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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecnologia, trabalho e educação: perspectivas, estratégias e trajetórias dos jovens no mercado de trabalho informacional / Technology, labour and education: prospects, strategies and trajectories of young in the digital labor market

Tatiana Fonseca Vinha 16 October 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi contribuir para a reflexão sobre a relação entre tecnologia, trabalho e educação a partir das perspectivas, estratégias e trajetórias dos jovens, estudantes e trabalhadores do setor de Tecnologia da Informação (TI), na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). As inovações tecnológicas vêm sendo consideradas uma das principais influências das transformações em diversas esferas da sociedade nos últimos anos, especialmente no mundo do trabalho, com a constituição daquilo que é chamado neste estudo de -mercado de trabalho informacional?. O efeito dessas transformações sobre a vivência educacional e profissional desses jovens é o foco desta pesquisa. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que: 1) Apesar do segmento juvenil ter sido favorecido em sua inserção ocupacional pela expansão das novas tecnologias da informação na sociedade, a própria dinâmica do mercado de trabalho informacional, bem como suas novas exigências por competências técnicas e comportamentais, acabaram desfavorecendo os jovens das classes mais pobres. 2) A flexibilização da formação de nível superior e a corrida por capacitação para atender às qualificações demandadas pelo mercado de trabalho fazem com que os estudantes apresentem uma relação cada vez mais instrumental com a educação, influenciando negativamente a qualidade da formação dos profissionais do setor de TI. / The purpose of this research was to contribute to the reflection about the relationship between technologies, labor and education, based to the prospects, strategies and trajectories of students and workers in the Information Technology (IT) field, in the San Paulo\'s Metropolitan. Technological innovations in recent years are considered to be one of the primary factors responsible for transformations in diverses spheres of society, particularly in the workplace, constituting what it is called in this study -digital labor market?. The effect of these transformations on the educational and professional experience of these young is the focus of this research. The findings of this study suggest that: 1) Although the youth has been favored, in its occupational insertion, by the expansion of new information technologies through all parts of the society, the dynamics of the digital labour market, as well as its new demands for technical and behavioral skills end up not favoring the youth from the lower classes. 2) The increased flexibility of the university degree and the race for qualification to supply the qualifications demanded by the labour market cause the students to have an increasingly instrumental relationship with their education, which exerts a negative influence in the quality of the education of the professionals in the information technology field.

Uma geração de arquitetos. Arquitetos do início da década de 80 do Instituto Prebisteriano Mackenzie / A generation of architects. Architects of the early 80 \'s Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute

Iberê Moreira Campos 12 May 2015 (has links)
Os arquitetos e urbanistas que colaram grau na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do atual Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie no início dos anos 80 exerceram sua profissão em um cenário de mudanças constantes. Desde sua colação de grau, no Brasil e no mundo surgiram fatores políticos, econômicos e tecnológicos que tiveram conseqüências nos planos profissional e pessoal, de toda a sociedade e na vida de cada um daqueles então recém-formados arquitetos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer agora, decorridos mais de 30 anos, quais foram esses fatores e suas influências, como essa geração de arquitetos e urbanistas enfrentou essa situação, como se saiu na profissão, que tipo de atividade desenvolveu e como está atualmente. / The architects and urbanists who graduated at the Architecture and Urbanism College at the current Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute in the early 80\'s exercised their profession in a constant changing environment. Since their graduation, in Brazil and in the world emerged political, economic and technological issues that must have had consequences in their professional and personal plans, in the whole society and in the life of each one of those then recently graduated architects. The objective of this research is to know now, after more than 30 years, what were these factors, their influence, and how did this generation of architects and urbanists managed to deal with this environment, how they practiced the profession, what kind of activity they developed and how are they doing nowadays.

