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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedade rural, posse e meio ambiente: uma ponderação harmoniosa / Possession, Property and Environment: an harmonic balance

Ana Rita Vieira Albuquerque 29 March 2011 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo defender, sob a visão do direito civil-constitucional e da função promocional do direito, a inter-relação entre os direitos de posse, propriedade e do meio ambiente e a possibilidade de uma ponderação harmoniosa em caso de desequilíbrio entre esses direitos. Utiliza-se para tanto a dimensão analítica, empírica e normativa. A dimensão analítica tem por objetivo investigar os conceitos jurídicos envolvidos na pesquisa, especialmente em relação à propriedade e à sua função socioambiental. A relação entre tais conceitos sobressai através da análise da função socioambiental da propriedade, da posse enfatizando-se os aspectos da legislação ambiental. O direito fundamental ao meio ambiente é estudado como direito e dever de todos conforme disposto no art. 225 da Constituição de 1988, e, nesse ponto, diretamente eficaz nas relações interprivadas. Aborda-se, na dimensão empírica e normativa essencialmente aspectos práticos, com foco na jurisprudência, especialmente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ). A ponderação harmoniosa entre a propriedade, a posse e o meio ambiente, busca o equilíbrio na efetivação desses direitos, inclusive mediante a aplicação dos princípios do direito econômico. Por meio da ponderação, é possível alcançar, de forma mais eficiente do que o modelo tradicional de subsunção, uma resposta adequada e fundamentada para os casos difíceis, especialmente na efetivação e na restauração do equilíbrio entre a posse, a propriedade e o meio ambiente quando esses princípios, no caso concreto, colidem uns com os outros. Sobretudo, pretende-se concretizar os direitos fundamentais segundo exigências do pós-positivismo, por meio da aproximação entre o Direito e a Ética, com o fim de se alcançar a Justiça para o caso concreto. / The present thesis has as its objective the defense of the relation between the rights to possession, to property and to environment and the possibility of a harmonic balance in the case of disequilibrium between those rights. This construction was done under the sway of civil- constitutional law. In the effort to reach the purpose of this work, it is employed the analytical, empirical and normative dimensions. The analytical dimension has the objective to investigate the juridical concepts involved in the research, especially in relation to the property and to its environmental function. The relation between the analyzed concepts appears trough the analysis of the environmental-social function of the possession, the property and the environmental legislation that reflect in this institutes. The fundamental right to the environment is studied as a right and a duty of everyone in obedience to the rule disposed in the article 225 of the Constitution of 1988, and, at this point, it is possible to initiate legal actions against the private owners, not only against the Estate. The normative and empirical dimension presents a practical approach focusing especially in the jurisprudence of the Brazilian federal Supreme Court and of the Superior Court of Appeal (STJ). It is accentuated the possibility of a harmonic balance between the rights to property, to possession and to environment and the necessity that those rights find a balance in their effectiveness, also through the principles of economic law. Through the balance of the normative principles in collision, it is possible to reach, more efficiently than in the traditional model of subsumption, an adequate and motivated answer to the hard cases, especially when considering the effectiveness or the restoration of the balance between the possession, the property and the environment. The objective is to concretize the fundamental rights, in conformity with the exigencies of the post-positivism trough the approximation between law and ethics, looking forward to reach Justice in solving hard cases.

A Usucapião nos Privilégios de Invenção: a apropriabilidade originária pelo uso reiterado / Adverse possession on patent rigths

