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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude fonctionnelle du génome de Bacillus subtilis : de nouvelles régulations transcriptionnelles du métabolisme central du carbone.

Doan, Thierry 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Chez Bacillus subtilis, la transcription de l'opéron gapA, comprenant les gènes de la partie centrale de la glycolyse, est stimulée en présence de sources de carbone glycolytiques. Nos études in vivo et in vitro de CggR, le répresseur qui contrôle cette stimulation, ont démontré d'une part que celui-ci a la capacité de se lier à une séquence d'ADN inhabituellement longue, consistant en une répétition directe de deux motifs (CGGGACN6TGTCN4CGGGACN6TGTC) et située entre le promoteur et le codon d'initiation de l'opéron cggR-gapA, et d'autre part que son activité est inhibée par le fructose-1,6-biphosphate. Des analyses de séquence et des expériences de transcriptome ont indiqué que CggR, qui est très conservé chez les bactéries à Gram positif et qui définit une sous-famille de la famille de régulateurs transcriptionnels SorC/DeoR, est spécialisé dans le contrôle des gènes de la glycolyse. Ainsi, une collaboration a été engagée avec des structuralistes (CBS, Montpellier) pour aller plus loin dans la connaissance de ce prototype d'une famille encore peu connue de régulateurs. Deux paires de gènes paralogues ont été détectés dans le génome (ywkA et malS, ytsJ et mleA) dont les produits sont homologues à des enzymes maliques. L'analyse transcriptomique globale d'une souche sauvage cultivée en présence de glucose ou de malate comme seule source de carbone montre que l'expression d'ywkA est induite en présence de malate. En collaboration avec l'équipe de Y. Fujita, nous avons montré qu'ywkA codait bien une enzyme malique NADdépendante dont l'expression est spécifiquement induite par le malate extracellulaire et insensible à la répression catabolique. De plus, nous avons montré que le système à deux composants YufL-YufM active directement la transcription d'ywkA en présence de malate. Cependant, YwkA n'est pas requis pour la croissance en présence de malate comme seule source de carbone. La technique d'analyse du transcriptome au moyen de membranes à haute densité est maintenant acquise au laboratoire. Nous avons commencé à mettre à profit cet outil pour une étude globale de l'expression génique en fonction de différentes sources de carbone.

Identifikation des mitochondrialen Proteins Frataxin als stoffwechselmodulierenden Tumorsuppressor