Leaving the street? : exploring transition experiences of street-connected children and youth in Kenya

Corcoran, Su January 2017 (has links)
This exploratory study was inspired by the author’s voluntary work with streetconnected children and youth in Kenya. It develops an understanding of the experiences of young people leaving the street in two provincial Kenyan towns. Although there has been extensive research concerned with street-connectedness, there has been a limited focus on young people’s transitions away from the street. Participants were identified with the help of three organisations: fifty-three young people, aged 12 -28, participated in semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and visual methods, during two field research visits to Kenya, in 2012 and 2013. The study found that their experiences of leaving the street were influenced by their day-to-day interactions with family, friends and other members of the communities into which they transitioned. These interactions influenced how accepted the young people felt and the extent to which they believed they were supported economically, physically and psychosocially, especially with regards to their relationships with family members. The participants’ interactions with school-based peers and teachers were particularly important in schools and training centres, where they struggled to develop a sense of belonging. Being street-connected is an integral part of the identities constructed by young people after they leave the street and establish places for themselves in their families, schools, local communities, and wider society. Such street-connectedness can be a strength: the resilience and skills developed on the street are useful attributes in adapting to new situations, potentially providing income-generating opportunities later on. However, the stigmatisation and resulting marginalisation they experienced on the street can have lasting effects. Barriers to inclusion experienced on the street influence a young person’s ability to develop a sense of belonging to their new situation after leaving the street. This study makes a conceptual contribution. Street-connectedness begins when a young person first arrives on the street, and continues until what could be years after they leave it. This street-connectedness can be characterised by three liminalities. The first is associated with living in the physical space defined as being on the street: a physical embodiment of liminality. The second, describes the process of being in transition as a young person newly arrived on the street, or having recently left the street: each being a liminal phase. The third liminality is described by an identity-forming social space, associated with being, and having been, street-connected: a liminal identity. This liminal identity, associated with being street-connected, impacts upon young people (re)entering home communities and, in particular, education, and highlights a need to consider and address the effects of these impacts.

Social divisions in an era of welfare reform: a critical analysis of neoliberalism and the underclass thesis

Martin, Sonia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a study of social divisions and an assessment of the impact of neoliberalism upon them. Its purpose is to investigate the nature of contemporary social divisions, and whether or not the ????underclass???? is a useful way of conceiving the social and economic marginalisation of some individuals. The underclass thesis crystallises in a powerful and contentious way some fundamental premises that underpin the neoliberal philosophy, namely that the welfare state is considered a threat to freedom, discourages work, and is socially and economically damaging. Thus there ought to be a reduced role for the state in the provision of welfare. There are two fundamental weaknesses in social democratic critics???? contributions to debates about welfare reform. The first relates to a focus on residual welfare and measurements of poverty, largely neglecting the systems of power that underlie welfare distribution. The second relates to the omission of agency. Critics???? responses have tended to ignore the behaviour of the welfare beneficiaries targeted by current reform. In order to address both of these issues, I have formulated a critical post-traditional paradigm of social divisions. The study comprises three stages. The first is an historical overview of neoliberal policy developments and a quantitative analysis of social divisions. The findings indicate that neoliberal nations have the lowest commitment to welfare, and the highest levels of poverty and widening inequality. In Australia, labour market changes and educational underachievement are likely to contribute to new and emerging divisions, and the cumulative nature of disadvantage is apparent within low socio-economic areas. The second stage of the study examines the policies of the Howard Coalition Government in Australia and focuses on the prevalence of the underclass phenomenon in current welfare reform. Records central to the Government????s welfare reform agenda are analysed to examine policy makers???? normative beliefs. The findings reveal that the underclass thesis is an ideological construct that legitimises a reduction of welfare provision and control of the unemployed. The third stage of the study focuses on the experiences of unemployment among young people, and the views and experiences of welfare providers who work with them. The data show that individuals make decisions about their lives from the range of options they perceive to be available to them at a particular point in time. These options are not limited to those made available by the provisions of the welfare state, nor are they solely the product of inter-generational welfare. The welfare providers enforce the Government????s position on welfare reform by endorsing a version of the underclass thesis in their work and directing their interventions at the individual. Considered together, the findings reveal that a conservative neoliberal social policy fails to capture the complex interaction that occurs between individuals and their social environment, and the impact this has on their labour market activities. By successfully converting the problem of welfare dependency into a private issue, a neoliberal social policy is legitimised and current social arrangements are maintained. / PhD Doctorate

勞動派遣制度爭議之研究-以各國比較暨我國法制建構為中心- / Research of labor dispatch system Dispute-Comparison of countries and legal system construction to the Center in Taiwan-

