Spelling suggestions: "subject:"laser canner"" "subject:"laser 3dscanner""
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Kalibrace snímačů pro multispektrální datovou fúzi v mobilní robotice / Sensor Calibration for Multispectral Data Fusion in Mobile RoboticsKalvodová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Thesis deals with data fusion and calibration of sensory system of Orpheus-X3 robot and EnvMap mapping robot. These robots are parts of Cassandra robotic system that is used for exploration of hazardous or inaccessible areas. Corrections of measured distances are determined for used laser scanners Velodyne HDL-64, Velodyne HDL-32 and range camera SwissRanger SR4000. Software MultiSensCalib has been created and is described. This software is used for determination of intrinsic parameters of heterogeneous cameras of the sensory head and for determination of mutual position and orientation of these sensors. Algorithm for data fusion of CCD camera stereo pair, thermal imager stereo pair and range camera is proposed. Achieved calibration and data-fusion parameters are evaluated by several experiments.
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Alminares mudéjares de la marca superior. Nueva aproximación a su evolución histórica. El caso de la torre de San Pablo en ZaragozaMolina Sánchez, Susana 13 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los ocho siglos de dominio de la cultura islámica en la Península Ibérica motivaron la proliferación de un extenso patrimonio cultural, arquitectónico y artístico. En este contexto, nació el arte mudéjar como una fusión de estilos dada la convivencia entre distintas culturas. Siendo las torres alminares-mudéjares aragonesas el fiel reflejo de este tipo de arquitectura, éstas constituyen el objeto de estudio del presente trabajo.
En este sentido, el marco geográfico de la tesis abarca el territorio de la antigua Marca Superior de Al-Andalus, que incluye los valles de los ríos Ebro, Jalón, Jiloca y afluentes, como centros neurálgicos de la esencia del mudéjar (con sus torres como máximo exponente).
La inquietud por investigar acerca de la evolución histórico-constructiva de dichas torres nace de su peculiar arquitectura, producto de la síntesis entre Oriente y Occidente. Asimismo, la escasa presencia de documentación de la época unida a los estudios que se han venido realizando hasta el momento, genera todavía una serie de carencias en el conocimiento de dichas torres, especialmente en lo referente a su origen.
Por tanto, resulta conveniente abordar dichas necesidades aportando un nuevo enfoque al estudio de su evolución histórico-constructiva. Para ello, se establece una metodología de levantamiento digital (específica para elementos con tipología de torre), mediante la aplicación de las técnicas de fotogrametría y escáner láser, como herramientas de apoyo a la lectura de sus fábricas.
El gran potencial a nivel gráfico que ofrecen los resultados obtenidos (modelos tridimensionales hiperrealistas texturizados, con alta precisión geométrica y muy buena definición), permite profundizar en el conocimiento de estas torres. Dichos resultados de la investigación, resultan eficaces y cuentan con el rigor científico adecuado para la posterior formulación de una hipótesis sobre el alminar original, del que procede la torre objeto de estudio, y que se podría extrapolar al resto de torres. / [CA] Els huit segles de domini de la cultura islàmica en la Península Ibèrica van motivar la proliferació d'un extens patrimoni cultural, arquitectònic i artístic. En aquest context, va nàixer l'art mudèjar com una fusió d'estils donada la convivència entre diferents cultures. Sent les torres minarets-mudèjars aragoneses el fidel reflex d'aquesta mena d'arquitectura, aquestes constitueixen l'objecte d'estudi del present treball.
En aquest sentit, el marc geogràfic de la tesi comprén el territori de l'antiga Marca Superior d'Al-Andalus, que inclou les valls dels rius Ebro, Jalón, Jiloca i afluents, com a centres neuràlgics de l'essència del mudèjar (amb les seues torres com a màxim exponent).
La inquietud per investigar sobre l'evolució històric-constructiva d'aquestes torres naix de la seua peculiar arquitectura, producte de la síntesi entre Orient i Occident. Així mateix, l'escassa presència de documentació de l'època unida als estudis que s'han realitzat fins al moment, genera encara una sèrie de mancances en el coneixement d'aquestes torres, especialment referent al seu origen.
Per tant, resulta convenient abordar aquestes necessitats aportant un nou enfocament a l'estudi de la seua evolució històric-constructiva. Per a això, s'estableix una metodologia d'alçament digital (específica per a elements amb tipologia de torre), mitjançant l'aplicació de les tècniques de fotogrametria i escàner làser, com a eines de suport a la lectura de les seues fàbriques.
El gran potencial a nivell gràfic que ofereixen els resultats obtinguts (models tridimensionals hiperrealistes texturizados, amb alta precisió geomètrica i molt bona definició), permet aprofundir en el coneixement d'aquestes torres. Aquests resultats de la investigació, resulten eficaces i compten amb el rigor científic adequat per a la posterior formulació d'una hipòtesi sobre el minaret original, del qual procedeix la torre objecte d'estudi, i que es podria extrapolar a la resta de torres. / [EN] The eight centuries of Islamic culture in Iberian Peninsula led to the proliferation of an extensive cultural, architectural and artistic heritage. In this context, Mudejar art was born as a fusion of styles due to the coexistence of different cultures. Aragonese minaret-Mudejar towers are a faithful reflection of this type of architecture, and are the object of study of this work.