Pedro Marcos Nunes Barbosa 10 June 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho enfoca a possibilidade de uma usucapião de patentes, uma usucapião inclusiva, a incidência da supressio à conduta omissiva do titular, a carnellutiana servidão empresarial e, por último, o usufruto de direitos. Para tanto, foi tangenciada a alteração conceitual dos termos bem, coisa, posse e propriedade de modo a contextualizar significados, estáticos, trazidos desde o direito romano. Contempla a figura da posse de direitos ou da posse como exercício fático de um poder sobre um bem, além do eventual substitutivo de tal requisito usucapiente pelo uso qualificado. Abrange, ainda, uma análise crítica à ausência de disposições normativas específicas sobre a apropriabilidade originária, o que acaba elevando, desproporcionalmente, os poderes do titular da patente. A aquisição originária de bens incorpóreos permite, portanto, acesso igualitário aos bens imateriais, além de estimular o exercício da função social pelo titular. Na hipótese da usucapião inclusiva, atende-se, concomitantemente, ao direito de propriedade e à livre iniciativa e concorrência, disponibilizando opções de produtos no mercado, derivados de players diferentes, advindos da mesma tecnologia interditada. / This paper focuses on the possibility of an adverse possession of patents, a bundle of rights brought by the adverse possession, the incidence of supressio towards the omissive conduct of the patent owner, a critical review of Francesco Carnellutis thesis of an entrepreneur easement and, finally, the simultaneous use of patent rights. A conceptual aproach of the terms "good, "estate", "possession" and "property" was made in order to contextualize the static meanings brought from the Roman law into Brazilian codification. The figure includes the possession or ownership rights as a de facto exercise of power over an estate, besides the eventual replacement of this requirement by a qualified use. The paper focus on a critical analysis of the absence of specific legislative provisions concerning to adverse possession towards intellectual property, which results on a disproportional power of the patentee. The acquisition of intellectual property by adverse possession, therefore, allowes equal access, and encourages the pursuit of social function by the patent holder. In the event of adverse possession generating a bundle of rights, property right and free enterprise (and competition) are estimulated by a plurality offer of products, coming from various market players, towards the same patent technology.

Modelagem topológica da possessão: sujeito e alteridade na umbanda / Topological modeling of possession: subject and alterity in Umbanda

Godoy, Daniela Bueno de Oliveira Americo de 14 March 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo ensaiar aplicações de estruturas topológicas interpretadas psicanaliticamente ao estudo do transe de possessão na umbanda, entendido como enunciação irredutível ao estritamente verbal. Para esse efeito, o sujeito (instância enunciante) e o Outro (no caso, presentificado pelo mundo dos espíritos) são considerados como diferentes funções que se alternam em uma superfície moebiana (unilateral). Utiliza-se o método psicanalítico lacaniano em contextos sociais por meio de uma reconceptualização do método etnográfico, denominada de escuta participante, mediante participação e interação em terreiros de umbanda na qualidade de consulente. Com base no teorema geral das superfícies que, por meio de transformações homeomórficas, iguala três planos projetivos a um plano projetivo mais um toro, desenvolveu-se em linha com a topologia lacaniana duas vertentes de análise a partir do mapeamento da cadeia significante tecida na relação transferencial. Uma baseia-se no corte em oito interior e a outra no furo (estrutural à composição das superfícies). De um ponto de vista, a possessão pode ser compreendida em função da lógica inconsciente (fantasia), que relaciona as operações de produção do sujeito (alienação e separação) com a operação do corte que modifica sua estrutura, apresentando-o como dividido sem, no entanto, ser dois. De outro, ela pode ser compreendida como uma forma enunciativa que narra uma fantasia pressupondo uma escuta que não se restringe ao auditivo estrito senso, mas que é inclusiva do olhar e do cinestésico associado ao movimento. Com esta modelagem, alcança-se ampliar a pesquisa social e a escuta analítica a processos de enunciação espaço-temporais desatrelados da consciência, do psiquismo individual e da subordinação a uma concepção de interioridade psíquica os quais, por outro lado, também são desvinculados do social e da história como exteriores ao sujeito. / This work aims to assay applications of topological structures psychoanalytically interpreted to the study possession trance in Umbanda, which is comprehended as a kind of enunciation irreducible to strictly verbal. The subject (enunciative instance) and the Other (in this case, materialized in the spirits world) are considered as different functions that alter themselves in a moebian (one-sided) surface. The Lacanian psychoanalysis method is used in social contexts after reconceptualizing the ethnographic method, now denominated participant listening. The researcher participated and interacted in Umbanda temples in the capacity of consultant. Based on the general theorem of surfaces that, through homeomorphic transformations equals three projective planes into a projective plan plus a torus, two analytical versions were developed from the mapping of the significant chain webbed in the transferencial relationship. One relies on the interior eight cut and the other one on the hole (structural to the surfaces composition). In a point of view, the possession can be understood as derived from the unconscious logic (fantasy) that relates the operations of the subjects production (alienation and separation) with the cut operation that modifies the structure, presenting the divided subject but not in two pieces. From another point of view, the possession can be thought as an enunciative form that describes a fantasy, which is not restricted to the hearing strict sense, but includes the gaze and the kinesthetic associated with the movement. After this modeling, social research and analytical listening are amplified to space-time enunciation processes released from consciousness, from individual psychism and from the subordination of an interiority psychic conception. They are also disentailed from the social and the history comprehended as exterior to the subject.


