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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Os interditos possessórios e aplicabilidade da antecipação dos efeitos da tutela em tais ações

José André Machado Barbosa Pinto 01 July 2007 (has links)
Quando se pensa em Estado de Direito, tem-se a certeza inequívoca de que a ordem pública, a paz social, o respeito à soberania do Estado, são interesses públicos básicos, de cuja tutela cuida precipuamente o poder judiciário. A posse é uma situação de fato e uma componente de estabilidade social, sendo, por conseguinte a proteção da posse um pacificador social. Se a posse muda de titular, tal mudança não pode resultar em desequilíbrio social, em perturbação de ordem. Impõe-se que a passagem da posse de um para outro titular se dê sem qualquer risco à harmonia social. Quando a disputa pela posse se acende urge que cesse através do due process of law, e nos exatos termos da legislação pátria. É sabido de todos, que o direito floresce na medida da evolução dos fatos sociais em uma determinada sociedade, igualmente é sabido que a justiça há de ser célere e efetiva, sob pena de restar caracterizada uma injustiça qualificada e manifesta, tal qual anunciava Rui Barbosa(1849-1923) em sua Oração aos Moços, ao afirmar que A justiça atrasada não é justiça, senão injustiça qualificada e manifesta. Diante de tal certeza irrefutável, é que, neste trabalho, que aborda os remédios processuais possessórios, é feito também um estudo sobre a aplicabilidade do artigo 273 do Código de Rito Cível, tanto para a hipótese de esbulhos ou turbações novas, como para aquelas ocorridas há mais de ano e dia; A implementação da aplicabilidade de tal dispositivo em situações de posse velha, implica não somente numa maior celeridade processual, mas também na efetividade do direito. À guisa de ilustração, há de ser lembrada a passagem bíblica esculpida em Mateus, capítulo 22, versículos 20 e 21, na qual Jesus referindo-se aos fariseus e herodianos, após ser questionado sobre a validade do pagamento de tributos, afirmou que deveria ser dado a César, aquilo que efetivamente fosse de César (Dai, pois, a César o que é de César e a Deus, o que é de Deus), para se verificar que a justiça é dar a cada um o que é seu, contudo, tal ato há de ser célere, efetivo, sob pena de nos vermos diante de uma injustiça qualificada e manifesta, tal qual aquela antes referida por Rui Barbosa / When the thought of a State of Law arises, there is an absolute certainty that public order, social peace and the respect of a States sovereignty are basic public interests protected by the Judiciary. The possession of land is a factual situation and a component of social stability, being, thus, the protection of the right of possession is a means of social pacification. If the possessor changes, that alteration cannot result in social disorder. It is imposed that the passage of possession form one subject to another be done without any risk to social harmony. When the dispute over the possession of land occurs, it must de dealt with by the due process of law, exactly as disciplined by the brazilian legislation. It is well known that the law flourishes within the evolution of social facts in society, and that justice should be swift and effective, or risk being characterized as manifest injustice, as Rui Barbosa (1849-1923) once said in his speech Oração aos Moços. In the mist of that absolute truth, the present dissertation aims to study the procedural remedies for protecting the rights of the possessor of land, and the applicability of the article 273 of the brazilian procedural code in those types of actions, both in cases involving posse nova (possession up to one year of duration) and posse velha (possession over one year of duration). The implementation of that institute results in more swiftness and effectiveness. To better illustrate that thought, it should be remembered the biblical passage in Matthew, chapter 22, verses 20 and 21, in which Jesus, after being questioned about the validity of the paying of taxes, affirms that what belong to Cesar should be given to Cesar, showing that justice is giving each person that which belongs to them, but also in a swift and effective manner, so as to avoid the manifest injustice that was referred to by Rui Barbosa

A tutela da posse dos imóveis públicos

Rodrigo Ferreira Santos 18 December 2013 (has links)
A posse dos bens públicos é tema que, embora de grande relevância, não tem sido analisado com o necessário cuidado pela doutrina e pelos tribunais do país. No presente estudo, parte-se de uma distinção essencial entre as diversas espécies de bens públicos, o que norteia a análise da posse e de suas consequências. A posse existirá sempre que houver poder fático sobre o bem e desde que não exista cláusula de pré-exclusão de jurisdicidade. Configurada a posse, avalia-se a eficácia da posse sobre aquele bem público, tendo em conta as características da posse e os sujeitos envolvidos. Existindo posse, suas consequências (efeitos jurídicos) variarão conforme a classe a que aquele bem público se enquadre, e essa circunstância afetará a tutela jurisdicional da posse. Não se pode conceber uma tutela possessória desgarrada do direito material que rege a situação a ser tutelada. No caso dos bens dominicas, é possível uma tutela completa da posse do particular, o que inexistirá no caso dos bens de uso especial.