Thierbach, René January 2004 (has links)
Die Krebsentstehung wurde vor rund 80 Jahren auf veränderten zellulären Energiestoffwechsel zurückgeführt. Diese Hypothese konnte bisher weder experimentell bewiesen noch widerlegt werden. Durch den Einsatz zweier Modellsysteme mit unterschiedlicher Expression des mitochondrialen Proteins Frataxin konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit <br> gezeigt werden, dass der mitochondriale Energiestoffwechsel einen Einfluss auf die Tumorentstehung zu besitzen scheint. Eine Reduktion des mitochondrialen Energiestoffwechsels wurde durch die hepatozytenspezifische Ausschaltung des mitochondrialen Proteins Frataxin in Mäusen erreicht. Der durch das Cre-/loxP-Rekombinasesystem erreichte organspezifische Knock-out wurde auf Transkriptions- und Translationsebene nachgewiesen. Anhand verminderter Aconitaseaktivität, geringeren Sauerstoffverbrauches und reduzierten ATP-Gehaltes im Lebergewebe wurde ein signifikant verminderter Energiestoffwechsel dargestellt. Zwar entsprach die Genotypenverteilung in den Versuchsgruppen der erwarteten Mendelschen Verteilung, dennoch war die mittlere Lebenserwartung der <br> Knock-out-Tiere mit ca. 30 Wochen stark reduziert. Bereits in jungem Alter war bei diesen Tieren die Ausbildung von präneoplastischen Herden zu beobachten. Mit proteinbiochemischen Nachweistechniken konnte in Lebergewebe 4-8 Wochen alter Tiere eine verstärkte Aktivierung des Apoptosesignalweges (Cytochrom C im Zytosol, <br> verstärkte Expression von Bax) sowie eine Modulation stressassoziierter Proteine (geringere Phosphorylierungsrate p38-MAPK, vermehrte Expression HSP-25, verminderte Expression HSP-70) aufgezeigt werden. Im inversen Ansatz wurde eine Steigerung des mitochondrialen Energiestoffwechsels durch stabile transgene Frataxinüberexpression in zwei Kolonkarzinomzelllinien erreicht. Diese Steigerung zeigte sich durch erhöhte Aconitaseaktivität, erhöhten Sauerstoffverbrauch, gesteigertes mitochondriales Membranpotenzial und erhöhten ATP-Gehalt in den Zellen. Die frataxinüberexprimierenden Zellen wuchsen signifikant langsamer als Kontrollzellen und zeigten im Soft-Agar-Assay und im Nacktmausmodell ein deutlich geringeres Potenzial zur Ausbildung von Kolonien bzw. Tumoren. Mittels Immunoblot war hier eine vermehrte Phosphorylierung der p38-MAPK festzustellen. <br> Die zusammenfassende Betrachtung beider Modelle zeigt, dass ein reduzierter mitochondrialer Energiestoffwechsel durch Regulation der p38-MAPK und apoptotischer Signalwege ein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko zu verursachen vermag. / Eigthy years ago, it was suggested that impaired energy metabolism might cause cancer. Compelling experimental evidence for this hypothesis is lacking. By use of two different model systems here we show that impaired expression of the mitochondrial protein frataxin leading to impaired mitochondrial energy metabolism appears to be <br> inversely related to tumour growth. To generate mice with reduced mitochondrial energy metabolism the expression of mitochondrial protein frataxin was disrupted in a hepatocyte-specific manner by using the cre/loxP-system. Presence, efficiency and specificity of disruption were shown at transcriptional and translational levels. Decreased activity of aconitase, reduced oxygen consumption and diminished ATP level in the liver revealed diminished energy <br> metabolism. Although knock-out mice were born in the expected Mendelian frequency, they exhibited a significantly decreased life expectancy. Young mice exhibited hepatic preneoplasia. The use of proteinbiochemical techniques revealed activation of apoptotic <br> pathways (cytochrome c in the cytosol, increased expression of bax) and modulation of stress-associated cascades (decreased phosphorylation of p38-MAPK, increased expression of HSP-25 and diminished expression of HSP-70). Inversely, transgenic overexpression of frataxin in colon cancer cell lines lead to increased mitochondrial energy metabolism as demonstrated by elevated activity of aconitase, increased oxygen consumption, elevated mitochondrial membrane potential and increased ATP levels. Frataxin-overexpressing colon cancer cells exhibit a <br> concurrent decrease in replication rate. The colony forming capacity in soft-agar-assay and tumour formation in nude mice were clearly decreased. Immunoblotting revealed elevated phosphorylation of p38-MAPK. Taken together, these models suggest that reduced mitochondrial energy metabolism may promote cancer through regulation of p38-MAPK and apoptotic pathways.

Opposite associations of age-dependent insulin-like growth factor-I standard deviation scores with nutritional state in normal weight and obese subjects

Schneider, Harald Jörn, Saller, Bernhard, Klotsche, Jens, März, Winfried, Erwa, Wolfgang, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Stalla, Günter Karl 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) has been suggested to be a prognostic marker for the development of cancer and, more recently, cardiovascular disease. These diseases are closely linked to obesity, but reports of the association of IGF-I with measures of obesity are divergent. In this study, we assessed the association of age-dependent IGF-I standard deviation scores with body mass index (BMI) and intra-abdominal fat accumulation in a large population. Design: A cross-sectional, epidemiological study. Methods: IGF-I levels were measured with an automated chemiluminescence assay system in 6282 patients from the DETECT study. Weight, height, and waist and hip circumference were measured according to the written instructions. Standard deviation scores (SDS), correcting IGF-I levels for age, were calculated and were used for further analyses. Results: An inverse U-shaped association of IGF-I SDS with BMI, waist circumference, and the ratio of waist circumference to height was found. BMI was positively associated with IGF-I SDS in normal weight subjects, and negatively associated in obese subjects. The highest mean IGF-I SDS were seen at a BMI of 22.5–25 kg/m2 in men (+0.08), and at a BMI of 27.5–30 kg/m2 in women (+0.21). Multiple linear regression models, controlling for different diseases, medications and risk conditions, revealed a significant negative association of BMI with IGF-I SDS. BMI contributed most to the additional explained variance to the other health conditions. Conclusions: IGF-I standard deviation scores are decreased in obesity and underweight subjects. These interactions should be taken into account when analyzing the association of IGF-I with diseases and risk conditions.

Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages using the margin of exposure approach

Lachenmeier, Dirk W., Przybylski, Maria C., Rehm, Jürgen 06 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Alcoholic beverages have been classified as carcinogenic to humans. As alcoholic beverages are multicomponent mixtures containing several carcinogenic compounds, a quantitative approach is necessary to compare the risks. Fifteen known and suspected human carcinogens (acetaldehyde, acrylamide, aflatoxins, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, ethanol, ethyl carbamate, formaldehyde, furan, lead, 4-methylimidazole, N-nitrosodimethylamine, ochratoxin A and safrole) occurring in alcoholic beverages were identified based on monograph reviews by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The margin of exposure (MOE) approach was used for comparative risk assessment. MOE compares a toxicological threshold with the exposure. MOEs above 10,000 are judged as low priority for risk management action. MOEs were calculated for different drinking scenarios (low risk and heavy drinking) and different levels of contamination for four beverage groups (beer, wine, spirits and unrecorded alcohol). The lowest MOEs were found for ethanol (3.1 for low risk and 0.8 for heavy drinking). Inorganic lead and arsenic have average MOEs between 10 and 300, followed by acetaldehyde, cadmium and ethyl carbamate between 1,000 and 10,000. All other compounds had average MOEs above 10,000 independent of beverage type. Ethanol was identified as the most important carcinogen in alcoholic beverages, with clear dose response. Some other compounds (lead, arsenic, ethyl carbamate, acetaldehyde) may pose risks below thresholds normally tolerated for food contaminants, but from a cost-effectiveness point of view, the focus should be on reducing alcohol consumption in general rather than on mitigative measures for some contaminants that contribute only to a limited extent (if at all) to the total health risk.

RNA-binding proteins in yeast mitochondria / RNA-bindende Proteine in Hefemitochondrien

Deumer, Claudia D. 06 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This work focused on the further characterisation of Idhp and of the Krebs cycle enzymes citrate synthase 1 (Cit1p) and malate dehydrogenase 1 (Mdh1p) both of which have been identified as RNA-binding proteins without known RNA recognition motifs. Besides analysing their effects on mitochondrial translation and their organisation in protein complexes the work focused on the characterisation of the RNA-binding properties of recombinant Cit1p and Mdh1p: · Cit1p and Mdh1p play no essential role in mitochondrial protein synthesis. · Idhp is in a complex of molecular weight larger than the cytochrome c oxidase (250 kDa). · Cit1p and Mdh1p are in mitochondrial complexes smaller than 250 kDa. · 1000-fold molar excess of tRNA referring to COX2 leader RNA did not inhibit the RNA-binding of Cit1p and Mdh1p. · Cit1p and Mdh1p bind mitochondrial mRNAs (sense and antisense). The influence of cofactors and substrates on RNA-binding was analysed in order to reveal a possible link between the enzymatic function and the property of RNA-binding: · Acetyl-CoA and ATP inhibited the RNA-binding of Cit1p and Mdh1p at a concentration of 5 mM.

Engineering of a bifunctional anti-Kv10.1 antibody for cancer therapy / Herstellung und Charakterisierung eines bifunktionalen anti-Kv10.1 Antikörpers für die Krebstherapie

Hartung, Franziska 18 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

An Extremely Rare, Remote Intracerebral Metastasis of Oral Cavity Cancer: A Case Report

Leimert, Mario, Juratli, Tareq A., Lindner, Claudia, Geiger, Kathrin D., Gerber, Johannes, Schackert, Gabriele, Kirsch, Matthias 06 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Distant brain metastases from oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) are extremely rare. Here we describe a case of a 53-year-old man with a primary OSCC who referred to the neurosurgical department because of epileptic seizures. MR imaging revealed an enhancing lesion in the right parietal lobe. A craniotomy with tumor removing was performed. Histopathological examination verified an invasive, minimally differentiated metastasis of the primary OSCC. The patient refused whole brain radiation therapy and died from pulmonary metastatic disease 10 months after the neurosurgical intervention without any cerebral recurrence. To the authors’ knowledge, only two similar cases have been previously reported.