林志遠 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟發展是各國無不竭盡心思的政策工作,但不論政策如何制定,人力配置都是至為重要,唯各行各業越分越細,各領域的知能亦日專業,勞動力的調度上,勞動力的調度上勢將益加靈活彈性,外包、派遣等新型態的非典型勞動出現,更使得就業市場多樣化,只是近年來在經濟活動的震盪下,派遣勞動力與其爭議之問題亦同時伴隨著增加,因此如何在政策與法制上找出解決勞動派遣所產生之爭議,是為本文之重點。 本文先討論勞動派遣之定義與分類,對派遣有較清楚的架構下,再分析各國在派遣制度中所發展出不同的模式,並就其優缺點提出比較看法,做為台灣面臨勞動派遣政策制定時的借鏡,最後根據台灣派遣最新之政策勞動基準法修正草案欲其將納入派遣專章,分析其是否能有效改善派遣所產生之爭議,並提出檢討與建議。 / Economic development is there to do all the policy work of the mind. Regardless of whether the formulation of policy, staffing is important. But the industry is divided into smaller. All fields of knowledge are more and more professional. Workforce scheduling on potential flexibility will benefit plus. Outsourcing、 dispatch and other new atypical labour, appear more makes job market diversification. But in recent years in the economic activities of turbulence by, contributing labor and dispatch of controversial issue will also be accompanied by an increase. So how in the policy and the legal system to find solutions to labor dispatch of dispute arising is the focus of this article. This article first discusses labor dispatch of definition and classification. Learn about labor dispatch framework, then the analysis of national which in labor dispatch system in the development of different models. Then proposed my comparative analysis of these views as Taiwan facing labor dispatch policies example. Finally, in accordance with the Taiwan to send the latest policy draft amendments to the labor standards law wants to send it will be included in the chapter. Analyze their effectiveness to improve the dispatch of the dispute and propose a review and recommendations.

Se upp för dörrarna, dörrarna stängs. : Invandrare med akademiska utbildningar / Watch out for the doors, doors closing. : Academically educated immigrants.

Karlsson, Jeanette, Rosell, Mia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen belyser invandrade akademikers erfarenheter av Söderhamns kommuns Insteg till Svenskt Arbetsliv, en kurs för att underlätta inträdet på svensk arbetsmarknad samt invandrade akademikers syn på hur de kan få jobb i Sverige. Det är svårt för invandrade akademiker att få arbete som motsvarar deras utbildning.  Metoden för undersökningen har varit semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra invandrade akademiker. Resultatet visade att ISA-kursen gav information om hur man söker jobb i Sverige och hur den svenska arbetsmarknaden fungerar, kontakt med arbetsgivare samt träning i att prata svenska. Resultatet visade att det behövs kurser i svenskt fackspråk och ekonomiskt stöd för att studera svenska på hög nivå. Resultatet överensstämmer med Svenskt Näringslivs åsikt att brist på effektiva utbildningar i svenska gör att Sverige inte kan förvalta hitflyttad välutbildad arbetskraft. Resultatet visar att kommuner behöver fördela rätt kompetens till rätt kommun samt att invandrade akademiker behöver hjälp med kontakter med arbetsgivare. Processen att få ett arbete behöver gå snabbare för att invandrade akademiker inte ska tappa motivation.</p> / <p> </p><p>This thesis explains how academically educated immigrants in Söderhamn, Sweden, have experienced a course aiming to help them enter the Swedish job market. It gives these academically educated immigrants' views on how they can get a job in Sweden. It is difficult for academically educated immigrants to get work in Sweden equivalent to their education. The method used has been semi-structured interviews with four immigrants with academic educations. The result shows that the course gave information about how to apply for a job in Sweden and how the Swedish job market works, contact with Swedish employers and training in speaking Swedish. The result also shows that there is a need for technical language courses in Swedish that gives immigrants the terminology needed to be able to practice their professions in Sweden.  In addition there is a need for financial support to be able to study Swedish at high levels. This result corresponds with the view of Svenskt Näringsliv: There is a lack of effective Swedish courses in Sweden which makes it impossible to make use of highly educated people that move here. Furthermore the result shows that communities in Sweden need to have a better communication and place people with competence to the appropriate community. Finally academically educated immigrants need help in contacting Swedish employers. The process to get a job in Sweden must be quicker or they may lose their motivation to find work in Sweden.</p>