Cabildos de naturales en el ocaso colonial: jurisdicción, posesión y defensa del espacio étnico / Cabildos de naturales en el ocaso colonial: jurisdicción, posesión y defensa del espacio étnico

Dueñas, Alcira 12 April 2018 (has links)
This essay examines important changes in the jurisdiction of the Republic of the Indians in late colonial Peru by problematizing the concept of possession and usufruct of communal lands in the Indian towns after 1777, when the Bourbon set the sub-delegate courts to replace the former court of the corregidor. The 1784 and 1803 Ordenanzas de Intendencia displaced more firmly the jurisdictional authority of the indigenous Cabildo and its ability to influence the organization of the town’s spatial order. The indigenous Cabildos’ legal advocates and judges waged in court a systematic defense of communal property and created a new sense of community in the urban setting. At the dawn of the nineteenth century, a rather sophisticated lettered culture anchored in the jurisdictional potential of the republic of the Indians and with a long tradition of legal struggles and legal writing revealed itself. Defying the legal authority of the sub-delegate, the council offered a tacit response to the Bourbon project of political control of the pueblos, in an effort to salvage the last vestiges of community that still remained in the Lima valley’s towns at the end of the colonial experience. / Este ensayo examina ciertos cambios críticos en la jurisdicción de la «República de indios» en el Perú colonial tardío. Busca además problematizar el significado del concepto de «posesión» y del derecho de usufructo en el contexto de la propiedad comunal en los pueblos de indios y los cambios producidos en la jurisdicción indígena en 1777 con la creación de las subdelegaturas que reemplazaron el juzgado del corregidor. Las Ordenanzas de Intendencia de 1784 y 1803 desplazaron más certeramente la autoridad jurisdiccional del Cabildo indígena y su capacidad de decisión en cuanto al ordenamiento espacial del pueblo. Los procuradores y jueces del Cabildo de Chorrillos, entre otros, avanzaron una sistemática defensa legal de la propiedad comunal y un nuevo sentido de la etnicidad urbana. Al amanecer del siglo XIX, se profundizaba una refinada cultura letrada anclada en el potencial jurisdiccional de la «República de indios» con una larga tradición de escritura y lucha legal. Desafiando la autoridad del juez subdelegado, el Cabildo respondía tácitamente al proyecto borbón de control político local de los pueblos, intentando rescatar los últimos vestigios de comunidad que permanecían aún en los pueblos del valle de Lima al final de la experiencia colonial.

A constituição da propriedade no direito abstrato de Hegel

Christino, Sérgio Batista 28 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:17:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio_Batista_Christino_Dissertacao.pdf: 446266 bytes, checksum: 6538328b48df7dc5aac4b4d076f11673 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-28 / O tema deste estudo são os momentos constitutivos da propriedade no Direito Abstrato, da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel. Inicialmente, examina os parágrafos referentes à constituição da propriedade confrontando-os com as ideias de autores que comentam tais passagens da Filosofia do Direito (Michael Quante, Denis Rosenfield, J. L. Vieillard-Baron, Marcos Lutz Muller e outros). Num segundo momento, exercita um levantamento dos pontos afirmados por Hegel em relação à propriedade nas obras que precederam a Filosofia do Direito buscando resgatar uma visão de conjunto do desenvolvimento do tema. Por fim, examina a possibilidade de aplicação dos elementos constitutivos da propriedade concebidos por Hegel no Direito Abstrato a problemas jurídicos postos pela atualidade.