Serotonin and Melatonin Do Not Play a Prominent Role in the Growth of Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

Pirozhok, Igor, Meye, Axel, Hakenberg, Oliver W., Füssel, Susanne, Wirth, Manfred P. 14 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives: To investigate the effects of serotonin and melatonin (MLT) on the regulation of malignant growth and the activity of serotonin receptors (5HTR1a/-1b) in prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines. Materials and Methods: In four PCa cell lines (LNCaP, 22RV1, PC3, DU145) and two reference cell lines 5HTR1a and -1b, relative mRNA expression levels were assessed. Different serotonin and MLT receptor agonists and antagonists were used in stimulation and inhibition experiments. Results: mRNA expression of 5HTR1b was higher than that of 5HTR1a in all PCa cell lines. Serotonin showed a significant growth stimulatory effect in all PCa lines. The 5HTR1a and -1b agonists/antagonists did not significantly affect viability. MLT inhibited viability only in PC3 cells. Similarly, the 5HTR1a antagonist induced apoptotic changes in PC3 cells only at 10–4M, while the 5HTR1b antagonist induced necrosis at 10–4M in all cell lines. Cell cycle alterations were seen in PC3 and DU145 cells under the influence of the 5HTR1a antagonist. Conclusions: Serotonin receptor antagonists and agonists as well as MLT influence viability and apoptosis of PCa cell lines at supraphysiologic concentrations. In contrast to other reports, our results do not support a regulatory role of serotonin or MLT receptor activation or inhibition in PCa growth. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

"Es ist, ja, Battlefield – Man(n) kämpft ums Überleben"

Lindner, Anne 21 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Wenn das eigene Kind an Krebs erkrankt, werden die Eltern mit massiven organisatorischen und psychosozialen Belastungen konfrontiert. Die Frage nach der Situation der Väter wurde in wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen dabei bisher vernachlässigt, in aktuellen Fachdiskussionen zeigt sie aber mehr und mehr Präsenz. Ziel dieser Studie ist deshalb, zu erforschen, wie Väter die Krebserkrankung und die damit verbundenen – oft stark veränderten – Lebensumstände erleben. Gleichzeitig liegt der Fokus auf dem (männlichen) Bewältigungsverhalten, woraus schließlich auf mögliche psychosoziale Unterstützungsleistungen geschlossen werden soll. Die Studie stützt sich dabei auf theoretische Grundlagen aus den Themenfeldern „Krebs im Kindes- und Jugendalter“, „Lebenssituation betroffener Familien“, „Väterforschung“ sowie „Bewältigung kritischer Lebensereignisse“. Die Forschungsarbeit umfasst vier Interviews, welche mit der Methode des Problemzentrierten Interviews nach Witzel erhoben wurden. Darunter befinden sich ein Vater, dessen Kind erfolgreich therapiert wurde, zwei Väter, deren Kinder sich seit über zwei Jahren in Behandlung befinden, sowie ein Vater, dessen Kind an der Krebserkrankung verstorben ist. Die Interviews wurden nach der Methode des zirkulären Dekonstruierens von Jaeggi, Faas und Mruck einer Auswertung unterzogen. Die Ergebnisse eröffnen einen vielseitigen Einblick in das Erleben und das Bewältigungsverhalten der interviewten Väter. Neben dem „Kampf“ als zentraler Umgangsform werden verschiedenste Lebensbereiche der Väter deutlich, welche durch die Krebserkrankung des Kindes negativen, aber auch positiven Änderungen unterliegen. Zudem konnten vielfältige Formen (männlicher) Bewältigung erarbeitet werden. Auch Aspekte, die den Bewältigungsprozess fördern bzw. hindern, wurden ersichtlich. Aus den Ergebnissen lässt sich schließen, dass Väter oftmals einer Vielzahl organisatorischer und psychosozialer Belastungen ausgesetzt sind. Spezifische psychosoziale Angebote für Väter eröffnen dabei die Möglichkeit einer gezielten Unterstützung im Bewältigungsprozess. / When their child becomes ill with cancer, parents suddenly have to deal with great organizational and psychosocial burdens. The question of the situation of fathers has been neglected in scientific research for a long time, but present technical discussions give this specific issue more and more weight. The aim of this qualitative study is to research how fathers experience their child‟s cancer and the personal circumstances which are associated with the illness. In addition the focus of the study is on how fathers deal with this critical life event. As a result of the analysis possible methods of psychosocial support shall be worked out. The study is based on theoretical foundations of the topic areas “cancer at the age of childhood and youth”, “life situation of affected families”, “research on fathers” and “theories on how to overcome with critical life events”. The study comprises four interviews with fathers. These interviews were conducted based on the method of problem focused interview from Witzel. The sampling includes one father, whose child was successfully cured, two fathers, whose children are in therapy since more than two years and one father, whose child died of cancer. The interviews were analyzed with the method of circular deconstruction from Jaeggi, Faas and Mruck. The results give a complex insight into how the interviewed fathers experienced the cancer of their child and how they cope with this illness and the resulting personal circumstances. The different areas of life which were changed negatively as well as positively are shown. Furthermore it becomes clear that besides other (male) coping strategies the father`s central way of mastering their fate is by “fighting”. Moreover the results show aspects which promote or stop the coping process. According to the results of this study there are a lot of organizational and psychosocial burdens on fathers who have a child with cancer. Specific psychosocial offers for fathers open up possibilities of a targeted support in the coping process.