MANTILLA YANEZ, LAURA PATRICIA January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The aims of this qualitative study are threefold: 1) to explore, describe and analyze the paths for accessing the Swedish labour market among a group of women of Latin-American origin; 2) to address the question about role of the women’s social networks in relation to the processes of gaining/maintaining employment; and 3) to present how the participant’s perceive their job careers within the Swedish labour market. Individual semi-structured interviews constituted the primary source of data collection. Conceptualizations from labour market theories and social capital theories were laid out to bring relevant understandings. The sampling strategy used was ‘criterion’. The results shown the interaction of personal and structural aspects in the job-search process, jobs attained and perception of occupational careers. Bonding, bridging and linking social capital are relevant concepts to understand the extent to which women obtain information and mobilize resources in the job-search process. Perceptions regarding career paths are tied to the participant’s expectations on the jobs they have looked for, the meanings they attribute to their occupations and the learning derived from their working experiences. Further research on networking at the workplaces and its impact on job satisfaction, job attachment, and self-esteem, are suggested. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

Individen möter kollektivet : en kvalitativ studie om hur Handels upplever individualisering och flexibilitet

Bengtsson, Johan, Bixberg, Tobias January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är under förändring och blir mer individualiserad och flexibel. Lagen om anställningsskydd blir mer ifrågasatt och det finns diskussioner om att förändra denna lag. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka strategier Handelsanställdas förbund Avd 3 har för att möta individualisering och flexibilitet.Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att med utgångspunkt i aktuella teorier om individualisering och flexibilitet, det vill säga förändringsprocesser, i arbetslivet undersöka dels hur en fackförening (Handels) upplever nämnda förändringsprocesser samt dels om och hur fackföreningens agerande påverkas av förändringsprocesserna.De teorier som ligger till grund för denna uppsats behandlar individualisering, flexibilitet samt arbetsrätt.Vi har gjort 4 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med fackligt aktiva medlemmar inom Handelsanställdas förbund Avd 3 i Halmstad.Resultatet är uppdelat i fyra olika teman: Facklig verksamhet, individualisering, flexibilitet samt arbetsrätt. Strategier som Handels använder sig av för att möta individualisering, går ut på att träffa ungdomar tidigt.Om ungdomar är mer individualiserade i dagens samhälle än gårdagens samhälle innebär det att Handels på sikt kan få problem. Med problemet menas att de ungdomar som väljer bort ett medlemskap utifrån ett individuellt val, kan leda till att Handels förlorar medlemsantal och därmed deras förhandlingsstyrka på arbetsmarknaden.</p> / <p>The Swedish labour market is changing and becoming more individualized and flexible. The law on employment protection will be further challenged and there are discussions about changing this law. This essay deals with which strategies Handelsanställdas förbund Avd 3 has to accommodate individualization and flexibility.The purpose of this essay is based on current theories of individualization and flexibility, meaning, changing processes in work life and examine how a trade union (Handels) experience changes, and whether the union's behavior is affected by processes of change.The theories and previous research underlying this essay deals with theories of individualization, flexibility and labour law.We have made four semi-structured interviews with trade union officials in Halmstad.The result is divided into four themes: trade union activities, individualization, flexibility, and labour law. Handels is working on issues such as work environment, salary and work hours. Strategies Handels are using to accommodate individualization, is to communicate with young people in an early stage.If young people are more individualized in today's society than yesterday's society, Handels may in the long term have a problem. With the problem, it means that if young people will not be members on the basis of an individual choice, this may lead to Handels losing members and thus their negotiation strength in the labor market.</p>

Upplevd arbetssituation hos tandhygienister inom folktandvård och privat tandvård : en jämförande studie