Limites da propriedade privada absoluta: luta das comunidades quilombolas Poça e Peropava pelo direito de posse no Vale do Ribeira/SP / Limits of Absolute Private Property: Fight of Marrons Communities Poça and Peropava by tenure in the Ribeira Valley / SP

Alexsandro Alexandre Gomes de Sousa 06 December 2011 (has links)
O campo brasileiro apresenta um campesinato muito diverso, formado por sujeitos sociais que cultivam a terra com a família aumentando a oferta de alimentos na cidade. O presente trabalho enfatiza os camponeses posseiros que se caracterizam pelo cultivo familiar de uma pequena extensão de terra, mas sem o direito de propriedade assegurado. Por conseguinte, a presente dissertação procura discutir o embate entre o direito de posse e o direito absoluto de propriedade privada da terra consagrado pela Lei de Terras de 1850 como única forma de apropriação territorial no Brasil, a partir das comunidades quilombolas da Peropava e da Poça, localizadas no Vale do Ribeira paulista, por se tratar de populações tradicionais que vivem há mais de um século nesses territórios cultivando a terra sob o regime consuetudinário de transmissão hereditária da terra, preservando um modo de vida sócio-cultural herdado de sua ancestralidade. Deve-se notar que os posseiros quilombolas têm o direito de propriedade assegurado pela Constituição Federal de 1988, notadamente em seu art. 68 do Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias. O Texto Magno prescreve o reconhecimento do direito de posse quilombola mediante autodefinição do grupo como descendente de escravos africanos. No entanto, muitos quilombos ainda não foram reconhecidos pelo Poder Público, o qual está impregnado de forças contrárias ao cumprimento constitucional. Vale atentar que os camponeses lutam pelo reconhecimento e pelo título de propriedade para evitar a expropriação por parte daqueles que só aceitam como legítima a propriedade privada ostentada sob a égide de um título. / The Brazilian countryside has a very diverse peasantry, formed by social actors who cultivate the land with their families by increasing the supply of food in the city. This work emphasizes the peasant squatters who grow a small tract of land with their families, but without the right to property secured. Therefore, this dissertation discusses the clash between the right of occupation of the peasants (tenure) and the absolute right of private ownership of land - established by the Land Law of 1850 as the only form of land ownership in Brazil, from the maroons communities of the Peropava and of the Poça, localized in the Ribeira Valley in São Paulo, because they are traditional populations who live there for more than a century cultivating the land under customary rules of inheritance of the land, preserving a way of life social-cultural legacy of their ancestry. It should be noted that the maroons squatters have the right to property secured by the Constitution of 1988, particularly in its art. 68 of the Transitory Constitutional Provisions Act. The Great Text prescribes the recognition of the maroon tenure by self-definition as the group descended from African slaves. However, many Maroons werent still recognized by the government that is permeated by forces opposed to constitutional execution. It should be given attention that the peasants fight for recognition and for a title of properity to avoid expropriation by those who only accept as legitimate the private property who has a title.

Institut vydržení - vybrané pohledy (ve srovnání české a německé právní úpravy a ideové roviny / The institute of acquisitive prescription - selected perspectives (a comparison of Czech and German legal regulation and ideational aspects)

Ragužová, Nicole January 2015 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt das traditionelle römischrechtliche Institut der Ersitzung und dessen heutige Regelung im tschechischen und deutschen Recht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in den unterschiedlichen ideologischen Auffassungen beider Regelungen desselben Rechtsinstituts und dessen Wurzeln im römischen Recht. Für die tschechische Rechtsregelung und Rechtswissenschaft bildet das gültige österreichische bürgerliche Gesetzbuch ABGB, das bis zum Jahre 1950 der tschechoslowakische Zivilkodex war, die wichtigste Inspirationsquelle. Deswegen wird auch dem österreichischen ABGB beträchtlicher Raum gegeben. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist der Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Wertungsauffassungen in der deutschen und tschechischen Rechtswissenschaft, die die Voraussetzungen und Rechtsfolgen der Ersitzung auf vielen Ebenen beeinflussen. Im Interessenmittelpunkt stehen Streitfragen der Ersitzung und der Vergleich von deren Lösungen in beiden Rechtsordnungen unter Berücksichtigung sowohl der tschechischen Zivilistik der ersten Republik als auch der römischrechtlichen Zivilistik. Systematisch werden in der Arbeit die Regelungen der Ersitzung im römischen, deutschen und tschechischen Recht getrennt behandelt. Der erste Teil der Arbeit fasst die römischrechtliche Regelung zusammen, die in den folgenden...