Beutel, Andrew Leo 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Revolt against Mourning calls into question the widespread critical alignment of literary modernism with Freudian melancholia. Focusing instead on “mourning,” through close readings of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, James Joyce’s Ulysses, and William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, I demonstrate how their depictions of this notion overturn both its traditional and contemporary understandings. Whereas Freud conceives mourning as a psychic labor that the subject slowly and painfully carries out, Woolf, Joyce, and Faulkner convey it as a destabilizing, subversive, and transformative force to which the subject is radically passive. For Freud, mourning is a matter of severing one’s libidinal bond to the lost other and reinvesting the free libido in a new object. But these modernists show that this bond is not in fact something we have the power to sever. Rather, precisely because we must stay internally bound to the lost other, we are always exposed to being usurped and altered by its alterity. Indeed, what my readings disclose is that these novels end up being (dis)possessed by the spectral force unleashed in them. I argue, however, that each writer can be read as attempting a textual exorcism to free his or her novel from this force by invoking a vital, dynamic movement I call “life.” But although Woolf, Joyce, and Faulkner seek such liberation, their narrative experiments ultimately fail to achieve it. And yet, for that very reason, Mrs. Dalloway, Ulysses, and The Sound and the Fury further illuminate how mourning both precedes and exceeds our desire to master it and binds us to the others we lose, perhaps for the entirety of our lives.

Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto / Possesion of and surveillance over the credit balance on an account

Hansson, Maria January 2004 (has links)
<p>The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. </p><p>Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson’s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession. The holder of the account has independent and direct possession. By using the principle condictio indebiti, the holder of the account (A) can become owner of means despite that the person who did the deposit (B) did not intend to make the deposit to that specific account (A’s account). </p><p>Criminal law: The authors of the doctrine consider that the concept of the Swedish word ”besittning” is intended for physical objects and therefore the credit balance of an account may not be object of possession. According to the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal may the surveillance over an account be place on level with possession. When the credit balance of an account may be deemed as object of possession, then the means of the account can be object of embezzlement and unlawful disposal.</p>

Le rôle de la vérité socio-affective et de la volonté en droit belge de la filiation.

Gallus, Nicole 26 March 2009 (has links)
L'étude porte sur le fondement du lien de filiation et l'équilibrage de ses composantes multiples, dont la vérité génétique et la vérité socio-affective. Elle analyse la place croissante de l'autonomie de la volonté dans la conception de l'enfant, la création, le maintien et les effets du lien, ainsi que la prise en considération marquée de la parenté d'intention, détachée de la réalité génétique. Cet examen est fait tant pour la procréation dite naturelle que pour la procréation médicalement assistée, avec, en particulier, une étude de la réception par le droit du désir d'enfant chez les personnes célibataires ou en couple homosexuel. La parenté est également étudiée au plan de son évolution vers une reconnaissance de l'autonomie de la fonction parentale sous la forme de la parentalité, détachée de la filiation. Le rôle du droit et la transformation de sa fonction sont analysés en parallèle. Enfin, les conclusions développées au sujet de l'engagement parental volontaire sont confrontées aux principes généraux de dignité humaine et d'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant, ainsi qu'aux droits au respect de la vie familiale et à la connaissance des origines.

Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto / Possesion of and surveillance over the credit balance on an account

Hansson, Maria January 2004 (has links)
The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson’s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession. The holder of the account has independent and direct possession. By using the principle condictio indebiti, the holder of the account (A) can become owner of means despite that the person who did the deposit (B) did not intend to make the deposit to that specific account (A’s account). Criminal law: The authors of the doctrine consider that the concept of the Swedish word ”besittning” is intended for physical objects and therefore the credit balance of an account may not be object of possession. According to the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal may the surveillance over an account be place on level with possession. When the credit balance of an account may be deemed as object of possession, then the means of the account can be object of embezzlement and unlawful disposal.