Nilsson, Anna, Johansson, Paulina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att jämföra den upplevda arbetssituationen hos tandhygienister inom folktandvården med tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården. Tandhygienister i södra Sverige som var registrerade hos SRAT (n=313) tillfrågades att delta i studien. Enkäten skickades ut elektroniskt, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 48% (n=151). Inom folktandvården svarade 59% (n=101) och inom den privata tandvården svarade 35% (n=50). Enkätfrågorna omfattade arbete, arbetsklimat, arbetssituation, profession, hälsa, inflytande och stöd i yrkesrollen samt bakgrundsfrågor om ålder, kön, anställningsform och arbetstid. Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p<0,05) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården gällande i vilken utsträckning de styrde över sina tidsbokningar, upplevde trötthet, orolighet, besvär från rygg, nacke eller axlar samt besvär från andra delar av kroppen. En statistisk signifikant skillnad (p<0,01) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården syntes även i vilken utsträckning respondenterna styrde över sin arbetstakt. Slutsatsen av studiens begränsade material är att tandhygienisterna inom den privata tandvården tycktes ha en mer positiv syn på deras arbetssituation än tandhygienisterna inom folktandvården.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to compare the perceived work situation among dental hygienists in the public dental health service with dental hygienists in private practice. Dental hygienists in southern Sweden who were registered at SRAT (n= 313) were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent out electronically, which gave a response rate of 48% (n= 151). The response rate in the public dental health sevice was 59% (n= 101) and in private practice 35% (n=50). The survey questions covered work, work atmosphere, work situation, profession, health, influence and collegial support together with background questions about age, gender, employment status and working hours. The result showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and dental hygienists in private practice as regards to what extent the dental hygienists decided over their own scheduled time, experienced tiredness, worry, disorders from the back, neck or shoulders and disorders from other parts of the body. A statistically significant difference (p<0.01) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and the dental hygienists in private practice was also shown as regards to what extent the dental hygienists could control their own work pace. The conclusion from the limited material of this study is that the dental hygienists in private practice seemed to have a more positive view of their work situation compared to the dental hygienists in the public dental health service.</p>

"Vi är ju ändå en del av hela samhället" : Solakoop - en fallstudie av ett socialt företag / "We are, after all, a part of the whole society" : Solakoop - a Case Study of a Social Enterprise

Hobbins, Jennifer, Holth, Line January 2008 (has links)
<p>I arbetslivet har omfattande förändringar ägt rum, vilket har inneburit hårdare villkor för alla men kanske särskilt för dem som av olika anledningar står utanför arbetsmarknaden. Denna uppsats är en fallstudie av ett socialt arbetskooperativ som drivs av människor med psykiska funktionshinder. Studien syftar till att ge ökad förståelse för, och kunskap om, vilken betydelse det sociala arbetskooperativet har, och har haft, för den enskilde kooperatören och vidare för kooperatörernas livssituation i allmänhet, samt deras förhållande till arbetslivet i synnerhet.</p><p>Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie grundad på djupgående intervjuer med sex kooperatörer samt med verksamhetens båda handledare. Slutsatserna av vår studie bygger på analyser av dessa</p><p>intervjuer. Den första och kanske viktigaste slutsats vi har dragit är att deltagandet i Solakoop är för kooperatörerna synonymt med ”det goda arbetet” och har givit dem ökat självförtroende,</p><p>initiativförmåga och ansvarskänsla. Dock uppbär kooperatörerna ersättning via socialförsäkringssystemet, vilket har flera negativa konsekvenser för den enskilde. Vidare har vi sett att de av Jahoda (1982) identifierade latenta bieffekterna av arbete är särskilt viktiga för människor med psykisk ohälsa och att samtliga uppfylls i det sociala arbetskooperativet, samt att arbetet i det sociala arbetskooperativet har en rehabiliterande effekt på kooperatörernas psykiska välbefinnande och deras sjukdom. Vi har även dragit</p><p>slutsatsen att arbetet i det sociala arbetskooperativet har fört kooperatörerna närmare den öppna arbetsmarknaden.</p> / <p>Within working life, large-scale changes have taken place which have implied rougher conditions for everyone, particularly for those that are excluded from the labour market for differrent reasons. This paper is a case study of a social enterprise run by people with a mental health handicap. The aim of this study is to gain understanding and knowledge about what the social enterprise has meant for the co-operative’s participants, for their situations in life in general and, more specific, their relationship to working life.</p><p>We have made a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with six participants and the two guiding mentors of the business. The conclusions of our study are based on analyses of the interviews. The first, and possibly the most important, conclusion we have drawn is that participating in Solakoop has given the co-operators a higher level of self-esteem, power of initiative and sense of responsibility. Dependence on sickness benefits and/or allowances,</p><p>however, produces large negative consequences for individuals.</p><p>Furthermore we have seen that the latent by-products of work, as described by Jahoda, are of particular importance for individuals with mental health handicaps and that all of them are</p><p>accomplished in the social enterprise. We have also come to the conclusion that work in the social enterprise has a rehabilitating effect on the participants’ mental well-being and their</p><p>diseases. Finally we have drawn the conclusion that working in the social enterprise has brought the co-operators closer to the open labour market.</p>

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