Une méthodologie d’aide à la décision pour l’optimisation de services aéronautiques basés sur la performance / A decision-support methodology for the optimisation of performance-based services

Pozzetti, André 22 April 2015 (has links)
Pour rester compétitives dans l'industrie aéronautique, les entreprises développent des stratégies diverses pour gagner un avantage concurrentiel comme l'augmentation du Coût Total de Possession (TCO) avec l'acquisition aéronautique complexe et des programmes de support. Les clients concentrent leurs besoins sur la disponibilité opérationnelle de tels systèmes et ne sont plus enclins à payer un prix supplémentaire pour un tel service, par conséquent le fournisseur est amené à minimiser le TCO tout en conservant un haut niveau de performance de flotte. Dans de tels accords, une partie du risque de performance opérationnelle est transférée vers le fournisseur sous forme de pénalité financière, engendrant ainsi un risque financier sur la rentabilité du contrat. Cette recherche aborde le problème du point de vue du fournisseur en considérant différentes options stratégiques pour la commercialisation de l'offre de services aéronautiques basés sur la performance, garantissant la disponibilité de la flotte. La méthodologie considère un système complexe, représentatif des systèmes aéronautiques actuels et les mécanismes de support rattachés, avec de multiples objectifs contradictoires à atteindre en tant que fournisseur. La méthodologie proposée couvre les catégories suivantes : disponibilité, fiabilité, maintenabilité et supportabilité. Elle considère le système complexe comme un tout incluant l'ensemble des interactions dans ce système et les relations entre la performance de disponibilité et le coût. D'autres facteurs de contribution additionnels sont aussi considérés dans ce mécanisme de support, comme les types d'incertitude de la performance du système, des données, des risques financiers et des coûts. Un modèle de pénalité pour l'utilisation avec les Services Basés sur la Performance (PBS) des offres dans l'industrie aéronautique est aussi fourni. Une méthodologie d'analyse de pénalité est proposée au travers de deux études de cas présentées dans cette thèse, offrant un avantage compétitif au fournisseur, de par la capacité de prévoir la distribution de probabilité de performance du système, et de quantifier le risque financier pour le modèle de pénalité en question. La méthodologie d'analyse démontre aussi que la capacité d'effectuer une analyse de risque sur des pénalités contractuelles est tout aussi importante pour le fournisseur que la capacité de prévoir la performance globale du système. Les conclusions montrent qu'il est tout à fait possible d'avoir une grande exposition de risque financier si un scénario de pénalité inadapté est choisi, même si la performance de disponibilité de la flotte prévue est au-dessus du taux ciblé ou contracté. / To remain competitive within the aeronautic industry, companies are developing various strategies to gain a competitive edge as the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) increases with complex aeronautical acquisition and support programs. Customers are focusing their needs on the operational availability of such systems and are no longer willing to pay a premium for such a service, consequently the supplier is challenged to minimize the TCO whilst retaining a high level of fleet performance. In such accords, some of the operational performance risk is transferred back to the supplier and are usually in the form of financial penalties, which consequently creates a financial risk on the profitability of the contract for the supplier. This research addresses the problem from the point of the supplier when considering different strategic options for the sale and offer of performance-based aeronautic services that guarantee fleet availability. The methodology considers the complex system, as is typical with current aeronautic systems, relating support mechanisms, and the multiple yet contradictory objectives to achieve as a supplier. The methodology proposed covers the categories of Availability, Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability; it considers the complex system as a whole including the interactions within this system and the relationships between availability performance and cost. Additional other contributing factors are also considered within this support mechanism, such as the types of uncertainty on system performance, data, financial risks and costs. The introduction of a penalty model for use with Performance-Based Service (PBS) offers within the aeronautic industry is also provided. A methodology for penalty analysis is proposed through the two case studies presented in this thesis, giving the supplier a competitive advantage through the ability to predict the probability distribution of system performance and to quantify the financial risk for the penalty model in question. The analysis 5 methodology also demonstrates that the ability to perform risk analysis on contractual penalties is just as important to the supplier as the ability to predict overall system performance, as the findings present that it is quite possible to have a large financial risk exposure if the wrong penalty scenario is chosen even if the predicted Fleet Availability performance is above the targeted or contracted rate.

