negotiation table, from science to politics

Eriksson, Johanna January 2002 (has links)
<p>Situationen för torskbestånden i Östersjön är idag så pass allvarlig att ett flertal forskare, miljörörelser och även en del politiker kräver att ett fiskestopp för torsken genast måste införas. Kraven bygger på Internationella Havsforskningsrådets (ICES) rekommendationer, vilka kan sägas representera den rådande vetenskapliga uppfattningen, men trots en internationell vetenskaplig enighet i frågan har inte forskarnas rekommendationer lyckats få politiskt gehör. Torskens väg från hav till förhandlingsbord är med andra ord en komplicerad process där ett flertal aktörer är inblandade och relationerna inte alltid är helt tydliga. Denna studie söker kartlägga varför forskarnas rekommendationer om ett stopp för torskfisket inte omsatts i handling. Studien visar bland annat att ICES forskare genom sin rådgivande roll erhåller ett visst mått av politiskt inflytande, men att möjligheterna att påverka frågans utgång huvudsakligen avgörs av i vilken mån rekommendationerna kolliderar med andra intressen. I det här fallet är det framförallt sex faktorer som motverkar ett moratoriums införande. Vetenskaplig konsensus i frågan innebär inte nödvändigtvis att politiska åtgärder vidtas, men är betydelsefull för att rekommendationerna ska betraktas som trovärdiga, vilket i sin tur är en grundläggande förutsättning för ett moratoriums införande. Teorier om interaktionen mellan vetenskap och politik, ”science and politics”, används för att belysa frågan.</p>

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