In this sense, thesis' geographical framework covers the territory of ancient Marca Superior of Al-Andalus, which includes the river valleys of Ebro, Jalón, Jiloca and tributaries, as nerve centres of the essence of Mudejar architecture (with its towers as its maximum exponent).
The interest in researching the historical-constructive evolution of these towers stems from their peculiar architecture, a product of the synthesis between East and West. Likewise, the scarce documentation of that period, together with different studies that have been carried out up to now, still generate a series of deficiencies in the knowledge of these towers, especially with regard to their origin.
It is therefore advisable to address these needs by providing a new approach to the study of their historical-constructive evolution. For this purpose, a digital survey methodology is established (specifically for tower typology elements), using photogrammetry (SfM) and laser scanner techniques as tools to support the reading of their walls.
A great graphic potential offered by the results obtained (reality-based 3D models, with high geometric precision and optimal definition), allows us to deepen our knowledge of these towers. These research results are effective and have an appropriate scientific rigour for the subsequent formulation of a hypothesis about the original minaret, from which the tower under study originates, and which could be extrapolated to the rest of the towers. / Molina Sánchez, S. (2022). Alminares mudéjares de la marca superior. Nueva aproximación a su evolución histórica. El caso de la torre de San Pablo en Zaragoza [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188135
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Multilevel Datenfusion konkurrierender Sensoren in der FahrzeugumfelderfassungHaberjahn, Mathias 21 November 2013 (has links)
Mit der vorliegenden Dissertation soll ein Beitrag zur Steigerung der Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit einer sensorgestützten Objekterkennung im Fahrzeugumfeld geleistet werden. Aufbauend auf einem Erfassungssystem, bestehend aus einer Stereokamera und einem Mehrzeilen-Laserscanner, werden teils neu entwickelte Verfahren für die gesamte Verarbeitungskette vorgestellt. Zusätzlich wird ein neuartiges Framework zur Fusion heterogener Sensordaten eingeführt, welches über eine Zusammenführung der Fusionsergebnisse aus den unterschiedlichen Verarbeitungsebenen in der Lage ist, die Objektbestimmung zu verbessern. Nach einer Beschreibung des verwendeten Sensoraufbaus werden die entwickelten Verfahren zur Kalibrierung des Sensorpaares vorgestellt. Bei der Segmentierung der räumlichen Punktdaten werden bestehende Verfahren durch die Einbeziehung von Messgenauigkeit und Messspezifik des Sensors erweitert. In der anschließenden Objektverfolgung wird neben einem neuartigen berechnungsoptimierten Ansatz zur Objektassoziierung ein Modell zur adaptiven Referenzpunktbestimmung und –Verfolgung beschrieben. Durch das vorgestellte Fusions-Framework ist es möglich, die Sensordaten wahlweise auf drei unterschiedlichen Verarbeitungsebenen (Punkt-, Objekt- und Track-Ebene) zu vereinen. Hierzu wird ein sensorunabhängiger Ansatz zur Fusion der Punktdaten dargelegt, der im Vergleich zu den anderen Fusionsebenen und den Einzelsensoren die genaueste Objektbeschreibung liefert. Für die oberen Fusionsebenen wurden unter Ausnutzung der konkurrierenden Sensorinformationen neuartige Verfahren zur Bestimmung und Reduzierung der Detektions- und Verarbeitungsfehler entwickelt. Abschließend wird beschrieben, wie die fehlerreduzierenden Verfahren der oberen Fusionsebenen mit der optimalen Objektbeschreibung der unteren Fusionsebene für eine optimale Objektbestimmung zusammengeführt werden können. Die Effektivität der entwickelten Verfahren wurde durch Simulation oder in realen Messszenarien überprüft. / With the present thesis a contribution to the increase of the accuracy and reliability of a sensor-supported recognition and tracking of objects in a vehicle’s surroundings should be made. Based on a detection system, consisting of a stereo camera and a laser scanner, novel developed procedures are introduced for the whole processing chain of the sensor data. In addition, a new framework is introduced for the fusion of heterogeneous sensor data. By combining the data fusion results from the different processing levels the object detection can be improved. After a short description of the used sensor setup the developed procedures for the calibration and mutual orientation are introduced. With the segmentation of the spatial point data existing procedures are extended by the inclusion of measuring accuracy and specificity of the sensor. In the subsequent object tracking a new computation-optimized approach for the association of the related object hypotheses is presented. In addition, a model for a dynamic determination and tracking of an object reference point is described which exceeds the classical tracking of the object center in the track accuracy. By the introduced fusion framework it is possible to merge the sensor data at three different processing levels (point, object and track level). A sensor independent approach for the low fusion of point data is demonstrated which delivers the most precise object description in comparison to the other fusion levels and the single sensors. For the higher fusion levels new procedures were developed to discover and clean up the detection and processing mistakes benefiting from the competing sensor information. Finally it is described how the fusion results of the upper and lower levels can be brought together for an ideal object description. The effectiveness of the newly developed methods was checked either by simulation or in real measurement scenarios.