A Multi-dimensional Macrolevel Study of Drug Enforcement Strategies, Heroin Prices, and Heroin Consumption Rates

Toth, Alexander G. 02 July 2019 (has links)
American policy makers primarily embrace a deterrent-based policing agenda to curb illicit drug trafficking and use that relies on the principles of the economic price elasticity of demand (Boynum & Reuter, 2005). This counter-drug platform includes three fundamental programs: arresting offenders, seizing illicit drugs, and eradicating horticultural sources of illicit drugs (U.S. DEA, 2015). One of the main goals of these programs is to deter illegal trafficking and use by increasing the price of illicit substances so they are no longer attractive to consumers. The United States has weathered various drug use epidemics during its history, and currently it is facing a heroin and opioid epidemic (Dean, 2017). The present multi-dimensional study is guided by three broad goals: to assess the dynamics of illicit drug pricing and the economic price elasticity of demand perspective; to evaluate whether drug trafficking organizations respond to theoretically deterrence based counter-drug law enforcement efforts; and to assess why law enforcement activities are (or are not) effective in controlling illegal drug markets. To accomplish these three broad goals, four separate yet linked focal points comprised of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods evaluations of official data are examined. The findings in the study call into question the current American counter-drug law enforcement agenda being used to address the ongoing heroin epidemic. Furthermore, the results shine light on various shortcomings in overall U.S. counter-drug policy. Finally, the study calls for a new approach to address illicit drug trafficking and use in the U.S.

Addressing the Data Location Assurance Problem of Cloud Storage Environments

Noman, Ali 09 April 2018 (has links)
In a cloud storage environment, providing geo-location assurance of data to a cloud user is very challenging as the cloud storage provider physically controls the data and it would be challenging for the user to detect if the data is stored in different datacenters/storage servers other than the one where it is supposed to be. We name this problem as the “Data Location Assurance Problem” of a Cloud Storage Environment. Aside from the privacy and security concerns, the lack of geo-location assurance of cloud data involved in the cloud storage has been identified as one of the main reasons why organizations that deal with sensitive data (e.g., financial data, health-related data, and data related to Personally Identifiable Infor-mation, PII) cannot adopt a cloud storage solution even if they might wish to. It might seem that cryptographic techniques such as Proof of Data Possession (PDP) can be a solution for this problem; however, we show that those cryptographic techniques alone cannot solve that. In this thesis, we address the data location assurance (DLA) problem of the cloud storage environment which includes but is not limited to investigating the necessity for a good data location assurance solution as well as challenges involved in providing this kind of solution; we then come up with efficient solutions for the DLA problem. Note that, for the totally dis-honest cloud storage server attack model, it may be impossible to offer a solution for the DLA problem. So the main objective of this thesis is to come up with solutions for the DLA problem for different system and attack models (from less adversarial system and attack models to more adversarial ones) available in existing cloud storage environments so that it can meet the need for cloud storage applications that exist today.

La criminalisation de la possession simple de drogue au Canada : Un modèle constitutionnellement fragile?

Rioux, Nicolas 13 November 2020 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à étudier la constitutionnalité de la criminalisation de la possession simple de toutes les drogues au Canada au regard de l’article 7 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. En appliquant un cadre positiviste, nous abordons les différentes atteintes au droit à la vie, à la liberté et à la sécurité qui peuvent découler de l’application de l’article 4(1) de la Loi réglementant certaines drogues et autres substances. Nous vérifions par la suite si ces atteintes sont conformes aux principes de justice fondamentale et si elles peuvent se justifier dans le cadre d’une société libre et démocratique en application de l’article 1er de la Charte. Nous soulignons de quelle façon l’implantation des Drug Treatment Courts permet au Parlement fédéral d’assurer le respect des principes de justice fondamentale du caractère arbitraire et de la portée excessive en ce que la menace d’emprisonnement permet la contraignabilité de ces cours spécialisées et partant, leur donne l’occasion de traiter des consommateurs dépendants dans un objectif de protection de la santé et de la sécurité publiques. Toutefois, les différentes atteintes au droit à la vie, à la liberté et à la sécurité identifiées dans la littérature semblent totalement disproportionnées à l’objectif législatif, ce qui nous paraît entraîner la violation de l’article 7. L’existence de régimes législatifs beaucoup moins sévères du point de vue des sanctions et beaucoup plus efficaces nous invitera par la suite à considérer que cette violation ne peut être justifiée dans le cadre d’une société libre et démocratique au regard de l’article 1er de la Charte. Il s’ensuit que la criminalisation de la possession simple de toutes les drogues au Canada risque éventuellement de se heurter à une déclaration d’invalidité constitutionnelle.

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