Reading Sulukule As A Social Production Of Space: Ownership/possession And Boundaries Of The Dwelling

Bas, Miray 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The main subject of this thesis is focused on the notion of taking space as a production and the relations that effect this production. The theoretical background of this study will be based on Henri Lefebvre&rsquo / s &lsquo / Production of Space&rsquo / . In this context, the notion of house which is the spatialization of social life, interrogated within the concepts of possession and ownership. This interrogation is constructed on the Sulukule district which presents unfamiliar social and physical relations. According to this, it is designated that, this settlement has a great value with its own dynamics and the unique spatial formation. Therefore the analyses are carried out the social and spatial value of the district and its place in the urban memory, in the light of the concepts of possession, ownership and appropriation. In this respect, the thesis ends with a call for an evaluation of the district, including its social, economic, cultural production facets.

The Problem Of Eligibility Of Uncertified Gecekondu Possessors In Urban Transformation Implementations In Turkey The Case Of Ankara Dikmen Valley 4th And 5th Phases Urban Transformation And Development Project

Karaguney, Fuat 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
With the emergence of urban transformation concept in 1980s, the concept of eligibility has also started to be discussed as a new term in Turkey. However, the absence of a sustainable urban transformation law which defines the criteria of eligibility of stakeholders has undoubtedly brought about violations and disagreements between stakeholders. Especially the uncertified gecekondu possessors who are not determined as eligible stakeholders have been subjected to forced and arbitrary evictions. This study aims to clarify the problem of eligibility of uncertified gecekondu possessors in urban transformation and attempts to determine the criteria for the eligibility of this particular group. It argues that since the claims of uncertified gecekondu possessors like right to adequate housing, labor and possession have moral characters which do not depend upon legal acts, they can not be criteria of eligibility. The legal property ownership must be the criteria of eligibility in urban transformation practices in the law. On the other hand, this study urges that no matter living in a legal or illegal housing, the vulnerable families who lack of basic economic security and living in the project area must be determined as eligible stakeholders. In the first part of this master study, the problem of eligibility was discussed from theoretical perspective. In the second part, this problem was discussed in the case of Dikmen Valley 4th and 5th phases Urban Transformation Project. The knowledge obtained from the case can be useful for the local governments to develop sustainable policies on this particular problem.

Įgyjamoji senatis kaip nuosavybės teisės atsiradimo pagrindas / Acquisitive prescription as a foundation of the acquisition of the ownership

Selvestravičiūtė, Indrė 24 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamas dar senovės Romos teisėje suformuotas vienas iš nuosavybės teisės įgijimo pagrindų – įgyjamosios senaties institutas, jo taikymo sąlygos. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti įgyjamosios senaties instituto taikymo sąlygų, t.y. sąžiningai atsiradusio bei sąžiningo, teisėto, atviro bei nepertraukiamo valdymo bei daikto valdymo kaip savo, turinį, apibendrinti Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktiką. Darbe analizuojama daikto valdymo kaip faktinės būsenos ir kaip savarankiškos daiktinės teisės samprata, jų atsiradimo ir pasibaigimo momentų ir pagrindų santykis. Didelis dėmesys yra skiriamas teismų praktikoje kilusioms įgyjamosios senaties instituto taikymo problemoms, pateikiami jų pavyzdžiai ir galimi sprendimo būdai. / This study is devoted to the analysis of the acquisitive prescription (its conditions) as the foundation of the acquisition of ownership. Acquisitive prescription derives from Roman law. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the subject-matter of conditions of the acquisitive prescription – the acquisition of the thing in good faith, the possession of it in good faith, legitimately, openly, continuously as its own, to summarize the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania. The fact of possession itself, also the possession as an independent right in rem, the relation of the acquisition and the termination moments and grounds are also analyzed. The extensive attention is given to problems araised from the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the examples of such problems and its possible solutions also are given.

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