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由地面光達資料自動重建建物模型之研究 / Automatic Generation of Building Model from Ground-Based LIDAR Data詹凱軒, Kai-Hsuan,Chan Unknown Date (has links)
我們以政大綜合大樓進行實驗,成功地減少大量冗餘的點雲資料,只需要約原始點雲的1%,就足以將綜合大樓模型建構完成。為了達到可以從不同視角即時瀏覽建物模型,我們採用虛擬實境語言(VRML)來描述處理後的三維模型,遠端使用者只需透過一般網頁瀏覽器,即可即時顯示處理過的三維建物模型。 / Ground-based LIDAR system can be used to detect the surface of the buildings on the earth. In general, it produces large amount of high-precision point cloud data. These data include not only the three-dimensional space information, but also the color information. However, the number of point cloud data is huge and is difficult to be displayed efficiently. It’s necessary to use efficient data processing techniques in order to display these point cloud data in real-time.
In this research, we construct the three-dimensional building model using the key points selected from a given set of point cloud data. The major works of our scheme consists of three parts. In the first part, we extract the key points from the given point cloud data through the help of a three-dimensional grid. These key points are used to construct a primitive model of the building. Then, we checked all the remaining points and decided whether these points are essential to the final building model. Finally, we transformed the color information into images and then used the transformed images to represent generic surface material of the three-dimensional model of the building. The goal of the final step is to make the model more realistic.
In the experiments, we used the twin-tower of our university as our target. We successfully reduced the required data in displaying the building model and only about one percent of the original point cloud data are used in the final model. Hence, one can see the twin-tower from various view points in real-time. In addition, we use VRML to describe our model and the users can browse the results in real-time on internet.
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Estimation cohérente de l'indice de surface foliaire en utilisant des données terrestres et aéroportées / Consistent forest leaf area index retrieval using ground and airborne dataHu, Ronghai 27 August 2018 (has links)
L’indice de surface foliaire (Leaf Area Index, LAI), défini comme la moitié de la surface foliaire par unité de surface de sol, est un paramètre clé du cycle écologique de la Terre, et sa précision d'acquisition a toujours la nécessité et la possibilité d'amélioration. La technologie du scanner laser actif offre une possibilité d'obtention cohérente du LAI à plusieurs échelles, car le scanner laser terrestre et le scanner laser aéroporté fonctionnent sur le même mécanisme physique. Cependant, les informations tridimensionnelles du scanner laser ne sont pas complètement explorées dans les méthodes actuelles et les théories traditionnelles ont besoin d'adaptation. Dans cette thèse, le modèle de distribution de longueur de trajet est introduit pour corriger l'effet d’agrégation, et il est appliqué aux données du scanner laser terrestre et du scanner laser aéroporté. La méthode d'obtention de la distribution de longueur de trajet de différentes plates-formes est étudiée et le modèle de récupération cohérent est établi. Cette méthode permet d’améliorer la mesure du LAI des arbres individuels dans les zones urbaines et la cartographie LAI dans les forêts naturelles, et ses résultats sont cohérents à différentes échelles. Le modèle devrait faciliter la détermination cohérente de l'indice de surface foliaire des forêts à l'aide de données au sol et aéroportées. / Leaf Area Index (LAI), defined as one half of the total leaf area per unit ground surface area, is a key parameter of vegetation structure for modeling Earth's ecological cycle and its acquisition accuracy always has the need and opportunity for improvement. Active laser scanning provides an opportunity for consistent LAI retrieval at multiple scales because terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS) have the similar physical mechanism. However, the three-dimensional information of laser scanning is not fully explored in current methods and the traditional theories require adaptation. In this thesis, the path length distribution model is proposed to model the clumping effect, and it is applied to the TLS and ALS data. The method of obtaining the path length distribution of different platforms is studied, and the consistent retrieval model is established. This method is found to improve the individual tree measurement in urban areas and LAI mapping in natural forest, and its results at consistent at different scales. The model is expected to facilitate the consistent retrieval of the forest leaf area index using ground and airborne data.
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3D skenování pomocí proximitního planárního skeneru / 3D Scanning with Proximity Planar ScannerChromý, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce popisuje konstrukci skenovacího systému pro tvorbu trojrozměrných modelů. Kombinace laserového scanneru a robotického manipulátoru tvoří velice flexibilní zařízení schopné snímat jak velké, tak malé a detailní objekty. Zařízení nachází uplatnění v mnoha aplikacích, zejména v lékařství, kde přináší řadu nesporných výhod proti stávajícím systémům. Práce popisuje mechanickou konstrukci zařízení, funkční principy a jeho kalibrační proceduru. Součástí práce je i software pro vizualizaci naměřených dat a jejich zpracování do podoby modelů se stínovaným povrchem. Výsledkem práce je funkční zařízení a rozsáhlý obslužný software.
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Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic ProductsMcCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes.
The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.
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Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic ProductsMcCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes.
The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.
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