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis : experimental and Clinical Studies With HRMAS NMR Spectroscopy

Stenman, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
A few abnormal cells found in a small piece of prostate tissue are most consequential for a man’s future. The prevalence of prostate cancer (PCa) is increasing globally. The main instigating factor for this cancer is not yet known, but it appears to be the consequence of many variables such as an increasingly older population, more frequent PSA-testing, and factors involving lifestyle. Prostate cancer screening, as an equivalent for breast cancer screening, has been suggested but unfortunately there are no accurate diagnostic tools available for this type of screening. The reason for this is simply that the prostate is one of the most difficult organs to diagnose and, consequently, PCa screening would generate far too many false-positive and false-negative results.  The prostate is not easily accessible as it is deeply-seated in the male pelvic area, wrapped around the urethra and surrounded by sensitive vital organs.  Furthermore, PCa is frequently multi-focal, and the cancer cells have a tendency of assimilating among normal cells and, thus, do not always form solid lumps.  Therefore, prostate tumors are often not felt by digital rectal examination (DRE) or identified by imaging.  The PSA-test is not reliable as it is more prostate-specific than cancer-specific.  Due to increasing prostate awareness, more early-stage and locally confined PCa are being detected. This is saving lives, although there is a high risk of over treatment and unnecessary side-effects.  The increased detection of PCa requires sophisticated diagnostic methods and highly skilled clinicians who can discern between indolent and aggressive cancers.  The current “gold-standard” for PCa diagnosis is biopsy grading by pathologists using the Gleason score system, which is a difficult task.  Therefore, innovative methods to improve the precision of prostate diagnosis, by increased biopsy sensitivity and tumor localization, are of essence. In light of these difficulties, the metabolomic approach using 1D and 2D high-resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR spectroscopy combined with histopathology on intact prostatectomy specimens was evaluated in this research project.  The non-destructive nature of HRMAS NMR enables spectroscopic analysis of intact tissue samples with consecutive histological examinations under light microscope. Metabolomics aids in the unraveling and the discovery of organ-specific endogenous metabolites that have the potential to be reliable indicators of organ function and viability, extrinsic and intrinsic perturbations, as well as valuable markers for treatment response. The results may, therefore, be applied clinically to characterize an organ by utilizing biomarkers that have the capacity to distinguish between disease and health. The aim was to characterize the human and the rat prostate in terms of its intermediary metabolism, which I show here to differ between species and anatomical regions.  Furthermore, the aim is to seek the verification of HRMAS NMR derived metabolites which are known to be a part of the prostate metabolome such as, citrate, choline, and the polyamines which were performed, but also the identification of metabolites not previously identified as part of the local prostate metabolism, such as Omega-6, which was detected in tumors.  The extended aim was to elucidate novel bio-markers with clinical potential. In this study, the common phyto-nutrient, inositol, which appears to possess protective properties, was identified as being a potentially important PCa bio-marker for the distinction between the more indolent Gleason score 6 and the more aggressive Gleason score 7 in non-malignant prostate tissues with tumors elsewhere in the organ. Further studies in this area of PCa research are therefore warranted.

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